Story - A Special Friday Afternoon

By Michael Patrick Mitchell

Published on May 3, 1993



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The story you are about to read contains male to male sex. If you don't like that, or the idea of it then stop reading now. If on the other hand you do like it, then enjoy!

Well this is only the third story I have ever written. I hope you enjoy. This is the first time I am actually posting the story to this list. This is a fantasy, so I didn't write using safe sex. So enjoy. Tell me what you think!

A Special Friday Afternoon.

by -M 4/30/93

It was Friday afternoon, the week before finals. I was starting to feel the pressure of those last exams before my summer freedom. It was especially hard to concentrate because of my upcoming graduation. I had been muddling through the notes I took over the semester. Now however, it was Friday afternoon. That meant some time off and a quick trip down the hill into town. I always go to the local comic book store every Friday afternoon, to pick up the new issues. I also like to spend that nice walk into town looking at the other college males around campus. It is especially nice now with spring in full blast. So dressed in my shorts and short sleeved shirt I start my trek through the campus grounds and head down the hill to the store.

I walk trough the main campus areas, passing the old ivy covered buildings. My attention going from one guy to the next. I have to admit I love to look. Give me a nice body, a good smile, and eyes that you could drown in, and I will be happy for a very long time. Too soon I reached the end of the campus. There I could look down into the center of town. This spot offered a nice view of the river, and the valley around. I decided to take a moment and see the view and then head into town. At this point I begin to walk a bit faster, because there is really nothing around to distract me, unlike the main campus areas.

Finally I arrived at the store. I walked in and nodded to the owner. As I went over to the wall with all the new issues a VERY pleasant sight was there waiting for me. There standing next to some of the back issue boxes was this young simply knock down gorgeous vision of a man. I'd seen him here before, but never for any long periods of time. But, today he was there standing so very near that I could feel my heart begin to quicken. He was about my height dark black hair, cut in the short ROTC style. I knew he had to be in one of the ROTC's but I did not know which. He wore a white tank top that showed off his arms and chest. He wasn't very muscular, but he had definition. There was some sort of tattoo on his left arm, I am not sure what it was exactly. His blue jeans showed a firm rear end, and a large basket. He was also wearing those army leather boots. I felt my heart nearly skip a beat when I came up to stand near him. I felt like my desire for him was visible across my face. However, I wasn't sure what I could do about it. See I love to look, but I have not really touched to often. But, with the stress of finals and all the studying I had done, I felt a very strong desire to take some sort of action.

So I walked near him, sliding past his body. I let my hand just gently rub against his rear end. If he noticed that I did it on purpose he did not reveal it. I scanned the new issues looking for the ones I collect. I had to restart many times because of the numerous times I glanced off to my right were he stood. I used every ounce of reserve I had to force myself to leave. I collected my new comics, paid for them and walked out of the store. I knew that if I looked into that face one more time, I would not be able to contain myself any longer. I tried to just leave and head back to my apartment but, the memory of his cute boyish face would not leave me. So, instead I waited around at the corner. The corner was were the school has a shuttle stop so I would not look too strange. If anything I could always ride back up on that. I was beginning to feel dumb just sitting here waiting. "What was I thinking?" I had no idea if he had an interest in guys. "Why wait?" But, I had too. I knew I could not leave just yet. There was just something in me that said I had to wait and see. Within another few minutes I watched him walk out of the store.

He crossed to my side of the street and started heading towards where I sat. I was lost in a lustful gaze, when I saw him head towards me. Thousands of thoughts were streaking through my head. "What if he noticed? Would he want to? Is this going to be dangerous? Am I about to be in a fight?" He was then standing directly in front of me, and asked in a nice deep tone, "if the shuttle has been by yet". I lost in my thoughts, and gaze was taken by surprise. I stammered for a few seconds my mouth opening and closing on it's own. Finally some semblance of sense came to me, and I told him that it had not been by as of yet. He raised his arm gracefully and looked at his watch. He then mumbled that maybe he should walk back up the hill. Without a seconds hesitation I told him that I was just about to start walking up and if he wanted he could join me. He glanced at his watch again and agreed.

We started off at a nice slow pace. The entire time I was distracted by him walking so near. I had to find out if he would have any interest in me. But I did not know what to do. You know how it is, the moments of being unsure of yourself, or how to start a conversation. Finally I decided to talk about something I knew we had in common I asked which comics he had just bought. By this time we had just reached the first steps at the edge of campus. We decide to stop. Sitting down he showed me what he had. (If only it was what I really wanted to see.) While he showed me his comics, I leaned up close to him "to see them better". I felt like there was a lump in my throat. I have never been this horny before. I moved my hand to hold one of the comics page to "look closer at the art work". I was so nervous, I just new he had to know what I was thinking. I felt like at any moment he would try and beat me up for being a "fag". But, I was too far gone to have these thoughts turn me away from my hopes. After looking at the page more closely I let my hand slip onto his leg. There it sat for quite a few seconds before I removed it apologizing for placing it there. He looked directly at me with a devilish grin and deep pulsating eyes. I could have died at that moment and been happy (well almost happy, there was one thing that would make me even more happier). With out blinking, he told me it was alright, and that he did not mind my hand being on his leg.

My heart stopped beating. "Did I just hear that or am I in some sort of day dream." My mind caught in its turmoil, my body decided to act. I leaned in closer to him and we began to kiss. Needless to say this woke me quickly from my concerns, and I melted into his strong arms. I felt his lips press against mine. We both had a desire that needed to be quenched. Our mouths opened and the full force of our desire came flooding across with our tongues. My heart was racing like a sports car in the Indy500. I felt the blood coursing throughout my body. Every inch of me blossomed in its senses. I felt the press of his leg against mine, his arms around my body working slowly up and down my back. I felt the slight pressure of his chest just touching mine. I could feel his body as my hands ran from the one side of his chest across to his back. The kiss went on for an eternity. The universe could have stopped and neither of us would have cared. Finally out of a desperate need to breath, we separated. I looked into his eyes, breathing as heavily as he was. He smiled at me, and I knew that the fun had only just begun. I asked if he wanted to go to my apartment. He nodded, and we began to walk very quickly through the campus heading towards my place. We crossed the main streets, and in a few blocks arrived at my place. He asked if anyone else would be around. At this moment though I doubt either of us would have cared. I told him that I lived alone, and that brought another smile caressing his face.

Once inside we dropped the bags of comics and began where we left off at the base of the campus. With one hand I began to slide up and down is back. The other ran through his short black hair. I felt his groin pressing into mine. I slipped my hands under his tank top and caressed his now ridged nipples. Once more we had to break our kiss, but this time so we could remove the others shirt. Now with us both bare chested, I could feel his electric skin touching mine. We fell into a chair in the living room. I slid down his chest kissing and licking every inch of him I could. I reached his jean covered groin, and let my mouth glide down the stiffness that even the jeans could not hide. My hands had been caressing down his legs. When they reached his feet I began to unlace the army boots that he wore. Finally freeing his feet from there encasement, I removed the socks that he wore. Sliding my hand up to his ankles, I began to massage his calves. Moving my head back up to his chest it was now my turn to have my sneakers removed. He kissed my chin, and then my neck. He spent long moments sucking on my own now hard nipples, nibbling on them and making me squirm. How neither of us exploded as of yet I do not know. He placed my now freed feet into the groin of his jeans, and began to caress my calf. I looked down at his beautiful face, and new that I would do anything he wanted me too.

While gazing into his deep sultry eyes, I said that we may be more comfortable in the bedroom. With a sleek effortless (almost gymnastic) movement he was standing at the living room entrance waiting for me to lead the way. Once in the bedroom we continued our kissing. My hands now gliding up and down his chest. I moved my mouth away from his, and turned towards a new target. I kissed my way across his neck and then up a bit to his ear. There I kissed and nibbled at him, until he actually began to purr. Our hands not being idle had now released the top buttons of our lower garments.

I pushed his jeans down slightly until they were stopped by his lusting hard staff. Relinquishing his ear I began to follow his chest down to relieve the problem. Using only my mouth I began to move the opened jeans away from his groin. I felt like I was peeling a very large banana. I could see a large wet spot that now coated his white briefs. As I now had his pants on the floor he stepped out of them. I began to lick at his cloth covered hardness, and he showed his pleasure in his moans. Again with only my teeth I pulled at the elastic that was now suffocating his love staff.

Slowly I lowered his briefs to the floor. From there I looked up to see him in his naked glory for the first time. Slowly ever so slowly I began to caress and kiss and lick my way up his legs. My first contact with his groin was when my tongue brushed quickly against the underside of his juice filled orbs. I began to work my tongue from the back side of his flesh to were they connect with his pulsating hardness. I licked at his fuzz covered skin, and then opened my mouth to let first one then the other slowly slide into me. My hands now were caressing his stomach and chest. I let my right hand slide around to his back and down too his tight muscular butt. His hands were now on my shoulders caressing me, urging me onwards. I let his flesh slip out of my mouth, and then licked up his now straining pole. I licked first up then down, and then I swirled my tongue around him. Finally I reached the glistening top. His juices no longer could be held back, and the first signs were just now coating the tip. I looked once at it trying to memorize every inch, and curve. I let my tongue graze over the opening tasting his juices for the first time. With his taste in my mouth I too could not hold back any longer. I slipped his head between my lips, and drunk of his skin till my nose pressed against his body. With him now completely encased in me, I slid my hand between his muscular rear end. Feeling my fingers glide across his opening, he moaned. I continued to suck on his manhood, and let my tongue rub on him as much as I could. Even with my slow pace I knew he would not last much longer. With the one finger just passing over his rear's lips, his whole body stiffened. He let out a groan that was in total and complete ecstasy. I felt his stiffness expand even more in my mouth, and a torrential flood come gushing forth from him. I felt his hot juice streaming down my throat. Both my hands were now holding his arse very tightly. I felt like he would never stop, and that I wished he wouldn't. But, soon the eternal pleasure he felt ebbed. I continued to hold him in my mouth as he began to shrink ever so slightly. I licked all around his tip, making sure I had every drop of him. For the first time since I went down to his groin I looked up to see his bright and glowing face. I knew now that it would be my turn to feel his touch, causing me pleasure.

Reluctantly I left his groin kissing and nibbling again up his chest. We kissed again, this time his tongue searching my mouth for remnants of his explosion. While in this kiss he slid my shorts from my waist, and after getting them past my own hardness, down to the floor. When our kiss broke, I saw a delicious grin form on his face. I knew I would not soon forget what was about to happen

His lips now caressed my body. He spent an eternity at each nipple. Making me feel like I would explode right then. His hands massaged down my chest and stomach. When they reached my briefs he worked his hands under the elastic to gently caress my stiff desire. With his hands and mouth he had me squirming in heat. His hands now had me free from my own briefs. His mouth now moved down my chest work his lips into my skin. Soon I felt his hot breath in front of my groin. He waited for a few moments letting the anticipation grow inside of me. Then in a quick flash I felt his tongue dart between my legs. He then began to mimic my own orchestration. I felt my skin tingle with the movement of his tongue. First he took one side of my flesh into his mouth, then he worked on my other juice filled orb. He knew I was enjoying this as my moans began to build. The electricity I felt as my flesh sank into his hot wet mouth. He was like a child in a candy store, having to lick everything. I soon felt his strong hand cup my arse. His fingers sliding around my own opening. He ran circles around it waiting for me to relax into his caress. When I did his fingers slid into me. With one purpose his fingers shot through me, until they found their destination. I felt a fire draw up from my groin like I was about to burst into flames. His mouth now began to take me in. He played my body, and I reacted giving him the performance he wanted. I was whisked away into a building wave of pleasure. I let it take me to where he wanted. I hovered at the brink, the full pleasure washing over my body. I looked down to see he had me completely engulfed. With a brush of his finger, and a movement of his tongue, I fell over the edge. I gushed with pleasure, letting it stream over me. I felt my hot liquid flow forth into his dehydrated body. I rode the wave of pleasure, building and falling. Soon I felt it begin to fade. No longer did I just feel his hands and mouth, but I began to feel the world around me. Never had I felt so much passion, and fulfillment. He soon rose, and we kissed once more. Moving the covers off my bed, we cuddled next to each other. I felt his body vibrating with mine, and I knew that we would have many more times like this together.

Well I hope you enjoyed it. I also hope that if the guy I saw at the store reads this he can see what kind of effect he had on me. Well, till later folks!

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