Stopped at the Airport

By Jj Rivers

Published on Sep 8, 2017


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Chris Pratt had been rushing all day. He and Anna had just announced their seperation. He was rushing to the set on Guardians Of The Galaxy 2. He went trough the metal detectors only to be stopped and brought to a room where he was searched. Why so agitated asks the guard? Im running late, i cant miss my plane says Chris sweating a lot. Me and my wife just broke up, i just need to get away if you understand what i mean says Chris trying to joke. He had been up for almost twenty four hours and needed sleep. No i dont says the guard. Chris swallows. I need to check your bag says the guard. He didnt normally have a carry on but knew he needed a spare change of clothes as he was needed ok set first thing when he arrived. As the guard checked Chris bag he brings out a small bag with white powder. The guard had put it in as before body checking Chris Pratt. Chris eyes bulge out in shock. Thats not mine man. I dont do drugs swears Chris. Then why is it in your bag asks the guard? I... I dont know man. Its not mine swears Chris. I have to call the police says the guard. Chris freaks out. Please man dont begs Chris. Its not mine i sweat swears Chris. I have to follow the rules says the guard. Look what can i do those are not mine swears Chris. Whatever you want man, money? Tickets? Um... A trip... Ummm what asks Chris. The guard smiled inside. He couldnt believe his plan had worked on now three celebrities. Not interested in any of that admits the guard. Uh... Ok... Um... I can bring you to the set of Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 suggests Chris. Not interested in that either says the guard, bitting his lip. Then what man asks Chris? Please, those are not mine i just need to get to work to support my kid says Chris. There is one thing i want but youll never agree says the guard. Whatever will get me out of this situation i will do it Chris pleads. The guard smiles. A chill ran over him. He didnt know what he had just gotten himself into. Get naked orders the guard. Chris is taken aback. What he asks confused? You heard me orders the guard. Chris reluctantly gets naked, exposing his buff chiseled body. The guard was in awe of Chris beautiful body. He remebered Chris was chubby until a few years ago and everybody went crazy for him. Chris thought he was gonna fuck the guard. If thats the case maybe it wouldnt be so bad. But could he get his dick hard he didnt know? He had never fucked a woman in the ass, he wondered what it would feel like. Tighter then pussy? Probably he thought. Get on your knees orders the guard. Chris looks at the guard confused. I said get on your knees and suck my cock orders the guard. Come on man, im not gay says Chris. I dont care, do it or i call the cops says the guard threatingly. Chris hesitates, then realizes he does not have a choice in this matter. Sadly he gets to his knees and comes face to face with the guards seven inch cut cock. He looks up at the guard, pleadingly. Suck it orders the guard. Chris couldnt believe he was gonna suck a dick. But if it was gonna keep him out of jail i guess he didnt have a choice. He started licking the guards dick head. It was wierd. Oh come on its no fucking lolipop says the guard getting angry. Put it in your mouth and suck it orders the guard. Chris takes the cock into his half. Hes soon choking on the cock. Drool all over the guards dick and Chris chin. He didnt like this one bit. But he didnt have a choice. Come on open that mouth orders the guard, Chris finally being able to take half of the guards cock into his virgin mouth. He wanted to gaga, but he knew if he did he would be in even bigger trouble. So he did his best to suck to guards cock. Ten minutes later the guard said it was enough. He thought Chris would get better but he didnt. He wasnt terrible but it wasnt a good blowjob either. Get up orders the guard. Chris follows the guards instructions. Let me lick your ass orders the guard. Chris was surprised. He never had a persons togue in his ass. He didnt know how he feels about it. But knows he has no choice but to follow the guards orders. He bends over the desk and lets the guard shoves his face into his sweaty but clean ass. He surprised himself my groaning in pleasure. Omg moans Chris in shock. Loving the feeling of a tongue up his tight virgin ass. It really did feel great. His cock slowly began to rise. He couldnt believe his cock was getting hard. He hoped and prayed it would go down. He thought of disgusting things and it finally went down. The guards tongue was fucking Chris asshole for almost twenty minutes. The guard making sure it was prepared and well lubed for his cock. When the guard pulled out Chris was sad, surprinsingly. He wondered what was next. He handt cum in month. He needed a good release. He couldnt wait to fuck the guard. He couldnt believe he was looking forward to fucking a guy. Stay like this orders the guard. But Chris dosent. I said bend over the desk. Time to fuck your ass says the guard. Whhhaaa... What... Fuck no says Chris almost yelling. You loved my tongue says the guard. Chris didnt know what to say. I thought id be fucking you says Chris. The guard laughs. No way, i dont bottom says the guard. I dont bottom either almost yells Chris. Keep your voice down, or do you want the other guards to join in asks the guard. Chris froze. He didnt know what to say or what to do. Come on lets go urges the guard. Im not getting fucked man says Chris. Suit yourself says the guard going for the phone. Whhhaa... What are you doing asks Chris? Calling the cops says the guard. Come on man begs Chris. Your not cooperation, i have no choice says the guard. Hes about to dial... Come on man there must be something else you want asks Chris pleadingly. Nope says the guard. Fuck you man says Chris angrily. If you dont calm down, i just have to yell and the other guards are gonna be in here quicker and they wont be as gentle as me promises the guard. Chris looks at the door, thinking of making a run for it, but knew the other guards would catch him... And naked. How would he explain that to everyone. He knew he didnt have a choice. You sick bastard says Chris angrily, before agreeing to get fucked. No one will know about this asks Chris? No one will promises the guard. The guard wasnt out for money or anything like that, he just had a fetish for fucking straight male celebrities. He guard gets behind Chris. He spits on his hand and uses it as lube on his cock and Chris virgin asshole. Itll hurt, but if you scream, theyll come in and join us promises the guard. Chris was scarer. He knew this would hurt. He tried to think of ways he could escape this predictament but he couldnt. He tried everything. He started feeling the guard push his cock into his virgin ass. His eyes grew in shock and pain. Pain shot through his entire body. All he wanted to do was scream. He grabed his shirt and groaned in pain into it. Thats it, not too loud says the guard. So damn tight he ads. Chris wants to scream so bad. The pain is exscrutiating. Ill go slow promises the guard. The others wouldnt. The guys in jail wouldnt says the guard matter of factly. His mouth is wide open about to scream. He grabs his shirt and shoves it in his mouth. The guard hands Chris his jeans. He slams his fist down on this jeans, making less noise as possible. He pops off his shirt and begs the guard to finish already. Hell no, im not rushing this, this ass is too fucking amazing to stop now. Now shut up and take it like a man says the guard with a grinning smile. Tears are filling Chris eyes. He couldnt believe he was in this predictament. Getting his ass fucked to keep him out of jail. Because of a small bag of drugs that are not even his. He didnt even know how it ended up in his bag. Hes trying with all of his might to not scream bloody murder and to not kill the mother fucker that was raping his ass. Uuuummmrrrggghh groans Chris in his shirt. Over and over again... His ass was fucked for a good half hour. He looked at his watch and knew there was very little time to get something to eat and get on his flight. He couldnt miss his flight. His manager would kill him. About ten minutes later the guard groans in pure ecstasy as he fills Chris devirginized asshole and shoots his hot cum inside Chris. He pulled off his shirt. What the fuck man. You came in my ass says Chris angrily. Shut up and clean my cock now orders the guard. You got what you wanted now fuck off says Chris angrily. Chris is getting dressed quickly. The guard grabs his phone, what the fuck are you doing asks Chris? I did what you wanted says Chris. You didnt clean my dick says the guard. Chris looks at the door then the phone. He hears his plane is leaving in fifteen minutes. He reluctantly gets to his knees and cleans off the guards now soft cock. Tasting his own ass juices. It was making him sick. He wanted to throw up. Finally the guard dismissed him. Chris looks at the guard worridly. I wont tell anyone promises the guard. Chris for some reason believed him. He rushed out to his flight, not having time to get something to eat or drink. His ass was burning. His underwear was soaked.

When he was finally able to get to the bathroom, he stripped and cleaned himself off. Shitted out all the cum from his ass. Threw his underwear away. Put on fresh clothes and went back to his seat. His asshole still burning. He couldnt find a way to sit comfortably the whole plane ride...

Witch celebrity should be next??

Thanks so much for reading. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Comments and feedbacks are always welcomed. Thanks again for reading.

Next: Chapter 4

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