Storm Chaser

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Apr 2, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

I welcome all responses to my stories. Please make sure that you list the name of the story in the email line. If your email is to alert me of misspelled words or improper punctuation or grammar save your time because it will be deleted. I hope you enjoy my vivid imagination. Please let me know what you think at lakesinclairsstories @ and don't forget to donate to Nifty as they do an amazing job

This story is inspired by, written for and dedicated to a dear friend. Enjoy lonely husker. Hugs

"Storm Chaser" Chapter 23

Stuart was a little frustrated when they started out. The conversation among the four in the truck was more about the farm change and Daryl and Nick than the weather. "Did they say when they were taking Daryl back ?" Mike asked. "They said they were going to buy him a bus ticket the day after tomorrow." Stuart said in a strained voice. "Calm down old man. I am young, I can multitask. I know exactly what is going on with this doppler." Kurt laughed. "Old man ?" Stuart said. "Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck." Mike said. "Alright. I have been doing this alone for years and have to be totally focused thats all." Stuart said. "Well calm down. Kurt is on the case." Mike said.

"So they are going to put him on a bus ?" Carl said. "Alabama should take a couple of days by bus. They stop so much." Mike said. "What did he say about the job offer ?" Kurt said. "Job offer ?" Carl asked. "I offered him the assistant managers job at the store." Mike said. "You mean manager. You can check in ever so often." Stuart said. "Well manager then I guess." Mike said. "Alabama huh ?" Carl whispered and took out his phone.

"We may end up with a new farm hand too." Kurt said. "Who ?" Stuart asked. "Don't know his name but Rigs has been chasing this guy on the circuit for a couple of years. When he found out we were going to have to hire more help he cornered Carl." Kurt said. "I just know his name is Brody. He is the national roping champion three years running. Not sure he would be interested in a farm hand job." Carl said as he thumbed through his phone. " Leave that to me." Kurt said. "Alright Mrs. Sanders." Carl laughed. "Well somebody has to pick up the torch." Kurt laughed. Kurt quickly told the story of Mrs. Sanders doing the interviews looking for someone for Carl.

"I still have to find a secretary." Stuart said. "I may have someone for you. " Carl said. "Who do you know ?" Mike asked. "One of the hands is married. His wife helped Mrs. Sanders out in the office some. Mrs. Sanders said she was a God sent. She was a secretary for an attorney before they moved here." Carl said. "Are you sure you won't need her in the office ?" Kurt asked. "If her husband didn't work for us I would hire her in a minute but she would be doing payroll too. I don't think that is a good idea." Carl said. "That is why I will do payroll at the store." Mike said. "Well I don't do payroll." Stuart said. "What ?" Kurt said. "I don't do payroll. You will." Stuart said and laughed. About that time Kurt spotted something on the radar. All conversation was now on weather as they left their staging area to get a head of the storm cell.

Daryl was a mix of emotions. He had only had hookups in his life but he was falling in love with a cowboy named Nick. He prepared himself well for hopefully a busy night. The groups in the truck had planned to ride out storms. Daryl's only plan was to ride a cowboy. He had finished rinsing off in the shower and was drying when he heard the NOAA radio in the house go off and then he heard the county tornado siren system go off. Kurt had activated the sirens remotely through the weather service off his laptop in the truck. As he walked into the living room he was not quite sure what was going on. The door flew open and Nick stepped in. "Come on. We have to go." Nick said. Daryl stood for a second and marveled at the cowboy standing in the door with his jeans unbuttoned at the top and his shirt wide open showing his beautiful hairy chest and belly. "I have to dress." Daryl said. "Grab some shorts and let's go." Nick said. Daryl grabbed a pair of shorts and slipped on his sandals. "I need to dress." Daryl said. "I am not complaining." Nick said and winked.

The two men ran from the house through the stable and on to the storm shelter. Once in the shelter Nick turned on the single light bulb. Daryl's mind was all over the place. He took off his sandals and started to put his shorts on. "No need in doing that yet." Nick said as he removed his shirt and lay it to the side. The space is small so it only took a couple of steps for him to wrap his arms around Daryl's naked body. Leaning over he began to kiss Daryl. Daryl reached down and unzipped Nick's jeans and pushed them down so they were around his ankles. Nick had one arm around Daryl's shoulders and placed one across Daryl's ass cheeks and pulled their bodies tight together as they kissed. The kiss had stopped but their bodies were still pressed together. "I could get used to this." Daryl whispered and lowered his head. "I was hoping you would say that." Nick said. " You mean you want me around ?" Daryl said. "That would make this cowboy a happy man." Nick said. "But you don't know anything about me." Daryl said. "We can fix that." Nick said.

Nick turned and sat in the chair and pulled Daryl into his lap. "Now tell me who Daryl is." Nick said. "Only if you tell me who Nick is." Daryl said. Daryl began by telling Nick that he was raised by his grandparents. His mother and father were both severe alcoholics and he had not seen nor heard anything about them since he was twelve. His grandfather was the last to die and that was within a year of his grandmother. They had passed away when he was seventeen. He was able to finish highschool but had to sell the home to pay off the funeral home and some debts that his grandfather had incurred on behalf of his mother. He bounced around from job to job until the company he works for now hired him. The pay was decent and he had health insurance. "That makes it hard for me to accept Mike's offer." Daryl said. "Mike, at the store ? What offer ?" Nick said. "He offered me a job running the store." Daryl said.

Nick's story was simple and heard many times. His parents lived in Texas. After graduation he got into rodeo. Before he got into the gay rodeo circuit his fater caught him pounding a rodeo fan. He was allowed to come home just long enough to get his clothes and leave. That had been almost ten years ago and he had not spoken to them since. He told Daryl that his mother stood in the kitchen with her back turned to him and would not even say goodbye. "I am so sorry for that." Daryl said and leaned over and kissed Nick. "I don't really miss them. A couple of years after that happened.Mr. and Mrs. Sanders offered me a job. This farm and the people on it have been my family ever since. It's a great family. I will miss Mama Sanders though." Nick said.

The conversation ended when they could hear the high winds and rumbling outside. It did not sound like a tornado but some very strong straight line winds they could hear debris hitting the door to the shelter as it blew by. Daryl moved around in Nick's lap. Not trying to be sensual but trying to strain to listen to what was going on outside. "Mmmm. Careful there handsome. Don't want to get junior locked and loaded too early." Nick said. " Oh sorry." Daryl said. Nick was not sure what was going on. He could since the nervousness in Daryl. He had expected some sexual come back. " We are safe in here." Nick said. "It's not the storm that makes me nervous." Daryl said.

The wind died down as fast as it came up. The siren blew two small blasts that sounded the all clear. Daryl put on his shorts and Nick slipped his jeans back on but left his shirt behind. Daryl regained his sexual intentions as Nick went up the ladder ahead of him. "Love this cowboy ass." Daryl said and reached up and rubbed it through the jeans. "Off limits there buddy." Nick said. "I can still play with it." Daryl laughed.

They could hear voices coming down the path. "Just checking on you guys. We have a few limbs down and a couple over some fences but they say there is more headed this way so we will wait. Everything alright here ?" the guy asked. "Yeah we have a little damage to the stable but nothing that a few nails and screws won't fix." Nick said. "Well hang close. We are headed back they said we have about twenty minutes before round two." the hand said. " A few screws huh ?" Daryl said and reached out and slid his hand through the waistband of the jeans. "A life time of screws." Nick said and winked. "Wait. Did he just say a life time ?" Daryl thought.

Everything seemed to be checked and accessed from this first storm. Nick leaned against the side of the barn after lighting a cigarette. There were a couple of old tree stumps that had been cut off and placed beside the barn. They had been cut the right height to use as the legs of a bench seat but had never made it that far. Daryl sat on one of the stumps. Rigs walked up and greeted the men and he and Nick discussed the minor damages found. "How are you tonight ?" Rigs said looking towards Daryl. "Fine, nervous. You know the drill. I do owe you something though." Daryl said. "What is that ?" Rigs said. " I told you that first night that I was going to do for you two what I have done for the other two." Daryl said and lowered his head. "Tell you what. You keep this ugly lug happy and we will be clear. It was enough for me just for you to offer." Rigs said. He could see the tension in Nck ease up almost immediately. "I just didn't want you to think I was a liar or don't keep my promises." Daryl said. Rigs walked up and leaned over and hugged Daryl. "You are already in little fella. No need to keep trying." Rigs whispered.

"What is the deal about the job offer ?" Nick asked. "What offer ?" Rigs asked. "Mike offered Daryl here a job at the store." Nick said. "When do you start ?" Rigs asked. "I haven't accepted yet." Daryl said. "What is it not enough money ?" Rigs asked. "The money is a good bit more than I am making now." Daryl said. "So what's the problem ?" Rigs asked. "It's not that simple. I need to find out about rental property here. I don't need much. I live in a converted storage shed now but I pay very little." Daryl said. " No problem. We got plenty of room in our bunk house. They were suppose to be four bedroom units but ours is just two." Rigs said. " Not sure Carl would allow that. '' Daryl laughed. "Carl ain't got a say. Kurt will be more than glad for it." Rigs said. " It still is not that simple." Daryl said. " Nick take this Bama boy in the shelter and fuck him silly on that pole of yours until he can only say yes." Rigs laughed. " You two may get tired of me." Daryl said. "Oh I am working on getting my own fella here. Our bedrooms are on seperate ends of the house. Can't promise you want here me breeding mine but I promise I won't say anything about the noises you two make." Rigs said. " I have to think about it." Daryl said. "No you two need to go get to fucking and talk about it." Rigs said as he turned to walk away.

Stuart helped Kurt determine that the tornadoes were about a half mile wide. They worked together to determine the direction. Stuart and Kurt picked four locations to put sensor probes hoping it would be in the path. Mike and Carl got out and watched as Stuart and Kurt positioned the first machine. Mike jumped and Carl was just amazed at the battery operated air gun that Sturat used to blast spikes in the ground to hold the unit. "Damn I need one of those." Carl said. "What would you do with this ?" Kurt asked. "Don't know but I could find something." Carl laughed.

They spotted a twister out across one of the ranges. Stuart gave Kurt the camera and showed him how to zoom and film. "Wow I am stoked. That was amazing." Kurt said. " That shot right there will insure one of your course projects plus my company will sell it nationwide and give you credit. You also earned a few bucks over that." Stuart said. " You don't have to do that." Kurt said. " Helps me as much as it helps you. The groups that are funding your grants for payroll and tuition will be thrilled that you are credited for it. If we get some info from the sensors you will get partial credit for that too." Stuart said. "Marry this man." Kurt said looking at Mike and smiling. " We are still practicing for the honeymoon. When we get that right we will do the simple part." Stuart laughed.

"OH MY GOD." Kurt shouted looking at the computer screen. "What, what ?" Mike said looking around through the windows of the truck. "It hit one, really two, of the sensor units. Look at all the data streaming in." Kurt said. "You scared the hell out of me." Mike said causing Stuart and Carl to laugh. "Look there is another system with a hook echo starting right over here. What do we do now ?" Kurt said. "We will go position the other two sensors and then we go home. We are losing daylight and we make more money examining data. Leave the chasing after dark for Bradley and Marcus. We can wait it out in the shelter." Stuart said. " Afraid our shelter might be a little busy right about now." Carl laughed. "I hope it is." Kurt said. "Busy ?" Mike asked. " Daryl and Nick. All the guys chose to go to the one at the main house so they could have privacy. Well Kurt decided they all would." Carl laughed. "You two are coming with us. Stuart will have his nose in the laptop and I am sure Kurt would enjoy that too." Mike said.

The sirens went off again. Nick and Daryl rushed back to the shelter. Once inside Daryl stripped as Nick closed the door. Daryl stopped him as he was almost at the bottom of the ladder. Nick had to hold onto the frame of the opening as Daryl turned him around on the ladder. Daryl unzipped the cowboys jeans and pulled them down almost to his ankles. He leaned over nad licked around Nick's hips letting the scruff from his face lightly scrape on the growing cock. Nick stood on the second step of the ladder with both arms above his head holding the door framing. Darly leaned forward and took Nick's low hanging balls into his mouth. One at a time he massaged them in his mouth. Pulling back and releasing the last one he watched as the scrotum tried to readjust itself. He then licked up the hard shaft from the base to the tip. He ran the bottom of his tongue in circles around the large mushroom head. Daryl giggled as he found certain areas that made Nick moan even louder.

Daryl protested but Nick came down the ladder and pulled the man in for a deep passionate kiss. Nick was enjoying the tongue action so much he knew he needed to stop Daryl or the party would be over before it started good. Nick took and licked two of his fingers and reached behind Daryl. Slowly he inserted one finger inside Daryl. Daryl moved his body tighter against the almost naked cowboy. Nick was able to get his feet free of his jeans without breaking the kiss or removing his finger. Once the ring had loosened some he inserted a second finger. Daryl was a mix of actions. He seemed to try to climb Nick's body, his moans were more erotic than ever and he also seemed to just melt into the man's hairy chest. "You like that ?" Nick whispered as he nibbled and sucked on Daryl's ear lobe. "Fuck me. Fuck me hard please. I am about to cum." Daryl said.

The shelter had a row of benches down both sides. Against the wall was a long metal rod that went from one end to the other on boths sides. It was far enough back that when you stood you would not hit your head. The rods were there in case you needed something to hold on to. Daryl was about to give that a whole new meaning. At the back there was a section of benches a little lower like it was for children or teens. Nick picked Daryl up and placed his feet on the bench. He took Daryl's hands one by one and placed them on the rod. He pulled Daryl's hips back so that he was leaning backwards exposing his ass ring as he leaned. "Cowboy caviar." Nick whispered. Leaning forward he held Daryl's hips as he buried his face between the two plump ass cheeks.

At one point Nick put a hand on both ass cheeks and held them tight against his face as he growled and thrashed his face back and forth between the cheeks while his tongue was inside Daryl's ass. " Ahhhh.. fuck me baby.... fuck me please. I love you cowboy." Daryl said. He froze when he realized that he had said that aloud. Nick heard it too but acted as though he didn't. Nick pulled his face from Daryl's ass and began to kiss and lick his way up Daryl's back.

Nick lifted his head and began looking around. "Damn, damn. Fuck me." Nick growled as he lay his head between Daryl's shoulder blades. "What's wrong ?" Daryl asked. " In all the rush we forgot condoms." Nick said and turned his head to kiss Daryl's back. Nick went to move but Daryl reached back and stopped him. "Are you clean ?" Daryl asked. " Only fucked one man three times without a condom and that was years ago. Been tested many times since then. " Nick whispered with a hint of disappointment. "I have never been fucked nor fucked without one. I was tested three months ago and all was clear. The only ones I have had sex with was Bradley and Marcus and they always wear a condom. So fuck you is not an option but if you are game fucking me is still on the menu." Daryl whispered. "Are you sure ?" Nick said. "Well if you don't then I will go get those condoms and find a cowboy willing to do the deed." Daryl said.

Nick reached around Daryl but only found a small drop of precum. Neither man seemed to be a laeker so he began to spit drool into his hand. He first smeared as much as he could on Daryl's exposed ass. He spit more into his hand until he had an ample amount for his raging cock. He moved up and placed the head of his cock at the exposed ring. "No lube so I will go slow." Nick said. Nick held Daryl's hips tight as he slowly pushed into Daryl's ass. Daryl gasped as the mushroom head pushed through the tight ring. Nick leaned back and spit again letting it drop down onto his cock. He reached down and took his cock and wiggled it up and down causing it to ease it's way in. He felt Daryl's body winch and he reached up and began to play with one of Daryl's nipples. "That's it baby you are taking this cowboy cock like a pro." Nick whispered. It took a couple of minutes until Daryl felt his ass cheeks part wider and he felt the base of Nick's cock stretch him more as he pushed the base against the ass ring.

"Oh so perfect." Daryl moaned. "You alright baby ?" Nick asked. "Perfect. Now fuck me please." Daryl said. Nick had one hand playing with one nipple and the other wrapped around Daryl's waist. He lay his hairy chest on Daryl's back and his head between Daryl's shoulder blades and began to slowly move his cock in and out of Daryl's ass. "Oh fuck baby you are so tight. I am having to fight not to cum right now." Nick whispered and lifted his head to kiss between Dary;s shoulder blades. Daryl could only moan. He had never had a bare cock inside him and the sensation of that and very little lube had his body firing off nerves he never knew he had. Nick had picked up his pace slightly of fucking up into Dary's twitching ass.

Nick could feel Daryl's ass ring begin to spasm. "UUUUUuhhhhhhhhhhh....." Daryl shouted as he shot his load hands free once again against the wall of the shelter. "Oh fuck... oh fuckk.. OH MMMyyyyyyyy.... take that dick baby." Nick said as he began to power fuck into Daryl as fast as he could. His head was between Daryl's shoulder blades and his arm still around his hips as he leaned over Daryl's back and forced his cock in and out of Daryl at almost a rabbit's pace. "Where do.....ugghhh... where do you want... uuugghh..." Nick tried to talk as the strongest orgasm of his life was building. "Cum inside me." Daryl whispered. "You sure ?" Nick said gasping as his orgasm grew. "Yes baby." Daryl said. "FFFFFuuuuccccckkkkkk." Nick shouted as his body went into quick deep jabs as his cock began to unload deep inside Daryl. "Oh fuck baby. I have never bred a man before." Nick whispered as his body still shook and his cock flexed inside Daryl. "OH fuck. I feel your seed inside me." Daryl whispered. "I bred my baby. And yes Daryl. I love you too." Nick said holding Daryl tight still impaled on his hard cock.

Next: Chapter 24

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