Stopped at the Airport

By Jj Rivers

Published on Nov 4, 2017


This is not real its fiction. Please donate to nifty.

This celebrity was asked by so many readers so here it is and i hope you enjoy.

James Corden a married man of two kids. Almost fourty years old. He was on a rush. He had just finished his show and needed to fly out to see his ill aunt. He grabbed his packed carry on, no time for a suitcase and rushed to the airport. He was stopped by fans. Posted for a few pictures. Went through metal detectors all seemed great. Until he was stopped and told to go with the security guard. He didnt know why and didnt know what was going on but he didnt have a choice. Stand over there. I need to body check you for drugs says the guard. Youve got to be kidding me says James laughing. He looks at the guard and hes not laughing. My aunt is ill im rushing to get to her says James. Put your hands begind your head and look straight ahead orders the guard. James rolls his eyes getting angry. He does at the guard says and thats when he slips the little bag into James Cordens bag. He always thought he was somewhat attractive. He was a bigger man but to be honest Joshua (the guard) didnt care about that. He had never cared about someones weight when having sex. His cock was starting to get hard. He went to James and padded him thoroughly. Your clean says the guard. Of course i am says James getting iritated. I just need to check your bag and off you go says the guard. Lets just get this over with says James. The guard checked his bag. A change of clothes, underwear, socks, book, notebook, pen, gum, earplugs, ipod, ipad...

Then the guard pulls out the small bag of drugs planted by the guard. James eyes widnened in shock. He gets up in defense. That is not mine man i swear says James. Shit back down orders the guard. James sits down. If its not yours then whos is it asks the guard? I dont know swears James. Why would i be stupid enough to put drugs in my cary on asks James? I dont know. People think they can get awau with it says the guard. Look man there not mine assures James. I have no choice but to call the cops says the guard matter of factly. Oh come on says James. The guard grabs the phone and is dialing. James takes the phone from the guards hand. There not mine i swear. What can i do to make you believe me asks James pleadingly. They look at each other in the eyes. You want money huh asks James. He about to take his wallet out but the guard stops him. No thats not what i want says the guard. Then what is it asks James with his english accent. Joshua (the guard loves an accent).

Strip and bend over the desk. James looks at the guard in shock and dispelief. Fuck you... Your fucking around with me says James thinking this was a joke. Do i look like im joking asks the guard? If you dont want me to call the cops and have you arrested for drug possession says the guard. The drugs are not mine says James fuming. His face turning red. If you dont calm down im gonna have to call my buddies out there and well have to restrain you til the cops get here says the guard. James was rubbing his face with his hands. Come on man. Anything but that begs James. Its either you drop your pants, let me fuck your ass and you leave. Or i call the cops and let them take care of you says the guard. Call the cops says James, ill take a chance with them says James. Suite yourself... Youll regret that says the guard. Oh yeah... How asks James? Arresting a celebrity for drugs... What will your family think, your coworkers? How will it affect your job asks the guard? James suddenly realized the guard had a point. His family, his job... He worked so hard to get to where he is... He looks at the guard. James could see the boner in the guards pants. He was afraid. And theres something in him that told him to let the guard fuck the shit out of him. James had experimented when his wife wasnt around. He used her small vibrator up his ass and it felt great. A finger or two when he jacked off. But nothing more. He wanted to experiment with dildos but he didnt want to be caught buying them.

Fine agreed James. Now get naked orders the guard. James strips naked. The guard gets naked too. James just stand there confused and scared. Get on your knees orders the guard. James follows the guard instructions. The guard comes dick to face with James and orders the late night talk show host to suck his cock. Suck my cock like the way you like having your cock sucked... And watch your teeths orders the guard. James looks at the cock. He did love having his cock sucked good. And deepthroated. Did he love that. Having another mans dick in his mouth... Not so much. He reluctantly puts it in his mouth and begins to suck it. Thats it... Not bad Corden says the guard... Keep doing it like this... Take more of my cock into your mouth orders the guard. James takes a little bit more of cock into his mouth... His eyes fill with tears. He about to choke... And he does... Oohhh come on... Keep going... You can do better says the guard. James begins sucking faster, not being able to take more then half the guards cock into his mouth. Thats it... Take more of my cock orders the guard. James did so... Being able to take another inch. He was surprised. He looked up to see the guard looking down at him. The guard smiles. I knew you could suck cock says the guard... Now lick my balls orders the guard. James Corden does so. Licking the guards sweaty nuts...

Now suck on them orders the guard... James sucks on the nuts... Now suck my cock again orders the guard. James goes back to sucking the guards cock. James mouth was tired. His jaw was aching... Finally the guard said it was enough. James was really glad. He was told to bend over the desk. He didnt want too. But the guard just looked at him and James decided to follow the guards instructions. He knew he was about to get penetrated. But no... His ass cheeks were pulled apart to expose his nice pink English rosebud. Then he felts something small and wet on his asshole. His eyes flew open in shock. This felt amazing. He turned his head around to see the guards face between his ass cheeks. Fuuckkk moans James in shock. He was loving this rimjon. No one had ever given him one before. He didnt want it to end. He found himself moaning in pleasure and shoving his ass back as the guards tongue began to tongue fuck his arsehole. He couldnt believe he had a tongue up his shitter. And that it felt this great. That he was fucking himself on the guards tongue.

He was now curious as how a real cock would feel up his cock virgin asshole. Yes he had a small vibrator. He wanted to get a dildo a small one to start and if he liked it, slowly graduate to a bigger dildo but no he was gonna get the real thing real soon. He was nervous, scared. Scared of it hurting. Of the guards cock being covered in the Englishmans shit. Scared of actually liking it and not wanting it to stop. Or begging the guard to stop as the pain was too severe. All of these thoughts ran through his head as he was being rimmed... Then he knew he was no longer being rimmed. He knew what would come next. He tried to plead with the guard not to do this, that there must be another way for them to handle this mess. But the guard shook his head no and said you get fucked by me or i call the police. James laid his head down on the desk in shame. His manhood being stolen and theres nothinf he can do to save himself. Dont worry. No one will ever find out about this promises the guard. Unless you start screaming loud as in fucking you and my fellow coworkers come in and decide to join on his fun says the guard. James eyes opened in shock. He couldnt get gangbanged. Spit roasted. He would have to shut and take it like a man. For his fame. For his family. The guard spits on his hand and lubes his cock. Then lubes James nice hole. Remember be quiet says the guard wickedly. James covers his mouth with both his hands. He felt the cock pushing in. He took a deep breath. His eyes grow bigger and bigger as the pain becomes more and more painful and unbearable. Fuckkkkkk groans James... Sssshhhhhh begs the guard. James tries to stop the guard with his hands but the guard holds James hands behind his back. The more you fight it the more painful its gonna be... Relax... Relax your asshole, dont squeeze it like that, your making it more painful on yourself assures the guard. James listened to the guard and tried to relax his asshole. Thats it assures the guard... He had gotten fucked only once buy his longtime boyfriend, but he passed away in a car accident and he had never settled with anyone after. He had been the love of his life and no one else would ever take his place. Nice tight fat ass says the guard happily. The way i like it ads the guard. As his asshole relaxed. It was still very painful. But there was a tiny bit of pleasure too. Such a nice ass compliments the guard. After another five minutes. The pain was gone and James was really liking the guards cock going in and out of his no longer virgin ass.

His six and a half inch cock became harder and harder. He wanted to cum. The guard kept hitting this spot inside him. Over and over and it made him want to cum. He couldnt believe this. The guard couldnt see his hard cock... What was he gonna do. He tried to think of something disgusting but it didnt work. His cock was still hard and fuck... He was moaning. He could hear the guard laughing. You like this dick inside you huh asks the guard while laughing. James just laid there and didnt say a word. Wow... You really are enjoying my dick in your ass says the guard taunting James... The guard begins to pick up the pace, fucking James harder and harder. Deeper and deeper. Faster and faster. James couldnt help but moan... Not groan or scream in pain but moan. Thats it keep moaning begs the guard... You want me to cum inside your ass and breed you huh asks the guard... Nnnoooo... Says James seriously. Your not wearing a condom asks James frightningly? Nah... Dont need one... Im clean. I swear swears the guard. James wanted to push the guard off of him. He couldnt get a sexually transmitted infection... He had a wife and kid. If he caught one, he couldnt tell her. He wouldnt be able to fuck her. No sex... He couldnt go through that thought James. He was trying to fight off the guard. But the guard told him to calm down or he would have to call for backup. And if he did that would mean James would be getting fucked by the other guards. So he calms himself down. Thats it... Keep quiet... Keep taking this cock like a pro encourages the guard. James cock was still rock hard, and leaking precum. He wanted to grab it and jerk it but he knew if he did he would bust a big load. That couldnt happen. He would be even more humiliated... Nice woody says the guard laughing. James body went stiff. His asshole tightening around the guards cock. Thats it squeeze that hole around my dick... Feels even better says the guard. You can jerk that boner of yours f you want says the guard. He laughed to himself not believing that James Corden liked getting fucked up the ass. If you like getting fucked so much i can give you my number after and we can make this a regular things says the guard. Fuck you spits out James. The guard goes back to fucking James hard, fast, and deep. James is groaning and moaning in pleasure. His cock twitching. Wanting release. But he would have to wait til he was alone to cum. He wasnt gonna cum with a cock up his ass. The guard fucked James good for another solid fifteen minutes... Im gonna miss my plane says James trying to get out from under the guard. Sssshhhhh... Ill be done in a minute. Your ass is fucking amazing admits the guard. So fat and tight ads the guard. James was kinda happy about that compliment. And then it happened. He groaned, growled and moaned ffuuuckkkk... Shhhiiitttttt... Fuuuckkiiinnggg sssshhhiiitttt... Im... Cumming moans James as his cock erupted a volcano of cum all over the desk. He hadnt even touched his dick. The guard just kept fucking him and hitting his prostate over and over. The cum just kep coming. He had never cummed this much in his life. He hadnt had sex in months. He hadnt even had time to jerk off in months either. All the pent up frustration came out. His asshole tightning around the guards cock. Ssshhhiiiittttt growls the guard... As he shoots his warm load inside James Corden... Fuuuuckkkking hot moans the guard. I made you cum without touching your dick says the guard. You fucking loved it laughs the guard. James grabs his clothes and get dressed quickly in shame. Hey dont worry man... I wont tell anyone about this says the guard. The guard entered his phone number in James cell phone and handed it back to him. Call me if you want more says the guard. Fuck you... Is all James has to say as he leaves in shame. The guard laughs. He gets dressed and makes sure to keep the video for himself, and delete it off the camera footage. He loved watching himself in action, fucking other male celebrities. He couldnt believe he had fucked James Corden and he had loved it so much he came from me fucking him. Without touching his dick. The guard smiled and went back to work.

James rushed to the flight and made it in te knick of time. He sat down. Still in shock about what had just happened. He looks into his phone and sees the guards number. He is about to delete it but something in him decides the keep it... Just in case.

He wanted to go clean himself up but for some reason he wanted to keep the guards cum into him. He was confused. He had so many questions but he didnt know how to answer them. Could he be bi sexual? He didnt know but he does love fucking pussy and now he loves getting a cock up his ass. Imagine a threeway with him in the middle. He shook his head and looked down to see his cock rock hard.

He excused himself and went to the bathroom. He dropped his pants jerked his cock... Shoved two... Then three fingers up his english ass as he jacked off and came all over his stomach... He looked at his fingers and saw cum. He brought it to his nose and smelled it. He made a face and washed himself before going back to his seat.

Once his landed and got to his aunt it wasnt as bad as they thought it was. She was gonna make a full recovery. He spent the night there and went he was about to head home, before boarding the plane he texted the guard and asked him if he had time this afternoon to fuck him. The guard only replied with YES.

The guard was smiling. David Beckham had come back for more and now James Corden. He laughed and smiled as his dick sprang to life... Ready to fuck James Corden again...

Witch celebrity should be next??

Thanks so much for reading. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Comments and feedbacks are always welcomed. Thanks again for reading.

Next: Chapter 8

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