Stopped at the Airport

By Jj Rivers

Published on Aug 21, 2017


Celebrities stopped at airport 2

This is not real its fiction. Please donate to nifty so we can keep writing these stories.

Zac Efron was on his way to another movie set. He had packed an overnight bag. And his luggage had already been sent. He passed through metal detectors only to be moved to the side. He was ordered into a room. He sat on the chair and then a guard came in. Whats going on asks Zac confused? Stand up orders the guard. Zac gets up. Go over that table, hand behind your head, legs spread orders the guard. Really asks Zac? But he follows the guards intructions. The guard takes his as his que and sneaks the bag of white powder into Zacs carry on. The guard then pats down Zac, finding nothing. Can i go now asks Zac? Not yet, i need to check your bag says the guard. Really man... Fine says Zac sitting down. The guard opens the bag and begins checking. Clothes, shoes, ipod, headphones, ipad, cellphone, few pieces of jewlery, some candies, a few sports magazines. Then he takes out a small bag of white powder. Zac gets up in defensive that not mine swears Zac. Sit down sir or ill have to call for backup threatens the guard. Zac sits down. Thats not mine man i swear begs Zac. Then what is it doing in your bag asks the guard? I dont know man, i dont know, i dont do drugs swears Zac. I have to call the police i have no choice says the guard. Please man dont do that begs Zac. Itll ruin my carrer, devaste my family. Imagine what they would do to a guy like me in jail says Zac scaredly. He looks at the guard. Please man, help me begs Zac. I have to follow the rules says the guard. Zac started to cry, this cant be happening says Zac. The guard grabs the phone and is about to call the cops but Zac stops him. Please man ill give you whatever you want. Tickets to a game? To a show? Um... A trip says Zac beggingly. Just came back from Cancun dont need a trip says the guard, and bribbing me is another offense says the guard. Please man. Red Sox, Lakers... Whatever man, please dont call the cops, i cant go to jail says Zac. I dont want any tickets says the guard. Then what do you want asks Zac hopeful? Your ass says the guard. Zac looks at the guard in shock, fuck you man yells Zac. If you dont keep quiet ill call the cops says the guard. Fuck you man says Zac angrilly. Look its better i fuck it once then you being in jail and always getting fucked says the guard. Zac knew the guard was right about that but theres no way he was getting fucked ever. Look man theres got to be some other way. Im not gay. I dont take it up the ass says Zac. Whatever else you want ill get promises Zac. Sorry your ass or i call the cops and you go to jail says the guard. And i promise no one will ever find out about this and the bag will be flushed promises the guard. Zac just sits down, shaking. Ill be gentle promise the guard, unlike all the inmates in jail ads the guard. Please dont do this begs Zac. Dont you know who i am asks Zac? He pulled that card a few times he didnt mind doing that. No i dont and to be honest i dont really care says the guard, knowing perfectly well this was Zac Efron. High School Musical, Dirty Grandpa, Baywatch... Zac knew he didnt have a choice. He couldnt go to jail. What would this do to his carrer. Ruin it. He couldnt afford that. Your sick says Zac. Fine then ill just call the cops then says the guard picking up the phone. Zac almost tackled the guard. Fine sick asshole agrees Zac in defeat. The guard smiles a little on the inside knowing hes won yet another celebrity ass. Start undressing orders the guard. Zac reluctantly undresses. The guard cant belive how incredible Zacs body is. Just the slight touch of hair on his chest. Muscled. Stroke til your hard orders the guard while he undresses. Zac closes his eyes and thinks of pretty ladies. Finally getting his dick hard. A nice eight inches. Turn around orders the guard. Zac could see the guards cock. Thank god the cock wasnt like ten inches he thought while turning around. He needed to wax before his new movie. Chest and ass. He had a tiny bit of hair in his crack but thats it. The guard orders Zac to bend down on the desk. The guard spreads Zacs cheeks to expose a tiny little hole clenching shut. The guard shoves his face inside and begins rimming Zac. Zacs eyes bulge out not believing he had a guys tongue up his sweaty ass. It was incredible he couldnt help himself. He moaned in pleasure. Then the tongue darted in and out of his asshole. Shocking him and thrilling him. His dick stayed rock hard, leaking precum. The guard grabs Zacs cock and jerks it off while tongue fucking him. Zac was surprised at how good this all felt and he surprised himself and the guard by cumming his almost one month load all over the desk. The guard backs away. Looks like your gonna like getting fucked says the guard happily. Zac looks distraught. He looks at his mess and the guard. On your knees and suck my cock orders the guard. Zac looks at the guard still in shock at what had just happened. He finally gets to his knees. Dont just look at it suck it orders the guard. How asks Zac? Come on the same way you like getting your dick sucked says the guard. Zac just looked at the dick. He didnt want to suck a mans cock. Sure he loved getting a blowjob but sucking another guy. Disgusting thought Zac. He didnt have any issue with gay people. He didnt mind getting flirted on by guys but sleeping with them no. He grabbed the guards cock and began jerking it off slowly. Im not here to be jerked off... Put it in your mouth orders the guard. And watch your teeths says the guard. Zac experienced bad blowjobs and it wasnt pleasurable at all getting a bad blowjob with teeths. He thought of how he liked sucking cock and began sucking on the tip. Then he slowly took more and more of the cock into his pretty boy mouth. Thats it bitch suck it good begs the guard. He couldnt believe he had almost have of the guards dick into his mouth. Ten minutes later the guard decided it was enough and ordered Zac to spread his legs and to put his chest on the desk. Come on man. Dont do it begs Zac. The guard tells Zac to be quiet or the other guards will come in and fuck him after. Zac looks around nervously. Please man begs Zac trying to save his asshole from this abuse. The guard got closer. Used his spit to lube his cock and Zac tiny little hole. Zac felt the cock tip kiss his virgin asshole. He held his breath. Please he started begging but was cut off by a shooting pain. He grit his teeths. He wanted to scream out so badly. Maybe someone would come in and helo him, save him. Or they would just join in... He covered his mouth with his hand as the cock pushed further into his virgin ass. He clenched his hole shut around the dick invading him, only making it more pleasurable for the guard. Stop begs Zac. Shut up man and take it like a man orders the guard or ill call the cops assures the guard. Zac shakes his head side to side. Tears filling his eyes. His head in his hands, pulling at his hair. His mouth was wide open but no sound came out. He guard was being gentle. Once Zac felt the guards pubes on his dick he knew he had taken the whole dick inside him. He couldnt believe it. He tried the use his hand to stop the guard but the guard only held Zacs hand behing his back. Relax and enjoy says the guard. Fuck off whispers Zac loudly. The guard begins to thrust in and out of Zacs tight as fuck asshole. Zac started beating his hand down on the desk in pain. Then hed cover his mouth with his hand only to hit the desk soon again after in pain. This lasted for a long twenty minutes. Fucking come on man just fucking cum already begs Zac in serious pain. The guard laughs. Ill cum when i want too says the guard. The guard let go of Zacs hand and pushed his face down on the desk and started hammering at Zacs hole. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck... Whispers Zac in pain. It took all of him not to scream bloody murder. Then the guard moans in ecstasy and cums into Zacs hole. Then collapses on top of Zac. They both lie there in shock. In amazment for the guard. Get out of here orders the guard satisfied. You wont call the cops asks Zac? A deal is a deal says the guard getting dressed. Zac heard his plane was leaving soon. He rushed out, cum leaking his asshole into his underwear. He made it to the plane on time. He went straight for the washroom but the hostess told him to take his seat and wait. Zac needed to go now. Finally he took his seat and waited impantiently. Knowing his underwear was full of cum and sticking to his ass. Finally when they were in the air he rushed to the bathroom. He undressed and saw the cum stained underwear. He had to throw them out glad he brought a spair in his carry on. He cleaned his ass. Shitted what was left and looked himself in the mirror. He shook his head in shame and dissapointment. He went back to his seat. Listened to music and tried pretending nothing happened.

Back in the search room the guard made sure to delete the footage but keep a copy for himself. He couldnt wait to find out witch celebrity he would fuck next...

Witch celebrity should be next??

Thanks so much for reading. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Comments and feedbacks are always welcomed. Thanks again for reading.

Next: Chapter 3

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