
By Scott - GLB

Published on Jun 21, 2000


Stop! By Glb - (t/t mast oral)

For a few years now, I've had a fantasy about being able to stop time and do what ever I like! This story is what I would like to happen to myself.

Disclaimer: Don't read this story if you are underage < ;-) > If the idea of teenage boys having sex with one another why are you in a gay newsgroup? This story takes place in a fantasy world, where STD's do not exist. Be careful! Please email me with your comments and suggestions. I enjoy getting the feedback, it motivates me to write more!!!!! Other stories can be found on my website:


I pressed the button on my stop watch and everybody around me froze. "Wicked", I thought to myself. I had found this old stop watch at a car-boot sale. It only cost one euro. I thought it was a bit weird at the time as the old bloke who sold it to me warned me: "Be careful what you do with it. Unexpected things can happen! Enjoy it!" I thought he was just a weirdo. When I got home after the car-boot sale, I was in my room examining what I had bought. I was looking at the watch when my mum shouted that dinner was ready. I pressed a button on the stopwatch and went down to dinner. When I entered the dining room, the rest of my family where just standing there lifeless. I thought that they were playing a joke on me, so I went up to my brother, Joe, and waved my hand in front of his face. No reaction. "Come on Joe!", I shouted. Still no reaction. I went up to the other members of my family, my mum, my dad, my other brother James and my sister Sam, none of them reacted when I pinched them or hit them. "Come on Guys!" Still no reaction. Something funny was going on, but I didn't know what. I decided to just sit on the sofa and watch some TV, until they decided to stop winding me up. I jumped onto the sofa and grabbed the remote control and pressed the power button, nothing happened. Batteries gone, I thought to myself, so I got up and pressed the button on the front, still nothing happened. I checked all the connections, still nothing happened. They are really winding me up I thought. They have even flipped the circuit breaker, but how could they, the time on the video was still displayed. 12:30. Weird? I decided to go back up stairs, ten minutes had passed and I decided to go back downstairs. Everybody was still in exactly the same position they where in when I left them. "Come on Guys! I'm hungry!", I shouted still no reaction. I looked at the video, it still said 12:30. I started to get scared. What was going on? I didn't know. I thought back through my day, and I remembered what the old man at the car-boot sale. He warned me that unexpected things could happen. I went upstairs and grabbed the stopwatch and pressed the button again, I went back downstairs and everybody was busy doing there own thing. They where all moving! I pressed the button and everybody froze again. "Cool!", I thought. "I can freeze time!" I unfroze my family and ate my dinner thinking about what I could do with my 'magic' stopwatch. Before I continue with this story, I think I should introduce myself. I'm Paul, I'm 16, live in Leicester, UK and gay. Well at least I think that I am gay. Over the last few years I have started to come to terms with my sexuality. From a very early age, I can remember being attracted to other boys around me. I knew I was different but I didn't know how. Homosexuality was never discussed in my home, and we didn't learn about it at school. Recently, Queer as Folk was shown on Channel 4. I only caught a little of it while I was flicking through the channels. But the bit I saw gave me an insight, it showed me that guys can love other guys and that it has a name. I know knew that I was different and others where the same as me. I am still deeply in the closet, I said that homosexuality was never discussed at home, but there where comments said when ever somebody who was camp was on the TV. "Queer Bastard.","Fucking Puff" etc. My family where deeply homophobic and I didn't want to tell them. I don't have a boyfriend and am still a virgin. I've not even wanked with another boy. That's gave you an insight into my life and now back on with the story.

-- Know that you know that I am gay, you can guess what I thought about doing with the stopwatch. First thing is that I wanted to see some of my mates dicks. We never showered at school, so we had never seen one another naked. The last time I saw one of my mates naked was about 6 years ago, when we went swimming. I still go swimming, but you know what teenagers are like who are not accustomed to be naked with there mates, they like to hide there package. I always tried to see what they had but to no avail. But know I could have all the fun I liked!

-- "Beep! Beep! Beep!", It was my alarm clock. It read 7:00. Time to get up. What a dream I had last night, I dreamt that I had a stopwatch that could freeze time. It could never happen. I crawled out of bed, ignoring my hardon, I was in a groggy mood, I didn't want to go to school. I glanced around my room and my eyes stopped on a stop watch lying on my desk. I went and grabbed it and pressed the button, I went onto the landing and Joe was there, I was naked so I covered my dick. He was frozen, it works! It wasn't a dream! Cool! I ran back into my room, threw on my clothes and ran downstairs, pushing the stopwatch into my pocket. My mum was standing at the sink, frozen. "Woops!", I thought to myself. I pressed the button and she started to do the washing up again. She turned around and jumped! "How long have you been there Paul?", she asked. "I've just came down", I replied. "I didn't hear you come down. Don't sneak up on me like that!" "Sorry", was my reply. I ate my breakfast contemplating what I would do during the day. "Paul! Phone!", it was my dad. I went and picked up the 'phone. "Hello?" "Morning Paul." It was Steve, my best mate. "Hi Steve, what gets you up so early?" I asked him. "You know that maths homework that is due in today." He said. "Yes, have you not done it?" I asked. "I've done most of it, it was hard! Can you help me on the last two questions?" He asked. "I'll be over in about ten minutes" I put down the phone and said goodbye to my family. I jumped on my bike and rode to Steve's house. During the journey, I pressed the stopwatch button just to ensure that it was working, cars all around me just stopped. Wicked! I pressed the button and they started moving again, without even knowing that they had stopped. I arrived at Steve's house, put my bike against the shed and walked through his dining room, saying hello to his mum, and up the stairs to his room. "Should I try it on Steve?", I thought to myself. I know what he has down there, and I would love to caress it! I went into his room and nobody was there. "Steve?", I shouted. "I'm just in the shower, only be a mo.", I heard Steve shout back. Now was my chance, I wouldn't even have to undress him! I pressed the button on the stopwatch, I looked out of the window to ensure that everything had stopped, it had, and I entered Steve's Bathroom. I couldn't believe what I saw, Steve was standing in the shower holding his dick, obviously wanking. He had a good sized erection which I just wanted to suck. I went up to him and licked the tip of his dick. I was hard by this time and just had to wank of myself. I pulled down my jeans and underwear and started to wank right there in front of Steve. I knew that he couldn't see me, I went faster and faster till I felt my dick tense up. I was cumming. My load flew across the bathroom and landed on the mat in the middle of the room. I cleaned myself up and found a large dollop of cum on the mat, I decided to put it on Steve to see if he would notice it. I quickly hid in the bathroom closet and pressed the button on the stopwatch. What I heard next really shocked me, but it also really pleased me. There was Steve wanking saying, "Paul! Paul! Come on Paul! Make me cum!" Steve was wanking over me. He didn't notice my dollop of cum as he started to cum all over the walls of the shower. The cum quickly disappeared down the hole. Know that I knew that Steve was also gay, and that he fancied me, I had to find a way to let him know that I knew, or get us together someway. But How? I had an idea, I pressed the button on the stopwatch and left my hiding place. I picked up Steve's discarded clothes that where lying on the floor and headed back for his room. I restarted everybody else and waited. Within a matter of minutes, Steve entered his room with a towel around his waist. He didn't know that I knew and he looked somewhat confused when he saw his pile of clothes on the floor of his bedroom, he surely thought that he took them of in the bathroom. "I just need to get dressed", Steve said to me. He was looking hot in just a towel, he had muscles in all the right places and his chest was completely hairless apart from a treasure trail that led from his navel to the marvel that was hidden from view from the towel. I could see the outline of his penis through the towel, it was hardening, I had to make my move. I pressed the button on the stopwatch, and Steve froze, I went up to him and removed the towel. I placed it on his bed. I was right his dick was starting to harden. I resumed my position on his bed and pressed the button again. He soon realised that he had lost his towel and his handing quickly moved to cover his crotch. "How did my towel end up on the bed? I was wearing it a moment ago.", he looked really confused and frightened. He didn't know what was going on. I pressed the button on the stopwatch again and quickly removed my clothes, placing them into a pile with his own. My dick was already at full mast, I closed and locked the door to his bedroom and sat down again. I pressed the button. His face said it all. He was shocked and surprised. I was fully dressed a second ago, and know I am stark naked. "There we go.", I said. "Now we are both naked." "But how?", Steve asked. "I'll explain later, and I know what you where doing in the shower." "I'm sorry, you where never meant to know." "I don't mind.", I said. "I feel the same way about you. You are the object of all of my jack off sessions. I've wanted you for ages, but I didn't want to mention it because you're a really great friend who I didn't want to lose." I stood up and embraced him. "Don't worry, the door is locked.", I said to him. "But how?", he asked. "I will tell you later.", I said. "Let's have some fun." Our lips met and we began a passionate kiss that lasted on and on, kind of like the energiser bunny. ;-) He finally pulled off. "What next?", he asked. I didn't answer, but my mouth started to take a trip around Steve's body. It stopped to admire the beauty of his nipples, evening taking a little suck, which Steve seemed to enjoy. My mouth continued it's travels heading next for Steve's navel. My tongue entered his navel, and started to lick around. "Stop!", Steve said. "You will make me cum!" My mouth continued it's journey finally reaching the main stop. His penis. What a magnificent sight. Just the right size. My mouth quickly engulfed the penis, my tongue quickly explored all the defining features of it. This is the first time that I have given a blowjob, I have never even had one myself. But after reading a lot of stories on the 'net, I knew the basics and Steve enjoyed it. So much so that after about 30 seconds, I felt his dick tense up. He was cumming. I quickly swallowed his load, I had tasted my own semen before, So I knew what to expect. I cleaned the last of the cum off of the mushroom head. "How did you like that?", I asked him. "Where did you learn to do that?", he asked. "From the 'net." I said. "That was fab! Was that your first time that you had given a b/j?" Steve asked. "Yep!" His mouth started to move down my body, quickly engulfing my dick. He tried to replicate my actions, he did a good job and I was quickly cumming into his mouth. -- "Steve, are you ready for school?", I heard somebody shout. Both me and Steve quickly got dressed and headed down the stairs, jumping onto our bikes and rode the short distance to school. The journey was in complete silence, we now understood one another and where going to have a great time. After school that day, Steve came over to my place and I showed him the watch and we each had turns stopping time. We removed clothes from one another and moved things around the room. During the freezing I didn't feel anything, one moment I had my trousers on, the next they where lying on the floor. Over the next few months me and Steve got to know each other in a different light than before. We became even closer than we were before, we became inseparable. We spent all of our spare time exploring each others bodies, even when we didn't have any time to spare, the stopwatch came in handy, meaning that we could have an hour to ourselves without the possibility that anyone would disturb us. During these months, we experimented a lot with the stopwatch and had some interesting encounters and had a lot of fun. It also got us into trouble. But that's another story...

I hope that you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I appreciate all comments, both good and bad. Would you like to read about other adventures with the stopwatch? If so email me:

Next: Chapter 2

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