Stories from Haven

By Michael Smith

Published on Apr 21, 2023



The following story is completely fictitious and any resemblances to persons living or dead are entirely coincidental. Just as in life, this story contains graphic scenes of love and hate, life and death, joy and sorrow, as well as material that may be offensive to some audiences. If such material makes you feel uncomfortable, then please read no further than this warning.

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Nolan watched as the world above him grew deeper and deeper apart from the world around him. He could only barely make out the forms looking down on him from above the surface of the water. With its blue tint stinging his eyes, and a small trail of red catching his attention only briefly, his confusion was marred by a single cohesive thought.

He was going to die.

It was almost peaceful, the splashing of the water around him, people playing and laughing with their friends. He could hear the dim echoing of metal pipes from the side of the pool as children clamored up the ladder on the side. He could almost briefly hear his name echoing through the water to his motionless body as it finally came to rest on the bottom of the deep end. He let out one last gasp as the water painfully tried to fill his lungs, his body fighting against the intrusion, but there was nothing he could do.

There was no escape, no help on the way, no hope for him. His gaze shifted to some point off in the distance of the seemingly infinite expanse of water. It hurt, his lungs felt betrayed and on fire, he could feel his throat closing up. Even as his vision began to fail him, the darkness began creeping from behind his eyes; he could almost see a starburst of white light and a swirl of bubbles reach out to him.

The bubbles were like some secret magic and they began to take on the form of a familiar face. It reminded him of Dylan. Dylan was always so serious, always so grim. One of his best and only friends, Nolan was going to miss Dylan the most. The last thought that went through his head before the darkness swept his life away was...

"Dylan looked much better when he smiled."

"Nolan," Fiona Applegate said with a light tone in her voice, "this is Pam and Ken Richardson. They are going to be taking care of you for now."

Nolan looked up at the couple from under his mop of black hair. The fresh air of early spring and the noises of the outside world seemed to instantly stagnate as Nolan thought of entering another foster home, but as he looked up, his thoughts brightened a bit. The Richardsons looked like good people, with warm smiles. Pam Richardson was a little plump, but sort of in the way one might think of an older motherly figure. Ken was taller with a bit of a belly, his hair graying and his mustache kept a bit too long over his lips. Both looked down at the small boy with kindness in their eyes.

"Hello there, Nolan. Ms. Applegate has told us a lot about you." Ken said with a bristly smile.

"We hope you like it here." Mrs. Richardson added.

Nolan shyly nodded while still slinking back a bit towards Fiona, the small bag that contained his entire world clutched to his chest protectively.

"He is still a little shy around new people." Fiona explained, selectively leaving out the word stranger, and placing a comforting arm around Nolan's slender shoulder.

Kneeling down to his level and turning the eleven year old boy to face her, Fiona looked into his eyes. It was heartbreaking for her to see the fear in those bright blue eyes. Even as she felt her own tears begin to form, Nolan smiled at her and pulled her in close for a hug, which she gladly accepted. She had learned early on that Nolan was a very physical child with those he trusted and had briefed the Richardson's beforehand about some of his more peculiar habits.

"I'm going to miss you, Nolan," she told him, emphasizing her genuine feeling with a quick squeeze, "but I will be around and stop in from time to time and make sure you are doing okay."

After letting go of the hug and pulling back enough to see his beautiful face, she could see that simple smile he would always give people, but his eyes betrayed his sadness. Collecting her feelings and thoughts, Fiona stood and bid the Richardsons and Nolan a final farewell. As she got into her car, the same car that only ten minutes ago held a very nervous and precious child, she closed her eyes and sighed to herself.

"This never gets any easier."

As the car drove off down the street, Nolan followed it with his eyes as he was led up the path to the Richardson's house. He lost sight of the car as it turned the corner of the next block and was gone. Letting out a long held breath, he slowly made his way up the few stairs to the imposing house in front of him. The front porch was littered with fire wood and a few old chairs that had seen better days, as well as a few balls and a couple bikes.

"I'm sorry the front is such a mess," Ken apologized, "but the boys sometimes forget to clean up after themselves. I know it might not seem like much, but our home is a safe place, and I want you to consider it your home too. I won't promise things will always go smoothly, but I do promise that while you are living in these walls you can be yourself."

"So long as you don't mind a few ground rules, that is." Mrs. Richardson added as they both smiled.

Nolan looked at them both quizzically.

"Rule one is respect." Mr. Richardson began as the three of them moved through the creaky front door into the living room. "Respect for property, respect for feelings, and respect for privacy, both for yourself and others. We don't have a whole lot of room in the house, but we still have enough to take care of a few `strays.'" He said with a smirk. "You are going to be our fourth guest." He added with genuine warmth.

As Nolan entered the somewhat large living room he could see a television screen lighting up with what appeared to be some sort of video game. On the screen two streaming lines of notes seemed to endlessly descend from a background of digital punk rockers and a familiar tune filled the room. Nolan had heard the song before, but had never bothered to ask what it was called. A large couch blocked the view of the game's participants.

"Boys, pause and present yourselves, Nolan is here." Mrs. Richardson said with what sounded like frustrated undertones.

The game stopped, with a guitar rift. Nolan looked past Mr. and Mrs. Richardson to see a set of synchronized heads pop up from behind the couch's back. The two faces belonged to the same boy. After fixing their eyes on Nolan, each boy seemed to mirror the other as a devilish grin spread across their faces. The entire process had a very unnerving effect on Nolan.

"Alright boys, I know that look. You are not to pull any of your tomfoolery on this one for at least a few days." Mrs. Richardson said with authority, placing a protective hand on Nolan's head, "And I mean it this time."

Both boys took on a look of shock and dismay, turning to each other and shrugging their shoulders as if to say `why whatever do you mean.'

"Honestly, when have we ever done anything like that?" one said.

"Yeah, we are nice as can be and always friendly." The other added.

"Especially with fresh meat." They both said in unison, glaring at Nolan with devilish intent.

"See, that is exactly what I am talking about. Now, front and center. Proper introductions are in order, and none of that `but I'm not so-and-so, he's so-and-so' nonsense."

With an audible sigh, both boys slipped down and off the couch and moved around until they were standing in front of Nolan and the Richardson's. They were a good head taller than the eleven year old and both sported the same short brown hair and blue eyes. They looked to be maybe a year or so older than Nolan.

"Nolan, this is Sam and Max." Mr. Richardson said introducing each boy respectively.

Both boys looked up at Mr. Richardson nervously, before shifting their eyes over to Mrs. Richardson, and finally gazing back at each other.

"Actually..." one began.

"... and I know you said..." the other began to finish.

"No nonsense!" Mrs. Richardson warned them both.

Mr. Richardson looked over the boys with an appraising eye for a few moments before bursting into a wide grin.

"I'm just kidding, boys. Jeez, learn to take a joke."

Both boys' jaws dropped a bit dismayed that they had been had. Obviously, they were the ones used to running the cons in the household. Taking advantage of their stunned silence, Mr. Richardson than introduced them to Nolan, who quietly nodded a greeting before shifting his eyes back down to the floor. Mrs. Richardson sensed Nolan's hesitance and suggested she show him to his room.

As she and Nolan passed the boys towards the stairs, Nolan could feel the twins watching him. Mr. Richardson put his hands on the boys' heads and ruffled their hair until each was a unique mess.

"Well, maybe if you leave your hair like that, we can tell you guys apart a little easier. Oh, and did I see a pair of bikes outside? Those might need to find their way to the garage or else they might find their way to the curb in the morning with the trash."

The well executed and subtle hint about their bikes paid off as both boys began to grumble under their breath as they made their way out the door, presumably to put their bikes away.

Mrs. Richardson led Nolan up the creaky stairs and around the banister to the second floor.

"Well, Nolan, right down here at the end is the upstairs bathroom. Right next door to that is where Mr. Richardson and I sleep. Over here, down the hall at the end is Sam and Max's room." As she walked Nolan down the hall, she eventually guided him into a rather large room with two beds. "This will be your room, but you are going to be sharing it with Dylan. He is out right now, but he should be back in time for dinner."

Mrs. Richardson looked down at Nolan, as he took in his new surroundings. She could feel he was uncomfortable and apprehensive. She had been doing this for many years and knew it would pass, more quickly for some than others. She remembered when Sam and Max came and they basically took over, claiming the entire world as their own personal playground, while others, like Nolan, seemed so timid and afraid.

"Well, I will let you get settled for right now. Your bed is right over here, and there is a dresser next to it for your clothing and belongings." She looked down at the small bag, baffled that someone could have so little to call their own.

Nolan looked down at the floor for a good while.

"Thank you, ma'am." The gentle voice floated up like music, as Nolan brought his eyes to meet Mrs. Richardson's sorrowful look.

Pam Richardson was taken back a little by the sound of such a pure voice. She suddenly realized that this was the first time Nolan had spoken since Fiona had dropped him off. He had such a soft and beautiful voice, and looking into his eyes for the first time she was surprised to find how attractive he actually was. She could almost detect some Asian ancestry in his face, and he was clearly one of those beautiful children that seemed to glow with a delicate elegance.

He smiled up at her. She smiled down at him. It took her a few moments to break the trance. She could feel in her heart that he was special.

"Dinner will be in about an hour. If you get done up here, feel free to come down and play with the boys. Like I said before, Dylan should be home in a little while. He plays basketball with some of the neighborhood kids at the park just down the street. Maybe later we can take you on a tour of the neighborhood?"

Nolan just smiled and nodded.

Mrs. Richardson made her way down the stairs, each step creaking wood that assaulted the ears of the twins as they resumed their game of guitar hero. The Xbox had been a sound investment of their allowance from the Richardson's for the chores they did around the house.

"So..." Sam asked after a few minutes of playing.

"He's really cute, isn't he?" Max added.

"Totally." Sam confirmed.

"I wonder..." Max pondered.

"Me too." Sam agreed.

The two twelve year olds continued to play their game as the Richardson's set to work in the kitchen. A half hour or so later the boys continuing to play their game as the smell of delicious food began to fill the entire house.

"Oh, gawd," Max bellowed in mock pain, pausing the game with his controller.

"Enchiladas..." Sam finished, both boys' mouths watering.

"Honestly!" they both cried out, "you're going to kill us with delicious food!"

Sounds of laughter could be heard from the kitchen beyond the living room. Moments later the front door closed with rattling glass, and footsteps came into the living room.

Without looking around, Sam and Max resumed their game, wanting to finish the song before dinner.

"Just in time, Dylan." Sam said.

"We got enchiladas el Richardson tonight." Max added.

"And who is this?" Dylan asked.

Both boys paused their game and turned around to see Nolan sitting in a chair just outside of their original line of sight. Neither twin had heard Nolan come down the creaky staircase or find a spot sitting Indian-style on the old wooden chair. Nolan was looking nervously up at Dylan, who at 5'9" was way taller than the smaller boy. The fright in Nolan's eyes could have been attributed to Dylan's typical smile-free face or the fact that his fourteen year old body was currently shirtless and sweaty, showing off his developing muscles.

"When did you get there?" both boys asked Nolan in unison.

Nolan looked nervously from Sam and Max back to the shirtless Dylan and finally settling his gaze on some unmarked point on the floor.

"Sorry..." Nolan replied meekly from the old chair.

Nolan felt a hand land on his head and ruffle his hair into a tangled mess.

"Don't be sorry, especially to them. They are nothing but trouble on four legs." Dylan comforted as he knelt down next to the seemly oversized chair. "They caused me the biggest headache when I first met them."

Nolan turned his face towards the older boy and gave a weak smile. Satisfied, Dylan stood as Nolan's eyes followed Dylan's, lifting his head to look up in the process.

The older boy was tall and skinny, with a nice toned upper body but without the bulky muscles some people who are in shape have. He wore his light brown hair almost down to his neck and his deep brown eyes seemed to be sizing Nolan up, but not in a menacing way. Even though he was still covered in sweat from playing outside, Nolan couldn't help think that he smelled nice. Of course, that could have been the smell of food in the air.

"I'm Dylan. You must be Nolan." The older boy still didn't smile, but there didn't seem to be any maliciousness in his expression. "I would have been here when you arrived, but we didn't really know when that was going to be, and I had made plans to meet some mates for a pickup game this afternoon." He said matter-of-factly.

After a few moments of silence, the cry for dinner was sounded from the kitchen. The twins seemed to explode from the couch, and Dylan waited for them to pass before offering his hand to Nolan to follow him. Nolan looked down at the older boy's hand for a moment before extending his own to take it. Dylan led him off of the chair and out of the living room into the full kitchen where Mr. and Mrs. Richardson greeted Dylan and Nolan.

After batting away the twins with their plates already at the ready, the Richardson's went on to explain that Nolan, as the newest guest in their house, would get to go first. Sensing his shyness, Dylan led the way, instructing him on how to make the enchiladas. First showing him how to take the warmed soft shells off of the big plate with the tongs, than using the various dishes to place the meat, cheese, veggies, and sour cream on top, and finally how to wrap and fold it so none of the insides got out. Nolan paid attention with great diligence, and was able to mimic Dylan's instructions and example perfectly.

"See," Dylan said, "nothing to it. Even the tweedles over there," pointing to the twins while referencing tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum, "can do it."

"Hey!" they both cried in anger, "we're right here you know!"

"Boys, play nicely." Mr. Richardson absentmindedly chimed in as he poured Nolan some juice.

Nolan followed Dylan and the twins out to the living room where everyone made camp on the floor with their plates. Dylan switched the television to a different frequency to access some strange box called a Roku.

"So," Dylan asked, "you have a favorite movie, Nolan? We can pretty much get anything on this thing, but right now we only have access to what is queued up. If you want we can see if anything looks good?"

Nolan looked at the screen in front of him, baffled by the question. No one had ever really asked him what his favorite movie was, let alone offered him the chance to choose one to watch. He had always just stayed in the background, never being noticed, because it was always safer that way.

After a few moments of staring blankly ahead, the twins broke the silence.

"Is he slow, or what?"

The glare they got from Dylan even made Nolan feel bad for them.

"It's okay... really... I'm just not that used to these sorts of things, I guess..." Nolan timidly explained.

"We're sorry, Nolan." Max spoke up.

"We didn't mean anything by it... we were just kidding." Sam added helpfully.

After allowing a few moments for the apology to sink in, Dylan got an idea.

"How about, Iron Giant?"

The twins seemed to be agreeable to that suggestion, while Nolan just looked up at Dylan quizzically.

"It's a really good movie, won a bunch of awards and stuff; of course you probably don't care too much about that. Basically it is the story of this boy named Hogarth who finds a giant metal eating robot that becomes his best friend. When I was your age, Nolan, it was my favorite movie."

"And when he was our age," the twins added, "it was his favorite movie to crank one..."

The glare returned, cutting short both boys' words.

Nolan wasn't sure what it all meant, but he agreed to the movie, and Dylan set it up and a few moments later it began to play.

"In fact," Dylan added, "I think you will find that you and Hogarth, the kid in the movie, sound kind of alike."

As the movie played, Nolan sat enthralled. Mindlessly eating his food, which tasted like the best thing he had ever had, he was drawn into the story of Hogarth and the Iron Giant. From time to time, Nolan would steal a glance from the television over to Dylan who, like himself, was caught up in the movie. Nolan couldn't help but let his glances linger a little bit, fixing his eyes on Dylan's still exposed chest and stomach. It was as if the body of the older boy seemed to attract his attention, but he wasn't really sure why. He just knew he liked looking at Dylan almost as much as he enjoyed the movie, or the delicious food that seemed to magically disappear from his plate.

As the movie got closer and closer towards the end, Nolan found himself completely immersed into the story. He didn't even notice that he had begun to softly cry and sniffle as the Giant told Hogarth he had to go, and Hogarth had to stay. "No following."

The twins looked at Nolan crying, than looked at each other, but said nothing; having filled their being yelled at quota for the day.

Nolan felt a warm body slide up to him and wrap a protective arm around him, pulling him closely into a sitting hug. He could feel Dylan's naked flesh on his arm and the warmth from his body radiating through Nolan's soft shirt. As the Giant lifted off of the ground to intercept the warhead headed towards the peaceful town where Hogarth lived, Nolan felt tears running down his cheeks.

"I love you." Hogarth said to the Giant as he blasted off high into the sky.

As the Giant faced off against the warhead destined to descend and kill everyone in the town, including the army that had originally tried to kill him, he closed his eyes and imagined he was superman, saving the day.

When the explosion was unleashed, Nolan jerked, but Dylan held him close. Sensing the younger boy's investment into the movie, Dylan was patient as Nolan began to cry at the heartbreaking destruction of the Giant. As the movie began to wrap up, Nolan brightened, seeing the last surviving piece of the Iron Giant make its way from Hogarth's room out into the world where it would eventually reassemble itself, so the Giant would be fixed and whole once more.

As the credits began to roll, Sam and Max got their plates together and took them out to the kitchen where the Richardson's had been eating and talking while the boys watched their movie.

"You okay?" Dylan asked, leaning down close to Nolan's ear.

Nolan just nodded, not having realized Dylan was still there. As he felt the wetness on his cheeks, Dylan brought a finger up to Nolan's face and wiped his tears away.

"I'm sorry; I guess I should have figured a movie like that might be a bit much for you..." Dylan's voice trailed off.

"No... it's okay... really." Nolan replied, "I really liked the movie... I just... sometimes I get... sorry..."

Dylan smiled.

"I cried the first time I saw it too."

Nolan looked up into Dylan's eyes. His heart was beating so fast and it was hard to breathe. The smile was light, like a gentle candle burning before him. He could feel its warmth. It wasn't a smile of happiness or satisfaction, and it was far from the same smile some of the kids gave him when they saw his weakness. It was...

Both boys were broken from their spell as they turned around to the sound of Mrs. Richardson picking up their forgotten plates from the floor.

"I'm so glad to see you boys are getting along." She smiled.

"Yeah," Dylan said, a little unnerved at her sudden presence, "Nolan just got a little too into the movie. I've been there myself..." He added meekly.

Nolan thought that seeing Dylan blush was almost as nice as seeing him smile.

"Well, I was going to say, since you two are getting along so well, and because we still have an hour or two of good solid daylight left, why not take Nolan on a tour of the neighborhood and show him the park?" After a few moments of looking Dylan up and down, she added, "That is, after you get yourself cleaned up, young man."

Looking down at himself, Dylan in all seriousness didn't see anything wrong with going the way he was.

"Honestly..." Mrs. Richardson began, "I will never understand boys and their ability to run around all day, half naked and smelling of basketball. Don't they teach you shame and hygiene at that school of yours?"

After a quick trip up to their bedroom to get changed, Dylan told Nolan he was going to grab a shower really quick and would only be a few minutes. He suggested Nolan change into some clothes that didn't look so nice, since it was always good to be prepared when going to the park... whatever that meant.

"Just some play clothes... you know... stuff you don't mind getting dirty or sweaty or smelly in." Dylan added helpfully. After coming to the conclusion Nolan was drawing a blank, he asked to see what Nolan had for clothes.

Dylan was surprised at the few clothes Nolan had to offer. All together, three pairs of socks, a couple pairs of white briefs, a pair of shorts, a couple white t-shirts, and a light jacket. All this in addition to the collared shirt and pants Nolan was currently sporting.

"Mom!" Dylan yelled, slightly worrying Nolan that he might have done something wrong.

Mrs. Richardson arrived a few moments later with a slightly worried look on her face.

"Who's hurt?" she asked an instinctive question.

"No one is hurt... but still, this is an emergency." Dylan pleaded, waving his hands around at the small display of secondhand garments.

"Okay... I'm waiting for the explanation." Mrs. Richardson stated, obviously not getting the reason she had been summoned to the room.

"This is it." Dylan explained exasperated at Mrs. Richardson's seeming inability to grasp the situation, "This is all Nolan has to wear."

Finally it all sank in, and Mrs. Richardson's face took on the worried and shocked features Dylan had been looking for.

Nolan was lost.

"Oh, my. That will not do." Mrs. Richardson said with conviction.

Looking between Dylan, Mrs. Richardson, and his clothes, Nolan's eyes instinctively dropped to the floor. He must have done something wrong. Something was wrong with his clothes and now he was going to be punished... or worse... made to leave. He couldn't leave. He wasn't allowed.

Sensing Nolan's complete change of posture, Dylan immediately felt bad.

"Nolan, oh shit, I'm sorry." Dylan almost exclaimed, not caring he just swore in front of Mrs. Richardson, "I didn't mean to make you feel bad."

The older boy quickly knelt down in front of Nolan and took both of his shoulders into his hands and tried to look him in the eyes. Dylan could see the tears forming.

"Nolan." Mrs. Richardson said calmly. "Dylan isn't mad at you and you are not in trouble. He was just upset that no one had ever thought to get you proper clothing of your own. He only got upset because he cares about you."

She let her words sink in while Dylan still held on to him. Dylan wasn't completely sure what she was doing, but her words seemed to work. Nolan slowly looked up into Dylan's eyes, and immediately Dylan felt like an ass because he could see the fear and hurt in Nolan's eyes.

"Really?" Nolan asked, holding back his tears with a sniffle, "You... you aren't mad at me?"

If there was a form lower than shit, Dylan felt like that right now.

"Really." Dylan said with conviction in his voice. "Honestly, I'm not really sure if I could ever get mad at you, Nolan."

Nolan looked into Dylan's eyes. He had a serious look on his face and seemed to think for a moment before speaking.

"Why is that?" he asked hesitantly.

"Because," Dylan replied, allowing himself to grin, "You are too damn cute."

With that, Nolan couldn't help but smile and blush.

"And besides," Dylan added, "I like it better when you smile."

That only made Nolan smile all the more.

"So? You forgive me?" Dylan asked.

Nolan just nodded and both boys hugged for a few moments before Dylan let go and stood up.

"You still want to go with Dylan and check out the park?" Mrs. Richardson asked, having become somewhat invisible to the boys while they had their emotional exchange.

Nolan smiled and nodded.

"Alright, well in order for you both to go, why don't you change into those shorts and a t-shirt, okay Nolan? Dylan still needs to take a shower and otherwise make himself less smelly." Mrs. Richardson added the last part with a comical plugging of her nose.

Leaving Nolan to get himself changed, Mrs. Richardson escorted Dylan out into the hall towards the bathroom. Sensing they were far enough away from Nolan, Dylan stopped and turned towards her, obviously a few questions on his mind.

"What the hell just happened back there?" Dylan asked direct and honest as always.

"Dylan," Mrs. Richardson began, "look, you have to understand... Nolan hasn't had it as good as you and the boys." She said, referring to the twins, "His life has been a series of very bad situations and even worse people... people who hurt him... a lot... and in ways you couldn't possibly begin to understand."

She allowed the words to sink in. Dylan was smart and the Richardson's had relied on his ability to reason and see the bigger picture to help them get new kids to adjust to life in a more family oriented setting. A lot of the kids they got were on a more temporary basis, but Dylan and the twins had become a regular part of the Richardson household. The Richardson's did their best to provide a safe space for those in their home, but the honest fact is some of the kids they got were damaged from previous home environments.

"I'm not going to tell you that boy's life story, it isn't my place." She continued, "but, just... be careful with him. Right now he needs protection, he needs friendship, and most importantly... he needs love. Something tells me I can trust you to look out for him."

Dylan could sense this was different. He had "played" big brother to a lot of kids over the few years he had been with the Richardson's, but this was more important. It was more real. He could feel it in his heart and he knew that Nolan was special. He was drawn to the younger boy and didn't know why.

"I promise I will not let him down." He dedicated himself with Mrs. Richardson as his witness.

Mrs. Richardson smiled and leaned in to give him a loving peck on the cheek.

"You're turning into a fine young man, Dylan. I'm very proud to call you my son. Now go shower, you smell like butt."

With that she left to go downstairs, leaving Dylan to clean up quickly.

Next: Chapter 2: Nolan 2

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