Birthday Surprise

By Johnson Cox

Published on Mar 21, 1997



Organization: U.S.L.E.

WARNING: This story contains graphic depictions of man to man sexual situations. If you are underage or would be offended by such material, please do not read any further.

NOTE: Although I hope this goes without saying, it does bear repeating. In your fantasies, anything goes. In reality, there is AIDS. Be smart, be careful. Don't make your sex life a death sentence.

And now a little tale in honor of my birthday...

Birthday Surprise by Johnson Cox (part 1)

Gary was trying to relax, which wasn't easy considering the position he was in. This wasn't at all how he expected this weekend to turn out, but he had to admit it wasn't a bad outcome. After all, the weekend had been about the man in the room with him now. Gary and Kent had been lovers for almost five years, but for quite a while now they had been experiencing conflicts in their relationship. Neither one wanted to break it off completely, but things just didn't seem to be working out. All too often, they ended up engaged in the same old arguments. Gary felt that Kent was too preoccupied with work, and Kent complained that Gary was unreasonably posessive and jealous. So it had all come down to this weekend. It was the weekend of Kent's 30th birthday, and they had both decided to make an effort to spend the time together pleasantly and celebrate. The one thing that was going through both of their minds, but was left unsaid, was that if they couldn't keep peace this weekend; it would probably be their last one together. And so the weekend began...

Friday evening Gary was making preparations. Kent was due to arrive at 6:30 and Gary wanted to make him dinner. Kent was the real cook, but Gary could throw together the basics. He had stopped at the store on the way home from work and picked up steaks for the grill and a bottle of Kent's favorite wine. At 7:15, after 45 minutes of pacing and looking out front for Kent's white convertible, Gary was starting to get angry. He called Kent's office and was told that Kent had left at six. Then he tried the car phone. Kent answered after the first ring.


"Where are you? It's after seven."

"Gary, can't you say hello before you start in on me?"

"Hello. Now, what are you doing?"

"I had to run a few errands. What's the problem?"

"Well, I have steaks and the grill is hot."

"Gary, you always get upset over nothing. We agreed to have a pleasant weekend. Don't spoil it, okay?"

"I'm sorry. It's going to be a great weekend. I'm going to take care of everything, starting with dinner."

"Look, I'm pulling up now, Gary. Go ahead and start the steaks. I'll be in."

Kent let himself into the house. He had moved out a year ago into a condo a few miles away, but he still had his keys. He put his bags down in the foyer and walked through to the kitchen. He could see Gary out on the deck through the smoke rising from the grill. He was tall and blond with a body that was pumped to perfection. Wearing nothing but a pair of well worn cutoff shorts, Gray presented an image that Kent felt was much more appetizing than steak. And despite the problems between them, Kent knew his feelings touched his heart as well as his groin.

Gary looked up and noticed Kent watching him. He let out a breath at the sight. Kent was almost as tall as Gary, with a lean, muscular build that looked sexy even in his button-down business attire. He had a handsome face that now sported a 5 o'clock shadow. Gary felt the uneasiness stir inside him even at the thought of losing Kent. He promised himself that nothing would ruin this weekend. Maybe he could even convince Kent to move back in. He slid open the glass doors and stepped inside. He went over to Kent and kissed him. They hugged, and Kent could feel the heat of Gary's sun-warmed body penetrate his clothes.

Gary looked at him and said, "Happy birthday. I'm glad you're here."

Kent smiled. "Me too."

"I'm going to finish up with the steaks. Put your stuff in the bedroom and get comfortable. Dinner will be ready shortly. I'll meet you in the dining room."

Kent walked back to the master bedroom. He unpacked one of his bags and changed into shorts and a polo shirt. He noticed a picture of he and Gary on the nightstand. It had been taken a few years earlier in happier times. 'I really want things to work out,' Kent said to himself. 'Maybe I haven't been as attentive as I should have, but Gary has got to learn to trust me and control his jealousy. Hopefully, this'll be a new beginning for us.'

A few minutes later, Kent walked into the dining room, pleasantly surprised by the scene before him. In the middle of the table, there was a box wrapped in gold paper. Attached to the package, grazing the ceiling, was a huge balloon with the message "THE BIG 3-0". The table was set and a carafe of his favorite was wine was waiting. He unwrapped the packagem setting the balloon free to rest against the ceiling. He opened the box and took out the bracelet inside. It was made of thick braided leather with gold clasps on both ends. Between the clasps were his initials in chunky gold. He was impressed. He knew it was custom made. He had mentioned the idea once after seeing a watch in a magazine ad. He was pouring a glass of wine when Gary walked in, carrying platters of food and smelling of charcoal smoke. He waited until Gary's arms were free and stepped into them, planting a kiss on Gary's lips.

"You sly old dog. I love it."

Gary pinched Kent's ass. "Hey, just because I'm older than you doesn't mean I'm old. I wanted to give you something extra special. I want this weekend to be extra special. Now let's eat."

They ate in companionable silence, enjoying the food and each other's company. After the meal, Kent stood and stretched, grimacing as he twisted his neck.

"Neck tight?" Gary asked.

"Price you pay when you have to spend long hours at a desk."

"Maybe that's an indication that you're spending too much time there," Gary replied.

Kent gave him a sidelong glance.

Gary shrugged. "Okay, okay. Forget I said that. Come on, let me take care of that for you."

Gary took Kent by the shoulders and edged him toward the bedroom. He laid Kent out on the bed and removed his shirt and shorts, leaving him in his silk bikinis. He went into the bathroom, and returned carrying a towel and a bottle of oil. He looked down at Kent, his dick stirring in its tight, denim confines as he admired Kent's body. "You're still damned good looking, old man," Gary teased as he lay down next to Kent. He put his arms around him and they kissed. Their tongues met in a familiar dance. Gary cupped Kent's ass in his rough palms and squeezed, deepening the kiss. His hands worked to remove Kent's underwear.

"Turn over," Gary instucted. Kent turned over exposing the firm cheeks of his ass. Gary picked up the oil and poured some into his hands. He rubbed his hands together to warm it. He massaged Kent's neck, and Kent moaned aloud.

Gary heard Kent sigh as his hands rubbed and massaged away the tension of Kent's work day. His hands moved along Kent's arms, smoothing the oil on his muscled triceps and forearms. Everywhere he touched, he could feel the tightness start to loosen. He spent extra time on Kent's shoulders, always a trouble spot. Gary kneaded patiently, rolling the knots away, until Kent seemed totally relaxed. He worked his way down Kent's back, his hands moving in slow, oily circles on both sides Kent's spine. When he finished there, he worked his way down Kent's legs. He briefly brushed the inside of Kent's thighs, but concentrated on rubbing down his hamstrings and calves. Gary's mind filled with erotic visions fueled by the sight and feel of his man's body.

Gary drifted into his favorite fantasy which starts with Kent riding behind him in his bike. He can feel the pressure of Kent's thighs clamped on either side of him, and the bulging crotch teasing him from behind. The sensations of their closeness are increased by the vibration and rumble of the motor. By the time they reach the body shop, their temperatures are running hot...

Gary pullsinto an empty bay, cuts the motor and secures the motorcycle. He turns in the seat to face Kent, their crotches rubbing slightly. He reaches for Kent by the back of the neck, drawing Kent to his chest. Kent breathes in the scent of the humid air inside of Gary's leather jacket. He bites Gary's nipples through the fabric of his tanktop. Gary throws back his head, enjoying the feeling as Kent starts licking at his armpit. He pushes Kent's head down to the hardon pushing at the buttons of his jeans. Kent rubs his face against the bulge, feeling the heat of it, smelling the musk of it. Gary's dick tries to jump into Kent's mouth as he licks and nibbles at the denim covered mound. Kent works at the buttons with his teeth, but impatiently gives up and useshis fingers. Gary has worked his hands down the back of Kent's jeans, rubbing his fingers in the sweaty crack. He grips Kent's ass tightly when his dick is drawn into the wet heat of Kent's mouth. "Oh, shit yeah!! Suck it!!" Kent sucks on the swollen crown then takes it in all the way down to the base. Saliva wets the front of Gary's jeans as Kent pulls up again and again. Gary raises his hips to fuck Kent's face, trying not to choke him but rapidly losing control from the vacuum-like pressure on his tool. Kent recognizes the signs of Gary nearing the edge. He eases off, licking a slow path up Gary's dick. He straightens up, tonguing his way up Gary's body. He kisses him, sucking Gary's tongue into his mouth. "Fuck me. I want to feel you come inside me." Kent turns in the seat. pushing his ass against Gary's dick. Gary paws Kent's cock through his jeans with one hand, unfastening them with the other. Kent's erection springs out into the air, dribbling precum onto the seat. Gary works Kent's pants down enough to expose his ass to the air also. He spits into his hand and rubs it into Kent's moist hole. Kent cries out, "Do it baby. Come on, fuck me!" Gary lifts Kent by the hips and positions his meat in the crack of Kent's ass. He rubs his head across the opening, then pushes up. In one thrust he buried to his balls in the hot tightness of Kent's asshole. Gary holds on to Kent's hips guiding the ride, propelling him up and down on his dick, the sound of Kent's ass smacking against his thighs coming faster and faster. As Gary again nears the edge, he slows the movements, bringing Kent down slowly and thrusting up deeply, before slamming in one last time and shooting his load. His body jerks repeatedly as he yells out "Fuck!", his cum coating the inside of Kent's chute.

On the bed, Kent was also losing himself in the hynotic effect of the massage. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt so tension-free, especially with Gary. He felt his cock stiffen beneath him, burying itself in the sheets. He thought back to other pleasant times: making love by a fire in a ski lodge, kissing in the hot tub out back, and that time when he took his car in for service to the garage where Garym works and they had ended up servicing each other when the manager left Gary to lock up. When he felt Gary's hands on his thighs, he parted his legs in anticipation. But Gary didn't linger there, instead moving on to his legs and feet.

Kent heard Gary say "Other side," and felt hands rolling him onto the thick towel Gary had brought out from the bathroom. Gary worked his way up this time, moving from Kent's ankles to his legs and on to his flat stomach and muscled chest. Gary had carefully kneaded almost every inch of Kent's flesh, but there were still 8 more inches demanding attention.

Kent looked up at Gary through half-closed eyes and said, "Don't stop now."

Gary grinned sexily. "Oh there's more. Don't you worry." He poured more oil into his palm, warming it slowly. He placed his hands on Kent's chest again, this time zeroing in on the hardened nubs of Kent's nipples. Kent's breath quickened, and he let out low moans as Gary played with his tits. Teasing the tips with his oily thumbs, massaging the muscles around them and then pinching the nipples between his fingernails. He poured one last pool of oil into his palm and took Kent's hard tool in hand. Kent was so primed, it only took a few strokes to bring him to a climax. His body jerked and with a loud grunt, he came. His jizz gushed in three heavy spurts, and then just flowed to collect in a creamy puddle on his stomach. Gary massaged Kent's torso, mixing the cum with the oil coating his body. He leaned over and kissed Kent near his ear, saying, "Now let's clean you up. I'll run a bath."

Birthday Surprise by Johnson Cox (Part 2)

After a long, relaxing bath, Gary emerged still slightly damp and lay out on the bed. "Okay, enough of this foreplay, getout here and sit on this thing," he teased, wagging his erection back and forth.

Kent shook his head, an amused expression on his face, as he walked over to the bed and looked down at his lover. "I thought this might be a good time to have a talk."

"What's wrong? Everything is going fine."

Kent sat on the edge of the bed. "Yeah, today. But what about next month, or next week or even tomorrow? We've been going around and around this for a long time. We need to make a final decision about this."

Gary lifted his head and kissed Kent on the shoulder. "I love you and want to be with you. I just want you to want the same thing."

"Gary, I do. That's why I'm here. That's why I kept on seeing you even though you drove me crazy enough o feel that I had to move out. Contrary to what you seem to think, I'm not seeing anyone else. I love you, but things can't continue like this. You need to realize that just because I'm not with you 24 hours a day, doesn't mean that I don't want you. You need to learn trust and control. That's the only way this will work out. The time has come for changes. Real changes, Gary, not just promises."

"Okay, I understand.I just get crazy sometimes, and you moving out just made it harder for me. Move back in. Let me show you how different it can be."

"I've been thinking about that, but I need to be more sure of things first."

"Lay down here and let me show you how sure I am that we should be together."

Kent reached out and stroked Gary's semi-hard dick, causing it to spring back to life. He laughed softly to himself, thinking that Gary always thought sex could solve everything. Time to fight fire with fire and see if this relationship had a chance. "Sure, but first I have a little present for you. Close your eyes, no peeking." He reached down and pulled something out of the duffel bag he had left by the bed. He laid it out on the bed and straddled Gary's naked body. He leaned down and kissed each closed eyelid, taking Gary's hands and placing them behind Gary's head on the bed. In a couple of quick moves he had cuffed Gary's right hand and attached it to one of the posts of the headboard.

"Hey, what are you doing?!," Gary burst out, starting to sit up.

Kent pushed Gary back down, hard. Gary's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. Kent took the opportunity to attach Gary's other hand to the headboard. He took the matching ankle cuffs and strapped them on too, attaching them to the posts of the footboard.

Kent stood up and looked down at Gar who lay spread-eagled and bound to the bed. "I think it's time to go change into something a bit more appropos to this situation." He bent down and picked up his leather duffel and headed back to the bathroom.

Inside, Kent opened the bag and took out his gear for the evening. Visions flickered in his mind as he set the black boots on the floor. He felt his cock jump at the idea of the night ahead. He put his outfit on and stood in front of the mirror. He let out a low whistle at the sight of himself. What a transformation! This was definitely different from the designer fashions he was used to wearing. He ran his hand over his body, making slight adjustments and adding a few touches. This was going to be good! Kent's mind wandered back to the early days of his relationship with Gary. Thy used to have so much passion. Now everything was always so tense, always on the verge of an argument. Even though the sex was still good, too often it seemed to Kent like desperate clinging between two men who didn't know how to end things. Tonight was the night that he and Gary learned if there was anything left to cling to besides memories of better times.

Kent looked in the mirror one last time, checking himself out from all angles. Rearranging his now hard cock inside its leather confines. It was a tight fit, and he could feel the heat building. But he had the feeling that things were going to get a lot hotter. He chuckled and picked up his bag. He was still going to need that. He opened the door and stepped into the bedroom.

Gary was keeping a watchful eye on the bathroom door. He had given up struggling after only a few moments. He was stuck here, and although he was angry and confused, he couldn't deny that he was incredibly aroused also. He was watching bt he wasn't prepared for the sight of Kent as he came through the door. His breath caught at the sight, and a wave of lust passed through him so intensely, he felt like he was going to pass out. He had thought Kent looled hot in his business suit, but that was nothing compared to the god before him now. This was heat personified. Kent was wearing a black leather jock. His cock filled the pouch so completely, it looked like it might burst free at any moment. He also had on a studded leather harness, the straps joined at anO-ring in the front. He had a studded leather band around one bicep and boots on his feet. He was carrying a leather duffel in his gloved hands. Gary felt his pulse quicken. Kent walked around the bed checking the status of Gary's restraints. Satisfied, he set his bag down and looked into Gary's eyes. "You look like you've gotten yourself in quite a bind," he said in a sarcastic tone.

Kent's comment went over Gary's head. He was still mesmerized by the vision that Kent presented. "You look fucking fantsastic," Gary declared.

Kent looked Gary up and down, noticing the hardon pointing at the ceiling. It was larger than Kent thought he had ever seen it. "Thank you, but fom now on, you should not speak unless I tell you to do so. Am I understood?," he said roughly. He glanced back up to his captive's face. Gary was looking at Kent with widened eyes. He nodded yes in response. "That's more like it."

Kent gripped Gary's large hairless nuts. Gary's body tensed, but he did not cry out. His thick, stiff dick jerked in the air. Kent squeezed the balls harder, this time getting a muffled cry. He reached into his bag and held something up for Gary to see. Kent climbed onto the bed, and sat on Gary's hard, pumped chest facing his feet. A few moments later, Gary's hardon was bound, and balls had been lowered and separated. The smell of man, sweat and leather filled Gary's nostrils and invaded his brain. He groaned from the thrill of it all, but he did not say a word.

Kent then sat up, forcing his sweaty ass, exposed between the straps of the jock, over Gary's mouth. "Eat me!," he commanded, as he lifted Gary's bound balls and poked around for the opening to his manhole. Gary hesitated, but Kent pressing his balls together in his palm moved him to action. His tongue washed the crack of Kent's ass and burrowed into the moist hole he found there. Kent had found Gary's hole also, and his gloved middle finger pushed inside up to the first joint. Gary's tongue pumped in and out of Kent's ass, and Kent's finger made its way deeper into Gary's. Kent finger-fucked Gary faster, causing him to work his tongue harder. A little faster and a little harder. Action and reaction.

Kent used his other hand to pull on Gary's nuts. They were always big, but now they seemed huge, one on each side of a leather strap. Gary's tongue was still working. Kent felt the lust raging inside of him. He loved the feeling of control. He moved his bulging jock onto Gary's tongue. Gary didn't miss a beat, immediately licking the leather covered mound. Kent's breathing was getting heavier, coming in gasps. Kent moved again positioning his hot hole over Gary's mouth. His asscheeks clenched to the rhythm of his breathing. Gary was breathing hard also, partly from the constant tugs on his nuts and the finger in his ass, partly from being smothered by the ass covering his face. In spite of himself, he was getting more and more excited. He could feel the strain from the stretch on his arms and legs, but that wasn't stopping him from getting close to the edge. He turned his head to tell Kent to stroke his dick, when SMACK! Instantly, Kent slapped his Gary's balls. Nothing needed to be said. Gary went back to licking Kent's ass, tears leaking from the corners of his eyes. Lesson learned.

Kent pulled his jock to the side, and set his cock and balls free. Gary didn't hesitate. He went to work sucking on Kent's ball sac. Kent moved to stuff his throbbing meat into Gary's mouth. Gary tasted leather and metal as Kent sank in up to his studded cockring. He fucked Gary's face fast and hard. He was almost there. "Ohhhh fuck!!" The rush of pleasure was so intense, Kent didn't even realize that he had yelled out loud. He tensed and then the surges of his climax caused his body to shudder, and emptied his ball juice down Gary's throat. He collapsed onto Gary's face, smothering him with the heavy odor of sweat, leather and sex.

Kent turned around to face Gary. He sat on Gary's hardon and looked him in the eye. Gary's face was flushed and he was breathing hard. "Good boy. There may be hope for you after all," Kent growled. He could feel the leather around Gary's dick jumping inthe cleft of his ass. "Gettin' hot and bothered? Good, because we ain't done yet."

Gary was so hard, he thought that if he didn't come his dick would just snap inside in half. Kent was rubbing him with that hot, damp crack, sliding up and down, up and down. He could sense himself about to explode. He let out a moan. Kent raised up off of him. Gary looked up pleadingly. "Please, baby. Please."

"That's sir to you, none of this baby shit. You seem to be forgetting the rules. You are not to speak unless I give permission. I expect you to exercise certain controls, and that includes over that meat of yours. You better not come yet. You come when I say so."

Gary started to speak, but quieted when he saw the look on Kent's face. He concentrated on trying to calm himself, taking slow deep breaths. The pain in his dick was intense.

"You have gotten out of control. That has got to change. You don't trust me. That has got to change. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Gary stammered, then quickly corrected himself. "Yes, sir."

"I know that you love me, and I love you, but love is not enough. Something has got to be done. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well, I think I might have the solution, if you prove worthy. I realize that I may have been too preoccupied with work. Maybe I haven't always been able to leave the office at the office and concentrate on you when I come home. I think I've found a way to change that. But I've never given you any reason not to trust me. You've been the only man for me for five years, even this last year when I could have taken many men home with me. Your jealousy is unacceptable. So I have a plan. I'm going to put my condo on the market and move back into this house. I'm going to give notice at my job and start doing freelance consulting work, using the den as my office. When the condo is sold, I'll put up some money to help you open up the motorcycle shop you've always wanted. I'll help with the business end, and you'll be in charge of the repairs and customizing. How does that sound?"

Gary was surprised, to say the least. Kent had never given any indication that e had been thinking along those lines. Hehad never seemed interested in the motorcycle shop. He couldn't believe that Kent cared that much. He felt bad about all of his doubts. "I think that sounds perfect. I'm sorry for everything. I love you so much."

"This isn't settled yet. Your lessons in trust and control are just beginning. Now for the next step." He reached into his bag and pulled out a huge, black dildo.

"Bu-bu-uh. But sir, I have learned my lesson."

Kent ignored him, and released the straps that had attached Gary's ankles to the foot of the bed. He pushed Gary's thighs back, and slid two gloved fingers into Gary's asshole. Gary sucked Kent's fingers in and surrounded them with heat. "This night has just begun." He replaced his fingers with the ebony dick, plunging it home as Gary cried out. The dildo was tapered at the base with a flared handle. Gary's ass clamped down on that and it was virtually locked in place. He took Gary's ankles and fastened the restraints onto the posts where his wrists were already attached, raising his ass off of the bed. Gary made quite a picture for Kent's lust-filled eyes. He reached down to his trusty bag and removed a few more items. He picked up the first one, a leather covered paddle and slapped it against his palm. "You know, this is turning out to be the best birthday I've ever had. Let's see, I'm 30 so let's start with thirty strokes." He let the first blow strike Gary's ass. "What do you say, boy?"

"Happy Birthday, Sir!"

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