
By Male Lover

Published on Dec 15, 2005



This story is based on fiction. If you do not like love story based on gay sex, do not proceed further. Although written in such a way, remember to practice safe sex. Write me if you like the story -

That knock was expected. However, the event that followed was not.

Opening the door reluctantly, I was staring at Norah, who looked so desperate; she would go down on her knees to beg me to help her. I was not willing. Only a nut would go out of the campus in the heavy rain, which weather forecast was saying that a storm would be expected.

'Pluzzz, Tyler. Help me, pleazzzze!' she begged.

'You know how it is like out there? You must be fucking crazy to think I would do that!' I said, shaking my head - still could not believe she would ask me.

'But Jack would be stranded for hours. Maybe overnight. Com'on. If not for him, do it for me...' she said, forcing out a sexy tone, although the tone of desperation was too obvious. She came closer to me, walking ever so slowly, like she was trying to come on to me, and then placed her finger on my shoulder. I was not wearing any shirt, which I knew she liked it that way. She loved my body. And I, hers. She ran her finger down, crossing my chest, down to the navel.

Damn.. that really got me tingling.

But I had to be firm. I was crazy about her, but not that crazy.

I shook my head, and turned my back to her.

'Nope. Nah-ah. Not this time, Norah. I would be nuts to do the favor for you.'

There was a pause of silent. I thought she knew it was a hopeless case to continue to persuade me. I was firm.

'Sure?' she asked, as she hugged me from the back.

She was naked. Her naked breasts were pressed against my back.

'Damn!' I cursed. There I was, trapped in the rain, and road congestion, zigzagging my way through the stretches of cars along the road. I'd gotta get control of myself, and not to be easily persuaded by a topless, 'big breasts' Norah. That one cheap thrill to look at her boobs had caused me an evening of staying dry.

The wind was not helping too. It was getting nasty, and the way the branches of the trees swayed to the slam of the wind were scary. I needed to stay focus. The rain, wet road and piles of almost stagnant vehicles made the motorbike ride felt uneasy.

The news had warned of an upcoming storm. It had been drizzling for the past few days. But there were hours when the rain stopped. But not this time. The rain had gone on since morning, and by the early evening, the rain showed no sign of stopping. It would be a matter of time before some places would start flooding.

Why did I get myself into all this mess?

Norah would be the answer. It was not a big secret that I had the hots for Norah. When I jacked off, usually Norah would be one of those that I thought off. And the load would come hard. Norah was easily my choice, given the great figure she had. Yeah, I had my share of girls. It did not come so hard for me, given my surfer look and body, but Norah was an off limit.


Jack Tanner.

Jack Tanner, the jock in the campus, was easily one of the most popular guys. Jack was hot. Girls talked about him, and I could imagine, having wet fantasies about him. Guys admire him. What was there not to be admired of his hard, well-toned body? His wide chests built from the regular push-ups, and the chests from other workouts in the gym. Six-pack above the navel, and 9, below. We knew. He did not seem to be bothered by the staring eyes in the shower. He seemed to be proud of his body, and did nothing to hide it, even for his early morning semi hard-on. His height was a plus. It made his waist looked fitter, instead of bigger.

And the look? He could be mistaken for one of those rugged good-look of a model, which was pasted on many men health magazines. I was only surprised that no talent agent had discovered him yet. Not that he looked like the type who would be interested.

You see, what we knew was that Norah was pleasured sexually. His known stamina and manhood took care of that need of hers. However, we figured she was emotionally drained too. Jack was not really that sociable guy.

That made me even more hesitating, to go over and fetch Jack. I mean, it was not like we were the bestest friends. I had the hots for his girlfriend, and I was not sure if he knew of it. And I did not particularly like to find out. Moreover, I was not sure if I knew what was there to say to him.

I was always second to him, in the group. In his presence, one would give Jack a second look. Not that I was anything less than average. My blonde look, lean body and 7 1/2 inches had helped to keep a few girls in the campus happy. I screwed around, cheating on my ex-girlfriends and so on. However, I had this charm on the girls that kept them coming back. Some said it was my eyes. Some said it was my smile. Some said I took care of them nicely in bed. But I knew it had to do with my body and cock size too.

Jack had gone out earlier, despite Norah's objection.

He had to collect something from someone, he said.

But hours later, when the rain continued, and there were warnings of flashflood, Norah got worried. She checked with Jack through the phone, and found out that Jack was already on his way back, but was caught in a jam. And it was not getting prettier. It seemed that the water from the river was rising. Crossing the bridge might be impossible.

So, this was when I came into the picture. I had a bike. Norah figured I would be fast enough to get Jack back on my bike.

The falling rain was not helping my sight. A few times I almost ran into the unmoving cars. And the constant horning from the vehicles were disturbing, and I had to avoid fell branches. The road was impossible.

I thought of turning back. But I had gone so far, that it kept me thinking that I would be seeing Jack's car soon. So, I rode forward, cursing whenever the wind blew me sideway, causing me to lose control momentarily of my bike.

I cursed even more. Norah had better paid me more, than just flashing me her breasts.

I saw his car eventually.

I knocked on his window, and saw a surprised Jack.

He winded down the window.

'Com'on,' I shouted through the rain. 'It might be flooded soon!' My finger pointed to the direction I came from. He understood - the bridge.

Jack parked his car by the roadside, and jumped on my bike.

Somehow, I figured the other drivers were watching us, and envied Jack. I was half-wishing I was in their dry cars, out of this rain.

I sped my bike, going back the way I came from. I prayed that I was not too late. Jack was on my back. I could feel his weight leaning on me, with his arms wrapped around my waist. I stormed forward, avoiding whatever things that were on my way.

'Here.' I could hear Jack shouted in the rain. I rode my bike to the next shelter I could find, and park my bike there.

I looked around. We were stuck. A motel. We were seriously stuck.

It was 20 minutes earlier that we discovered the bridge was not useable anymore. The river had over flown. There were many standing in the rain, looking disbelief. They were still hoping that it was not a real thing, and that there was something there for them to unblock, to let the water flow back to the river. But it was a false hope.

Jack knew it, and tapped on my shoulder. He was telling me by his fingers gesture to turn back.

I did what he said, although I was not happy. I should not be in this. I was supposed to be in my dorm room, happily doing my stuff - finishing up my assignment, listening to music, surfing porn or jerking off. But not out in the rain, freezing my butts off.

'Any room?' I asked. The rain and the wind were not helping the situation outside, and I could not wait to get out of the rain, and my wet clothes.

An old man was browsing through his book log. On a normal day, I bet this motel would not see so many guests. Well, tonight he was kept busier.

'Two of you?' he asked, looking at the two wet guys in front of his counter. Water was dripping off us, onto his floor. The old man did not seem to mind. I bet we were not the first guests to do that tonight.

I nodded my head.

'Only double beds now. Okay with you two?' he asked.

I nodded my head. I did not bother to check with Jack, who was behind me, for his say.

'Ok. Room 15, the one at the far end.' He passed me the key. 'Oh yeah.. trouble with the hot water. You might not have much.'

I just nodded my head, and turned. I bumped into Jack. He was quiet all this time.

'Sorry,' I said. 'You need anything?'

He shook his head, and headed out.

This was gonna be a quiet night. Curse.

We passed by 2 earlier guests, who checked in at the counter, before us. The two 30+ guys stayed in Room 14, next to ours. The rain and the wind were hard on them, as much as they were on us. We were losing balance, trying to steady ourselves, in our walk to our motel room.

'Horrible night, isn't it?' one of them said in a high voice to us, as we walked past them at the corridor. Their eyes were checking the two of us out. It could be that they were afraid we were going to rob them.

I nodded my head. Jack did not even glance at them.

"Well, be glad that you got a place here. Heard that some motels were fully checked in. That damn rain!'

I just smiled.

My eyes looked out into the dark night. There was nothing much to see, except for the pouring rain. I would not know much about the other motels, but Jack insisted this one. It was on the hill.

The motel room was nothing fancy. It was alright for the price we, sorry I, had paid. Just the double bed by one side of the wall. Opposite of the bed, was a tv, which looked like it would take a miracle to be able to switch it on. There were a table and 2 chairs by one corner, plus a standing lamppost. The bathroom was small.

I took a towel and threw it to Jack. He took it and mumbled a thank you.

At last, he said something, I thought.

I had a chance to have a good look at him. He was soaking wet, just like me.

Taking his jacket off, Jack looked like he had been in a wet t-shirt contest, except that this one involved a guy, and he looked like a goddamn winner. The t-shirt stuck to his hard body, wet, and one could see his nipples straining hard on his shirt. I thought it would have been a turn on.

Not to mention that I was wet too, and I had to admit it, that I looked good in one too. But I was shivering, and was embarrassed too. There was something sexual about two guys stripping together, in a closed room.

Jack took his white t-shirt off. Well, it was more like peeling the t-shirt off his body. He dropped it to the floor. He looked good. If I was not shy, I would have loved to feel his body. I had been trying to work out, to get my body in a better tone. And there, in front of me, Jack was showing his nice built.

I took my shirt off too. It felt good to get rid of the wet shirt. But the room was chilly. I was cold. I quickly took my shoes off, and then my jeans, at the same time I heard the Jack pulled down his.

I wondered if he was feeling cold. I turned to ask, but my eyes were treated to the view of a spectacular fine body of a naked Jack. He was drying himself off.

And in the poor light of the room, I was admiring that guy, from his chests, down to his muscular thighs. And in between the toned muscles of his thighs, his dangling 5 inches cock, soft. It was a beauty.

Afraid of being caught looking, I quickly turned my eyes away, and reached for the towel.

'Got a phone?' I heard him asked.

I faced that naked hunk. I nodded my head.

'Need to call Norah. She got you here, right?' Jack asked.

I nodded my head again, as I passed him my phone.

'I take the shower, first?' I asked, pointing to the bathroom. He nodded his head, while punching the dials.

The hot water felt good. I was happy that I could wash myself clean from the mud and whatever else I had gotten from the rain.

The water showered on my body, and I let the stream ran down my body. Ahhh... That really felt wonderful.

And then, suddenly the curtain was withdrawn. Jack was at the side.

'Move aside,' he commanded.

'What?' I was surprised.

But he did not wait for my answer, and stepping into the shower, sharing the hot water with me.

'Not enough hot water, remember?' he said, as he moved closer to me. His naked body touched mine.

'Oh..' That was all I could say. I mean, it would be selfish of me to get all the hot water to myself. But then again, I was not clean yet.

Jack stood in front of me, taking a bigger dose of the hot water stream, as he quickly rinsed his body through. When he bent down to scrub his legs, my dick touched his ass. I was stunned. I wondered what he would have thought. But apparently, he did not care. He continued to rub his legs. His butts movement rubbed my dick. I had to step back. I felt I would be getting hard with the contact.

He picked up the bottles of the body shampoo, and poured out some. Then, he tossed me the bottle.

'Hurry up, before it got cold,' Jack said. He was referring to the water.

I poured some for myself. I scrubbed myself, with Jack sharing the small space. Our bodies bumped and rubbed against one another a few times. I realized that I was more worried about it, than Jack. And then, I felt his dick brushed against my hip.

The rubbing of his crotch had already stirred his manhood up a bit. It looked semi-hard, and thicker. When he moved around, his cock head would brush my skin, but yet, Jack acted like it was nothing.

We stood under the showerhead together. He let me stood in front, because I was shorter. His hand was on my butt, while his chest was in contact with my shoulder. I was nervous. My heart beat faster. I could not concentrate on the water.

Jack was indifferent. He just stood there, with his eyes closed, obviously enjoying hot water. His semi-erected dick was brushing against my hip again.

And why I was still thinking about this awkward and erotic situation, which got myself hardening, Jack had already stepped out of the shower.

He took his towel and left the bathroom.

I was still dumbfounded by the whole incident.

Was I turned on by Jack?

It could not be. I was straight. Straight as an arrow.

And so was Jack. Well, from what I heard, Norah was not the only one who kept Jack happy. There were other groans from his room in the dorm, when Norah was not around. And I mean, female voice groans.

I believed someone told me that Jack told gay Peter off, for trying to come on to him. Some said that Peter was punched in the face. I did not know if that was true. But I could tell that Jack did not mess with the same sex.

I tried to brush the whole thing off. It was just taking a shower together. There was nothing more to it. So what if our skins touched? It was a small space.

Jack was sitting at the edge of the bed. His towel was hung around his neck. He was struggling to open a pack of wet cigarette box. I heard a curse, and then, he threw the box aside. It was all too wet to enjoy a puff now.

The wind was rattling the window. I looked out. The rain had not let up yet.

My cock was still semi-hard, but I knew it won't be long. I was cold. Shivering.

I looked around, for something to cover myself.

Jack had already taken the blanket, wrapping himself.

I had hoped for a second blanket, but it looked like there was none.

'Thanks,' Jack said.

'What for?'

'For coming to get me. You did not have to.'

'Well, either that, or she would keep banging on my door,' I said, jokingly.

Jack smiled. He knew how his girlfriend was like.

I stood there, wrapping my towel around my body. It was wet. So, it did not offer much warm. I walked around the room, to see the photos in the old frames, hung around the room. Once in a while, my eyes darted to Jack. His towel was already on the floor, and I was tempted to take his for myself. His hung cock was exposed, and he did not do anything to cover it up. I was not covering mine up too. But that was because I had only one towel around my upper body.

'You feeling cold?' he asked.

I looked at him, and nodded my head.

'Here,' he said, moving ass to one side of the bed, leaving me some space to enjoy the blanket.

I paused. But the chill I felt was too uncomfortable.

I sat down, shivering, and pull my side of the blanket to cover myself. I rubbed my hands profusely, hoping that my hands would feel less cold.

His naked thigh was next to mine. My butt was touching his. I was fully conscious of it, and I tried to peek at Jack. He looked undisturbed. He had this distance look, written on his face. Like he was thinking of something else, and nothing in the room was in his mind.

I told myself to stop it. It was nothing. It was really nothing.

But I was not buying that myself.

When two good-looking naked guys sat this close in a room, with their skins touching, how could that be no sexual tension? My heart beat faster again.

But the blanket did nothing to reduce my shivering. Damn! I was gonna catch cold.

'Still cold?'

I turned, and saw Jack was looking at me.

I nodded my head.

He got up, with his cock, hanging down, in front of me. 'You can have it all.'

I was stunned. Was he offering me his cock? That was fag!

Jack walked away. Oh... he was referring to the blanket.

That night, I lied down on my side of the bed, listening to the rain. It had turned to drizzle, but no one could tell if this meant an end to the rain eventually. I had felt better, since my body worked itself to the warmth of the room. Plus the blanket helped.

Jack was on his side of the bed. His eyes were closed. I did not know whether he had fallen asleep or not. But I was glad that he had closed his eyes. That meant that I did not have to try to have any conversation with him. I had tried, but failed an hour ago. That was why I tried to sleep early. I gave up.

But an hour later, I was still fresh. Damn, I cursed.

I watched Jack. The blanket covered his hips and below. His upper body was naked to my eyes. My eyes followed the outline of his chests and the abs. I wondered how hard he had worked, to get a body this good. I bet I would have laid more girls, with a body like that.

And then, my mind drifted to Norah again, and her tits.

A few minutes later, I felt the wall knocked. And then, more. I listened.

I turned to Jack. His eyes were open. He was listening too.

And then, groans. Loud. And then, softer. Louder again. But they were groans. The banging on the wall continued, plus creaking sound.

And then, faintly, the voices of men, talking dirty.

Then, more moaning.

It was the room next door. The men were having sex. Each thrust sent their bed to bang against the wall.

I turned to look at Jack again. He was listening.

There were groans. Whoever they were, they were really into their pleasure.

So, there I was, naked in bed with Jack, listening to some gay guys next door having sex. I did not know if I should be disgusted, or that I should just enjoyed the voyeur. But I did know that I should have jerked off earlier. The moanings were getting to me.

I peeked at Jack again. He was not bothered by the moans. In fact, eventually, he just shut his eyes, as if he was mixing the sound of the drizzle and the moans to put him to sleep.

I could not. I felt weird. I was really began to be more conscious of Jack's nakedness beside me, and to think that I wanted to feel this hunk's body. I was curious. I wanted to know his hardness - how firm his body was. And to imagine the two men we had met earlier, now fucking each other, in the next door, was an add-on to my growing hard-on. If I did not do anything, I would be answering to Jack soon, on the reason my cock grew to my full size of 7 1/2 inches, listening to the men's groans.

I pulled the blanket up. In doing that, I uncovered more of Jack. I saw his hand. He was rubbing his crotch. His cock had grown to almost his full size. And even though he knew his cock was fully exposed now to me, he did not even try to hide it. He just merely covered his hard cock with his palm. But I swore his fingers were still rubbing his thick shaft.

I looked.

He must had figured it. He turned his face and saw me staring. I quickly diverted my attention elsewhere. I did not even dare to ask.

'I get hard. Often.' That was what I heard from him.

As if his offer of excuse was an opportunity for me to turn my face back, and looked at his hard-on. It was a beautiful 9 inches hard-on. His fingers stopped the caressing, the moment he knew I was watching. He just left the hand there.

The moanings from the next door continued. And then, with a slightly louder yelp, the wall was silent again. No more banging. It was quiet. The men had cummed.

Jack pulled the blanket, but it was just enough to cover his crotch. He did not attempt further. He just left the blanket, as it was, covering half of his hip, and exposing the other. He had moved his hand away. His 9 inches making a dent, obvious to my eyes.

I faced up the ceiling. My cock had grown hard too. I wished I could jerk off. But not in front of Jack. And going to the bathroom then was pretty obvious. I covered my groin, with my hands, hoping that Jack knew not of my problem.

Jack was cool, being an exhibitionist. I was not.

Miraculously, half an hour later, the gays next door seemed to find their stamina back. They were at it again. But this time, it was the moaning. No more bed banging the wall. I was still awake. My cock had lost its erection, but with the moaning, I was not sure.

I turned my head, to listen carefully, if there was indeed moaning. I saw Jack. He was awake too. He was resting the back of his head, on his arm. His eyes were opened. My eyes followed his other arm. It ended where his crotch was. Jack was playing with himself.

The groans grew louder for a second. And then, we could hear faint voices saying something, before even more moans were heard.

As if Jack had enough of the disturbance, he got up. Kneeling on the bed, he pressed his ear on the wall. His hard dick was standing thick, pointing to the wall. It was the first time I saw his hard cock up close. It was thick.

Jack continued to listen. It was not so hard to believe that he could hear what they were saying, in between the groans. Jack moved his head around, pressing on different places on the wall for a clearer listen.

And then, just beside me, he found a good spot. It seemed that the voices were clearer there. Jack's hard cock was only two feet away from my face. I felt embarrassed. I did not want to enjoy the view of his cock. Big, it was, but still, hey, I was not supposed to be getting over that.

Reluctantly, I got up. The blanket fell, exposing my own 7 1/2 inches hard-on. At first, I tried to cover up, but then, I realized that Jack was not even bothered to look. So, I guessed I did not need to.

Jack continued to listen.

I thought I should to, but I was treated to the sight of him, squatting on his knees, with his firm ass to me. If only he could see my eyes eyeing his ass, he would have beaten me up. Oh yes. I had taken one girl up her ass, and liked it. At that moment, I wondered how it was like to bury my cock in Jack's ass.

Stop it! I told myself. Jack was a guy. That would be so gay. Damn gay.

But my eyes were betraying me. I pretended to look at the wall, but a few times, my eyes stole a few looks at his fine ass. I wondered again how he pumped his ass up so good.'

Jack discovered something. By moving the big picture frame above the bed, he found a tiny hole. He had to stand this time, as the hole was higher up.

Jack passed me the frame, and spied into the hole.

I was curious.

Were the guys next door really could be seen?

My curiosity made me climbed back onto the bed, standing beside Jack. I just stood there. It was not like Jack knew he was supposed to give me a chance to peek. Was he gonna move aside for me?

I looked around. There, I saw another tiny ray of light on the wall. Another hole, just below Jack's.

I knelt down, and peeked through the hole.

The next-door room came into view. It was blurry, but I could make out the place somehow. It was something like ours. One of the guys was lying down on the bed, with his legs on the floor. The other was on his knees, swallowing his friend's cock. He bopped his head up and down, taking in his friend's shaft.

Oh man.. this was good. To spy on others getting it on, interestingly, would get me excited. I was something of a voyeur. I got hard, watching others get off.

The guy on his knees must had done a good job. The guy on the bed kept moaning softly, whispering. Must be trying to get his friend to go faster, or swallow deeper.

I felt my cock stirred excitedly. It was beginning to throb, even without me touching it. Man, I needed to cum badly.

I turned to look at Jack's cock, now inches away from my face. His cock was throbbing too, but with the help of his hand. He was stroking himself, with my face beside his cock.

I looked up, to see if Jack knew I was watching him stroking himself. His eyes were still on the guys next door. I felt safe, to continue to admire his big cock. I meant, yeah, there were guys having a suck fest next door, but I was having a real thing in front of my eyes. I had never seen such a big cock so close in front of me.

As long as Jack continued to enjoy the view next door, I would be safe to watch him stroking his huge cock.

Jack's fingers held firm onto his thick shaft. He moved his hand, forth and back, slowly. But with each thrust, his cockhead expanded. It looked angrier. It was cut.

Jack's 9 inches was a straight, thick shaft. It was not like others, which either bend sideway or upward. I figured one hand's fingers were not sufficient to wrap around his cock. I could merely covered around my cock with my fingers. His was obviously thicker.

His balls were huge too, matching the thickness of his cock.

I was getting more excited. My cock began to throb. I could not ignore it any longer. My hand reached down, and I began to stroke my cock, to Jack's rhythm.

I pulled my cock, as he stroked his cock forward.

I felt the blood rushed more to my cockhead. If I kept this up, I would be shooting all over my pillow.

I looked up.


Jack was watching me. There was no grin, nor was there an angry face. His angelic handsome face was just staring at me. I was speechless. I was caught.

But Jack said nothing. He turned his attention away from me, and spied back through the hole.

What was I supposed to do?

He did not mind, right?

His fingers were still wrapped around his cock, and he had not stopped his stroking. I took that as he was okay with me watching him.

My hand had left my own hungry cock. I could not shoot my load there. I still wanted to enjoy his display.

I was nervous. I was excited. Suddenly, merely watching him stroking his cock was not enough. I needed more.

I clenched my fingers hard in my fist. I was scared of my next move. But the temptation was there, and I figured I should just do it.

I wrapped my fingers around his shaft. I felt his thickness.

His stroke stopped.

I looked up.

Jack did not look down. His eye continued to peep through the hole. It was like as if he paid no heed to me.

But he was moving his hand away, as if he was allowing me to take over his job. I was to stroke his cock.

I was to stroke Jack's hard cock!

I got even more nervous.

My fingers slide down to where his fingers used to be. The feel of his shaft skin on my palm was sending excitement up my own cock. I felt like my cockhead was expanding to a point where it was going to explode.

I began to stroke him. I began to stroke Jack's big cock. I began to stroke Jack.

I was holding Jack in my palm, and I was to make him feel good. I had to make this huge cock feel good. I stroke him gently, following his own stroke rhythm earlier. His body tensed. He was enjoying it. My body tensed too.

I began to stroke him longer, and moving my palm up and down on his shaft. I could feel his pulse on my palm, matching each time his cockhead throb. I was enjoying this. Secretly, I was scared, but it was exciting.

Bit by bit, I inched my palm closer to his cockhead. I wanted to feel his cockhead on my palm. I just had to.

Jack seemed to know too. He could tell from my fingers. My thumb found his cockhead, and I began to play with it. I squeezed and rubbed his cockhead between my thumb and fingers. Jack's body tensed further. He began to move his hips around, trying to subdue his excitement.

And before long, Jack began to hump my hand. I just made a ring with my fingers, and let him fucked his hard cock through it.

My ass moved forward and back, sliding his whole shaft up and down my palm. His balls bumped my hand, each time my palm reached the base. Each time my palm reached the tip, his cockhead expanded harder.

After a few rounds of slow fucking, Jack's body began to move faster. He was fucking my palm hard. My cock throbbed. My other hand began to stroke myself up good.

Suddenly, Jack's abs tightened. And the whole shaft felt even thicker. I could felt his vein thickened. Without warning, Jack cummed. His load gushed out of his cock, spraying the wall, and dripped onto the bed.

His body heaved harder as he ejaculated. I looked up. He was no longer interested in the room next door.

He was looking at me, and at his hard dick. He was breathing faster.

His body jerked a few more times, gushing out smaller loads of his cum, onto my palm.

Instead of being disgusted, I was excited, to feel his warm cum on my palm.

Jack said nothing.

I just climbed down from the bed, picked my towel and tossed it to me.

Then, he left for the bathroom, with his cock still dangling hard.

That was it?

I stood by the window, looking out. There was nothing to see, and not that I was trying to. I was still overcome by the whole event just now. My cock was still standing hard, and Jack was still in the bathroom. His cum was still wet on my palm.

I needed to get off.

I reached down. Instead of jerking off with my dry hand, I used the one with his cum. I ran my palm over my hard cock, feeling his sticky cum covering the length of my cock. I began to stroke my dick, feeling Jack on me. The thought of Jack and his body made my body tensed, and my heartbeat raced faster. I cummed, ejaculating my load onto the floor.

When my last load of my cum oozed out, I released my cock from my hand. My palm was covered again by cum. This time, it was a mix of Jack's and my babies. I could not resist but to bring my palm up to my nose and sniffed.

I did not know what to expect, but to have Jack's manly cum with mine, was erotic.

When Jack came out of the bathroom, I thought the moment would be awkward. But it was not. Jack acted like nothing had happened. He climbed back into his bed, and pulled the blanket to cover himself. Nothing was said to me.

I did not know why I was expecting him to say anything to me, but I was giving up. I cleaned myself with the towel, and climbed back to bed too.

The night had been eventful, and suddenly now, I was tired.

I wondered what I would say to Jack the next morning.

How I would face him. But I was hoping too, to avoid the whole topic. And yet, I was upset that he was saying nothing about the incident.

We did not wake up the next morning. We woke up after lunch. Norah's call woke us up. I grabbed the phone, and after some mumbling, I passed the phone to Jack. Norah had thanked me, and apologized to me, for getting me involved. If she only knew I was involved more now...

Jack listened, and uttered a few a-huh, and hmmm.., before hanging up.

I dozed off again, and when I woke up, Jack was already out of bed.

His clothes were on the floor. Still wet. But his towel was missing.

I cleaned myself up, and by the time I came out of the bathroom, Jack had returned. He was holding a tray of sandwiches and hot drinks. He had gone to the office, and managed to get some food for us. He was only wearing his towel.

Wow. That was awkward. I thought he was an asshole, and there, he showed he thought not of himself only. Like wow.

I wrapped my towel around my waist and joined him.

I took one sandwich and ate quickly. I was hungry. Jack was too. With him sitting on the chair, his towel parted. I could see his soft manhood from where I was sitting. Even when it was flaccid, it looked big.

'Bumped into the guys,' he suddenly said, without looking at me.

'Who?' I asked.

He pointed at the wall, chewing his sandwich. Oh.. he meant the gays next door.

I nodded my head - understood. I wondered how much they were turned on by Jack. He would be a nice prey for those sex-hungry gays. Jack would be a good meal.

But that would be if they could overpower him. Jack was a strong guy. His body tones told of his strength.

'Got ourselves another night. Here,' he said, so casually,

I almost dropped my sandwich. Here? Another night?

As if he read my mind, he said, 'Flood.'

'Still raining?' I asked.

He nodded his head. 'Shower. Government order to stay in. That old man said.'

Shit! I was hoping to get out from this place. I could not bear to stay there in the room, not knowing what it was supposed to be with Jack. I felt trapped.

'Why?' he asked, sensing my uneasiness.

'We're trapped!' I snapped.

He did not respond.

'And this..' I suddenly said.

He looked up. 'What this?'

'This. This non-talking of yours. What's up with you? I stay here, I'll go bloody fucking mad! You don't talk!' I said, with a sigh.

He was quiet. I felt my small outburst was a waste. Oh god! This was gonna be unbearable. Jack looked like he was thinking of something, and then, brushed aside his thoughts. He continued to eat and took his hot drink.

Then, he moved away, to the window, gazing at the rain.

'So, are you gay?' he asked.

I was surprised by his sudden question. It had been a quiet half an hour. I was not expecting him to say anything.

I shook my head. I was thinking of the many excuses I could use to explain the incident this morning. He did not ask. He was okay with my answer. That simple 'no' was enough for him.

'You?' I asked.

'You were the one who touched me. Not the other way around,' he answered, without looking at me. His eyes were still gazing out.

Jack drew the window curtain closed. I realized why.

I heard the next door neighbors. They had to stay too. I could hear them talking outside. Jack did not want them to see us.

'Why they do it?' I heard myself suddenly asked.

Jack shrugged his shoulders. 'Why did you?'

'I guess I was curious,' I said.

I watched Jack for his reaction. There was none. But I was glad that he was not upset. Seeing that, I became more daring.

'I mean, look at you. You are BIG!' I said.

Jack gave a smirk.

'You are nothing small either,' he said. 'How big?'

'Me?' I asked. Jack nodded. '7 1/2.'

Jack nodded, in admiration. 'Keep the girls happy, huh?'

I laughed. So, Jack was talking. I was slightly relieved.

One thing led to another, we sat there in our towels, talking. I got to know Jack better. He told me a bit - of his schooling years, his first girlfriend, his first time and more. I told him whatever I could of myself.

Jack was the middle son, in a family where discipline was harsh. His dominant father had made him to speak, only when spoken to, and was not the type to share his feelings. He had tried to before, but he failed. Since then, he preferred to bottle up his feelings within. He knew it was frustrating for others, but it was frustrating for him too, when he could not find way to tell.

What about Norah, I asked him. Wouldn't all this caused her to be upset? I asked him if this was fair to the girl who loved him.

Jack was quiet.

'Do you think she will love me if I was not popular?' he asked.

When he asked this, there was this look on him, that made him looked so gloomy. He was sad. I had opened a can of feelings that he shared with no one. He knew his place with Norah. I was taken aback.

Our conversation was interrupted by the bangings on the wall. The gays next door were at it again. They were certainly enjoying themselves.

I looked at Jack. Was he gonna spy on them again?

Jack seemed to know what I was thinking. With a smirk, he shook his head. His hand was fondling towel, touching his soft dick.

I smiled back.

The bangings on the wall became the only sound in our room, other than the rain. Jack and I suddenly were lost for words. I wondered when the groans would come in.

I watched Jack. He had already flipped open his towel, and his hand fondling his cock. His cock was coming alive. It was already semi-erected.

Was I gonna be treated to this free show?

I was on the bed, supporting myself up, with only arm. Jack was sitting on a chair, with his legs open slightly wide enough, for him to stroke his cock down. His attention was not on me. His eyes were looking at his huge cock growing.

I watched Jack's hand stroking himself. I was getting turned on. Once this was over, I had to fuck a girl. Any girl! This excitement with Jack and his monster cock was disturbing. But for now, I was pushing that thought to the back of my mind.

I was going to enjoy this afternoon. I was going to enjoy the sexhibition. I was gonna watch Jack jerked till his cum shot off.

My hand moved down to part my own towel. It found my own hard cock. I grabbed the shaft, and stroke myself. This was good! I loved the sexual tension.

Jack continued to stroke himself, slowly. He was letting the groans from the next door to build his sex sense up. He liked to hear the moans, just like me. His huge cock was now pointing straight. It was already hard. His other hand had moved down to cup his balls, fondling them, as he stroke his cock with long strokes.

I smiled. The view was unbelievable. I had hot Jack in front of me, jerking himself off.

Jack looked up. He had this smirk on his face again.

Like he thought of something naughty.

'You wanna play with this?' Jack asked, invitingly.

I smiled. Though I did not mind, I was not sure. Instead of saying so, I found myself shaking my head - a 'no'. At that moment, I caught myself feeling disappointed.

Jack did not mind my answer. He stood up. His towel fell onto the floor. He was totally naked, with his 9 inches cock standing hard. His hand never left his cock, still stroking it long and slow. His eyes were closed, standing there in the middle of the room, enjoying the pleasure of his hand on his cock. In his posture, I was treated to a hard Jack. His body was a body of well-toned muscles. My eyes admired his chests, abs and the thighs. Damn! He looked so hot!

After a few more strokes, he opened his eyes. They were looking at me. I was still stroking myself. I felt I could cum anytime, with such a hot body in my view for pleasure.

'You sure?' he asked.

It would only be touching him again. Just jerking him off. That was not so bad, I told myself. Jack took my hesitation as a 'yes'. He gestured with his finger to come over.

Jack sat himself down, opening apart his thighs wide enough to welcome me.

I climbed off the bed, walking with my hard-on pointing at Jack. Jack noticed it, and another smirk came on his face.

As I came near him, this time I was no longer freaked out when my leg brushed his. I reached down, and grabbed his cock. Again, the thickness of his cock felt greater on my palm. I gave it a few pulls, sliding the thick shaft on my palm.

A soft moan escaped Jack's lips. He was grateful. He was enjoying it.

Bending down to stroke Jack was not the best position. He knew it too. He did not ask me to do anything else, but somehow, I felt the best way was for me to kneel down in front of him. So, I did.

The look on Jack's face was like he had conquered me.

He had this superior face expression, admiring his new conquest, kneeling in front of him, willing to pleasure him.

My hand was in a better position now to pull his big cock, feeling it properly, with all its hardness. His cockhead was pointing at me. It had already expanded huge, under my touch. I kept up my hand-thrust. The nearness of his cockhead was alarming, and yet sexually charging me.

I was getting more excited. Kneeling down in front of hard Jack seemed to have an effect on me. My cock got harder, and my body tensed.

I cummed. I ejaculated my loads of cum. I shot hard. It creamed the floor, and Jack's right leg, but Jack did nothing. He did not seem to be bothered. He was more bothered about his cock in my hand.

I placed my other hand on his long cock. Even with both hands, I had not covered the whole of Jack's big dick. I continued to pump his cock, but this time, my palms covered most of his shaft. As I stroked up his shaft, my palm rubbed his cockhead. It did make Jack went more tense.

I thought I had him. He was gonna cummed soon. My semi-hard cock twitched again.

Suddenly, Jack sat up, and bent down. Both of his hands held the back of my head. Jack was pulling my head towards him. I got panic. Jack wanted me to blow him. I released Jack's cock, and used my hand to push him away. But his back was onto the wall. All I felt was his hard thighs.

I could not keep my face away from his cock. I could not move away. And I did not try to get up. I was hesitating again. Jack was stronger. He was able to pull me closer, no matter how hard I tried to push my head back.

I clenched my lips together. I was not going to be a faggot. I did not want that dick in my mouth. My eyes were closed, as I gathered my strength to push my head back, against his hands.

I felt his cockhead poked my face. And then, the next thing I knew, my face was pressed on his groin. My nose was buried in his pubic hair. I felt his shaft on my face. In my slight struggle, my face was rubbed against his hard cock several times.

I gave up. Jack was too strong. And I did feel I was curious.

I turned my face sideway, feeling his shaft on my lips. I opened my mouth, and felt his shaft between my lips. My tongue tasted the first cock.

It was then Jack stopped struggling with me. He knew I had caved in. I was in his power. He eased the pressure on head, and guided me.

I came face to face with his cockhead. It was waiting. Jack was waiting.

He thrusted his hips forward, parting my lips with cock. My mouth took the cock in, feeling its length and its thickness forcing itself into my mouth. Jack pulled me closer. His thick cock was jammed to the back of my mouth. I almost gagged. His cockhead jabbed my throat.

Then, slowly, Jack guided my head. He moved me forth and backward, letting my lips slide up and down his monster cock. I struggled with my breathing. It was not easy to work on his thick cock, and I felt myself drooling.

Jack kept jamming the back of my mouth, and his thrusts increased.

A few moans came from him, and then, suddenly, I felt Jack's thighs tensed up. The thrust stopped. Jack's shaft thickened in my mouth, and I felt his cockhead bloating. The next thing I knew, Jack shot his loads in my mouth.

I felt load after load sprayed to the back of my mouth. I thought I was gonna choked. I swallowed Jack's cum, struggling, as he had not released his cock from my mouth yet. Cum was dripping off from the side of my lips. I tried to push him away, but Jack's grip on me increased when he was cumming inside me.

I tried to push him away. It was not happening.

And then, suddenly, Jack let my head go.

I fell back onto the floor. My chests heaved up and down fast, struggling to catch my breath.

There was still cum on his freed cockhead. It dripped onto the floor. I looked at Jack. He was smiling.

'Thanks,' Jack said, grinning satisfied.

His hand reached out, and grabbed hold of my chin. Jack moved closer. My heartbeat beat faster again. Not knowing what he was gonna do, I was terrified. His face inched closer to mine. His tongue slid out, and he licked my chin, up to the side of my lips.

Damn! Jack was licking his own cum off my chin. His smirk grew wider. He got up, and went to the bathroom again, leaving me to ponder if I should be upset, or I should be grateful.

I licked lower lip. I could still feel Jack there.

My cock was hard again.

Perhaps I should be grateful.

In the evening, Jack got me dinner as an apology. Nothing fancy, plus some beers. Even so, I kept my distance from Jack. I still admired his big cock, but my jaw still sore from his forceful jam into my mouth earlier.

And when the sky was dark, Jack challenged me to shower in the rain. We ran out naked, and stood as long as we dared to, and then scrambled back laughing.

I had re-arranged our clothes to let them dry faster.

In the damp air, I did not expect miracle much, hoping for dry clothes to cover myself. Heck, even the towel had yet to dry completely when I had to use it again.

I fell asleep. When I woke up, I got myself a hard-on. I checked around. Jack was not sleeping beside me. Thank goodness. I was still not comfortable flashing my hardness to anyone. Jack might be. Not me. Not that he could see my hard-on. I was lying face down on the bed. I looked to the right, and saw Jack, at the far corner.

Jack was sitting on the chair, touching himself. Yes, I should had gotten used to that view, but what worried me was what his eyes were staring at. Jack was eyeing my ass, as he fondled his cock. My ass was exposed, like offering itself.

I felt troubled.

Yes, Jack had seen my ass for many hours now, but there was lack of interest. The sudden awareness that he was staring at my ass made me tingled with anxiety and also aroused. All this time Jack was the one who turned me on. This time, I was the one who was hold the card. With any luck, Jack would be sucking on my cock. It would be my pleasure to humiliate him.. I was gleaming proud.

I played dumb. I acted I did not know like I did not know I was turning him on. I rested my face back on the pillow, pretending to sleep. I moved my body a bit. It was more like moving my ass up, to show off my bubble butts. That should get him hard, and would want me to blow him. Fat chance! He had to blow me first!

It took a while, before I heard his chair moved a bit, and slow steps approaching.

I could feel the speed of heartbeat picking up. I was breathing faster.

I felt Jack was sitting beside me.

I opened my eyes, and was greeted by Jack's hard cock, pointing at me. It was already huge at its full 9 inches size. My plan worked. He wanted me to suck his cock. I was gonna play hard-to-get, and get him to blow me first.

I shook my head, with a smirk, obvious for him to see, and turn my face to the other side, continue to act like I was trying to get some sleep. Jack shook my shoulder. I shrugged his hand off. What he could not see was that I was smiling.

Jack walked away. But I knew he would come back. Or he was gonna ask if I was sure, turning him down. And I was gonna tell him that he had to do the favor first.

I felt the mattress moved. Jack was climbing up the bed. Before I could turn to my back to see what he was up to, I felt him spreading my legs apart. I tried to get up, but he knelt on the back of my thighs. I was pushed down. I tried to push him off, but he kept my body down with one hand. His weight was on me. I struggled, but was in vain.

No finger. No warning.

The next thing I felt was his cockhead on my buttcrack. It felt big.

I wanted to scream, but I was scared. I wanted him to get off me, but yet I did not want him to go away. I wanted him. But not this way! Or did I?

My weak struggle betrayed me. He knew I was not fighting him all the way. He knew he had me.

He pushed me one more time to silent my struggle. I was overpowered.

'Please, Jack!' I whispered, scared of being heard by the next door. It fell to deaf ears.

I felt spit on my back, and then, his cockhead was rubbed between my butts, getting itself ready for a shove into my ass. I was nervous. I was scared of the pain.

Jack's fingers found my asshole, and guided his cockhead to it. I felt myself out of breath, anticipating.

Jack pushed himself into me. His thick cock was parting me, pushing itself deeper and deeper into me. Jack pushed his cock gently into me, and yet I felt like I was being torn up down there.

Jack began to thrust himself slowly, and each thrust forward, he sunk his cock deeper into me, until I felt his whole shaft was buried inside me. I felt his hard stomach pressing against my back, and his balls ramming onto mine.

I felt his cock being pulled out and then thrusted back in, long and hard. I felt his whole cock sliding in me. He began to pick up his pace. His cock was fucking my ass hard. His hands pulled my hips up, and the next thing I knew, I was on all four, with my ass being plunged by Jack's 9 inches.

I wanted to moan badly. My cock was hard from all that body contact with Jack. Pre-cum was oozing from my cockhead.

Jack placed his hand on my shoulder and pulled me to him, each time he rammed his big cock into me. He bumped my ass hard.

I felt his cockhead swollen inside me, and his cock harder. I knew he was cumming. With one more hard thrust, Jack moaned. His body jerked. I felt them. Loads of cum shot inside me. A few more short, hard thrusts from Jack, and his cums were all unloaded.

Jack stopped. He was trying to catch his breath.

I was sweating. I knew Jack was too. Slowly, he let loose his grip on me, and pulled himself out of me.

My ass was aching. And his big cock left me feeling empty when Jack pulled himself out. Jack threw himself down on the bed beside me.

And when I thought it was all over, I felt his hand on my head, pushing me down to his groin.

I knew what he had wanted.

I stretched out my tongue. Jack wanted me to lick his cock clean of his cum. And after the hot sex we had just now, I was willing to serve this hot hunk.

I was fucked twice again that night.

I had learnt that my struggle was un-necessary. My desire for Jack's hard body to be near mine over-ruled any doubt of mine.

I was his.


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