Stories from Haven

By Michael Smith

Published on Apr 21, 2023



The following story is completely fictitious and any resemblances to persons living or dead are entirely coincidental. Just as in life, this story contains graphic scenes of love and hate, life and death, joy and sorrow, as well as material that may be offensive to some audiences. If such material makes you feel uncomfortable, then please read no further than this warning.

Send questions and comments to


The warnings were there, a sudden silence, the scuff of a chair as it was quickly moved out of the way by its unseen owner, but all fell within the purview of an instant before Samuel Connors found his head slammed into the table of the school cafeteria. His face landing inches away from his food tray, a sudden roar of "fight" began echoing through Sammy's dazed thoughts. The echoes lasted all of a moment before a cry for help nearly deafened Sammy's ears, but this plea for mercy was not from his own blood-stained lips. The plea for help came from his attacker.

Having felt the pressure on the back of his head instantly disappear and the sounds of the crowded lunchroom fall to hushed whispers, Sammy ventured a tentative look behind him, but his eyes were slightly blurred due to the sudden shock and pain of his head injury.

"You're gonna break it!" the Junior whimpered as he buckled down to the ground in submission, his arm bent backwards behind his back and held calmly in place by the teacher.

"It won't break if you don't struggle, Mr. Palmer." The man simply replied.

Sammy was dumbstruck to say the least. Only when he tasted in his open mouth some of the blood now freely pouring from his nose did he break out of his trance. There was pain, sure, but pain was a given. He had received much worse from more threatening people then Marcus Palmer, although never so unprovoked. Still, the sight of a big beefy junior being rendered helpless by the unassuming teacher so easily was wondrous. Sammy just wished he could see it all better.

"You okay?" the man asked, as he nonchalantly pinned the bully to the ground with a foot holding his arm in place.

"Yeah," Sammy found his words while grabbing a relatively clean napkin to try and stop the bleeding, "But I think I should go to the nurse."

The teacher nodded before quickly scanning the lunchroom.

"Hey, Dylan," the teacher called out to one of the nearby students, "Can you escort him to the nurse's office?"

"Sure." The boy said as he quickly moved over to Sammy's side.

Sammy knew the boy from seeing him around school, but had never talked to him. He was sort of tall for being a freshman, but otherwise looked plain with longish brown hair and brown eyes. Sammy, on the other hand, had the hair, eyes, and complexion of an emo kid's dream and every vampire-crazed girl's fantasy. With jet black hair, crystal blue eyes, and naturally pale skin it was no wonder people always thought he was emo or Goth. It was only Sammy's second day at Ascension High School and already the bullying had started.

As the two boys left the stunned lunchroom, they could see the Dean of Students entering. Barking orders at `Mr. Shepherd' to let one of Ascension's "star athletes" up, Sammy knew the teacher was going to get a talking to. Out of earshot, Sammy and Dylan made their way down to the nurse's station near the main office. The walk down was quiet except for once when the boy asked if Sammy's head was feeling alright, or if he was lightheaded?

"Yeah, my head is fine... but my nose is killing me." The new sophomore transfer student half-heartedly joked.

That was the last day Samuel Connors step foot in Ascension high school.

"You say the word, and this doesn't happen. You know that, right?" Domino asked, as Sammy waited for Mr. Creed to arrive. Sammy followed Domino's eyes down to an absentmindedly twitching leg Sammy had been unaware of.

"It's fine. I've just had an off week." Sammy replied to the man.

He knew for a while Mr. Creed was coming into the city, and his visit would provide a good distraction for Sammy's mind. The man, an associate of Domino's, only visited once a month, and for whatever reason had taken a liking to Sammy due to an off-chance meeting in Domino's office. Domino never asked Sammy to entertain Mr. Creed on his visits, it had been Sammy's idea, and Domino insisted that he only needed to say the word and he wouldn't have to see Mr. Creed anymore.

Whores sell their bodies and Sammy wasn't a whore. What he and Mr. Creed did together was a mutually beneficial arrangement. At least, that is what he told himself.

Sammy had first met Domino Diablo when he had run away from home for the second time. He hadn't done something right or had done something wrong or any number of things that would set his mother and father off, and so he had snuck out of his room and ran away. It was a frightening night and a grueling morning, and Sammy had made the mistake of running away in January, when it was still bitterly cold outside. It was during dawn that Sammy had felt a warm jacket fall over his shoulders and felt the gentle embrace of the strong black man.

By that time Sammy had been too tired and hungry to fight the man off, and at the age of twelve was no match for him anyway. The man introduced himself as Domino and led him to a hole-in-the-wall diner that was serving breakfast. After laying into a huge pile of pancakes as the stranger enjoyed his cup of coffee, Sammy confided in him all his troubles. Domino listened to the boy, was patient and kind, and ultimately convinced the ill-tempered youth to go back home.

Sammy had, and was promptly grounded when he did, but he had remembered Domino's kindness to him. After he was done serving his time' at home, Sammy sought out Domino and the two had been friends ever since. During those couple years, Sammy learned about Domino, a great deal in fact, and while Domino tried to shelter Sammy from his work,' Sammy knew the older man was a criminal. Very little went on in the city that Domino didn't have a hand in or at least knowledge of. Using his hotel as a base of operation, Domino ran the criminal element of the city with an iron fist, but Sammy knew that wasn't who Domino was.

"I was born into this life, Sammy." Domino had once said, "I am the darkness of this world, but that doesn't mean I have to be evil."

Sammy was special to Domino. He represented something innocent to protect. When Mr. Creed had shown an interest in Sammy, Domino had immediately been against him having anything to do with the boy, but it was Sammy who had made the argument. Sammy had wanted to give back to the person who had given him so much. Domino insisted Sammy owed him nothing, but the boy would not be swayed. This much, Domino knew.

"Alright, but you know you can call me if anything happens." Domino reassured more to himself than to Sammy.

"I know." Sammy replied.

There was a knock at the door and Sammy knew it was time.

Sammy waited; his foot tapping on the pavement as he rested on the bench just outside of the school grounds. He enjoyed these quiet moments before the beginning of the day, and had made it a habit to find a secluded place to reflect on the approaching day's possible events. Kids were already gathering for the day, milling about in their groups, talking about the weekend and their plans. They smiled and laughed with one another, bantering back and forth as they waited for the fateful bell to ring out and signal the beginning of another lame day.

"Hey, faggot!" was all the warning Sammy was allowed as he felt himself being physically lifted from the bench from behind. Feeling himself being thrown a few feet away, Sammy landed with a solid thud on the cold pavement; just another typical day in the life of Samuel Connors, token faggot of Stonefield public high school. It seemed like no matter where he went, he was a target. At least in public school they had the decency to give a warning.

Sammy was not what one would call a shrimp; he was in fact of average height and weight for fifteen. So when he picked himself up painfully from the ground, he was not surprised to see the source of his current pain and suffering was Josh Keller, a steroid consuming muscle-bound jock two years ahead of him. Anyone witnessing the event without all the facts would assume this was the typical submissive emo kid being picked on by the misguided and close-minded jock. Those people would be mistaken.

"Morning to you too, Josh." Sammy retorted, finally reaching a standing position as the hulk of a linebacker made his way around the bench. "I know you are affectionate and all, but a simple pat on the back would have done. Hell, you'd be pushing it to give me a hug."

"You've always got such a smart mouth, Connors. Maybe I should fill it for you." The older boy spat, adjusting his diminutive denim bulge. "I want my fucking shit."

"I don't mess with drugs... Keller... you know that..."

"Yeah," Josh interrupted, "and I also know you suck cock for Domino Diablo... so tell you what..."

Josh grabbed Sammy by the back of his hair, pulling on his short black locks. The older teen brought Sammy's face within an inch of his own. He was raging.

"You get me my shit from Domino Diablo's place by tomorrow morning, or else you will have another one of these." Josh explained.

"Another what?" Sammy tried to get out as the older boy's fist landed right into his right eye.

As Josh walked towards the school, Sammy picked himself up from off the ground for the second time that day. He could feel his eye swelling, but he knew he couldn't do anything about it. He didn't have any friends he could tell, he lost those years ago. He couldn't tell any teachers because they wouldn't believe the star "athlete" of Stonefield's football team would pick on an outcast like Sammy. He couldn't tell Domino, because, well frankly, Domino would probably have Josh Keller killed; and even though Sammy hated him, he didn't want to see harm come to him.

"Fuckin' `a'..." Sammy moaned as he gingerly felt around his eye again.

Well, maybe a little harm.

Pulling out a pair of shades, Sammy covered his budding black-eye. As he began to walk towards the school, hopefully finding safety in the numbers of witnesses present closer to the building, he paused. Taking a finger and cleaning out his ear a bit, he listened again. It was faint but he could almost hear music. Maybe Josh had hit him harder than he thought, but as he went to clean out his ear again he saw it; the most beautiful creature in the world.

It was as if an angel had been plucked out of heaven and placed on earth. The boy was probably thirteen or fourteen, small of build, and he walked with a grace that seemed unearthly. His brown hair was messy and unkempt, but it seemed to find its place perfectly around his angelic face. Time stood still as he made his way down the steps on the hillside, and even the ambient nature of early spring seemed to add to his beauty and form. His clothing was of pure white and seemed to flow in an unseen breeze, which only added to his angelic appearance, and he carried his books innocently in front of himself. Even from as far away as he was, Sammy could tell there was something special about the boy's eyes, and he could feel the warmth of his smile drowning him in a love he had never known existed.

Then he was gone. The boy walked past a line of trees towards the school and Sammy lost sight of him. Suddenly urged by a need to follow the boy, Sammy rushed ahead, closing the gap between him and the boy with surprising speed. When he came around the trees that had previously obscured his view he could see the boy walking away, headed towards the school. A pair of angel wings decaled on the back of his shirt, made Sammy pause and then smile a bit to himself.

"Who are you?" Sammy wondered aloud about his little mystery angel.

Sammy began to carefully follow the boy as he made his way towards the school, mixing with other kids as they too made their way towards the entrance. As the warning bells rang out, Sammy lost sight of his angel in the crowds of people, pushing their way into the old brick building. Sammy knew he had never seen the boy before, so he knew he must be a new transfer. Hopefully he would see him again.


As the day progressed on, Sammy did not see his angel again. His mind constantly wandered to the morning encounter. A thousand questions about the boy rolled around in his head. He couldn't stop thinking about his graceful movements, his beautiful looks, and for whatever reason that music he thought he had heard playing. He tried to remember what it had sounded like, it had been a beautiful and light melody...

"Mr. Connors!" Mr. Gordon cried out, waking Sammy from his daydream with a start, "If you would be so kind, please stop that humming?"

Sammy could feel red streak his cheeks as the other students in his Bio 2 class began giggling to themselves. He hadn't noticed he was humming the tune out loud. What was happening to him? Seeing this boy had gotten him completely worked up and out of sync.

As the final bell rang out, signaling the end of the school day, Sammy allowed his heart to sigh with pained resignation. He hadn't seen his angel, he hadn't heard about a new transfer student from anyone, not that many people would talk to him, and after getting hit in the head this morning, he almost believed his angel was just a figment of his imagination from a concussion. With a broken heart, Sammy made his way out of the school and across a small field towards his house.

"Hey, Sammy! Wait up!" he heard a voice call out from behind.

Turning around, Sammy could see the figure approaching at a jog, somewhat winded. It looked like he had been running for a bit. Sporting his guitar hero t-shirt and his sagging jeans, Sammy knew immediately who it was. Austin Decker was a social oddity, someone with the ability to transcend any and all social barriers while maintaining his own unique outlook on life. While some people thought of him as eccentric, no one doubted the fact that he was a good person and a bit of a musical savant. At the talent show before Christmas break he and his best friend Olivia had performed a couple songs and they sounded pretty good.

"Sammy! Buddy... pal..." Austin tried to get out as he slowly collapsed to the ground. Obviously he was not meant to run. Sammy took pity on him and walked over to help the hopeless goof out.

Austin was fifteen, like Sammy, but a bit taller and a little lankier, with short spiky brown hair and dull blue eyes. As Sammy grabbed his arm to help him up, he couldn't help but notice some definite muscle tone in his arms. Finding his breath, Austin smiled up at Sammy with a foolish grin and instantly set Sammy at ease. It was that same laidback attitude and carefree approach to life that won Austin so many friends, yet Sammy had always been bothered by the way Austin could just waltz through life on his own terms.

"Thanks. I tried to track you down before you left the building, but I didn't have time." Austin explained as he righted himself.

"What for?" Sammy asked simply. Austin hadn't spoken to him since last quarter, before Sammy's two day transfer to private high school, when they had shared a few classes together. He always seemed to find a way to partner up with the untouchable Samuel Connors, because whatever the kid was made of dirt just slid right off. While popular kids would have called it a charity case to partner with Sammy, and unpopular kids would have called it social suicide, when Austin joined Sammy at the lab it had simply been `oh, Austin and Sammy are partners, whatever.'

"I've got a favor to ask." Austin smiled.

Making her way over towards the sound of pleading, Olivia could tell things weren't going exactly the way Austin had hoped. She knew the recruiting process wouldn't be easy, but Austin was undaunted by the task at hand and insisted that it was fated to be. Eddy was no problem, the kid was a decent guitarist and both Olivia and Austin had known him and worked with him before. His other two candidates for the band were a little more... unknown.

As she got closer, Olivia could hear Sammy. God, keyboards are heavy, she thought.

"No fucking way." Sammy refused again.

Olivia could see Sammy blushing as he narrowed his gaze at Austin with an accusatory glare. It was a bit funny, seeing someone put up such a fight to Austin, and at the same time Olivia could see how cute Sammy was when he got angry, not that she would admit that to anyone. She knew the rules. For this to work, Sammy was off limits. She also noticed Sammy's black eye and wondered how he had gotten that. She knew Sammy wasn't popular but didn't think he would be actively picked on by bullies.

"Why won't you join our band, Sammy?" Austin pleaded, now on his knees actually begging.

"No. I don't even play an instrument." Sammy said.

"Ah ha!" Austin exclaimed, picking himself up from the ground with renewed energy, "I know for a fact, that is a lie."

"What?" Sammy asked skeptically.

"Last semester when we worked together in that dissection lab, you had sheet music in your bag that you took out by accident, a few months ago I saw you making notations in a bass for advanced players practice book, and just the other day I saw you downtown with a guitar case, probably going to lessons you cheeky devil!"

Austin seemed almost out of breath after his long explanation and Sammy looked downright pissed off. Olivia loved this.

"You've been stalking me!" he accused more than asked.

"Stalking? No. Scouting? Yes." Austin said simply.

Olivia finally arrived at the heated session that was quickly getting away from Austin. She hated always having to save her best buddy's cute butt.

"Sorry to break this up, boys." Olivia said calmly as she let the keyboard case rest on the ground so she could catch her breath. "Austin, we got to get going if we are going to be there to set up. Besides, we don't need him."

Olivia's jab hurt a bit, as Sammy let his outward anger go quiet.

"We already have guitar, keyboard, vocals, and drums. You can do vocals and bass too, right?" Olivia asked Austin, ignoring Sammy for the time being.

"Well... yeah..." Austin replied meekly as he focused his attention at poking his fingers together childishly, "but it wouldn't be the same. We NEED Sammy... we just need him, otherwise it's all for nothing."

"Why." Sammy asked after a brief pause, his voice even and unemotional, "why is it so fucking important for me to be in your band, Austin?"

"Because," Austin explained, a small dreamlike smile forming on his face, "each member of the band brings something to it, not just in skill or musical background, but in emotion and life background. Yeah, if we wanted, we could probably make the band work without you, Sammy. Hell, we could make the band work without Olivia here or even myself, because music is bigger than any one of us. It's just... it won't be the same without you in there."

Sammy felt Austin was telling the truth, and while it was weird and stupid, something inside him was silently begging Sammy to accept the offer. This could be his chance to have friends again, to try to get his life back on track, to get away from the chaos of his world and lose himself in the music he loved. Yeah, he knew how to play bass, even sing a little, but the idea of putting himself out there was frightening.

"I don't know." Sammy finally replied, "I have shit to do and I'm hella tired."

"Well, if you change your mind... we will be meeting here, tonight, to start getting some stuff down." Austin replied, handing Sammy a small slip of paper.

Austin helped Olivia with the keyboard as they headed off towards the parking lot of the school. Sammy allowed them to get a ways away before he unfolded the slip of paper and read the small scribble of a notation.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Sammy groaned.

There was no way in hell he was going. No force in heaven or on earth was going to make him go, and that was final.

"No fighting, no drugs, no alcohol, no putdown language, no name calling, no fighting with/over drugs and/or alcohol while name calling with putdown language, and no sex in or around the building. If you feel the need to break any of these rules, please, take it in front of the sub shop across the street."

Sammy just stared dumbfounded at the man as he read off a list of rules about the center. He thought his name was Allan. For whatever reason he looked familiar.

"Any questions?" He asked, finally allowing Sammy a word in edgewise.

"A... Austin?"

"Oh," the man's mood shifted, almost comically, "you're one of those."

After a long sigh, the man got up and began walking towards the back of the youth center. Not knowing what else to do, Sammy followed Allan past a group of couches and gaming tables into a kitchen. A few kids were milling about in the kitchen, snacking on food as another man with full-sleeve tattoos cut up apples. Moving past the kitchen, Sammy could see an open door to his left, and as he looked inside he saw Olivia Waters, Austin Decker, and another kid he had seen around school before named Eddy Winters relaxing.

Unlike Austin who was a bit awkward and somewhat goofy looking, but in a handsome way, Olivia was ordered and always looked like she just got done with a modeling shoot. Perfect short blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, and when she decided to smile, which was rare, she had perfect white teeth. It was as if someone had taken perfect in soap form and rubbed her raw; it was somewhat unsettling. On the other hand, Eddy was even more laid back than Austin and seemed to radiate an air of amusement at the whole situation. Clearly of mixed black heritage, with short black hair and midnight eyes, he knew Eddy was a junior, but very little else.

"Got another one for you." Allan called in as he motioned for Sammy to enter the decent sized room.

"Ah, excellent work. Thank you Mr. Shepherd, you are too kind." Austin said with fake British politeness.

"You're lucky I fucking love you..." Allan said as he trailed off into a grumble.

"Mr. Shepherd! Is that any way for a man of learning to speak to impressionable youths such as ourselves?" Olivia added to the running joke.

"Impressionable youths?" Allan asked in mock surprise, "More like transmutable monsters pretending to be children. I come here and try to provide a safe place for you guys, and how am I repaid? I'm blackmailed and otherwise coerced into clearing out the garage—my garage—to make way for your instruments and to ensure you and your rag-tag group of misfits have a place to practice your witchcraft music. I warn you, new kid." Allan implored Sammy, pointing to Austin, "Watch out for this one. He looks all innocent and friendly, but mark my words... he's evil."

With an honest sigh, Sammy placed an empathetic hand on Allan's arm, attempting to comfort the twenty-something volunteer.

"I feel your pain." Sammy said.

"Alright kids, just try to keep it down a bit. Need anything from the kitchen?" Allan asked, his mood finally settling to a more relaxed and friendly manner. Sammy thought this must be his natural attitude, as it seemed to fit him perfectly.

"Popcorn!" Austin cried.

"Nachos!" Olivia added.

"I'm good." Eddy comforted, holding up a bag of liberated chips.

"You need anything, new kid?" Allan asked.

"Sammy. His name is Sammy, Allan." Austin corrected.

"Ah, yes, well... do you need anything, Sammy?" Allan asked making sure to be as friendly and welcoming as possible.

"No, but... umm... thanks." Sammy trailed off. Haven was certainly different than he had thought it would be.

Sammy had heard about Haven a few times around school, a place where some of the kids went to hang out. He knew it was a youth center for gay kids to come and be themselves, but Sammy had never really felt like he would belong there, at least not until now. He had always pictured it as being frilly and full or rainbows, but what he saw was rougher yet family oriented. The staff members bantered with the kids like older siblings and for the first time Sammy felt like he could be himself.

"Alright, so we are just waiting on our percussion to get here, and we should be set. He said he would be running a little late, so I figure I will just give you guys a breakdown of what I am trying to put together here." Austin explained, gathering the attention of the small group.

"Go ahead boss, we're all ears." Eddy chimed in, as he sprawled out on the small couch at the end of the room.

"The band I am trying to create will begin using covers of popular songs to hone our skills as a group. After we start feeling one another out, we can start working on some original work. One style doesn't really need to be focused on for our efforts, but it will probably contain some techno undertones."

"Techno?" Sammy asked, obviously a little surprised at Austin's choice of style. "I've never done any techno stuff before. I've never even been in an actual band before. I just know how to play bass."

"It's all good." Austin assured.

"We have access to a recording studio for when we start mixing tracks, thanks to my late father's interest in music." Olivia began. "A lot of the stuff Austin and I have done in the past have used some techno influence, and we pretty much have a formula down, as far as mixing goes. We just need the key players for live performances. Between the two of us we could record all the instruments in the studio one by one and mix them together, but we found that doing so doesn't have the same effect as a live performance."

"Yeah, we want to get the energy flowing with a live band!" Austin exclaimed. "So that is why we need you guys."

"So wait..." Sammy stopped them both, "If you guys have access to a recording studio, why do we need to meet down here?"

"Two reasons." Austin explained. "First, Haven is closer to everyone involved than Olivia's place which is about a half-hour drive away. Second, it annoys Allan."

"And I saw you lugging all that equipment, presumably here, right?" Sammy asked.

"Yep." Austin confirmed.

"But we aren't rehearsing tonight... just talking... right?" Sammy sorted out.

"Yep yep." Austin double confirmed.

"So why did you bring all that stuff here tonight and force Allan to clear out the garage area for us?" Sammy questioned, almost knowing the answer.

"I already told you, it annoys Allan." Austin said with a grin.

"So, does this project have a name or something?" Eddy asked.

"Yep." Olivia stated.

"DJ Orphan." Austin explained.

There was a brief pause.

"Why DJ Orphan?" Sammy asked.

"Well, the DJ part comes from the fact our tracks are going to be mixed with techno influence and almost all techno artists are DJ something or other. The second part comes from the fact that in one way or another, each member of the band is an orphan. Olivia's father died a few years ago from a genetic disorder, Eddy got kicked out of his house for leaving something out of the fridge so he is living with an aunt, my mom and dad live overseas while I live with my grandparents here, and you..."

"I'm out." Sammy said flatly as he got up to leave.

As he turned around he ran smack into a kid walking through the door.

"Ah, what the fuck!?" Sammy cried as he looked up from the ground rubbing his head. For the third time in one day, he began to pick himself up from off the ground.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going..." an angelic voice fell upon Sammy's ears like music.

As Sammy got up he saw his mystery angel, same white clothes, same beautiful features, and all of a few feet away he could see his eyes were special. His right eye was the lightest amber brown he had ever seen and his left was a brilliant crystal blue. The boy's eyes locked with his own and for a brief moment Sammy couldn't breathe.

"Yikes, I sort of hoped you two would run into each other, but not like this." Austin explained, getting up to introduce the two boys. "Samuel Connors, this is Kendal Erikson, our drummer. Kendal, this is Sammy, he was just getting ready to..."

"I'm in." Sammy shot back to Austin, not taking his eyes off of the boy before him.

"...just getting ready to tell us how excited he is to be the bassist for DJ Orphan." Austin smiled.

Kendal smiled too.

Sammy was in love.

After the initial encounter, Sammy found it difficult to look at or speak to his angel. The kid was light-hearted and funny, just like Sammy had expected him to be, but the thought of saying something stupid or doing something wrong kept playing over and over in his head. So, Sammy quietly sat in a very "Sammy-like way" as Olivia had put it to everyone, while the other members of the band got to know one another. Still, Sammy liked to hear Kendal's voice as he talked about his life and how he came to be considered for Austin's band.

"I guess it is because I'm adopted." Kendal said simply after Eddy had asked him why he was an `orphan' in DJ Orphan. "But I don't remember anything before I was adopted, it's always just been me and dad."

"Wait." Olivia stopped him. "You were adopted by a single guy? Isn't that like against the law or something?"

"I don't think so." Kendal laughed, "Besides, he is in law enforcement."

Sammy felt a chill go up and down his spine.

"Really? Like a police officer or something?" Eddy asked interested.

"Eh, more like a detective. He travels all over the country, solving crimes and breaking up local criminal organizations, but he is `taking a break from it all' right now." Kendal explained. "I think he is taking it easy because he thinks I am getting to an age where I need stability in my life. He feels bad about making us move around all the time."

"And what age would that be?" Eddy ventured.

"I'm fourteen." Kendal answered.

"You look twelve." a voice from the doorway said.

Everyone quickly looked over to Allan who was standing in the doorway.

"Just thought I'd let you guys know clean up is in like fifteen minutes." Allan said as he left the room to go get more kids ready to clean up.

"Well, I think that is as good a place as any to pause for tonight." Austin explained, returning his attention to the group before him after a few more moments' consideration. "Well, that being said, I think we should all exchange numbers with people who don't already have them. We will convene here again next Friday, same time."

Everyone began pulling out their cell phones to exchange numbers.

"Oh, and one more thing; I think it is important that certain key aspects of the band be fleshed out before we start rehearsing. Obviously the guitarists and vocalists will need to work with keyboards to flesh out the sound, but even more important is the rhythm section. Sammy, Kendal, I want you two to spend some time working together before next Friday just to get a feel for one another. Okay?"

Sammy about died with a mixture of fear and excitement.

"Well... I'm not sure if I will be able to..." Kendal tried to explain, giving a few nervous looks over at Sammy, who had been silently brooding the entire time.

"It's okay. Whatever." Sammy replied a little disheartened, but trying not to let it show through. So the boy he loved didn't even want to be around him if he didn't have to be, that was fine. Sammy was used to rejection, but he wasn't used to it hurting this much.

As Allan locked the door to Haven, after having checked for stragglers and turned off the lights, he turned to see the two figures still waiting around. The little angel kid and the emo boy were all that remained. All of the other kids had gotten their rides or started walking home. Pausing for a moment, Allan could feel something was up. The angel boy, Kendal, was sitting under the streetlight looking down at his cell phone, while the emo boy, Sammy, was about ten feet away, pretending not to notice him waiting too.

"Well, boys," Allan said, making his presence known, "you guys got rides coming?"

Kendal turned half around from his sitting position to look up at Allan in the darkness.

"My dad isn't answering, probably work related." Kendal replied with a bit of certainty. Obviously the kid was used to his dad's work getting in the way of things.

"Sammy?" Allan asked.

"I was going to walk, but Austin said I had to wait for Kendal's ride to get here before I could leave... out of solidarity..." he explained.

"If it was out of solidarity to the band, why didn't everyone stay?" Allan ventured.

"It was out of solidarity to the rhythm section." Kendal said simply, turning to face the empty street again. "I told Sammy he didn't have to stay if he didn't want to."

Sammy and Allan both felt the hurt of that comment, but only Allan sensed it hadn't been said out of hatred for Sammy or even dislike. In fact, it was for all the opposite reasons. He had seen the way the two boys acted around each other. Sometimes Allan just didn't understand why people had to be so thick headed, especially teenagers.

"If you like, I could give you guys a lift." Allan suggested.

"Yeah, let me just get into the car of the strange man who watches kids all day." Sammy spat out with more sarcasm than he had really meant. He was just upset about Kendal hating him, and for whatever reason, Allan didn't seem to get offended by the comment.

"You're right." Allan said, "Could be frowned upon. Besides, I'm all out of puppies and candy at the moment. I am getting a shipment of puppy-flavored candy in next week... or was it candy-flavored puppies?"

Kendal giggled and Sammy thought it was the sweetest sound in the world.

"Kendal, where do you live?" Allan asked, trying to find a solution to the problem.

"Right around Devil's Glen, just past Tanglefoot."

"Ah, why don't you just write down your address and schedule for any stranger that asks you?" Sammy cried in mock frustration. "Damnit Kendal, get up, I'm walking you home. That way I can be sure you get there safely and without getting picked up by anyone shady."

Sammy gave Allan an accusatory stare as he collected Kendal and began walking with the younger boy down the sidewalk towards Kendal's home.

"But what about you?" Kendal asked, closing his cell to put it in his pocket as he matched Sammy's stride.

"Your place is on the way to where I was crashing tonight anyway." Sammy lied. "It's no big deal."

Both boys walked in silence for a long while. Occasionally Sammy would catch Kendal looking nervously over at him, and each time their eyes met both boys would quickly look away. It continued like that for a while, until Sammy finally had enough.

"What?" Sammy asked. There was no anger in his voice, only the sound of resignation and defeat.

Sammy didn't notice till after a few steps Kendal had stopped walking. Turning around to face his angel, he saw for the first time in the light of the moon and the streetlamps how beautiful he truly was, and that he was now crying.

"Why... do you hate me... Sammy?" Kendal sniffled.

Sammy was dumbfounded. This whole time he had thought it was Kendal that hated him, but with Sammy's distant attitude and quick outbursts about having to take care of him, it never occurred to him that Kendal might think he didn't like him. He never dreamed that Kendal might think that he hated him.

"But... but... I thought you were the one who didn't like me?" Sammy stumbled. "You were trying to get out of working with me on our stuff before Friday... you didn't want me to stay and wait for your ride!" he nearly exclaimed.

"That's just because I thought you didn't want to talk to me. You seemed so withdrawn... and... I didn't want to do anything that would make you upset." Kendal admitted. "Fact is... I wanted you to talk to me... I wanted you to like me so bad it hurt... I kept seeing you at school today and every time I thought I might get the courage to introduce myself you just seemed so... mad or sad... and when I saw you at Haven I nearly died because there you were and I thought finally... he will have to talk to me... but it seemed like everything I did just made you more and more upset..."

Sammy took a few steps forward towards Kendal who just didn't seem to have the strength to move from his spot.

"This morning... something happened to me..." Sammy began quietly as he stood in front of Kendal, "My entire world sucked. I felt like nothing in the world would ever go my way, but then I saw the most beautiful person I had ever laid eyes on."

"You did?" Kendal asked confused.

"Yep, but you see, the problem was... this person was gone just as quick as they appeared, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find them all day, so I was upset. I was mad at myself for having lost sight of them and I was sad at the idea of never getting to see them again."

"That would explain why you seemed so upset today." Kendal put together.

"The thing is, just when I was ready to give up hope of ever seeing that person again, I ran into you... literally." Sammy laughed a bit letting his hands slowly brush past Kendal's sides as they lay rest on the small of his back. "And I knew everything was going to be okay, because I had found the person I had been looking for... the most beautiful person in the world."

"Me?" Kendal asked scarcely believing Sammy's words. "You were looking for me? You... like... me?"

"Yes, you dork." Sammy smiled pulling Kendal closer. "I do."

Kendal looked into Sammy's eyes and smiled.

Somewhere, in the distance, he could feel something pushing him, urging him forward. He could hear that same beautiful song playing with an ethereal melody and it seemed to be speaking words he couldn't quite make out. It didn't matter. He was in the presence of the person he loved, if that was indeed the feeling he felt. He had never felt so strongly in his entire life about anything, so what else could it be?

"I think you're beautiful, too." Kendal said as he leaned in towards Sammy for their first kiss.

As their lips touched, all Sammy could think was how perfect everything in his world felt. For once in his life, he felt like he knew what love really was.

Next: Chapter 6: Sammy 2

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