Storm Incident

By Jim Bee

Published on Aug 6, 2005


The Fantastic Four is copy-written by Marvel Comics. The song "Moskau" was written by Dschinghi Khan and copywritten by Jupiter Records.

The Storm Incident - Chapter 4 **********************************************

Josh woke up slowly the next morning. He opened his eyes and looked over at the alarm clock that was facing him. There was something odd about the alarm clock. This alarm clock had green numbers, while his at home had red numbers. Josh also had a bit of a headache. Josh never woke up with a headache unless he had been drinking the night before. Josh rolled over onto his back and looked up at the ceiling. He was not in his room. The room he was in was very, very different that what his room was like. He also noticed that he was on the far left of the bed. Josh always slept in the middle of the bed, unless someone else was sleeping in the bed also. Whoever was in bed with him also had their entire body intertwined with Josh's. Suddenly, it clicked. "Holy shit!" Josh yelled. He rolled over, trying to get away from whoever he was in bed with, but ended up falling out of the bed, and hitting the carpeting with a loud thud.

Johnny's head popped out of the top of the bed. "Sleep okay?" Johnny asked.

Josh saw whom he had slept with, and at the same time felt really horny and really used. Johnny Storm, the biggest man-whore around had seduced him into sleeping with him. Josh suspected that Johnny had gone to town on his ass, given that it ached quite a bit now.

"What the hell happened here last night?" Josh yelled. "Woah woah woah! Just calm down dude, I'm guessing you don't remember anything from last night?" Johnny asked.

Josh was pissed. He never got used like this. Josh was the one to use someone, not the

other way around. Suddenly it hit Josh what happened last night. Everything from last night rushed back to him, the ordeal in the bathroom, going to Johnny's house, and the hot sex they had. Josh didn't remember the details, but got the general idea of what happened. Josh was pissed that Johnny had taken advantage of him, but at the same time, very turned on.

"Not exactly, it's just a bit surprising to wake up with Johnny Storm in the same bed as you spooning with you," said Josh. "Heh heh, you like that, don't you?" Johnny said with his cocky smile. "Shut up," Josh said. Josh stomped off, searching for his clothes.

Back in the living room, Josh had found his shirt and pants in Johnny's room, but his underwear was no where in sight.

"Looking for this?" Johnny said, standing completely naked about 2 feet in front of Josh. Now Josh remembered why things had gone the way they did last night. Nevertheless, he was still not happy with the outcome. Josh reached for the underwear. Johnny held them up high, seemingly out of reach from Josh. Josh, however, possessing what was close to the worst posture in the world, stood up straight, and grabbed them from Johnny's hand.

"Hey no fair! You're cheating!" exclaimed Johnny.

Josh, slightly annoyed, quickly put on his clothes. "Hey, what? Are you still angry at me for fucking you last night?" asked Johnny. "Gee, now why would I be angry at you for fucking me while I was drunk? Why the hell would I stay around here?! So you can just fuck me again?!" Josh yelled sarcastically. "So you do remember!" Johnny exclaimed. "I need to get the hell out of here," Josh said. He stomped toward the front door. "Josh, wait!" Johnny yelled.

Josh slammed the front door of Johnny's house behind him. Josh suddenly found himself on the street of a nice, quiet neighborhood. Josh thought for a minute. How was he going to get home? His car was at work, and it probably wasn't very safe to walk all the way home, especially since he had no idea where he was. Asking Johnny for a ride was out of the question, and calling the mob for a ride wasn't always the safest method of transportation. Suddenly, Josh came out of his trance. He heard something, something not too far away.

"Click, whirrrr."

He heard it again

"Click, whirrrr."

Josh looked across Johnny's front yard, and onto the street. There, about 300 feet away was what looked like three paparazzi, shooting pictures of Josh outside of Johnny's

house. "Fuck!" Josh yelled. He quickly turned around and ran back inside Johnny's house. He plopped down on the staircase near the front door, holding his head in his hands.

Johnny came strolling around the corner. "Back so soon, are we?" Johnny asked. Johnny could see Josh was in distress. Sure, Josh was distressed when he was leaving, but what had happened between him leaving Johnny's house and wandering outside however, he was not sure. "What's wrong?" Johnny asked, sounding concerned.

Josh lifted his head out of his hands and looked up at Johnny. "There are a few paparazzi outside your house. He took at least two pictures of me on your front steps," said Josh.

"Well what's so bad about the paparazzi?" Johnny asked. "They know this is your house. They probably followed you home, and I don't want it all over the tabloids that I slept with a dirt biking manwhore. And I'm pretty sure you don't want that either," Josh said. "Hmm. Fuck. That is a bit of a problem," Johnny said. Johnny walked over to the window, watching the paparazzi shoot pictures of his house.

Suddenly, Josh jumped up. "I think I can fix this," Josh said, "where's my cellphone?" "It's probably still on the floor in my bedroom," Johnny said, holding his head in his hands.

Josh ran to Johnny's bedroom, grabbed his cellphone, and walked over to the window that Johnny was looking out of. He hunted through the address book on his phone. "Who are you calling?" Johnny asked. Josh remained silent as he dialed the number. The number he called rang once, twice, three times, and then finally someone answered.

"Hey Josh, what's happenin'?" a mysterious voice said on the other end. The person on the other end had a thick Italian accent. "Not too much Tony, hey, can I have you do a favor for me?" Josh said into the cellphone. "Sure, what seems to be your problem?" "Can I get you to do a hit and run thing for me really quick? I've got a few people over here I need you to bust up for me."

Johnny couldn't believe what he was hearing. Did Josh just call up a hit man to take out the paparazzis on the street?

"Okay, where you at?" Tony asked.

Josh pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at Johnny. "What's your address?" Josh asked. "78542 Sutherland Drive," Johnny said "who are yo-" "Thanks," Josh said, cutting him off. "78542 Sutherland Drive," Josh said into the cellphone. "Okay, I'll be there soon enough. Hey Josh, you sound a little tense, just fuggedaboutit, the mob's got your back," Tony said. With that, Tony hung up the phone.

Josh looked at Johnny. "We'll be fine," he said. Johnny stared at Josh. "Is there something I should know?" he asked. "Hmmm. Are you really that interested?" Josh asked. "Yes." Johnny said. "Well let me put it this way, I've got some mob connections, and they're going to take care of that paparazzi problem," Josh said. He moved closer to Johnny. "May as well stay and watch the show," Josh said.

Johnny stared at Josh in disbelief. Not only was Josh excruciatingly cute, but also he was the totally wrong person to fuck with. Johnny slowly felt more and more screwed.

"Oh look, here they are now," Josh said. Three black Lexus RX400h SUVs pulled up on Johnny's street. "Oh how thoughtful of the environment, they're driving the hybrid's," Josh said. Johnny chuckled.

One man, dressed in a suit, around five feet six inches tall, got out of each Lexus, each carrying a crowbar and a baseball bat. Each man went to one of the paparazzi's cars. Within a few seconds, the windows had been smashed out, the paparazzis' cameras had been smashed to pieces on the street, and the paparazzis were gone. The men cleaned up the street quickly and quietly, picking up the broken glass, pouring bleach on the small amounts of blood, throwing the evidence into the cars, and drove off, leaving the street the same as they had arrived.

"Wow, that was quite a show," Johnny said. "I don't think you're going to have many paparazzi problems from now on," Josh said. They both chuckled at this.

Johnny now felt very very scared. If Josh had mafia connections that were only a phone call away, Johnny could be really fucked here. Josh could have called them on Johnny, especially after he took advantage of him last night. Hell, he still could. Johnny had to set things right with Josh now, or he could wind up beaten to a bloody pulp, or, worst of all, dead.

Johnny pulled Josh in for a hug. Josh thought this was a bit bold of him to do this, especially after he had taken advantage of him last night. But, Josh had to admit; Johnny's looks were far too powerful to let Josh hold anything against Johnny. About 20 minutes ago, Josh was screaming at Johnny for sleeping with him. Johnny moved in for a kiss. Josh allowed it. The electricity between their bodies went sky high as their lips touched. Yes, it was 20 minutes ago that Josh was yelling at Johnny, and now Josh was making out with him. What can I say, Johnny is irresistible.

"Angry still?" Johnny asked, breaking the kiss. "Not at all," Josh replied. Johnny latched back onto Josh's mouth.

This time, it was Josh that broke the kiss.

"And if you think that I'll call the mob on you, you're wrong. You're far to irresistible," Josh said. Johnny felt relieved at these words.

They continued to make out with their tongues intertwined for quite some time, when Josh broke the kiss again.

"What time is it?" Josh asked. "It's... 10 am," Johnny replied. "Fuck!" Josh yelled. He hadn't been home since 4:00 pm the day before, and he never fed his dog or let her out. "What's the matter?" Johnny asked. "Oh nothing, I just gotta make a quick stop home," Josh said. "Hmmm... yeah, speaking of which, we should probably get your car too, hee hee. We should probably take care of this though," Johnny said. He glanced down at his crotch, revealing a fully engorged, throbbing erection. Josh sighed, threw his head back, and giggled. "Hmmm... on second thought, I'll be right back," Johnny said. He got up, walked up the stairs, and turned on the shower. Josh was curious as to what Johnny was doing, so he walked up the stairs, and followed the noise to its source.

"Care to join me?" Johnny asked, half-in, half out of the shower, getting the water ready. Josh chuckled to himself. "Don't mind if I do," Josh said. With that, Josh ripped off his clothes, and hopped in the shower with Johnny.

Josh still could not believe last night's happenings, let alone that he had lived to tell about it and was currently showering with that same sexy man, the sexy sexy man that had taken his cherry. The sexy man that was standing less than a foot in front of him completely naked in a shower. How hot? Sooooooooooooooooo hot! Yet at the same time, Josh found his mind swimming in what had just happened. He needed time to process what the hell just happened, and, he needed to let his dog out.

"You don't think this is, oh, I don't know, pushing it a bit?" Josh asked. "I'm okay with it if you're okay with it," Johnny said.

Josh got out of the shower and plopped down on the toilet, holding his head. "What's wrong?" Johnny asked. "Can I just have you... have you take me back so I can get my car? I just need some time to think about what happened over the past day," Josh said. "Um... sure. Let's just get dried off, dressed, and I'll take you back."

With that, Johnny turned the water off, and grabbed one large towel off the rack in his bathroom. He wrapped it around Josh, pulling him into a tight hug. "I know you're confused as to what's happened lately, just, give it some time, I'm here for you if you need it," said Johnny. "Thanks," Josh said. He grabbed his clothes, and walked out of the bathroom.

"I don't know if I'm ever going to understand that kid," Johnny thought to himself.

When they were both fully dressed, Josh and Johnny hopped into Johnny's Porsche. Johnny floored it out of his driveway. Josh was completely lost in his train of thought; he hadn't looked at Johnny since they had left the house. Josh just seemed completely lost in space. The apocalypse could be happening right now and everyone would be panicking, but Josh would just continue to stare out the window into space. Johnny shook Josh's shoulder. "You okay? We're here, now where is your car?" Johnny asked. "Oh yeah, sorry. It's right over there, the black Toyota," Josh said. Johnny drove his car around the parking lot over to the empty space next to Josh's black Toyota Prius.

"So this is it then?" Johnny asked. Josh paused. "Actually, what are you doing today?" Josh asked. "Nothing," Johnny replied, "Why, what exactly do you have in mind?" Johnny asked with a smirk on his face. "Well, I thought perhaps you'd like to, oh, I don't know, wanna come over for a while?" "I thought you'd never ask." "Okay, just follow me home. I don't think you'll have too much of a problem with your car. Heh heh."

And with that, Josh got out of Johnny's car, walked over to his own, jumped in, and fired up the engine. "Weird," Johnny thought, "is his car okay? It's not making any noise."

Suddenly, Josh's car lurched backwards, stopped, and then lurched forwards.

"Oh that's right," Johnny though, "it's one of those hybrids." With that, Johnny was following Josh to his house.

Pulling out of the parking lot, Josh rolled down the front windows, turned the A/C off, and turned on his German disco music. The words screamed from the speakers in the

compact car, "...Moskau, Moskau, Wirf die Gleser an die Wand, Russland ist ein schones Land, Ho ho ho ho ho, hey, Moskau, Moskau, Deine Seele ist so groe, Nachts da ist der Teufel los, Ha ha ha ha ha, hey..." and Josh sang along with horrible German pronunciation. The year he spent living in Germany, as a young child did not improve his German skills. At all.

Soon enough, Josh arrived back home, with Johnny following about half a block behind him. He pulled into the driveway and greeted Josh. "Man what the hell is that music?" Johnny asked. "Let's put it this way, I've probably got the strangest tastes in music," Josh said, "now I'll let you inside in a sec, I just gotta disable the security." And with that, Josh disappeared

inside the house. Johnny looked around the neighborhood from Josh's driveway. "Not too bad," he thought, "shit, his house is probably bigger than mine!"

Josh furiously typed on the terminal inside the coat closet, just inside the front door. Sometimes, he had to admit, his father was a security nazi. Then again, considering his mafia connections, plus the fact that he was a lawyer, he wasn't entirely surprised. Pepper, a greyhound, ran over to Josh, demanding attention. Josh pet the dog while typing with one hand. Finally, Josh disarmed the house, wandered to the front door, and stepped outside, closing the door behind him.

"We're good. So, wanna come in?" Josh asked. "Hell yes!" Johnny said.

Josh cracked open the front door, when Pepper's head popped out. Johnny jumped back about 2 feet. "Don't worry about it, he's friendly," Josh cooed. He opened the door all the way and stepped inside, grabbing Pepper and holding her back in the process. Johnny walked in, hesitantly. Pepper was quite tall; the top of her back was easily at Johnny's waist. "Let's get settled down now," Josh said, taking Johnny's hand and leading him to the living room. Once Johnny got settled down on the sofa, Pepper immediately mounted and started humping his leg. "Aaah! Little help here?" Johnny yelled. "Oh don't worry about that, she just likes you," Josh said, laughing. Soon enough, Pepper settled down and went to sleep in another room. "So, about what we were doing earlier," Johnny said. He reached over to Josh, putting

his hand behind his head, and pulled him in for a kiss.

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Chapter 5 is going to be out for a while. I'm taking a short vacation to NYC, so I hope to have chapter 5 up around August 13.

Next: Chapter 5

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