Stolen Hearts

By ken blackwood

Published on Dec 14, 2004


LEGAL STUFF: If you are under age, don't read this. If it's illegal to be caught with this material where you live, don't read this. This story contains explicit sexual descriptions of tg, ff, mm, mf, group, oral, anal, cum swapping, sex toys, incest, adult/youth, mind control, voyeurism, smoking, drinking and light water sports. If this offends you, do not read this. This story is fictitious and any similarities to real events or people and strictly coincidental. So if you read this and think it's you or someone you know, it isn't. This story, or any portion of it, may not be sold or distributed without permission from the author. Copyright(c)2004. The author may be contacted at email address: ************************************************

This story is divided into chapters (0 - XX). To find a particular place in the story from where you left off, use the FIND function of your web browser and search for the word 'CHAPTER'. If you are using Internet Explorer, select EDIT and then FIND.


We made breakfast as Jamie and Debbie came downstairs into the kitchen. Debbie poured some coffee and took out a notepad as she lit a cigarette and said, "Lets list the old tunes and how we will change who plays what instrument." I said, "I'll tell you how I saw it in my dream." Debbie named a tune and I quickly gave her the changes as she wrote them down. She said, "Cool. Hand me a piece of toast honey." Jamie handed her some toast and Debbie said, "When Toni and Lynn played with us, the sound was so much fuller and the harmony blended better." I said, "The stage show will be better too. I saw that in the dream also."

Dane put our plates on the table and we sat and ate, as Toni and Lynn walked into the house. They were looking at the notes Debbie wrote and smiling, as Jamie made them a plate of breakfast also. We all had some coffee and a cigarette and I said, "There are a few people in my dream that I can't place. Who is Lea?" Debbie said, "Senator Lea Winters, she sat with us when we had dinner at the White House last year." I nodded as I remembered and said, "Who is Jen and Jana?" We all drew a blank on that one and I said, "Who is Brandy Walters?" Dane said, "She was at the White House dinner also and they were talking about her having a chance to become the first female president. She's a governor now and possibly running for office this year on the Democratic ticket. I asked, "Who is Alicia?" Dane said, "One of our first professors in college and you told me that she was treating me like she was my mother." I said, "My brain was so fucked up."

Dane smiled at me and said, "Lets make some music." We went into the music room and Debbie tuned everything on. Toni carried in her guitar and everyone tuned up. Dane said, "Lets go down the entire list. Toni, you and Lynn know the music, or do you need lead sheets?" Toni said, "We're good."

Debbie called off the tunes with the changes and we went from one tune to the next. Damn, did it sound good. A few tunes still needed some work, so Debbie wrote those on a separate list. I suggested we make the changes to one of the tunes that Toni made in my dream and everyone was laughing at me. I said, "Just try it." We changed the chords and stopped after the first chorus. We all were looking at each other so surprised. I said, "Told you it would sound better."

We played all 96 tunes and then stopped for a late lunch. I felt great and was so into the music. I played sax on 8 tunes, blues harp on 10 and sang lead without playing anything on 10. Toni and Dane were getting into trading off on guitar licks and had a blast.

We ate some sandwiches as we talked about the new material and had a beer. I lit a cigarette as Dane put her arm over my shoulder and said, "You holding up okay?" I said, "I feel great. Lets try the new tunes."

We did the singing first with folk guitars and all of us were so excited about it. Toni and Lynn's voices were just like they were in my dream. I gave the orders on the arrangement and they all were laughing at me, but went along with it. We played the first tune and we all knew it was a hit. We worked on each tune until it sounded the best we could make it. At 5 o'clock Dane said, "One more time through the new tunes", as Marty, Janice, and our moms walked into the music room. They sat down on the couches and I clicked off four beats and we started the first new tune. Toni played a slide guitar as Dane played the chords and then ripped a solo just before the singing came in.

We played our asses off, and loved how the new material sounded. After the last tune Marty said, "You want to record them tomorrow? I can have an engineer here first thing in the morning." Debbie said, "Sure. I think they're ready. How's the overall sound?" Janice was smiling and said, "Chris needs to have more comatose dreams. It's better than it's ever been." Dane walked over and put her arms around me and said, "My baby is not going to get hurt again. Period." Debbie took a drag of her cigarette and blew out the smoke saying, "So we just shoot her up with the drugs they used in the hospital." Marty was cracking up as my mom said, "The other bands have been calling and all wanted to stop over. I told them to wait until you get back from Vegas." Dane whispered to her, "Thank you."

We started work on the four tunes that needed work. We changed the arrangements on the parts that sounded weak and did each song again. We watched Marty mouth the word "wow" again, as Dane smiled at me. We got all of the music sounding tight and Debbie said, "Let's call it for today."

Marty and Janice clapped for us and Marty said, "Contract signing time." We all sat on the couches as Toni and Lynn signed their lives away like we did, and then we had to initial all of them. Marty said, "We need a few new group shots for the CD jacket, and after your concert lets schedule time for the videos on the tunes we release as singles. I'm also thinking I want to film your next show and maybe make that into a video. You sound better live now than the other bands sound on a mastered CD." Toni and Lynn gave us all high fives as Janice said, "We'll see ya at the show. Remember you guys are flying out Saturday morning. The travel pack will be here tomorrow. Toni, you need to give me your equipment needs so it's all there at the show ready for you."

I lit a cigarette and lay back into the couch as they were making lists of things. Dane lay back next to me and whispered, "I'm so horny." I said, "We each got a small heart tattoo on our breasts in my dream. You want to get one for real?" She took a drag of her cigarette and said, "Yeah, lets go to the boardwalk and goof around tonight. Hey, anyone interested in going with us to the boardwalk. Chris and I are getting a small tattoo on our boobs."

Debbie said, "Of what? No don't tell me. I know. A taco with hair, a tongue with wings, a wet stain on the chair, a sign that says I'm in heat...." Dane cut her off saying, "We liked yours so much we decide to get the taco with hair. Debbie it looks so good on your ass." Toni and Lynn were cracking up as they never saw us as we really are. Dane said, "Sisterly love" and Jamie said, "We'll go. Toni, you and Lynn have to learn to put up with us so you're going too." I whispered into Dane's ear, "I want to shave our pussies tonight also. It was so hot in my dream." She smiled and whispered back, "I am so wet." We kissed and my whole body went limp.

We got up as my mom put her arm on my shoulder and said, "Don't get a big tattoo. Small. Think small for a change." Dane was giggling and said, "I know what we want. Relax." Everyone left and Debbie buzzed John in the servant's quarters to get the limo for us. We went outside and waited by the front door, as the car pulled around for us.

We piled in the limo and Dane poured us each a glass of cold wine that John put in the car and we toasted to Toni and Lynn. Debbie buzzed John in the front and said, "Take us to the boardwalk. We're going slumming for a while tonight." We watched John pull out of our driveway and the electronic gates close behind us as we drove off.

I lit a cigarette as we drove down the crowded boulevard. Toni and Lynn were looking at people through the windows and Dane said, "They can't see in. Watch." She pulled up her shirt and pressed her boobs against the glass. We were all laughing as people were walking right next to the car and no one even looked at her. I hit the window down button and moved it about a half inch and Dane screamed, "What are you nuts!" We were all howling, as John turned into the street that led to the boardwalk. Dane kissed me so hard and said, "Baby, you really got brain fried in the hospital. Can you imagine the pictures in the press over that one?"

John pulled up to the boardwalk entrance stairs and we got out of the car as Debbie said, "Figure at least an hour and a half. We'll call you on the cell." We walked up the wood stairs and we were already asked to sign an autograph. We signed as we walked and looked at the shops. I pulled us into a drug store and I got us a shaving kit to cut our pussy hair. Jamie was cracking up and said, "Get two." Toni said, "Make that three."

We walked down the boardwalk with our sunglasses on and found the tattoo shop. Dane took my hand and walked me inside as we all looked at the samples on the walls. I pointed to a small heart and Dane said, "I love it." We talked to the artist and I said, "Can you put one on our breasts that says inside it, "Stolen Hearts?" He said, "Sure. Who's first?" We walked into the backroom as the others were watching us. I took off my shirt sitting in the reclined chair and the artist said, "First, where do you want it?" I had Dane lay on top of me and I put my finger on a spot that they would touch on both of us as everyone was cracking up and I said, "Here." Dane said into my mind, "Chris, I want to suck your nipple so bad right now." I said back to her in her mind, "This feels so good like this. Don't move."

The artist pulled Dane off of me and everyone was laughing even harder as she said, "Can we stay like this for a while? Go take a smoke break or something." He drew the tattoo and then the writing and everyone was looking at it. They all gave me the thumbs up and I said, "Lets do it."

This hurt like a mother, but it only took about 10 minutes. Then he did the same thing to Dane and she squeezed my hand so hard as she got the needles. When he finished Dane said, "Damn, what I won't do for love." Debbie sat down and said, "Two more times with the same thing." We were standing with our shirts off watching Debbie and Jamie get the same treatment, and then Toni and Lynn. We all were cracking up at Lynn who is deathly afraid of pain. She screamed like a little kid. Dane said, "Hey Lynn, we're doing some S&M stuff later. You interested?" The artist laughed so hard he dropped the tool and had to get out a new sterilized one as Lynn was crying.

We all hugged Lynn when she was finished and Toni was crying she laughed so hard. We put on a small piece of gauze over our new artwork, and then put our shirts back on. Dane fixed all of our makeup for us and we walked on the boardwalk. Even with the sunglasses on we got mobbed for autographs and a few pictures. I said, "Lets eat in the club and listen to the local bands." We walked to the outdoor bar and nightclub, and got a table. The manager was looking at us and before he said anything Dane said, "We just look like them." He smiled and walked away, as Toni was cracking up again.

We ordered some seafood and a round of drinks as some little kids came up and asked for our autographs. I said, "Who should I make it out too?" The boy said, "To Robert. That's my dad. He was just too shy to come ask you." The kid pointed to the table and we waved as I wrote, "To the shy dad named Robert, your son stole our hearts."

We ate and joked around. I said into Dane's mind, "I'm going to try something. Don't let on it's me. I'm going to use my mind to make the waiter think his cock is being rubbed." Dane chocked on her drink and was laughing her ass off as she read my mind. I concentrated and did what I did in the dream as we watched the waiter getting aroused. He definitely had a hard on and Dane was laughing with her hand over her mouth. I kept going and was really pouring it on. He bent over and ran into the kitchen and I smiled as Dane said, "No shit!"

Dane did it to a woman sitting alone at a table and made it feel like her clit was being rubbed. She kept going until the woman had a screaming orgasm. I lost it and was laughing my ass off. Debbie said, "What in the fuck are you two up too?" I said, "I'll tell you, but this secret stays with us only, and I mean it. I want everyone to promise." They all promised and I said, "You remember when I could move things with my mind, and we thought it was because of the head injury? Well it's not from that. We all can do it. I showed Dane how to do it and also we can read minds. Dane just made that woman have a full blown orgasm."

Dane said, "I swear. We'll do it to each of you for a minute. Chris, you do Jamie and then Lynn. I'll do Debbie and then Toni." We both started and watched Debbie and Jamie lean back in their chairs and half close their eyes. They held hands and Jamie put her hand on her breast and was rubbing her nipple and I said, "I think we proved it." Jamie realized what she was doing and blushed as we did Lynn and Toni." They were even worse and we all cracked up as Toni gave Lynn a wet kiss and held her hand.

We stopped and Lynn said really loud, "Don't stop! Oh, shit that was good!" Debbie was howling and said, "Teach us too." Dane started with Debbie and I started with Jamie. We talked into their minds and then showed them how to talk into our minds. Then we showed then how to move the salt and pepper shakers. Then we did the same thing with Toni and Lynn. I tried a few other things while they were talking. I put my hand on the table and concentrated on making my finger get an inch longer. It was easy and then I put it back.

Lynn had a cut on her arm and I said, "What's under the band-aid?" She said, "A scrape. Why?" I said, "I have no idea if this will work, but let me try something. Take off the band-aid." It was a scab and I put my hand over it and concentrated on healing like I remembered. We watched her scab go away and everyone looked at me funny. I said, "All of you can do it. It's just knowing how. I learned it in the dream." We spent the next hour teaching each other how to heal and it felt so good as someone healed you. I also showed them the finger trick and I said, "I think I'm going to try it with my tongue later."

I said, "Debbie, write down something on your paper place mat, but don't let me see it. Cover it with another place mat or something heavier." She did it as I faced the other direction. I concentrated on seeing it and I said, "Chris is weird but we love her." Debbie moved the other place mates and everyone read it. I said, "This makes high stakes baccarat really easy." They were all laughing and I showed Dane how to do it first, as Debbie called John and told him we were going to stay a while and to get some dinner. We showed everyone and then Dane healed my tattoo and I healed hers. The swelling and pain went away and they looked great. We both made our breasts a little bigger and the nipples larger. Debbie was hysterically laughing, and then they did the same thing.

We order another round of drinks as the first band was coming on stage and they all recognized us. We heard the lead singer saying, "We were going to play a few Stolen Hearts songs, but I'm not so sure how that would go over. They may get pissed." Debbie walked over to them and said, "Play anything you want. We'd be flattered if you did some of our tunes."

Debbie sat down and I said, "Since when did you get nice?" Everyone was laughing as Debbie said, "Fuck you! I am fucking nice!" We laughed even harder. We all drank and ordered another round as the place was now packed and the band started their first song. They sounded okay and we were getting routy. They started on of our songs and we all got up and danced in front of the band, just like we do on stage. They we started singing the words and the lead singer brought a mic out to us and we all sang the song. We were trashed but it was on key. A guy standing next to us said, "You sound pretty good. You even look a little like Dane." Debbie almost pissed in her pants as we danced to good old fashion rock and roll.

John walked up to us and said, "What a piss. Stolen Hearts is finally having some fun. I'll be in the limo when you're ready." The guy standing next to us looked at us again and was laughing. He blushed and said, "I'm so sorry." I said, "It was good for a laugh. What are you drinking?" We bought him and his girl friend a drink and then went back to sit at our table and ordered another round.

We got trashed. Jamie made a guy cum in his pants and we all were betting on how long it would take. Debbie timed it and acted as the blow by blow announcer as we watched. My sides hurt from laughing. Then we goofed on the next band for a while. They really sucked and we kept using our minds to make more wrong notes and off drum beats. Debbie was turning the volume knob on the guitar up and down as they played and we howled. The manager was bringing us drinks after a while when he realized who we were. When the band took a break we sang one of our new tunes at the table and everyone was clapping for us. Debbie yelled, "Come see us in Vegas Saturday", and then slumped into the chair. We woke her up and she said, "I'm cool. Just a little tired." I said, "Lets hit the road."

We all staggered to the boardwalk and were laughing the whole way back to the limo. John saw us and ran to help us down the stairs and into the car. We were so out of control.

We got home and all of us flopped on the couches in the den and were so dizzy. Dane said, "Damn it Chris, would you stop moving the room with your mind." I couldn't stop laughing and Dane realized it was her that was moving. I kissed her and said, "I want to eat your pussy until you scream." We took off our cloths and lay on the couch on our sides in a 69 position as Dane announced, "Don't look at us. We're going to fuck."

I ate Dane's pussy and licked her clit while she did mine, for almost two hours. I made my tongue into a long and wide wiggling machine in her pussy hole and I swallowed so much thick pussy cum I felt full. I orgasmed four times, and Dane was a non-stop river. She was shaking and spasming every ten minutes.

We moved to lie together kissing and Dane was wild. She said, "Oh baby, I want our dildo to fuck. I need it so bad." I got up and went upstairs to get our double dildo and came back down to the couch. Dane looked at me and smiled as I put it in my pussy and lay on top of her. She put the other end into her pussy and we fucked. Toni was sitting on Lynn's face, and Debbie and Jamie were lying cuddled and kissing.

Dane and I fucked with the dildo for almost an hour and we were so into each other. We kissed and then told each other how we felt directly into each other's mind. It was sexy, erotic, and romantic. I felt closer to her tonight than I ever did, and I was so in love with her. We both had another screaming orgasm and then stopped. I lay on my side next to Dane and she smiled at me and said, "Baby, I would do anything for you." I lit a cigarette and took a deep drag, and another. I handed the cigarette to Dane and she caressed my face moving my hair off of it. I held her hand to my face and we both felt the electricity going through us. I wanted to make love to her all night.

We shared the cigarette and I said into her mind. "What would you do if I had a cock too?" She smiled and said, "I'd suck it and swallow every drop of cum." I took a drag and handed the cigarette back to her and said into her mind, "Watch in my mind, in case this works."

I concentrated on making a penis like I had in my dream. Dane was laughing at me and I lost my concentration and I said, "Come on. Play along with me." I started again and I really felt something happening. Dane said, "Holy shit. Look!" I looked at my pussy and I had a very small penis about the size of my nipple just over the top of my clit. I concentrated on making it bigger and it was now a huge cock. Dane rubbed it and I was as hard as a rock. I said, "Suck or fuck?" She kissed me and pulled me into her and my cock slid straight into her wet pussy. We fucked for about 20 minuets and then I felt like I was going to cum. Dane moved to suck me and my cock pulsated and blasted a stream into her mouth. She gobbled it down and sucked more until I was dry. I concentrated on it again and made it go away. I said, "Your turn."

Dane was concentrating and I saw it happen. It was so weird. It looked like a pimple popped out. She made it bigger and I sat on her shaft and rode the monster like a horse. Dane was moaning loud and I was so into it. I leaned forward and we kissed as she was bucking up into me. I got off of her and sucked her cock into my mouth as she said, "I'm cumming baby. Oh God, does this feel good." He cock spasmed and contracted and then shot a huge wad of warm goo into my mouth. I swished it around her shaft and licked as it squirt out more cum, over and over again. I held it all in my mouth and then kissed Dane with my mouth wide open. She went wild on me as we swished it in our mouths and then swallowed.

She concentrated and made the cock shrink to a size of a nipple again as some of the cum inside the shaft ran out. I licked it up and she smiled as she made the cock go way to nothing. I lay on her and we kissed and kissed, as everyone was sound asleep. Dane lit a cigarette and said, "Chris, no one will ever believe this. That was so amazing. I can't believe that I just fucked you with a real cock. This has to be illegal." I was giggling and said, "Why illegal?" She said, "Because anything that feels this good and is free, is usually against the law." I kissed her again and my pussy was dripping wet. Dane touched my clit and I had an instant orgasm. She held me tight until I stopped shaking and then kissed me again. We took a final drag of the cigarette and I put it out. I lay my head on the couch pillow next to Dane's, pulled up a throw blanket on the base of the couch, and we closed our eyes. We were out cold in seconds.

I woke up to Debbie saying softly, "wake up sleepy head", and feeling Dane's breasts pressing against mine. I kissed her to wake her up and she wrapped her arms around me and we kissed with such passion. We looked into each other's eyes and both started to laugh. She said, "I'm not saying a thing. Lets hit the shower."


We finished breakfast and were having coffee and cigarette talking about last night. I said, "Remember, this stays our secret." Everyone agreed and then we were laughing about some of the things we did last night. The chime from the front gate rang and Jamie pressed the intercom and said, "Who is it?" It was the recording engineers so she pressed the button to open the gate. They came into the house and Jean said, "Hi Chris. How you feeling?" I said, "great" as Bob said, "We'll uncover the boards and set up. Give us about 30 minutes to set up and test everything. You ever get the new release of Pro tools?" Debbie said, "Yeah, the disks are on the console. You guys can install it if you want." Bob waved as they walked into the music room.

Debbie sat with a note pad and a pencil as she lit a cigarette and said, "Song order for recording. Lets do them in an order so we don't have to change instruments all the time." We made the list and then made a list of the order we wanted them on the finished CD. The phone rang and I pressed the speaker button and said, "Hello." We all heard Marty say, "Hi guys. I found out about the songs you gave me Chris. You can record them and use them in concerts and whatever we want. They are all standard publishing fees." I said, "Thanks Marty. We'll let you know if we decide to do it." She said, "You see today's paper? You guys are in the society page dancing at a club last night. You have fun?" Dane said, "And then some. We were trashed." She was laughing and hung up.

We had some more coffee and Dane and I lit cigarettes. I said, "Debbie, it's not polite to read peoples minds." She was laughing and said, "How did you know?" I said, "You can tell." Dane did it to her and she said, "Oh yeah. How weird. It felt like something warm went through my mind." Everyone was trying it and I started to laugh. I said, "Our new name should be the space cadets from Orion Drive."

We all went into the music studio and watched the engineers work through the glass windows in the master console room. Jean came out and was setting up the acoustic partitions and mics on the amps and drums, as Bob was doing a sound check for all of the frequencies using a tone generator. I said, "We have two new members of the group, so we need 6 vocal mics now and two extra mics for amps. Toni will be playing through that 65 Super Reverb, and we alternate for other stuff. We need to mic the 59 Bassman for a blues harp and the Roland for the Sax." Jean said, "I can't wait to hear your new material. Marty said the sound is killer."

I finished my cigarette as Bob said, "We're ready for a level set." We all got up and played a few things as Jean pointed to each of us and with me she pointed to each mic on the drums. Debbie handed Jean a copy of the order list and we were all set. Bob talked to us in the headsets and set the levels, and then said, "Lets make some real good music. When enough is too much. Take 1. Rolling." I counted to four in my head and then clicked the sticks and we came in with the music. The music sounded so good. Dane sang a guide track for the vocals so we could keep our place in the song and then we ended it. We all got up and listened to a rough play back through the studio monitors and Bob said, "The recording is excellent. Lets put down the vocals and they you can listen to all of it together."

We put on our headsets again and stood by the six vocal mics in a portioned off area like a booth. We all sang a few lines together and they set the levels and also gave us a little reverb to hear the voices blend better. Bob gave us the cue as he started the recording and we listened to Dane's guide track and the music as we sang the song. Damn did it sound good. We were smiling at each other as we sang a six part harmony chorus.

Toni sang lead in the second verse and her voice was unreal. We all loved it. By the end of the song we knew this was a masterpiece. We finished the last vocal lines and Dane held up her hands until Bob stopped the recording. We took off the headsets again and went into the control booth and did the trial mix. Bob was a great engineer and after having worked with us on the other CDs he knew exactly how we like everything to sound. I brightened up the vocals a little and they all nodded their heads as we listened to short bits to get the levels right. Bob said, "Have a seat. Wha-la, ala-ka-zam." He pressed play and it was like magic. We listened and this was perfect. Lynn's blues harp was incredible, so were the guitar solos. We were all smiling and Bob said, "This is dynamite. Plus it's so catchy. I love the tune. Dane, you like it or want to do another take?" We all agreed it was a keeper.

We finished seven songs and took a lunch break and then worked on the other eight. There were two that we added some things too, and also took things away from. We killed the guitars and keys in the opening verse of one song and it sounded so cool. We did a mix and Bob said, "I have it all on these disks. Feel like doing the master tonight? It's only 4 o'clock." Dane said, "Lets do it. We'll meet you at the mastering studio."

Debbie buzzed John and her brought around the limo to the front door. We got into the limo and Dane buzzed John in the front seat and thanked him for the cold wine and told him the address. We all had a glass of wine as we watched the gates close behind us. Dane said into my mind, "I can't wait until we go to bed tonight." I said back, "Me too. That was so wild." She leaned over and kissed me and we got carried away. Debbie said, "Hey, knock this shit off. We're working." Jamie was laughing and said, "Chill out baby. Give me a kiss too."

Dane and I were so into each other, kissing, and holding each other. She put her hand on my breast and pinched my nipple as I moaned into her mouth while we kissed. We starred into each other's eyes and then I lit a cigarette. I took a drag and Dane took the cigarette out of my lips and put it in hers. She inhaled and blew out the smoke as we looked at the trees going by through the window. We shared the cigarette and talked in our minds about having steamy sex. I was so wet when Dame was telling me in detail how she licked my pussy last night. We saw the building and John turned into the parking lot. Dane touched my crotch and smiled as it was soaking wet. Hers was soaking wet too.

We all got out of the car and I said, "John, we will be at least 5 hours. Feel free to leave and come back. Just leave the cell phone on." We went into the building and the old security guard said, "Hi guys, studio 3." We waved and walked upstairs to the mastering studios.

We went into studio 3 and Bob and Jean already had everything set up for us. We sat at a console in high back chairs and he said, "Let me edit out the intros and ending spaces. Then we can start." It took him less than 10 minutes and he said, "Okay. It's your show."

Dane worked the console and she reset all of the levels starting with just the kick drum and bass guitar. Then she added the whole drum kit, guitars and other pieces, and slowly brought in the vocals. We all set the EQs, compressors, gates, enhancers, and effects. We had the levels fully automated on the first tune and Dane pressed save as we listened to it again through multiple speaker systems, switching off every ten seconds or so. Dane said, "One more time through normal house hold stereo speakers." She pressed play and we all listened on a low level and it sounded good. They she raised the level to loud and we listened through the good speakers. Damn, did this sound great. The song ended and Dane said, "Opinions?" Bob was smiling and said, "You have to be kidding. It's a fucking Rembrandt."

We all agreed and transferred it to a mastering DAT. We did each song and they all sounded unbelievable. Bob took the mastering DAT and put the songs in the right order and added the spacing between them. He said, "Let me burn you a copy to listen to." He ran the high speed burn and we put the CD in a CD player and pressed play. It sounded better than any of our other CDs. Dane stopped the CD and ejected it, and said, "Bob, Jean, you guys were great. Thanks again. This is a wrap. Send it for production. We still need the art work." Bob said, "Marty wants you guys in for pictures in the morning if you have time. Just go to the film studios." Debbie called John on the cell and said, "Wake up sleepy head. We're done." We could hear him laughing in the cell phone as we walked outside.

Dane said, "John, put this CD in and tell us honestly what you think. Hit the switch for the back speakers also." He put it in the stereo and it sounded so good. We were all moving to the music as he drove. I lit a cigarette and leaned back in the seat and took a deep drag. I blew out the smoke as Dane said, "This is really good." We listened to 8 tunes and pulled in our driveway. John popped the CD out and lowered the glass partition. Dane said, "So what did you think?" He stopped by the front door and said, "Eh? Who's the band?"

We all were laughing as Debbie said, "Okay, for that comment you have to dress like a little girl for a week." John was laughing and said, "It's your best ever. But I'm sure you all know that already." We said goodnight as we got out of the car and he handed us the CD.

We went inside and Dane and I ran to the bedroom as Debbie was laughing at us run up the stairs. We undressed, and then the magic really started. We talked to each other in our minds as we kissed and it was so unreal. We lay in the bed and I licked and sucked Dane's nipples as she was moaning so loud. We caressed each other all over, and I was on fire. We rubbed each other's clit and we both had an orgasm in only a few minutes. I moved to eat Danes pussy and she held my legs open as I lay on my side, and she put her mouth over my clit and sucked. We drove each other nuts as we tongue fucked each other. I made my tongue longer again and wiggled it into her pussy hole, and Dane was now doing the same thing to me. I must have orgasmed seven times and then my pussy wouldn't stop throbbing. I sucked in a mouthful of pussy cum from Dane and sat up and kissed her.

We rolled around holding each other as our breasts pressed together. I was melting inside. I said, "You feel like getting fucked?" She kissed me so hard as we both concentrated and made the small penis that looked like a nipple pop out. We both made them bigger and I was as hard as a steel javelin. Dane spread her legs and I pushed my shaft into her as her hardon was pressed against my stomach. God, did this feel hot. I fucked her for about 10 minutes, and then we changed and she fucked me. We changed again and again, and each time we both had multiple orgasms.

I was fucking her on our sides and I felt the cum starting. I pushed into her deep and Dane held me so tight as my cock pulsated in her pussy and blasted warm cum into her wet cunt. My knees went weak as my cock squirted twelve more times and I kept on going. I made my cock stay hard and Dane was screaming in an orgasm. We changed again after about ten minuets and she slid her shaft into me three times and blasted her cum into my pussy. We kissed and I told her in her mind to stay hard. Dane fucked me like a wild rabbit for another twenty minutes.

We lay on our sides in a 69 position, and sucked each other's cock like they were popsicles. I was bobbing my head up and down on her and she was doing the same to me as we moaned in to each other's mind. I slid three fingers into Danes pussy and she bucked up into me and I worked in a fourth finger as she moaned so loud onto my cock. I felt her fingering me now too and I was on fire. I was bobbing my head up and down faster and pushed my thumb into her pussy also and then pushed my hand inside of her. I was in up to my wrist and Dane was shaking all over having another orgasm.

I moved slowly and fist fucked her and then opened my hand inside of her and wiggled my fingers. Dane lifted her head off of my cock and moaned, "Oh baby, That feels so good. Oh god! Don't stop! I'm, cumming again. Oh! Oh OOOOOHHHHHHH!" Dane sucked my cock with a vengeance as her pussy orgasmed again and I sucked her cock. I moved my other had to rub her shaft, as I moved my mouth to just cover the tip of her shaft. I rubbed her fast and Dane bucked into me and then relaxed as she blasted a fire hose full of cum into my mouth. Her pussy was orgasming again too as her cock squirt into my mouth while I sucked and swallowed. I moved my hand in her pussy to pull it out slowly as Dane was moaning softly and moving again on my cock. She pushed her entire hand into my pussy and I went wild. She fucked my cunt with her hand and I had one orgasm after the other which were running together as the twitching and contractions didn't stop. My cock was ready to explode as I pushed forward. Dane deep throated me and I let loose. I shot a stream of warm cum into her throat and she made an "mmmmmm" sound as she swallowed and moved her hand out of my pussy. She sucked me dry and then pulled me up to kiss her. I was like a Gumby doll and so was she. We collapsed on the pillow kissing.

We both started to laugh and I said, "Holy Shit." Dane lit a cigarette as we both made our cocks small like a nipple, and then go away. Dane took a drag of the cigarette and said, "No one will ever believe us." I said, "You cares and why tell anyone? Honey, this is outrageous." I took a drag of the cigarette and was still like Gumby. I said, "My arms and legs feel like wet noodles." She flopped her arm over my shoulder and said, "Me too." We shared the cigarette and fell sound asleep.

I woke up feeling warm lips pressing against mine and I kissed Dane so hard as she slipped her tongue into my mouth. She was rubbing my clit softly and I reached between her legs and rubbed her clit. We caressed each other and both had an orgasm in a few minutes. We fell back to sleep with our faces touching.

I woke to feeling the bed shaking. The sun was shining through the windows and I looked to see Dane rubbing her clit in her sleep. I put my head on the pillow watching her and I was getting so hot. I rubbed my clit as I watched and read her mind. I was in her fantasy and it was unreal. She was dreaming of me eating her pussy and I watched her fantasy as I rubbed my clit fast. We both orgasmed at the same time and I rolled over on her and kissed her. She said, "Wow." I said, "Yup. Wow is about right. Lets take a shower."

We did our morning routine and were playing around brushing our teeth picking out pubic hair. I said, "Lets shave now. We have everything right here." Dane said, "Okay. You first."

I sat on the counter top and Dane used and electric razor to cut it short. Then she wet my hair and put shaving cream all over it and shaved me real slow. She washed me off and said, "Damn, am I getting hot." She put her face in my pussy and licked me so good. She kept going on my clit for about 15 minutes until I orgasmed. She sucked up my cum and then kissed me, and helped me off the counter. Dane sat on the counter and I shaved her with the electric razor and was singing the Barber of Seville. Dane said, "Cut it out. Don't fuck this up." I kept singing and wet her hair, put on the shaving cream and then shaved her as she closed her eyes. It thought she was going to shit when I finished and said, "Oops. I'll heal it." She jumped up and looked and I just smiled, got on my knees and licked her pussy while she was standing up. She only lasted about 3 minutes until she creamed in my mouth.

We kissed while we took a shower, and then finished our morning routine. We went downstairs for breakfast and Toni and Lynn were sitting at the table laughing. I said, "What's so funny?" Toni said, "We figured out how to make a cock on each of us. It's so weird." Dane said, "We did too. It's wild isn't it? Try getting fist fucked while you get a blowjob. It's unfucking believable." Lynn was laughing and said, "Yup. We did that too. You fuck each other in the ass yet?" Dane said, "That's on tonight's menu." We were all laughing when Debbie and Jamie came into the kitchen and we had almost the exact same conversation with them.

I said, "We don't tell anyone. Agree?" They all agreed as I made us all eggs, potatoes, bacon, and toast. Dane made the coffee and said, "When is Deyse coming back. This cooking ourselves sucks." Debbie said, "She should be back when we get home from Vegas. She's been in Brazil visiting her relatives for two weeks already. Lets hope she comes back."

We all ate breakfast and had some coffee talking about the details of what we each tried. Jamie said, "It looks like a pimple and then you just make it grow. It's so weird." Dane said, "I love to swallow Chris's cum. Ummmmmmm." We all were laughing as she licked her lips. I poured everyone more coffee and we all lit cigarettes. I checked the time and said, "We can get going anytime. They're already shooting in that studio." I sat down and Dane put her arm over my shoulder and said, "Honey, you have the sexiest 12 inch hard cock." Everyone was laughing and I said, "If anyone ever heard us they'd have us committed." I took a drag of the cigarette and a sip of my coffee as Dane was still smiling at me. She leaned over and kissed me and said, "I am so addicted to you. Damn girl friend. I want to fuck again."

Debbie buzzed John and said, "We need to go get pictures." He said into the intercom, "Be right there." We walked out the front door and the limo pulled up. We got in and John had some coffee waiting for us. Dane gave him the address and we were off. We pulled through the gates and there was a crowd on the street again. Debbie said, "They stay here all night for a chance to see us. This is so insane." She rolled down the window and we all waved, as the people were screaming. We rolled up the window and Debbie shook her head saying, "Idiots. We're just rock and roll musicians. Not Gods." I said, "With the new CD that may change too."

We all had another cigarette as we drank the coffee and watched the people on the city streets. John pulled up to the film studios and there was a crowd outside as usual. He held the door for us to get out and held back the crowd back so we could get in the entrance. He waved and went back into the car to wait. I said, "He really takes care of us."

We walked to the security guard and he said, "Hi guys. They are expecting you in the photo lounge." We walked to the back into the photo lounge and the receptionist said, "Chris, you're shooting a new cover and group right?" I nodded and she buzzed someone and said, "They're here." A group of photographers came to get us and walked us in the warehouse sized filming area to a set and said, "Group shots. What look do you want?" I said, "Sexy."

They smiled and one pressed an intercom button and said, "Send wardrobe in here." A woman walked in and the photographer said, "Sexy." We went with her and looked at so many sexy outfits. Dane and I fell in love with two of them that looked trashy and hot. She had on an open leather vest that barely covered her nipples with nothing underneath, and I had on a see through skin tight cut off tee shirt with no bra and tight jeans. The others picked out things in similar style. We looked tuff and hot.

We went back to the sets and the photographers smiled and one said, "Damn, that's hot." They took so many pictures of each of us and then rapid shots for over 30 minutes of us in a group in sexy poses. They had my hands almost on Dane's nipples in one shot and I was getting so wet. The last two sequences had a huge fan making it look like wind with our hair and then we all had water sprayed on us. My shirt was completely see through and Dane was drooling. The photographer said, "That's a wrap. You should be able to see these later today." We got changed into our own cloths and Debbie called Marty and said, "Hi, when do you want us to met about the videos?" Debbie was listening and said, "Yeah, we'll come over now. We just finished the stills."

We walked out to the entrance and signaled John as the crowd was blocking the car. He asked them to move back and opened the car door. Then he stood with us until we got into the car. Debbie said, "Your a doll. Thanks. We need to go to the main office uptown." We lit cigarettes and looked at the people on the streets as we were in heavy traffic. We saw so many billboards with our pictures on them. They was a street band playing and we were stopped in traffic so I rolled down a window and we all listened. They had rhythm and we were bopping to the beat in the car. Debbie tossed a fifty dollar bill into one of open guitar cases and they thanked us as we slowly moved forward.

We got to the office building and John stopped by the front door and I said, "We'll call you on the cell. I have no idea how long this will be." We went inside and the guard smiled at us and said, "Go on up. Fortieth floor." We went into the elevator and there was another band getting on also. Dane said, "Hi", and they just froze. We got off first and laughed our asses off. I said, "Honey, you have that paralyzing effect on people." The receptionist smiled at us and said, "Hi guys. Marty's waiting for you in her office."

We walked to the back corner and her admin was waiting for us with some juice and said, "Go on in." We sat at the conference table and Marty was just ending a phone call and she said, "I love the new CD. How in the hell did you do that so quick?" Debbie said, "We didn't make any mistakes." Marty was laughing and buzzed the head of the video department to come in. He walked in and we all said, "Hi Jess." He immediately went into the songs and what he wanted to do and Marty was laughing again. She said, "Everyone loves the CD and they want to release it as soon as we can. We're shooting for Monday, which would be a new record for us in terms of speed. Jess, slow down and tell us the plans for the videos."

He went through every tune and described what he wanted to do and then said, "I also want to shoot the concert in Vegas. We can splice in the filmed stuff with the real show. These are the scripts. Marty, hit play. I left the CD in here this morning." She pressed play on the stereo in her office and we heard our first tune and Jess explained in each tune what would happen in the video. We all loved the ideas. He went though every tune and Marty said, "You want to do 15 videos?" He said, "Every tune can be released as a single. We could have 8 or 9 out at once. You wanted to monopolize the charts. This is our chance." Marty said, "Lets do 8 videos. That is still a huge number. They will be filming every day for the next month if we do 15. Dane, which 8 tunes do you think are the best on this CD?"

We voted and we all agreed on the top six. The rest we had no clue. Marty said, "We film these six first and then see what happens on the music charts." Jess said, "No problem. You fell like starting today?" Dane said, "Sure. Lets do it." Jess said, "We need to head back to the photo shoot studio you were in this morning. I'll meet you down there." Debbie called John and told him to pick us up and we went outside to wait. He was there waiting for us and we got in the limo as I said, "Back to where we were for the pictures." He smiled and got in the car.

We spent the entire day and until 11 at night filming. We hated doing this, but got through almost all of it. We woke John up when we went to the car and had him stop at a drive through for food on the way home for all of us. He was laughing when we ordered him a t-bone steak dinner.

We got home and ate a midnight dinner and were so tired. We all were falling asleep at the kitchen table after we finished eating. Toni said, "I can't believe we have to stay here again. Lynn honey, we haven't been home in three days." We were so tired we were giddy. I lit a cigarette and was leaning on my elbows and said, "I hate making movies. It's so boring and takes so long." Dane put her head down on her arm and said, "I need to sleep." I took a drag of the cigarette and put it out. I held Dane's hand and walked her up to bed.


We sleep like a log for over 7 hours. We both were waking up and Dane rolled over on me with a smile on her face inches from mine as she said softly in her morning voice, "Hi baby." We were starring into each other's eyes and then I moved closer to press my open lips against hers. Dane licked the inside of my lips with her tongue and then pushed it into my mouth. We made our tongues dance together for a few minutes as Dane put her hand on my breast.

I reached for the nightstand and shook a cigarette from the pack and put it in my lips. Dane took the lighter from my hand and lit the cigarette as I inhaled twice and then blew out the smoke. She took a drag also as we watched raindrops hitting the windows on the other side of the room. Dane put her head on my shoulder as we shared the cigarette and I said, "We have to finish the video today. I hate this part of it." She took another drag of the cigarette and blew out the smoke saying, "Me too."

I put the cigarette out and said, "Roll over on your stomach." Dane rolled over and I knelt next to her and used my healing as I moved my hands slowly from her head down and over her shoulders. She said, "That feels so good. It's making me completely relax." I went over her entire body, back and then front, slowly as Dane was making, "mmmmmm" sounds. She was like a limp noodle as I said, "My turn."

Dane smiled as she got up kneeling and said, "You won't believe how this feels", as she did me the same way. I felt a warm tingling everywhere she healed me. Dane finished and rolled me on my side and spooned me with her one arm around me touching my breast. I was right on the edge of the bed and pulled the nightstand drawer open to get out a bottle of lube and a vibrator. I handed her the lube and said, "It's time to try the rear entrance."

She was giggling and said, "Cool." Dane made her cock come out and made it bigger. Then she poured some lube on her semi hard shaft and rubbed some of the lube into my butt hole too. I put the vibrator into my pussy and loved the vibrations, as Dane slowly pushed her cock into my ass. She was all the way in me and then started to move in and out, as I fucked myself with the vibrator in my cunt. Dane was moaning into my ear, "Baby, this is so tight. I'm going to cum any minute." I loved how it felt as I moved the vibrator in and out of me faster and faster. I could feel it hitting against Dane's cock in my ass and she was moaning each time it happened. The vibrator gave me an orgasm in my pussy within ten minutes, which was the same time Dane shot her cum into my ass.

We changed positions and now I was spooning Dane. I did her ass, while she fucked her pussy with the vibrator. I only lasted 10 minutes too, but I used my mind to stay hard and kept on hammering into her cum filled ass for another 20 minutes as Dane had a second orgasm. She pulled her ass forward so my cock slid out, and then rolled me on my back, as she sat straddling my cock. Dane rode me like a horse until I blasted my cum into her pussy. She leaned forward onto me and we kissed, as my cock was squirting out warm jism into her cunt.

We rolled on our sides and kissed and caressed each other, as I made my cock smaller until it went away. Dane moved to a 69 position with me and we ate each other senseless. I licked and sucked her for over and hour as we swallowed each other's thick pussy cum.

We sat up in bed and kissed and Dane lit a cigarette, as I moved to lie between her legs and kept eating. She took a drag of the cigarette and I watched her with my mouth over her clit as I licked. She orgasmed again in seconds and I sucked it into my mouth and then sat up again taking a drag of the cigarette. I blew out the smoke as Dane pulled my face to hers and kissed me in a passionate embrace.

After our morning routine we went downstairs into the kitchen and the crew was sitting down and eating breakfast. Debbie made us each a plate and said, "Lets get the filming stuff over with early. I hate this crap. Plus we have a 4 PM flight to Vegas." We all were nodding our heads as we ate.

We finished eating and were having coffee with a cigarette when Jamie got up and buzzed John for the car. The two idiot dogs ran into the kitchen and were all over us as I said, "I guess the rain is the only way to get you two to come inside the house." Mickey was slobbering all over my arm and we all were laughing.

We went outside and got in the limo and made the hated trip to the film studios. It was so boring finishing the shoot. It took 5 hours to do three small scenes as the director thought he was filming an epic like Ben Hur. We started getting routy and used our minds to make the camera mans dick hard. That caused us another 20 minute delay as he ran to the men's room. It was worth the wait.

We got home and then had to rush to pack for the weekend. John took Toni and Lynn to their house to pack and waited for them before he came back. Dane took a ton of cash from our safe and said, "Craps honey. Two hundred thousand enough?" I said, "More." Dane doubled it and put it in a briefcase to carry on the plane. John carried our stuff to the car and we were off to the airport.

Debbie was telling him about feeding the dogs and he said, "Relax guys. The dogs will be fine. Just have fun and play good." I lit a cigarette as we looked out the windows on the familiar trip we make way too often. Dane leaned over close to me and said, "Your nipples are hard honey and I know it's not cold in here." I smiled as she was reading my mind and saw what I was thinking about. She took a drag of my cigarette and kissed me so sexy. I said, "Yours are hard now too."

John pulled up to the unloading area at the airport, and he checked our bags for us. We got out of the limo and he handed Dane the tickets with the baggage claim stubs attached and said, "Have a safe trip."

We waved and walked inside to check the gate number and then got in line for security. The security screeners know us and we talk to them every time we go through, but they still bust our chops. I'm convinced that I must have metal in my head because I set off the fucking alarms every time. Then it's the same routine. They use a hand held wand on me while everyone else watches and cracks jokes about my bionic boobs setting it off.

We got to the gate just as they announced first class boarding so we went right on. Dane said, "Six Vodka and Tonic's." We all sat as the stewardess gave us our drinks. Dane sat sideways and turned back to face Toni and said, "Here's to a fun night in the casinos." We all toasted and were giggling.

The flight was real short as usual, and we landed in sunny hot Las Vegas with the thousands of tourists. An All Star Agency company driver met us at the security entrance and he went with us to get our bags. He said, "Hi Toni. Since when are you traveling with the band?" She said, "Since Lynn and I became part of the band." He smiled and said, "Cool. I got tickets for your third show. Chris, I just wanted to let you know that we took extra precautions since you were flying in. We hired 200 hunters and had them shoot all of the geese out of the sky that they could about an hour ago." We were all cracking up and Debbie said, "Jeff, you'll always be an asshole, but we still love you."

He put our bags on a cart and we walked to the limo parking area. It was seriously hot here. Jeff said, "Blast furnace. The heat wave is killing people. Don't plan on doing too many things outdoors on this trip." We took the drive to the hotel and he gave our bags to a valet, as we got out of the car. Jeff handed Debbie a card and said, "Same cell number. I'm staying here too this trip. Call if you want to go anywhere."

We checked into the connecting suites and went upstairs with the bellhop. Debbie used her key to open the entrance to the suites and the bellhop put our stuff down in each room, as we sat in the common living room. Dane tipped the bellhop and I said, "Dinner and casinos?" Jamie said, "It's early. Lets do some damage at the casino first."

We each put sixty thousand dollars in ten thousand dollar bundles into our purses and went down to the casino. Dane had her hand on my shoulder as we walked in and I said, "Strategy session." We huddled and talked in our minds. We agreed as to who would bet and who would make the dice change. We also agreed to signals and not win every time, or it would look suspicious.

We found a hundred dollar minimum craps table and we bought into the game with Dane and Debbie having the 100,000 in chips each and me and Jamie making the bets on the table. Toni and Lynn were alternating on who would change the dice.

We made a few bets on the current roller and were talking in our minds as we won four bets and then lost on purpose, as the dice passed to Dane. I made a bet and Jamie followed with me, as Dane rolled 4 sevens in arrow and we were all jumping up and down. Then we had her roll out with a four. We made a fortune in under 30 minutes. We upped our bets to 20,000 each and were hitting 3 out of 4 times on purpose. The dealer closed the table when we each had over 2 million in chips.

I asked, "Where is your high stakes area?" The pit boss said, "Through that roped off area." We carried our chips and went into the high stakes lounge that people could watch from an above railing. We looked up and it was mobbed with people watching hundreds of thousands of dollars being won and lost. We walked over to the craps table and we bought in just like before, except this time we got square chips each worth 25,000 dollars.

Dane was having a blast as we won 4 out of every five bets we made and were acting like lunatics as the ten stacks of square chips we had was getting really high. Then we started betting 100,000 on each bet and the bit boss closed the table when we had two piles of chips, worth over 14 million each. We played roulette and then baccarat. The manager asked us to stop for the evening, so we divided up the chips and got 300,000 in cash and six checks for 46 million each after the IRS withholding. He also gave us a comp dinner.

We put the checks in the hotel safe and left with our cash to go play somewhere else. We stopped to eat at some small cafe and had a few drinks and then hit three more of the major casinos. The last one just let us keep playing. Dane was betting a million bucks a pop on craps, and we cleaned up. Everyone was watching us win, and loose sometimes, but we kept the total growing. At 11 pm we put another envelop in the hotel safe for us that had 18 more checks in it for a total of 496 million each, and 200,000 in cash.

We went into the casino lounge and ordered some drinks. We kept giving each other high fives and were laughing our asses off. Dane said, "Tomorrow lets play at some more of the major casinos before our sound check. This could be a billion dollar weekend for each of us." We were laughing again and Dane put her arm over my shoulder and said, "Honey, I don't give a shit who sees this." She gave me the wettest, sloppiest kiss and I was so hot. We broke the kiss and flashes were going off. I said, "Too late now. We are officially out of the closet." Debbie was laughing and said loudly, "We were never in the closet. I'd like to win enough money so we could hire someone to shoot every fucking paparazzi reporter on the planet." She stood up and yelled, "That includes you two assholes", as they took her picture. We were all laughing as Jamie said, "Chill out. That can get us arrested."

I said, "Read my mind." I made the suggestion for every reporter to throw out the pictures they just took. Dane was hysterically laughing and so was Debbie, as we watched the two that just took her picture open the back of their cameras and toss out the memory sticks.

We finished our drinks, signed a few autographs, and then went up to our room still laughing. Dane said, "Lets leave here at 10 which will give us a little over 3 hours. Set the alarms."

We all went into our rooms and she pulled me into the bed in her arms and said, "What a piss. Tomorrow we make the big bucks." We noticed a flashing light on the phone and I pressed the speaker button and message light, and we heard Marty saying, "Hi Guys, just wanted to let you know we released the CD this morning along with the six singles. A definite new record for us. Billboard has it charted as number one before it was even in the stores. Have fun and see you at the first show. By the way Cobra is on at 4 and you go on a 5:30. Then you do it again at 9 and 10:30."

I pressed the speaker again to hang up and Dane said, "Not bad. A new hit CD and billionaires in one weekend. Kiss me you hot rock and roll star." We were laughing and kissed, as we slid off our cloths. Dane set the alarm and stood up with her cock hanging over her clit and I said, "Get that thing over here and put it where it belongs." I made my cock come out too and we fucked for hours. Sixty-nine was a totally new adventure. I went from her pussy to her cock every few minutes. I shot my cum into Dane's mouth the same time that she shot into my mouth. We both swallowed and went back to eating each other's pussy.

We lay together kissing and caressing each other, as Dane slid her cock into my throbbing pussy. We alternated fucking each other every few minutes until we were so tired we couldn't move. We lay together and jerked each other off with our breast touching and our cocks inches apart. I shot my load all over Dane's stomach and she shot on mine, as we kissed. We moved our stomachs together and rubbed the cum together on our bodies as we fell sleep.

The alarm startled us as Dane sat up quickly and hit the button to shut it off. She looked at me and said, "Lets get a wake up call tomorrow. Damn that was loud." I ducked my head under the covers and moved to lay between Dane's legs as I heard her laughing. I saw her cock was hard and I deep throated it as I rubbed her clit. She didn't last 5 minutes until her pussy orgasmed and she was shooting warm goo into my mouth. I saved it all in my mouth and crawled out from under the covers and kissed her. We swished it around and swallowed and she said, "Baby, that was so hot." I pulled her out of bed with me and into the bathroom as we made out cocks shrink, and then disappear.

We did a quick morning routine, put on shorts and a tee-shirt, and went into the common room. Debbie said, "We ordered you breakfast." We sat and ate and had some coffee, as I told them about Marty's message. Toni and Lynn were walking on air. We finished our food and had a second cup of coffee with a cigarette, as Jamie turned on a cable music station. We listened to one of our new tunes and the host of the show loved it. Dane smiled and said, "Chris, you did great on this one. Now lets go make some more money."

We went downstairs to the hotel safe and put the cash in our purses. We walked outside and it was like an oven. We were soaking wet in sweat after we walked the five blocks to the next casino. We went inside and it felt like walking into a refrigerator. Dane took my hand and we walked to the casino entrance and then to the high stakes area. This time Dane did all the betting and we cheered her on as we took turns changing the dice. In twenty minutes we had 30 million in square chips. We split it in two piles and Debbie was betting now also, as the other people at the table just starred and one guy said, "Mighty generous." Dane said, "My sister. She lost her shirt yesterday. Lets see if my luck bails her out." We played along with the gag and everyone was routing for Debbie to win, and wow did we win.

They closed the table when Dane and Debbie both had 300 million and then we cashed in and got some checks, and went to the next casino. We did this three times and each of us now was officially a billionaire from this weekends gambling. The walk back to the hotel made us soaking wet again in sweat. We put the checks and cash back into the hotel safe and went upstairs to our room.

Debbie said, "We have 30 minutes until a sound check. I'm taking a cool shower." Dane said, "That sounds really good. Come on honey. The water is calling our names." Dane grabbed my hand and dragged me into our bedroom and we took a cool shower together. We got dressed for the show, put on our makeup, did our hair, and were ready in 30 minutes. A new record of us.

We all walked to the elevator and went to the arena in the hotel where they usually have boxing matches. We went in through the stage door and we saw the gang from Cobra. Barb walked over and hugged me and said, "You are not allowed to crash any more planes. Got it?" We were all laughing and joking around and I said, "When I was out of it, I dreamt that Gary and Tim were both girls. You were both cute as hell though." The engineers were yelling at us to do a sound check and Debbie said, "Kept your shorts on. We have time."

Barb, Gary, Tim, and Emily walked on stage and tuned up. They tested the mics as the engineers said into the stage monitors, "Give us each a level." They each played for a few minutes and then they played a song as a band. By the second verse the levels were right and Gary said, "Your turn." The stagehands slid the equipment on a stage roller and our equipment was in place with the different mics.

We went through the same routine except they also had a camera crew getting levels and shot angles also. Toni and Dane were jerking around in front of one of the cameras playing guitar gunslingers. They both ripped solos that were out of this world and the engineers were laughing.

We did a song and stopped after the first verse and Dane and Debbie were telling them what to change and we did it again. When we got to the six part harmony we stopped again and set our mic levels different. We did it again and this time played the song all the way through and it sounded really good. Barb was clapping for us and we got off the stage and went into the dressing area as someone yelled, "Cobra, you're on in twenty minutes. The doors open in five."

We all sat and lit cigarettes as we opened a bottle of cold wine All Star always gives us. I poured everyone a glass and Dane raised her glass saying, "To Toni and Lynn's first night on stage with us. Welcome to the craziness of Stolen Hearts." We all drank and Gary said, "That song was great. Is it on your new CD?" I nodded and said, "We're doing about 8 new tunes in the shows this weekend. When are you guys going to be ready for us to produce your next CD?" Barb said, "About 6 weeks. We're still having a tough time finishing a few of the tunes." Dane said, "Let us help you with them. Plus Chris had some interesting ideas that you may like. Stop by the house on Monday afternoon if you're available." Barb said, "Sure."

We heard, "Cobra, on stage now!" Barb and the others waved as Debbie yelled, "Knock them dead!" We looked through the side entrance and the place was mobbed. We watched the lights go dim as spotlights were dancing all over the audience in circles and then a bright spot focused on the MC on the side of arena. He made a great introduction and screamed, "Cobra!"

The audience was cheering as the stage spots went on and they rocked the first tune. We heard people singing along and gave each other high fives, as we wrote the song. We went back to the couches and sat back sipping the wine and listening to the show. Debbie said, "You put the show lists on your gear or monitor?" We all nodded and Toni said, "I am so excited about this." Dane said, "Just like practice. Except we can goof around more. Lets do the beer bottle thing. Grab some towels to bring on stage." Toni grabbed a few towels from the bathrooms and we listened to Cobra.

The finished the last tune and were getting an ovation, as we walked to the stage entrance. Cobra walked past us and we all held up our hands and they slapped them as we went out onto the dimly lit stage, just as the stagehands rolled the equipment around. We checked to make sure everything was on and the show lists were in place where we could see them, and waited.

We watched the spots start circling on the audience again and then the spot go on the MC on the far side area. He did a great introduction for us also and welcomed Toni and Lynn to the band. He said, "Their new CD has been out for two days and has already sold over a million copies. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is thee super group of the century. Stolen Hearts!" The spots went on the stage and I did one outrageous drum intro. I did a double bass drum roll as I counted in our minds 1,2,3,4 and everyone smiled as they come in with the first tune. The audience went wild cheering and we played so good. I thought it sounded better than the CD.

Toni and Lynn's voices were unreal in concert. When we played, "Let the Music Play" with six part harmony it gave me chills down my spine. We goofed around and I played Sax and Blues harp a few times. I danced with Dane and she loved it. I pinched her ass and she was so startled I did it again, and then she chased me back to the drums. The audience loved it.

Dane and Toni did the beer bottle thing playing slide guitar with full beer bottles upside down, as the beer ran out on the stage. They got a standing ovation with people screaming. I got an ovation for a sax solo and I was so surprised. We rocked the place and had so much fun doing it. We talked to the audience and joked about my ability to crash an airplane. Dane told everyone it was because I was teaching the pilots to play drums in the cockpit on the instruments. We all were having a blast.

We were at the last song and Dane said, "This is our last tune in the show, and is our favorite off our new CD. It's called Beam me up Scotty." We started the tune and people were singing along with the chorus and it has only been out for two days. We all were smiling as we sang the chorus. Lynn did a blues harp solo in this one it sounded so good. Everyone was standing and cheering as we played. We ended the song and the crowd was cheering and screaming for more. I ran out from behind the drums to hug Dane and we waved to the audience and thanked them. The cheering got louder and we all smiled as we waved more and then walked off stage.

Cobra was waiting for us in the entranceway and held up their hands for us and we smacked them. I said, "Toni, you and Lynn sounded terrific. We have one hell of a band now." Dane had her arm over my shoulder and she gave me a wet kiss, and then said, "God damn that was good."

Marty and Janice came backstage and they were all hugs. Marty said, "That was the best show you ever did. The music was incredible and the goofing around on stage was priceless. You have a little under two hours. Want some dinner?" We went to eat with Marty, Janice, and all of Cobra, and then came back to do it all over again.

The second show was really funny in one part. Dane pinched my ass while I was playing Sax and I was so startled just like she was. I chased her around the stage while Toni played a solo and the audience was cheering us on. When I caught her I made her do it again while I played.

We finished the show to the same results. The crowd loved it and we gave them something to remember.


We made it to the lobby where we were mobbed for autographs. We all loved this part of it and talked to the fans and signed some of everything. We must have autographed 50 of our new CD covers, which we hadn't even seen yet. Damn that picture was sexy. We signed for a while and then excused ourselves and got into the elevator. The elevator door closed and Dane gave me the biggest kiss as Debbie was laughing. Dane said, "Gambling or sex? It's 12:30 and we play tomorrow at 4 in the afternoon. No sound check."

We all said gambling and we went back down to the lobby to the hotel safe and took our cash. We walked about 8 blocks in the dark packed streets to the next major casino, and went right to the high stakes area. We started off on roulette with all 300,000 on our first bet on Black and won of course. We built it up to 5 million and then went to the craps table. We all played and had our own chips. We talked to each other in our minds to rotate who changed the dice. We won 15 straight bets and then lost one to make it look unlucky. The idiots let us keep playing and we won a ton on money. We cashed in one at a time to avoid attention and Dane and I were there last with piles of square 100,000 and 500,000 dollar chips. A crowd was watching us win and cheering and then they finally closed the table. Dane and I cashed in with over 625 million each. We couldn't believe it. We all got our checks and some cash, and decide now it was time for sex.

We walked back to our hotel laughing about our new career as gamblers. I said, "We have a good chance of doing pretty good at the race track too. We can make that horse fly around the track." Everyone was laughing as we made a stop at the hotel safe and then went to the room.

I lit a cigarette as Dane put her arms around me and said, "Baby, that was so much fun today." I kissed her and said, "The fun is only starting." She smiled and we waved to the others as we went into our bedroom. I took a drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke, as I took another drag and I blew the smoke out as we undressed. Dane took the cigarette and put it in her lips and sucked in to inhale. She blew the smoke out slowly through her nose as she handed the cigarette back to me.

We climbed into the bed and sat up against the headboard. Dane put her head on my shoulder as I took another drag of the cigarette and she said, "Chris, we played better tonight than we ever have. We goofed around more, and had more fun. The expression on your face when I pinched your ass was priceless." We both were laughing and I said, "Your expression when I made you do it again was the best. I saw the love in your eyes and I almost forgot we were on stage." Dane kissed me and said, "I wanted to pinch you and then grab you, and then hold you, and kiss you, and rip off your cloths. The camera guys would have loved that." We both took a drag of the cigarette and then I put it out.

Dane set the alarm for 2 in the afternoon and we both were giggling about the money again. I said, "We play in the Meadowlands just outside of New York next week. We can hit Atlantic City and maybe bankrupt The Donald." She was laughing and said, "Shut up and kiss me." I rolled over to lie on top of Dane and we kissed, as our breasts pressed together. We both moaned into each other's ear as we broke the kiss, and felt the electrical type feeling that flowed between us. We caressed each other and kissed until we were both ready to explode in passion.

Dane concentrated and made a cock the size of a nipple, and so did I. Then we both made them bigger. I lay on my back and said, "Do me honey. Fuck me." Dane lay on top of me and slid her hard shaft into my wet pussy. She went all the way in me and I wrapped my legs and arms around her and rolled us on our side, as she was pumping into me. We got into a rhythm and I was wild. I rubbed my clit as she fucked me and orgasmed three times before Dane moaned, "I'm cumming baby", and her cock pulsated inside of me. I felt the warm cum shot into my inners and then being filled up as her cock was jerking and squirting. She stayed in me and moved in and out and I kissed her. I said, "Let me do you now."

We changed positions and she wrapped her legs and arms around me, as we fucked again. My cock was inside of her and I made it bigger as Dane moaned, "Oh yeah, just like that." We fucked for over two hours. Then we eat the cum from each other's pussy. I was so hot swallowing my own cum. Dane kept saying in my mind, "Let we watch you swallow it", and I lifted my head to show her and then licked her some more.

We gave each other a blowjob, and then licked each other's pussy again. I lay next to Dane and we kissed and kissed, as we were in a tight embrace. Our tattoos were on top of each other, with our nipples touching. Dane reached for one of our breasts and pinched both of our nipples at once. We both moaned softly and watched her rub the nipples in her fingers.

I held her hand to our breast and she squeezed and rubbed faster and made us both tingle. She moved her hand to my face and caressed it softly. I leaned forward and kissed her again and we danced our tongues together. I said, "I could do this all night." I reached for Dane's cock and rubbed it rock hard again and sat straddling it, facing her, as it went all the way into my wet pussy. I leaned forward and reached for the nightstand and shook a cigarette out and put it in my open lips. I held the lighter in my hand and moved my pussy on Dane's cock. I was so into it, I just let the cigarette dangle from my lips unlit. Dane took the lighter from my hand and lit it as I rocked my pussy faster and sucked in on the cigarette. I took a deep drag and Dane took the cigarette from my lips as I rode her like a horse.

We shared the cigarette while we made love, and after about a half hour we both orgasmed together. She blasted a load of cum into my pussy as I was orgasming. I leaned forward and we kissed so hard. I rolled off of her and we were both exhausted. I said, "Read my mind. Time to try one more thing." I was on my side with my legs spread open and knees bent and I bent over as far as I could and made my back more flexible. I kept bending slowly until I could put my mouth over my cock and I sucked it. Dane whispered into my ear, "Oh my god baby, is this hot. Suck yourself off."

I sucked my cock and rubbed it until I shot my cum into my mouth. My cock spasmed and I tasted the warm salty flavor of my cum as it spurted onto my tongue. I uncoiled and kissed Dane with a mouthful. She was on sex overload and she sucked it out of my mouth, swallowing all of it as we kissed. She said into my mind, "That was so hot. Lets get some sleep now."

We lay our heads on the pillow and were asleep in seconds.

We woke with the alarm going off and Dane jumped up and smashed the button. We both were laughing as she hurt her hand and then we healed it together. She dragged me into the bathroom and we did our morning routine and then went into the common room. Debbie said, "Breakfast is being served."

We were all talking about the casino last night as we ate and then about the show this afternoon. I winked at Dane and said, "Toni, we have a tradition that on the last night of our gigs. We all sleep together. You up for it?" There was dead silence and Dane said into my mind, "Are you out of you fucking skull. You'll ruin the band." Debbie was cursing me out and I said back to both of them, "I'll tell her I was only kidding after the show." Toni and Lynn were talking and she said, "Let us think about it."

Dane kicked me under the table and I started to laugh as she said, "Plane crash brain was only kidding. She dreamt that too, along with the space ship." We all were laughing and Toni said, "Maybe it's not such a bad idea. Kind of like bonding at work. Everything else she dreamt seemed to work out. Shit, were billionaires."

We were all kind of looking at each other as Jamie poured us more coffee and I lit a cigarette. I took a drag and blew out the smoke and Dane lit a cigarette also. She said into my mind, "Honey, you are certifiable sometimes." I said back into her mind, "Just relax. Nothing bad will happen."

We finished our coffee and had another cigarette as we talked about the show for today. Debbie listed the songs and said, "These two songs sounded great, but were missing an involvement with the audience. Any ideas?" I said, "Yeah. Toni you sing the lead on the one with Lynn. How about you both walk into the audience and sing with the cordless headset mics. The guitars are all RF now anyway so that will work. Lets tell security we're going to do it so they can make sure no one does anything funky." Everyone loved it and we decide to that with both tunes. Dane said, "I'll let the lightening guys know also so they have the spots on Toni and Lynn. Great idea. Toni, lets do something funny to start it. How about you and Lynn quite the band on stage and pretend to leave? You walk into the audience and start singing the song." They were laughing and Toni said, "Yeah, why not. This should be a piss."

We all got dressed for the show and then went down to the arena. Dane talked to the lighting staff and the engineers, and Debbie talked to security. Toni and Lynn were fitted with headsets and we tested them in the empty arena and she said, "Cool. This should be fun."

Cobra was watching us and Barb said, "What are you guys planning?" I told them and they were laughing as Gary said, "Ten dollars says Toni gets goosed and felt up at least five times before she makes it to the stage." I said, "That's why we have security involved to clear the isles in the two tunes."

Someone yelled, "Cobra, 10 minutes to stage! Doors are opening now!" We all went backstage and found the fresh bottle of chilled wine. I poured everyone a glass and we made our traditional toast and drank. Cobra downed their glasses and waved as they walked to the stage entrance.

We sat having the wine as I lit a cigarette and we were talking about our pinching. I said, "Dane, lets plan it out but look surprised. What we did with me on Sax was a piss." We went through the set list and talked about the gags and skits and had something to keep the audience involved in all of it.

We heard the crowd cheering and we checked the clock on the wall. Dane said, "Two or three more tunes." I went to look out into the audience and said, "It's not routy at all tonight. We need to get them into the show. Oh shit, the security guys aren't letting anyone in the isles. Debbie, get out there and talk to them again. They misunderstood."

Debbie was cursing and ran out through the entrance to the arena and pulled a security guard aside and was telling him again. He nodded and radioed everyone. Cobra finished the last song and the crowd clapped but that's it. I didn't understand it.

We went to the entrance way and we stopped them and I said, "What happened? The crowd was so dead." Barb said, "I have no idea. It was like playing to a morgue. See what you can do." We went through our routine on stage as the MC gave us the same build up. I was talking into everyone's mind and they all agreed with me and I said, "Listen for my cue in your minds."

The lights and spots came on and I played a wild drum intro and ended it with a really funky beat that is perfect for fucking. I keep playing as Dane said, "We want everyone to stand up and move to the music. Come on! You get up! This a rock show, not a wake. Shake that ass!" people were getting into it and I counted in our minds and we went straight into the first tune. The crowd screamed and they were standing and dancing. We saw Barb and Gary on the side of the stage wave and give us the thumbs up.

We had they all into the show and we kept them involved. We made one of the tunes into a sing along with the chorus and the noise from the audience was deafening. Dane pinched my ass when I played sax and I chased her and made her kiss it. We all were laughing when she did it and the crowd went nuts.

Toni and Lynn were ready for the song singing in the crowd and Debbie said, "Can you clear the isles just a little to let two of newest Stolen Hearts walk out there. They decide to quit, so they're going home." Toni yelled into the headset, "This sucks. I quite. I'm done." Her and Lynn walked into the crowd as I started the song and Toni smiled as she stood on the arms on someone's chair and sang the opening line under the spot light. People were helping her walk over the chairs as she sang and then they helped Lynn on the other side as she sang. Toni stopped about ten rows back and whaled a guitar solo standing over some guys face. We were all laughing as they helped her back to the stage.

The audience went wild and then we did the beer bottle things. This time Dane and Toni both chugged a beer and tossed the bottles and then popped another one and played with them.

The whole show was terrific and for the last song Dane saw four young kids sitting in the front row and said into the mic, "Hi, you want to be rock stars when you get older?" They nodded their heads so Dane said, "Come on up here for our last tune. This is your big chance to dance for everyone." The crowd as clapping as the kids went on stage and Debbie said, "This is last tune for the evening. We loved paying for you guys. I think this may be the next band we produce. Check them out." The crowd was laughing and cheering and one of the kids said, "We know your songs and we can sing them too." Dane said, "You know Beam me up Scotty?" They all screamed yes and the audience was cheering again. We gave them a mic to share and Debbie said, "You can sing in the chorus. You know what that means?" They nodded and we started the song.

The kids were really good and we all were so surprised. The audience was standing and cheering and then we let them sing the last verse with us and the audience was clapping as they sang. We ended the tune and the screams and cheers were deafening. The kids were in heaven as they stood with their arms up in the air proclaiming victory. I ran to the front of the stage and hugged Dane and then we both bent over and hugged the kids and held their hands up in the air and bowed with them as so many flashes went off.

Everyone gathered around the kids and we all shook their hands and helped them get back to their parents. I motioned for the parents to join us backstage and they nodded. We thanked the audience again and waved as we went backstage.

Cobra was there giving us the high fives and Gary said, "We could have never done that. This is what you need to teach us. That was magic."

We walked to the rear area and poured some more wine and I lit a cigarette, as the kids and their parents walked backstage. I said, "Your kids were great. The hit of our show." We all shook hands with the parents and Dane said, "Keep them at it. They could make it in this business. You guys want some souvenirs and autographs?" The kids were screaming and one of the mothers said, "That means yes."

Debbie said, "The is extra merchandise in those boxes. Lets see what goodies we have." She pulled out shirts, hats, key chains, and four of new CDs. We signed all of it and the kids were walking on air. One of the fathers said, "You are by far the best rock band I've ever heard. I used to be in a signed act in the 60s and 70s and the reason I came to see you is Marty called and wanted to know about the rights to one of my tunes that you asked about." I said, "Which song." He and the other father started to sing it and we knew it was them as they sounded the same after all of these years. I said, "You want any wine?"

We poured them a glass and I said, "We produce other bands too, and thought that song may be good for one of us. It's a classic." One of the fathers said, "We would be honored if any of you did it. The way you all play it's amazing. The drums, guitar, sax, keys, harp, bass, and the voices are incredible. I've played with the best, and you are definitely a whole level above any of them."

We toasted them and they blushed when Dane said, "Your kids have the magic too." I said, "When we decide to use the tune, we'll call and let you see the recording in progress if you're interested." They smiled and one of them said, "Definitely interested. Thanks so much." We waved as they left with the kids.

Debbie said, "Autographs in the lobby?" We all walked in the lobby and the place was mobbed with people waiting to see us. Toni and Lynn loved every second of it. I said into everyone's mind, "Toni, one hell of a performance in the audience. That was top notch when you played guitar standing on that chair." She smiled and said back to us in our minds, "I gave that guy a hardon." We were all laughing as we autographed programs, cards, hats, shirts, and a few arms.

We excused ourselves and waved after about 20 minutes and we went to the front desk and ordered a full dinner for the suite, and a bunch of booze. The manager came out to talk to us and he said, "What you did with those kids was priceless. The room and dinner is on the house." We all thanked him and he said, "Just please plan on playing here again. Business is better than it ever has been this weekend. You put on the best show I have even seen. Enjoy the rest of your stay."

Dane looked at us and said, "Wow. That's a first." We went upstairs to the suite and all got comfortable, taking off the stuff we wore for the show. Someone knocked at the door so I answered it and our booze was delivered. Dane tipped the bellhop and I said, "Vodka and tonic everyone?" Everyone nodded and I made the drinks with a twist of lime. We all plopped on the couch and talked about the show as we finished the drink and Jamie made us another.

Dinner was delivered and we pigged out on Filet Mignon and lobster. We each had two more drinks and were feeling no pain, as we just looked at the deserts and were getting silly. Somehow we started talking about when we were little kids after watching the kids on stage. Toni asked, "Dane can you tell us about the first time when you and Chris were together?"


Dane was leaning on me and smiled as she said, "After our mom's got divorced from our asshole fathers, they moved in together when we were fourteen, but you know that already. Debbie and I were in one bedroom and Jamie and Chris were in another. We are both twins, which explains why we are so fucked up. The day we moved in, the four of us became good friends and were totally out of control. We use to steel my mom's cigarettes and beer and tell them we were camping out back in a tent and get so smashed. About 2 months later on my fifteenth birthday, we went camping together in my bedroom and had our share of beer and cigarettes. Our moms were fucking each other so they didn't even notice. I had such a crush on Chris. I use to masturbate thinking about her licking me and kissing me, and Debbie use to make fun of me when I came under the covers making the bed shake."

Everyone giggled and Dane continued, "I was so in love with Chris, I finally got the courage to do something about it. We had one of our camping adventures in her room this time, and we had on our pajamas. We both had a few beers and I leaned over and kissed her softly. Chris wrapped her arms around me and we kissed for over 10 minutes. She touched me everywhere and I was on fire so I touched her the same way. We took off our pajamas and got under the covers next to Jamie and Debbie who were doing the same thing as us. Toni, I ate Chris's pussy for almost an hour. I loved her and wanted her so much."

I kissed Dane and she said, "Then she did me and the rest is history." Toni and Lynn were getting hot and I said, "I wanted to make the first move on Dane and Jamie was teaching me what to do. We both kissed boys and didn't like how rough they were, so we started to kiss each other as we got off at night. Jamie pretended she was Dane a few times and I was out of my mind. I even ate my sister pretending it was Dane."

Everyone was laughing as Jamie made another round of drinks and I continued, "When she first kissed me, the fireworks went off in my head. I wanted her more than anything in the world. After we ate each other out that night, we did it every night. Then a week later we borrowed our mom's double dildo and found out about fucking. Two weeks later our mom's caught is in bed, doing the nasty, and they explained it to us. They even bought us our own toys. I was so hot when we fucked in front of our mom's and they showed us what to do to get off. Jamie, you remember when mom out her hand over my pussy and said, push hard enough so my hand is forced to hit Dane's flower. Oh shit, just remembering that I'm getting wet."

Dane kissed me so sexy and rubbed my thigh as Jamie said, "What Chris didn't tell you is that I use to pretend to be Dane, and she use to pretend to be Debbie. I ate her until she passed out one night when we were in our pretend fantasy. Shit, we were fifteen. I was ready to orgasm after two strokes on my clit." We all were smiling and Dane was holding me and rubbing my thigh and I was rubbing the inside of her thigh. We were both getting so turned on.

Debbie said, "Jamie and I did it before those two did, and we were just afraid to say anything. It was two days earlier." Dane said, "You little shit. You didn't trust me?" Everyone was laughing and Debbie said, "We were embarrassed. Everyone else was talking about screwing boys and we were in love with each other." Jamie kissed her and Dane said, "Sorry sis."

Toni and Lynn were so flushed. I lit a cigarette taking a deep drag as Dane said, "Okay Toni. You started it. Lets hear the story, before I orgasm all over the couch." Lynn was holding Toni and they had their legs over each other as Toni said, "Lynn and I have been best friends since we were fourteen. We both were sort of interested in guys, but hated it every time one would do something with us. We kissed each other all the time as a way to figure out what to do with a guy, but I knew I had feelings for her since we first met. When we were sixteen, we both went to a party that was one of those all night deals with the parents not home. We got trashed and were sitting in one of the bedrooms together and talking about how much we had done with boys. We lay down on the bed and Lynn said to me, I got felt up. Here I'll show you. That's when she put her hand in my blouse and I loved every second of it as she rubbed my nipples. I was so wet."

I took a drag of the cigarette as Dane was now rubbing my crotch and I was rubbing hers. Toni continued, "She asked me if I liked it and all I could do was moan. They she told me to try it on her, so I knew what a guy should do. I felt her up for the first time ever, and the first time I ever touched another girl. We must have looked so hot as we lay on the bed with our hands inside of each other's blouses moaning." Lynn was now rubbing Toni's crotch softly as Toni was breathing heavy and said, "Then Lynn said to me, Robert touched my flower and made it all wet. I'll show you how he did it. Lynn pulled up my skirt and put her hand inside of my panties and gave we the nicest feeling. I was so wet and she ran her fingers through the juices and then rubbed my little clit. Lynn put my hand under her skirt and I rubbed her as we kissed. We gave each other two orgasms and kissed the whole time."

Toni stopped and kissed Lynn and we kissed too as she continued, "Lynn whispered into my ear, I love you honey and want to make love. Lets take off our cloths. We took off everything and tried everything. I licked her pussy and she licked mine, and then we did a 69 for over two hours. I was never so hot in my entire life. We were laying naked on the bed kissing when one of the mothers showed up and walked in on us. Needless to say we panicked and she locked the door and said, stay where you are, and she undressed and joined us. Lynn and I had a threesome our first night and I still remember every detail of it. I must have sprayed my juices twenty times. I watched her get it on with Lynn and it made me even hotter and love her more. It was incredible. We told our parents about it the next week, and they were cool about it. My mom wanted to know all the gory details and when I told her she left a stain on the kitchen chair and then I saw her rub herself off in the her bedroom. She left the door open so I could watch. Lynn and I watched her do it again the next day, and then she watched us. Tell us about the first time you every had an orgasm."

I was so wet. I said, "Jamie, you promise you'll never breath a word of this?" Jamie moaned, Yeah", and I said, "You remember when we were eleven and I fell on the bike and really hurt myself?"

Jamie moaned, "Yeah", as Debbie was kissing her neck and I said, "I thought I broke my pussy. The bar from the bike hit my clit and I was screaming as it hurt like hell. I ran inside to tell my mom and was so afraid that it was bleeding or something. My mom took me in the bathroom and sat me on the counter with my pants off and legs spread open and checked me out. She said, Chris, show me where it hurts, and I pointed to my clit and she touched it softly. It didn't hurt any more and she rubbed it softly. She said, this will make it feel better, and she slowly rubbed and massage it, as I leaned back on my arms and was feeling a thousand things all at once. My mom kept going for about 10 minutes and then it happened. I said, Mom, I going to pee! She smiled and said, no you're not. Just relax. It's not pee. She kept rubbing and I sprayed my pussy juices all over her fingers. Then she said, I'll kiss it to make it all better now. Jamie, mom ate me out for almost fifteen minutes and sucked my cum. She licked my clit until it I was cumming in her mouth. Then when she finished she told me I could get an adult kiss now, so she french kissed me and I loved how my juices tasted on her tongue."

Dane kissed me and touched my nipples, as Jamie said, "She did me too the next day. Oh Debbie that feels good baby. I asked her about your bruise and she showed me how she fixed it. I was so afraid to tell you about it. Mom licked me and then fingered me. Chris, I licked her too and was so afraid to say anything. I loved it."

Dane leaned over and pulled off my shirt and sucked my nipple into her mouth as I held her head to me. Toni and Lynn got up and walked over to us and sat almost on top of us and Debbie and Jamie. Dane took off her shirt and shorts, and she pulled my shorts off. Everyone else was naked and we were on top of each other. I had my hand in Dane's cunt and Toni knelt in front of me and licked my pussy. Dane said, "Oh baby, that is so hot." Lynn licked Dane's pussy and I was in heat watching it. Debbie and Jamie moved to eat Toni and Lynn and we were all into each other. We all moved to the floor and we made love in a pile.

We made our cocks appear and get bigger. Dane and I fucked Toni into a sandwich and then we did Lynn. Toni and Lynn did me and then Dane, as I was getting fucked by my sister in the ass, and Debbie in my pussy. We did it all night, with each person in every position at least once. We made a 6 person 69 chain and we licked and ate pussy, and then gave each person and blowjob.

Dane and I sucked off Toni together, then we sucked off Lynn, then Jamie, and then Debbie. We not only sucked them off, but we fist fucked them together. Each time, we showed everyone the cum in our mouths and swallowed it. I was hotter than I had ever been in my life. All of us were so turned on we couldn't have stopped even if the hotel was on fire.

We paired off at about one in the morning and Dane and I had the most incredible sex we ever had. I was like a heroin addict with her. I needed one fix after the other. We fell asleep on the couch at about 3 AM, right next to Toni and Lynn.

Dane woke me up and the sun was shining in the room as she kissed me and whispered into my ear, "Baby, that was outrageous last night. You okay with what happened?" I kissed her and said, "Yeah, it was hot. Dane, I love you no matter what we do together with other people." She kissed me again and I said, "Lets get cleaned up and order breakfast. We have a flight at noon." We walked into the bedroom and kissed again as we walked into the bathroom. We made our cocks go away and Dane lay me down in a 69 position in the garden tub and she said into my mind, "Pee while I lick you." We ate each other for about two minutes and then I let loose and pissed as she peed into my tongue. We brought each other to an orgasm and then kissed as we turned on the shower. Dane said, "That was different." I kissed her again and said, "That was always one of my fantasies."

We washed, did our morning stuff, and dressed in shorts. We went back into the common room and ordered breakfast as everyone was waking up. We all gave each other a kiss and Debbie said, "That was the best bonding I ever did." We all were laughing and I said, "Breakfast is on the way. We have a noon flight." Debbie called the driver and then her and Jamie went into shower and so did Toni and Lynn.

The breakfast was delivered as everyone came into the room dressed. I said, "So did we start a tradition?" Everyone was laughing and nodded yes. We ate and had some coffee and talked about how hot our kid stories were. Debbie said, "It's all true. We were fucked up kids and our moms are such perverts." Jamie poured us all a second cup of coffee and I lit a cigarette. I took deep drag as the phone rang. I reached over and pressed speaker and said, "Hello."

We heard Marty on the phone say, "Hi Chris. Is everyone listening?" We all screamed, "Yes", and she said, "The film from your concerts is incredible. We are going to release a DVD, using stuff from all three nights. One of the major networks has already signed up to run it in prime time. The bit with the kids last night has been on every network news station. People love it. So did you win anything this trip?"

We were all laughing and Dane put her finger to her lips and said, "Marty, we did real good this time. It definitely makes up for all of the other trips." She said, "How much?" I said, "A lot of zeros on the end." She said "Come on tell me." I said, "We each won 10 zeros worth." There was silence and she said, "No way. A billion?" We all screamed, "Yes!" She was laughing and said, "No shit. See you later and have a safe trip. Hear that Chris? Safe trip. That means no crashes are allowed. A billion?" We all said goodbye and I hung up.

Toni said, "We really won that much money. It hasn't sunk in yet." Dane said, "It doesn't mean anything after a while. We each had over 500 million in the bank before we left on this trip and that's not including any of our other investments. You will make a ton of money with the band. Plus we get endorsements, and other stuff. You'll see. After a month the money will be meaningless. It only matters when you need more of it for something."

We all packed up our things and called the desk for a bellhop. We went down to the hotel safe, checked out, and our bags were brought outside to the driver of our limo. We walked out and got in the car and were off to the airport. I opened the envelop of checks and we all looked at them in disbelief. Dane lit a cigarette and said, "We need to stop at the bank on the way home." We all nodded. I put the checks back in the envelope in my purse and took a drag of Dane's cigarette. The six of us were like little kids and couldn't stop giggling.

We got to the airport and it was the same routine. I got searched in security and heard some new comments this time. We all were laughing. I particularly liked Lynn's lead head remark.

We got to the gate just in time. We took our first class seats and had a drink as the plane taxied to take off and were back in LA in no time. John met us at the security check and he said, "I saw you on the news about the concert with those kids. That was a nice thing to do." Dane said, "Thanks. The kids loved it. John, if you were to get a really big bonus, would you promise you'd still stay here and work for us for at least another year?" He said, "Yeah, I'd do that. Why?" Dane said, "I'm want to stop at the bank on the way home and make a really big deposit. I want to give you two million dollars in your account, for everything you do for us. But, please don't leave for at least a year." He smiled and said, "I'll stay. I like this."

He got our bags and put them on a cart and wheeled them to the limo pickup area. He said, "Wait here and I'll get the car." We all lit a cigarette and waited until he drove the limo up to the curb. He loaded the bags and we got in the car, and we were on our way back home.

Debbie told him which bank we wanted to stop at and he nodded. I took a drag of the cigarette as we were talking about having sex last night. It was so hot and we all got hot just thinking about it. Dane went into details about how we swished the cum in our mouth and then she kissed me. Everyone was breathing heavy as John pulled into the bank. We were laughing as we were so flushed. Dane said, "John, come on in with us."

The bank manager knows us and we walked to his office and he waved and came out to meet us. I said, "We want to make a large deposit. Can we do this in your office." He said, "Sure come on in." I took out the envelop of checks and Dane said, "I want to take 2 million from one of my checks and put it in an account for John." The rest get deposited as the checks are made out I think. Did we split it right?" We all looked at the checks and Debbie said, "Yeah, close enough." The manager looked at the checks and his eyes bugged out. Toni said, "We need to open accounts here also." The manager did all the paper work for three new accounts and did the deposits. We all got our receipts and John was smiling from ear to ear.

We went to the car and I took a ten grand wrapper out of my purse and said, "John, this is include too, so you don't have to eat into the money for spending cash." He said, "I don't know what to say?" I said, "Just say you'll stay with us for another year." He said, "I'll stay!" Dane said into my mind, "That was nice honey."

We pulled into our gated driveway in about 10 minutes and John dropped us off by the front door and carried in our bags to our room. He said, "Toni, you want me to drive you home?" She said, "Thanks, but we have a car here." He took her keys and loaded up her car and she said, "He's great."

We went into the den and turned on the TV to watch the cable news and we saw a segment about the concert with the kids. Damn did it sound good. We all were surprised. I said, "Cobra is coming over some time in the afternoon. Toni, you guys can stay or we can call you when they get here. It's up to you." Lynn said, "We haven't been home in a week. Let us take care of a few things and we'll be back in about an hour." Debbie tossed them a remote opener for the front gate and they smiled as they walked to their car.

Jamie said, "Tuna sandwiches?" We all nodded and went into the kitchen to get a beer. Jamie and Debbie put their arms over Dane and my shoulders, as our four faces were only inches apart. Jamie said, "Last night was special. Sis, we haven't done anything since we were kids. Damn that was hot." She gave me a tongue out wet kiss and then kissed Dane the same way. Debbie kissed Dane and then me as Dane was licking my ear, and Jamie was breathing heavy into Debbie's ear. Jamie said, "How about we continue our tradition tonight with a little sisterly reunion?" We all put our faces together and smiled, and then kissed again the same way.

Jamie made us Tuna sandwiches and we were all flushed as we sat to eat. The phone rang and Jamie pressed speaker and yelled, "Hello". We all heard Deyse telling her she wasn't coming back and that she was staying the Brazil. We all wished her well and Jamie hung and said, "Fuck!" Debbie buzzed John and said, "Deyse isn't coming back. She's staying in Brazil. You know anyone who would like the job?" John said, "No one. With your popularity, just place an add in one of the music rags. You'll have thousands of people apply." I said, "Thanks John. That's a good idea."

Debbie took out a pad and pencil and we wrote the add while we ate. It read, "For Music Lovers that are great cooks, like to clean, are personable, funny, and can deal with a bunch of lunatic musicians known as the Stolen Hearts. We have the ideal job for you. Great pay and benefits. English must be your primary language. Live in with separate quarters. Couples okay. Car provided." I went through the stack of music rags we get delivered and we called four of them in the LA area. They were all putting our add online today, and one of the add reps said, "You are going to get swamped with resumes. Hope you like reading emails." Jamie yelled back, "Good!"

We went upstairs and unpacked our dirty cloths and then met in the office to check on the adds on the internet. Debbie turned on the computer and we read the four adds and then we checked our email and there were already 15 emails in the account we gave out, which we never use. We have an email address for the band that Janice has someone read everyday for us.

We read the emails and one really got our attention. It was a letter from a two girls that are really into music and work doing this now. Debbie printed it and when we returned to the email account, there were five more so we went through those too and printed one more. Jamie said, "Lets call them."

I pressed the speaker button and heard the dial tone, as Jamie dialed the first number. This was the letter from the girls and we liked what we heard. Jamie said, "Can you both met us today for an interview? We want to check references too." They gave us references and we set up the interview in two hours. We called the other one also, and this bitch had such an attitude. Debbie said, "Thanks, we'll get back to you."

We checked the emails again and there were 9 more. Debbie was laughing as we read them. Some people were just so weird. There was a guitar player that promised to learn to cook, a disc jockey that wants to broadcast from our house, and a hooker that was looking for an honest job. I laughed my ass off at that one. Debbie deleted all of the ones except the one we liked so far, and we turned off the computer.

Jamie called the references as we listened to the person say, "They're great. We're moving to Nashville and they wanted to stay here in LA. We wanted to take them with us." We hung up and Dane said, "Sounds good so far. Lets see how they do in the interview."


We were sitting around in the den watching TV waiting for the girls to show up for the interview and I was reading the CD cover for Cobra and I said, "Dane, are all of their tunes on this CD?" She looked at it and said, "Yeah, except for the new ones they wrote that we haven't heard yet. Why?" I said, "I'll be right back."

I went to get a folk guitar and said, "Check these songs our for Cobra." Jamie muted the TV and they listened as I played nine songs that I remembered from the dream so clearly. They all were clapping after each one and then I said, "These next two we don't get the writer's share." I strummed it like a fast blues shuffle and played the changed version of "Hey Little Cobra." They all loved it and Debbie said, "We should record that." Then I did the changed version of Tush and they were all moving to the beat. Debbie was laughing and said, "They're going to shit when they here this stuff."

The gate intercom chimed and Jamie walked over to the wall and pressed the intercom button and said, "Who is it?" She opened the gate for the girls and Dane said, "Let me start with the questions than everyone can jump in."

Jamie waited for them at the front door and walked them into the den and did the introductions. Their names were Darla and Wendy. Dane said, "Have a seat. Lets start by you telling us all about yourselves."

We listened to Darla talk for about 10 minutes and then Wendy. They graduated from UCLA and are song writers. Wendy said, "We've had a few tunes singed that did okay, but the money just isn't enough to make it a full time thing yet. Plus it takes almost 18 months to get all of the payments." We all smiled on that one and they gave us the list of tunes they wrote. We all heard two of them and I said, "How come you don't want to go to Nashville?" Darla said, "It's only country music there. We write everything and there's no rock market or pop market. For writing you have to be in LA or New York."

We listened to them talked about the house duties they had and what they like to cook. My mouth was watering. Dane as laughing at me and said, "Our cook left and we have been living on Tuna fish. That sounds great." We talked to them as friends and they were really nice people. Dane said, "One question that I want you to be honest with us about. Does seeing two women kiss and hug make you uncomfortable?" They looked at each other and Darla said, "We are more than just business partners. You only need to give us one bedroom."

We were smiling at that one. We asked them who they had demo their music and Darla said, "We record it ourselves. We have a digital recording workstation in our room. Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done."

Dane said, "You want a tour of the place?" They smiled and nodded and we started with the outside grounds and Debbie said, "Use the pool whenever you want. Plus the Mercedes 500 in the garage is yours to use also." We walked to the outside entrance of the servants wing and I said, "John is our driver who lives in that townhouse. Yours is the one on the end. Come on in and we'll show you around." We gave them the tour of the upstairs and downstairs and then walked through the hallway into the main house.

We toured the upstairs first and then the main level. When we got to the music room their eyes popped out of their heads and Wendy said, "Pro Tools? Oh my God, you have 64 digital tracks? Is that a 57 Strat? Darla, I'm going to cream in my jeans." We all were laughing as we showed them everything. I said, "We recorded our new CD here, so you get to put up with a lot of noise too."

We went back into the den and Dane went over the duties in detail and they agreed to all of it. Then she told them the salaries of $60,000 each per year plus medical coverage and they looked so surprised. Dane said, "We give bonuses each year too based on how we do. Is that too low?" Wendy said, "No, it's fine." I said, "When can you start?" Darla said, "Can we have a minute alone?" I said, "Sure, use the study."

They went into the study as I lit a cigarette. I took a drag and Dane said, "Maybe we could use some of their music too. This may work out real good." Jamie said, "I think they are so cute. My guess is that they both just turned 21." They walked in and Wendy said, "Sorry to ease drop, but your right. We did just turn 21. We'll take it, and we can start today if you want. All of our stuff is already packed, because our current employer is moving."

Dane stood up and said, "Welcome to the asylum. Let me introduce you to John and he can go with you if you want in the limo to get your things." They smiled as Wendy said, "Cool." I buzzed John and said, "Can you join us in the Den?"

He was there in a minute and Dane said, "John, this is Wendy and Darla. They are taking Deyse's place. Can you drive them to get their belongings? They're moving in today." John smiled and said, "Welcome to the nut house, but it is fun, and these are the nicest people I've ever worked for." He shook their hands as he said, "I'll take care of it."

Toni and Lynn walked in and we did the introductions, before John left with Wendy and Darla.

I said, "Before Barb gets here, listen to the tunes in my head that I think they should play." We all sat and I said each song name in my mind and then I played it from start to end the way I thought it should sound as a band. This was so neat, as Toni made a small change to one of the songs and we all heard it as I played it again for them. We went through the new tunes and then I did Hey Little Cobra' and Tush'. Toni said, "Save those for us. What a great arrangement."

I said, "That's all of them. What do you think?" Dane put her arm on my shoulder and said, "I think the cash register is going to be ringing real quickly for them." Debbie and Jamie were nodding their heads and Toni said, "Save a few of them for us. Those are all real good tunes." Dane said, "We can write music for us anytime. It's hard to write for someone else. Let's make them a success again on their second CD."

Everyone agreed as Dane and I lit a cigarette. She put her arm back on my shoulder and said, "Tell me again about how your mom licked your pussy. Honey, that made me so hot." Jamie was laughing her ass off and said, "Debbie asked me the same thing." I kissed Dane and said, "Later. We'll make it a bedtime story." Jamie was smiling and said, "Sis, you and I think so much alike."

John came in and said, "We're back and I'll help them get started. Barb and the rest of Cobra are here also." I said, "Thanks John", as Barb and Gary popped their heads into the den as Barb said, "Hi guys." Debbie said, "We have some surprise tunes for you. But lets here the ones you were having trouble with first." Dane said, "John, have Wendy and Darla join us first. They can unpack later." Dane said to us in our minds, "Lets see if they can write."

Wendy and Darla came in and Dane introduced them to the members of Cobra and said, "They took Deyse's place, but are also song writers and have had few hits, so lets see if they have any ideas. Darla, you and Wendy okay with helping these guys out?" Darla smiled and said, "Yeah. We're interested."

We all went into the music room and I turned everything on. Barb, Gary, Tim, and Emily all took their places in the practice area and used our gear, as we sat on the couches. Barb said, "These three tunes need work. Tell us what you think." They tuned up and Gary clicked the beats and they played. We all had notepads and pencils and were taking notes as they did each song. Barb finished the last tune and said, "Okay, how bad is it?"

I said, "Lets here from Darla and Wendy first. Be very honest. No one will have hurt feelings. This is business." They were comparing notes and Darla said, "The first song is not memorable at all. It rambles and has no hook. Plus it's not symmetrical. I couldn't tell where the verses ended and the chorus started. It was lacking dynamics, but that's the arrangement. Way too much stuff going on all at once in the intro. The one line in there that was something like `Do it one more time', would make a great hook, but I'd get rid of the minor chord. Make it happy, not sad."

We were all smiling and Dane said, "We had the exact same notes. What did you think of the bridge?" Wendy said, "It's in the wrong place in the tune, and it needs another 4 bars." Debbie handed her not pad to Wendy and they smiled. Jamie said, "How would you fix it?"

Wendy picked up a folk guitar and said, "Do you have the lead sheets for it?" Barb handed her a piece of paper and said, "Only chords and words." Wendy played the verse slow and said, "End it here on the G. Listen." She played the verse and changed a bunch of things, including part of the melody. We all nodded and then she played a chorus using the hook line. Barb said, "You just earned a writers share on that one. That sounds good."

Darla and Wendy gave each other a high five and were smiling and then they went though the rest of the song. We had Barb learn the changes and then play it, with Darla and Wendy helping with the arrangement. Toni made a few suggestions on the harmony parts and they changed them. We listened to them play the whole tune and they were so into the music. It sounded really good. Barb said, "One down. Now how about the next two."

Dane said, "Darla, lets hear what you thought again." It was amazing that their comments matched ours to a tee for all three songs. They also fixed them the same way we would have. We had Barb learn all three and then they took off the instruments and gave Darla and Wendy a big hug. Barb said, "I was serious about the writers share. You made these tunes from our mess."

Debbie said, "We have a bunch of new tunes for you. Darla, you and Wendy stick around and tell us what you think of these too." I took a folk guitar and said, "No sheets yet. Tell me what you think. You guys remember any of the chorus to sing along?" Dane said, "We'll fake it so they get the idea."

I called out the name of the song and Debbie wrote it down and I played it and sang it as I played it in my mind for them to hear like before. They all sang the parts perfect and we were smiling as we did the first song. I ended it and said, "Comments?"

Darla said, "Hit record. Don't change a thing." Barb said, "You got that right. Chris, keep going." We played all nine tunes and the reaction was the same except one part in one tune, Wendy made a slight change and we loved it. We gave them a share in that also. Barb was walking on air and said, "We may even catch up to you guys in the charts with all of these."

I said, "The last two are new arrangements for existing tunes. You guys think we can play them for them?" Toni said, "I still want to keep these for ourselves." Barb was laughing and said, "They must be good."

We got up and I sat at the drums. I said, "The first tune is a theme song for you. Hey Little Cobra." Dane was calling out the chords and I gave then the beat. I said, "Ready?" They nodded and I clicked the beats and we started it as I played it in my head again.

I sang the lead with Dane doing the first harmony and then we all did the chorus and it sounded great. I stopped it and said, "That's only the first verse and chorus. What do you think?" We got all thumbs up and then I said, "The next song is just a good solid rock tune that we did a different arrangement on."

We all knew Tush and Dane started it the new way and we came in. She sang it as I played it in my head and we did the harmony parts and different riffs. Barb was dancing to it as we did the chorus line in 6 part harmony. Lynn played a blues harp solo and we ended it. I said, "Opinions?" Barb said, "You have to be kidding. That sounds great."

Dane said, "Darla, your thoughts?" She said, "I knew you guys were good, but I never expected anything like this. We would love to learn from all of you while we work here. That was a Picasso and ZZ Top would be very proud." I said, "Thanks Darla, you too Wendy. You can unpack now if you want. We'll send out for dinner for everyone. You like Chinese?" They nodded their heads and waved as they went to unpack.

We sat on the couches with Cobra and Barb said, "They are so cute and kissable." We all laughed and nodded our heads. I said, "They are also pretty good song writers. You have any other new material? You still need at least two more tunes for the full CD." Barb said, "Not worth playing. Ask Darla and Wendy if they have any material we can hear?"

Dane pressed the intercom and said, "Hate to interrupt your unpacking, but we have a question. Just press the intercom button to talk." We heard Darla breathing heavy say, "Yeah sure. What?" Dane said into my mind, "They were getting into it honey." I said, "Darla, you have any material that you have written that would fit Cobra? They're still short 2 to 3 tunes for the new CD." She said, "We can let your listen to the demo tape we did last week. There may be a few on there that can be changed to fit. We wrote them for a pop artist, but they haven't signed for them yet." I said, "Bring the tape over and we'll listen to it."

They must have run through the house and were back in seconds with the tape. We were laughing as they smiled handing us the CD and copies of the words and music to follow along. Debbie loaded it into a CD player and set the volume level of the board. She pressed play and we listened to a typical demo tape, but with great vocals. We all loved the first tune and Toni yelled, "Hit pause."

Debbie paused it and Toni said, "No matter how much you argue with me, I won't back down on this one. We are doing that tune. Darla, that is a platinum." Barb said, "That's so unfair." We were laughing as Toni and Barb were arguing over why it was better for us. I ended it and said, "Lets hear all of them first and Toni I do agree with you. That is definitely a platinum." Darla and Wendy were so excited, as Debbie pressed pause again and the music started.

All 8 of the songs on the tape were really good. We picked three that would be easy to adapt to Cobra and Dane said, "Darla, you just made a big sale. We want to do the other 6 on our next CD. I'll get you a set of contracts tomorrow." They were screaming and Wendy had a tear running down her face. I said, "You write great tunes. Keep doing it because we are doing another CD for Trigger, The Tramps, and Hard Core all within the next 3 months. They were smiling and holding hands.

I said, "You can unpack now and we'll order the food. What do you like?" Wendy said, "Anything. Right now I'm numb." I said, "Be back in about 45 minutes for dinner." They left for the apartment and Debbie said into our minds, "They are going to fuck. I guarantee it." We all smiled at each other as Barb said, "We can start on this anytime you guys are ready."

Dane said, "Let start tomorrow. Anyone want a drink?" We all went into the great room and Jamie played bartender while Debbie ordered the Chinese food.

We talked about the show on Sunday and they wanted to know how we got the audience moving the way we did. Dane put it best when she said, "They were dead, so we had nothing to loose. I was prepared to walk into the audience and dance with the people to get them up off their asses. You just have to be obnoxious and make them part of the show. Inside of every dead person in the audience is a little kid just waiting to come out."

Barb was practicing being obnoxious standing over Gary and we all were laughing. Barb stopped and said, "I heard people talking about you guys in the casino. They closed a high stakes table you were on because you won too much. How much did you win?" Debbie said, "A whole bunch. This was a real profitable concert. Are you playing with us at the meadowlands next weekend?" Barb said, "Yeah." Dane said, "We're hitting Atlantic City. Join us and bet with us. Trust us on this one, and bring cash. Barb, we never loose. This trip we hit on 4 out of every 5 bets."


The intercom from the front Gate chimed and Jamie buzzed the delivery driver in. We brought the food into the dining room and Wendy and Darla had already set the table and were waiting for us to sit down. I said, "Darla, we are very informal. You can join us to eat at every meal, as long as it's not a special diner party or something. The key here is that we suck at cooking unless it's outside on the barbeque pit or bacon and eggs."

They were smiling as they sat at the table and we figured out who got what food. Dane said, "Cobra is going to start working on their new CD with us tomorrow. Why don't you both plan on being with us starting at 9 in the morning so they can learn your six tunes." They were really smiling now and I saw Wendy grab Darla's hand under the table. Dane put her hand on my thigh under the table and said into my mind, "They're both about to cum in their jeans."

We ate and talked about the timing for the recording and we made a schedule for all of the things that needed to happen. Debbie said, "I'll call the recording, video, and photography departments in the morning to reserve the time and also let Marty know when to expect a finished product."

The phone rang and Dane reached to the dining room server and pressed speaker as she said, "Hello." We heard Marty say, "Hi Dane. Anyone else there with you?" We all yelled, "Hi Marty!" and she said, "Sounds like an army." I yelled, "Cobra is here with us." Marty said, "How would you like to do a few talk shows? Everyone wants you. That bit with the kids at the last concert made international news." Dane said, "We start working with Cobra tomorrow on the new CD, so we don't want to book ourselves solid. Just schedule a few shows that are taped or go out live from LA."

Marty was asking about the material and Dane introduced Wendy and Darla to her over the phone as we told her about the new material and the tunes for us also. Debbie yelled out, "Since we have you on the phone, this is the tentative schedule for Cobra." Debbie went through all of it and Marty said, "I love it. You guys work twice as fast as anyone else, and the music kicks ass. I'll take care of the engineers based on the schedules, and letting the other departments know. Barb, let me hear the tunes when you learn them. I want to hear the new songwriters material. I'll call you with the talk show schedule." We all yelled, "Bye!" Marty was laughing as we hung up.

We ate the food and then had some wine and lit cigarettes as we opened the fortune cookies. Barb's was the best and she read it to us, "Listen and learn. Your friends and business will make you very wealthy."

We finished our wine and Barb said, "We'll see you tomorrow morning at 9. I love the new tunes." They left and Wendy and Darla cleared the table and loaded up the dishwasher. Darla said, "What time do you want breakfast?" We all smiled and Dane said, "Whenever we stagger downstairs. Usually around 8 or so. We'll buzz you if it changes."

Darla and Wendy said goodnight and went to their apartment, and Toni and Lynn went home. Jamie put her arms around me and Dane and said, "Bedtime story time." We were smiling and getting hot already as we walked upstairs.

We went into our bedroom and undressed as the excitement of knowing what was going to happen was making us all wet. We got into the bed together, with Dane lying on top of me and Debbie on top of Jamie. Dane said, "Now it's time for your story honey. I've got to hear more about your mom. My God was that hot." Debbie was agreeing so I said, "When my mom rubbed my pussy, I had no idea what was happening. When I orgasmed, it was like an explosion. My pussy cum was dripping on my thighs. My mom bent over and before she kissed my clit, she licked up the cum on my thighs, and it felt so good. I remember watching her lick her lips and then she put her mouth over my clit and I melted."

Dane was rubbing my clit and Debbie was licking Jamie's nipples as I moaned while breathing hard, "Mom sucked my little clit into her mouth and massaged it with her tongue. Oh yeah Dane, just like that. Rub higher, mmmmmmm. Then mom licked all around the inside of my pussy by pulling my lips apart with her fingers. Dane, she put her tongue all the way into my little hole and I never felt anything like it before. She moved her tongue in and out of me and I was bucking my little pussy into her face and moaning as she tongue fucked me. Oh yeah, finger me baby. That's it. Mom licked me from top to bottom, and then sucked and rubbed my clit for over 15 minutes until I was screaming in an orgasm again. She covered my entire pussy with her mouth and sucked, as I sprayed my juices out. I watched her swallow and I was so hot, as I saw her put her hand under her skirt and rub herself too. That's when she kissed me and I tasted my cum for the first time."

Dane kissed me so hard and then Debbie kissed me, and so did Jamie. I felt Dane slide her cock into me and I wrapped my legs around her. Jamie rolled us over on our sides and Debbie lubed up Dane's ass, and Jamie lubed up mine. They spooned us and Jamie fucked my ass, as Debbie fucked Dane's pussy. The four of us were so hot and totally out of control. We fucked in this position for about 10 minutes and then changed so everyone was in each position. Dane and I fucked Debbie's pussy together and then we did Jamie the same way.

We most erotic thing we did was when we paired up to suck each other off. Dane and I sucked off Jamie as Debbie watched and then we sucked off Debbie as Jamie watched. They did the same thing to us and I was on fire. We had a four way 69 chain and ate pussy for over an hour as we kept changing positions in the chain. Jamie kissed me with a mouthful of my pussy cum and said, "You are the best sister there is."

Debbie and Dane made love together for a while, as Jamie and I did it. We watched each other and got so excited. Dane and I almost raped each other afterwards as Jamie told us about what mom did to her. I was dripping as I listened.

We paired up in bed and Dane and I made love for hours. We fell asleep on our sides, with my cock still inside of her pussy and her one leg wrapped around me.

Dane woke me up by moving on my cock and I shot my cum into her in less than a minute. She kissed me so sexy and whispered, "I was bad honey. I've been doing this to you in your sleep for almost an hour." We kissed and Dane slid her cock into me and we fucked again slowly. I was in heaven.

We felt the bed moving and watched Debbie and Jamie making love again too. I had multiple orgasms from my pussy and then Dane's cock pulsated inside of me and I felt the warm cum blast out as we kissed. She held me tighter as more cum shot out and our tongues moved in each other's mouth. We lay perfectly still and kissed as her cock slid out of me.

We made our cocks small and then disappear. I reached for a cigarette and Dane lit it for me as she said, "It's 7:30, we should get up in a few minutes." We sat up against the headboard and shared the cigarette as Jamie and Debbie were orgasming together. Jamie moaned out, "Oh God was that good." Dane and I laughed and Debbie said, "It really was good." I was still laughing and said, "We have to get up. Work today."

Jamie lit a cigarette and they sat against the headboard with us. I said, "Isn't this how we started last night?" We all remembered as we read each other's mind and got so hot again. Debbie said, "Knock this shit off or we'll never get out of bed." I read her mind and said, "You're still thinking about it too." She smiled and said, "God damn was it hot. Hey Dane, we should tell them about what happened to us when we were 12." Dane said, "Tonight. Our mother is as much of a perverted psycho as yours. They belong together."

We finished the cigarette and went into the bathroom to do our morning routine, as Debbie and Jamie went into their bedroom.

We dressed and went downstairs. Darla said, "We already eat. You want waffles, or eggs?" I said, "Waffles. We haven't had that in a while." We had some coffee and a cigarette as Jamie and Debbie came downstairs and picked the same breakfast.

They did know how to cook as they served us buttered waffles with strawberries, blueberries, whipped cream, and bacon. It was terrific. Toni and Lynn walked in and Darla said, "You have to eat." They had the same thing and we were laughing about it. Wendy made a second pot of coffee and we were definitely impressed.

We made them sit with us and stop waiting on us. Dane said, "Cook, not slave." They both were laughing as I said, "The apartment Okay? You need anything?" Wendy said, "It's great." Dane said, "When you need gas for the car, food, or supplies, we keep cash in the jar by the sink. Just take what you need and let me know if you are running low."

The gate intercom chimed and Jamie said, "Come on in Barb" and buzzed the gate open. They came into the kitchen and we all went to the music room. Wendy brought the pots of coffee with us and we all laughed as Debbie said, "You don't have to do this."

When we got into the music room is was all business for Darla and Wendy. They really knew music. They handed out lead sheets, chord charts, and guitar tablature, all with the words on them. Barb and the other studied them and as we listened to the demo CD again and Darla said, "Change the tempo to around 130 and it should work." I clapped my hands at 130 and Barb played the chords and sang the words. It definitely worked.

We watched as Darla and Wendy really knew what they were doing. They did the arrangement and the only area they needed help was on the vocal parts. We did that. We went through all of their tunes with acoustic guitars first and then we had Cobra try it electric.

It took a few tries, but they had each tune down. Barb was smiling and said, "These are terrific." Debbie said into our minds, "I called the attorney and the contracts should be here by lunch for them." We all nodded and watched Barb do the songs a few more times. Toni made some suggestions on the bass parts to sync it better with the kick drum and Dane was working with Dane to come up with a memorable solo for each tune. By 11:30 the songs were finished.

The gate intercom chimed and Debbie went into the other room. She came back in and listened to the songs end and said to Darla and Wendy, "The attorneys from the record company are here with the song contracts. You can use our study to go through them. These are really good, as we control the publishing rights. The lawyers will explain it all. When your done well take a lunch break."

I said, "You ready to learn the other tunes now?" Barb said, "You bet." We started with the first one and then did two more acoustically. We worked the arrangements and then electric. They had all three done in under an hour. Darla came back and said, "We made some lunch." I was laughing and said, "You were supposed to be looking over the contract." Wendy walked in and said, "It was fine so we signed it and made some lunch."

We went to the kitchen and had sloppy Joe triple-decker sandwiches and loved it. These things were addicting and we carried the serving platter into the music room with something to drink and went back to work.

By 6:30 Barb had learned all of the new tunes, including the two old songs we rearranged. I said, "Take tomorrow to practice them until them sound clean and we'll start the recording session here on Thursday at 9."

Darla was standing at the doorway and said, "The music sounds good. Dinner is ready for everyone in the dining room." Dane smiled at me and we went into the dining room and found a feast. We couldn't believe it. Deyse never cooked like this and she was tone deaf. We had rack of lamb and about 4 other side dishes. It was better than our favorite gourmet restaurant. Darla and Wendy ate with us and we made them blush so many times with compliments about the songs and the food. They were incredibly cute.

We were all stuffed and sat finishing a second glass of wine and a cigarette. Darla said, "We made desert. Anyone want any, or we could save it for tomorrow." We were all stuffed and Dane said, "Save it."

Barb said, "We'll see you on Thursday at 9. Great dinner." They all left and I said, "Anyone feel like a day at the races tomorrow?" Toni was laughing and said, "Yeah sure. Hey Darla, you and Wendy feel like joining us? We never loose. Just bet with us and you will make some money. I guarantee it." Darla looked at us and I said, "You can go with us. Maybe John wants to come too." Debbie buzzed him on the intercom and he said, "All right! You bet! Just tell me when." Debbie said, "Check the post times and buzz us back." We all had another glass of wine and John buzzed and said, "1 o'clock. We should leave here by 11:30."

We had a cigarette and talked to Darla and Wendy more. They were funny as hell telling us about the country artists that they worked for before us. Darla held her nose and sang and said, "That's good country and that's why we didn't go to Nashville. Violins were never meant to be played in the same band as a Telecaster guitar. It's a sin against the music Gods. The last song they recorded was about a guy that fell under the farm tractor because he was heart broken. I swear. We laughed our asses off when they recorded it and then we had to say it was good." Dane was laughing and said, "They are as nutty as us."

We sat around bull shitting for a while and then Toni said, "We'll see you tomorrow before 11:30." They left and Darla and Wendy said goodnight and walked holding hands into their apartment.

I said, "Do I get a bedtime story again?" Dane was starring into my eyes and kissed me. She said, "You are not going to believe this one." The four of us went up to our bedroom again and undressed. This time I lay on top of Dane and she was smiling as our nipples touched.

Debbie said, "When Dane and I were twelve, our mom was having ladies over for coffee once a week instead of going to work. She use to tell us to go outside and play and always would say I'll call you when it's time for dinner. We were so boarded one day we went back into the house and went up to our room. Dane said to me, hey sis, what's that moaning sound? We walked out into the hallway and followed the sounds to our mom's room and the door was open a few inches. We stood and looked inside and were frozen solid. We couldn't move as we watched my mom in bed with two other women. My mom was licking the pussy of a woman that was sitting on her face, and getting fucked by a dildo held by another woman kneeling in front of her. Dane leaned against me and I started to rub my tities. I pinched my nipples as Dane was rubbing her clit, and then I put my hand in my pants and rubbed my clit too, as we were getting so hot. My mom was moaning as the woman fucked her faster with the dildo and then licked her clit."

Jamie kissed Debbie and then she continued, "We were rubbing ourselves at light speed and frozen in place watching my mom and other women. We watched them kiss and Dane leaned over and kissed me while we rubbed our little clits. Oh did that feel good, and remembering it is making me so wet." Dane was licking my nipples and I had my fingers in her pussy as she was moaning softly.

Debbie continued, "My mom had a huge orgasm and was moaning loud and that set us off. We kissed and then moaned so loud as we both had an orgasm. I pulled my fingers out and Dane licked them and then I licked her fingers. We kissed each other again and opened our eyes to see my mom standing next to us in the doorway. She said, since you want to be part of the fun, come on in. She held our hands as we walked into the bedroom. She shut the door tight and locked it, and said, let me show you how a woman can make another woman feel good."

Jamie was fucking Debbie now as she was talking, and I put my cock into Dane's pussy as we kissed. Debbie was breathing heavy and said, "Oh Jamie, that feels good baby. Slow down so I can finish the story. Oh yeah, just like that."

Debbie moaned softly and continued, "My mom undressed us and lay us on the bed together and told us to kiss. We french kissed and then she told us to lay in a 69 position. We had no idea what that was so they showed us, and they also showed us how to lick pussy. My mom licked Dane and then me. I was completely on fire when we licked each other. I remember playing with Dane's clit and she orgasmed into my mouth. I sucked in and swallowed for five minutes. Then the other two woman moved us apart and each one lay with us on a 69 position. I had an adult cunt in my face and I licked it like a dog laps up water, while she ate me into paradise and my mom fingered my ass. Then mom moved to Dane and did her the same way. Oh Jamie that feels so good honey. Don't stop now."

I was fucking Dane and she didn't stop kissing me. She wrapped her legs around me and we went wild on each other. We changed every twenty minutes, so she could fuck me too. I shot my cum into her and then she shot her cum into me, as Debbie was blasting her cum into Jamie. We did it in a four person pile again and this time it was so incredible. We all made our cocks go away and re-enacted what happened to Dane and Debbie. I must have orgasmed thirty times. My pussy just won't stop. We spent 4 hours eating pussy and using our double ended dildo. Dane and I fell asleep with the dildo in us lying on our sides together.

Dane and I woke up a few times during the night and fucked again with the dildo and then fell back to sleep again after we orgasmed.

Dane woke me up and the sun was shining bright into our room. I noticed that Jamie and Debbie were already up and Dane said, "It's 10:30 baby. We need to get up." I kissed her and she said, "I know. That was so incredible last night. I love you so much."

Dane dragged me into the bathroom and I wanted to have sex so bad. I was begging her and she was laughing and kissing me. She knelt down on the floor and spread my legs and pussy lips. Dane licked my cunt and I orgasmed in under a minute. She sucked me and then stood and kissed me so I could taste it. I was more horny now than before as she dragged me into the shower and we both peed under the water.

We dressed and went downstairs for breakfast and today we ordered eggs. What a difference from Deyse. We all ate and had coffee as John came in and said, "I bought some extra binoculars. We can go anytime you're ready. I'll get the car." Debbie said into our minds, "I have three hundred thousand in the bag." We all nodded as we went through the front door to the car. Dane said to Darla and Wendy, "If we help you win a ton of money, you have to promise me that you won't quit for a year. Deal?" They smiled and Darla said, "Deal."


The ride to the track was a riot. Darla and Wendy wrote a ton of commercial jingles and they sang they to us, including the ones that got rejected. I almost wet my pants with the rejected Pepto-Bismol diarrhea song. They couldn't keep a straight face as they sang it. Dane was almost crying.

They sang one of our songs backwards and we couldn't stop laughing. They started from the last word in the last line and ended it with the first word in the first line. We couldn't believe they could even memorize it or get the melody right. We checked it on one verse, and it was exact. They were nuttier than we were.

We pulled into the racetrack and John said, "I arranged for VIP parking", as he pulled into an area that had a security guard and he spoke to the guard who waved us through. He stopped at the front of the lot and we all got out. We went to the VIP gate and John said, "Reservations for Stolen Hearts." Dane said into our minds, "He knows his way around. My guess is they all know him at this place." She was right, as at least 4 people said hello to him as we walked to the restaurant and then into a private room overlooking the track through a glass wall.

We all sat looking through the glass as a waitress came in and said, "Hi, like for sure, my name is Jan. I can take your bets and also will get you refreshments or food. Our menu is so totally awesome. Just tell me what you want." She was so valley, we all were trying not to laugh until Darla said, "Oh, my, God. This is so totally fat. I love your sneaks too." I lost it and Dane covered my mouth with her hand and said, "Can you bring us 6 Vodka and Tonics with lime and whatever the others want. Also some race programs." I was licking Dane's hand over my mouth and now she was starting to laugh as Darla and Wendy were ordering in valley language and asking Jan about her boyfriend. John said, "Just a beer."

Jan left our room and I lost it. Darla stood up and did a cheerleader thing and we all lost it. They were definitely worse than we were. We all lit cigarettes and we looking at the trainers parade the horses in the first race on the track. Jan brought our drinks and race programs and John said, "I'm usually pretty good at picking winners."

Debbie said, "John, today your not even allowed to look at the program. Bet with us and I guarantee you'll win. Matter of fact, I am going to make you, Darla, and Wendy a deal. We'll make the first bet for you of $5,000 on a horse. If we loose, it's our lose and you don't owe us anything. If we win, you get the profit and we get back our 5 grand. The only catch is you have to let it roll with us if you win. Deal?" John said, "Of course."

Dane said into our minds, "We just concentrate on moving the horse past the others. I'll do that part. The rest of you take any other horse that is getting close and slow then down a little. Not a lot, just enough to make a difference. Select the horse that is in order from us left to right, closest to the front of the pack. So Toni, you would take the horse that is closest and so on down the line." Toni said back into our minds, "Okay Boss." We all nodded as we looked at the odds on the tote board and the odds in the program.

John said this is part of a double. Pick the horses to win in both this race and the next one. We picked a 60:1 in the first race and a 43:1 in the second. John was hysterically laughing and said, "That horse won't even finish." Dane said, "Shut up. It's our money on the first race. We like the names and the colors." Darla and Wendy were laughing at us.

Jan came back in and she almost fainted when we made the bets. I said, "Two hundred fifty thousand on number 5 to win, and fifty thousand on the double 5 and 3 in the next race." Dane gave her the other bets of five thousand each and she said, "Like totally cool." She took the money and brought us back the race tickets and another round of drinks.

We noticed that the odds went down on our horses because of the huge bet we made, but they were going back up again. John gave us all binoculars and we were goofing around with them looking at each other. Debbie looked through the backwards at my boobs and said, "You are so small. Ever consider implants?" John wanted to crawl under the chairs. I said, "John, if we loose we'll give you your race program back. Promise."

We heard the trumpets sound and watched the horses get into the starting gate as an announced said, "And they're off! Morning glory takes the lead, as Pegasus is in second." We watched through the binoculars and started to move the horses as we talked to each there. It was like a video game and we were playing games moving one horse back and forward again. We all were laughing as we watched and listened to the announcer say, "It's Blue Note in the front. Blue Note by two lengths. Pegasus is charging but it's Blue note. Blue note to the wire, and it's Blue Note, Pegasus, and Morning Glory." We were smiling as John, Darla, and Wendy were screaming and jumping up and down.

Dane said, "I told you we never loose. Just bet with us and you'll make a shit load of money." We watched the tote board flash final and it showed our horse paid 22 dollars on a two dollar bet. Now we all danced and screamed as John was laughing.

Jan came in and we handed her our tickets and she flipped. She was jumping and screaming more than all of us put together. She screamed, "Oh, my, God? I'll be right back!"

Jan came in and said, "The manager needs your social security numbers for the payout. He'll be right in." A man walked in and said, "Congratulations. I need your social to pay you by check." I said, "Can we run three tabs and just let part of it roll. One for John, one for Darla and Wendy, and one for the six of us. You can figure it out after the last race and we'll give you our IDs then." He said, "Sure", and told Jan what to do and she said, "I'll be right back. This is so totally cool."

I lit a cigarette and took a drag as Jan came back in with three receipts and said, "Write your bets on each receipt and I'll take it from there." We all wrote down race 2, horse number 3. We bet 2 million to win." Jan looked at it and said, "Oh, my, God?" Darla and Wendy were laughing as they bet it all. So did John. John said, "How much you want to bet that they won't let you bet that high if we win this next race? You'll bankrupt them."

Dane said, "What should rename this track when we get it in bankruptcy court?" Jan came back with out bet stubs and new receipts, and another round of drinks. She said, "The drinks are on the house." Toni said into our minds, "They're trying to get us sloshed so we loose."

We watched the odds dive after our bet was made and then they started to come back up again. They were up to 8:1 when the trumpets sounded and the horses went to the starting gate. We all watched through the binoculars and Toni stood up and looked at us with the binoculars backwards again. We were all laughing as the bells rang and we heard the announcer saying, "Little Miss is out first followed by Lucky Dog."

We were jerking around with the horses and driving the announcer nuts as we laughed and listened. He announced a lead change every 5 seconds as we moved one horse up and then back. Dane started moving our horse from the back of the pack to the lead and ahead by two lengths. The announcer was going crazy screaming, "Lost Soul came from nowhere and has it in the final stretch. It's Lost Soul and Lucky Dog. Lost Soul and Lucky Dog. Lost Soul, Lucky Dog, and Smarty at the wire. It's Lost Soul." We all smiled as John said, "Ho-ly Shit!

Darla and Wendy were jumping and screaming and hugging as Jan ran in screaming, "Oh, my God! You won again! This is so totally cool." We handed her the ticket stubs and she brought back our receipts that had big numbers on them and we all laughed.

We did the same thing with the third race and the manager asked us to limit our bets to two million as we wrote down 200 million. Dane was smiling as she said, "It think we should rename it to Stolen Hearts horse sanctuary. We'll turn it into grazing land and a place for outdoor concerts."

After the fourth race we all we now betting 2 million on each race. John was loving every second of it when we hit the trifecta on the fifth race. We were all half trashed and really started to get out of control when we moved the horses. Dane had one horse in front by about 10 lengths and then fall to the back. It looked like the horse was on a yo-yo. Toni moved a horse sideways and I almost peed in my pants.

After we won in the sixth race they asked us to stop betting so we ordered lunch as they drew up our checks. The manager gave them to us and Dane said, "Are they good?" He smiled and said, "That's why we asked you to stop. One more win and they would have bounced." I said, "Darla, Wendy, you have to live up to your promise. You okay with that? You too John. Just one year." They all were laughing and said, "Deal."

We had a nice lunch and then some coffee with cigarettes as John said, "I guess we stop at the bank on the way home." Dane said, "Yup. Lets make sure the checks are good. This would have made such a nice concert park." Darla was laughing again and kissed Wendy. John said, "You too?" They nodded and he said, "Figures."

We paid the tab and left a thousand dollar tip for Jan. She was jumping and screaming again, as we walked to the limo. We got in as John drove us back home and we laughed the whole way. Debbie said into our minds, "These two are keepers." We all nodded.

John pulled into the back and we all went in to make a deposit. The manager saw the race track name on the checks and couldn't believe it. I said, "We got real lucky again." He wrote out the deposit tickets and gave us each a receipt, and opened an account for Darla and Wendy. He said, "Stop back anytime. I love these nice surprises."

We went home and Darla said, "What time you want dinner?" Dane put her arm over Darla's shoulder and answered, "Go celebrate and don't worry about it tonight." They went to their apartment holding hands and Debbie said, "Pizza?"

Jamie made us all a drink and we sat in the kitchen laughing about how we made the horses move. Debbie made us another round of drinks and we were getting silly again as Jamie order a few pizzas.

By the time the pizza delivery came we were half in the bag again and talking about the first time each of us kissed a boy and then a girl who was not one of us. I was dripping wet as I was remembering when I kissed a friend of ours, Sally, in our basement when I was 13.

Dane pressed the intercom to Darla's apartment and said, "Pizza's here. Come join us if you're hungry." We didn't hear anything and then laughed as Debbie said, "That was pussy eating silence." About a minute later Darla and Wendy walked in carrying a folk guitar and Darla said, "Listen while you eat. We always get song ideas after we have emotional days."

They pulled up two chairs together and Darla said, "This is called For Love or Money." She played it as they both sang and we had our mouths hanging open with pizza in them. Dane was chewing as fast as she could and swallowed and turned to me whispering, "That's our next number 1 hit. Holy fuck are they good." We all stood and clapped as Darla said, "Two more. This is called Racing my Way' and the second is called It's Only Me."

They played them both and we were all smiling. These songs were better than the last batch and unreal. We all clapped again and Dane said, "Can you guys give us two minuets to talk. Just wait in the other room. It's nothing bad at all."

They went into the dining room and Dane said into our minds, "What a fucking waste of talent to have them cook and clean 8 hours a day. I say we use these tunes ourselves. What would you think if we asked them to become partners in our production company. We grandfather what we already did, and spilt the profits going forward." Toni said back in our minds, "I think it's a great idea. We can handle double the number of bands. Split up into two groups of four, and then check each other's work." We all agreed and I yelled, "Come on in guys."

They came back in and Dane said, "Sit down, and don't take this the wrong way because there's something good coming next. How would you to like to hire a cook to take your place?" I thought they were going to cry until Dane said, "That's because we want you to become our partners in the production company we have. Stolen Hearts Productions. Interested?"

They jumped and screamed louder than when they won 7 million dollars in one race today. We were all smiling and I said, "Those tunes are excellent and we want to record them. This is the deal." We talked about what's involved and how they could handle a big part of it and that we'd work with them to be able to do exactly what we do. Dane said, "The revenue before Cobra yesterday will be grand fathered to us, but we split anything new 8 ways. It should gross us each about 25 to 30 million a year. I know you're going to hate this too, but why don't you plan on moving into one of the unused bedroom suites upstairs. You can use anything in the house you want, or buy your own place. It's up to you. We thought it would be easier if you were here with us to get it started. Toni and Lynn live down the block and I think they're here more than at home lately."

Lynn said, "If we can double the volume of bands, we'll configure the studio we had built in our place and that gives us two places to work with bands and record." Toni said, "Lets just do it. You know we'll need it within a few months. Marty has ten bands that want us to produce them right now. We just don't have time."

Darla and Wendy were still in a daze and I said, "Eat some pizza and have a drink. Dane we should have John manage the help and also get a second driver. This is also a good time to have John trade in the limo and get two of the ones we looked at last month." Dane buzzed John and said, "Come in if you have a minute."

John walked in and we hand him some pizza and Dane explained what we wanted to do and he smiled and said, "The stretched Rolls? No problem. I can manage the staff." We all went into the study and turned on the computer to check the email from the adds. There were hundreds and we looked through them. Darla, Wendy, and John were selecting the people to interview and we just watched. John said, "This guy is a driver too. Lets bring him in."

I said, "John, why don't you do the interviews. Darla and Wendy are going to be with us all day tomorrow in the studio while Cobra is recording. If you find someone that you think is a good fit, check the references and make them an offer." He was smiling and said, "I'll take care of it. Let me print these out and I'll make the calls tonight." He printed our twenty resumes and took them to his apartment and we went back into the den as Jamie made us all a round of drinks.

Dane said, "So, Darla, weren't you wondering how we won all of the money?" They both nodded their heads and Wendy said, "Did you have the races fixed?" I said, "Nope." They both looked surprised and Dane said, "Don't get alarmed at what you are about to see. Watch your guitar." Dane moved it over to their lap with her mind." Darla said, "No shit!"

I said, "We all can do that and a bunch of other things. Anyone can do it. You just have to know how. It's our secret and you have to promise to keep it that way if you want us to show you how it's done." Wendy said, "We promise."

We spent the next hour showing them everything. When Dane pulled down her pants and showed them the little pimple and then made it into a cock, I thought Darla was going to shit in her pants. We each had three more drinks and were flying as we told them about our trip to Las Vegas and how much money we won. Debbie said, "Come with us when we play this weekend. We`re going with Cobra to Atlantic City. We can't play as high stakes as we did in Vegas, but we can still walk away with a shit load of money. Plus we want you to see our show. That's part of what we create when we produce a band." Dane said, "I bet this is more than you bargained for when you applied for the job here." They were smiling as Wendy said, "This was the best thing we ever did."

We all had another drink and Toni was getting smashed. She moved over to sit across Darla and Wendy's lap sideways and put her arm around them. Toni slurred out, "We have a new tradition in the band and I guess part of this company. We fuck. I mean we really fuck and we always start with sexy bedtime stories. Want to play with us?"

Darla was smiling as Toni gave her the wettest kiss and then kissed Wendy too. Lynn moved over to kneel on the couch on the other side of Toni and was rubbing Wendy's back, as we took off our cloths and sat cuddling on the couch. Lynn saw the four of us get naked and they took off their cloths also as Dane lit a cigarette for us to share. Dane and I had our breasts pressed against each other and I was so horny.

Debbie said, "We should finish our story. Let me bring you four up to date." Debbie retold the story of her and Dane with their mother and her mother's friends as Dane and I shared the cigarette and caressed each other. Toni, Lynn, Darla, and Wendy were about 4 feet from us on the couch and were all over each other. Debbie said, "Dane. You tell the next part."

I licked her nipples and Dane moaned softly and then said, "Nothing happened for a few months and then my mom came home early from work with her two friends and this time Debbie and I stayed in the house. They were sitting in the kitchen having coffee and a cigarette and we sat with them after a while. I was fantasizing about having sex again, and my little clit was working overtime. Debbie and I had some coffee and tried to act so grown up. She lit one of mom's cigarettes and they smiled at us and watched. She held the cigarette in my lips so I could suck on it and I blew out the smoke as Debbie whispered into my ear, lets get the party going. She handed me the cigarette and I took another drag, as she took off all of her cloths and my mom was laughing. Debbie sat on the kitchen table and moved down so that her pussy was only inches away from one of mom's friends. She opened her legs and said, you can have this for desert."

I pushed my cock into Dane and she moaned so loud, "Oh baby, that feels so good. Go slow so I can finish the story. Ooooo, mmmmmmm, that's nice."

Dane continued, "I undressed next and put the cigarette in my lips as I got on the table and slid down right next to Debbie, putting one of my legs over hers as I spread my pussy wide too in front of the other woman. I took a drag of the cigarette and the woman took my cigarette and put it out, and dove her face down to lick me. It felt so incredible, and I watched Debbie getting licked the same way. We both leaned back on our hands and enjoyed the women darting their tongues into our holes licking our clits. My mom stood up and walked behind her friends and bent over the one licking me and put her hands inside of her blouse pinching her nipples. I was so hot watching this as Debbie was moaning, make me cum. Do it faster. Mom undressed herself and both women, as they licked us. Debbie orgasmed first and then I exploded and absolutely screamed when the woman sucked the juices out of me. I bent forward and held her head to my pussy and wouldn't let her move."

Dane and I were moving faster and she kissed me, as Debbie said, "Then we got a surprise. Mom lubed our pussies with a gel and she sat in front to me as one of the woman squatted on the table with her pussy over Dane's face. I could see how Dane was licking her as my mom slipped three fingers into my little cunt and worked them around. Then she slid in a fourth finger and I went wild. I was being stretched beyond belief, but it felt so good. My mom was fucking her hand into me and slowed down to put her thumb into her hand and then pushed in as far as she could. I watched her hand disappear inside of me up to her wrist and then she moved it in and out fast. The other woman got on the table and squatted over my face and I ate her like I was eating ice cream. The woman over Dane's face orgasmed as Dane sucked her pussy and then she got off and started to fist fuck Dane the same way I was getting it."

Jamie was licking Debbie's cunt and Debbie was moaning in an orgasm, as we all were fucking or sucking. I shot my load of cum into Dane, and then she rolled me over and fucked the shit out of me. I loved every second of it.

We all moved to a pile of bodies on the floor and it was an eight person fuck feast. I was licking Darla's pussy and after she orgasmed into my mouth she said, "Time for some desert", and went into the kitchen. She came back with whipped cream cans and sprayed my pussy, Wendy's, Dane's, and hers. We had a four person sixty nine chain eating desert.

Dane and I ended up making love to our sisters again as Toni and Lynn were really getting into it with Darla and Wendy. Jamie and I ate each other's pussy as we watched Dane and Debbie do the same thing lying next to us. Dane acted like I was the woman at the table with her mom in her story, and we both orgasmed again. Then we went back to fucking each other. I was on sexual overload.

The eight of us had paired off next to each other on the floor, and fucked for hours as Darla and Wendy were using the new equipment on each other. We all drifted off to sleep.

I woke up as Dane was moving her pussy on my cock slowly and was kissing me. Everyone else was up and moving slowly also. Debbie said, "Darla, tell us a true story about you two." Darla was sitting, straddling Wendy's cock and lit a cigarette. She took a drag and said, "Well, we are about as bad as you guys and maybe even worse. Wendy and I have been together since our first year in high school. We're both bi, but everyone was calling us dykes. When we were sixteen we went to one of the typical school parties at a football players house when his parents were away. We were so drunk Wendy said to me, Hey dyke, let's show these bitches we like to get fucked just as much as they do. Well, the place was packed and people we half naked all over the place. We were in the den and Wendy kissed me next to a few of the guys and said, want to fuck us while we get it on? Oh honey, that feels so good. Slow down so I can talk."

Dane was slowly rubbing my clit as Darla continued, "We undressed in the middle of the crowd and everyone formed a circle around us. They watched us each fuck and suck two guys at a time, while we touched and kissed each other. I got gang banged by over 30 guys and I was so fucking hot, especially watching Wendy take one up the ass and one in her pussy. We wanted to keep going but we ran out of guys that could get it up. One of the cheerleaders was watching us the whole time and kept moving closer to us. She finally got up the courage to kneel next to me and I put her hand on my pussy. Wendy kissed her as we took off her cloths and let her suck the cum out of our pussies. Oh damn was that hot. She sucked in a mouthful and then kissed each of us as we swallowed. The whole place was cheering for her. She made both of us orgasm and then we did her until she was screaming for mercy. Wendy had her whole hand in her cunt and fucked the shit out of her. She went home with us that night and the three of us slept in my bed and licked each other senseless."

Debbie was moaning softly and said, "That was so hot. Who is she?" Darla was kissing Wendy and stopped and said, "You know her. She was here last night and was the one that didn't say a word." We all sat up and said together, "Emily?" Darla was laughing and said, "Yup."

Dane said, "Hey, you can't just stop there. Tell us more." Wendy was laughing now also and they stopped making love and crawled over by us. Darla said, "Emily is just like us. Barb isn't. Neither is Gary or Tim. Emily has kept that part of her life hidden from the rest of them. Didn't you see her face when we walked in. She was scared shitless one of us was going to do or say something." I said, "She was really quite which is so unusual."

We all started to laugh as Darla said, "She was sleeping with us four nights a week until last week, when we had to pack. We get it on all the time with her and her girlfriend Stacey. I'm sure you met her at some of the gigs. They asked us to move in with them if we didn't find a job." We all nodded and laughed again while we heard our grandfather clock in the library chime at four in the morning. I said, "Darla, tell Emily to bring Stacey with her on the gig this weekend." Wendy said just like Jan at the race track, "Fir sure. Totally. I can dig it. That would be so fat." Dane lost it again laughing as I lit a cigarette.

I took a deep drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke, and then took another drag. I blew out the smoke as Dane cuddled up next to me and took a drag also. She put her hand on my clit and rubbed softly as she whispered into my ear, "Emily and Stacey are hitting it off. They are both so fucking hot. I wonder why she's so afraid to let the other's know in the band. We should find out." I took another drag of the cigarette and blew out the smoke saying, "We'll find out in the morning. Just rub my cunt baby and make me juice all over." Dane smiled and kissed me as she made me feel so good. I took another drag of the cigarette, put it out in an ashtray, and then rolled over a little so I could rub Dane also. We kissed while we rubbed each other into an orgasm and then fell sound asleep again.


Debbie woke us up at 7 in the morning and said, "We should get up. The engineers will be here soon." We sat up squinting and smelled bacon and eggs cooking. Dane and I went to do our morning routine and were back downstairs in the kitchen in 15 minutes. Darla asked us for our order and we laughed. I said, "You don't have to do this." She said, "I know, but we were hungry." We had our eggs and bacon and sat bullshitting as everyone wondered into the kitchen and had some breakfast.

The engineers showed up and went into the studio to set up, as the intercom chimed again. Jamie said, "Come on in guys." It was Emily and Stacey and we all were surprised. Emily said, "Hi, we wanted to tell you something before we record today, that will probably piss Barb off, but, here goes. Stacey and I are lovers. We kept it hidden because Barb is so homophobic." I said, "We don't hide our relationships from her."

Stacey said, "She doesn't approve, at all!" Dane said, "It's not up to her to approve or disapprove what any of us do. It's your life." Darla already told us and we think it's great. Stacey, make sure you come this weekend, we're doing an Atlantic City run." They held hands and then kissed as Stacey said, "I wouldn't miss it." Wendy said, "We're going too."

Dane told Emily about Darla and Wendy's new role and they were all hugging. I said, "You want us to tell the others about your relationship?" Emily said, "Nope. I need to do it." We all had some coffee and heard the gate chime again. Jamie let Barb and the others in and we went to the music room.

We were sitting in the couches as Barb, Gary, and Tim walked in. Emily said, "Hi Barb. Can I see you for a few minutes before we get started?" They walked outside on the veranda and we saw them talking and then hug for at least a minute. Stacey whispered to us, "At least she didn't shoot her." We all were giggling as they walked back in and Emily gave us the thumbs up smiling.

The engineers had set everything up and went through the levels and we ran the recording session. We worked on every tune until we all liked it and Darla and Wendy were terrific with suggestions. Wendy made some sandwiches and ate in the studio working all day. We finished the last tune at 6 o'clock and then did a trial mix and listened to all of the tunes. We had them change one vocal part on one song and then we finished. All of us with Cobra voted on the best songs on the tape and we all agreed it was two of Darla's tunes, and three of Chris's.

I said, "That's a wrap." Barb, Gary, and Tim got up and Barb said, "Emily, I meant what I said. We'll see you and Emily at the airport. We still on for Atlantic City?" We nodded our heads and they left along with the engineers and Emily smiled and said, "Want to hear something funny? Not only is Barb cool with it, her whole attitude is a smoke screen. She has a girl friend too and doesn't want to go public with it. We all know her. It's little Ms. A&R, Mary." Debbie said, "No shit."

We all went into the kitchen and made some sandwiches, as Jamie took out some cold beer. I said, "So when Mary comes to see us when Cobra plays it's no coincidence. Hummm. How does she hide it from Gary and Tim?" Emily said, "We don't hang out together. It's not like you guys. We show up and play. It's just a job. We even stay at different hotels most of the time." Dane said, "How boring. This is supposed to be a team sport." Darla was laughing and said, "Like bedtime stories?" I put my finger to my lips and said, "Sssshhhh."

Darla told Emily and Stacey about our sex stories and they were laughing. Toni said, "We're going to head home for the night. When are we doing the final master?" Dane said, "Tuesday. We leave for New Jersey tomorrow morning at 8. Come on over and we'll go to the airport together." Toni and Lynn waved as they left and Darla said, "Which room can we take?" I said, "Any one except the two end suites. All of the rooms facing the back are suites also." Wendy said to Emily, "Help us move our stuff. I'll only take a few minutes." I said, "Use the elevator. It's down that hallway that leads into the kitchen from the apartments."

We all went to help them and we made it on one trip. Darla flopped on the bed and said, "King size. I love it." We opened the doors to the upper veranda and showed them the way down to the pool, as we heard a splash and then saw one of the dogs get out of the water and run closer to the lights on the walkway. We walked inside and Darla said, "Leave the door open. It's gorgeous out there." I said, "Dane and I sleep in the room down on that end of the house, and Debbie and Jamie sleep in the other end." She said, "What's the difference in the rooms?" I said, "The two end ones are the same. Come on down and we'll show you." We went to our room and Stacey said, "First class. Wow!" I said, "The bathroom is the best part." They went in and Darla said, "Eight person tub?" Dane smiled and nodded her head as she said, "Feel like a hot tub Jacuzzi?"

Everyone was smiling so Dane turned on the four sets of faucets and Jamie said, "I'll get us some wine." Debbie and Jamie went downstairs to get some chilled wine and eight glasses, as I lit a cigarette. I said into Darla's mind, "If you have sex with Emily, she may find it a little strange when your cock pops out." Darla was laughing and winked at me as she took Emily and Stacey into the bedroom as we sat around the tub. We hear Emily say loudly, "No shit!" We all were laughing as Darla walked back in with them and said, "Can I teach them the secret?" Dane and I nodded our heads and they sat on our bed as she explained it.

We laughed our asses off when Darla lifted Wendy above the bed to demonstrate moving things. She demonstrated her cock by fucking Wendy and we got so hot watching her. Jamie walked back in and said, "You started without us?" Debbie was laughing and I said, "This is the demonstration, not to be confused with real sex."

Darla stopped and said, "Okay, now watch the fuck monster disappear." I was hysterical as she was making high squeaky sounds, "help me", as she made her cock go away. Wendy said, "Welcome to my world. Home of the song writing lunatics." We watched Emily and Stacey try all of it and were laughing as Emily almost lifted Stacey to the ceiling by accident.

We all undressed and got into the tub and I turned on the jets as Jamie poured us each a glass of wine. We toasted to bedtime stories and Darla said, "So Emily, tell us about the first time you ever were intimate with a girl and make it juicy." We were giggling and Stacy blushed as she said, "Oh God, this goes back to when I was 13. I use to live with my mom in an apartment complex outside of Philadelphia. It was relay nice and had a pool and stuff to do. In the summer I hung out at the pool with a bunch of kids and I kind of knew I was different. Boys just didn't excite me much, but Mary Beth did. She lived in the complex and she was 14 and so cool. She had a heart tattoo on her thigh, like the one's you have on your breasts. We hung out a lot and she was so wild. We stole her dad's beer and got drunk a few times and took her mom's cigarettes. We use to talk about boys sometimes, but we were both just not interested."

Emily lit one of our cigarettes and continued as Stacey was rubbing her shoulder and neck, "One day when we were at the pool and no one was around, we were lying in our towels and Mary Beth said to me, Emily, you ever think about girls? I wasn't sure what she meant so I said, Sometimes, what do you mean? She sat on her side and said, you know, like instead of boys."

Emily took a deep drag of the cigarette and continued as she blew out the smoke, "I thought about it and was blushing and she laughed and said, I think about you sometimes when I rub myself in bed at night. Like the last time you slept over, we did ourselves and I was watching you and getting really turned on."

Emily took deep breath and continued, "I was really blushing because I knew then that I had a crush on her. Mary Beth put her arm over my back and I almost melted as my heart raced. She moved close to me and I felt such a rush of anticipation between us and my heart was pounding in my chest. She moved her face to mine and kissed me. It was soft and nice, and then we put our tongues in each other's mouth. I was hotter than I ever was with a boy and my pussy was on fire."

We were all getting hot listening as Dane kissed my neck and was caressing my breasts. Emily took another drag of her cigarette and said, "Mary Beth took my hand and walked me with her to her parent's apartment. We sat in the kitchen for a few minutes and opened a beer and drank it and she lit one of her mother's cigarettes and we shared it. We sat so close we were almost on top of each other. She was starring at me and I was starring at her. She moved her bathing suit top so I could see one of her nipples and I was trembling. I managed to get up the courage to touch it lightly and she moaned softly and held my hand to her breast. Then I stood up and put my arms around her and kissed her like I never kissed anyone before. We both felt it and it was like fireworks went off. We undressed each other as we went into the bedroom, and almost mauled each other. It was kind of cute, as nether of us really knew what to do. We touched each other and rubbed clits, but were so na‹ve. I remembered hearing one of the kids talk about eating pussy so I put my lips on her pussy lips and licked it. Mary Beth went wild and I loved how it tasted. She told me to move my tongue and then she told me when it felt good and I kept going until she had an orgasm. Then I sucked the juices up and swallowed. She did me the same way and we ended up licking each other almost all day in her room. We got adventuresome and went into her parent's bedroom and Mary Beth was going through her mother dresser and pulled out a vibrator. She told me she saw my mom use this when her dad was away. We took it into her room and sat on the bed. Mary Beth lit another one of her mom's cigarettes and we shared it as we figured out what to do with the dildo. The first time she pushed it into my pussy hole I went wild. She fucked me with it and broke my cherry, and then I broke hers. We washed ourselves, and then fucked each other with it until her mom came home at 7 at night and almost caught us. I still think she knew what we were up to, as we looked so guilty and totally smelled like sex."

I moved to sit on Dane's hard cock as everyone was getting into it in the Jacuzzi. Stacey was all over Emily and moaned out, "Oh baby, you are so sexy." I sat on Dane with my back to her and watched everything in the tub. Dane had her cock in my pussy and then I sat up and moved her cock to my ass and sat all the way down. She went into me deep and I moaned so loud, as she held my breast with her hands. I moved myself up and done on her cock as Dane moved her left hand to my clit and rubbed me. I leaned back on her and she whispered into my ear, "Oh baby, your ass is so tight I'm not going to last long."

We made love and Dane shot her load into my ass within ten minutes. Then we changed positions and she rode my cock the same way in up her ass. Stacey and Emily were next to us and they leaned over to watch us and kissed us both. We sucked they nipples and then Emily stood in the tub and put her one leg over my shoulder and pushed her pussy into my mouth. I licked her as Dane rode my cock and licked Emily's pussy the same way.

I shot my cum into Dane's ass and then I moved to straddle her cock in my pussy. She slid into me like warm butter as we kissed and made love.

The water was getting cold so we got out of the tub and went into the bedroom. We had an eight person pile on the bed and Dane and I were laughing as we were underneath Jamie and Debbie. I have no clue who was fucking who, or who was licking who. We moved from person to person in almost every position. Dane and I fucked Emily together with both of us in her pussy. Then Stacey did her ass at the same time. Emily went completely wild.

After about four hours were all were exhausted. Emily, Stacey, Darla, and Wendy went to their room, and Jamie and Debbie stayed with us. I lit a cigarette and cuddled with Dane, sharing the cigarette, and softly caressing each other.

We watched Jamie and Debbie drift off to sleep and Dane and I were still so hot. I kissed her and she wiggled her tongue in my mouth like I do to her pussy. We both smiled and she said, "Honey, I want to make love again. Just as girls this time." We both took a drag of the cigarette and then I put it out. Dane rolled us on our sides and we caressed each other all over, as we kissed. Dane moved to 69 position with me and we licked each other senseless. After our third orgasm Dane moved back to cuddle with me. We kissed and fell sleep in each other's arms.

The alarm woke us up and I reached over to turn it off and noticed Debbie and Jamie were gone. Dane said, "Oh shit. We need to hurry. We set it wrong. Go wake up everyone else." I ran down the hall and they were all taking showers and then I ran back. Dane dragged me into the shower and we were laughing as she washed me in less than a minute and I did her the same way. We dressed, and ran downstairs to find our breakfast waiting on the table. Everyone was smiling at us and Toni said, "Relax. If we miss the flight, we'll take a later one." I said, "I want to hit Atlantic City today and tonight. Then we can take our time before the show tomorrow."

John walked into the kitchen and said, "I'll get your bags." He went upstairs to carry them all down and out to the car, as we piled into the limo. John said, "Nine interviews today. 6 for cook and 3 for driver. Oh, Janice resent the tickets with Darla, and Wendy added. Emily, your ticket and Stacey's are in the package that Barb has. It's an e-ticket so it shouldn't be a problem."

We took the drive that is all too familiar. I lit a cigarette as we exited our driveway and Dane said into my mind, "Tonight, I want it to be just us in bed." I smiled and kissed her. She took a drag of my cigarette and smiled at me again as we looked out the window.

The airport was the usual routine. Emily's ticket was fucked up and I got searched again at security. After they finished Dane said, "Lets fix this now. Can we borrow your wand to figure out why this keeps happening?" The security agent put it on my pants snap and said, "This is why. Use buttons." We all rolled the eyes back in our head and walked to the gate.

Barb, Gary, and Tom were at the gate when we got there and they waved to us. We walked over to where they were seated just as the boarding for first class was announced and we all walked through the gangway together. The stewardess recognized us and said, "Where you playing this time?" Dane said, "Meadowlands tomorrow night with Cobra. How about a double vodka before we take off?" She smiled and said, "Coming right up." I said, "The same" as the stewardess was handing out vodka bottles and plastic cups with ice to all of us.

Emily and Stacey were cuddled up next to each other and I nudged Dane to look. She nudged me to see Barb and Mary in the last row the same way. We clicked our plastic cups together and chugged the double shot. The stewardess gave us another and we were flying before the plane even got off the ground. The stewardess leaned over and said to us, "You may have picked the wrong flight. The second film is your documentary." Dane said, "Can we have two pillows and blankets please?" I said, "Lets sing along with it. It'll be fun." She said, "Yeah right. We'll have everyone on the plane asking us for autographs or telling us to shut up."

The stewardess leaned over again and said, "You two can sing to me anytime." She winked and Dane said into my mind, "She's hitting on us. I'll be damned."

We all were drinking heavily and watched a short movie which was so awful. Then they showed our documentary. We were all standing in the isles and singing along with it. People from coach were standing to see into the first class section as the stewardesses opened the curtains. We had a blast and so did Barb and Emily from Cobra. Gary and Tim were pretending they didn't know us. We even had the stewardess sing with us on one song and she was so into it. We gave all of the flight crew tickets to tomorrows concert and they were laughing at us. The pilot came back to thank us and Dane said, "Who in the fuck is flying the bus?" He said, "It takes a good 4 minutes to drop from this high. We have some time." Darla and Wendy were eating it up and then got under their blanket and we could tell they were getting into each other.

We landed in Newark New Jersey and Dane said, "The most disgusting smelling place in the entire world. Remember what the driver said to us last trip? The turnpike is called the road of a thousand different smells." We were still giddy and laughing as the plane taxied to the gate.

We walked to the baggage claim area and saw our drivers. I said, "Hotel first and then AC?" Everyone nodded as we followed the drivers to the limos. We checked in, changed and were in the limos heading to Atlantic City by 5 o'clock. Dane and I lit a cigarette and Jamie poured us some wine from the chilled decanter as we took the two hour ride south. Darla was starting on bedtime stories again and we were all laughing. This time she asked Stacey to tell us about her first experience with another girl.

Stacey said, "Mine is a little different. I knew I was mostly gay since I was 6 years old. I didn't like boys at all and use to fantasize about the girls I played with all the time. When we were 13, I was the only one not interested in boys, but I pretended I was. Mary and Sarah were in my room with me and we were listening to CDs and they were talking about how much they wanted to get fucked for the first time and loose their cherries. Sarah told us that she was so embarrassed to have a boy break her cherry and get blood all over him. That's when I suggested that we do it to ourselves. They thought I was joking until I went into my older sisters room and took out the dildo I saw her play with in the bathtub last week. Sarah said, Oh Cool, look at all the shit she has in her drawer."

Stacey took a drag of her cigarette and blew out the smoke saying, "My sister was a total pot head. We borrowed her two dildos and a few joints and went into my room. I checked to make sure my parents weren't home and we locked my bedroom door and put a fan in the window to get rid of the smell of the dope. Sarah sat on the bed and lit up a joint and took a deep toke and passed it around and then we did it again with the second joint. We were so stoned and giggling. I held up the dildos and we all were laughing and I got a few towels from my bathroom. I lay the towels on the bed and asked who wanted to go first and they were chicken so I volunteered. I took off all my cloths and lay on the towel with my legs spread wide open and my knees bent. I hand the dildo to Mary and she knelt next to me and touched my pussy with it. I told her that they had to make me wet first, or it would hurt. Sarah was kneeling next to me also and I moved her hands to my nipples and Mary moved the dildo into my pussy slowly. I was dripping as Mary turned the dildo on and I asked her to hold it by my clit first. She rubbed my clit with it and I was orgasming with five minutes, as Sarah was rubbing and pinching my nipples. I pulled her face to my nipples and she smiled and licked them. Mary went to work fucking my pussy and she pushed in once hard my cheery broke. I yelled don't stop, and they both kept going on me. Sarah let Mary take over and she fucked me for almost twenty minutes while Mary licked my nipples and then she gave me the wettest kiss."

Stacey took another drag of her cigarette as Emily was rubbing her thigh and Dane was kissing my neck. Stacey said, "We did Mary next. I told her that I could get her wet faster if I licked her and I lay between her legs and licked her clit and pussy for over 15 minutes until she orgasmed into my mouth. Mary started the fucking part while I lay next to Sarah and caressed her nipples and kissed her. Mary was really into it and wanted Sarah to keep fucking her long after her cherry broke. Mary was fingering me while she had a second orgasm. We did Sarah last and she was so wet already. I licked her and I sucked in a mouthful of her juices and had her cumming on my tongue in two minutes. Then Mary licked her as I licked Sarah's nipples and kissed her. We gave Sarah three orgasms before we fucked her with the dildo. We did her for almost a half hour. We went into my bathroom and cleaned up our pussies, and then lay on the bed again. I told Mary and Sarah that I loved tasting their pussies and wanted to do it again. They both smile at me and we lay on my bed and licked each other's cunt all day and fucked each other with the dildo."

Stacey finished her cigarette as Emily was kissing her and caressing her nipples. Dane and I were kissing again and caressing each other next to Jamie and Debbie doing the same thing. We all had at least two orgasms by the time we went through the sixth toll plaza on the parkway. We watched Lynn rub Toni's clit and she was so into it.

We all lit cigarettes and had another glass of wine and watched the scenery of the AC expressway. My cell phone rang and it was Barb. I said, "Just have your driver follow us. We're going to the Bally Grand first."

The drivers stopped the limos and we all got out. We got the drivers cell numbers and Dane said, "Could be a few hours or late tonight. Depends how we do." They wished us luck and we went into the first casino. I said, "Lets split up. It will look odd if we all win at one table." We divided up our cash and Barb said, "You're that confident?" I said, "Trust us on this one. Just go along for the ride and make a shit load of money." Dane split us into groups and said in our minds, "Talk to each other like this in two hours. Remember don't win more than 4 out of 5."

Dane and I were with Barb and Mary, and Darla and Wendy. We walked out to the boardwalk and stopped at a casino that was decorated like the wild west inside. We went straight to the high stakes area and Dane told the others what to do. We started at craps and I was so lucky. We tried to loose a roll and I rolled 12 sevens in row and we made a million dollars. I finally lost and we played it like before. Darla was so obnoxious it was funny as hell. She kissed the dice on every roll and the crowd at the table was loving it.

We lost a few bets in a row on purpose and then cashed in and went to play baccarat. On this game we all bet and purposely alternated who would loose each hand. We each had about 25 million in square chips and I bet 20 million on one hand. The manager ran over and watched as I won and then we were asked to leave. We split the money six ways and got six checks and our two hundred grand in cash.

We talked to Toni and the Debbie to see what was up and they were up about the same as us and going to another casino. We hit the Trump Plaza next, and then Bally's. At Trump's we made a small fortune. We played the five hundred dollar slots jackpot which was up to 98 million and won it. Then we played the high stakes tables until we were asked to leave.

We all met up again after four hours and compared our winnings. Barb and Mary were kissing and holding each other in the lounge at Bally's as we had a drink and Gary and Tim were drooling. Debbie borrowed a calculator from a waitress and we added the checks. Debbie said, "Dane's group has 287 million each and are in the lead followed closely by my group with 284 million each and then by Toni's group with 281 million each. You realize how much money we just won? Holy shit! Which casino did we miss?" We went though the list and I said, "Taj. Lets do it together and then go back to the hotel."

Mary moaned softly and Barb said, "Come on honey, we need to make some more money." We spilt up in the casino and decided to rotate between the high stakes slots, roulette, craps, and baccarat, until we all were asked to leave. That didn't take very long at all here. We each had another 21 million dollar check.

We went to eat dinner, called the drivers, and took the 2 hour drive back to the hotel. Stacey continued her story in the car and I was so hot I couldn't take it. Dane was laughing at me as I begged her to lick my pussy. She rubbed my clit to get me off and kept saying, "When we go to bed tonight it will be just you and me honey, and we can be as crazy as you want to be." I made her keep her fingers in my pussy most of the ride back. She did take them out to lick them every once in a while and I was dripping.


We got back to the hotel and Dane and I went straight up to our room as everyone else hit the hotel bar. It took us less than a minute to undress and go nuts on each other. We lay on our sides eating each other's pussy for over 2 hours. Then we made our cocks appear as little pimples, made them bigger, and fucked each other senseless. Dane's cock shot so much cum into my mouth I had trouble swallowing all of it. She licked my lips afterward and we started all over again. We just couldn't stop.

We took a break at 4 in the morning and lay together as Dane lit a cigarette. She blew the smoke out slowly through her nose and held the cigarette to my lips as I sucked on it. I inhaled twice and rested my head on her breast as I blew out the smoke. I put my fingers inside of Dane's pussy and she said, "Baby, I'm going to want to keep going if you don't stop." I licked her nipple and wiggled my fingers as she moaned softly. We shared the cigarette and were both so turned on again. We caressed each other slowly and both of us had another orgasm as we rubbed each other's clit slowly.

Dane rolled over to lean on me and wrapped one leg over mine. She kissed me softly and put her head down next to mine on the pillow and said, "Lets sleep for a little while." We were both out cold in seconds.

The phone in the room woke us up and Dane answered it. I heard, "Okay, we'll get dressed and be downstairs in 20 minutes." I looked at the time at it as 11 and I said, "What's up?" She said, "The FBI wants to know how we are so lucky in the casinos. One of the casinos has requested a probe of our winnings under suspected cheating. If we get a lie detector, just concentrate on making the needle stay perfectly still." Dane told the other's that in their minds and they were laughing at us. We showered and dressed and went to the lobby and were asked to go to a conference room by a typical looking black suit FBI agent.

Everyone was there and I said, "Is this where the party is?" The FBI had no sense of humor at all. Dane said, "Hey, we did nothing wrong and you are eating into our time off before a show tonight. If this isn't quick, we'll call our attorney and play this the legal way."

One of the agents said, "All we want is for you to show us how you won. Nothing more. We reviewed every tape of your playing and we can't find anything. You had to cheat somehow. No one is that lucky." He took out a pair of dice and I said, "It was luck. But we are so fucking lucky you can't believe it. We typically win 4 out of 5 bets. It's always been that way." Watch. I'll roll these dice like it was craps."

I said into everyone minds, "Don't fuck with the dice." I rolled a seven four times and then a 6. I rolled 12 times and then hit a 6. I said, "That was good for two or three million dollars betting the way we do." I rolled again and hit a 9 and then four nines in a row and a seven. I said, "I lost on that one."

They sat with Jamie and had her play baccarat. She bet right 4 out of 5 times for about 15 minutes and then lost 3 in a row. The FBI agent that spoke before said, "You have our apologies. Enjoy your winnings and have a great show tonight. I have never seen anyone as lucky as you are. Is it precognitive? Do you get a feeling about the numbers?" Dane said, "Not really, we just go with the flow and have fun."

The FBI left and we all were laughing and I said, "Lets order breakfast in here since we're already up." We called the lobby and got a waitress to take our order. Debbie said, "You know where that came from don't you? The mob owns most of the gambling. We must be on their watch list now. We should cool it with the gambling for a while." Barb said, "Did you cheat?" Dane said into our minds, "Say no and nod our heads no in case they bugged the room." We nodded our heads no and lit cigarettes as we waited for the breakfast order.

We all ate and had some coffee. Barb's cell phone rang and she answered it and said, "Yeah, they're here with us. Hold on." She handed the phone to me and said, "It's Janice." I said, "Hi Janice." She said, "Marty and I have a new group that is opening tonight before Cobra goes on. Listen to the half hour set and see what you think. They may be a good candidate for your production company. The MC has extra tickets for all of you in the front row." I said, "Cool. We'll call you tomorrow and let you know what we think. Tell Marty we're doing the final mix of the new Cobra CD on Tuesday and it sounds great. She can expect 6 tunes to chart."

We hung up and I said, "A new band is on first. They want our opinion if we can help them as producers." Darla and Wendy were already excited and we just smiled at them as we had our coffee. I said, "12:30. What time do we have a sound check?" Toni said, "7 o'clock." Dane said, "See if the races are running this afternoon here at the meadowlands." We were all laughing and Jamie called the front desk and put her hand over the phone. She said, "Post time 1:30. Want a reservation in the Pegasus club to watch the race?" Dane said, "Sure. Why not? Lets invite the FBI to join us." Jamie was starting to laugh as she made the reservation.

I said, "We can't bet big. No more than 300 thousand per race." Everyone was laughing and Gary said, "That's not big?" Dane said, "Nope. 10 million is big." We went to our rooms to get ready and get some cash. We also put the checks from last night in the hotel safe. Dane and I went to the lobby and the drivers were waiting for us.

The Meadowlands was different as it was all trotters. We had a blast fucking with them. In the first race we all bet 10 grand and won of course, and hit the trifecta. Then we went to 200 hundred thousand a bet and then three hundred thousand. We bet on every race and they didn't say a word. We each got checks to pay us just like before and we had a blast. Toni was playing yo- yo with two horses on the last race and then we made the one we picked fly past both of them to set a new track record. It went off at 22:1. The jockey was as surprised as everyone else. We were hysterical.

We deposited our checks in the hotel safe and then went to the arena. We really didn't like playing here because of the setup, but we did like the fans. They were as routy as it gets. They also will let you know exactly what they think about you. We heard an opening act band get booed off the stage here two years ago.

We all went into the dressing areas and walked through to the arena floor. The sound and lightening engineers all waved to us and one said, "You'll love the light show and other stuff we have going tonight." We sat with them and reviewed our show list and they worked in where the effects would go and we nodded. Jamie walked over and said, "This is The Clash, the opening act." We all said hello and they introduced themselves. I said, "You do your sound check yet?" One of the engineers said, "2 minutes and we get started."

I lit a cigarette and we sat on the edge of the stage and looked at all of the lighting and effects contraptions. Dane was smiling and said, "We don't need this shit. This is for the bands that don't have a show."

The MC walked over and handed us an envelope of tickets and said, "From Janice and Marty." Jamie passed them out and we were jokingly arguing over who sits where. The new band thought we were nuts when Dane said, "If I have the end seat, I'm going home and I'm not going to let you use my swimming pool again." We tried so hard not to laugh as we heard one of The Clash say to the other, "They're fucking loony tunes."

The Clash did their sound check and we liked what we heard. Cobra did theirs and then us. We played a whole tune after the sound check to get the monitor levels right and then went into the dressing areas to wait for the show to start.

We had our wine as usual and some snacks as the MC said, "10 minutes `till show time. The place is packed." We went out to sit in the front row and I said to Darla and Wendy, "Watch how we put on our show and what we taught Cobra. That's part of what we do with a band. It's more than just the music."

I was sitting in the end of our seats and a guy next to me was hitting on me and Dane was laughing. He used every pick up line in the book and I just smiled and said, "No thanks." Then he said, "How about you let me take you home in my new Ferrari?" I started to laugh and said, "Why in the fuck would I care if you drive me in a Ferrari? It's a small Italian piece of overpriced shit that has more electrical problems than an old Jag. We had three of them and celebrated when we sold them." He looked so disappointed as Dane was hysterically laughing.

The lights dimmed and the MC started the show as usual. We watched The Clash play and we were talking in our minds about the show and the songs. They did seven songs and the crowd seemed to like them. We got up to go backstage when the band ended and the guy sitting next to me said, "Leaving so soon?" I said, "You'll see us on stage in about 70 minutes. We're in Stolen Hearts." He blushed and stuttered as Dane was laughing and yelled, "Enjoy the show."

We laughed the whole way back to the dressing area. We heard Cobra start their show and Dane told everyone about our friend sitting next to me. Toni said, "I'm going to stand over him when we do the audience thing." Lynn was shaking her head and mumbled, "Psycho."

We had some wine and a cigarette as we heard the crowd cheering. Cobra played some of their new tunes and the crowd went wild when they did the new arrangement of Tush as we all hit each other a high five. We heard the last song and walked to the entrance to the stage area. We waited and watched the last song end and then watched the crowd going crazy as a huge light show was flashing behind them.

We gave all of Cobra a high five as they walked off stage and Barb said, "The crowd is great here." We went on the stage in the dim lights as usual and got ready. The MC did the introductions and then the lights and effects all kicked in. It was so stupid, but the people loved it. I did a drum intro and counted 1,2,3,4 in our minds as we started the first tune.

I watched Dane sing to our friend and he was blushing. She said into my mind as she played the solo, "What a piss." We did our usual show and it was craziness as always, as the audience was going wild and we were having a blast goofing around on stage. This time I ran out and pinched Dane's ass and she held me and touched me so sexy as the crowd was all cheering. She said into the mic, "Should we get more sexy, or should I just make her kiss it and make it better?" People were screaming and I bent over and kissed her ass. Then she pinched mine as I put on the Sax and Lynn was on the drums.

We both winked at our friend and he blushed again. Toni was still laughing about it. When we did the first tune that she goes into the crowd she stopped at his chair and stood on the arms over his head as she played a killer solo. The place went wild and then Dane played a solo back as they did a guitar slinger thing.

We started Beam me up Scotty as the last tune and everyone was singing along with us. We motioned to Cobra to come up with us and they were singing in the last chorus as the audience went crazy again. They crowd went nuts and was screaming for more so we did an encore with Cobra. We invited our friend on stage and he was too embarrassed and we all laughed again.

We finished the last tune and thanked the audience and bowed. I bend down and yelled, "Thanks for being a good sport." He was standing and clapping with everyone else and we all waved to him as we went backstage and Darla, Wendy, and Mary came backstage with us.

The Clash walked up to us and their lead singer said, "Your music and show are out of this world. We loved it." Dane said, "Thanks. You guys have a good sound too. Want some wine?"

I lit a cigarette and so did Dane as we talked to the guys in Clash. Their lead singer said, "Did Marty ask you about producing us?" I said, "Yeah, she asked us to listen to you. Let us talk it over and decide if we believe that we can help with your material, sound, and show. Where do you live?" They all yelled together, "Texas!" Dane said, "I can tell by your style of guitar. It sounds good."

Toni said, "If we work with you, you would have to spend about two to three weeks with us in LA." They all agreed and Dane said, "We have to talk to Marty tomorrow. She'll let you know. There are other producers too, that may be able to get you to the next level also. If we don't do it, it's not because of your talent. You are all excellent musicians. It's because we just don't feel that we can help." We shook their hands and I said, "Ready for the autograph hounds?"

Barb yelled, "Ready for the exit?" We all waved and headed outside and were met by a mob of fans screaming behind a police barricade. We signed autographs and talked to the fans, and our friend was there. We all signed his shirt and he was so proud. I whispered into his ear, "You will be one hell of a catch for someone." He was smiling and said, "Thanks." We signed for over twenty minutes and them we were shocked as we signed autographs for the FBI agents. They weren't in their suits but we recognized them.

We waved as we got into the limos and I said to Darla, "What did you think?" She said, "Wow! You guys are unreal on stage. I had no idea what the show was like." Wendy said, "That first band has possibilities. I love the voice of the lead singer. It's so unique." We all agreed.

We were back at the hotel in 10 minutes and went into the hotel bar. Jamie ordered us all a round of drinks and two people walked over to us. One was a man with gray hair and he said, "We saw your show and it was terrific. I'm Bob Gleason the CEO of a very large film production company. Any interest in doing a movie?" We all looked at each other and Dane said, "We really appreciate your offer, but film is not for us. We love what we do and we also own a music production company that's doing great. Plus, we don't need the money." He smiled and handed us a card and said, "If you change your mind, give me a call. You are all naturals on stage. We really enjoyed it."

A waitress brought over the drinks and we toasted as usual after the show. Bob waved to us as they left and we downed the drink and the waitress brought us another round. The hotel bar had a band and they were about to play the last set so we all listened. They started the first song and we laughed so hard. It was a really bad lounge lizard stuff. Toni was fucking with the guitar players tuning keys with her mind and we were laughing so hard I thought I would wet my pants. Darla was making drums beat off time and Wendy was making wrong notes on the keyboard. I was crying real tears as we laughed.

Dane said to me, "Watch his crotch" and made it feel like his cock was being rubbed. We were hysterical as he bent over while he was singing to hide his hardon from the crowd. The whole place was laughing and then we did just the opposite. On their next song we made them play it like we would have. We each focused on one person as Dane called off the song to us and we made them play and sing like puppets. The expressions of their faces was priceless. They finished the song and ran off the stage as we were laughing our asses off and had another drink.

Dane took a drag of her cigarette and put her head on my shoulder as she blew out the smoke and said softly into my ear, "How about we break with tradition tonight. I want to make love to you all night. Just as girls for a while first." I kissed her and everyone was looking at us. I said, "I don't give a shit who sees us." Toni winked and said, "We're going to our room. Lynn and I are going to doing tongue exercises tonight." Everyone was laughing again and Dane said, "Us too. We'll see you at 10 in the lobby for our flight." Debbie said, "You really don't care who sees us?" I said, "Nope. We have tons of money, the band is doing great, the production company is doing great, and we have residuals and royalties coming in for the next 4 years at least. So who cares if someone sees us?" Debbie smiled and gave Jamie a big wet kiss as people in the bar were clapping for them.

Dane and I went upstairs in the elevator to our room, and we both lit cigarettes as we undressed. We sat in the bed leaning back against the headboard and I took a deep drag of the cigarette. I blew out the smoke as Dane put her hand on my stomach and was playing with my belly button. She said, "Chris, you really don't care if anyone knows about our private life?" I said, "Nope. It won't change anything." She took a drag of her cigarette and blew out the smoke slowly through her nose and said, "Want to get some free publicity coming out of the closet?" I was smiling and said, "Why? We don't need it." She said, "That way we get to control how the press prints it, rather than have them write things that aren't true again." I took another drag of the cigarette and said, "What did you have in mind?"

Dane took a drag of her cigarette and put one hand on my breast and I melted. She smiled at me and said, "There's a talk show I'm going to get us on that wanted to interview us. The topic for the show is gay relationships in show business. They called us, so they obviously suspect we're gay. Kind of like our radar. We can usually pick it up immediately when we meet someone, just like the stewardess on the flight here. We both knew she was drooling over us. The show is Monday afternoon in LA." I kissed her and said, "Whatever you want to do is okay with me."

We took a final drag of the cigarettes and then Dane wrapped her arms around me and we kissed with such passion. We fantasized about being fifteen again doing it for the first time and I was so turned on. I cupped my breasts and held the nipples to Dane's lips, just like we did years ago when we did it for the first time. We rubbed each other's clit and then finger fed each other our juices. I sucked my fingers in her face and Dane was moaning, "Oh God baby, this is so hot. Let me suck your fingers too."

We licked and sucked each other's pussies doing our tongue exercises until we both had multiple orgasms. My pussy was throbbing and juicing nonstop. Dane got up and walked over to our suitcase and took out our double headed dildo friend and a small bottle of lube. She came back to the bed, squirted some strawberry lube on it, and we buried it in our pussies, as our pussies clapped together. We fucked with the dildo for hours until we were so tried and we couldn't even move.

We were on our sides in a sort of scissor position with our legs, but our breasts were touching. My pussy was throbbing to my heartbeat as Dane kissed me again and we moved the dildo a little in us. She reached for a cigarette and lit it up and said, "Don't move honey. This feels so good." She blew out the smoke and I kissed her again and said, "This feels so much better than when we use our cocks. I like that too, but there is no comparison." Dane was smiling and said, "I know. I love having or pussies rub together like this." We shared the cigarette and fell asleep with the dildo inside of us.

At 5 in the morning I woke Dane up by moving slightly and she moaned softly into my ear and then licked my ear. It got me so turned on again we started to fuck like we were running in a race. We both had an orgasm and then took the dildo out and made cocks. We fucked each other like wild rabbits and then went back to sleep.

The alarm woke us up and we both wanted to stay in bed. I reached over and hit the button and we dragged ourselves into the bathroom. We did our morning routine and goofed around brushing each other's teeth using our mind to move to the toothbrushes.

We packed and called a bellhop to get our things and went to the hotel safe, and then the restaurant to get some breakfast. Debbie, Jamie, Toni, and Lynn were sitting at a table and they waved to us, so we joined them. We all ordered some breakfast and Dane told them about her plan for the talk show. Toni said, "Why do that? It will totally isolate our male listeners. We're better off telling everyone we're bi-sexual."

We all agreed and decided to do the show announcing that we were bi-sexual. Dane called Marty at home from her cell phone and Marty was laughing at us as said, "Everyone already knows that. What's the big deal?" Dane said, "Free publicity and we stop the gay articles and paparazzi photos of us holding hands and stuff." Marty agreed that we should do the show and she was making the arrangements with Janice.

We ate breakfast and then took our coffee outside to the terrace and had a cigarette. Darla and Wendy joined us outside and we talked about taking on The Clash as a client. I said, "Lets listen to three or four more groups Marty has lined up and then decide how to split up the workload. Toni, you should definitely build out the studio." Toni said, "We already started. The booth and acoustics are finished and the equipment arrives tomorrow. Furniture will be here Wednesday. I ordered a basic equipment setup and we should go over the list and see what we missed. I was thinking about building out a mastering room also. We have the space so it's no big deal." I said, "We already ordered the gear to do it and have a quote on putting it on the part of our basement that is finished by the doors to the lower veranda. If you want to do it in your house too, that will give us even more capabilities to do post production work. We were going to add a digital video editing center in ours too."

We finished our coffee and had anther cigarette as we joked about the band in the lounge last night. Lynn said, "Did you see the guitar player's face when Toni made him play that riff? I can guarantee he was never played anything so fast or complex in his life." We all remembered it and were laughing again. Emily opened the door from the restaurant and said, "The limos are here. You guys ready?" We went to check out, and then in the limo to the airport.

This was the first time I made it through security without being searched and we had no idea why. Toni said, "I guess your body is finally getting over the lead and mercury poisoning in your blood." Dane and I looked at each and she said, "Healing time tonight, just in case."


The next day we did the talk show and it was so funny. We publicly admitted to being bi-sexual and the audience for the show was going crazy and screaming, "Kiss!" I kissed Dane with our tongues out and mouths open, and the cat calls were incredible. We made all of the rags and the nightly news. CD sales skyrocketed and set another record.

The next few months were hard work but so much fun. We took on four new bands, built out the other studios and worked in pairs of four. We all got together and reviewed the work before it was finalized and we couldn't believe how good it was each time we did the last review. Darla and Wendy wrote 68 new tunes for bands and all of them were good. We also formally set up our own publishing company to elicit new material from other writers and made Darla in charge of that piece. She knew the business part cold. Darla and Wendy also have become our resident engineers and know the recording end cold also. We think they're better than the ones Marty has on staff.

We cut our touring schedule down to one show every two weeks and took a month off to record our next CD. It sold over two million copies the first three days it was out. Marty and Janice got us so many free things just so the companies could say that we used their products. We got two free Hummers, two sports cars, 16 new guitars, drums, keyboards, and very expensive cloths and jewelry. We couldn't believe it. Now that have so money we don't know what to do with it, we can't spend it. We even got free airplane tickets to every gig and complementary hotel stays anywhere.

We also changed the living arrangements. Darla and Wendy moved in with Toni and Lynn as they were working together more often. We ended up with four new limos and two drivers staying with us and two with Toni. John managed all of the help in both places. We also have a cook, a maid, and a gardener in each house.

We decided to take two weeks off before the Christmas and do some charity things. We did two unplugged gigs at hospitals, spoke at a number of luncheons and dinners, and also agreed to do a few unplugged shows at a variety of private orphanages, and also a state home for girls. We also made some sizable donations to things we really believed in.

We gave all of the help two weeks off over the holidays and Darla and Wendy decided to go back east and visit with their families. Dane and I were so relaxed and it felt great. Besides the charity things we also were guests on a Christmas TV special and sang four Christmas songs with our own style of harmony. It was taped in LA and somehow the fake snow just didn't get us in the mood.

The last of our Christmas visits was to a girl's state home upstate. This place got our attention when we received a fan letter from a 15 year old and it just broke our hearts. It wasn't a detention center for criminals, but a place where kids without family are placed by the state. This is where I'll pick up our story.

Dane and I woke up at 6 in the morning and she rolled over on top of me and pressed her nipples against mine. I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a big wet kiss as she was wiggling her breasts on mine. I loved how that felt and she was making me crazy. She kissed me again and rolled off of me on the other side and said, "You ready for a long car ride today? We do this one without a driver. Just the six of us in our hummer." She put her hand on my stomach as I lit a cigarette and took a deep drag. I moved her hand to my clit and Dane smiled saying, "You know we won't be able to stop again. Chris, we made love for 6 hours yesterday after we started to get out of bed."

I held her hand on my pussy and said, "Just get me off. Please? I swear I'll get up." Dane was giggling and took a drag of my cigarette, as she rubbed my clit softly. I wanted to jump on her and touch every part of her body and she said, "See. You won't be able to stop, just like I can't. Lets finish this in the bathroom."

I made her finger me as we walked to the bathroom and we were both laughing. I sat on the counter by the sink and spread my legs wide as I took a drag of the cigarette. Dane looked at me and said, "Oh baby, I can't stop either." She bent over and licked my pussy and then sucked and licked my clit. In less than 5 minute I was orgasming again into her mouth. She licked me again slowly and then kissed me with my juices in her mouth. We were lip locked as she pulled me off the counter and said, "Shower."

We did our morning routine and dressed for the trip into the mountains. We went downstairs and Jamie said, "We made you a breakfast and coffee to go for the road. I'll drive first." We went out to the garage and Debbie put our acoustic instruments in the back of the Hummer, and we got into the car. Jamie pulled out of the driveway and drove four houses down and pulled into Toni's driveway. She hit the gate control in our car and we drove up to her front entrance. Dane and I were eating as Toni and Lynn piled in with us. Debbie took out the map and said, "We have a 300 mile drive. We'll change drivers every 60 miles or so."

Jamie drove like a lunatic as usual, and we were all biting our nails. Debbie convinced her to change drivers after 20 miles and we all thanked her. Jamie said, "Come on. I'm not that bad, am I?" We all nodded our heads as she was laughing. We drove and stopped for gas and coffee and then drove more. We all had a turn at the wheel and we were getting close. I was driving now and Dane was in the passenger seat as we saw a sign for the girls state home. I pulled into a small winding road and we drove for about a mile through what looked like guards station, and then to a security gate.

I rolled down the window and said, "We're here to play for the girls. We're the band Stolen Hearts." A woman guard said, "Out of the car!" We all got out of the car and they searched us and then they searched the car. A guard was really rough with our guitars and Dane screamed at him. He screamed back and said," Unless you want to spend the night in jail you'll shut your fucking mouth."

I said, "Excuse me? I thought this was a home for girls. Not a prison." The woman guard said, "Yeah right. If it were up to me these little bitches would be locked up and beaten regularly." Sign in here and go to building one.

We got back into the car and Dane said, "Holy shit! No wonder the letter was the way it was." We drove to building one and parked the car. We carried in the guitars and went inside to be met by two more armed guards. Dane said, "We are the band Stolen Hearts. We're here to perform for the kids." We were searched again and then lead through a locked gate like a jail. We all were talking in our minds as we read the minds of the guards. Dane said into our minds, "Did you understand what she was thinking? I think this is way out of control. Lets not do anything yet."

We were lead into a large room that had at least 10 guards and the kids were all brought in like in prison. I said to one of the guards, "Can we see Jane Dunhill. She wrote us the letter?" They brought her up to us and I said, "We'd like to talk to her in private for a minute before we start." The guard said to us, "That's not allowed." We all sat with her and were talking softly as I said, "Is it always like this?" She nodded and said, "We didn't do anything wrong. My parents died and I got put in here and they treat us like we are murderers." I said, "Dane and I will take care of this. It may not happen overnight, but it will happen. I promise you. What tunes of ours do you like?" Jane said, "Beam me up Scotty. I keep hoping someone will beam me up out of here." We all hugged her and I said, "Sit with us when we play and sing along."

We moved some chairs near the kids and the guards stopped us again and I said, "Give me a fucking break. This is for the kids. Not you idiots." One of guards was running straight at us and Dane said, "Mind time." We all took two of the guards and just stopped them. We called it our frozen in time routine for the kids, and then we moved our chairs with them and had them gather around us. We moved the guards to the corner of the room and kept them frozen.

The kids were all laughing about it and I said, "So, which one of you is the mass murderer that they are trying to punish?" They all laughed and one yelled out, "Only the guards."

We sat and played songs and let the sixty or seventy kids all sing along and talk to us about anything. We were only suppose to be here an hour but we didn't want to leave. I said to Jane, "How long have you been here?" She said, "9 months." Another girl said, "Jane is the only one who managed to sneak a letter out of here. We thought they'd kill her when you responded to it. They don't want anyone visiting here." I said, "Why not?" One of the other girls said, "Because they make us do things that we don't want to do. If that got out, they would all be in jail."

We read their minds and we got so pissed off. I said nicely to the girls, "Who's in charge here?" Jane said, "Mr. Lewis. He's the one without a uniform that you froze." I said, "Toni, Lynn, Debbie, and Jamie are going to sing a song with you while Chris and I have a conversation with Mr. Lewis and his staff." Toni winked at me and Dane and I walked over to the corner of the room with the people we made into statues.

Dane said into their minds, "I know you can hear me. Mr. Lewis? Yeah you, shit head. We saw in the girls minds what you have done to them. You fucked with the wrong people and I think you need a private lesson our style of what pain and humiliation is all about." We made them all walk to another room and I shut the door and Dane froze them again. She said, "Okay asshole. You're in charge. You go first." Dane unfroze him and he ran at us. She froze him again and said, "Not very nice are we? Maybe this will change your mind."

We made all of their sex organs disappear. I was laughing as Dane said, "Oh how sweet you look. Now Mr. Lewis, who do you work for?" We read his mind and knew the answer. We kept asking questions until we knew the whole child pornography deal. I called my mom on my cell phone and told her the whole story. I said, "You still connected to the Governor?" She said, "I'll call you right back. This is unbelievable."

We had some fun fucking with the guards. We were moving them through the air and bumping them into the walls. They were scared shitless and then we really freaked them out. I made see me as a monster and said, "Now you know who I am?" Dane was laughing her ass off as my cell phone rang. I answered it and my mom said, "The Governor's office is sending someone there with the police. Just sit tight."

Dane walked out to the big room and yelled to Toni, "Send the police in here when they get here." She walked back into the room and said, "I think the kids should see this happen.

We made the statues walk out into the big room and stand against the wall. Dane said into their minds, "You are lucky we don't kill you now. You all know that we could crush you like a fly with our minds. Each of you will confess when we let you. If you resist, you will have a stroke and be paralyzed. No second chances. You ruined these kids lives forever."

We waited as the kids were having a blast singing. The police showed up with the guards from the front gate and I froze then as soon as they entered the room. The governor's office staff walked in and one said, "What the fuck?" Dane said, "We have a child pornography ring here. A big one and they are going to confess. Read them their rights before they open their mouths."

The Police read every one of them their rights and Dane had Mr. Lewis step forward and say, "I'm Dan Lewis and I am responsible for all of this. I made the children have sex, be photographed, and everyone here is in on it. So are three state senators, Less, McNeil, and Donny. The materials are in a room next to my office. I want to be punished for what we have done." He was resisting and Dane gave him pains in his head. We listened to each person confess to what they had done and the kids cheered when each one was handcuffed.

The governor's staff called the Governor and got arrest warrants for the State Senators. They must have been 200 police at the school within a half hour. The kids all loved it and were cheering at everything they did. They got the staff out of the building and I said to the governor's staff, "There is no one here for the kids and tomorrow is Christmas eve." They were talking about it and Dane said, "Can you have a buss bring them to our place in LA, we can let them stay with us for a few days. We'll need some help, but can give them a great Christmas." They called the Governor back and Dane spoke to him and said, "We have plenty of room. We'll need about 30 sleeping bags and they'll be fine. Our help is on vacation so we'll need someone to help us with the food."

I watched Dane smile and said, "Yeah, that sounds great. It's a terrific idea. We both get free publicity, plus I really want to help the kids", "Okay. We'll wait for the busses. See ya later."

Dane walked over to the kids and said, "How would you all like to spend Christmas at our house in LA?" They all stood and cheered and Jane ran over and hugged us. I wanted to cry as I hugged her back.

A policeman said to us, "Sixty two children. They look like between 12 and 15." I called my mom back and told her what was happening and said, "How`d you like to do some shopping. I'll pay for all of it." My mom was arguing over who was paying and I gave her the list of things that we needed and what I wanted us to get for each child. She said, "I'll call Marty and Janice and let them know. They may have some ideas too." I called John on his cell and told him about it and he was getting all of the help back to the house. I started to cry and Dane hugged me and held me.

We waited for the busses and the police had a trooper ride with each bus of kids and they followed us to our house. We had a police escort and we doing about 80 the whole way and turned a 5 hour drive into under 3 and half hours.

We pulled into our open gate and saw John waving to us at about 5 in the afternoon. The Governor was standing there next to him with my mom, Jane, Marty, Janice, and a whole TV news crew. We pulled up the front of the house and John took our car to the garage as Marty ran over to us and hugged us. She said, "These kids are going to have a blast for the next week. Don't worry about a thing."

We heard the reporter reading the story to the camera and then she walked over to us and asked us a bunch of questions and Dane answered them as I was so choked up. Then Dane started to cry and we all lost it and hugged.

Jamie said, "Come on. Tour time for the kids." Jamie and Debbie took the entire group of 62 kids around the house and they were running everywhere as we laughed. John had a few extra tables put in the dining room and it looked like a dining hall. We said hello to the cooks and they were making a feast for an army. The TV crew followed us around and the kids were all screaming to hear more music when we got to the studio. Toni said, "One song now and then we'll play for you later."

We turned on everything and the TV crew filmed us doing Beam me up Scotty for Jane and the rest of the kids. She sat on the couch in front of us and was mesmerized by it. John said, "Hi guys. I'm John and I work for the Stolen Hearts. It's time for room assignments. Who wants to bunk together?" He was writing out numbers on cards and giving them out and said, "We put numbers on the bedroom doors upstairs. There are sleeping bags in the rooms also if you don't want to share a bed." All of the kids looked so surprised and John said, "There's some cloths for you also. Go find your room, get freshened up, get changed if you want, and them come on down for dinner. There's a bathroom in each bedroom. If you see two dogs, they are Mickey and Foxy. They won't hurt you. They just like to be petted."

We went upstairs and helped the kids find the rooms and checked out what John did and we were laughing at all of the cloths they had bought. My cell phone rang and it was Darla. She said, "We just saw it on the news and we're on the next flight back. Chris, this is so nice what you guys did. We'll see you tonight."

We went downstairs and Toni was saying, "If we run out of space, we have a house just like this one down the street. We can split them up if it gets too nuts."

The Governor was so into this and wanted to kill the assholes responsible. He got the kids a free day at Disneyland, and so many other things. He said, "I want to get them all placed in top notch foster homes so they don't have to go back into the system." Dane said into my mind, "I know this is probably not the time to ask, but what if we took care a few of them that liked music. We would have to get a nanny for when we travel, but I feel so bad for them." I said back into her mind, "I'm not so sure that's the best thing to do. Remember we sleep together honey. The foster program may not like that too much. If they approve us, then I'm okay with it."

Dane walked over and talked to the Governor. He smiled and said, "That's no problem. I'll take care of it." Dane gave me the thumbs up and I smiled back.

The kids were coming downstairs wearing very fashionable things and everyone clapped for them. Our cooks started seating them at the tables and serving a choice of food. We sat next to Jane and I said, "What made you write the letter to us? There are so many other bands."

She whispered into our ears, "I like your music and want to play in a band someday. Plus I am just like you. I like girls too, and so does my best friend Marsha." She introduced us to Marsha and we talked while we ate. Jane said, "I play guitar, but they took my guitar away last week and Marsha plays bass. Margie plays drums. Hey Margie!" Margie waved to her and we nodded. I said, "How old are you?" Jane said, "We're all fifteen. Most of the other kids range from 12 to 15. We were told that once you turn 16 you disappear. We have no idea where they took the older ones." I motioned for the Governor to come over by us and I said, "Jane, can you tell the Governor what you just told me." She told him and he was getting red. He said to us, "My God, how bad does this get? Jane, I promise you we will find out everything, and I will do everything that I can to make sure all of you get to live with people that will help you and take care of you." He put his hand on my shoulder and said, "That son of a bitch."

We sat for a while with the kids and Jane was looking at my folk guitar that was leaning against the wall in the kitchen. I said, "You can play it if you want." She ran over to get it and was all smiles. Dane gave her a guitar pick and Jane sat and strummed a few chords. They she played some outrageous classical stuff finger picking. Toni stood up and clapped and then we all did. Jane put the pick back in between her fingers and played a few solos note for note off our tunes. She said, "There's one note wrong in this one. I couldn't figure it out." Dane said, "E flat on the high E string. Bend it up 2 frets to an F." Jane did it and said, "Oh yeah."

I got up and said, "Jane, get your friends and lets take a walk out back. You can bring the guitar if you want." Dane took my hand we walked with the kids out back on the veranda and sat at one of the tables. I said, "What grade are you in?" Jane said, "We are suppose to be juniors, but the education was all done in that prison. I have no idea if we are at that level or not." Dane said, "You guys sing together too?" They nodded and I said, "So sing for us." They played one of our tunes and sang it. It was actually pretty good and we clapped for them. We asked Marsha and Margie why they were in that place and they both lost their families in accidents also and were made wards of the state.

I said, "I'm not sure the state will let us do this, but you interested in living here with us? I promise no one will make you do anything that you don't want unless it is something you should be doing." They were jumping up and down and I said, "No guarantees yet. But we'll ask. Write down your first and last names and your social security numbers. I'll give it to the Governor. He said he would help us."

We showed them around the grounds and they flipped out when the dogs fell in the pool. I said, "Get use to it. They do this all day long." Jane said, "If we stay here, where would we sleep?" I said, "In your own bedroom. Only two of those rooms upstairs are being used right now. Dane and I are in the end suite on the far side and Jamie and Debbie and in the suite on this end of the house. Toni and Lynn live in a house just like this one down the block." Marsha said, "All of those rooms are empty?" We nodded and they smiled. Jane said, "Where does the help sleep?" We walked over to the apartments and we showed them the condo style units. Marsha said, "These are so nice. Wow! How much money do you guys have?" Dane said, "A whole bunch. We work because we like it, not because we need the money."

We walked back to the house and I gave the information to the Governor and I said, "There is a catch that I thought would be an issue before, but now I'm not so sure. They are gay." He made a few calls and said, "They can stay here until the child welfare department gets involved next week. I don't see this as a problem." I hugged him and he said, "You guys did real good on this one."

Toni yelled, "Time for a real music show like we promised. Just follow me to the studio." We all went to the studio and Marty was smiling at us as we turned on the gear again. We let Jane, Marsha, and Margie sit on the floor by us and we played our normal show. The kids loved it. We ended the last song and the Governor walked to the mic and said, "Tomorrow, everyone is a guest at Disneyland. The busses will be here at 9." The kids were all screaming and he smiled at us and said, "I'll see you later."

Dane said into the mic, "I know this has been a very long day for all of us. Let see if we can rustle up some desert for everyone and then you should get some rest. You each have a cable system in your rooms so if you can't sleep, check out our new videos on MTV. Be downstairs for breakfast at 8. Lets go on the veranda to see about desert."

We all went outside and Dane went to the kitchen and came back out and said, "Vanilla or chocolate ice cream. Just go through those doors and tell Martha what you want and come back out here." My mom came over and put her arm around me and said, "This is the nicest thing you have ever done." I said, "We're going to be foster parents to three of them if we get approved." She said, "I know. We think it's wonderful and will help you any way we can."

Debbie said, "Dane said you want to be foster parents to three of the kids. We were thinking the same thing." I said, "Do it if you want to. We're going to have to arrange for a nanny when we work and travel. Did you talk to any of the kids?" Debbie said, "Yeah, we found our three and they fit right in. They're a piss. Just like us when we were fourteen." I said, "Heaven help us."

The kids all finished desert and were heading to their rooms. Jane ran up to us and hugged us again then went upstairs. All of the adults sat in the kitchen and we talked about what happened at the state home. Dane said into my mind, "I'm going to read Dan Lewis's mind again and find out what happened to the ones over 15." She sat and concentrated looking into the kitchen and then I saw a tear run down her face. I read her mind and I couldn't believe it. Dane made him confess to the prison guards and just looked at me. She said into my mind, "They killed all of them." She wiped her eyes and said, "I'm going to set up a fund for each child but I want to do it so that the foster parents can't drain it. I guess we need to talk to our attorney. Anyone want to help us set up a Christmas tree and buy a shit load of presents tomorrow?"


Everyone was asking us what to buy and I said, "Lets ask the kids. Everyone take a different bedroom." We all went upstairs with a pad and pencil and knocked on the bedroom doors. I went to into the room with Jane and I said, "Hi everyone. I have one quick question for you. If you could have whatever you wanted for Christmas within reason, what would it be?" I got four smiles and a list for each person. I said, "Goodnight" and waved as I walked out and shut the door.

We all met in the kitchen again and compared notes. We had a bunch of musical instruments, art supplies, cloths, bikes, skateboards, video games, and a few oddball things. We divided the list up by category and each person had an assignment. I said, "We start tomorrow morning." Jamie poured us all a drink and we were joking around. John wanted to play Santa and I said, "They're way too old for that. Lets try to find a cosmetologist that would come here and teach them makeup and we could get them each a full makeup case." The ideas kept coming and we all were making calls.

Darla and Wendy showed up and they were so upset. We gave them shopping assignments for tomorrow and they were all smiles. We talked for a long time about how to make their Christmas the best we could and we all started to get choked up. We decided to let them all decorate the tree tomorrow night, which would give us more time for the shopping.

Everyone went home to sleep and Dane and I walked upstairs with Debbie and Jamie to our bedrooms. Dane shut our door and held me tight and said, "I want to hug you all night and cuddle." We undressed and I lit a cigarette as we got under the covers. Dane turned on the news on TV and we watched us as the top news story. We held each other as we listened and shared the cigarette. The news anchors commentary was so sad Dane started to cry again. I held her close to me and we just hugged and caressed each other. I kissed her and we lay our heads on the pillow and fell sleep.

Dane woke me up and said, "We need to get moving. Shower time." I looked at the clock and mumbled something as Dane was smiling and dragged me out of bed into the bathroom. I wrapped my arms around her by the sink and kissed her and kissed her, over and over again. She was giggling and then got into it with me. She said, "Honey, we can't today. We need to get our asses downstairs now." Dane kissed me again and this time she was touching me everywhere and getting hot. I dragged her into the shower and we kissed under the hot water and then washed. We did the rest of our morning routine and went downstairs to the loud noise of talking coming from the dining room.

We served ourselves some breakfast and sat with the kids and they all said good morning to us, as Toni, Lynn, Darla, and Wendy walked in. Everyone else was already eating and Debbie said, "You missed the Governors speech this morning. He's coming back in about 15 minutes and is going with the kids to Disneyland. She said into our minds, "He knows to have them back in time to decorate the tree."

We ate and talked to the kids and they were all so excited. I said, "Everyone find cloths that you like that fit?" We got an immediate fashion show and were laughing as the Governor came back in and the kids all cheered for him. He had a group of chaperons and introduced them to everyone and Dane said into my mind, "I am definitely impressed. He could never get them all to show up to the legislative sessions." I smiled and she lifted her eyebrows.

They packed the kids into the busses and we went out front to wave to all of them as they left. That's when the panic set in and we all went crazy going shopping. Dane and I stopped to buy three Christmas trees and then hired someone to deliver them and set them up this afternoon. We also had to buy lights, ornaments, and three angels. Then we did the fun things. We got part of the cloths orders, coats, the makeup that we arranged for last night, and a ton of other things. We had everything gift wrapped with tags and were getting ten deliveries this afternoon before 3. Dane drove us home like a lunatic to get there in time for the tree delivery and we just made it. We let the tree service in through the gate and the driver said, "Hey, is this for the kids we saw on the news?" I said, "Sure is." He yelled back, "No charge. We think what you did was great."

We invited them in to see all of it and offered them a drink as we helped with the trees. We put one in the den, one in the great room, and one in the living room. They strung the lights on the trees for us and we tried to give them money but they wouldn't accept it. It was amazing, but we had the same reaction from every delivery.

At 3 we left for the attorney's office and he had already drawn up a trust agreement and read it to us in English, instead of the legal mumbo jumbo. We were allowed to revoke the trust if a foster parent or adopted parent abuses it, and we were the executors. Any withdrawal over $40,000 requires our approval, and the kids get the whole load when they turn 21 to do with it as they choose. He said, "Of course, they can have use of the money for an emergency, which is pretty clearly defined. I need your signatures and then get Toni, Lynn, Debbie, and Jamie to sign it over the holidays. We already did the money transfer out of the accounts. This is by far way more generous than anyone would have ever expected. Dane, you and Chris sure about this? This is a shit load of money." I said, "We're sure."

We had his secretary print out cards with the information we told her and gave her the list of children from the trust agreement. We left with the legal papers and sixty-two cards addressed to each child.

We got home and watched the parade of people carrying things inside and deliveries being made to the garage. We laughed as they had all of the cars outside as the garage was being stuffed. John said, "I have a crew coming here at midnight to carry the gifts inside. They all volunteered to help."

We watched a delivery truck from our moms' chain of music stores pull up and unload at the garage. Everyone went so overboard on gifts. We were all laughing.

The last delivery left at 6 and we went inside to eat before the kids got back. Everyone was exhausted, but perked up when we made our favorite Christmas rum drinks. We were sitting in the den and I lit a cigarette as Dane made a toast. We all clicked our glasses and drank to the kids. Marty said, "You know every one of the kids requested your new CD. You have fans for life. So we threw in a little something extra. You guys are playing at halftime in the Superbowl this year. Remember? We gave them all tickets to the game and arranged for transportation and chaperons."

We heard the front doors open and the roar of kids coming in and looking at the Christmas Trees. Dane went to the entrance foyer and said, "Tonight you guys get to decorate the trees with us. All three of them. How as Disneyland?" Jane was right next to Dane and said, "It was great. Thank you", and hugged her. Dane said, "Don't thank me for that one. Thank the Governor." Jane smiled and said, "We already did. He even went on the roller coaster with us."

They all had so many souvenirs and were going to put them in their rooms. The Governor came in and said to us, "You mind if a TV video crew is here tomorrow? If you don't want them, I'll cancel it. They heard about what we had planned and want to shoot it." I said, "I'm okay with it, as long as they stay out of the way. This is for the kids, not the press." He said, "I'll make sure they know that, exactly as you just said it. I completely agree with you." I said, "So how was it?" He smiled and said, "My god, it was like it was 15 years old again. I had a blast." I handed him one of our Christmas drinks and he said, "You get the presents?" We walked him to the garage and he choked on the drink when he saw the presents, as we laughed.

The kids were back downstairs and they split into three groups and were decorating the trees. John was a piss directing them and everyone was laughing at him. We went from room to room and helped. It took about 2 hours and they finished the trees and they each group went to see what the others did. Jane ran upstairs and came back down with a gift wrapped present and put it under the tree in the living room. I said, "Whose that for?" She said, "It's for you." I said, "Jane, you didn't have to get us anything." She said, "We all wanted to. You helped us more than you could ever know." She hugged me and started to cry hard and I just held her as I rubbed her back. I said, "No more tears. This about being happy and not having to worry about anything again." She wiped her eyes and was smiling as the tears rolled down her face again and I hugged her. Dane hugged her and Jane smiled and said, "No more tears. I promise."

Martha, one of the cooks, announced, "Desert is being served", and everyone went into the dining room. We couldn't believe all of the food they made or bought for tonight. We totally pigged out as Christmas music was playing on the stereo in the living room. We were finishing eating and Lynn said, "Christmas carols in the living room." Everyone went into the living room and Lynn sat at the grand piano and everyone was on the couches or standing. She played one song after the other and the kids loved it. So did we as we all sang.

Our moms wanted to hear us do the tunes to did on the Christmas special so we all gathered by the piano and sang them at full voice. Darla smiled and said after we ended the first tune, "You are by far the best. That harmony was out of this world." The kids all clapped for us and I said, "Sing the next one with us."

We sang and joked around. Then Wendy played commercial jingles and everyone was laughing. It was 11 and I said, "Santa Claus is definitely coming here tonight and we want you all to be surprised, so it's off to bed. Breakfast is no earlier than 7. I want to hear you all say to me, I will not run down here until at least 7." They were laughing and then said it together as they went to their rooms.

We all slouched on the couches as Toni moaned, "Is it Christmas yet?" We all were smiling and the jokes started as the crew to move the presents showed up. John buzzed them in through the gates and we couldn't believe who we saw. It was our friend from the concert in New Jersey that we goofed on. I said, "What brings you here?" He said, "I own a law firm in New York and LA, and always spend the holidays out here with my parents. When I heard what you were doing, I just had to be part of it." I said, "Thank you very much. This will mean so much to the kids." We all went to the garage and he said, "My God! What did you buy them?" Dane said, "Name something. It's probably in one of these boxes."

Everyone was laughing and nodding their heads as he said, "Want to adopt me?" I said, "No thank you", just like I did it at the concert and he was laughing. We directed traffic of which tree to put things under with a master list we made and it was a madhouse. We finished at 2 in the morning and John took a picture of each room. We all were exhausted and the rooms were packed with gifts. We thanked everyone and had one final toast with our rum drinks with everyone.

Dane took my hand and said, "We are about to fall asleep standing up. We'll see everyone at 7. You are all welcome to sleep here if you can find a spot." Jamie said, "Our room is empty", as she said into our minds, "Make room guys. We want to thank you too." Dane smiled and squeezed my hand as we went up to our bedroom with Debbie and Jamie. Toni, Lynn, Darla, and Wendy went into Debbie's bedroom.

Dane was like a wild woman. She pulled off my cloths and caressed me all over and I was on fire. We lay down and she kissed me once and then licked my pussy until I was bucking into her face. We 69'd each other and then we made our cocks appear, made them large and fucked each other senseless, as Jamie and Debbie were eating each other out in the bed next to us.

After we both shot our cum twice, Jamie leaned over and said, "Ready to play now?" We all giggled and played a game we called "How many ways can I get three cocks in me?" It was sexy and funny as hell. Jamie fucked my boobs and shot her cum all over my face. Dane went wild licking it up with Debbie as they had just creamed in my pussy together. Jamie and I both fucked Dane's ass at the same time, and figured out a way for Debbie to fuck her pussy at the same time with us. Dane was completely out of it in a total nonstop orgasm.

Dane and I paired up again and made love as women until the alarm clock went off at 6:30. God, do I love to use our double dildo. It is so much better than our real cocks. Debbie was still eating Jamie and swallowed one more time and looked up at us. We all laughed as she was coated with pussy juice and Jamie licked it off of her face.

We all took a shower and dressed to go downstairs. The film crew was there and they introduced themselves and told us they would not get in the way. They shot the presents in the house and we couldn't believe how much we bought. We all had a cup of coffee and a cigarette in the kitchen as John said, "5 minutes until they all run downstairs."

We had a count down like new years eve. It was like a stampeded and we all laughed as the kids ran around looking at everything with such huge smiles on their faces. I yelled, "Check the names on the presents before you open them. Everyone has gifts under all three trees. Breakfast is ready whenever you want to eat. Enjoy!"

We went from room to room and watched and all of us got so many hugs and kisses from the kids. Jane was screaming when she opened her new Martin guitar and also a Fender Strat electric and Fender amp. We had 29 ten speed bicycles, 14 mountain bikes, 15 skate boards, and more cloths that you could possibly imagine. A few also got some jewelry and watches and we got them the real stuff which came with a certificate of authenticity. The TV crew was in awe as they filmed everything and the kids were playing and eating and then the craze became the video games. We bought 32 of them with over 200 games. We also bought every child a lap top computer with a wireless internet connection, a complete makeup station for teenagers, a paid for cell phone for a year, and an assortment of bath products.

We all went out front to watch the kids riding their bikes and skate boards on the long driveway and the TV crew was having a blast filming it. A car pulled up to the gate and John buzzed them and said, "Make up lessons." He went to tell all of the kids to go out on the back veranda for a surprise and they put their bikes in the garage and ran out back. We gathered the ones inside and sent them outback also.

This woman was great with the kids. She used the kits we bought as a demonstration and made up eight girls for everyone to watch how she did it. The TV crew reporter said, "I need one of these."

We had different things going on all day for them. We had an artist that paints on a TV show paint a picture and then teach them how he did it. The comedian was a piss and everyone was laughing for an hour. I brought all of the kids back into the living room and we had them sit down as Dane brought in the stack of envelopes and said, "Everyone has their own envelope, but they are the same inside. Don't open them yet." We handed them out and Dane said, "Chris, you do this one."

I said, "We wanted to do something special for all of you and had a hard time in coming up with something that would really help you and let you remember us. What we did was set up a trust in each of your names. You can open the envelopes now. Each one of you has a trust account in the bank in your name and ours, with a balance of 2 million dollars. This is too help you afford the finer things in life and not be deprived of an education. God knows you deserve it. It's also there to help you in case of an emergency. We also wanted to make sure that a foster family can not rip you off. It can't happen. We have the overriding authority to approve or disapprove all major withdrawls, and the first thing we are going to do is ask you if it's okay with you. If you say that it is, then you can take out the money. When each of you turns 21, the entire trust dissolves and you get the balance in cash to do whatever you want with it. It's yours and we hope you enjoy it, use it wisely, and remember us. Dane, Debbie, Lynn, Jamie, Toni, and me, Chris."

They all were crying and each one of them hugged us so tight. The TV report was crying also and touched my shoulder smiling. I said, "All of the paper work is with the lawyers. The card was just to let you know that it was real."

The reporter put her hand on my shoulder and I held her as she really cried. Dane came over and said to her, "We feel the same way. Want to help?" She nodded and Dane said, "Film me for a short segment and show it on the air after whatever you play." She said "Sure." Dane said, "In my study, where no one will hear us." We went in and shut the door and the reporter got her composure and said, "This was the most touching Christmas I have ever experienced. Dane wants to say something to all of you."

Dane smiled and said, "So many people have helped us pull this off for these kids, who deserve everything we can do for them. As a band we have applied to be foster parents for twelve of the children. They all need good homes where people will love them, include them in things, and not abuse them. They are wonderful fun loving kids, that were put in a horrible situation. They will have scars from it for years that only love can heal. If you want to help and become a foster parent, there are 50 more children that need a home. We ask that you carefully consider it before volunteering. It's a lot of work, a lot of ups and downs, and these kids cannot afford to have one more bad thing happen to them. We have put a little joy in their lives, and they have touched us forever. Merry Christmas everyone."

The reported said, "That was wonderful. We're going to edit the tape now and it will be on the evening news. It'll probably get picked up everywhere. This is a big story." We both thanked her and walked them outside. I said, "Just don't run any of them over on the way out." They waved and got into the TV station van.

We walked inside to the kitchen and Jane and Marsha came up to us and Jane whispered, "Can we see you alone for a minute?" I said, "Sure. Lets go to the mastering studio downstairs. No one should be in there." We took the elevator down and walked to the mastering studio and went inside. I shut the door we sat down in the couches as Dane said, "What's on your mind?" Jane said, "First, can we have a cigarette. I'm dying for one."

We laughed and handed them the pack and lit one up also. Jane lit a cigarette and took a deep drag and sighed as she blew out the smoke and then took another drag. Marsha took a drag and said, "I was getting the jitters. They did let us smoke in the prison." I said, "I have no problem with it. Just use the ash trays and don't burn down the house."

I said, "What else is on your mind?" Jane was blushing and took a drag of her cigarette. She was stuttering and then said, "Is there a place where Marsha and I can be alone for a little while? We use to sneak into the bathrooms." Dane smiled and said, "This room locks and has a couch. Just don't tell anyone we let you do this, but we know exactly what you are feeling for each other. After all of the kids leave to go to other foster families, you can use you're bedrooms." Jane smiled and gave Marsha a wet kiss. Then they both hugged us again. Jane said, "We need to give you your gift and then we'll sneak down here. Thank you."

Dane was smiling and said into my mind, "They are so much like us, it's scary. Chris, that's you and me 9 and a half years ago." I said back to her, "We were even worse." We all took a drag of the cigarette and Jane said, "I had one more question, but you don't have to answer it. When you played for us and made the guards freeze like statues. How did you do that? Do you have paranormal powers? I watched you two all the time act like you're talking, but you aren't saying anything. Can you read each other's minds?"

I said, "Make me a promise. Both of you have to swear you will never tell a sole about this. Promise?" They promised and I said, "Yes, and yes." Then I said into their minds, "Just like this. Sounds cool doesn't it." They smiled and Dane said, "After the fostering arrangements are finalized, we'll teach you how to do it also. Watch the chair." Dane made the chair rise up and set down. They had their eyes bugged out and I said, "If you could have done this before, there would have never been a problem to start with. It's the ultimate self defense protection. While we are here talking, we were thinking about private in home tutoring from certified instructors instead of high school. Would you like that or prefer to attend the local high school? There will be 12 of you in the home class."

Jane said, "Home! What a great way to go to school." We smiled and nodded, as we all finished our cigarettes. Jane and Marsha took our hands and led us to the elevator and we went to the living room. Jane called all of the kids in and they sat around us, as Toni, Lynn, Debbie, and Jamie were dragged in to be with us also. Jane stood up and said, "We didn't have much money, but we wanted you to have something to remember all of us by too. Open it."

I opened it and there were three framed photographs of the entire group of kids taken at Disneyland, and they each signed all three copies. We all cried like little kids. Jane hugged us and Dane said, "Thank you very much. John, get a hammer and a nail. Two of these get hung up now." John went to get the tools and we had him hang one in the den and one in the studio as the kids all watched. Toni said, "This one goes in the other studio at my house."


The cooks made food and more food. We had more choices than the local restaurants. They also made omelets for anyone that wanted one. The kids were all over the house and outside and we sat in the den to relax and had a cigarette with the other adults. Dane switched the TV on and turned to the station that was here and we watched the news. We were the top story and we couldn't believe it when we watched the film. Even John got choked up. When Dane gave the ending remarks everyone cried. The reporter ended the twenty minute segment with, "We were deeply moved by this, but I guess that showed on the tape. If anyone of you are serious about becoming a foster parent to one or more of these children, please contact the station at the phone number on the screen. Merry Christmas everyone. Now for the rest of the news."

We all just sat with tears in our eyes and watched the rest of the hour of the news. My cell phone rang and I answered it, "Hello." I heard, "Hi Chris, It's Barb. We watched Dane's speech on the news. Do you think they would let me and Mary take two of the kids?" I said, "Call the station and tell them who you are and that we spoke. Maybe they will. We're waiting to see if they accept us." She said, "Thanks. I'll call." Dane was on her cell phone and she hung up and said, "Terry from Trigger wants to take two kids as a foster parent." I said, "Barb and Mary too." Toni said, "Four other bands want to help the same way."

The house phone rang and Dane answered it. She was listening and said, "That's wonderful. The kids will be set for life", "That's even better news. They will love to hear this. Thanks." Dane said, "I have something to tell the kids. Lets get them together for desert." Were rounded up the kids and Jane and Marsha were missing. Dane looked at me and she said into their minds, "We need you out in the back yard. Just kiss and you can finish later." They walked out and smiled at us and sat down. Dane said, "We have extra good news. To start with, there was an anonymous donation made into our trust fund that we set up for you. It's big. Ready?" Dane waited a few seconds and said, "They matched what we put in. You now have 4 million each."

The kids were all jumping and screaming and Dane said, "There's more. Over 400 people have volunteered to become foster parents to raise some of you. A few are good friends of ours who you also see on MTV a lot. Cobra, Hard Core, Trigger, Tramps, Clash, and a few more. I'm sure that you will all be able to live with people that will care about you and help you with whatever they can. To make this easier on all of you, those that have not already been approached about living with a family, we want you to list your interests. For example; music, sports, swimming, science, and so on. Maybe we can help match you to people with those same interests." John and the others started with the group and Toni and Lynn had the six that were with them over by us, and Jane gathered up our six.

Martha came outside and said to me, "Call for you Chris. You want to take it?" I nodded and she handed me the cordless and I said, "Hello. This I Chris." I listened to one of the Governors staff and was so excited. I said, "Thanks so much." I walked over to Jane and the group and said, "It's official. We were approved. All of us." Toni said, "Alright!" Dane held my hand and said into my mind, "If I wasn't so fucking tired, I'd take you to that room now also." I was laughing and Jane said, "I know a secret." I put my fingers to my lips and she nodded.

John walked over and said, "These are the lists. A lot of music types, art, and sports." Martha announced, "Desert is being served cafeteria style at the tables set up here. Just get in line. We have some great treats tonight." Jane walked up me and whispered, "We're going to finish." I smiled and nodded as they disappeared into the house. Dane was laughing and said, "They are just like us."

After desert we turned on the pool lights and told the kids they could swim, but someone had to watch them. The adults played lifeguard and had Vodka and tonics while we made sure no one drowned. Jane and Marsha came outside to sit with us and we knew what they were doing before. They both took one our cigarettes and lit them up and a few other kids asked if they could smoke also. We didn't try to stop it, as it would have been futile.

At 10 o'clock we were falling asleep. John said, "We slept last night. We'll take over and get them out and in bed by 11. Get some rest." The eight of us went upstairs to the same sleeping arrangements as last night. Dane and I undressed and lay in bed with Jamie and Debbie. Dane kissed and we were out cold in seconds.

Dane woke me up by kissing me softly and pushing her tongue into my mouth. I kissed her back and loved it when she woke me up like this. We caressed each other and felt our warm bodies touching as we kissed again. We were getting into it when the phone rang. Dane answered it and said, "Hello." She was listening and said, "Sure. Give us about a half hour." She hung up the phone and said, "Wake up Debbie and Jamie." I woke them up softly and Dane said, "We are meeting with the Child Welfare councilors and some of the governors staff in 30 minutes."

We all went into the bathroom and tried to all fit in the shower stall again. It was a piss. I knelt and licked Dane's pussy until she orgasmed and then she did me too. We dressed and went downstairs. Martha served us some breakfast and we thanked her for everything she had done. I found John out back with a few of the kids and I said, "John, we need that list. The Child Welfare councilors will be here any minute."

We had some coffee in the kitchen with a cigarette as we waited. I said to Jamie, "Go wake up Toni and the others too." She ran upstairs to wake them up and came back down and sat with us and said, "In the shower. They'll be down in a minute." I took a drag of the cigarette and Jane walked in. I said into her mind, "You and Marsha have to control yourselves for a little while. The child welfare councilors are on their way over. Just act normal." She smiled and nodded as she went out to tell Marsha and the others.

The intercom buzzed from the front gate and John said, "I'll take care of it." The one of the Governor's staff and two councilors came in the house and sat with us in the kitchen. Martha said, "What can I get you for breakfast. We have a choice today of waffles, french toast or omelet's." They smiled and one said, "My god. We never had it this good. I'll just have coffee please."

One of the counselors said, "We need to complete the applications for foster care. They were filled out except a few items. We require a proof of your financial situation." I said, "Like what? Bank statements?" He said, "Yeah. That would be fine." Dane called the branch manager at the local branch and said, "Hi Harry, it's Dane. Can you do me a favor? We need a proof of bank balance. Can you print one out for all of our accounts, me, Chris, Toni, Lynn, Debbie, Jamie, Darla and Wendy. We can have someone pick them up. When can they be ready?", "Great, someone will there in a ten minutes." Dane went to get John and he said, "I'll send Dave."

I said, "What else do you need." He said, "That's it. Under the circumstances we do want you to see the files of the kids that you will be getting." They took out the files and we all read them quickly. It had nothing we didn't already know. I said, "There have been a lot of people ask about taking some of the kids. We categorized the children based on their interests which may make it easier to find a better match. Barb from Cobra was interested, and a number of the other bands we produce; Trigger, Clash, Tramps, and a few more. He said, "Clash. You guys produced the Clash. I love their music." I said, "Say hello to the writers of the music. Darla and Wendy."

He shook their hands again and said, "I love that music." The other councilor said, "We'll get in touch with every person that has expressed interest in the next two days and do our best to match up the kids to where they will do best. We went through about 20 questions that were typical and the John brought an envelope in from the bank. A counselor opened it and said, "It appears that all of you have plenty of money, so that won't be an issue."

He handed us the rules and said, "Its all basic stuff. We want them all to have a complete physical and mental exam after what they went through. Counseling if they need it." I said, "We wanted to have then tutored at home with certified teachers instead of attending high school. Kids are cruel and we thought it would be better. That's also what the kids want." The counselors all agreed and thought it was a good idea. One of them said, "You can also adopt them if you want. It's up to you." I said, "Lets keep it easy first. Then maybe do that next." He said, "We want to sit with each child for a few minutes. Can we use a private room?" I said, "Sure. Use my study. We'll show you where it is."

We set them up in the study and they interviewed Jane first. Then Marsha and the other 4 we were taking. One of the counselors came out and said, "The kids worship you. There shouldn't be any problems here at all." They did the six that Toni was taking next and they came back out and said, "It's like a contest. Who's a better guitar player. They were arguing over whether it's Dane or Toni. This should work out fine. You mind if we work from here today and see if we can get some of the other kids placed?" I said, "Help yourself to whatever you need."

They kept us posted on progress and had placed 16 more kids by 10 AM, another 12 by lunch, and the last ones at 4 in the afternoon. He said, "Tomorrow they will all be picked up and the first traumatic event will happen. Expect a lot of crying when the first group leaves at 8 in the morning. They were in a lot of stress together and they all bonded."

We spent the rest of the day goofing around with all of the kids. We noticed Jane and Marsha disappeared with a few of the other kids and then reappeared looking all flush. We were smiling and Dane said, "Just like us. They'll fit in fine."

Before dinner John got a list of DVDs they all wanted to watch and went to the store and bought them. Martha made popcorn and we showed three movies in the new video editing room downstairs, which has a full wall screen and enough room to sit about 80 people.

Dane and I had a great night in bed with Jamie and Debbie. We played another fantasy game and we were laughing too hard to get turned on for a while. Dane and I lay on the floor and fucked while Jamie and Debbie were still in the bed, laughing and watching us. They joined us in the floor in about a half hour and it was totally perverted. We each took turns being blindfolded and had to swallow each person's cum and tell who it was. Jamie was the only one that got it right from both cocks and pussies. We told her she was cheating and peaked.

The four of us slept on top of each other and had incredible sisterly love that night. Jamie and I pretend that we were 15 again and doing each other pretending that each one of us was Debbie or Dane. Debbie and Dane did the same thing next to us and we all were like lunatics. We paired up again and fucked our brains out.

The alarm went off a 6:30 and we did our morning routine and went downstairs to meet the child welfare counselors. They had breakfast with us and one said, "Get ready for the tears."

All of the kids came downstairs at 7:30 and the counselors announced who was going to be with which family. There were cheers for almost 10 minutes. Then reality set in as the first group came to the house to meet the kids. When Barb and Mary showed up the kids going with her ran up to them and hugged them. The counselors wouldn't let anyone leave until all of the families showed up and then we gathered everyone in the great room. The counselors gave an excellent speech about what to expect and the trauma they all went through and they made it funny for the kids. Dane said, "I promise that you will all get to see each other. You all have cell phones that are free and can call anyone you want. Plus you're all going to see the Superbowl this year together. You all will be living within 10 miles of each other, so it's not like it's too far to visit."

The kids were all hugging each other and the tears started as John had help carrying out all of the presents and loading up cars. Barb and Mary left with the two kids and Barb said to us, "Think they'd like to go on a tour concert this weekend?" The kids eyes lit up and I said, "That's your answer." She smiled as they got into her limo.

The Clash was a piss. The lead singer and guitar players, and their wives took four kids that were probably their biggest fans. One of them said, "If we let you live with us who will be left to buy our CDs? You may have to dip into that trust fund to keep food on the table." The kids were smiling as they got into their bright red stretched Bentley limo.

The last of the kids left and it was just our 12 in the house and it seemed so quite. We all noticed it. I pulled John to the side and said, "You and the staff were great. John, we really appreciate it and we didn't get a chance to give everyone their Christmas bonus in all of the commotion. You want us to give them out, or would you like to do it?" He smiled and said, "I'd love to do it." I handed him his check and envelopes for everyone else. He said, "That's way too much." Dane turned towards us and said, "You earned it. Enjoy it."

I said, "We need some time alone with the kids, why don't you gather the staff in here and we'll take them to the study." He smiled and we got all of the kids to go into the study and Dane closed the double doors as we sat on the couches. Dane said, "Now all of the craziness is over, we wanted to talk about a few things. First, think of us as your older sisters. We are only 9 years older than you are. The second thing is about the rules. We have very few. The first is no heroin, or crack. You do that and we will be incredibly pissed off. You all have so much potential, we don't want you to throw that away. Grass is another story. We do it sometimes, but just don't flaunt it. It is still illegal and the state will be watching what happens here for a while."

I said, "If any of you need money for anything, just ask. We couldn't spend what we have in one lifetime even if we all went on buying spree for the next 50 years. The money doesn't matter. What matters is that you enjoy life. Please respect our staff. You've met most of them and they work very hard. John is wonderful and manages all of the help. If you want to go somewhere just ask him and he will have one of the drivers take you. You can ask us too, and talk to us about anything. A far as going between houses; you can get a ride, walk or take bikes. Just please let us or one of the staff know when you leave, where you are going, and when you will be back."

Dane said, "As far as sleeping arrangements, you can work that our between you. You will all have your own bedrooms either in this house or the other one. I know most of you smoke, and there are cigarettes in the panty. If you want different brands, just ask Martha or Denise in the other house to get them. Toni, you want to add anything?"

Toni said, "We want you to be happy. We will never make you do something that you don't want to do, unless it's stupid like homework or something. We also arranged for the tutors to start after the new year. You will all have classes in this house on Mondays and Wednesday, and in my house on Tuesday and Thursday. Everything has been scheduled in four days. We also include two hours of music from different instructors. Doctors Dane Dandridge and Chris Woodrow will be part of it. Bet you didn't know they have their PhDs in music from Julliard. To emphasize what Dane said, you can talk to us about anything. We all know accidents happen, things break, and whatever. It doesn't matter. Life will go on and know one will get pissed about it. You should never be afraid to talk to us about anything."

The kids were all talking to Jane and Marsha, and Jane said, "I'll tell them." She turned towards us and said, "Everything about what happened to us was true. We just didn't tell you part of it mostly because we were embarrassed. We loved the sex. All of us, loved it. When they brought a few boys over every weekend, we would all drool to get a chance to fuck and suck their cocks. If the guards knew it, the sadistic assholes would have probably made us sit a watch everyone else get it on, without letting us get any ourselves. We think we're nymphomaniacs. We all like girls and boys."

Dane was smiling and said, "That just means you're normal and we're the same way. We like it all the time. It's nothing to be ashamed about." I said into everyone's mind, "Jane guessed about our mind powers and knows a little about it. I think we should teach them and let them use it for self defense if they need it." Toni said back into our minds, "I agree. Lets do it." I nodded and Jane said, "You and Toni were talking in your heads again."

We all smiled and Dane said, "Yup. Want to be able to do that too?" They all were so excited about it and I said, "One more very important rule that you can never break. I want everyone of you to make us a promise that you will never tell anyone about what goes on in our houses, or private lives, or about what we are about to show you. I really mean it. No one."

They all promised and Dane and I lit cigarettes. She passed the pack and lighter and the kids all lit up also. Toni rolled her eyes and smiled. She said into our minds, "They are just like you guys were when you were that age. Aren't they?" We nodded as I blew out the smoke. Jane said, "They did it again."

I said, "This all started when I was in plane crash and ended up in a comma for a week. I had these really weird dreams and most of what I dreamed is actually coming true. It was so weird. I dreamt that I had incredible powers in my mind. When I tried to use them, I found that I really had them all along and just didn't know how to make it work. Dane and I experimented and found out that all of us have them in our minds. We are going to show all of you, one at a time, how to make each part work."

We spend the next two hours with each one of the kids until they could read our minds, move objects, and make one of their fingers bigger and smaller. We also showed them how to heal and had them heal each other from head to toe. Marsha said, "It feels to relaxing."

When they were done I said, "There is a few more things you may want to have fun with. You can make any part of your body change, grow or shrink. Think about the tongue possibilities." They were laughing and I said, "I think this may answer some of your sex needs too. Everyone loosen your pants for a demonstration." They all loosened their pants and I said, "Read my mind and do exactly what I do."

I concentrated and did it slowly and made a penis showing them medically what was happening. They all tried it and I waited and said, "You should have a little thing that looks like a pimple just above your clit. Check it out." Each one of them was looking and I said, "Now read my mind and do what I do." I made my cock bigger to real size and they all did it, and were laughing. They immediately checked it out and were hysterical. Jane whipped hers out and said, "Okay, who's first?" We were laughing and I said, "Later. First let me show you how to make it go away. Read my mind." They all read my mind and I made it shirk, and then disappear. They all checked themselves and Marsha said, "That was so cool?"

I said, "Do it again by yourself and make sure you have it right." They each did it a few times and Marsha said, "Can it get hard?" I said, "Yup, and the best part is you can control when and how big it gets. You can even make it shoot out more cum when you want. Ready for that lesson now?"

Jane yelled out, "I love this. My own personal dick. Can I fuck myself with it?" Dane was smiling and said, "It gets better. We'll get to that part soon." I said, "Everyone make your cock again." They did and I said, "Now rub it like you would to a boy." They were all hard and I said, "It will cum just like a boys cock does." Dane leaned on me and we were getting so hot watching this. They paired up and were rubbing each other's cocks. In less than 5 minutes Marsha was moaning and Jane put her mouth over Marsha's cock and we watched it pulsate and shoot cum into Jane's mouth. She swallowed and then Marsha sucked Jane's cock until Jane shot her load. They all were doing the same thing and I was dripping wet. Dane kissed me and said, "I'm going to have fantasies about this for a month."

They all had cum once and I said, "Now make your cocks softer but longer and wider. They each did it and I said, "It will go into your own pussies now." Jane lay down and spread her legs wide and pushed the cock into her pussy. She moaned out, "Oh God does this feel good." I said, "I hate to stop the fun, but there's more. Take them back out and read my mind." They all read my mind and I made my spine very limber, which it already was." I said, "Do that to yourself." They did it and I said, "Now you can lick your pussy and suck your own cock. Who wants to try it first?" Jane said, "Me!"

Dane and I positioned her on the floor on her side with her legs spread open and knees bent. We helped her bend to the position the first time and then she did the rest herself and was sucking her hard cock until it shot into her mouth. Then she moved it to the side and licked her pussy as everyone watched. They all tried it and I was dripping juice on my thighs as I watched.

After all of them got off and I said, "You can fool around later. We have some other things we want to cover." First, "It is rude to read peoples minds. If anyone finds out, they will be pissed. Use it when you need to only. Don't spy on us or your friends. This is how we found out about what was going on in the state home you were in. You can also make suggestions for people to do. It's kind of like puppets. Do not do this to us or your friends. Who wants to be a volunteer?" Lynn said, "Do it to me so they can all see." I said, "Everyone read my mind and watch what I do." I made a suggestion that Lynn walked over to Toni and give her a totally wet kiss and pinch her nipples. Lyn walked over and said, "Damn you Chris", as she couldn't help herself and went wild on Toni. Everyone was clapping and laughing.

Dane said, "That's how the guards confessed. We'll show you some of the other things in the mall. I want to take everyone to get some nice cloths, some sexy things for bed if you want them, and a few other things. First, I know Toni wants to take the six of you to get settled in your home and we'll work out the bedrooms here. How about we come over there about 2:30?" Lynn said, "That's cool."

Toni, Lynn, Darla, and Wendy left with the six kids in a limo, and another limo took all of the Christmas presents. We took our six kids upstairs and all of the rooms were now cleaned. I said, "You can each have a suite on the back wall that overlooks the ocean, or a regular large bedroom that looks out the front of the estate. It's up to you. We like the suites better. They have a little more room and a separate dressing area." They all picked a suite and made sure they were next to their partner's rooms. They moved their personal things and into their own rooms and were excited. We watched and smiled.

Debbie took out a note pad and we went from room to room and talked about a wardrobe. Then kids all sat in Jane's room and as we did her wardrobe and I said, "Those pajamas have to go. That's first on the list." They all were giggling and Jane said, "These were the only ones they had when I got to the home. Three sizes too big and ugly."

We walked down stairs with our arms around the kids and buzzed John. We told him our plans and said, "The staff wants to talk to you first, if you can spare a few minutes." They all came in and hugged us and thanked us for the bonuses and Dane said, "You all deserve it. We had you come back on your vacation, and we feel bad about it. I want to make sure you had some time off and enjoyed yourself, which is why we included an additional two weeks for next year. If any of you need time off before the first of the year, just let us know. We understand."

They all thanked us again and John said, "Mark and Dave will be driving you tonight. I'm working on the travel situation of making sure someone is always here when you guys do concerts." I said, "I don't think we need to hire anyone, as long as one person is here in one of the houses that can cook. We just have to make sure the schedules cover it." He nodded and we went out to the limo.


We all piled into the new Rolls and Jane said, "Now this is so cool. A double stretched Rolls Royce." We made the one minute drive four houses down and pulled in through the security gates and up to the front door. We all went inside and Jane said, "It's almost the exact same mansion." Toni said, "Almost. We did a few things different but we had the houses built from the same design before we were in Stolen Hearts. Jane, how about you guys go upstairs and check out the rooms and have them get ready to leave for the mall."

They all ran up the stairs and we sat in the kitchen. Darla said, "The kids are great. I was getting so hot in your demo Chris. I wanted to fuck right here." We all were smiling and I said, "Me too." Debbie pulled out the wardrobe list and we matched it to Toni's and then listed the stores we need to go to. Dane said, "Lets hit the mall last. We're better off in the high end Hollywood stores where they will wait on us hand and foot. We can get most of the stuff and get pampered at the same time.

The kids came down stairs and I said, "You're about to experience and new way of shopping. The sales staff does it all for you." We were off in the two limos and made the first stop outside of a high end designer boutique. We all went inside and the manager recognized us as I said, "We need everything for 12 kids. Here's the list." She had us all sit down and they modeled the cloths for us, and then the kids tried the stuff on that they liked. In an hour we had half of the things they needed. We hit two more of these stores and then a shoe store and got them each 6 pairs and 4 pairs of sneakers.

We hit the mall and all carried a bundle of cloths to the limo three times. Then we went into Victoria's Secret and got hem each some nice things for bed. Marsha and Jane were giggling as they went to try them on and we knew exactly what was going on. Margie and Dana went to get them out after fifteen minutes. They were flushed and sweating.

We bought them all swim suits and a ton of underwear, jeans, shorts, halters, and tee shirts. The last trip back to limos was a riot. We all kept dropping things we had our arms so full. We piled into the cars and head for the boardwalk. I said, "Any of you ever spend time at the beach here?" They shook their heads and Dane said, "It's a blast. This is where most of the kids hang out."

We got out of the limos and walked the boardwalk and so many people asked us for our autograph. The kids loved it but we kind of wanted to spend time with them. We went into one of the restaurant clubs over the water and they set up tables for us that seated 20. The adults all ordered a drink and kids got soda. I said into everyone's mind, "You ready to have some fun? You cannot laugh at this. See that waiter over there. I'm going to use my mind to make him think that his cock is being rubbed." Everyone laughed and I said, "No laughing, just watch and don't be too obvious about it. Read my mind so you can see how I do it."

I gave the guy a hardon and he was carrying a large platter. We all were trying not to laugh as he was looking for a place to put it down and then bent over and covered his crotch. I really poured it on and he shot his cum into his pants. Everyone at the table was almost crying from laughing so hard. Jane said, "Let me try to play puppets. Watch that table over there with two boys and two girls."

She made the boys kiss each other and them the girls kiss each other. Then she made each one feel like they were masturbating under the table. We were laughing as each one slumped back in the chairs and had their eyes half closed moaning softly. They all blasted off and Jane smiled and said, "Cool." I said, "This was definitely not very nice but we needed to teach you. Just harmless fun. We call it puppets."

They were all laughing about it as dinner was delivered. We all had a whole lobster with side dishes and the food was great. I paid the tab and we headed back to the limos. Dane said, "Wait here on the benches for a minute. Chris and I need to make a quick stop."

Toni and the others stayed there and we went around the corner to the adult store and bought six women partners kits that had everything in them. The manager said, "Party?" I lied and said, "Yeah." We carried them out in two bags and Toni knew exactly what we bought. She was laughing as we went to the cars. We put one bag in her limo trunk and the other in ours. We all piled in the cars and headed home.

The driver helped us carry the stuff inside and up to the girl's rooms and then he said goodnight. We helped them put the cloths away in each room and then Jane said, "What's in the bag on my bed?" Debbie was smiling and said, "Some new toys for you. We'll show you how to use them."

Jane and Marsha opened the bag and took out the three large plastic cases. Jane opened one and they were smiling. She said, "What are all of these things?" Debbie said, "Lots and lots of fun. Want a quick lesson?"

We had them take off their cloths and we sat on the bed with them. Jane said, "This isn't fair. Get naked with us." Debbie said, "We need to get our kits too. I'll be right back."

Dane was drooling as we undressed and she lit a cigarette. She gave me a kiss and Jane was getting hot watching us. Debbie came back in and her and Jamie got naked on the bed. I said, "There are three kits. Each kit is for two people to share. Jane that kit is for you and Marsha. The other kits is for Margie and Dana, and the last kit is for Linda and Amy." I reached into our kits and said, "This thing that looks like a small egg is amazing. Everyone take the two of them out and put them over your clits like we're doing." I held one on Dane's clit and she held one on mine. I said, "Now turned them on."

We all felt the incredible vibrations and within a minute all of us were moaning. I managed to say, "Five minutes and we all get off. Just hold on. It's a whopper." All of us orgasmed in under 5 minutes and Jane lay back as Marsha and her were kissing. I was on fire and Dane rubbed my nipples. I said, "Take out the long vibrators", as I held them up. They all took them out and I handed one to Dane. I said, "Fuck each other with them turned on. First use a little of the strawberry gel on them." Dane put a little on ours and we layback and she put one in me and I put one in her. We turned them on and fucked each other's pussy as we kissed.

We watched the girls getting off and Debbie and Jamie. Jane and Marsha were lying back against our legs and I was on fire watching them. We all orgasmed again in about 20 minutes and the humping stopped. I sucked the dildo clean that was in Dane and everyone moaned and then did it also. I said, "The rest of the stuff will keep you busy all day. We'll show you our favorite." I took out the double dildo and Dane put some gel on both ends. I said, "Watch how we do it. Your pussies will touch and it's wild."

Dane and I got on our sides and got into our sort of scissored position and pushed our pussies together getting fucked by the dildo. We got into a rhythm and kissed as everyone watched us and then tried it. We were all fucking and really getting into it. Jane and Marsha were doing it leaning against us and Debbie and Jamie were leaning against us on the other side. Dane kissed me as our pussies touched and we were grinding them together. We both orgasmed and kept on going for a few minutes. Dane whispered into my ear, "I want to eat your pussy baby." She pulled the dildo out of us and we moved to 69 position on top of Debbie's legs and Jane's. They both watched us and then did the same thing. I was sucking the cum from Dane and licking her into another orgasm, as I felt her tongue wiggled inside of me.

Jane and Marsha moved us over a little and Jane licked my pussy as Marsha licked Dane's pussy inches from my face. We were getting out of control as Margie and Dana made their cocks appear. Margie pushed into Dana and was moaning, as Linda and Amy were all over Debbie and Jamie.

We spent four hours in bed with the kids and did almost everything. We fucked them and they did us. Jane and Marsha made me into a sandwich and then did Dane also. We got into an 8 way 69 chain and sucked cock and licked pussy. Dane and I sucked each of the kids cock until they shot into our mouths and we shared the cum with them. It was hot beyond belief and they wanted to keep going and do it again.

We all jerked off and shot our cum into Jane's mouth and she held it all in. She kissed Marsha and they played with the cum like we do. I rubbed my clit and orgasmed while I was watching them spit it on my nipples and licked it up again.

Debbie, Jamie, Dane, and me kissed each one of the kids and then went into Jamie's room for the night, leaving them alone. We fucked for hours having one fantasy faster the other, about what we just did. My pussy was flooding the bed and Dane licked my juices off the bed sheet.

We went back to making love as women again using our double ended dildo and fucked each other to the point we couldn't move. We stopped and I lit a cigarette, as Debbie said, "Light one for us too. I can't even lift my arms." I handed her my cigarette and lit another one, as we talked about how hot this was. I took a deep drag and said while blowing out the smoke, "I bet they are having this same conversation right now." Dane took a drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke. She took a second drag and blew the smoke out through her nose slowly and said, "No one can know what went on here with the exception of Toni and company." We all nodded and everyone read my mind as I said into Jane's mind, "You awake?" She said back, "Yeah. We were talking and having a smoke." I said, "Us too. We can't tell anyone about this except Toni and the other kids. Don't say anything unless they say something first." Jane said back, "That's exactly what we were saying to each other. Sleep tight. Damn that was hot!" I said back, "You got that right."

Everyone was laughing as we finished our cigarettes and we were getting ready to go to sleep. We all heard in our minds Toni say, "You awake?" I said, "Yeah. Just getting ready to conk out. What's up?" She said, "We kind of went overboard and really got it on with the kids. They're fine with it, and it was incredibly hot, but we have to keep it quite." We were laughing and I said back, "Us too. It was amazing." Then we heard all of the kids talking in our minds about it. They were telling us bedtime stories with all of the details and my cunt was running like a river. Dane fingered me and I did her as we listened in our minds. Each one of us orgasmed multiple times and the kids went into more details as each of them blasted off again too. We finally all said goodnight and fell asleep.

Dane and I slept for about four hours and then woke up together. She kissed me as we rubbed our bodies against each other. We caressed each other all over and were rubbing our pussies against one another. Debbie was awake watching us and handed us her double dildo. We fucked each other senseless and had one orgasm after the other. Debbie and Jamie were watching us and caressing each other. When we finally were too exhausted to move, Debbie knelt by us and gently took the dildo out of us. She suck both ends into her mouth and then smiled as she slipped it into her pussy and the other end into Jamie's. We watched them, as Dane lit a cigarette and took a deep drag. She blew out the smoke and put the cigarette into my lips and I sucked in twice as I blew the smoke out of my nose, and then took another drag.

Dane put her hand on my pussy and I whispered to her, "I'm ready if you are." She smiled as she took a drag of the cigarette and whispered back to me, "Baby, I could do this all night and day. I'm always ready." We shared the cigarette as we rubbed each other's clit softly. I took a drag of the cigarette and whispered into Dane's ear while I licked it, "I want to lick your pussy like I'm licking your ear." She smiled as I handed the cigarette to her and she said, "Gigantor tongue time." We both took a final drag of the cigarette and then got into a 69 position. We licked each other slowly for almost an hour. I kissed her pussy and clit and then sucked it gently. Dane orgasmed into my mouth four times, and I came into her mouth three times.

Dane crawled around and we kissed each other with a mouthful of pussy juice, rolling over in the bed against Debbie and Jamie. Dane said into my ear, "Oh baby, I still want more." Debbie and Jamie were laughing quietly and Debbie said, "Dane, no one will ever doubt that you are my sister. We are so fucked up." Dane whispered into my ear, "Don't listen to them honey. Just finger my pussy again." They were laughing harder and I made my cock and then made it bigger. I rolled over and slid my hardon into Dane and fucked her hard. She wrapped her legs around my ass, and her arms around my back, as my bunny tail was humping up and down. We heard Debbie say to Jamie, "Oh shit is this hot. Do me baby."

We fucked until my cock pulsated inside of Dane's cunt and it blasted out a stream of warm goo. Then it spurted over and over again as she hugged me and kissed me. Dane rolled me over and said, "Now it's my turn baby." She fucked me like a wild ape and I loved every second of it. She was pounding into me and I felt her cock spasm as Dane went completely weak. She fell forward limp on me and I held her tight and kissed her as she shot warm cum into me. I kissed her again and rolled us on our sides and said, "Lets go back to sleep." Dane smiled at me and we were out cold in seconds.


We woke up at around 10 and went downstairs. Martha said, "Good morning. Eggs today?" I said, "Sounds good. The kids up yet?" She said, "I think they're in the showers." The four of us were eating when the kids came downstairs and Martha said, "Let me guess. Scrambled eggs for Jane, Marsha, and Linda, and waffles for the rest of you. Right?" They all smiled and nodded their heads as they sat with us. Jamie poured all of us coffee and I said, "You guys want any?" They all turned over their cups and Jamie poured coffee for them also.

We finished eating and I said, "Any interest in having your hair done with us, and then listening to a band we may want to produce?" They all gave us the thumbs up, nodding their heads, with a mouthful of food. Dane picked up the phone and added the kids to our hair appointment but we had to be there an hour earlier. I lit a cigarette and sipped my coffee as Jane took a cigarette out of my pack and lit it up also. She took a deep drag and said, "Who is the band we're listening too?" Dane lit a cigarette and said, "They don't have a name yet. Marty told us they were pretty good musically, but need better material and some coaching. They're playing in Toni's studio so we can rate them."

All of the kids lit a cigarette and had more coffee with us as Martha said, "Have fun today. I'll see you later." She went back to her apartment and I said, "We need to get going in a few minutes. Jamie can you buzz John?" Jamie told John about the change in time and he said, "I'll bring the car around." We finished our cigarettes and coffee and then went out to the limo. We got into the car and John pulled out of the driveway and headed toward our hairdresser. We were telling the kids about things around here as we passed them. John stopped the limo at the curb and walked around to open the door for us. We all got and Jane said, "Mr. Kenneth's? Oh wow!" We walked into the shop and they all said hello to us and Dane introduced the girls to everyone.

The head stylist walked over and looked at each of the girls and then showed them styles he thought would look good on them. The girls were talking in their minds to each other and then selected what they wanted. I was laughing as I listened in when Marsha said, "He thinks he's Tinkerbell."

We all got the full treatment and the girls loved it. We had a makeup specialist work with each of the girls and changed how they did their make up. When they finished, they brought the girls over a mirror and they looked at themselves. Jane said, "Wow! You look gorgeous." I said, "You sure do!" We gave the workers a bigger tip than normal and they thanked us, and we thanked them. I said, "You did six works of art."

We all went into the limo and lit cigarettes and Jamie said, "You look great. Do you like the way they did your hair?" They all were smiling and talking at once and showing each other their newly manicured and painted nails. We got the general idea and we were so happy they liked it. John drove through the city and stopped by the curb and got out to let us out. Jane said, "Where are we?" I said, "Our favorite outdoor caf‚ for a late lunch."

The manager waved to us and Dane waved back and said, "Can you handle ten of us today?" He nodded and had some tables moved together. We took a seat at the tables and a waiter came over and recited the entire menu for the kids and they all were amazed. I said, "You like eggplant?" Jane said, "Never had it." I said, "Bring them the same as we usually get, Eggplant Baguette and the house special lemonade." Dane said to Jane, "It's great. Eggplant, tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, basil, and virgin olive oil on a special type of roll. I could eat these things all day."

We ate and talked and waved to people who stopped to point at us from the sideway. Jane said, "This happens a lot doesn't it?" Dane said, "You'll get use to it. Pretty soon they will start to recognize you also as the photographers take pictures that you are in with us." The kids were all smiling about that one. I said, "You like the sandwich?" They all nodded their heads with a mouthful of food and Marsha said, "This is great. Can Martha make these?" Jamie said, "Good idea. We'll ask her."

We finished the food and our lemonades, and then left in the limo to go to Toni's. Dane called Toni from her cell hone and said, "We're on our way. The band there yet?", "Okay, give us ten minutes." Dane said, "They just got there. We'll be fashionably late as usual."

I said, "When you hear us critique the band don't get upset. It's not personal. It's strictly business and meant to help their playing style. Also, if they really suck, don't laugh. Leave the room if you have too. It's just not polite. This is a big audition for this group. If we work with them, they know that will most likely become very successful."

Jane said, "Will you work with us when we get older?" I said, "Well work with you now." Dane, Debbie, and Jamie all looked at me and it was like a light bulb went off in our heads. We didn't say anything about it to the kids.

John pulled through the security gate at Toni's house and drove to the front entrance. We all got out and went into the studio. All the kids were there and Toni introduced us and the kids to the band. Everyone was sitting and the band got on their instruments as Lynn handed out note pads and pencils to all of us. Dane said, "Call out the name of each song before you play it so we can take notes."

The lead singer said, "Tidal Wave", and the drummer started the song. We listened and were taking notes and heard so many wrong notes in the song. Two of the kids got up and left the room and we knew the band sucked. The kids came back in after the song ended and Toni said, "Thanks for playing for us. I don't think we can help you." They were asking why so we read them a few of our notes and I said, "You hit at least one sour note and had multiple drum timing problems in almost every measure in the song. The vocals were off key and the harmony was horrible. You need to get your act together musically first."

Toni walked them out the door and then the kids started to laugh uncontrollably. All of them. I said, "They may have just been nervous, but if they screw up under pressure, we don't want them. Hey, tell me again who plays which instruments." Jane was rattling it off and we all took notes. I said, "Can we hear you guys play a few things. Jane you get on guitar, Marsha on Bass, Margie on Drums, and Dana on keyboards first. Then we'll switch so you all get to play. Play anything that you know."

They played one of our tunes and it was really pretty good. Then we had Linda and Amy sit in playing guitar and a Sax. They played the song again and it was even better. Toni said, "Okay guys, your not going to let Dane's team beat us are we now?" The other kids got up and played the same song and it sounded almost the same.

We clapped for all of them and the wheels were moving in all of our heads. Toni said in our minds, "Do we create two new kids bands? We could easily do it and get them famous overnight." Dane said back, "Let's talk about it later. Maybe if we make each one unique with the style of material."

I said to the kids, "Any of you write any tunes?" Jane yelled out, "Marsha and I write and so does Jody and Beth." We talked about how many songs they each had written and the style and Toni said, "Lets have a little contest. We'll call the bands 18 and 22 for now, after our house numbers so you learn where you live." They are all giggling and Lynn said, "You have all day tomorrow to learn three original songs. We will all listen to them tomorrow night starting at 7. Band 18, which is you Jane, will go on first and we'll do the performances at Dane's house. You guys interested?" They all were screaming and Dane said to Toni, "We'd better get them home. You know they'll be playing all night." She smiled and said, "See you tomorrow. This should be interesting."

We all went into the limo and took the half minute ride back home. Martha was cooking and I said, "I think we're going to be eating in the music room tonight with the kids." Jane and Marsha went to the bedrooms to get their notebooks and they held my hand and Danes as they walked us into the music room. Jane said, "We have 65 songs in this book and have no idea which ones are the best." I said, "Play them and we'll grade them A to F. We're aren't the absolute experts, but we have been pretty good at picking the hits. Just play a verse and a chorus of each tune."

Debbie and Jamie sat with us and the other kids on the couch, as Jane put her new Martin on her knee and said, "I love the way this guitar sounds. Okay Marsha, let's do them one at a time." They announced the song name and the four of us each had a note pad and wrote the name of song and our grades. There were a few loosers, but most were really pretty good. Seven of them we loved. Jane and Marsha finished all of the tunes and Debbie read them the results, "Out of 65 tunes, five you should throw away, which isn't bad at all. Seven could be big selling hits. Twelve need some work but could be hits also. The rest are Okay, but are missing something. Play that football song again. We loved it."

Jane and Marsha played the whole song and Dane said, "New blues rock boogie theme song for Monday night football. How did you come up with this?" Jane said, "We watched football all the time in the home and we all like it too. The chorus is cool though." She sang the last line of it again, "The Packers cheesed it in Green Bay, but we still cheer, We - Love - LA!"

Jane explained what all of the names meant and we laughed out asses off at the cheese hats people wear in Green Bay. Martha walked in and said, "That sounds good. Want some sandwiches in here?" I said, "Sure. We'll help you with them."

We went into the kitchen and made our own plate and went back to the music room, as Martha brought in our drinks. I said, "Why don't you learn the top seven tunes electric and we'll see which ones sound the best." Jane said, "We pretty much know them. We haven't played them together before, but we didn't play your tunes together before either. Let's see how they sound."

They all put their sandwiches down and picked up our gear. Debbie turned everything on and they tuned up. Margie said, "Beat for the first tune. This close?" She played something and Jane nodded and said, "Four, four timing." They spent a minute going over the changes and singing and Jane said, "Okay. Give us a score on each tune."

Margie clicked the beats off and they all came in together and it really sounded good. We were so surprised as we thought it was just going to be mediocre at best. They played the whole song and it needed a little work but was damn good. We clapped for them, and they did the next one the same way, which was the football song. This tune rocked and we were moving to the beat. Jane did an outrageous blues style guitar solo and Dane yelled, "Excellent!" They did all seven tunes and Jamie said, "Come sit down and finish your food."

They sat with us and waited for us to say something and we didn't say anything on purpose. Jane said, "That bad?" Dane said, "That good. We could take what you guys are doing and make it into a hit CD. Each tune needs a little work, but overall it's really good. The harmony needs changes, but your voices are excellent and blend really good." Dane whispered to me, "I'll be right back. Read my mind while I'm on the phone."

We were eating as I read Dane's mind. She called the attorney to find out if we had legal guardian rights for the kids to sign a contract, and then call Marty to invite her and Janice over tomorrow night for a kids concert. Marty was laughing and Dane said, "Its no joke. You won't believe it. That's all I'm going to tell you."

Dane came back into the room and I nodded at her and she said, "You guys want to work on the first tune? We can show you what needs to be changed. Jane, grab the Martin and all of you stay here."

We went through our notes and they agreed with everything we said and loved the suggestions. We showed them how we would have sung the harmony and they listened to every note. Marsha said, "How did you figure that out so quickly?" Dane played the notes from certain chords on a folk guitar and said, "Those are your notes."

We went through all seven songs the same way and the kids were like sponges. They learned all of it faster than any band we've produced so far. Vocally, they were all really talented, so we expanded the harmony to use all 6 voices. By 10 o'clock they had played each of the tunes electrically the new way and we clapped after each tune. Debbie said, "All you need to do is practice them to tighten up the overall sound up. I'd stop for tonight and start after breakfast."

We all sat on the couch and lit cigarettes, finishing our ice tea. Jane said, "Read my mind. I'm going to check in with Jody and see how far they are." We all read Jane's mind and she was a piss. She said into Jody's mind, "We're done already. Want to have the show tonight?" Jody was laughing and said back, "We are learning 5 of the tunes I wrote with Beth. We got pretty far, but they still need work. You can't possibly be done already." Jane said, "Same thing. We learned 6 tunes and need to clean them up. We're doing my football song." Jody said back, "I love that song. See you tomorrow."

Jane said, "Same as us." She took a drag of her cigarette and blew the smoke out as she put her hand on Marsha's shoulder and said, "You feel like working our some new songs in bed?" We all smiled and Margie said, "Yeah right. You're going to make each other sing opera." I tried so hard not to laugh as the kids were ribbing each other. Dane and I lost it laughing and Jane winked at us as they all went upstairs.

Dane took my hand and said, "Time for us to sing opera too. Lets go to bed honey." We went upstairs to our bedroom and Dane was talking a mile a minute about the kids. I put my finger to her lips and said, "They are just like us. Even in music. Lets help them as much as we can." Dane smiled and started talking again as we got undressed. I lit a cigarette and we lay against the headboard as Dane was still motoring. She said, "That one tune has so many complex advanced things in it. They really know their shit. They had to use the same scale we use to transition from a first to a fourth in a bridge. That takes some thinking to get it all right, and it was perfect. I'm in total shock. I expected the music to be shit and we'd just have some fun teaching them the basics. They know more than most of the other bands we made into millionaires." I took a drag of the cigarette and held in the smoke as Dane was still talking about the kids. I put my fingers to her lips again and said, "Ssshhh. I think I here La Boehm being sung two rooms down."

Dane smiled at me and said, "Okay, we'll make each other sing opera." We both took a drag of the cigarette and then we cuddled and started to caress each other. I had that crazy football song running through my head and I said loud, "We - Love - L A!" Dane started to laugh and said, "That song's a platinum. I keep hearing it also." I took a drag of the cigarette and said, "The kids will be stars if we help them. Think they can handle it?" I handed Dane the cigarette and she took a deep drag. She took a second drag and blew out the smoke saying, "If they could handle what they went through before, this will be easy."

We both took a final drag of the cigarette and Dane put her arms around me and said, "Now we sing opera." We kissed and caressed each other's breasts and nipples. Dane put her hand on my clit and rubbed it gently as my wetness flowed over her fingers. She kissed me again and then moved her head down to lick my nipple. I cupped my breast and lifted it to her mouth as she flicked her tongue over it. I put my hand on her pussy and moved my fingers to feel how soaking wet she was. Dane moaned and said, "Finger my pussy hole."

We made each other hotter and rubbed each other's clit until we both had an orgasm. Dane bucked into my body so hard and hugged me. She kissed me and said, "Take out our favorite toy." I reached into the nightstand and took out our double-headed dildo and lubed it up with some strawberry lube. I put one end into my pussy and positioned myself on Dane, as she slid the other end into her. We pushed ourselves together until our pussies touched and we both moaned as we kissed again.

We fucked each other for over an hour and had multiple orgasms. My pussy was throbbing and spraying out juices. Dane was licking my lips and then kissed me with her mouth wide open, as we kept moving our pussies together slowly on the dildo. Dane held me tight again as she was having another orgasm and I kissed her. She made an "mmmmmm" sound into my mouth and then said, "I want to eat you honey." We both moved off of the dildo and Dane crawled to a 69 position with me. We ate each other like we hadn't touched each other in weeks. I creamed so much, I heard Dane swallowing over and over again. I sucked her clit into craziness. I could feel it throbbing in my lips as she orgasmed. I put my mouth over her entire slit and licked in the thick cum juices as Dane was shaking.

Dane crawled up and kissed me with a mouthful of my juices and we swished it in our mouths. She broke the kiss and smiled saying, "You made me sing opera that time. My god, was I going nuts. Light a butt baby." I lit a cigarette and handed it to Dane and she took a deep drag. She blew out the smoke and we heard in our minds, "You still awake?" I said, "Yeah Jane, were up." She said, "Can we ask you a question?" Dane said, "Sure."

I took a drag of the cigarette as the door opened and Jane and Marsha walked in naked. Jane said, "The question is, can you make love to us like we did the other night?" Dane and I smiled and we both said together, "We -love - L A!" They were smiling and sat on the bed with us as I took another drag of the cigarette and handed it to Dane. Dane took a drag and Jane crawled on top of me and Marsha crawled on top of Dane. Jane took a drag of the cigarette from Dane's fingers, and then handed it to Marsha, who took a drag and put it out.

Jane and Marsha were animals. They started by eating us senseless and then we fucked each other for hours. Jane said, "You have to try this position with us." We all had our cocks hard and she had me and Dane sandwich her with me in the front. Then she had Marsha sit straddling her cock as we all got into a rhythm. Jane was going wild orgasming as she shot her load into Marsha at the same time. We changed positions four times so we all go to be the meat in the sandwich. We were so hot we couldn't have stopped if the house was on fire.

We took another cigarette break after a few hours and were exhausted. Jane and Marsha started to sing a real aria from an opera softly. We knew it from our studies at Julliard and sang along softly. We ended the Italian aria and I said, "How do you know that?" Jane said, "We love music and learn as much as we can about it. I learned to speak Italian when I was 5 years old from my parents. I'm from Italian decent and my parents use to travel overseas all the time." We were all speaking Italian in bed and Dane said to me in Italian, "You make me feel like singing this way every day of my life." I said back to her in Italian, "Lets go to Italy for a vacation. All of us."

Dane cuddled with me and Jane cuddled with Marsha on a pillow and we fell asleep. We slept for about three hours and then all of us woke up. Dane started it all over again and we ate each other until we really were singing opera. We had a four person chain and Jane was making noises that we swore were in Italian. We all laughed about it before we fell back to sleep.

This time we woke up with Debbie telling us a story in our minds. We all opened our eyes laughing and Debbie said into our minds, "We heard the opera in Italian. That must have been hot." Debbie and Marsha went into their bathroom and we did our morning routine. We all met downstairs for breakfast and Martha was making us pancakes and sausage.

We ate and had coffee as we listened to the kids talk about the music. Debbie said, "Just a suggestion. Do each song three times, and then go back over them again as a list, only doing each one once." They nodded as I said, "Once you get the feeling of doing them back to back, you can put a little show together. Well show you how to do it." Jane said, "We've all seen your show on TV. It's incredible. How can you do all of those things and still play so good?" Dane said, "It's easy, once you have the music down. We goof off on stage. Half the time we have no idea what we're going to do and improvise a lot of the music and the show."

We had another cigarette with our coffee as the kids went to the studio to start the practice. We sat in the kitchen and had more coffee, letting them do it by themselves. We could hear them making some more small changes and we all smiled as Debbie nodded saying, "They have a real good ear." The phone rang and Dane answered it, "Hello. This is Dane", "Oh that's great. Thanks so much." She hung up and said, "We can sign a record contract for them if Marty wants to do it. We now have full guardian rights and so does Toni, Lynn, Darla, and Wendy."

Debbie took out a note pad and we started to make some notes about a small show for them. Jamie had some great ideas around the football song as we heard it in the background from the studio. We heard them make a change to it and we liked it. They all yell, "We love L-A", instead of singing it.

We were munching out on left over sausage and bacon from breakfast as we talked about possibilities for the kids if we produced them. Debbie said, "Right now there is only one popular kids band. The others are all now over 21 and just like any other act. Think about the TV market alone for kids. It's wide open." We all lit a cigarette and had some more coffee as we went through the show routine and Jane came in and said, "Come hear us now and tell us what you think. We made a few changes."

We carried our coffee into the studio and sat on the couches as Jane announced each song and they played it. It really sounded top notch as they played all seven tunes. We all stood and clapped at the end and Dane said, "Now it's time for a small show. This is the fun part."

We showed them the moves to make on the first tune and how to stay in time with the music, and also a short skit to do when the song ends. We had them practice just the show part and then put it all together. We gave them each a high five and I said, "Now to put it together with the next tune."

We worked with them on the show for next five hours and then took a break for a late lunch. I said, "You have time for one more run through of all of it. Lets see you do it from start to finish." We sat and lit cigarettes as Martha brought us in coffee and Jane started the show by introducing everyone and then Margie did a double bass roll as they counted in their minds and they started the first tune. Dane started to clap and we watched them perform at a professional level. They ended the first song and went into an argument over the super bowl game and then started the football song. Dane stood and clapped and Jane was smiling as they played fantastic. The entire seven song set was as good as it gets. We all stood and cheered and clapped when they finished. They hugged us and then sat down and lit cigarettes.

I said, "Now you know what it takes to make it in this business. That was as good as it gets. You are definitely ready for the big time, if you want it." They all were cheering when Marty and Janice came in along with our moms. We did the hugs as Toni and the crew got there also.

Toni said, "This started as a funny contest, and I think everyone is going to be very surprised. We have two bands, number 18 and number 22. Our house numbers. We asked them to learn three original songs that they wrote in one day. Number 22 learned five, and 18 learned six. Number 18, you ready?" They all screamed and ran up to the stage.

We watched the exact same show, except they were even better with a crowd watching. Marty had her mouth hanging open and her eyes bugged out. She went wild with the football song and screamed, "Superbowl show!" They finished their songs and all of us stood and clapped and cheered. Jane and others sat with us and Jody and the other group ran up to the stage.

Their show was as polished as Jane's and the songs were great too. They had one tune that was just as catchy as the football song about a high school dance. Marty was in shock as we watched. They played the five songs and we all stood and gave them the same ovation. They sat with us and Jane said, "So who won?"

Marty stood up and said, "You all did. How would number 18 and number 22 like a recording contract with the largest record company in the world?" They were all jumping up and down and hugging each other, and screaming. Janice was laughing her ass off.

After they calmed down we talked about who wrote the music and what we each did to help them. Toni did as little as we did. It was amazing. We talked about the market for kids bands and Janice was seeing dollars signs. Janice was rattling off TV shows and Jane yelled out three more. Marty and Janice were smiling and nodding their heads. Janice said, "I'm going to make a few calls about the Superbowl spot. What if we get each group to do one song with you. That football song is incredible. Any chance you could finish a CD for each of them in the next three weeks."

We looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders. I said, "Toni, how many good tunes do they have?" She said, "We can fix 12 to give them 17, but we need to work on them together." I said, "Same thing here. How about we alternate one song for each band and that way they can practice them and work them into a show while we play surgeon on the rest of the music. How about names for the bands?" Jane yelled out "Chicks" and Jody said, "Survivors." Marty nodded and said, "Get to work. We'll work on the contracts."


Over the next two weeks we worked our asses off, sleeping a few hours at a time. We fixed the tunes for the kids so they could practice, because we forgot that they were starting home school the week after new years. Dane and I were like zombies. The kids thought it was funny and we were definitely not amused. We worked on getting the show down cold and also did the recording and final mixes. We had rings under our eyes and now the kids looked as bad as we did. We had the last laugh as they we falling asleep in the studio listening to the mixes. Marty took care of the photo sessions early in the process and the videos were put on hold for a week. We delivered the final mixes for both bands the day before they started the home schooling. All eight of us slept for 36 hours straight. Dane and I woke up, went to the bathroom, had three hours of sex, and then slept for another 12 hours.

We finally went downstairs for breakfast feeling great. The kids gave us a standing ovation and Debbie said, "I though we were bad. We got up last night." Martha gave us each a plate of breakfast and coffee and smiled at us saying, "Welcome back from the dead."

Jane hand us a copy of the finished CD with the cover and everything and I said, "Looks good. How does it sound?" She said, "It sounds really good. I can't believe it's us." I said, "How about Survivor?" Linda said, "Excellent also. They'll be here in few minutes for our classes today. You'll get to meet the teachers any minute."

I took another sip of my coffee as John said in the intercom, "Teachers are here." The kids went into the study and Jane came back into the kitchen with one of the teachers and introduced us. He said, "These kids are incredibly bright. They are all doing terrific. When you get a chance, let me know their schedules. I understand they will be performing. They played their CDs for us and they're really good." Dane said, "We'll get you the information as soon as we know what it is. I know they will be with us to do the half time show at the Super Bowl this year. So they will miss Friday this week and Monday next week." He said, "Don't worry about the missed days. They are already 2 weeks ahead in every subject and we have only been working with them for a week. Stop in and watch the lessons if you want."

We finished our breakfast and had an extra cup of coffee with a cigarette as Debbie was getting our voice mail. She was jotting down things and said, "We play a concert next weekend in LA and the kids are playing with us along with Cobra. Barb is going to be pissed as the kids got billing over her. Also we have tickets for all of the families that are caring for the other kids." Dane, Jamie, and I were smiling and shrugged our shoulders as Jamie said, "Barb didn't write a football song when she was 15 and play at the Super bowl. Their bands are going to be as popular as we are, but with the younger audiences."

Debbie was still listening and writing notes and said, "Wow, they do three TV shows taped here in LA. Two of them with us. You have to hear the requests they are getting and the CDs only been out for two days. Must be the high advertising dollars that are getting everyone's attention. Dane, turn on MTV and watch the commercials. My guess is that one out of every two is for one of the kids bands."

We turned on the TV in the kitchen and watched for a half hour and saw two commercials for the kids and one for us. I said, "Cool." Debbie said, "Lets hope they handle it okay. This is one hell of an opening night. Performing in a packed stadium that is televised to 50 million viewers." Jamie said, "Don't put it to them that way or we may have problems. I have an idea. Let me make a few calls."

Jamie was on the phone for about 20 minutes and said, "They play tonight at 8 at the club at the beach in front of about 400 people for an hour each. This should cure the jitters. Janice is having a full show there for them, so they see what it's like. They are also trying to get an announcement in the schools this afternoon. It'll be free. We have to get them there about 4 for a sound check and then we can eat at the club or come back at 7:30. Lets watch the teacher for a while and then tell them on their break."

We went into the study and sat in the back and watched the teacher giving back a quiz and they all got A's. He said, "Lets take a ten minute break before we start math." Debbie said, "Announcement time. We have to be at the club on the beach at 4 this afternoon for a sound check. You guys are both playing there tonight as a first time show. It's free and the schools are announcing it this afternoon. Hang on for this one, you're booked on three TV shows already. All taped here in LA. Two with us, and one on your own. You're also playing with us at the LA concert next weekend on Saturday night along with Cobra. Congrats. This is the big time."

They were all jumping up and down and cheering as the teacher was laughing. The kids went into the kitchen for a drink of juice and a cigarette and the Teacher said, "Make that four weeks ahead in science. That was the test for the first three chapters. What time is the show? I'd like to come see them play." I said, "They go on at 8, but I'd get there early. My guess is that it will be mobbed by 5 in the afternoon. He smiled and said, "Thanks."

We called Toni and they were coming over to work on set lists for the bands with us for tonight. We had some more coffee as the kids went back to work in their class as Toni, Lynn, Darla, and Wendy walked in. We did the set lists and wrote it out large on the computer with cues about the show also, just like we do for our gigs.

The kids broke for the day at 3 and we all had a late lunch. We showed them the lists for the show and they looked puzzled as Dane said, "Never start with your best tunes. Build up and keep them wanting more. That's exactly what we do." She showed them the large list to tape on the monitors and they were laughing about it. I said, "You'll thank us when you forget. It's real embarrassing."

I buzzed John and told him we needed two limos one now and one in 10 minutes and he said, "Coming up", as Jane and company went up to change and Toni and her troops went to their house for them to change. Jamie yelled upstairs, "Blue jeans!"

They came downstairs looking good and we went to get in the Rolls. John said, "They announced this on the radio today. It's going to be mobbed." We all were laughing and Debbie said, "So much for a small gig to start out with."

We got to the boardwalk by the club and it was packed already. Before we got out I said, "Be nice to fans and sign autographs if they ask. If we are late just excuse yourself but be nice. They buy the CDs and pay for all of us." They nodded and we got out and walked towards the club and noticed that they had the stage set up on the boardwalk. The kids were really getting excited as we walked to the stage and the engineers all said hello. I said, "Sound check?" One said, "Yeah, why not. This should be interesting."

All of the equipment from both bands was set up and the engineer said, "Survivor, your on first. Just do what we tell you to do so we can get the sound levels set. Just like recording." Jody and the group got ready to play and they walked them through all of the levels and then tested the mics. We stood on stage with them and Dane pointed to the monitors and pointed up. He cranked them and now we could hear everything. I said, "Just play a song and the engineers will finish the balance."

Laura clicked off the beats on the sticks and they played a tune. The crowd was already going wild and they really got into the music and show. Jody was loving it and played her ass off. They ended the song and I held up my hands as the engineer said into the monitors, "Sounds great. Chicks up next."

We went through the same routine with the levels and then they did the football song. The crowd went nuts and were shouting "We Love LA" in the chorus. Jane ended it and I knew they wanted to keep going. I said into the mic, "Both bands will be back to play a full show tonight starting at 8. Stick around. I know you'll enjoy it." People were screaming out "Stolen Hearts" and we waved as walked off the stage. I said, "Lets hit the restaurant for dinner. It will be impossible to get back her at 8."

We all went into the restaurant and the manager recognized us and gave us a table by the boardwalk. People were already asking Jane and Jody for autographs. We laughed our asses off as they all loved signing. I said, "You sounded really good and it looked like you liked it." Jane said, "What a rush. It feels so amazing with everyone watching you perform. I love it."

Debbie and Toni were smiling at the kids as we ordered real drinks for the adults and soda for the kids. We order dinner and talked to a bunch of people who wanted our autographs. Now the kids were laughing at us as someone asked me and Dane to sign his chest in permanent magic marker. I said into their minds, "Get use to it." A few people came over with the kids new CDs and wanted them autographed. The kids loved doing this. They were definitely attracting the hot looking 15 year old boys who were all starring and drooling. Jane said, "This is so weird." I said into all of their minds, "Every 12 to 17 year old boy will want to screw you and most 12 to 17 year old girls. It goes with the territory."

We ate and had a good time laughing about so many goofy things people did to get the kids attention. The teachers came over and we were introduced to the other two and they all wished them well tonight. We had another round of drinks and the MC walked over to our table and said, "This is different." I said, "Trial run. It's their first gig." He put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Great way to do it too. I love this idea. Survivors. You guys are on in 20 minutes. Just wait for my cue to come to the stage." He walked away and I said, "I'm sure there will be reporters here. Just be careful what you say. Reporters like humble and confident. They hate obnoxious." They all nodded and we stood and saw the entire boardwalk was packed for as far as we could see. I said, "Cool. People are standing on their cars down the block to see the stage." Dane said into all of their minds, "Any problems up there, talk to us in our minds." They nodded as Survivors got the cue from the MC and walked to the stage. Jody put on her guitar and the crowd was already cheering as she tuned up. Jane said, "This is wild."

We watched the MC give the introduction and Laura start the first tune. They played their asses off and the crowd was so into it. All of us were standing and dancing to the music and cheering. Jody said into our minds, "This is great. Thanks so much for everything." We waved to her and she smiled as they did a skit to start the next tune.

The hour went by in a flash. They ended the show and the cheers and screaming were like one of our concerts. We all smiled and told Jane and the group to go to the stage and walk on after they left.

Jane was checking the tune of the guitar and they all were getting ready as Jody and the others ran back to the table and screamed and jumped and hugged all of us. We all stood as the MC introduced Chicks and the crowd cheering was almost deafening. Margie did one of her outrageous drum roll intros and they started of the song perfect as the audience was clapping.

The show and music were as perfect as it gets. It was funny in parts and incredibly hot in others. I swear three guys standing by the stage had hardons watching them play. They transitioned so well between songs, it was so natural for them. They also talked to the audience. Jane was busting the shops of a guy up front and the crowd loved it as they did the football argument. They got the audience involved in it and we were all laughing as they started the football song called, "Grid Iron madness."

Everyone was screaming "We Love LA" in the chorus and Jane was smiling at us the whole time. Jane ripped a solo that was incredible. Dane said into our minds, "That's as good as we play. Holy shit."

The hour show was gone in a flash and everyone was screaming for more. Jane said into the mic, "That's our last tune, but maybe if you cheer loud enough our producers and foster parents will come up here and do a song with us. You all know them. Stolen Hearts." The screaming was incredible and we all walked to the stage with the other kids too. Jane handed Dane the Guitar and Amy handed Toni the other one. Debbie picked up the bass and I climbed behind the drums and Lynn picked up a Sax, with Jamie on keys. I said, "You guys played Beam Me Up perfect. Lets do it and all sing the chorus. Jane you sing the second verse and Jody you sing the last verse. Well do the first one."

I did a totally obnoxious drum intro with double bass and counted in our minds and we started the song. The crowd was so into it and we were having a blast. Jane's band sang the second verse and chorus and then Dane and Toni did their guitar stuff. Someone handed us two bears and they did the beer slide routine and the crowd loved it as the kids were mesmerized on stage. Jody's group sang the last verse and chorus and them we all sang the chorus together. We ended it and then I ran from behind the drums and pinched Dane's ass and she was laughing so hard she almost fell over. Toni said into the mic, "So how do you like Chicks and Survivors?" The screams were so loud. We all waved to the crowd and touched people's hands in the front, as we walked off the stage with the kids.

John was waving to us by the table we were at and we walked over. He said, "When you are ready to leave go through the restaurant and down to the beach. We have four hummers there to take you down five blocks. It's gridlock everywhere. This was on TV. Kids, you were fantastic! I'll be by the cars."

We signed autographs for about 20 minutes and then we all excused ourselves and went through the restaurant and to the beach. Even the beach was packed and John had there other drivers drive us slowly up about a half mile to where the limos were, with police clearing our way. We got out and thanked the drivers and walked through the mobbed street to the limos.

We all went home in the limos as we saw the gridlock behind us everywhere. We went inside the den at home and Jamie said, "Lets see what's on TV about it?" We watched us be the top story on the news again as the anchor said, "80,000 people crowded the old amusement pier to boost the local economy for a free Super group concert. Take a look at this nut house this afternoon." They showed tons of people with some the kid's bands playing and then us at the end. The phone rang and Jamie answered it. We heard, "Yeah Marty, they did great. I think they worked the crowd better than we do sometimes.", "No shit. I'll tell them. See ya."

Jamie said, "Both bands have songs that have already charted. Welcome to the major leagues guys! Oh, Marty is working a deal to use the football song for the NFL."

The next couple of days were crazy but fun beyond belief. We loved watching someone else going through what we did when we first hit it big. We laughed more than we have in months, as the kids were being hounded by the press and teenage kids everywhere. There were at least 400 people in the street outside of our front gate and then another huge crowd outside of Toni's. The bands did four interviews that were filmed from the house and two telephone interviews live on radio stations. Marty must have made some wild ass deal again, as the pictures of both bands were on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine. Jane and Marsha almost fainted when it was delivered to the house.

We packed for the Superbowl show and John drove us to the airport for an evening flight. It took 10 minutes to get out of our driveway as Jane was screaming to John, "Please be careful! Don't hit any of our fans!" We still were laughing at them as Jane and the others rolled down the windows and shook hands as we slowly pulled away.

The airport was the same typical problems other than Linda also got searched standing right to me. Dane said, "Great! Now we have two terrorists." The security guards searched her too, after that comment as Linda stuck her tongue out at her. Dane was hysterically laughing as the agents were patting her down.

We all sat in First Class heading for the New Orleans and the stewardesses recognized us and one recognized the kids. She walked up to Jane and said, "We love LA!" This was the first time we saw Jane blush as Marsha and Linda were making fun of her. The stewardesses loved the kids and spent the entire flight talking to all of them. We were so proud of what they accomplished.

We got into New Orleans and it was late. Our divers met us at the airport and we made the 45 minute trip to the hotel. We were all yawning as we checked in and got 12 rooms at the end of the top floor. I said, "We have to be in the lobby at 8 in the morning to leave. So make sure you're up. Meet us for breakfast at 7:15 if you want to eat." Dane walked over to the front desk again and put in a wake up call for every room at 6:30. I said, "Good thinking" as we walked to the elevators with the bellhops and our luggage.

We went to the top floor and it was kind of neat. There was one main door to get into all of our rooms, and a huge sitting area with a TV and tables in the center. Each bedroom was off the sitting room.

I looked at Dane and her eyes were half closed as we went into one of the bedrooms. She gave me a half asleep type of kiss and said softly, "I'm ready to drop. Cuddle with me honey." We undressed and got under the covers cuddling. We looked at each other and were both out cold in seconds.

The phone rang and we both sat up and looked at the clock as Dane answered the phone. She hung it up and said, "Rehearsal time." I picked up the phone and ordered a complete breakfast brought up for everyone and I yelled into the sitting room, "Martha just ordered breakfast." We heard some laughing as we went into the bathroom and got ready.

Everyone was dressed as the breakfast was delivered and we sat around and told the kids what to expect. Dane said, "We did a football half time show three years ago. It wasn't the Superbowl, but it was a big game. Our part is a very small in all of it. They have been practicing all week. The chorographer and director will show us what to do and we then we rehearse it with everyone. They'll probably have wardrobe for all of us already set. The thing to remember is to perform to the cameras. There's a ton of people there, but the viewers at home are the ones we are after." Jody said, "This is so cool."

We went over the show as we discussed it on the phone with the director and the kids all knew exactly what to do and when to play. Marsha said, "There is so much fuss over 5 songs." Dane said, "Most performers would give a years pay to get the type of exposure we are getting in 20 minutes. Plus we are getting paid a small fortune for it. We turned this gig down 3 times before they came up with the money we wanted. Then we had them kick it up higher for you guys or we weren't going to do it. Janice did real good on this one."

We all went through the lobby and got in the limos to go to the stadium. We saw Superbowl stuff everywhere on street corners and Jane was getting excited about watching the game tomorrow. I said, "We have great seats, but you are going to miss the second quarter. You still may be able to see it on the TVs insides."


We got to the stadium and the kids were in awe. The limo pulled up to the players entrance and we all went inside and were escorted to a dressing area where we met the guy we spoke to on the phone. He said, "This is Bill and he will be working with you." We all sat down and Bill starting drawing pictures on a blackboard of where we were entering, and the moves of the stage. Jane said, "Did you use to be a football coach? Because you lost me three downs ago."

Everyone was laughing and he said, "Lets go out to the field. I'll walk you through the positions." He explained everything to us and pointed to the things that would be happening and Jane said, "Much better. We just needed a huddle." He smiled and said, "Cute."

We sat in the stands and watched them rehearse getting the stage setup in minutes with all of our gear on a moving platform that locked together. We walked through all of the moves a few times and then we heard over the stadium speakers. Full rehearsal in 10 minutes. Take your positions in the entrance way.

We walked to the entrance way to the stadium and Bill said, "You weren't listening!" I said, "That was never one of our strong traits. Just show us where to stand." He moved us to the back of the line and Dane was laughing as he said, "Wait until everyone is on the field and the stage is together. I'll give you a cue to walk to the back stairs of the stage."

We fucked it up and laughed as we couldn't find the back stairs. A stagehand helped us and we found where we were supposed to stand. The MC was doing the show and we got our cue to take our positions. We all were at our instruments and we got our cue to play. We did the three songs as hundreds of people were doing stuff on the field. As soon as we finished our third song, we heard drums and the stage rotated as Survivors played their tune. Just as they finished Chicks started the argument over the football game and we all laughed. They kicked ass in the song and we all walked over to sing in the chorus with them as fireworks were going off. The song finished and the crowd on the fields all clapped and cheered and we waved to the pretend audience and walked back to the entrance way again.

Everything was taken apart in under two minutes and then we heard over the speakers, "One more time in 2 hours. Group 12, you sucked. Get in time with the others. Group 14 you were late! The only thing that was good was the music."

Jane was laughing and Bill said, "Okay, I'll ease up. That was excellent. One more time. Make sure you check in at the dressing area at 7 and then in the dressing area at the start of the second quarter." Jane saluted him and he said, "We love LA!"

We went into the dressing area again and Jane said, "Cool, a team meeting." We looked through a glass wall and saw a coach drawing on a white board. Marsha said, "Looks like our half time instructions." A few of the players saw us and they stood up and waved and we waved back. The coach opened the door and Jane yelled, "Good luck tomorrow." He said, "We were all listening and the music and it sounded great, but - We Hate LA!" We all were laughing as we walked outside into the stadium again. We lit cigarettes and Debbie said, "Oh, is this part boring."

We jerked around with some of the vendors setting up. Every time they stacked things for sale, one of us would make it fall over with our minds. Jane said, "We can help our team win. I didn't even think about the possibilities."

We did the entire thing again and it was much smoother for us. Then we heard on the speakers, "You guys suck! We stay here all day until it's right! Stolen hearts, Chicks and Survivors, thank you for rehearsing with us. Enjoy the game and we look forward to seeing you here tomorrow."

We went back to the seats in the stadium and had a blast. I laughed so hard I had to run to the ladies room to pee. We watched the hundreds of people that were marching on the field and making patterns holding things. We each made the people on the field make mistakes and it was a riot. Jane made it get windy on the field and a group holding a huge flag got lifted off the ground and fell over. Then her and Marsha played dominos with a field full of people forming a design. Jane toppled over the first person and they all fell in a pattern.

The director was so hoarse we couldn't even understand him yelling into the speaker system. Debbie said, "Lets get out of here before he starts shooting someone." We called the cell numbers of the drivers and waited outside the stadium for them to show up.

We went back to the hotel and were mobbed for autographs in the lobby which was packed with people checking into to go to the game. The manager said, "Be our guest at the party in the ballroom tonight. It starts at 9." We thanked him and went up to our rooms.

We were still laughing about the mess we made on the field as we all sat in the common room. Dane said, "Lets order dinner in here. Prime rib and lobster okay with everyone?" Dane ordered enough to feed an army along with 14 bottles of wine and a tray of deserts. I said, "You expecting both teams to join us?" Jane started singing her football song and we all cracked up again as Dane put her arm over my shoulder and said, "I'm hungry for love. We missed lunch."

I lit a cigarette as we joked around. The kids were as nutty as we were, maybe even worse. Dinner was delivered and each of us had a Prime rib dinner and a lobster tail. Jamie poured everyone a glass of wine and Toni made the toast, "To the most fucked up bands and I am so glad to be part of it." We all chugged the glasses and Debbie was egging everyone on. Jamie and Debbie opened another two bottles and poured for everyone again.

We ate and were getting trashed. Jane and Marsha really understood football and were telling us how they were going to fix the game. Everything from making the other team call the wrong plays in the huddle to moving players around like it was a chess game. We laughed for hours and then Toni called a bookmaker in Vegas and we all made a huge bet on the game. Jane said, "Oh shit! I guess I really do need to make them win now." We nodded as we poured everyone more wine.

We all got so out of control. We were singing songs really loud and the hotel manager called us to ask us to move the party downstairs. We told him to move the party up here and he laughed as he hung up.

Dane was all over me on the couch kissing me and I was getting hot. She said, "I want to fuck now!" We had a cheering section as the kids were pretending to be cheerleaders and did cheers like at a high school basketball game. We were laughing and at the same time getting into it. Dane pulled of my pants and knelt between my legs licking me into paradise. Marsha was giving a blow by blow description and then they did a S-E-X cheer. Dane lifted up her head and pulled off her cloths. She stood up and got on top of me in a 69 position. I lapped her soaking wet pussy like I was a dog drinking water.

The cheering in the room stopped and turned to soft moaning. I looked out of the corner of my eye to see Toni and Lynn getting licked by Jody and Beth. There were naked bodies everywhere as Dane and I both had an orgasm. We both make our cocks come out and fucked the shit out of each other on the couch. Jane walked over to us with Marsha and they dragged us onto the floor made me and Dane into a sandwich, fucking both of our asses. Dana and Linda got behind them and did their pussies from the back and Margie and Amy got behind them. We were four deep on each side and Jamie was laughing at us and then her and Debbie made it five deep. It turned into a contest and everyone got into the fuck chain.

Dane and I were so hot we couldn't even think about stopping. My ass was on fire from Jane fucking it as Dane fucked my pussy. She held my cock in her hand as we made love and I was so close to have a giant orgasm. I kissed her hard and was breathing hard as I moaned into her ear, "Oh honey, I'm going to explode. Do me faster. Oh, yeah just like that."

Dane was moaning and kissed me hard again. I felt her cock pulsate in my pussy, as my cock spasmed in her hand, and my cunt was contracting. We held each other tight, bucking into each other as I felt her fill up my pussy with warm cum, and my cock was squirting white goo all over her stomach. My pussy was spraying juices nonstop as Jane's cock jerked forward into my ass hard. I felt her cum shoot into me as she held me tight on my shoulders and kissed my neck.

Everyone was moaning load and cumming. We all lay still and then Dane and I changed so I was fucking her, and the chain all changed positions. Jamie was now fucking my pussy and Debbie was fucking Dane's ass. We had the fuck chain going until all of us orgasmed again and then it was a free for all. I was gang fucked by Survivors and Dane went wild watching me while Jane and Marsha sucked her cock and licked her pussy. Jody, Beth, Jasmin, Trish, Kathy, and Laura shot cum into my pussy and it was like a white goo swimming pool. Dane rolled over and covered my pussy with her mouth and sucked all of the cum into her mouth. Everyone was watching her as she crawled up and kissed me. We swallowed all of it together and then it was her turn to get gang fucked while I got the treatment from Linda and Kathy. I was so hot I could have melted the floor.

We played sex games for hours. We ended the night with everyone jerking off into Lynn's mouth and we were so exhausted we couldn't even move. Lynn had 18 loads of cum in her mouth and we all watched her kiss everyone and spit a little into each person's mouth. I couldn't wait to get kissed and I was licking my lips waiting. Dane and I opened our mouths wide together lying down and Lynn dripped some on both of our tongues. We kissed and started all over again.

Dane rolled me over on my back and sat straddling me, as she lit a cigarette. She took a deep drag and then another, as she put the cigarette in my lips. I sucked in twice and did a french inhale, moaning again as Dane was grinding her pussy on my hard cock.

All of us made love in pairs, lying next to each other on the floor until 4 in the morning. Toni was the only one who could walk without their knees wobbling and she helped each of us to our bedroom. Dane and I got under the covers and passed out cold in seconds.

Toni woke us up at 4 in the afternoon and said, "Breakfast is being delivered." Dane looked at me and said, "Holy shit were we nuts last night." Toni smiled and said, "Yeah, but it was great." We both smiled and I gave Dane a wet kiss. We did our morning routine and went into the common room as everyone was coming out of their bedrooms.

The breakfast was delivered as the kids were giving us a detailed description of what they all liked last night and my pussy was flooding the chair. Dane looked at me and put her hand in my crotch and I said, "Of course it's wet. What'd you expect?" She kissed me and said, "I'm the same way." I fingered her soaking wet pussy and she moaned softly.

We managed to eat breakfast without getting into an orgy again and we all had some coffee with a cigarette. Toni called the limo drivers and we got dressed and went to the cars. The short ride to the stadium took a half hour as it was mobbed everywhere.

We went in through the player's entrance with our ID cards hanging around our neck and got our locker assignment. A woman walked over and said, "Lets fit you for everything now. That way you won't have to rush to change before the show. You can just wear it to your seats. You'll like what we picked out." She gave us each our cloths and they were so sexy. We all decided to get dressed now. Darla and Wendy watched us get changed and were definitely still hot from last night. I said, "You sleep at all?" Darla smiled and said, "About two hours. We kind of got carried away."

We all looked great and walked through the exit into the stadium seating and to our seats. Jane said, "I love this. I finally get to see a Superbowl." We were all laughing at her as Dane said, "See it? You're fucking part of it." We were real close to the field and Jane was pointing out all of the players to us as both teams were practicing on the field. She said, "Watch the place kicker." We watched as she made him miss the ball when he went to kick it. I laughed my ass off, as Jane stood up facing us and said, "Winning this game will be easy."

Within an hour the stadium was filled and the teams were in the locker rooms again. We already had a couple of bags of peanuts and some soft drinks. Marsha said, "I'm still hung over." Dane and I reached over and healed her head with our minds and she said, "Why didn't I think of that?" Jane smiled and put her head on Marsha's shoulder and said, "Because your so dumb." I tried so hard not to laugh at them. Dane was holding in a laugh also and squeaked. We both lost it.

The players were announced from both teams and we cheered for Dallas, which is who we bet on because they had better odds. Dallas won the coin toss and elected to receive the kick off. This is when the fun started. The Jets kicked off and Jane had one player after another miss the tackles and Dallas scored on the opening play. We were cheering and everyone gave Jane a high five slap.

It was a riot. Jane fucked with everyone on the field. She made the ball pop out of a players hands for a fumble and a Dallas player fall on it to recover it. The player looked so surprised as he stood up with the ball and the stadium was roaring. On the first play Jane made the quarterback's pass curve about 2 yards to find an open receiver and we were hysterical as they scored again.

Our team was up 31 to zero as the whistle blew for the first quarter and we start to the dressing area. We walked through the crowds and heard a roar on the field. Jane ran to look to see the Dallas quarterback lying injured. She was cursing and said into our minds, "Lets heal him before we go out." We walked to the dressing area and saw where they were taking the quarterback on a stretcher and followed them. There were four men, one looked to be a doctor and they went into a glass room and closed the door.

Jane said, "Statue time" as she and Marsha did to the four men what we had done to the guards at the home except she had them all facing the far wall. We walked into the room and closed the door behind us, as Jane said into our minds and the player's mind, "You can never tell a sole about this. We are here to heal you. Tell me in your mind where the injury is." He said in his mind, "How is this possible? My left knee is destroyed." Dane said into his mind, "Not for long. Just sit tight. This will feel a little tingly and warm."

We healed him and then Jane said, "I'm going to make it so you and the others can move again. Please, do not tell anyone about this. Just go out there and win." We walked out of the room and made them normal again. We watched as the quarterback was jogging back to the field and he waved at us. Jane said into his mind, "After half time, we'll help you out where we can. Trust us on this one. Just think and we can hear you speak." He said back to us, "What planet are you from?" I said back, "Earth. Sound familiar?" He was laughing as he was talking to the coach and we heard the crowd roar.

We went back to the dressing area and they were just getting to us as we walked in. Bill said, "Excellent. You look terrific. We have about 5 minutes." We all had a cigarette as we waited in the entrance way and saw the score on the scoreboard. Dallas was only up by 14 now. The quarter ended and the players all ran in past us and the quarterback spotted us. Dane said into his mind, "We'll help you win in the second half." He smiled and shook his head as we walked to the locker room.

We got our cue and walked out to the back of the stage and the crowd roared as we came out. We all waved as we walked on the track and went to the back stairs. We got our cue and took the stage first. We played our tunes just like usual as the cameras were right on stage with us. The crowd was surprisingly into the music and were singing along, which is so unusual for a football game. We did our skit between songs and finished our last tune, as Jody and company started their song with the crowd cheering.

Jane and Chicks walked to their places as Jane said into our minds, "We love Dallas in the chorus." We all were laughing as they got their cue and Jane started the football argument with Marsha using real plays and players from this game. The crowd went wild screaming about it and Marsha said, "The only way Dallas will win is if it snows in here right on this stage." Jane made it snow inside on the stage and we are hysterical, as people were trying to figure out how it was happening. They started the song, as Survivors and us went over to sing in the chorus and the snow stopped. We told them the change as Dane made a snowball and threw it to the crowd. When we did the chorus "We Love Dal-las!", the roar from the stadium was deafening and everyone was standing. When we finished the song we all got a standing ovation. Jane kissed the camera and the cameraman loved it. We all waved to the cameras as we walked off the stage and went back to the dressing area waving to the crowd.

Jane said, "Lets hurry, I want to help them win." We all went to the dressing area and changed to our normal cloths and hurried back to our seats as the game was just about to start. I said into our minds, "The cameras will be on us for a while. Talk in our minds about the game." Jane said, "I think we need a screwed up onside kick to start it off." She made the Jets kicker almost miss the ball and we laughed so hard as Marsha made a Dallas player fall on it.

Jane said into the quarterback's mind, "Hi. Trust me on this one. Send a wide receiver to the end zone on your left side. Throw it towards him and I'll do the rest." We all listened in on the huddle and watched the play unfold. Jane guided the ball right into the gut of the received and it was a touchdown. We all laughed and Jane smiled at us.

We left the game alone for a little while until the Jets got too close, so Jane had them fumble on the one yard line. She called the play in the huddle and we were laughing as the quarterback said, "He can't even run that far. Shit, he'll fucking drop dead on the 50 yard line." He called the play and we watched him had off to a huge guy that was so slow. He ran with the ball and we made the other players miss the tackles and a few hit him as he just kept going and they fell off of him. The player almost fell down when he got to the end zone and someone helped him off the field. We heard the quarterback saying, "You guys are a piss. He hasn't run that far in two years."

The third quarter was over and then we really ran up the score with 8 minutes left. We hade the quarterback throw 4 touchdown passes. We were laughing as he threw the last one and said, "Move it Joe. He hasn't caught one today." Jane moved Joe to the ball and the quarterback was laughing as he jogged off the field.

There was 2 minutes left and we left it alone now. The quarterback said to us, "Come help us celebrate in the locker room after the game. How in the fuck do I explain this?" I said, "Just tell them, it was your lucky day. If you tell them the band helped you do it, you'll get committed." He said, "Good idea. Thanks you everything."

We walked down to the dressing area again as the game ended and the crowd roar was deafening. We were at the inside end of the entrance way as the players walked through and the quarterback spotted us and he smile and walked over to me and Dane and said, "How in the fuck did you do that? My knee was broken in 4 spots?" I said, "You just got lucky today. Leave it at that." He said, "I sure as hell did. Your show was great. Join us inside."

We all went into the locker room and it was filled with press who spotted us. I had two microphones pointed at me and the questions were starting. I said, "We're just fans. These guys played great." The reporter said, "So did you! The show was fantastic. How did they make it snow?" Dane said, "We have no idea."

We all got sprayed with champaign and were handed a few bottles to drink. The quarterback made a toast to his best fans as he pointed to us, and we waved to everyone. We waited for it to calm down a little and then we said our congratulations and left. We ended up signing autographs for almost an hour as there was nowhere for the limos to go.

We got back to the hotel and we saw of the kids from the home that had the free Superbowl seats. They mobbed us and our group of 12, and were so excited to see them. We had a midnight dinner with all of them and the families and Barb sat with us. She said, "Are the rest of their tunes this good?" I nodded and she quietly said, "Oh shit."

We ended up playing unplugged in the lobby until 4 in the morning with all of the kids and had a blast. A TV news crew was there and filmed part of it. Jane was such a ham in front of the camera.


The next week was mostly business. We wrote a lot of new material and recorded half of it and then did our LA concert. The kid's bands were phenomenal. Barb was really pissed off about the billing order and playing first, until she heard and watched Survivors and Chicks show. Then it turned to envy and jealousy. She said, "We will never be able to play like that. I thought you were just busting my chops at dinner last week. They're unreal."

I put my arm around her shoulder and she said, "Hey, Mary. How about I retire and we do the A&R thing together. Think Marty would hire me too?" Mary put her arm over Barb's other shoulder and said, "Of course she will. Just don't give up on the band yet. You guys are still selling a ton of CDs." Barb smiled at me and said, "It's no big deal if we play first. That just means we can leave early."

We all went home from the concert and the kids were walking on air. Even though the Superbowl was more exposure, it just didn't seem like a concert to them. This was the real deal and they we terrific and knew it. The crowd loved them and both of their CDs were selling the way ours do. Janice and Marty are fighting over booking them to promote the CDs, do TV shows, or for concerts. It's a piss and they settled on a TV show for next week that is just for kids. The kids have been wearing their five different band tee shirts every day for a week now.

We all went into the den after the gig and I opened up a few bottles of wine and Dane made a toast to the kids. It was touching and then funny. We all drank to the toast, chugged our glasses, and then had more. Dane lit a cigarette and put her arm around me saying, "You and I need to have some serious sex tonight honey." I smiled at her and took a drag of her cigarette as we sat on the couch. We put down our wine glasses and Dane took a drag of the cigarette and then put her hand on my thigh over my blue jeans. She moved it close to my pussy as we both watched her hand move over my crotch. She rubbed hard over my clit and I leaned back spreading my legs. I was getting so wet and Dane knew it as she kissed me with a wet kiss.

I opened the button on my jeans and slipped her hand inside of them. She reached down until her fingers softly touched my pussy and worked my clit in small circles. Jane watched us and then knelt on the couch next to me. She put her hand under my shirt and then moved her fingers to cover my left nipple and caressed it softly, kneading it in her fingers. I moaned softly as Dane and Jane smiled at each other and then the two of them each gave me a mouth open wet kiss.

Marsha stood in front of us and undressed. She leaned over me and lifted her leg up and put it over my shoulder, and then pressed her pussy against my face. I licked her slowly and felt a whole bunch of hands on me pulling off my cloths. Marsha moved her leg and stood on the couch squatting over my face, as Dane lay between my legs and licked my pussy. Jane licked Marsha with me, and this was so fucking hot.

We all had our cloths off and noticed everyone else did also. Dane said into my mind, "Make your cock but keep it small." She put her mouth over where my cock would appear and I made the small nipple like penis pop out as she licked and sucked it like it was a nipple. My god did this drive me nuts. The sensations were better than when it was big. It didn't last two minutes until I shot a stream of cum out into Dane's mouth. She moved Marsha's pussy and dripped the white goo it into my mouth and then kissed me.

The four of us got on the floor next to everyone else and had incredible 69 sex with our cocks small like a nipple. Then we made them bigger and fucked each other like wild rabbits. Jane held my ass up in the air with all of my weight on my shoulders, as Dane and Marsha fucked my pussy and ass together. We did it to each other the same way and the tried four new positions. I still like sitting straddle on Dane the best.

Debbie and Jamie were lying on the floor right next to us with Linda and Amy. Debbie kept fingering my ass as Dane was licking my pussy. She ended up putting almost her entire hand into me and I went wild. I creamed loud enough to wake the dead as I orgasmed and flooded Dane's mouth with my juices. She swallowed and said into my mind, "You liked that one baby. Your pussy has to be a 150 degrees and climbing."

We took a break and lit cigarettes as we all lay on the floor softly caressing each other. Jamie got up and picked up one of our digital cameras we left on the end table and said, "We need a picture for the scrap book. No one will ever believe this." She set it on remote with a timer and went back to lie down as it took three pictures with a flash and we all were laughing. I took a drag of the cigarette and said, "No one except us gets to see those pictures." Debbie lifted her head from Linda's pussy and said, "Amen to that" as Linda pulled Debbie's head back down and we all were laughing again.

We spent most of the night in the den on the floor having sex. At 4 in the morning Jane and Marsha went into the kitchen and brought out whipped cream and strawberries and we ate desert from each other's pussy. I was so hot when Dane was eating the whipped cream from my clit, I orgasmed two more times.

We had one more all out fuck session and then we all showered and dressed at about 6 in the morning to go to a Sunday morning breakfast we agreed to be guests at two weeks ago. It was run by an organization that was for women's rights and we thought it might have been a big mistake.

We were introduced and they had a speaker that went first. We disagreed with almost everything she said. Dane said into our minds, "Do I give the speech we prepared?" We all nodded and Dane stood at the podium and said, "We have rights. We are more than equal, and we have never been treated unfairly in the workplace. We deal with women everyday in our business and two are presidents of companies. I have yet to find anyone that has been refused a position because they were a woman. As a matter of fact, I know of two men that were not promoted because they were men. All of us in Stolen Hearts are billionaires. We got the best contract deal possible and worked hard. That's what it's all about. If any of you fell that you were treated unfairly, because you are a woman, I'd like to hear about it. But none of us has seen that happen."

Most of the audience had their mouths hanging open and I stood up and said, "We can answer any questions you have about anything. How we made it to where we are, or anything at all."

The woman that gave the first speech got up and walked out and everyone laughed. Then the questions started. Some were a piss. A woman said, "Didn't anyone ever want you to have erotic sex with them in order to get ahead in business?" Debbie said, "Nope. They wanted to have sex with us because we're sexy bitches. It had nothing to do with business. Most of them we turned down anyway."

Everyone wanted to know what it's like on stage in a big concert or at the Superbowl with all the TV viewers. Each one of us gave our comments and Jane was a piss. She danced over to the microphone singing the football song as everyone was laughing and said, "It doesn't matter if there are ten people or ten million. It's still me, and I act the same. We play because we love to do it and love to make people happy with our music. The Superbowl was no big deal. We did a few tunes and then were back routing for Dallas in our seats. I was more excited about watching the game."

We talked about how we got discovered and then how we discovered that the kids could play. One woman about 24 years old said, "How would we go about getting someone to listen to our band? We've been trying to get an A&R rep to hear us for years." Toni said, "Today's your lucky day. Can your band play for us over lunch at our place? You may not get discovered, but we will give you some honest feedback." She was all smiles and said, "We'll be there. Just give me an address."

We had some more coffee and mingled with the people and gave the woman our address. She said, "My name is Dawn. Thank you so much." Toni said, "You may not thank us later. We are brutally honest when it comes to music, but that's how you learn. This business is not for everyone. You need a really tough skin." Dawn was still smiling and Toni gave her a list of what equipment we already had that she could use and she smiled as she called the people in her band and then said, "How's noon?" I said, "See ya. Just buzz the intercom on the gate when you pull into the driveway."

Dawn left and we stayed and mingled for a while. We really hit it off with an accountant who was such a piss. We laughed for twenty minutes. I got her card and said, "Lonny, you feel like doing our taxes this year?" She said, "I'd love too. Give me a call in February and we'll set up a date and also start planning to cut your taxes for this year."

We said our goodbyes and went out to the limos as John said to us, "I saw someone storm out just after it started. You cause that?" Jamie said, "Guilty as charged." We took the ride home and everyone went back to our house. We went inside and I said, "Martha, how about you try to make those eggplant sandwiches we told you about last month." She said, "I was actually going to make them today for lunch. How many?" Dane said, "We all eat one and a half, plus we have guests. About 42." Martha's look could kill and I said, "We can send out if you don't want to make them." She said, "Don't be silly, I'll do it."

We all read her mind and knew she wanted to kill us. We made some fresh coffee while she was cutting the eggplant. We all poured a cup to stay awake and went into the den. Jamie picked up a folk guitar we left in here a few days ago and she said, "This was the last one we didn't listen to. It's called `Why I left you'." Jamie played it and we all were moving to the beat. The words were a piss and we were smiling as she sang it. She finished it and we all clapped.

We learned the harmony parts and loved the tune. It had a hook line at the end of the chorus, "Because, you never did a damn thing right!" that we all sang together in unison. The kids loved it and Jane said, "It's like my football song." People will be saying that line to everyone. I said, "We have a half hour before Dawn shows up. Lets learn it."

We went to the music studio and turned on everything and tuned up. We decided on an arrangement as we learned the chords. Lynn said, "Two keyboards would sound cool. Lets try it." We fumbled through a verse and then and chorus until we got our parts down and then played the whole song through. We changed a few parts and the drum beat and did it again. The kids gave us the thumbs up and this tune rocked. We ended it and I said, "One more time."

Just as we started it Dawn walked in with the other band members and Dane waved as we played the song. We played it like we were on stage and Dane and Toni did some outrageous stuff and Lynn played a neat synthesizer part. We ended the song by just stopping dead on the last line of the last verse. The kids all stood and clapped for us and Dawn said, "That sounds great." Jane said, "That was the first time for that tune. They just learned it a half hour ago. We think it's a hit."

We put all of the gear down and Dawn introduced the band, Robert, Bill, Joe, Tammy and herself, and we introduced ourselves. I said, "Lets sit for a minute and talk. Tell us about yourselves." Martha was bringing in trays of sandwiches and Jane and Marsh went to help her. I said, "Our favorite. Lets see if Martha made it the way we like it." I took a bite and nodded my head and so did Dane. We all pigged out on the sandwiches and lemonade.

We listened to them tell us that they are all lawyers and hated it, and really want to play music. They're playing now at local clubs on the weekends but that's all. I said, "You have original material?" Dawn said, "That's all we do."

Debbie handed out note pads to all of us, kids included, and said, "Play your best five songs for us. We're going to take notes and tell you what we think about them. Please don't get offended by our comments. We tend to tell it like we see it."

Robert took out his guitar and Dane said, "What year?" He said, "1956 Fender Strat. All original." Dane watched him plug into her amp and check out the settings and then tune up. He played a few licks and Dane smiled and said, "I love that guitar." Everyone else used our gear except Dawn who had a case of blues harps.

Dawn said, "The first tune is called `For once in your life'." They looked at Joe on drums and he click it off and they started the tune. It had such a strange but interesting melody on the keyboards and then the singing came in. We knew within 30 seconds they had a number one hit single. The song gave us all chills as we listened to it. We took a few notes and it was definitely too long. They ended it and Dawn gave us the next title and we listened again.

After all five tunes we all stood and clapped. I said, "Have a seat." Debbie said, "Before we get into the details, who wrote the material?" Dawn said, "Tammy and I are the writers." Debbie said, "You're very good. The first song, third song and forth song can be number one hits. They are excellent. The arrangement and performance need a little work, but not too bad. The other two songs need work, but can be fixed. Now the gory details."

We critiqued the music and they all took notes as we went into detail about everything. They understood it and even played the first tune again with some of our changes in it and we knew that it was a hit, without doubt. They sat down again when we were done and I said, "How serious are you about doing this for a living?" Robert said, "If we had a good deal, we would quit our jobs tomorrow."

Dane said, "Feel like spending today here fixing these tunes and auditioning for the President of a record company? If we produce your CD, she will probably sign you. It's up to you, but if we are the producers you are going to work your ass off. We have never produced a CD that sold less than a 5 million copies, and don't plan on starting now. If the material is marginal, we have two of the best songwriters in the business here with us right now, Darla and Wendy. We will either fix it and take a writes cut or give you new material. Any interest?"

They all were smiling and Robert said, "Lets do it." Jamie went into the other room and called Marty. She came back in and said, "We have until 4 to get the songs ready. She's coming over with Janice." Jamie said into our minds, "They were in bed together when I called. I'm sure of it." We all smiled as we worked with them in each tune.

Fixing the three hits was easy and we were done in a 45 minutes. The other two took some doing. Darla and Wendy did their magic, and it really was like magic. By 3:45 we had all five songs sounding as good as they'll ever get. I said, "Take a break until they get here."

Jamie brought out beer and we all had one and a cigarette as we waited. The band was getting nervous and Dane said, "Relax. They are just normal people. Marty lives six houses down and is here all the time."

Marty and Janice walked in and Dane did the introductions and said, "We worked with the band for a few hours and I think they have what it takes. The tunes are really good." Dane told them what to play and they started the first tune. Marty listened with Janice and she smiled at us and smacked Dane's leg and said, "Son of a bitch. How do you do this?" We all listened to the tune and they played it great. Marty and Janice clapped and they did all five.

After the last song we all stood and clapped again they blushed. Marty said, "If you want to produce them, they're in. This sounds top notch and I love the first three tunes. We could release all of them as singles." The band was in shock and I said, "They're interested. Just numb right now." Janice was laughing and said, "We seem to have that effect on people. Dane, we'll get you the contracts tomorrow." Marty and Janice stood up and shook each person's hand and Marty said, "Welcome aboard. You need any advance?" They all shook their head no and Marty said, "Excellent. I can't wait to hear the finished product. Chris, when are you going to be finished with your new CD that you started last week?" I said, "We'll fit it in. We learned the last of tunes today. We only have to record two more and then do the master." Marty said, "Can we hear it?"

We went on the sound stage put on the gear and Dane said, "Can I try your guitar?" She was drooling over it and touched it like she was caressing me. We all laughed as she ripped a solo and said, "I have to get one of these."

I started the tune and we played it with a little show this time. When we did the hook line in unison Marty and Janice stood and clapped. They were dancing and then we did the solos and Dane went wild with that guitar. Robert had his jaw hanging open watching her play as Toni knelt next to her and pointed and then did something equally as crazy. Lynn did the synthesizer, and we all loved playing this one. We ended the tune dead and Marty yelled, "Holy Shit! Platinum. I hate to be a jerk about this, but please finish your CD first. That song alone is worth so much money. If you only have two left to record, record them tomorrow, master the CD and then start with this group on Tuesday."

Dane said, "I love this guitar. We'll do it." Robert was in awe and said, "Use this guitar on your CD. We'll be back on Tuesday if you want to work with us here." Toni said, "You may never get that guitar back. She's in love. Be here Tuesday at 9 and we'll get started. By the way what's the name of the band?" Robert said, "We're open to change it. Right now it's Esquire." We all looked at him funny and he smiled and said, "We're lawyers. Change the name to whatever you think fits." Toni said, "We'll come up with one. Marty, leave the band name blank and we'll fill it in."

We showed them out and Marty and Jane left also. I was ready to drop dead I was so tired. Dane put her arm on my shoulder and said, "Race you to bed." All of us went to our bedrooms and Toni left with the others for her house and said, "See you tomorrow at 9. We'll be able to finish it all in one day."

Dane lit a cigarette as we went into the bedroom and started to undress. She took a deep drag and held in the smoke and then took another drag blowing the smoke out slowly through her nose. I put my arm on Dane's back and ran it down to her ass. I squeezed one of her ass cheeks and she said, "Oh shit Chris, I'm so tired and so horny. I want you so much baby." Dane kissed me and we stood with our breasts touching, as the electrical current flowed through us. I took a drag of her cigarette and handed it back saying, "We're not sleeping yet." I pulled on her ass again and moved us closer together as Dane took a deep breath and put her head on my shoulder.

I moved us to the bed and we were both so tired we were moving like robots. We finished the cigarette and got under the covers lying on our sides facing each. The pillow felt so soft we both smiled at each other and half closed our eyes. I put my hand on Dane's stomach and moved it to her clit. Dane moaned softly and put her hand on my clit as we kissed. We softly rubbed each other as we kissed and I was on fire again. I bent my head down to Dane's breast and licked her nipple gently as she kissed my ear. I flicked my tongue over the nipple and then sucked it harder as I flicked my tongue faster. Dane was moaning into my ear and kissing it as she rubbed my clit and I rubbed hers.

I lifted my head up and Dane gave we the wettest kiss. I sucked on her tongue and she went wild on me, wiggling her tongue in my mouth and rubbing my clit at the speed of light. I rubbed her faster also and we were both moaning as we kissed. My pussy was spasming and then I exploded in an orgasm as Dane slowed her rubbing down to soft touching and I rubbed her until she jerked and bucked into my hand. We never stopped kissing as we orgasmed and Dane broke the kiss and said, "I want to eat you honey. I can taste it."

We moved to a 69 position on our sides and I licked her pussy from top of bottom as she moaned into my pussy. I pushed my tongue into her pussy hole and wiggled it and Dane bucked into my face. I did it again and then sucked and swallowed the juices she was flowing.

We eat each other for almost an hour as we both had one orgasm after the other. Dane moved back to lie next to me and we kissed and hugged each other. We closed our eyes and fell asleep in seconds cuddling with each other.


Dane and I woke up during the night and made love while we were half asleep. We both woke up as we orgasmed and then really got into it again. We fucked each other senseless with our double dildo and I love how it feels when we make our pussies touch each other as we fuck. I lost count on how many times we both orgasmed. We fell asleep with the dildo lying on the sheet and our legs wrapped around each other.

We woke up at 7 to the sun shining in through the windows next to the bed and Dane reached down and found the dildo. She sucked one end into her mouth and put the other end in my mouth. We gave it a pretend blowjob and she pulled it out of our mouths and slid one end into her pussy and the other end into mine. We went at it until we had to get up at 8:15. I didn't want to stop and Dane dragged me out of bed into the shower.

We had the typical breakfast as Toni, Lynn, Darla, and Wendy came over and ate with us. Toni said, "You have any wet dreams over that 1956 guitar?" Dane said, "Not over the guitar. But we were wet all night. I really do want to get a few old guitars. They sound so incredible."

We finished our breakfast and all had a cigarette and then went to the studio. Darla and Wendy were doing the engineering today and I said, "Since you two started to do the engineering work, we get done faster, and it sounds better." Darla said, "That's because we know what it should sound like." The eight of us set everything up and we were old hat with this now. We set the levels and Darla did the producing work on this one as Wendy worked the boards.

We recorded the music and then the vocals on the two tunes and then listened to them. We added a few things in one of them and did a trail mix. Darla said, "Lets take it all to the mastering room." We took the hard drives into the mastering room and booted up the systems. Wendy ran the boards and we were all convinced she had a better ear than we do, and we're perfectionists. We went through all 18 tunes and had a finished mix ready for final production mastering by 2 in the afternoon. Wendy burned a few CDs and said, "We'll drop the master off at the office."

We all decide to go to the office and picked up the new contracts as Marty and her staff listened the new CD. We sat with then and she was smiling and kept saying, "Single." When it was over Marty said, "We have a deal for a motion picture again. I want to use the `Never did a damn thing right' song, whatever the title is. That's a sure winner and this is a 100 million dollar budget picture. That first song I heard from the new band on Sunday, we could use that one too. It gave me chills when I heard it." Dane said, "Us too."

We left the office and went into the limo as Dane said, "John, stop at a fast food place. We all have an urge for junk food." He was laughing and said, "That shit will kill you. Just tell me which one." We stopped at a fast food drive through and John was busting our chops. We ate it in the car on the way home and Dane said to me, "A happy meal? Can I have the prize." Debbie was laughing and handed Dane a French fry saying, "This is all you deserve. You're making fun of our drummer. She can't help it that she likes kids meals." We heard John burst out laughing as we pulled into the driveway.

We went into the kitchen and the kids were eating. Jane said, "You finish the CD?" I tossed one of them on the table and Jane picked it up and they all went into the den to play it. We poured some wine and Debbie said, "Wine with your happy meal? How appropriate." Dane was laughing and leaned on me and said, "I have to know. What was the prize?" I took the plastic toy out of my pocket and everyone was laughing. I lit a cigarette and we went into the den with the kids as our CD was playing.

We put `Why I left you' as the second track and the kids were going crazy when they heard the chorus the way we mixed it. We finished our wine as we listened to the entire CD again. Jamie said, "This one is our best so far. Darla, you and Wendy did great engineering work."

John was taking all of the kids to the mall and we waved to them, as Darla said, "Wendy and I are going to play the last fifteen songs we wrote. Tell us it any will fit the new band we start working with tomorrow."

Dane lit a cigarette and we sat back in the couch together and listening to Darla and Wendy play the tunes. They were so incredibly talented. Everyone tune was good and only needed minor changes to fit the new band. Then we all talked about a name for the band and Debbie got a notepad and made a list as we yelled the names out. We had about thirty names and then narrowed it down. We voted on three and the winner was "Salvation".

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We spent the next three weeks working with Salvation. We decided to do all of the work ourselves including the engineering, film, and production. We made more money and Marty saved money. She loved it. We also wanted this CD to be as perfect as it gets. Dane drove Robert absolutely nuts as she made him redo a guitar solo 12 times as she didn't like the emotion behind it. He finally got pissed and ripped it out. We all stood and clapped and he blushed.

The kids critiqued the work each night and they were getting so into it. They did have a few good suggestions and we had the band re-record parts of one tune the next day. We spent a whole day doing the master mix and then another day doing the video editing using the mastered CD. Before we dropped everything off with Marty we had the band listen to all of it, and watch the videos. They couldn't believe it was them playing the tunes.

We went to see Marty and had the band met us there. We all sat in one of the mastering rooms and she had her staff there to listen to the music and watch the videos. They were going crazy over 8 of the songs, 2 that the band wrote and 6 that Darla and Wendy wrote. When Marty read the writer's information she smiled and said, "I knew some of it was your material. It had to be."

Marty gave them a sample of their promotional materials and worked out the release schedules for the singles. She said, "Salvation gets to open in a four band night for Survivors, Chicks and Stolen Hearts. Most likely it will be in the Denver show next weekend. That way the CD will have been on the market for about 5 days."

They were walking on air now and thanked us. Marty and Janice wanted to talk to the band for a while so we went home.

Martha was serving the kids dinner and they were telling jokes, as we walked in. A few of them were really funny and Dane said, "Where did you hear that?" Jane said, "A group of kids we met at the mall." We pulled in some chairs from the dining room and all twenty of us sat in the kitchen eating pork chops.

Jamie poured some wine and we lit cigarettes as we talked about the kids latest mall adventure. Marsha said, "We get stopped by people all the time. It's so weird."

We were relaxing and listening to the kids when a woman who looked about 40 walked into the kitchen wearing a long formal white silky dress. Dane said, "Who are you?" The woman smiled at all of us and said to me, "Chris knows who I am." She looked so familiar and she said into my mind, "Remember the dream. You'll recognize me." I must have turned as white as a ghost. I remembered, and she said out loud, "You know who I am. Say it. Go ahead. It's okay to say it."

Everyone looked at me and I didn't say anything. I looked at her again and she said into my mind, "You know who I am Chris. It's okay to tell them." I said, "This is God."

Everyone looked at me like I was on dope and God said into all of our minds, "Chris is telling you the truth." Then she vanished and reappeared on the other side of the room, and walked back over to us. She said out loud, "When you were injured in the plane crash, I gave you that dream. You came up with the planet stuff and a few other things on your own, but I thought it was cute so I just left it alone. Everything else you dreamt was a destiny of what can be. I let you see the future including the natural evolution of the human race here on earth. Chris I gave you the power to start that process, and I can see you already have. Lets go sit in the other room. There is much I need to tell all of you."

We all went into the den and sat and everyone was dead quite. God sat on the floor and we sat around her and she said, "The mind controls everything; your bodies, time, space, energy, and mass. You can do anything if you know how. I am going to teach all of you to use your mind to its fullest ability and then be able to teach others. You will start a few small groups like this in different parts of the world. Natural evolution will take over as you have children. They will be born with the knowledge already in them and have both sex organs in their bodies, just like you have. That is the future of the human race. Before I start showing you things, I will give you the knowledge. All of you come close to me and put your hands on mine. Then close your eyes and be prepared for a feeling of millions of things filling your minds all at once."

We all got close and touched her hands and arms. It was like a million movies were playing at the same time. My mind was flashing colors and images so fast I was dizzy. The images stopped and she said, "Now think about what I showed you that you can do with your mind."

We all sat back where we were and were amazed. Dane turned to me and said, "I can't believe it." God said, "To start with, you will now have the same problems that many of your piers on other planets now face. You will never get sick, and you won't get old for a very, very long time. You see cell degeneration, which you call aging, is a disease and your mind cures it. Now sit with your life partners that you have all selected, and heal each other for a few minutes. You will see how different it feels." It felt amazing and almost 100 times more powerful than before.

God said, "Now for the fun things. I love doing this." She vanished and reappeared next to the entrance way and said, "Your mind can access space in multiple dimensions. You can also travel through that space just by following the line between the points in your mind. Chris, you called it teleporting in your dream. Look into my mind and watch how I do it." We all watched how she did it and then we all got to try it. We teleported to about 20 different places, including Tokyo.

We learned how to make food with our mind and then make any mass or object at all. Dane made a 1956 fender guitar and God was laughing. She said, "Just because I'm really old, doesn't mean I don't have a sense of humor. I started out just like you, but I'll explain all of that later."

We made it rain, snow, the sun come out, and then set. We made it hot and then cold. We made our appearances change to anything we wanted and then back again. Jane was farting around changing from a boy to a girl and then an old man. We teleported to a different time zone on a beach and learned how to swim under water, breathing the ocean water for air. Then we teleported back and Dane said, "Why us?"

God said, "I need a group of people that were in love, and it had to be women loving women. They had to be well known and respected, have character, and be able to make this happen somewhere else. Jane, I made the suggestion in your mind to write that letter, and Dane, I made the suggestion in your mind to read it and visit them. The rest you did yourselves. I will help you locate the group of people to start in each region, and then you can do the rest of it yourself. So why you? Because you and your bands will be the most well know people on this planet in about 4 years and it will stay that way for a long time to come."

God continued, "Before you ask the next obvious questions, let me answer them. If someone uses these powers to harm people, you all now have the same power that I do. You can take all of their powers away and also end their life. I believe in an eye for an eye. It's very effective. One other benefit you all now have is the ability to immediately tell when someone is lying. Try it. Toni, tell Dane four things and make one a lie. Make it convincing." Toni told us four things and we all immediately knew when one was a lie. We also could see into Toni's mind different than before. We could read all of her memories.

God gave a book off the shelf to Dane and said, "Read the first 10 pages." Dane flipped the pages and handed it back, as God said, "You can now read as fast as you can turn the pages and you will remember all of it. It's okay to smoke. I know you all want to light it. I can read your minds, remember? Human habits will never go away. That's just part of life. If there weren't any, things would be really boring."

We lit up cigarettes and poured some wine, as God told us about the real questions we had. She said, "I'm not the first. I was like you about 700,000 years ago on a planet not to far from here. There are ten of us that fill this role, and we each will turn over our responsibilities to someone else when the time comes. Maybe even several of you. I have been responsible for guiding your planet, and have stepped in to help a bunch of times. The teaching of civilized laws through Mosses and love through Jesus. Plus I visit here all the time and do small things to help. I was even at two of your concerts." We all were laughing and she said, "You guys are the best musicians in the universe."

I said, "Where do you live?" She said, "About 100 million light years away. It's only 3 seconds by the way you can travel now. After you have completed a few groups on earth, you'll get a chance to visit the planet I live on. It's a lot like here. Just more technically advanced. Chris, the DoMark car in your dream is what I drive. It really does run on water and I will make sure you understand the technology to get it manufactured here so you stop ruining the atmosphere. I will help introduce technology here to earth, that will help with this transition. It will be tough. Just think about what you did in Las Vegas and at the football game. All of those things will become obsolete, but new sporting events will replace them."

God said, "The knowledge I gave you is only the start. Come close to me and touch me again and I will give you the knowledge of how to do this to others, and also most of the known knowledge on this planet. Next week I will expand that knowledge to include technology advances that you will need to save the mess on earth." We all gathered around her again and touched her arms and hands. We were filled with images for a long time and I was so dizzy.

We all sat back down to where we were and God said, "I think you just finished school. Each of you has the equivalent of a PhD in almost every advanced discipline. Jane, tell the group the correct formula for time displacement that Einstein started." Jane said, "The original equation of E equals MC squared was missing several variables." Jane explained it and we all knew it was correct. It was wild.

Debbie said, "What is your real name. It can't be God." God said, "Your right. It's not God. My real name is Athena. You can call me Athena if you like. Also, to answer your next question, no, I don't hear people praying unless I try to listen, just like you will be able too. My role is to guide you through to the next level of evolution. Your new role is to make it happen with my help."

I said, "Athena, since you're just like us, as you put it, how about a glass of wine?" She smiled and said, "Sure." We poured more wine and I gave her a glass and said, "Do you have a partner at home?" She said, "I sure do and she's home waiting for me. She thinks I should have done this a few hundred years ago, but this planet wasn't ready. It is now. Think about what you can accomplish now. You can stop a war just by suggesting to people that they like each other. Once everyone has these powers, there will be a natural balance. The eye for an eye takes over and there will be no crime at all. Everyone can read minds and it is obvious who was at fault. The problems are eliminated through evolution. In short, the bad guys are all gone for good, and there are no stupid laws, ridicules taxes, armies for fighting each other, or politicians that try to rip everyone off. It's really pretty nice."

I asked about so many things in my dream that I was remembering and we all laughed as Athena explained to me why she made some of the things happen. She said, "Chris, when you dreamt of that sexteenth birthday party, I was as hot as you were. I had no intention of stopping that one."

Toni said, "So what's the deal with religion? You want people to worship you?" She said, "Not at all. I had nothing to do with it. People did that on their own. If it gives them hope, than there's nothing wrong with it."

Dane asked, "So what do you do when you're not being God?" Athena said, "I'm an artist. Not a performing artist like you are, but a painter and a sculpture." We had so many questions and Athena was laughing at us as she answered most of them. She said, "I'll answer the rest when I see you next week. You are going to be very surprised at some of the answers. If you need me, just call me in my mind, the same way you talk to each other. I'll do the same thing."

Athena disappeared and we all said, "This is so cool." Dane put her hand on my shoulder and we felt more love for each other at that moment than ever before. I took her hand and we walked upstairs to our bedroom and everyone else was doing the same thing. Toni said to us, "We're staying tonight" and we just nodded.

Dane and I kissed standing by the bed and it was like we were being healed by a thousand people. The tingling and sensations were incredible. We both melted in each other's arms. Dane hugged me so tight and whispered into my ear, "Was that a dream?" I kissed her again and we felt the current flow between us and the tingling start again. I broke the kiss and said, "I don't think so honey. The feelings are different than I ever had." I ran my hand through her hair and Dane kissed me again. We both went weak in the knees and fell over on the bed and ended up lying on our sides. I lifted my head saying, "Wow!" as Dane was laughing, "Holy shit. Lets get undressed."

We undressed and held each other the way we usually do, with our breasts touching. It was like every nerve ending in our bodies was hypersensitive to each other. When our nipples touched we both gasped and half closed our eyes. I moved my head down and licked her nipple gently, and suckled it like a baby. Dane went wild moaning and actually had an orgasm. I touched her pussy and it was wet and throbbing as I put two fingers into the folds and moved them around. She was moaning into my ear, "Oh Chris, that was so incredible. Let me do it to you now."

Dane licked my nipple and sucked it gently as I felt like I was flying. Even my toes were tingling. I felt my pussy erupt in an orgasm two times within seconds of each other as she put her fingers inside of my pussy lips. I wanted to make love to her forever like this. It was the most amazing feeling I ever had.

We caressed each other all over and then Dane moved to a 69 position with me. We licked each other into one continuous orgasm in about 20 minutes. Then the real fun started. Fucking was never like this. I felt every microcosm of her cock as she moved it in and out of me. We held each other in a death grip as we both moved in a rhythm. I felt Dane's cock pulsate inside of me and the flow of warm cum blast out was like a tidal wave. I orgasmed so hard I think I passed out for a few seconds.

Dane pulled her cock out of me and I put my hard shaft into her pussy. She was the one going crazy now as I hammered into her. I shot my cum within 10 minutes and kept on going. We fucked for almost an hour as Dane was so out of it. She was hugging me in a vice grip and moaning, "Do me more. Oh baby, that's so good. Cum again in me." My cock spasmed inside of Dane again and she gasped loud and arched her back as she orgasmed at the same time. My cock was squirting white goo into her wet pussy as she relaxed and kissed me.

We lay on our sides facing each other as Dane was running her hand through my hair. She kissed me again and then said, "Light a cigarette baby." I reached for the pack on the nightstand and shook a cigarette out, putting it in my lips. I lit it and took a drag and handed it to Dane. She put it in her lips and took two deep drags and slowly blew out the smoke looking at me smiling and said, "Wow!"

I ran my hand through her hair as she took another drag of the cigarette and then kissed her softly. Damn, was my pussy throbbing. Dane read my mind and held the cigarette to my lips as she said, "This was sex times a hundred. I never felt anything like it in my life." I smiled as I blew out the smoke saying, "Maybe this is what killed off the people on Atlantis. They fucked all the time and didn't eat." Dane said, "I wonder why she wouldn't answer that question."

We finished our cigarette and made love again, and again. When we used our double dildo it was the most amazing feeling. We fucked each other for two hours until we were almost catatonic. We fell asleep in each other's arms and feeling such a strong love for each other.


We woke the next day and went downstairs as normal to find out everyone had the same experience. I called the kids teachers and asked for them to give the kids all of the high school final exams and the teachers laughed at us, but did it anyway. The kids aced every test.

We spent the next week goofing off as a group. We worked on perfecting our newly learned skills and had a blast. Teleporting was the most amazing thing. Somehow, we instinctively know location grids by places in our minds. None of us can figure it out how it works and we added this to our list of questions for Athena. We each teleported around the world about 10 times. Dane and I had lunch in Italy, shopped in England, had Sushi in Japan, and then desert in New York City. It was wild beyond belief. The next day we stopped in on an African safari, and then watched the last period of the World Cup Soccer in Europe.

The week was up and Athena called us in our minds and we invited her to lunch with her partner. She said back to us, "My pleasure. Have Martha make those eggplant sandwiches. They looked so good." After we all stopped laughing we told Martha we had some very special guests and asked her to make the sandwiches again. We heard her cursing us out in her mind, as she said, "No problem. I'll have them ready about noon."

We sat outside and reviewed our list of questions and added a few to the list also. Athena appeared with another woman and we all recognized her from one of the concerts. Debbie said, "You sat right next to me in the audience at one of the shows." She said, "We sure did. I'm Raina." They sat at the table with us on the veranda and Debbie said, "Can we ask you some questions. We only have about 15." They both smiled and answered everything. It was so incredible how our minds worked with locations for teleporting."

There were a few questions we didn't like the answers too, but they were honest about it. Dane asked if we could include our mothers in the group and Athena said, "Absolutely not. You were selected for a reason. You will live for a very long time, and other people will age and die. That's how evolution works." We talked about morals, and Athena said, "Sex is good. Whoever made it seem bad on this world was an idiot. I guess that goes back to the religious thing again. We couldn't care less about what most people do, as long as they don't harm others."

All of us helped Martha carry out the sandwiches and then we pigged out. We had some coffee and I lit a cigarette as Dane said, "One more question that wasn't on the list. How come sex feels 100 times better now?" Athena said, "That was our idea. That's the way it should be." Everyone was smiling as Raina told us exactly why in medical terms.

Raina said, "You ready to get educated again? This time I'll give you the knowledge. It may be easier if we sit on the floor." We sat on the ceramic tile floor and each of us touched Raina. She said, "Get ready for the images again." My mind filled with images and I was dizzy again. It went on for at least an half hour. She stopped it and said, "You now know just about everything. Understand Atlantis now?"

We all searched our memories and Dane said, "It was you?" They smiled and nodded their heads as Athena said, "We lived here with about 35,000 other people from our world. When we knew the volcano was going to erupt we relocated everyone back to our home planet."

Athena gave us each assignments. She said, "Dane, you and Chris get to convince the car manufactures to change to the new engine. Have a small shop build one first. Make sure you patent it and get the money for it. This money will be used to support all of the things over the years that you guys will be doing. Debbie, you and Jamie get the energy problem. I suggest starting a small research team and let them built it from your specifications and then launching it to the power companies. Again, make sure you keep the patents." We all had assignments, including the kids. Theirs were much simpler, but still important. Athena said, "I realize that these tasks can't be done over night. I was hoping for a year to complete them."

Raina said, "One more thing we didn't show you." Our dogs walked over to us and sat next to Athena. She said, "You can see into animals minds. They can sense your abilities and will never attack you now. That's true for any animal. You can walk up to a crocodile and it will kiss you. Lets take a trip and I'll show you."

We all teleported to some thick forest and Raina said into our minds, "Don't be afraid", as she lead us to a group of lions. We played with them like they were pussy cats. We all teleported back home and Athena wrote out a list of peoples names and where they were located. She said, "This is the second group you get to surprise, like we surprised you. Oh, one other thing." Athena spoke to us in a foreign language and we understood it as she said, "You can understand, speak, read, and write every language on this planet, and a few others. This happens to be an older version of Latin." We all smiled and she said, "Start with the other group of people. They will recognize you, as they love your music. I suggest that two of you go first and then invite the whole group once the shock wears off."

I looked at my watch and said, "Its about 8 at night in England. Who gets to go first?" They all said it should be Dane and me and we just looked at each other. I took her hand as she took the list of people and I said, "We'll let you see it through my mind."

We teleported to a large estate type of home and walked around until we saw some people sitting in a den. Dane and I walked in and they were startled. I said into their minds, "Don't be afraid. We are not here to harm you. We're here to give you the most incredible gift anyone could every have." They looked at us like we were from Mars and Dane said into their minds, "God sent us to specially talk to you. Do you know who we are?" They nodded their heads and I said out loud, "Can we sit down and speak with you?"

A woman moved over two chairs and said, "How did you talk into our heads?" I said, "Be prepared for a long story that will change your lives forever." The first woman whose name was Lea, looked at our list and said, "Should we get the rest of the group here to here this too?" Dane said, "It would save us all having to repeat it." They offered us tea and we sat and chatted while the others arrived. We did the introductions and then Dane and I talked for three hours and told them everything and showed them how to use the power in their mind. We gave them the first set of knowledge and Dane also showed them us making love in their minds. They were laughing and I said, "You now have both sex organs also. Your mind can make it happen."

We showed them teleporting and they were as confused as we were. We did the exact same things that Athena did with us and we slowed it down a little, as we already had the basic powers before they started with us. This was all new to them. Dane said, "Let us introduce the rest of our group." We teleported them to our house and they looked as surprised as it gets. Toni was laughing and said, "Welcome to a very exclusive new club."

We sat and talked for two more hours and learned all about them. They were just like us except they were in different businesses. They all were lesbians, just like us, and so in love. They also had a ton of money, just like we did. Martha buzzed us on the intercom and said, "How many for diner?" I said, "You fell like a midnight diner? It's only 6 o'clock here." Lea said, "Sure" and I said into the intercom, "Forty." We all were chuckling when we heard Martha whisper, "Shit" and then say, "It will be ready in about an half hour."

Lea said, "Does anyone else know about this? The powers and stuff?" I said, "No one and we were asked to keep it that way." We all had some wine and Athena and Raina appeared and I yelled to Martha, "Make that forty-two." Athena smiled and we made the introductions.

The new group from England was so excited about all of it. They also had almost the same questions that we did. We ate and talked for hours, and then made arrangements to give them the final knowledge next week. I said, "You need help teleporting back home?" Athena said, "We'll go with them on this trip. You guys did great."

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The next three months were incredible. We had Janice book concerts to places we never played before two times a month, and used it to meet the new groups. We told Janice we just wanted to travel and that we'd take care of our own travel arrangements for this tour. We didn't tell her that we were teleporting to the arena an hour before the sound check.

We definitely had the most fun in Brazil. They have a whole different attitude about life in general, especially in Buenos Aires. I loved the nude beaches and the topless dress code almost everywhere.

We had our lawyer form us a new company and he thought we were totally nuts. It was an engineering company and we rented an office building and hired 12 PhDs in nuclear physics, electrical engineering, and most engineering disciplines. We gave them our technology specs, which we had applied for a patent on and their job was to build it and test it. All of the employees had an ownership stake and when they realized what we had, they all realized how rich they would become. Our lead scientist set up a project plan the projected a working version of each innovation in 6 months.

Athena worked with each group we started to have them start 8 more and also to introduce other technology. At the end of three months there were 56 groups of twenty people, and 56 different companies that were launching new technology. We figured that there would be 240 groups at the end of 6 months, covering the earth.

Athena visited us regularly, and we visited her planet. It really was just like earth, except it was clean, without any crime, and there were no males anywhere. Some of the women looked like men, which we didn't care for, but they were all physically just like us.

At the end of six months the plan was starting to develop. We make an appointment to see the CEOs of the major car companies and presented our engine. We agreed to license the technology to them only if they agreed to never produce another gasoline engine. All but one agreed, so we told him it was now or never. He chose never.

The kids played a big role in this and also in helping to avoid world war three. The Arab nations and gas companies didn't like our ideas of killing the dependence on oil. Athena watched and helped us with this one, as she sent the hostile people one by one to a barren world along with the nuclear weapons. I said, "What if they nuke the planet?" She said, "It's a dead world. I expect them kill themselves."

In the ninth month all new cars made, except from one company, were running on water and the gas stations were talking about closing. The one car company that didn't convert went bust and we offered a program to convert older cars to the new engines very cheaply. It actually only cost us about 250 dollars each. We had each car dealership and repair shop offer the service as a kit. The engineers we hired were brilliant.

The energy plants were another story. Too many politicians were making way too much money on them and Athena stepped in on this one. She made herself look like what people envisioned a God should look like and paid them all a visit in their minds. Anyone who resisted, she eliminated.

We had our first power plant go live using an endless power supply from a cold fusion reactor and a week later we had an IPO. Our stock price went through the roof and we all sold half of our stock in the offering and made billions.

Our band was bigger than ever now and so were the kid's bands. We put out a new CD that broke every record we set and two new CDs for each of the kid's bands. We also took on two more groups to produce and did a new CD for each of our current clients. People still knew us for the music, as we kept a low profile with the engineering companies. When anyone asked, Dane just replied, "We're investors."

It's been a whole year now since we started with God's mission, and the world really has changed. Most of smog has lifted over LA and the cost of power is only a few dollars per month per household. The other technology companies introduced a good portion of their innovations and our new personal communicators are replacing telephones. A new computer technology using holograms was announced yesterday with a chip speed of over one hundred thousand times the speed of what we have now.

We used Marty to pilot a music subscription service using a new way to distribute music and videos and that went live last week with incredible success. It's better quality than CDs and no media to ship or sell. A new mail and shipping system has also been introduced that uses our teleportation technology in our minds. It's run from a new neural based computer system and will replace all mail services.

When a new car company was announced this week called High-Mark that was nicer than the Rolls, I knew my dream was now becoming our reality. We bought eight of them for our new limos and also 16 for the kids, since they all got their drivers licenses. We also added to the garage space on both homes.


Dane and I decided to tone it down a few notches and chill out for a while. We pressed ourselves so hard the past year to make so many things happen with Athena we needed a break. She told us we should take a century and just goof off, and we thought more like a year was a better idea. Her and Raina have been to every one of our concerts and are totally hooked on our music now. We love it.

Dane and I were lying in bed after waking up at 6 in the morning and she rolled on her side and said, "We have to learn to sleep late all over again. We're both so use to getting up at the crack of dawn, we wake up when we don't need to." I took the cigarette from her hand and took a drag and held in the smoke and took another drag. I blew the smoke out slowly and said, "I know what we can do. You can lick my pussy while I get all worked up and then I'll.." Dane put her hand over my mouth and was smiling. I licked her hand like it was her pussy and she smiled more and said, "That's exactly what I had in mind too honey. I was also thinking about a day on the beach in Brazil." I took a drag of the cigarette and handed it back to her as she took a deep drag and then put it out in the ashtray.

Dane pulled the covers down as she crawled down to a 69 position with me on our sides and spread my pussy lips with her fingers. I was already boiling over from her touch as I licked her pussy gently and she shuddered and moaned softly. I covered her clit with my mouth and moved my tongue over her bud and she was moaning into my pussy as she darted her tongue in and out of my hole and then wiggled it around. I felt her fingers rubbing my clit and I was now moaning too.

We have become so use to talking in our minds we do it all the time without even thinking about it. We were telling each other how much we loved each other and then what we were going to do to each other's pussy. I was getting so hot when Dane said into my mind, "I'm going to make your pussy cum all over my tongue and then lick it around in little circles over your clit baby, until you cum again." I felt her suck on my clit and I felt my orgasm building. I was almost there and then I bucked into her face as I felt the wonderful twinges and contraction as my pussy orgasmed and sprayed my juices all over Dane's tongue. She licked in small circles and I moaned so loud as I licked her.

Dane shook and bucked, as I held her pussy against my mouth with my arm over her ass and tasted the sweet thick juices on my tongue. We did each other for a while and then we both sat up with wet faces. I kissed her and rolled us over together as Dane was begging me to fuck her. She said into my mind, "Lets give each other a baby. We both know how to turn off the birth control in our minds. Do it honey. I want this so much."

We kissed for almost a half hour and both turned off our birth control in our minds. We both had hardons and took turns going into each other's pussy every 5 minutes or so. We both wanted it so bad we were totally out of control. I wrapped my legs around Dane not letting her pull out of me, as we made passionate love. Her cock exploded into my pussy and I loved the feeling of the cum squirting over and over again. We held each other tight and kissed and them she positioned my cock into her pussy, and pulled me into her again.

Dane wrapped her legs around my ass as we fucked and I hammered into her. We were both moving in a fast rhythm for almost a half hour until my cock pulsated and my entire body went weak. Dane held me tight and kissed me as my cock spit cum out in buckets into her pussy. I curled my toes as the squirting slowed and Dane said into my mind, "One more time honey for each of us."

We didn't do it one more time. We did it four more times and then we sucked the extra cum out of each other's pussy. Dane said, "We need to do it so the baby doesn't drown." We both were laughing as we sucked and licked each other until the feelings started again and the laughing turned to moaning.

I crawled over to lie by Dane again and she said, "Oh wow, you have cum all over your chin." She licked it off of me and then I licked her face too and we kissed. I lay on top of her with our nipples touching and I was so hot again, I couldn't believe it. Dane reached for a cigarette and put it in her lips. She leaned sideways and lit it as she took a deep drag and took the cigarette from her lips with her fingers as she blew out the smoke. I said, "One more time?" She smiled and took another drag of the cigarette and said, "After we finish our butt." I took a drag of the cigarette and rubbed our nipples together and she half closed her eyes and said, "Damn it Chris. I going to orgasm all of the cum out and I won't get pregnant." I kissed her and said, "If we're pregnant, if already happened about 3 hours ago." She said, "I know that. The little spermies were swimming up stream. Or in our case, were placed right where they should be by our 12 inches monsters." We both were laughing again as I took a drag of the cigarette.

We finished the cigarette and fucked until noon. Dane had me hysterically laughing after she shot her cum into me the last time. She knelt by my pussy and yelled into it, "Get in there you stupid sperm. Now swim to your home. Move it! Come on, make that last stroke count! Whimp!"

We both were laughing and she lay on top of me as I lit a cigarette saying, "I'm hungry." I took a drag of the cigarette and Dane got up and squatted over my face and said, "Eat some cum honey. It'll fill you up for a while." We were both laughing and I sucked hard on her pussy and got a mouthful and she said, "Put it back! What if they weren't done yet?"

Dane lay back down with me and I showed her my mouthful and she kissed me like a lunatic as we shared it and swallowed. We joked around and shared the cigarette and I said, "I have got to eat something. Get your lazy ass out of bed." That remark got me tickled until I almost wet the bed.

We went into the bathroom and did our morning routine and then went downstairs to the kitchen as Martha said, "Breakfast, lunch, or a diner from last night?" I smiled and said, "Breakfast please." We sat at the table as Debbie and Jamie walked in and Debbie said, "Have fun?" I said, "Yeah, we sure did. We also tried to get pregnant." They were laughing and Jamie said, "Us too, two nights in a row now. Lets tell Toni and Darla."

We talked to them in our minds and Toni said, "We were going to surprise you. We are pregnant. We did the test today. This new test works right away. I'll bring it over."

We were eating breakfast when Toni, Lynn, Darla, and Wendy came in and showed us four colored strips that meant a baby was in the oven. We each went to the bathroom and then checked ourselves too, as everyone was watching the strip turn color. I said, "Does that mean yes?" Toni nodded and Dane and I kissed, and kissed, and kissed. Debbie and Jamie were even worse than we were. I called Athena in her mind and told her. Raina and her were in our kitchen in less than a minute.

Athena said, "Having a baby is very easy with the changes in your mind and bodies. Three months and it's over. Plus at the first labor pain, you block the pains and it just happens all by itself. You'll be showing by the end of the week." Toni called the kids in their minds and they were so excited for us. They were also in Monte Carlo in a Casino up by 430 million. Raina was hysterically laughing.

Dane said, "When we give birth we'll list each other as the father. That should be interesting." I said, "We just drop our pants and show the doctor. They can't say anything because of their oath." Athena was laughing again and said, "Don't worry about that part. I'll take care of it. This is wonderful."

Dane said, "Do you have kids?" Athena said, "We each have thousands of grandkids, great grand kids, and so on. They are obviously all grown and now live through out the galaxy. We get together for a reunion every few years. Actually we have one coming up in about 6 months and you are all invited."

The kids appeared in the kitchen and Jane had a stack of checks. We looked at them and I said, "490 million each? That country isn't that big." Then Jane handed us a title to a hotel on the Riviera also and said, "That's why we got this. They owed us over a billion each and just let us keep playing. Think we should sell it, or reinvest the money in it and hire someone to manage it. You guys are partners too, of course." Dane said, "Sell it. It will be obsolete in twenty years. Too many people will have the same powers as us."

Marsha took out a card with a number on it and made a call. She spoke in French and said, "It's Marsha. Sell it." She hung up and said, "Done." Jane gave us the biggest hug and said, "Next year we do the same thing. We already talked about it." I said, "You have plenty of time. We'll probably do it again. It only takes three months to have a baby with our bodies now." Marsha looked at Jane with a sexy smile and said, "Three months? I can live with that. Hey, we still playing this weekend?" We all shrugged our shoulders and I said, "Sure. Why not? We may have to cool it for a while after this gig if we start to show. We should tell Marty that we are all 6 months along and that we will start to show soon."

Athena said, "It may be necessary to tell a few people about you. I was rethinking what you asked us last year. If you want to include your mothers along with Marty and Janice, that's okay. Since we've met them I really like all four of them." Dane said, "Time to call the moms over for coffee with Marty and Janice.

Dane made the calls and Athena said, "You mind if we stay?" I said, "Definitely stay. They may have us committed without you here." Raina was laughing and said, "You're probably right."

We went back to finish our cold breakfast and were having coffee as my mom, Dane's mom, Marty and Janice walked in. I poured them a cup of coffee and we went into the den. I said, "You may want something a lot stronger as you hear what we have to say." I said, "First let me introduce you to someone that you have sort of met, but you don't know who she really is. I said, "Mom, this God." My mom was laughing and I said, "I'm not kidding." Athena put her hand on mine and touched my mom and she felt the healing and froze. Then Athena touched Jane, Marty, and Janice the same way. She teleported herself across the room and said into heir minds, "Still need more proof?"

Athena sat down at their feet and made it dark and then bright as a flash of light and then back to normal. My mom was speechless and Athena spoke into all four of their minds, "This is Raina, my partner in eternal life. This is a long story, and I am so proud of your daughters and everyone in this room. They have changed earth and now we want you to be part of it also. Want to hear more?"

They all nodded their heads and I lit a cigarette as we listened to her tell them first about my dream, then evolution, and then the mind's abilities. She gave each of them the capabilities we had and then the first set of knowledge. We watched them teleporting around the house and were laughing. Athena took them to a bunch of places and then came back and told them about the technologies that we introduced here. Marty said, "I thought you guys just invested in the company. I had no idea that it was your company." I said, "We kept that a secret too."

We showed them everything, including the sex part of it and they completely flipped out. Marty and Janice had a smile on their faces from ear to ear. So did our moms. They had the same questions we all did and Athena answered them. I said, "We'll give you the rest of the knowledge next week but first we have an announcement. We are all pregnant. Not the kids, just us. With the changes in your mind, it only takes 3 months." They hugged all of us and were still in shock.

Jane took out the stack of checks and showed it to them and Marty's eyes bugged out. I said, "Gambling. It's real easy when you can move the dice and the roulette ball, and see through the cards. We also made Dallas win the Superbowl when we played there last year." They were laughing and I said, "We each made over 2 billion each doing that. The kids also got the deed to a hotel in Monte Carlo that they are selling."

My mom was hysterically laughing and managed to spit out, "We thought you may need money and were going to give you some now that you aren't playing as much." Marty said, "Tonia, we still pay them over a hundred million each a year, not including the royalties from the production company which has got to be five times that much now. They can buy most banks. I should be so lucky." Athena and Raina were now laughing.

I said, "Marty, you are an animal lover. Lets all take a little trip." Athena smiled and said, "Watch my mind and teleport." We all went with her to Africa and were in the same jungle as last time. I said, "The animals all sense that we can communicate with them and will not hurt us. You can communicate to them through your mind." Athena and Raina walked us over to a group of beautiful tigers and we all played with them. My mom was scared shitless until she petted one of them. Were playing with a few of the cubs and the mother was playing with us. It looked like she was smiling. Marty and Janice were in absolute heaven and didn't want to leave. I said, "You can come back as often as you like."

We all teleported back and they couldn't stop talking about it. I said, "Now listen to the words in our song `Tigers are just big cats'." Marty was smiling and singing it in her head and nodding.

Athena said, "There are a few catches to all of this. First, is that you cannot tell anyone about it. We jump started the evolutionary process and there is going to be a lot of problems during the transition period. Some of you will be labeled freaks. Second, is that you will now live a very long time. People will see you stay the same age, or even look younger, as they grow old and die. The exceptions are the children you have. They will be born with the same abilities that you have. They will never get sick, have the knowledge transferred to them at birth, and mature much faster than normal kids on earth. They will be fully mature at 13 and will be able to out think, and physically out perform anyone here."

My mom said, "We understand and now I understand why we weren't told about it until now. How can we help?" Athena said, "After you get the rest of your knowledge next week, you will get a task just like everyone else has. There is still a lot of be done. This group has delivered on the water engine, the cold fission process and seven other major technologies. There are 240 other groups around the world just like this one, but this one was the first. Actually, Chris was the first. I chose her to be the one to make this happen, and she has proved to me that I made the right choice a thousand times over." I must have blushed eight shades of purple as Raina was smiling at me.

Dane said, "Dinner anyone?" We all nodded our heads and Dane buzzed Martha on the intercom and said, "24 for dinner tonight." Martha grumbled, "About 45 minutes." My mom was laughing and said, "Is she always this unpleasant?" Dane said, "Lately. I think something is wrong and I'm going to find out what it is right now."

Dane went into the kitchen and Jamie poured us all some wine as I lit a cigarette. We were telling our moms about some of the places we've been and I said in Portuguese, "Nude beach in Brazil is number one our list. One other thing we didn't mention. You can understand, speak, read and write any language." They all commented in Portuguese and then looked at each other surprised.

Dane came back in and I said, "Well?" She said, "John's hiring a replacement. She wants to leave. She feels we take advantage of her. That really pisses me off. For 85 thousand a year to cook for us, we should take advantage of her. Plus we give her 2 and half days off a week, 4 weeks vacation, bonuses, and paid benefits. Plus it's free rent and she gets a new car. She pissed me off."

I said, "We need to take care of John too. We never want him to leave." Dane said, "I already told him we want to give him a raise and another bonus and he just laughed." We talked about all of the things that each group around the planet has done and they were so amazed. Marty said, "All of those new inventions came from this?" We all nodded our heads.

Then we told them about Athena's stopping a third world war and they had their mouths hanging open. Athena said, "I really do believe in an eye for an eye. If they fuck with me, they're history. You know it's just about time to implement our new court system with our lie detectors." Our moms were attorneys before they opened their own business and my mom said, "Tell us more." We did the lie routine again and they knew immediately when one of us was lying.

Athena said, "We have a small computer that does the same thing. It should be standard issue for all police and judges in every country. The lawyers are then not needed. You four want that project?" My mom said, "You bet!" Athena said, "This is probably going to be the hardest one so far. The computer is simple stuff. It's the political nightmare of getting things changed. My guess is that I will be using the baron wasteland planet again." They were laughing as Raina said, "Think it's still radioactive?"

My mom said, "Why do we have to wait so long for the next part of the knowledge?" Athena said, "It can overload your mind. When I transferred the knowledge to you it actually hurt part of your brain. Your body needs to heal itself. If I did this to someone without the power to heal, they would instantly die." Marsha said, "Cool. So if a terrorist demands to learn all of our knowledge we shouldn't resist." Athena said, "Marsha you think just like me. This is scary."

We all went into eat and Martha left it on the table for us and was gone. I said to Dane, "You fire her?" She said, "No. She just gave me her notice." We passed around the serving platters and Jamie poured us all wine to drink with dinner. Dane stood to make a toast and we all raised our glasses. She said, "To family and friends. Welcome to the most exclusive club on the planet." We all took a sip and then Jamie said, "Down the hatch!" We all chugged the wine and Marty was hysterical as Jamie poured more.

Everyone was laughing as our moms told stories about us when we were younger. I blushed so much I thought my face was on fire. Athena said, "I know even more. Chris, we've had our eye on you, Jamie, Dane and Debbie since you were born. There isn't one thing that we don't know." I held my finger to my lips and said, "Ssshhh. Some things are better left unsaid." Athena winked at us and then raised her glass in a toast. I know that I picked wisely when I choose Mosses to set the first laws, and Jesus to teach love. I know that I have chosen wisely again with you. You have accomplished more than we ever thought possible." Athena drank to us and then we all clicked glasses and drank to her and Raina.

My mom wanted to know what Moses was like and Athena said, "A very nice guy and a born leader. Truly compassionate. Same thing with Jesus. To have him touch you, you just melted. It was a touch of kindness and love. They were chosen for a reason and they did well. I kind of made a mistake with one of the disciples that caused Jesus to be crucified. We could have stopped it, but he wanted it to happen. He told us that it would have more impact if he died, than if he lived, and he was right."

Marty said, "Were there others?" Athena said, "Not for any big things. We helped with some of the discoveries. Edison was having dreams that we put in his head. Lincoln was given a suggestion to free the slaves, a number of things in history we kind of helped guide. We are far from perfect, and life itself is not perfect. There are lots of things we can't change. Some things we can accelerate, like what we are doing now. I wanted to avoid a massive revolution, which every race has gone through when this evolutionary change has occurred on it's own. The male species is not going to leave without a fight. The truth is, there is no male and female genders any longer. It's all one. People have a very hard time adjusting to the idea that they are becoming extinct. We have a plan and you are all a big part of it. We have enough people here now that are transformed to be able to stop any major violent outbreak that occurs, just by using their minds. The real danger is that they will declare war on all of you, but we are prepared for that too. That's why the secret of the evolutionary change must stay a secret for while longer."

We finished dinner and had some desert as the kids were talking about going to watch a PGA golf tournament and screwing with the shots. Marsha said, "We could make Tiger shoot a 156 and some unknown shoot a 52. How much do they allow on sports bets in Las Vegas?" Athena was shaking her head and laughing.

After dinner everyone was going home and Athena said, "We'll see you in a week for the rest of the knowledge." I said into my mom's mind, "Your bodies will be hypersensitive when you make love. Plan on spending a day in bed." She smiled at me and put her arm over Dane's moms shoulder as they teleported to their house next door.

Everyone was going up to bed and Dane looked at me and I said, "You have a crazy look in your eyes. What did you have you have in mind?" Dane just starred at me and said, "Lets pretend we didn't get knocked up yet and try it again." I put my arms around her and gave her a big wet kiss and said, "I'm all yours."

We played games in bed for about a while and laughed at each other as we shared a cigarette. Then we got serious and I was so addicted to Dane. Every time we touched I had that same feeling, like it was the first time when we were kids. I got butterflies and felt that electricity flow between us each time we kissed. We made love as women for over three hours and loved using our double dildo. We both made our cocks appear as small nipples and got into a 69 position. I licked and sucked hers like it was a nipple and within 10 minutes I had a mouthful of white goo. I swallowed it and did it again, as Dane did it to me also. Then we ate each other's pussy until we couldn't move.

Dane crawled on the bed on top of me and said, "I really don't want to fuck with our cocks. I just want to love you and cuddle." I kissed her passionately and we cuddled with our lips together, as we fell asleep.

The week flew by as we goofed off and played another concert with the kids. We were all actually starting to show a little bit but hid it from everyone at the concert. The kids did the last song with us and it was a blast. This time we let them play the instruments to our music and they played it better than we did. After the autographs we all went back into the arena and teleported home.

Marty, Janice, and our moms got the new knowledge and now they understood what we could really do. They went to work on the computer lie detector that weekend. We introduced them to the group that did the neural computer and Janet, the lead scientist in that group, said, "This is easy. We can make about a million of them in a month. We'll have a working version in about two days. I'll call you in your mind when it's ready."

That's when the whole group got together with Athena and Raina and put together the plans for how to change the world. Marty and Janice really knew how to manipulate people and our moms knew the legal system cold along with a ton of the heavy hitters in government. The plan was simple. We start with a foreign country that doesn't have so many layers of government and prove it works first. Then we use suggestions to get it in the courts and then change the court system.

The first batch of working computers was ready in two days and Marty went to pick them up. They were the size of a size `C' battery and so neat. We took one into a courtroom and turned it on. We had the volume turned almost off and it kept telling us what was a lie on every sentence spoken. When a judge said, "How do you plead to these charges?" and the defendant plead not guilty, the computer said, "The defendant is lying. He committed the crime as described. Would you like me to continue?" We laughed our asses off as it even found the judge lying and both attorneys a few times.

We were all convinced and the first stage of the plan went into affect. We went to one of the groups in the old Russia and getting this put in place there was easy. We had 20,000 units delivered to police and the court system and stayed to watch the first day it was in use. We saw four people lie and be convicted and sentenced in under an hour. Then we saw a policeman get arrested for lying in court. My mom gave all of us a high five and said, "Next stop the USA."

Dane and I put a huge bonus into John's bank account and didn't tell him. Two days later he said, "I thought there was a big mistake in my bank balance to find out what you did. You really don't have to do this. I have plenty of money, I love it here, I love you guys, and I like what I do. I appreciate your generosity, but it's not needed." Dane said, "John, we have tons of money and we want to do it. Someday you may need it." He gave us both a hug and a tear rolled down his face as he was smiling.

We were now a month pregnant and as big as houses, or at least it felt that way. We healed ourselves and the babies everyday and Dane and I lay for hours listening to the babies on each other stomachs. The sex was still great, but we stuck to strictly woman on woman stuff, which we liked better anyway. 69 things were out, as we couldn't reach each other's pussy on our sides, so it was one at a time. Somehow this seemed sexier. I'm not sure why, but we both really got off on it. I lay down with my legs spread open and Dane got in front of my pussy and talked to the baby, telling it that she was going to eat its mother. I laughed until I started to moan and then had one orgasm after the other. I ate Dane while I was lying on my stomach and she was more sensitive now that ever before. She came so much in my mouth I had a hard time swallowing it.

The eight of us pregnant mothers to be, watched most of the court thing rather than doing it. We were just too big to do anything. Athena and Raina were working with our moms everyday and had the device proved valid and acceptable in court, and then we had every police office in the US issued one. From that point on it was easy. This was on the news everyday and within two weeks it was being used on defendants in front of the jury in the state of Texas.

We watched it unfold in TV in the den and were cheering for about two weeks as it literally changed the court systems. We turned it off when we were too big to care, as a new bill was introduced to restructure how the justice system worked.

John hired us a new cook that was terrific and he also hired us eight nannies. With two weeks left until our due date we really were the size of a house now, but we didn't gain much weight at all. I gained twelve pounds and so did Dane. She told me half of it was in my boobs. They were really huge.

The day before we were due, Athena came and stayed with us as this was the first birth on earth of the new human species. All eight of us were in our house and we had no idea who was going into to labor first. None of us could even move without a struggle. As luck would have it, Dane and I went into labor at the same time. Athena told us what to do and we did it and the pain was completely gone. We watched the babies in our minds and just knew when what to do next. I pushed and the baby slid out at the same time as Dane giving birth in bed next to me.

The babies were so cute. We both held them as Athena cut the cords. Then we switched so we could both hold each child. We gave them to our moms who cleaned then up as the babies were crying. We named them Anna and Carrin. I gave birth to Anna. The nannies came in and didn't waste any time. They showed us how to breast feed the babies and then they pumped our breasts for later when they would feed them.

Dane and I lay on the bed next to each other holding the babies and I felt so much love for all of us. Dane and I kissed with the babies in our arms and it was like magic. We both had a foot wide smile on our faces. Marsha and Jane kept running in to give us a blow by blow of what was happening to Debbie, Jamie, Toni, Lynn, Darla, and Wendy. They all were in labor now.

The nannies took the babies and held them as we had to get up so the maid could put on clean sheets. This was really ugly when we stood up. It was definitely Kotex time. Athena said, "Turn your birth control back on now and the bleeding will stop by tomorrow. Just stay in bed tonight and by tomorrow you will be fine. Your body heals itself much faster than it use to."


Dane and I stayed in bed cuddling with each other for the next day and the nannies brought in our babies every few hours. I held Anna and fed her as Dane held Carrin and fed her next to me. We changed who held who a few times and the kids fed from our breasts the same way. They didn't care and we figured it was a good way to bond with both of them.

We got up a few times to visit the other mothers and see their babies. The kids were all adorable. Jamie's baby looks a little like Anna, and Debbie's looks a little like Dane's. It kind of figures, as we were both twins to start with. Dane and I were exhausted and went back to our bed and slept. The nannies woke us up every four hours to feed the kids or to pump our breasts. We loved it.

The next day our bleeding stopped and we both felt great. We got up and moved around like we were never pregnant. We took a shower and gave each other the full cleaning, inside and out, and then went back to bed. The nannies pumped our breasts and left the room, and then we almost attacked each other. The sex was out of this world. After the hugging and kissing, we fucked ourselves numb with the double dildo for about two hours.

We took a smoke break sitting up against the headboard as I blew out the smoke and handed the cigarette to Dane. She starred into my eyes as she took a drag and said, "I have this incredible urge to eat you until you scream." We both were laughing and I said, "Go for it." I spread my legs wide open and Dane handed me the cigarette and lay between my legs. God, did she eat me. I was orgasming every five minutes as she drove me completely crazy. I was moaning at the top of my lungs as my pussy was spraying our juices into Dane's mouth. She just kept making "mmmmmmmm" sounds as she licked and swallowed. After almost an hour my pussy was in convulsions and was going nonstop. I begged Dane to stop and she lifted up her head smiling and crawled back up the bed. I kissed her hard and my pussy orgasmed again as we kissed. I was so out of control. I closed my eyes again and Dane kissed me softly and said, "I could have done that all day."

I lit a cigarette and we shared it for a few minutes. The I moved down the bed and said, "I think you need a little of your own medicine now." Dane was smiling at me as she took a final drag of the cigarette and spread her legs wide open. I made her as nuts as she made me. I loved licking her pussy, and it's had been three weeks since we did anything. This was like a dope addict's dream of getting high. I just wouldn't stop and Dane was begging me. I finally lifted up my head and said, "You sure?" She had her eyes closed and I could see her clit spasming and I knew she was sure. I crawled up to kiss her and she wrapped her arms around me and rolled me around the bed in an embrace. We were more in love than we ever have been.

We dressed and went into check on our kids and then went downstairs for breakfast. Kate, our new cook, was busy making breakfast for everyone else and said, "Omelet or Pancakes." I said, "Whichever is easier for you. We're starved." We all had coffee and waited for the breakfast as John came in and said, "The babies are all adorable. Congratulations. Toni, you and Lynn, and Darla and Wendy, want to go back home with your babies and the nannies today, or stay another day? We set up the nurseries at your place yesterday." Toni said, "Thanks John, after breakfast we'll go back home."

All of us held our kids after breakfast and the nannies were helping get everything ready for the move to the other house. John drove the limo with all of them to the other house and he was like the mother hen. We laughed about it.

Over the next two weeks the babies grew at an amazing pace. Athena said, "That's about right. They look like 4 months old by your old standards. They will mature much faster than you're use to seeing it happen. Don't be surprised if they start to crawl around the crib by next week. Read their minds and you'll be amazed." We read their minds and they were thinking in English and playing with the sides of the crib. Anna was looking over at Carrin in the next crib and talking to her in her mind. It was only a few words but we flipped out. We started to talk to both of them and they were both laughing. We told Athena and she said, "Told you so."

We played our first gig in three months and it felt great to get out, but we all were thinking about the kids at home with the nannies. We checked up on them with our minds three times during the show.

The day after the show Dane and I, along with Debbie and Jamie were sitting in the kitchen having breakfast and laughing about some of the wacky things Jane did in the concert last night. Jane and Marsha came downstairs for breakfast and Jane said, "I know I was a little over the edge last night, but the crowd loved it." We were still smiling about it as she was blushing.

We finished our breakfast and were having a cup of coffee with a cigarette still busting Jane and Marsha's chops. Even the other members of her band were doing it now too and Jane was really blushing. She said, "You have to admit that it was sexy. Come on, admit that at least." We all nodded our heads and Linda spoke sounding very serious, "Amy and I talked about it last night. Jane, we would have never had the guts to do some of that stuff. We think you need serious counseling." We all cracked up again as Linda and Amy were smiling.

The joking ended when we all heard Athena call us in our minds and say, "We have a very serious problem. Meet me at my place in 5 minutes." Toni said into our minds, "You get the message too?" Dane said back, "Yeah, she sounded upset."

Jane ran upstairs to tell the nannies we all had to leave for a while and then came back downstairs. We teleported to Athena's home and walked into to find her in her study with Raina and the 8 others. Our moms, Marty and Janice were the last to walk in and Athena had obviously been crying and said, "You better sit for this one." We all sat down and she said, "Serious was an understatement. Disaster is closer. We try so hard as a group to watch out for the various worlds. If we spot an asteroid, or meteor that will cause a problem, we use our powers to move it. Assuming we spot it in time. Well, we missed one. It was a very small space rock that didn't burn up in Earth's atmosphere and it hit as a 5 pound rock in the area known as Pakistan, right on the India boarder. The fact that it hit earth is no big deal, the problem is that it contains a bacteria that is the most powerful form of plague there is in the universe. It's completely harmless to all of you, and any of us here, or any human that has completed the evolutionary cycle. Our minds heal our bodies and it can't effect us. The human's on earth are in real trouble. From what we can tell, in 24 hours time, over 200,000 people are already dead in that region. The bacteria is air borne and will spread throughout the globe."

We all were in shock and just sat there as Raina said, "We have a few options, none of them good. We could just let it happen and move all of you here to this world. The next alternative is to accelerate everyone's mind through the evolutionary process, but we have no clue what it will do to a male. We never tried it. We could just do the women, but that will be horrible, as most of the males will die. We could have the scientists on earth search for a cure, but if we don't find one in 24 hours, it's too late."

I said, "Want to try it on a volunteer male?" Athena said, "It may kill him." Dane said, "They will die anyway. I think it's time to tell John the whole truth and the story behind this. Lets see if he wants to be the first." Athena said, "Council vote. How say you?" We heard 10 "eye" and Athena said, "Lets do it." Toni said, "Lets try it on earth." We all teleported to our house and Dane went to get John. We went into our study and Dane shut and locked the doors behind us. John smiled and said, "Secrets?"

I said, "John, we are going to tell you the most unbelievable story you ever heard, but it's all true. You have to believe us. This is Athena. She is God." Athena spoke to John in his mind and had him convinced in about 10 minutes as she read his memories and told him of things in his childhood. Then she told him about us, and the other groups on earth. He smiled at us and said, "So it wasn't just dumb luck." We smiled and shook our heads no.

Raina and the others explained in detail what was going to happen and what the choices were. I could tell that panic was setting in. John said, "Let me understand this. I can do nothing and die, or let you try this on me, and maybe live, but I will look like a woman." Athena said, "That pretty much sums it up and we need to do this now, or ask someone else. We are running out of time."

John looked at us and said, "I'll do it." Athena said, "We need to watch the effects as they happen. Lie down on the couch and take off your cloths." John took off his cloths and lay down on the couch, and Athena started. She taught him how to use his mind and as soon as he learned how to heal, the transformation started. He was screaming in pain and passed out immediately, as we gasped and Dane hid her eyes on my shoulder. We watched his body spasm and morph into a female shape. We saw bones changing, his face reshaping, hair falling out, and sex organs forming. Athena and the others were noting the medical changes and monitoring his heart rate and breathing with their minds.

In twenty minutes the transformation was complete. John lay motionless and then opened his eyes squinting. He lifted his head and said softly, "Guess I survived. Wow, did that hurt. So what do I look like?" Debbie walked him over to a mirror and John said, "No Shit! I'm a fucking babe!" Athena and the others were smiling and Athena said, "I need to address everyone on the planet in their minds. I'll give everyone choice. Some may not want to do this. Let us work out the details here. Dane, why don't you and Chris show John about his new equipment and teach him what he can now do."

Debbie went to get some cloths that would fit John and came back into the room. John was so clumsy putting on the cloths and everyone was laughing. Jamie said, "Kill the heels. He needs flats."

We took John to the conference table and sat with him and explained a lot of it. He kept smiling as we taught him to do different things. We teleported a few times and he was in awe. We gave him the first set of knowledge and then explained about his cock that wasn't there. He made it appear again and said, "Now, this isn't bad at all. I get to have both. This alone was worth the pain." I said, "This is only about 5 percent of what you can now do. Lets see what we need to do to help with the overall plan, and then we'll teach you more."

We went back to the couches and listened, as I lit a cigarette. I took a deep drag as my mom was telling Athena to change a few words in her speech to avoid creating more panic. We still couldn't believe what was happening. Jane came back into the room and announced, "It's all over the news networks. They are calling it the worst plague to ever hit and they said over a million are already dead and the medical teams don't have a clue what it is." Athena said, "Let me tell all of the other groups what's happening."

She spoke into all of their minds and we listened in. The group in India was in the middle of it and they were all very upset.

Dane turned on the TV to CNN we saw a world map and a prediction of the spread of the disease by hour. They already had several cases in Europe and in Japan and showed the entire planet infected in under 48 hours. Dane turned it off and Athena said, "Now is the time. Listen in through your minds, but don't stop me unless I start to cry. Oh, do I hate this part of it."

We all sat around her as Raina held her hand and Athena started by projecting her image in everyone's mind and said in each person's native language, "I have not addressed the people of earth as a whole since I sent Moses to you with the first set of laws. I am the one you call God."

She paused for a second and then continued, "Many of you are aware of the plague that is sweeping across the planet. I have tried to prevent it from spreading, but have not been able to stop it. The disease came from a meteor in space that hit on earth in Pakistan. It's completely harmless to other humans on other worlds that have gone through the final phases of the evolutionary process. The reason the disease has no effect on the other worlds, is that everyone's mind has the power to heal and prevent diseases. No one ever gets sick, or dies for a very, very long time. The need for medicine is obsolete. Your planet is on the verge of this transformation now. I had established 240 groups of people, totaling around 4,500 around the world to help. They have already gone through this process, which can be very upsetting to some. You see, the final phase of evolution in our species is the combining of the male and female genders into a single being with both sex organs. Physically, the appearance is female. Males as you know them will become extinct. Each and every one of you has the genetics inside of you to make that transition now with my help."

Athena paused for a second and continued, "Besides being able to heal, each of you will have powers within your own mind that are beyond your wildest imagination. I will help you to unlock them and learn to use them for the betterment of each other. Those of you that abuse them to harm someone, or commit a crime will face my punishment, which is swift and permanent. In dealing with the crisis at hand, I will give you all an option. You can choose to remain as you are and take your chances with the disease. It has a 98 percent mortality rate, so you may be one of the lucky few that survives. If you are a female, the transformation is easy and painless. You will not see any noticeable physical changes. If you are a male, the transformation process is extremely painful and takes about a half hour. You must be lying down when we start and you should loosen your cloths. Physically, your body will transform. I wish there were other options, but those are the only two. I will let you all think about it for 10 earth minutes and then address you again. Time is running out on the spread of this disease."

Athena looked at us and Dane said, "Very nicely done. Let's get the Nannies in here with us and the babies." We went upstairs and brought them all into the study and Toni and Lynn teleported to their house and teleported back with the nannies and babies. They looked at us like we were from mars. I said, "You should do this. We are transformed and were the first group on earth." They all smiled and nodded.

Athena addressed everyone again saying, "If you do not want to be transformed, just ignore my instructions. This first part will only take about a minute. Then I will address you again, after the males have changed." Athena showed everyone in their minds how to turn on their mind and project their thoughts and read her thoughts. Then she showed them how to heal and stopped. She said, "I did it for all of the children and those that were too sick to do anything. I didn't give them the option."

We turned CNN back on and a woman was broadcasting, "I just went through the first phase and I feel wonderful. My entire body is tingling. We have reports that people are rejoicing all over the world that God has made herself known and is helping us survive this crisis." They showed a camera on men lying down going through the transformation. Dane turned the TV off again and said, "How do we stop a bunch of lunatics who rob banks, commit terrorist acts, or whatever bad stuff they do now?"

Athena said, "Our council and all of the groups will be watching. 24 hours a day for the next few weeks. We'll weed them out quickly and end their miserable lives. We'll also let everyone see what happens to those that don't listen. This is very effective and will stop it cold." I lit a cigarette and shared it with Dane as we waited the half hour.

Athena addressed everyone again and said, "Its now time for you to begin the next phase." She showed them so many things in their minds and John was trying them as she did it and was smiling. Then she said, "Another person will address you in a hour of earth time. That person will be someone from one of the 240 groups around the planet and they will transfer to you the first set off knowledge. I will give you all of their names in your mind, so will know who they are. Anyone that ignore me before, please say no to me when we start." Athena gave them all 4,500 names in a split second of time and then told everyone about us being the first ones. She said, "Chris was my Moses for this next step in your world. She, along with her group did more than could have ever been expected. You should all thank her for this. When they address you, make sure you are sitting down or lying down. The process will make you very dizzy."

I must have blushed deep red as Dane kissed me and said, "Now you are really famous." Athena said, "You deserved the compliment. Now lets divide up the responsibilities between the groups." We used a world atlas and made quadrants and talked to each group about how to only address the people that were in that location.

Our group talked about addressing the people and everyone wanted me to be the lead, but agreed to introduce themselves. We waited the hour and I addressed everyone in the continental states, "Hi, this is Chris. It's time for the first knowledge transfer. Before I start, I want to let each person in our group introduce themselves, so you all know who they are and can recognize them in your mind." Each person said hello with their name and then I said, "Please make sure you are sitting down or lying back." I checked to make sure the nannies were lying down and then started the knowledge transfer to those tuned into me. It took about 20 minutes and then I said, "We will address you again in the next few days to explain more about the changes to your bodies, sex, and the many wonderful things you can do with your mind. In a week's time you will receive a second knowledge transfer that is even more amazing. God Bless everyone."

Athena looked at me and said, "Excellent. Now lets figure out how we monitor for the lunatics." Athena spoke to all of the groups and the council addressed us also with their ideas. Within an hour we had a plan for each area and we started it immediately.

Our moms were the lead in this one and we started by addressing all of the senior government leaders in the country and gave them instruction after we told them what people could do now. We also told them how to stop things immediately if needed. My mom set up a check-in center using a call center for their business and we all were smiling. My mom said, "We will get an hourly report of any unusual things or crimes."

We turned on CNN and it was amazing. Most people were in total shock. Some of the previous men were dressed in old cloths and we all were laughing. The phone rang and Dane answered it. She listened and said, "Let me ask. Hold on." She said, "You want to do an interview for the news networks. They have tons of questions and my guess people are all watching it." I said, "Sure, lets go to their studio. Find out where it is." Dane was on the phone and I said, "Everyone okay with the babies now if we leave for a little while to answer questions?"

I picked up Anna and held her and then Carrin. Both kids were so happy. One of our nannies said, "We'll have them here with us watching you. Don't worry about a thing. You hear that Anna, mommy is going to be on TV again." I said, "Who wants to go?" Toni said, "Why don't you and Dane do this one. We'll stay here with the kids. Plus, if there are any problems, it may take all of us to fix it."

Dane and I waved to our kids and teleported to the TV studio location. We were greeted by two TV anchors who walked us into a studio where we sat in front of the lights and two cameras. The red lights on the camera went on and one of the anchor's said, "This is Ann Barberry in our New York studios and we have two very special guests that I think may be able to answer a lot of our questions about what's been happening. Please welcome doctors Chris Woodrow and Dane Dandridge which most of you know as the heart of Stolen Hearts. Apparently, they are also playing music for a much higher authority. So Chris, tell us about being a modern day Moses."

I started by telling about the plane crash and the dream and that God had given me the dream. Dane and I made some of it funny, and it really was. We told them about how we learned the use of our minds from the dream and then met God. We answered the same questions that we all had and were smiling at a few of the new funny questions. I said, "No, I didn't go to Mount Sinai and God doesn't look like a space alien. But we did visit her home and her planet. It's 100 million light years away and we can get there in under a few seconds. Every one of us will be able to do that. Long distance travel is easier than walking into your kitchen at home. This type of travel doesn't replace the need for cars, it replaces the need for airplanes to transport people."

They asked about the new discoveries and we told them the truth about what we helped introduce on earth, and that it wasn't the first time. They also asked about the changes to our bodies and Dane said, "Each group will cover that with everyone, but to give you a little head start, our bodies heal themselves. Aging is a disease, so we don't age for a very long time. Everyone has both sex organs but we have to teach you how to make your penis appear. You can also control your erections, orgasms, and a number of other things. God does not think sex is dirty. It's just a natural part of life and we completely agree."

She ended the interview with, "We heard a rumor that you both had babies. Any truth to that?" I said, "We have two wonderful little kids, Anna and Carrin. We'll answer any other questions you may have after the last knowledge transfer." They thanked us and we teleported from the seats in front of the camera back home.

We walked into the den and Athena said, "Nice touch. You vanished in front of the cameras." She was laughing and I said, "Any crimes?" My mom said, "Not a thing. It's amazing." We checked in with all of the groups and no one had any crimes at all they knew about.

Kate walked into the study and said, "You are God, aren't you?" Athena said, "Yes I am, but you can still call me Athena." Kate smiled and said, "Anyone for dinner? It's already made." I said, "You didn't have to cook with all of this going on." She said, "It kept me busy."

We all went into the dining room and had a prime rib dinner. Jamie opened a few bottles of wine and poured everyone a glass, as the nannies put the kids in the carry beds and brought them in with us. John, Kate, Lauren who is our maid, and the 8 nannies were all asking about using their mind. Toni said, "After dinner Lynn and I will show you everything."

Dane turned on the TV in the kitchen so we could hear the news and it was amazing. We heard people being interviewed that were cured instantly of terminal diseases and the hospitals were emptying out. People with mental illnesses were also being cured. A reporter said, "This means the end to HIV, Aids, Cancer, heart disease, and a laundry list of other problems. I think God did real good on this one." We ate while we listened to commentary on one good thing after the other. Athena said, "They still don't have the real knowledge yet. That's the amazing part."

We finished dinner and I poured everyone another glass of wine, as Dane lit a cigarette. I sat down next to her and she handed the cigarette to me and lit another. I took a drag and held in the smoke as Toni started to explain things about the mind and I said into Dane's mind, "I can't wait until she shows John how to have a pussy orgasm. You know he's going to ask."


The next two days we did nothing but monitor what was happening. We watched the news and were in touch with our groups around the world. At 3 in the afternoon on the second day we had the first new age crime as Debbie put it. Athena showed us how to use our minds to find the person that did it and it was like playing a detective game for about an hour. We found the person that was a man before this started. Athena said, "Now it's time for justice my way."

Athena said, "Dane, you and Chris should come with me and Raina. I want to scare the shit out people so this stops now." We teleported to the person's apartment and Athena said, "You can't hide from me. Did you think I was kidding? Guess you're going to find out the hard way now."

Athena froze him like we did before to the guards and said into everyone's mind on the planet, "I was hoping that I would not have do this and show all of you that I was not kidding. What you are seeing in your mind, is me, Raina, Chris, and Dane. On the floor next to us is Alex Jobinski. Alex just robbed a bank and killed three people using the powers that I gave him. I want all of you to watch what Alex did in your mind. I'm going to show you his memories."

We watched how Athena did it and it was amazing. We all saw the robbery and the murders. Athena changed what was in people's minds to just Alex and said, "Now Alex will get his just punishment. He will suffocate just like he chocked the guard in the bank. Except Alex will suffer as long as I can make him suffer." We watched Athena make him gasp for breath and slowly turn blue until he died. She showed all of us again with her and said, "I hope I don't have to do this again. But I will, if need be. My justice is swift and permanent. Remember that."

We teleported back home and Athena said, "My guess is there be two more incidents like that, and then everyone will get the message. The key is to make everyone watch the punishment. It is one hell of a deterrent." Debbie said, "That was one hell of a show. You just changed the rules here on earth for everyone." Athena said, "I guess I should have done this years ago. I was just ignoring the problem, hoping it would go away."

Jamie was watching CNN and they were now taking about a new order to the world and interviewing one of the Supreme Court justices. We all watched as she said, "I guess my previous opinions to support the rights of criminals were wrong. If they're guilty, they're guilty, period. If I could have seen into someone's memory like that 30 years ago, our laws would have been a lot different. There's no need for a jury, lawyers, or a trial. This makes it a black and white decision. God did the right thing. We would have taken 30 years to make that happen and would have been in a sterilized and civilized way. That was our first mistake. There should be nothing civilized about punishment."

Athena said, "Did she say that because I may be listening, or because she meant it? Lets find out. Read my mind." We all read her mind as she probed into the justice's mind. Athena said into her mind, "I heard what you said, and I truly appreciate your support. Thank you." We watched the justice smile on camera and nod.

I said, "I think this would be a good time for the next lesson. It would give everyone an uplift after that show." Athena said, "Good idea."

Dane said, "Let me do this one. All of you can help me if I get carried away." Dane addressed everyone in the states saying into their minds, "Hi, it's me Dane and we thought this would be a good time to learn a little more about what you can do with your mind." Dane explained so many things and then had me show everyone in their minds what to do. When we got to making things bigger and smaller I almost started to laugh. We used a finger as an example and then Dane showed everyone how to make their other sex organ appear. We heard millions of people laughing in their minds as we walked them through all of it. Especially when we showed them how to make it go away again.

Toni took over and talked about teleporting. We knew we lost people until Jane explained it like a kid would have done it. We all gave her the thumbs up and she blushed. We ended the lesson with showing people how to make food appear if they were hungry. I said, "I hope you enjoyed our lesson and also have fun practicing some of these things. We will address all of you again at the end of the week to complete the knowledge transfer. God Bless everyone."

We talked in our minds to all of the groups and each group had done the same thing that we just did. The group in the Netherlands said to us, "Everyone wanted to know how to fuck. You should see what's on TV here. It's wild. It's an advanced sex education porno session." We were all laughing and Athena said, "I should have guessed. They were always very progressive."

Dane and I lay down on the floor with our kids and played with them. They were already crawling and we had a blast. They also were using their minds to move their toys around and so were Debbie and Jamie's kids. The nannies just laughed. The one thing I can't get over is how happy our kids are. They haven't cried at all. Even with full diaper, they try to say words to get our attention.

We put all of the kids down on the floor sitting around them in a circle as Jamie played a folk guitar and we sang to them. The kids didn't no what to make of it and they were laughing and pointing at us. I swear I heard Anna say "mom", and Dane told me I was nuts.

We put the kids to bed and the nannies stayed with them, and we decided to make it an early night. Athena and the others went home, and we went to bed.

Dane and I undressed and sat in bed against the headboard sharing a cigarette. I took a drag and blew out the smoke as she said, "I can't believe how this has changed the world they way we knew it. It's so exciting to be part of it. Think of all of the things that are now obsolete. Professional sports, amateur and recreational sports, hospitals, doctors. Nurses, schools, lawyers, the court system, most of the airline industry, and the gas companies. Not to mention some of things we introduced that will do away with most of the long distance phone companies. We will have millions of people out of work." I took a drag of the cigarette and handed it to Dane and said while blowing out the smoke, "They won't stave. They can make any mass including food and cloths."

Dane took a drag of the cigarette and handed it back to me and said as she blew out the smoke, "If people can make all of those things, why would they buy them? The only things that will be worth anything is real estate, and services. The arts and performing arts, like us. The stock market will probably crash." I said, "Oh well. We have all our money in cash, gold, diamonds, and land. You have any idea how much land we own? We could start our own country." Dane put her head next to mine and said, "We should talk to Athena about these things. Maybe they have some ideas."

We heard in our minds, "I didn't mean to ease drop, but was about to ask you a question. Those are all good points you made, and we can help. Every civilization went through the same transition. Don't worry about it and have some fun in bed. My question is, did any us explain about turning someone's powers off?" I said back, "No. No one did." She said back, "Thanks. We'll do that on the last knowledge transfer."

Dane rolled over on me and put her arms up and under my neck and gave me the sexiest kiss. I put my arms around her back and we kissed each other for a long time, just feeling our warm bodies against each other. We rolled on our sides and caressed each other all over as we kissed. Dane was kissing my ear and whispered, "Millions of people will be fucking for the first time tonight honey." I started to laugh and so did Dane. She said, "Lets not be left out."

We made our cocks and fucked each other until we both shot our cum and then went back to caressing and kissing. We rubbed each other's clits as we caressed on another until we both had an orgasm, and then fell asleep.

In the next four days there wasn't a single problem anywhere that we knew about. All of the bands called us in our minds and we talked for hours. Barb said, "I knew something was up when we won all that money. Cool trick."

We made a list of things we had to cover in the last address by each of the groups and Athena talked to each group one more time to review the next steps which included addressing a lot of things we were talking about. I addressed everyone in the states and said, "Hi, this is Chris. We will start the last knowledge transfer at 3 pm Pacific Coast time. Make sure you are lying down or seated leaning back when we do it. The process should take a little over a half hour."

We played with our kids on the floor again and they grew so much in just a week. Anna was now saying "mom" and so was Carrin. They also both took their first step. Dane and freaked out and picked them up and kissed them both as they were giggling. John changed his name to Jan and has adapted pretty well. Kate has been teaching him everything, and they really hit it off. They moved in together yesterday.

Jane and Marsha were a little upset as they realized that football will become a thing of the past. That was until Athena and Raina took them to one of the most violent sports in the universe on their planet. The players use their mind to beat up on the other players to help win. It's like a combination of Hockey, and all out fighting. Athena promised to introduce the game here after things settle down.

If was 3 o'clock so we all gathered around and I said into everyone's mind in the states, "Hi everyone. It's Chris. Before we start the last of the knowledge transfer, there are a few things God wanted us to cover. To start with, when you get pregnant now the gestation period is only 3 months, not 9. Also the children will mature much faster. They will be born with the capabilities that everyone has, and also be born with all of the knowledge. School is no longer needed. Everyone has their own built in birth control mechanism in their minds. I am going to turn in off and then turn it on in everyone so you can see how to do it."

I did it and then continued, "Turn it off to have a baby, and then turn it back on. All of you will live very long. Everyone wants to know how long. For most people it will be a minimum of 1,500 years. For other people it can be much longer. For people who abuse the powers that God has given us, there is an off switch, and it is permanent. It involves damaging the brain in the area that allows this to happen, and you will loose everything, including the power to heal yourself. The only ones that can turn off someone's mind are the groups that have been addressing all of you, and God. If someone is abusing their powers contact one of us. We will read through their memories to prove that was the case. God also wanted me to warn you. If anyone falsely accuses someone of a crime, or of abusing their powers, that person will pay the price for the crime that they falsely accused someone of doing. In other words, be real certain before you say something."

I paused and Dane took over and said, "Hi, it's me Dane now. You already have the knowledge of earth with an equivalent PhD in almost every category. This new knowledge is the knowledge of the universe. You will see things and learn things beyond your wildest imagination. We will talk when it's over. Please be seated. Here is comes."

Dane started the knowledge transfer and we all read her mind as she did it. It lasted about 20 minutes and Dane said, "Now you all can see what the universe holds in store for us. What is possible, even here on earth. If any of you need help with understanding the things you can do, ask your friends or your partner. Experiment, but be careful of others and be polite. Reading someone's mind is a violation of their privacy and is very rude. So is speaking into someone's mind, unless it's an emergency. For family and friends that's up to you."

Dane paused and continued, "As you get more accustomed to this new way of communicating, you will be able to detect when someone is reading your thoughts or influencing your moves or thoughts. You will also be able to do it right back at them if you so choose. Please be safe and enjoy this new lifestyle we have been given. It's going to be a difficult transition for some people and we all know that. For others, adapting will be easy. God has asked us to work with the local governments to establish areas to assist people who are now out of work, as their professions are no longer needed. So please don't despair over all of the changes that have happened so quickly. God Bless everyone."

Dane looked at me smiling and gave me a big kiss. Everyone clapped for us and Athena and Raina teleported into our den and arrived clapping also. They walked up to us and Athena said, "We need to talk to you two in private for a little while. Can you join us at my home?" We checked on the babies and told the nannies before we teleported to their home.

The 10 person council was there and Athena said, "Sit with us. You two were very good at this. Much better than any of us expected. You've shown leadership abilities way beyond what your planet has to offer. I want to make you an offer and you can say no. We won't get offended if you refuse. We want to transfer to you the last knowledge that only the 10 of us has. What I'm saying is that we want you to be part of our council. As part of that knowledge you will be able to speak to selected people and hear everything they say all at once, and it will all register. I heard and understood every person in the world praying for things while I spoke. You will be able to control violence if you so choose. You could stop an atomic explosion, stop a gun's bullet in mid-air. Remember when I said Time was also one element we can control. You will be able to rewind time to fix something major that has occurred. We've done that twice on earth. We couldn't do it for the meteor because we were too late in finding out about it. You have about a 3 hour window to play with. And lastly, we can create life, which is probably the best gift of all. We want you two to take on the role that Raina and I have had for over 150,000 years to be the governors of earth. If you say yes, we will tell everyone on earth."

Dane and I looked at each other in shock and both smiled. I said, "I don't know what to say. Dane honey?" She looked at me and said, "Lets do it. Can we still make music?" They were all smiling and Raina said, "Just like we still paint." I said, "We'll do it." They all hugged us and kissed us. Raina said, "Now we need to tell you the rules. You may want to change your mind, and that's still okay."

Athena said, "We believe that no one person should ever make a decision by themselves that effects all of the people on a planet. If it's that big, it needs all of us to review it and discuss it. You also must agree to go with the majority vote. If it's a tie, it's a no. That means half of us believe that it's the wrong thing to do. We get together once a month and talk about things that are happening across the worlds, and there are a lot of them. We also sometimes get intimate, but that will be up to you if you want to participate. And the last rule and most important. You can't quit. This is a job for life, and the last knowledge you'll get will make that life eternal. I'm over 1 million years old and chose to look older than I really do. This is my normal appearance."

We looked at Athena and she was gorgeous, maybe 24 years old. Athena said, "Those kids and grand kids I told you about. It's my fortieth time through the cycle. It's very hard to loose the children you raised, and it will happen to both of you. Still interested?"

Dane looked into my eyes and I said, "You sure?" She nodded her head and said, "I'm sure." I said, "We're in."

Brenda stood up and said, "We are so happy to have you join us. Let us give you the knowledge. Come into the other room." We went into the other room and everyone came with us. There were reclined chairs and we sat in two next to each other, and all of the others knelt around us and touched our arms. Brenda said, "This will make you very dizzy and maybe a little nauseous. It only lasts about 5 minutes but will feel like hours. Ready?"

We both nodded and they started. I thought I was going to puke all over as the room was spinning. Dane and I were holding hands and squeezing each other's hands so tight. This felt like it was going on forever and I was starting to taste my lunch in my throat. It finally stopped and I took a deep breath. Dane sat up and said, "I was also ready to loose my lunch." I said, "Me too. Why did it fell like it was so long?" Athena said, "It really was a long time, but only took five minutes. Part of the process uses the ability to change time and we rewind part of it five times. You lived through it five times in a row, so it was actually 25 minutes that only took 5 minutes to finish. You feel good enough to try out the last part of you mind?"

We both stood up and I said, "Lets do it." They explained the time thing to us and then we did a few tests. We could choose who was part of the time warp, and who wasn't. Anyone not part of it was essentially frozen in time, until the warp caught up. Brenda volunteered to be the outsider and we just had her walk around the room. She dropped a pen on the floor and I froze time, picked up the pen and put it on the desk. I set time back and Brenda bent down to pick up the pen and couldn't find it until we showed it to her on the desk." We played with all of the other things. The most amazing was our ability now to see things moving at incredibly fast speeds. Athena had toy b-b gun she uses for experiments and we all could see the bb's fly out of the rifle. She pointed it at me and I froze the BB in mid air, moved, and then let it fly again.

Athena said, "The creation of life is an all week thing. We'll show you that on our next mission to start a baron planet. The next one is scheduled in about 5 years, but we could move it up. Any questions?" We had a ton and they laughed at a few. I said, "How did this council get started? Who was the first?"

Brandy said, "I was the first and existed as pure energy until the first planet was formed. I took human form on that planet and was the sole one for a very long time. When one of the planets blew itself to hell I added Brenda because I knew that one person was not enough for decisions. I should have stopped that disaster, but made the wrong choice that cost millions of lives. We do learn from our mistakes. Hopefully your mistakes will be less painful than mine have been. We recruited the best from each planet and then decided who of those best we should add. That's how we chose you."

Athena said, "Come on. Lets go make an announcement on Earth." All of us teleported to our house and Debbie called everyone in the group over. After everyone arrived, Athena stood up and said, "I am going to make an announcement to everyone, but wanted you all to hear all about it first." She told everyone about it including the last knowledge transfer, and they all were shocked. Jamie said, "How cool. My sister is a God now." Everyone was laughing and Athena said, "They can still play in the band. This is a life long commitment, and their lives are now going to be eternal."

Athena started the announcement to the entire world and said into everyone's mind, "I am addressing all of you again to tell you about how happy I am of the transition that has occurred so far. I also want to make a major announcement. Our leader will address you now."

Brandy showed an image of the ten of them and the two of us into everyone's mind and said, "Many years ago the universe was a black void except for a single form of energy, which was me. After I started life on that first planet, I took human form and raised the race that has become the oldest and wisest in the universe. After each new planet was formed and evolved, I recruited the best of the best to gain the knowledge that I had and to become like me. People who could make one additional transition to gain the ability to create life, and govern its existence. Over the billions of years I found 9 people that I made into Gods, like myself, and we formed a council. The one you know as God, is named Athena. She is also a brilliant artist on a planet about 100 million light years from here. She created earth and has now led you into the final evolutionary phase, which is the most difficult. She has had a lot of help from two people that we recruited from your planet. Our intentions were always to help you, but we wanted them to prove that they could do it with our help. They have, and they passed our tests. I am proud to say that we have added Chris and Dane to our council. They are the first additions we have made in over one million years. They have since acquired the last of the knowledge that makes them equivalent to any of us, both in power and wisdom. They are wise well beyond their ages, are natural leaders, and are two of the most compassionate, caring, and loving people I have had the pleasure to be associated with. They will continue to live on earth and will take over the role Athena has played up to his point. They will be the ones who decide the direction and provide the support and encouragement for you to succeed as a race. They will also be the ones who will hear your cries when things are not going well. Life is not perfect and we are not perfect. They will also be the ones who will deal with those who abuse the gifts we have given you, or start a war amongst yourselves again. They are compassionate, but also have the resolve needed to understand that the welfare of the many, out weights the needs of the few. They have incredible powers. They can create life, create and change mass, harness and make energy, and also control time and space. We have bestowed upon them the ultimate responsibility, and I know they can handle it and succeed."

Athena continued, "All of us will continue to provide our guidance and support to Chris and Dane. I implore all of you to be kind to one another, support each other through this transition period in your evolutionary cycle, and not make Chris or Dane have to do something like I had to do last week. Enjoy your new abilities, and bless all of you." We all waved in the image in their minds.

Debbie said, "Wow!" Dane and I just looked at each other and we were both thinking the same thing, "Holy fuck! What did we sign up for?" Athena said to us, "We made it sound like it's a lot bigger than it is. Don't panic." We both sighed and she was laughing.


Within 5 minutes the phone was ringing off the hook, as everyone wanted to interview or meet with us. The White House called to ask us to meet with a heads of every nation. The Vatican wanted us to have an audience with the Pope and CNN called four times. Athena said, "Lets help you put together a plan. It's easy."

Jan took care of answering and screening all calls, as everyone in the room helped us put together a master plan. I have to say, Brandy was incredibly brilliant. In three hours we had over 100 pages of notes and a list we still had to work out the details on. Athena said, "First place to start is with the leaders. Let them know you are not doing their jobs for them. You're just holding them accountable to do their jobs right."

We called everyone back that called us and arranged for the meetings based on our plan. The Vatican was very upset when we told them we wanted to meet with every religious leader at the same time, and that it would be in the US. Dane made a comment and we all almost lost it laughing when she said, "It know this is difficult, but it looks like now you really do have to answer to a higher authority."

We got all of the other groups involved in the parts of the plans and our moms, along with Marty and Janice were playing a big role in the government and justice issues. Jane and Marsha were addressing the sports problems and they were so hyped up. Jamie put her arms around me and whispered into my ear, "So sis, now that you're a God, how about making me feel like I'm having an orgasm 24 by 7?" Dane was laughing her ass off and said, "If I could do that we'd spend the next million years in bed with you."

That night Dane and I lay in bed cuddling, but our minds were racing through all of the plans. We were up all night, preparing our speeches and finishing the plans in our heads. We also solved two of the issues we were stuck on. At 4 in the morning we pretty much attacked each other and had great sex. After we both orgasmed for about two hours using our favorite double dildo, Dane said to me, "If God asks you to do something, you have to do it. Right?" I nodded and she said, "God orders you to lick my pussy until I beg you to stop." We were both laughing and then got into a 69 position and ate each other until we both couldn't take it any more. I had to have swallowed a pint of pussy cum out of her. We both sat up and Dane saw my dripping wet face. She licked it clean and it turned me on so much I had another orgasm. I said, "God says you can stop now." We lay in bed laughing at ourselves and shared a cigarette.

The next couple of days were challenging, but fun. We had a chance to see powerful people squirm and ask direction, instead of shouting arrogant remarks and acting aloof.

Our meeting at the White House with the leaders of all of the nations was the first. Dane started it by saying, "We are not here to give you orders. We are here to help fix the new problems that we created. Think about what we just did. We gave everyone on the planet the ability to not get sick, live much longer, and be completely self sufficient using abilities they already had genetically within themselves. We got rid of some of the biggest issues with natural resource consumption, education, and most of the crime problems. What we broke in this process is that we are now facing a massive work force that is not needed, including the military."

I continued, "Think about all of the new knowledge that you have all acquired. There are thousands of technology advances you now understand that are not here on earth. Everyone has the knowledge to make it happen, and we need people to work on these projects, implement them as publicly traded companies, and you to govern their progress. For example, pharmaceutical companies can easily be transitioned to open the huge cosmetology market with the new technologies we have given you. Think about each new discovery, and how you would develop, manufacture, support, and deliver it using the industry sectors that were hurt by these changes. Don't forget the millions of teachers that can be used in this process also. Involve the leaders of the major companies and industries, but act fast. The typical government red tape of analysis, paralyses, will hurt everyone."

Dane then told them of the items that we were going to tackle ourselves and we had a room full of people with their eyes bugged out. She said, "You didn't think about these issues, did you? We have plenty of time to think about this, and almost every part of our daily lives will change. Jane and Marsha, who are part of our working group have some very ingenious ideas to save professional sports and they will be presenting then tomorrow in a conference being held for all professional sports owners, and leagues around the world. We will help any way we can, but you are the ones that were elected by the people to lead the countries. Now you have to do your jobs and we are counting on you."

I told them the details of our plans in each major area and who would be helping them from the groups around the world. I said, "The court systems don't have to go away. They are still needed for lots of issues. They just need to change with the changing needs of society. They also need to be more aligned across the various countries. Criminal trials will be swift using the new technologies allowing each judge to quickly get at the truth. It's the corporate law, contracts, and the likes that will now be the focus of the courts and the attorneys. Frivolous lawsuits however, will be a thing of the past. We will step in to stop it if it starts up again. We don't believe that people should be compensated for pure accidents. Life's not perfect, and it's not always fair. Punishing someone for someone else's misfortune solves nothing. Tonia, Jane, Marty, and Janice from our working group will assist in this area."

We spent the entire day with the leaders and then answered questions over dinner. The President of the United States stood to make a toast and said, "When I heard the announcements of your position, I was skeptical at best. I know now they made the right choice." Everyone said, "Here, here" and sipped the drink. We drank as I blushed.

The meeting with the religious groups was interesting, to say the least. They didn't want to let us get a word in as they spoke about how they were already doing God's work. They were really pissing us off and after an hour I stood up and yelled out loud and said into their minds at the same time, "Shut the fuck up! We agreed to met with you not to hear you babble about this bullshit, but to tell you how it's going to be from now on. Now it's your turn to listen and not say a word!"

Dane stood and said out loud and into their minds, "People assume that God speaks to you, or you have some connection to what God wants. We all know that isn't true. People do need to believe in something, and that's good. It gives them faith. We don't want to take that away. We do want to cut through all of the crap. Your organizations provide excellent charity support, and that should be one of your primary focal points. There are a lot of people that will need help in adjusting to the new way of life, and many will turn to the church for help. You need to support them and not teach archaic things that have people afraid of their own shadow. There is no more homosexual, gay, or lesbian. There is just one gender now and sex is good, not bad. Period. People can have a baby by themselves if they so choose. We haven't told everyone that yet, but you can fertilize your own eggs. I'm not asking you to start orgies, I telling you to not condemn people for using their sexual freedom. It's part of the human condition, and you need to accept it."

I said, "Teaching the primary rules is no longer needed. Everyone has that knowledge inside of them now, and so will their children. Teaching people how to use their minds and controlling it, is where we need your help. We skipped a half million years of evolution in two weeks. Things that would have evolved naturally over time didn't. We need you to help make that happen. Athena, who was the one you knew as God, didn't agree with most of what you did, but also didn't want to stop it. We are not as forgiving. The world has way too many problems from this rapid transformation, for us to just look the other way. You will either work with us, or we will put someone in each of your positions that will. I hope I'm making myself clear."

Everyone in the room turned as white as a ghost and Dane said into my mind, "Think we over did it?" I said back, "Nope. Maybe now they'll get the message."

Dane said to everyone, "We have assigned someone for each working group around the world to work with you based on your geographic region. These are the contacts." She handed out the papers then they asked us real questions. Dane answered one of the questions and said, "The bible is about 30 percent fact. It's like any story that starts out as truth. Over the years it gets repeated and exaggerated. When you talk to the people that were there, the story is a lot different and also the message they were trying to convey. Some of what's in the bible is actually complete fiction, and was told as stories to the kids. A good example is Noah's arch. The seven day stuff was a result of Athena trying to explain how the earth was created in terms that the people back then could understand. It's like explaining a nuclear reactor to a child that is two years old. She made it real simple for people to understand."

On person asked why we were selected and I said, "We asked the same question and the answer was simply put to us that you are the right ones."

We had some lunch and Dane and I explained all of the plans that were being done in governments and industry, and all of the areas that had to be addressed. I think we shocked the shit out of them. I said, "We gave everyone great things, and also broke a lot of things in the process. Now we have to fix all of it."

That afternoon we did an interview carried on all networks, satellite, and cable, and told about all of the plans that were in the works. The news anchor that was questioning us said, "No one even thought of all of those things." I said, "We did, and it kept all of us up at night."

We allowed a half hour of call in questions at the end of the show and some were really interesting. One person asked, "How could you have been so unmerciful to just watch that person be suffocated that we all saw in our minds?" Dane answered it and said, "Do you think we should have said, don't do that again and then watched it happen all over again? I think what we did was just and the correct punishment for the crime. Those people in the bank were innocent and suffered more than Alex did by a lot. I personally would have made Alex suffer for a lot longer. He deserved worse than he got. Human life is precious. For those that intentionally take it in the commission of a crime, like Alex, will meet with a similar fate. As we covered earlier, the court systems around the world are being changed to better reflect the needs of the changed society. Part of that change will be to uncivilize the punishment for capital offenses. If you are guilty, you get to suffer the same or worse than your victims. As a society we have far too many career criminals because we slap their hands and say don't do it again. That doesn't work and it is stopping now. All of the punishments are being reviewed to match the crime. For example, if someone is guilty of rape, it is our view that they should have their sex organs and all mind powers removed permanently, besides incarceration. Lets not allow for the possibility of two time offenders. This is how it works on other worlds, and it is very effective. They have almost no capital crime. I hope I answered your question."

Someone asked about weapons and I answered it by saying, "As part of the government plan, there is a total disarmament program that spans from nuclear warheads to conventional weapons. Handguns are included in that program. We hope people cooperate with this program, but if they don't we will just simply take the weapons using our powers and destroy them. There simply is no need for them. If you are a hunter for food, you can do it with your mind if you choose. We cannot condone the taking of any life for sport. All of you now have the ability to communicate with animals. For those of you with pets, look into their minds and communicate with them. Animals will sense your abilities, and will no longer be dangerous to you. We have spent time playing with grown lions and tigers in a jungle in Africa. They were as docile to us as our two dogs at home. We have also swam underwater in the ocean with some of the most dangerous sea creatures. That is part of the evolutionary process. We can now live together in harmony with all life in the universe."

At the end of the interview the commentator said, "This was very informative and exciting. I for one am very glad they selected the two of you. What you have accomplished is nothing short of a miracle. Before we leave, when is Stolen Hearts going to be playing again?" Dane smiled and said, "Maybe in two weeks."

The cameras went off and the anchor said, "I can't believe what you two have done. This is amazing." I said, "It's not just us. We had a lot of help. This the first time for those heels?" She smiled and said, "Thought I'd get use to the new wardrobe too. I kind of like it." Dane smiled and shook her hand and so did I before we teleported to the sports conference that was just starting that Jane and Marsha were chairing. It was just getting started and we walked in and sat at the head table next to Marsha and Jane at the podium.

Jane stood and addressed the packed ballroom and said, "Thank you for coming on such short notice. We all know that with the evolutionary changes to our minds, anyone can change the outcome of professional sporting events. We have prepared several areas for discussion that we may provide a solution. Other planets in the universe have the same problems and I believe that we can learn from what they have done. The other planets have no violence of any kind, except for one sports game, which roughly translated into English is called Warball. This is by far the most violent sport I have ever seen. Hold on to your stomachs, as I show you some pictures."

Jane showed the pictures on a huge screen and spoke, "Two teams compete much like a hockey game. The object is to get the ball into the net and score points. Other than that, there are no rules except a player cannot remove anyone from the playing area. Players can use any means to them to take out the other team including the use of their mind. It is very common to see players healing themselves from multiple broken bones and then go back into the game. It is fast pace, bloody, and so exciting I was hoarse from screaming after two hours. The playing area is surrounded by unbreakable Plexiglas, just like Ice hockey, except the partitions are much higher. Warball makes our game of football look like a kindergarten game. It is the most popular sport on 12 plants and two of the planets allow parts of the audience to also use their minds to do whatever they can to the players to help their team win. That led me to ask, how do you stop the others from doing it also."

Jane paused and Marsha continued, "Every game has officials that are trained in reading the thoughts of multiple people all at once. We can do it now also. It only takes a week or so to develop the skills. If we were listening for it, we could instantly tell if one of you were to do something with your mind to effect the game. People take their sports very seriously on these worlds, and tampering with the games is big time trouble. You are barred for life from the games as a spectator, and have your mind powers removed. End of discussion. As you might have guessed, it doesn't happen very often."

Jane spoke again and went through the slides and said, "I like this shot. This one they had to call time out to heal her on the floor. They only do that to avoid death." The audience was laughing and Jane said, "This next slide shows how we could implement some of these controls in today's sporting events." She went through every sport and what would be needed. The one on golf was interesting. Jane said, "Golf is a game of trust. The players have to be honest, which is what happens now anyway. All we need is to train a few tournament officials and it should be fine."

Jane said the real problems will be with the athletes in baseball, football, and basketball. When a pitcher throws a pitch they instinctively will the ball to where they want it. They question is should we let that happen and let the batters do the same thing to even it out. It may actually improve the game. We will need additional staff to stop the audience from doing it."

Marsha put up a slide and said, "Now, what happens when people violate these rules?" Everyone was laughing when the first bullet said, "Alex may be over kill." Jane was recommending banishment from attending any of the events in any sport. Everyone gave her a standing ovation and her and Marsha blushed.

I took the podium and said, "I think they did an excellent job researching this problem. Now it's up to all of you in your specific sporting areas to come to a decision on how you want to proceed and what we can do to help. We have groups established around the world that can train the officials. At this time we will entertain any questions. Please walk to the isles to use the microphones."

I sat back down at the table and we all put on the clip on mics as the questions started. Everyone wanted to know about setting up a Warball franchise. Jane said, "We'll see if we can invite a few of the owners from another planet here to talk to anyone that is interested, which includes me. I love that silly game." People asked questions about the Olympics and Marsha said, "Athletes are tested now for drugs and other things. Use the same officials to check for mind power advantages. You still want to keep the drugs out of it too."

A professional golfer asked a question and we sort of recognized her as being a man before. She said, "Every shot I use to take I tried to get it in the hole. I played yesterday and my swing was horrible, buy they all went in the hole. The same willing of the ball to go in that I did before, actually makes it go in now. I shot a 21 because two of my drives hit the pin and bounced out. Any way to control that?"

The place was roaring with laughter and I said, "Make it go slower by the pin and they'll all fall in." The laughing got louder and I said, "We may need some expert advice on this one. It's the same problem as the baseball pitcher. There may be a way to stop it temporarily with a drug or through the use of our minds. We'll take that as one of our action items to do. How did it feel to shoot the lowest score ever?" Everyone was laughing again as she waved to us and shouted, "Great!"

There were a number of good questions and the baseball commissioner said, "I'd like to try a game where the pitchers and hitters and use their mind. Lets see what happens. Do I have any owners to volunteer their teams?" We saw twenty hands raise and I said, "Let us and everyone know what happens." She said, "Better yet, why don't you all plan on attending. We'll do it one of the domed stadiums without a paying crowd. Just us to see what happens. We can stop the game and experiment if need be." She got a standing ovation and we kept answering questions.

Dane stood and said, "It's rather late. We'll take one more question." Someone asked, "How does it feel to have all of this responsibility dumped on you." Dane said, "Over whelming, but rewarding. We're making pretty good progress." We got a standing ovation and teleported back home.

Everyone was waiting for us and Debbie said, "You are instant hits everywhere. People love what you said on CNN." They handed us a glass of champaign and Athena and Raina were there also. They all toasted to us and Dane and I blushed every shade of red as we drank. Dane said, "Athena, we have any way to turn off someone's powers and then turn them back on? Short term, say for 6 hours at a time."

Raina said, "Yeah, we use to do that sometimes. I can show you how to do it to someone. Why?" I said, "Professional sports." They were smiling and nodding their heads as they walked over to us. Athena put her arm over my shoulder and said into our minds, "Since you are part of the team now, any interest in some team sports in bed?" Dane and I smiled and looked at each other. We both nodded our heads yes, as they dragged us upstairs to our bedroom.

Raina shut the door and we all undressed and then the sports began. We learned to do things we didn't think were possible. They had me floating over the bed about two feet in the air with Dane under me fucking my ass, and Athena fucking my pussy on top of me. Raina was hovering over my face as I sucked her pussy. The four of us made what they called weightless space love for a few hours and then did it the conventional way. Dane and I showed them our double dildo and they never saw one before and were in shock.

Athena and Raina were out of their minds when we put the dildo in them and showed them how to rub their pussies together with it. Dane and I licked and sucked their nipples a for about an hour as they had one orgasm after the other. They we used our egg vibrators in each of them as they fucked. Athena actually passed out from the orgasm and Raina laughed so hard she started to wet the bed. When Athena woke up she said, "Holy fuck! How did I miss this stuff on earth? Wow!"

Dane and I ate each other's pussy for a while and then made a four way chain with them. We all made our tongues longer and wider and drove each other nuts. I wiggled the tip in Athena and she blasted off again and was on the verge of another black out. Raina was laughing so hard she started to pee into Danes mouth and Dane sucked it all in. I was so hot I sucked Dane's cunt almost inside out.

We paired up and fell asleep. Dane woke me up and put the dildo in us and we fucked for hours next to Athena and Raina as they sleep. How they could have slept thought our screaming was beyond me, but they did. I orgasmed so loud, I thought I would wake up the dead. Dane and I cuddled afterward and she lit a cigarette lying against my side. She took a deep drag and was blowing out the smoke in a thin stream as I kissed her check and said, "I am so proud of you baby." She smiled and said, "I'm proud of you too. I can't believe what we did in just one day." We finished the cigarette and cuddled, as we fell asleep.

We heard the phone ring and looked up at the alarm clock to see it was 8 in the morning. Athena and Raina were still sound asleep. Debbie walked in and smiled at the other two in bed and said, "The baseball commission is on the phone." I picked it up and said, "Hi, this is Chris." She said, "I hope I didn't wake you, but we have that test game starting at noon in the Houston Astrodome. Hope you can make it." I said, "Well see you there. Thanks so much for calling."

I tried to wake up Athena and it was like they were dead. Dane and I crawled under the covers and licked their pussies and they finally woke up when they orgasmed. We sat up next to them and I said, "You two were out cold. We couldn't wake you up." Athena smiled and said, "We have a way of putting ourselves in a deep sleep if we need it. We really needed it." I said, "You have to show us how to turn peoples powers off for a short time. They are having a test baseball game in four hours. What to come with us?" Raina said, "We can't come today, but we'll show you what to do. Lets get up and go downstairs. We need a volunteer for this."

We did our bathroom morning routine and Raina was a piss in the shower. She sings great, but has such a strong voice. Athena said, "This is what I have to put up with every day." Raina was blushing but kept on singing. We dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. Everyone was there and I said, "We need a volunteer to have their powers turned off for a few hours." Kate said, "Do me. I'm not going anywhere."

Raina said, "Watch in my mind as I do it to her, and then you do it. I'll turn them off and then back on again." Everyone watched inside Raina's mind and then I tried it and so did Dane. I said, "I'm going to try a group thing. Lets see if it works on all of us." I turned off the powers and everyone tried to do something and they couldn't except for Dane, Athena, and Raina. Raina said, "It won't work on us." Then I turned them back on and everyone was back to normal again. I said, "Sports problems solved. Jane you and Marsha should go with us. The test baseball game is at noon in Houston." Jane said, "Cool."

We all had breakfast and Athena said, "I never had so many orgasms in one night in entire life. That double headed cock is the most amazing thing I ever felt, and those eggs shaped vibrators made me pass out." Everyone was laughing and Jamie said, "They don't have stuff like this on the other planets?" Raina said, "They will now. I smell a billion dollar industry here."

We had some more coffee and a cigarette as Raina said "We have to run. We have a large painting exhibition today. If you get done by 7 your time, stop by. This is the address on our planet." She handed me a card and I said, "We'll see you later."

We finished our coffee and cigarette and we all went into the kid's playroom. They were all playing with toys with the nannies watching them. We sat in the center of the room with them and had a blast. Anna said, "mom, mom, look", as she made a plastic car move across the floor with her mind. I said, "That was very good. Who showed you how to do that?" She smiled at me and said, "Me." Then we saw Carrin do the same thing with her car and two kids laughing at each other. Debbie and Jamie's kids, Shawn and Kelly, were busy building a house out of blocks and amazed the hell out of us. They were changing the shapes of the pieces to make everything fit. They made an archway with a perfect semi-circle and were clapping for themselves. Jamie looked at us and said, "Holy shit."

Anna was trying to walk and managed to get herself up and was wobbly, and then took off across the room. She flopped down again and said, "Mom, me do good?" I ran over to her and hugged her and she was so happy. I wanted to stay here and play with her all day. I held her hand and was walking her around the large room as she was laughing nonstop. Carrin was getting annoyed and then finally got up also and ran after us. Dane was lying on the floor laughing and then went to get her also. I told the nannies we were going to take them for a walk and we walked with the kids all over the downstairs of the house. When we got into the studio Anna said, "Sing" as Carrin was pulling Dane's hand over to the folk guitar. We sat down and played guitar and sang to them for a while and then they started to fall asleep. The nannies were watching and carried them to bed as we were cursing at ourselves for not being able to stay home with them all the time.

We went back to the kitchen to get another cup of coffee and sat with Jane and Marsha. Jane said, "We have two owners of the Warball sport coming here tonight to the ballroom in the Hilton. This should be real interesting. The players are animals. We saw one team that had people over 400 pounds. You have no idea what a rush it is to watch this game. Plus they allow betting."

I said, "You ready to go?" We all teleported to the Astrodome and met the commissioner. I said, "We have a way to turn off everyone's mind powers in the stadium all at once and then turn them back on again. But lets see how this works out first." She said, "Thank you. At least we can keep playing the sport now."

We all sat around the dugouts as a team took the field and the umpires were talking to us. We watched the pitcher warming up and then the umpire walked over and yelled, "Batter up." We watched the first pitch and it was so fast we could hardly see it. It hit the catcher and knocked him over into the umpire and the umpire said, "Strike one." The commissioner was laughing and showed us a radar gun that showed 148 miles an hour. Jane said, "My God, and that was curve. I read her mind."

We watched a 160 mile and hour fast ball for strike two and the catcher fell backwards again. Then we saw the hitter swing and hit it so far over the stadium upper deck it looked like it was going into orbit until it hit the dome and bounced back into the stands. Everyone was laughing and the commissioner said, "Lets try your answer. This is a joke." She stood up and waved the teams in and they all stood around the dugout in front of us. I said, "We are going to turn off your mind powers temporarily. We will turn them back on after the game." Dane did it to everyone and Jane said, "Hey, that's no fair." We put hers and Marsha's back on and I said, "behave" as they nodded.

The team took the field again and it was like a normal game again. The radar gun showed 88 miles an hour and the commissioner was smiling. We watched three innings and she called everyone in again. I turned on everyone's powers again and she said, "The problem is solved. Spring training starts in two weeks. Think we can get officials trained in doing this by them?" Jane said, "No problem. We could do it all in a few hours. We need to work out the logistics first on how to deal with the fans. Does someone turn them off and then on as they enter and leave, or do we do everyone at once before the game starts and when it ends?" The commissioner said, "Let me think about that one. At least we know we have a solution."

We teleported back home and Jane and Marsh were now calling all of the professional sports owners and representatives. We waved as we teleported to the address on the card from Raina. We were in a huge art gallery and noticed a sign in their language that said, "One day only. The most exquisite works of fine art. Paintings by Athena and Raina. The auction begins at 5." We walked around and saw them sipping champaign and they waved to us. We went over and Athena said, "It work?" We told them how it started and they were laughing and I said, "It worked." Dane said, "Is this all of your work?" They nodded and I said, "How about a tour?"

They showed as around and the paintings were unbelievable. They were all in oil and looked like photographs. Athena walked us over to two paintings that were covered and said, "We want you to have these." Raina took off the cover and we were in shock. The first was one of us playing on stage in the band and the other was a portrait of Dane and me in the most sexy pose you can imagine. I said, "I don't know what to say. They're beautiful. Thank you." We hugged both of them and Raina said, "Wait until you see the auction. People pay so much money for our work, it still makes us giggle." I said, "Do people here know about your role in the council?" Athena said, "They all know. Why?" I said, "That may be why they drive the price up also. Marty left us a message that people were actually paying over list price for our new CDs now." Athena said, "Come sit with us. The auction is starting now."

We went into a large ballroom and sat on the side facing the audience with Athena and Raina. The first painting was exhibited and the bidding started at the equivalent to $750,000. We had our mouths hanging open and Athena was laughing into our minds and said, "See what I mean? It gets worse as the auction gets moving. These are the cheap ones. My guess is that one goes for double that when it's sold." We watched it get bid to double and then heard the auctioneer yelled, "Sold!" Raina smiled at us and said into our minds, "I love the sound of the cash register ringing." Were all trying not to laugh as one sold after the other for absurd amounts of money. In one hour they sold all 55 paintings for the equivalent to 264 million dollars. I said, "How often do you have auctions like this?" Athena said, "We slowed it down a little. Now we only have an exhibit every 6 months. Depends on how many we paint. What make us nuts is that the ones that are sold here, are sold again for double that amount in the art market." I said, "How about we bid on a few next time and then we resell them. We all split the extra profits." Raina smiled saying, "Absolutely. I like your style."

We mingled with Athena and Raina and they introduced us to a number of people including the president of the largest record company on the planet. Athena said into our minds, "The music here sucks. They would kill to get your stuff." We had some champaign again and talked to a few of the people and I said to Athena, "We need to get home. We have been neglecting our kids. They learned how to walk today and it was amazing watching how fast they can do everything." They hugged us and handed us the paintings and we teleported back home.

We showed Debbie and Jamie the paintings and they were amazed. Jamie buzzed Jan and she came into hang them and said, "Incredible art work." We put both paintings in the dining room and we couldn't believe the detail in our band painting. They had our expressions perfect. Dane said, "They sold 55 paintings for 264 million dollars. It was amazing at how people bid on their work. We also met the head of the largest record company on Zion. Maybe we can get a second market for all of our stuff."

Jane and Marsha walked into the dining room looking at the paintings and starred. I said, "Athena and Raina did these. They are definitely top notch artists. Our kids still up?" Debbie said, "The nannies have them in the play room again. They are all running around the room driving the nannies nuts. You have to see this." We walked over to the playroom and it was really funny. The little monsters were literally running around and laughing as the nannies were trying to catch them. They saw us and ran up to us and wanted to be picked up. We all picked up our kids and Anna said to me, "Fun Mom."

We all sat with the kids and played with them and their toys while we talked to them into their minds. They learned to talk back to us that way too and they were laughing about it. There vocabulary was much better in their heads, than what they could actually say. I said to Anna, "Try to speak what you are telling me." She looked at me and said, "I love you mom." I almost cried and held her so tight and said, "I love you too, and so does Dane. You're her daughter too." She said to me, "I know." Dane was hugging us both and said, "This is amazing."

We opened a few of the new toys and games we got for 4-6 year olds and the kids new exactly what to do with them. We couldn't believe it. The puzzles were way too easy and the nannies saw us and one said, "We'll get the next age group tomorrow." Anna still liked making the car drive around the room and her and Carrin were racing the cars and laughing. We laid back and watched as we were smiling. They were both making a "vvrrrooom" sound like a car's engine as the cars were flying down the carpeted area by us.

Jamie turned on the TV in the playroom and we caught part of CNN and it had a clip of us on it. The kids turned to watch it and Carrin said, "mom and mom" as she pointed to the TV. Dane said, "What's it going to be like when they are 2 and 3 years old?" The nannies came in and one said, "Okay kids, time for bed. Say goodnight to your moms." Anna and Carrin ran up to me and Dane and hugged us both as they tried to say goodnight. They waved to us as they walked with the nannies to the stairs and then got carried up to bed.

Debbie said to us, "Amazing isn't it? I'm going get them some things to challenge their minds and see just how advanced they really are." Dane put her arm on my shoulder and said into my ear, "I think I need some special loving tonight." I smiled at her and gave her a wet kiss. Dane put her arms around me and we kissed, completely forgetting Debbie was standing next to us. Dane broke the kiss and took my hand as we looked over at Jamie and Debbie and I said, "We'll see you tomorrow." They smiled at us as we walked out of the room and upstairs.


We went into our bedroom and Dane lit a cigarette as she sat on the edge of the bed. I stood in front of her undressing as she took a deep drag and then blew out the smoke handing me the cigarette. I took a drag of the cigarette as Dane got undressed and then she stood up and put her arms around me saying, "I want to make love to you so bad honey."

I sat in bed leaning back against the headboard and had my knees bend with my arms over them. Dane looked at me and I smiled as I opened my legs and let her see my pussy spread wide open. Dane mumbled something and got in the bed and handed me the cigarette. She dove her face into my pussy as I took a drag of the cigarette.

I felt her tongue licking me all around the inside of my pussy folds and I was so wet. She sucked on my clit and then was flicking her tongue over it, as I took another drag of the cigarette and put it out. I put one hand over Danes head and opened my knees wider, as she was make me feel so good. I was moaning softly and rubbing the back of Dane's neck as she was driving me crazy. I felt her tongue flicking over my clit again and I was so close to cumming. I said, "Don't stop honey. Keep doing that. I'm almost there." Dane flicked her tongue faster and pressed her face on me harder. I felt the tingling and the spasms starting. I moaned loud as I tensed up and held Danes head to me. She licked a million miles a minute and then sucked my clit as I moaned out, "Oh! Ohhh! OOOOOOHHHHH! Don't Stop! OOOOOOHHHHH!" I sprayed my pussy cum all over her tongue and Dane slowed down and rubbed my clit slowly with her tongue and then licked my pussy hole. I moaned, "Oh baby, kiss me. Come up here honey. I love you so much."

Dane knelt and then I pulled her to me and we kissed so hard. I sucked the cum off of her tongue and she said into my mind, "I loved doing that and I love you." Dane and I lay on our sides as I rubbed her clit with our breasts pressed together. She was running her fingers through my sopping wet slit and then putting her fingers in my mouth. I sucked them and Dane said, "Baby, that gets me so hot." I sucked her fingers about 5 times and then she blasted off in an orgasm from me rubbing her clit. We kissed holding each other and rolled around on the bed with our legs intertwined. Dane reached for the nightstand and took our double dildo and said, "Magic time." She handed me the lube and I coated it with our strawberry gel and Dane put it in both of us. We moved to get ourselves in position and them pushed ourselves together until our pussies touched. We both moaned when they touched and them kissed again.

We got into a rhythm and fucked our brains out as we caressed each other and kissed. We did it for almost two hours and orgasmed so many times we lost count. Dane reached into the nightstand as we held each other and pulled out the vibrating egg. We pushed our pussies together and turned so our clits were almost on top of each other, as Dane put the egg on our clits. She turned it on and we pushed ourselves together harder and went wild. My pussy was in a nonstop orgasm and so was Dane's. Neither one of us could talk, even in our minds. I moaned so loud Dane kissed me to keep me from waking up the kids. We kept the egg on for almost 15 minutes and my whole body was spasming and my pussy was completely numb.

I turned it off and Dane kissed me so hard and fucked her pussy into me as fast she could. I couldn't stop and we went nuts on each other again for almost a half hour until neither of us could move. I pulled end of the dildo out of me and then the other end out of Dane. I sat up facing her and reached over Dane's shoulder to the nightstand and lit a cigarette. I took a deep drag and lay down on my side and handed her the cigarette, as I blew out the smoke. Dane took a drag and looked at me saying, "Holy shit. My pussy is still spasming." I put my fingers on her clit and felt the twinges as she moaned. I smiled and Dane said, "Oh God was that good."

We shared the cigarette and were both shaking. Even our hands were shaking. I said, "I think we kind of over did it this time." Dane kissed me and said, "I don't give a shit. That was great. That little egg is an orgasm turbo charger." I stared to laugh as she made the "vvrrrooom" sound our kids were doing. I took a final drag of the cigarette and put it out as Dane said, "Come here baby. I want to sleep holding you in my arms tonight."

We cuddled on the pillow and she wrapped her arms around me as we intertwined our legs. We are both out cold in seconds.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The next two years were the most incredible and exciting time we ever had. Our kids and Debbie and Jamie's kids at one year old were doing college level puzzles. At two years they were off the charts in terms of knowledge. They talk to us all the time about advanced subjects and also love to critique music. No one can believe it. Athena calls them Super humans when they helped us mix one of the bands CDs we produced. Darla and Wendy's kids are even worse. They were working the master console.

We really did fix all of the problems and surprised the shit out of ourselves. The leaders of the counties learned to work together and we were in shock. Professional sports were back to normal with the trick to turn off everyone's powers. Warball made its debut and every game in every stadium is already sold out. Jane and Marsha own a franchise and are so into it. Two of they're players are over 400 pounds and are so disgusting, but they've won every game so far this season. The blood and guts is awful but the fans all scream for it.

Crime is almost down to zero, and the court systems are pretty much empty. It seems that Athena's public execution was a lot more effective than we would have ever imagined. The military has been assigned to construction projects and every country is improving the infrastructure. There's also plenty of money without the ludicrous DOD budget in every country. The most surprising thing was the pharmaceutical industry and drugs stores. They are still thriving. People are still buying vitamins and all types of useless junk even though they don't need it. We laugh about it, but it did put off a very complex problem we still have to solve.

Many of the new technologies have really caught on now. More than 98 percent of all cars and trucks run on water now. All power is clean and endless, and the subscription service devices really took off. More than 80 percent of our music is now delivered over the service and we make twice the amount of money. We released three new CDs and also produced a CD for every band. We did two each for Chicks and Survivors.

The new computer systems have completely replaced the ones we were using. I have more processing power on my desk at home than most middle size companies had two years ago. I love the holograms that talk to us.

Darla and Wendy had the job of working with the churches and that was the only area that we had problems. They just didn't want to change. It took considerable pushing to get then to focus on helping people instead of worrying about the bottom line. I fixed that by having a bill introduced into the US house to stop the tax exemptions for religious organizations. Every government got on the bandwagon and then withdrew the changes when the churches got with the program. Now they are actively teaching people who are having trouble coping. My only bitch is they still teach people to leave their birth control off and that pissed me off.

Jan (previously John) and Kate are a couple just like us. I told Jan she didn't have to work anymore and could live with us as long as she wanted, but she refused. Her exact phase was, "You are as fucked up as your sister. Damn it Chris. I want to work and I love it here. Stop trying to chase me away." Then she smiled, hugged me, and said, "I love you guys. Just get use to me and Kate working and being here always." Dane and I changed our will to give them a much bigger piece if anything should ever happen to us.

We had been doing a TV show twice a month the first year about all of the changes in society. We stopped the show as we had no more major issues to report.

Our concerts have been more of a sell out than they ever were. The last concert we did was sold out 10 minutes after the tickets went on sale. Janice had us schedule a second show that afternoon and that one also sold almost as fast.

We recorded the vocals for our last CD a second time last month in the Zion language which is where Athena lives. We hooked up Marty and the person we met before up, and they cooked up a deal. Our music was launched on a subscription service last month and we already got a huge deposit in our account. Now they want us to do a concert there. Athena and Raina kept laughing about it, as the concert promoters are willing to pay us 30 million for a single show.

We started a new tradition in the house where Debbie, Jamie, Dane, and me play a board game once a week with our kids after dinner. Last week they almost beat us at chess and today we are playing monopoly as two person teams.

We all are eating dinner together tonight, with our kids now sitting at the table. Even though they are only 26 months old, they look like they are about five years old. Kate's making a huge prime rib and her and Jan always sit with us now too. Jane, Marsha, and the others are here about four or five nights a week and with the Warball team the rest of the time. They are absolutely addicted to the sport.

Kate called us all for dinner from the den and the kids raced into the dining room as Anna yelled, "Hey Carrin, that's my seat!" Then we heard Kelly say, "Shawn, you are not allowed to eat until everyone gets in here. Now put it down." We seem to laugh every night before we even sit down. Jamie poured us some wine and Kate poured the kids milk and we gave them their food. We noticed that Shawn had some on her plate already and Debbie said, "Don't tell me. It jumped there all by itself." Shawn said, "How'd you know that mom?" Kate started to laugh now too.

We all were eating and Anna said, "Carrin and I were listening to that new CD you got in the mail from that band. Oh yuck! You're not really going to let them play music here are you?" Debbie said, "What's wrong with them?" Carrin said, "Everything is off key. Not by much, but enough to make us scrunch our noses like this." She made a face to us and we all were trying not to laugh as Anna said, "Plus the drums are off time. Who is this group anyway?" Jamie was chuckling and said, "The new band the music company we work for signed to do a CD. They are hoping we can fix it so they don't loose money. Anna, how would you fix it?" She looked at me and said, "I'd throw it out and start over. It's really awful." We all cracked up and couldn't hold it in any longer. I said, "Anna, we're not laughing at you. We said the same thing. You want to tell your aunt Marty that when she calls?" She said, "Sure mom. I'll tell her band really S-U-C-K-S. I know I'm not suppose to say bad words so I spelled it."

We all pigged out and listened to the kids tell us what makes a good band. It was amazing listening to them. They were so correct it wasn't even funny. We all had our mouths open. All of the knowledge we had was in them. Then we were jokingly grilling them about some of the things and we made it into a game. Carrin named every note in one of the blues scales. I said, "How did you know that?" She said, "Mom and mom, you both know. It's just in my head. It's from both of you. You put it there." Dane and I hugged her and she said, "Thank you for giving us all of this stuff in our head."

We all were smiling as we finished dinner. The kids were so anxious to play a game I said, "Why don't you go set up monopoly for us in the den and we'll be there in a few minutes." Anna said, "I know. You have to have a second glass of wine and a cigarette. We'll wait." We all were cracking up again as we had a second glass and lit cigarettes. Jan and Kate were still laughing about the kids and I said, "This is scary. They're brilliant."

We finished our wine and cigarettes and went into the den. The kids had the game set up on one of the tables and had all of the money counted out and in four piles. I said, "You count it out?" Kelly nodded her head and handed us a stack. I said, "You guys were good at this game last time. How do you want to split the teams tonight?" Anna said, "How about Carrin and I be a team and you two be a team. Kelly and Shawn can decide what they want to do." Jamie said, "Kelly?" She said, "Same thing. Us kids are going to kick your - oops. Not allowed to say that word."

Jamie was trying not to laugh as the kids were playing against us. We all rolled to go first and Anna got the high roll. So they went first and bought the first property. We played for about an hour and the kids were as sharp as it gets. We tried to negotiate with them, on some land and they were so tough. Anna wanted a thousand dollars for a railroad and then said, "On second thought, lets make it 500 and Virginia avenue." Dane said into my mind, "Just do it. I want to see their strategy."

We did it and it almost put us out of the game. Debbie was hysterically laughing. After two hours it was just the kids playing against each other and each team owned half of the board. They negotiated about 5 different deals of changing properties and Anna smiled at us and said, "We won now. You should have never have given us Virginia avenue. Watch." We watched and in 6 turns they won and were jumping up and down. I said, "Anna, tell Kelly and Shawn your strategy and why you knew you would win." Anna and Carrin talked for about 10 minutes about every move and why they did what they did. Kelly and Shawn listened and Kelly said, "So if we kept Pennsylvania, it would have probably ended in a tie." Anna smiled and said, "Yup."

I said, "Okay kids, lets go upstairs. Time to clean up and hit the sack." We took them upstairs to get cleaned up and then we tucked them in and kissed them good night. We had just tucked in Carrin in her room and we heard Anna yell, "We know you did that deal with us to see if we knew what we were doing. Surprised?" Dane and I laughed and walked back into Anna's room nodding our heads and kissed her goodnight again. I said, "Good strategy" as we turned out the lights in both rooms and went back downstairs. Debbie and Jamie were right behind us smiling.

We went into the kitchen and poured a glass of wine and lit cigarettes. I said, "They are so bright. Dane, if we didn't do that deal with them, do you think we could have won?" She leaned on me and said, "Maybe. They are really smart. What's another good game to challenge them?" Debbie said, "I bought the Chinese game of GO and they are already playing it. It's a strategy game." I said, "That's a good game, but it's only for two players at a time." Debbie said, "We got two sets."

We sat back on the chairs and relaxed. I took a drag of the cigarette and blew out the smoke as we all were chilling out. Dane said, "This has been one hell of two year period but I wouldn't change any of it." Debbie raised her glass and said, "Amen to that." Dane put her head on my shoulder and said, "Think the kids are ready to play instruments yet?" Jamie was laughing and said, "They'll probably play better than us in five years. Lets get them midget size stuff. Our moms have it in the music chain. I remember seeing it and asking what it was. It's all top notch gear, just made smaller." I called our mom's and we had them on speaker and were talking about the kids. They both were laughing when we told them what we wanted. Then my mom said, "We'll have a few sets of everything sent over tomorrow. Go to sleep."

I was looking at the kitchen counter and said, "What's in the box?" Jamie said, "It was delivered earlier. I didn't open it yet." I went over and picked it up and it was heavy. I brought it back to the table and opened the taped cover to find a hand written note that read, "I thought you may like the rock that started all of this." I opened the box all the way and it was the 6 inch wide meteor in a plastic container. Dane said, "Who in the fuck would sent us this? It's loaded with deadly bacteria and could be deadly to anyone that turns off their powers. Imagine if this rock made it's way to a baseball game and the plastic seal broke?"

Dane put the rock in the center of the table and made a one foot thick solid glass ball around it. She said, "Now it's safe." She used her mind to lift it up and we put it in the living room. Debbie made a pedestal using her mind, and we mounted it in the corner of the room.

We went back to the kitchen and Dane called Athena in her mind and told her what we got in the mail. Athena went nuts and said to us, "Master detective Athena is on route." She appeared with Raina within 10 seconds in the kitchen and we showed her what we did to it. Raina said, "Very clever. Now lets find out who the wise ass is, or if it's someone who is just stupid."

Athena was definitely a master detective. She magnified her vision and used her eyes to spot fingerprints on the plastic case underneath the glass, and on the rock itself. She said, "Watch my mind as I do this. Everyone leaves a slight trace of themselves on everything they touch. On earth, you call it DNA. We can use it to see what the person looks like and find them through brain pattern matching. I still amaze myself sometimes with this trick."

We read her mind and the process she went through was so involved. We watched millions of brain scans running through her head and then she stopped on a match and said, "That fuck! It's Rachel. This is where she's been hiding for all of those years."

Athena showed us an image in our heads of a person and she looked real familiar. Athena said, "Lets sit down. You're not going to like this, and we have to deal with it now before she does anything else." We all sat in the kitchen as Athena poured us some of our wine and two glasses for her and Raina. She said, "There were eleven of us until about 10,000 years ago and Rachael was the eleventh in our council. She was a total flake, unpredictable, moody, and incredibly dangerous. We took away all of her responsibilities and were about to shut her off for good when she just vanished. We tried every trick to find her, but she was just as clever as we were. The bad news is she's back, and she's here. Knowing how she thinks, my guess is that rock was sent to you so you would exhibit it somewhere, and then she would break the seal and turn off everyone's powers. She was responsible for a mass murder on another planet, which we didn't learn about until after she already vanished. Once we find her, it will take all of the concentration from at least three of us to shut her off. Let me call the other's here."

Athena was calling the others and I was trying to remember where we saw her. Dane said, "I got it. Read my mind." We read Dane's mind and she showed us going into a law office and seeing Rachael sitting in the corner office. Dane moved the images to focus on the name of the law firm and Athena said, "Now it's easy."

The other members all showed up in a few minutes and Athena told them what happened. Brandy said, "After we shut her off, I should be the one to do the termination. I brought her in. Therefore, it's my mistake and responsibility to take her out. Chris, you and Dane don't need to be part of this. It's a mistake that I made and need to fix. The coincidence that you just happened to find her is a miracle in itself. She is probably the most dangerous being in the entire universe. What time on earth does that law firm open?" Dane said, "You have about 10 hours." Brandy said, "We'll call you when it's over."

They teleported and Dane said to me, "A little excitement every now and then isn't so bad, as long as it's not every day." Debbie said, "I prefer no excitement, except when we're on stage", and she chugged a glass of wine. Jamie kissed Debbie's ear softly and said, "Lets go upstairs and excite each other."

Dane smiled at me and said, "I wanted to go with them. Chris, this is like being a spy or something. We could be double oh sevens in real life." I nodded my head and said, "Next time we insist on going with them." Dane and I sat in the den and drank five glasses of wine, telling each other how much we love one another and how we could be super spies. We were totally trashed and hadn't been drunk like this in a long time. Dane was slobbering into my ear and I was laughing about it, as she was trying to ask me to go to bed.

We held hands and staggered up the stairs and into our room. We took off our cloths and lay on the bed giggling, under the covers, as Dane put her hand on my clit and said, "Time for us to blast off." I put my hand on her clit too, and we both rubbed each other gently as we kissed. The giggling turned to moaning in a few seconds, and we got so into it. I made our nipples touch and we both moaned again as we rubbed faster. Dane moaned softly into my ear, "I'm cumming honey. Ohh! OOOOOOHHHHH!" She went rigid and then relaxed as her pussy was drenched, as I ran my fingers into her hole. She rubbed me faster as I was finger fucking her. I started to cum and arched my back as the feelings started. Dane rubbed me at the speed of light as my pussy spasmed and my juice sprayed on her fingers. She kissed me softly and we touched our tongues together, and then both of us wrapped our arms around each other and kissed in a passionate embrace. We lie on our sides cuddling, and feel sound asleep.

Dane woke me up by pressing her warm lips against mine and sliding her tongue into my partially open mouth. I felt her move her tongue on mine and I opened my mouth a little and lifted my arm to put it around her back. We kissed the same way we did when we fell asleep. I was so in love with her. Dane lifted her head and said, "Hi baby, we were so trashed last night." We kissed again and got out of bed.

We did out morning routine and went downstairs to find the whole gang eating breakfast. Jane said, "We won again. We're 23 and 0, undefeated this year." Kate made us an omelet as Jamie said, "We told everyone about the rock and Rachael. Something should have happened, it's 11 o'clock." Dane called Athena in her mind as we all listened and she said, "Any word about our fan that sent us the rock?" Athena said, "All taken care of. She is now completely harmless. Don't worry about a thing."

We finished our breakfast as Jan answered the intercom from the gate and said, "Come to the back entrance behind the garage." She said, "Hey kids, guess what you got?" Anna said, "What? Come on tell us!" They all were smiling and trying to guess and I said, "Come with us." We all went to the music room as Jan had the delivery drivers bring in the gear. The kids had their eyes bugged out as they saw the small guitars, keyboards, and drums, and then the real size amps. The driver said, "Next stop down the block. Enjoy."

We set them up on the other side of the room and they all wanted to play everything. We were laughing our asses off as they each played each instrument for a few minutes and then decided which ones they licked best. I couldn't believe they could actually play them, without having a single lesson. They knew what we knew and it was really scary watching. Anna played a few drum things that were as good as I do them. Carrin was a master at small guitar. Kelly played keyboards and Shawn played bass.

We sat and listened to them goof around for a while and then we taught them one of the new tines we wrote that we haven't recorded yet. Carrin was definitely the lead singer and had such a cool voice for being so young.

Toni called us in our minds and said, "Are your kids playing, like ours are playing?" I said, "Miniature versions of us. Just like us." Toni said back, "Uh huh."

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The kids had a blast with the instruments and started to get serious about it within a week. We had two kid's bands that were musically almost as good as us and we had taught them five songs. Toni and Lynn did the same thing. We had a contest like we originally did with Jane and the kids were so into it. They also changed the rules. Our kids were band 18 again, and Chicks produced their now 15 song show, and Survivors produced band 22's 15 song set. We set a date a month out and invited everyone to hear them.

The day finally arrived and the kids were acting like they were on speed, excited beyond belief. We had the show on our outside Veranda with one of the MC's to announce the bands, plus the full sound engineering for a real concert. We had all of the other bands we produced, Marty, Janice, the moms, friends, Jane and the kids, and the council attend for a full outdoor party. We told our kids that the best band would get a chance to record and put out a CD, which made them nuts. We had already worked out a deal with Marty that both bands would be on a CD together, and we would target the young kids, which she had no music focused on.

Before the show we gave each band a real name and the 18's became The Dogs and the 22's became The Cats. This was Marty's idea so the CD would be called Dogs and Cats. After we finished laughing, we actually liked it.

Janice had a whole concert show brought to our backyard and it was amazing; stage and everything. We had lights on the veranda as the sun went down and the MC announced the fist band, "Dogs." We couldn't believe how they sounded and the show was priceless. Everything they did was geared towards young kids and everyone loved it. All of us stood clapping and cheering throughout the show. When they finished we all went on stage and hugged them and they blushed. The MC announced Cats and it was the same thing. Professionally polished act and music, and all geared for the kids. I though Marty was going to have an orgasm thinking about the money from this.

When they finished their show we all did the same thing, and ran to the stage. Then all of us filled in voting ballots and the kids were trying to convince each person to vote for their band. Janice was hysterically laughing. Marty said, "I get to count them. I'll be back in 2 minutes." We already knew what the results were but went through the motions for the kids.

Marty came back outside and said, "Let me have both bands over here with me. Come on kids." She took one of the cordless mics and said, "We have 86 votes for Cats" They were all cheering and then she said, "And we have 86 votes for Dogs. Looks like a tie. Guess we'll be signing both bands to record and release a CD called Dogs and Cats!" The kids went ballistic jumping and cheering and Marty laughed her ass off.

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We took our time with the kids and actually recorded a Dogs and Cats 1, and Dogs and Cats 2 CD with 40 tunes over the next six weeks. It really was good. They wrote four songs that were outrageous. Marty released the first one and spent a bundle on advertising for young kids and it was a huge success. Within 4 weeks they sold over a half million CDs and music subscriptions were over 15 million.

Janice did her magic and the kids got their own TV show on Saturday morning called Dogs and Cats. They were making a fortune, not that we needed it, but they thought it was cool. We all were guests on their show and we were as proud as can be. Now the crowds at our front gates were kids waiting for our kids to come out and sign autographs. Athena thought it was priceless.

When the kids turned 7 they looked like they were about 11 and had now been doing their TV show for over 4 years and have 8 CDs out. The day after their birthday, Anna and Carrin walked up to us as Dane and I were sitting in the kitchen having some coffee. Anna said, "Moms, I think we're old enough to have sex. Can you teach us what to do?" We almost choked on our coffee and I said, "Anna, you're seven. Ask me again when you turn 9." She turned and walked away with Carrin and we heard her telling Carrin, Kelly, and Shawn in the hallway, "Told you so. We'll have to wing it." I laughed my ass off, as Dane almost wet her pants.

Dane put her arms around me and gave we a wet kiss. She put her lips next to my ear and said, "I think we're old enough to have sex. Can you show me how to have another baby?" I put my arms around her and we kissed for almost 10 minutes in the kitchen. I said, "You're in luck. The lessons start in 2 minutes in our bedroom."

Dane and I have never been happier and are now three days pregnant again. So are the rest of Stolen Hearts, and Darla and Wendy. Jane and Marsha told us they are all trying now too, so we called an architect who is doing an addition on both houses. Our kids volunteered to sleep in one room together and Dane and I were biting our lips not to laugh. We figured that they "winged it" as Ann said. Dane told them it wasn't necessary, as the addition would be done in 8 weeks. Then we called the architect and offered her an extra 200 grand if she could get it done before we had our babies. Dane kissed me and said, "You know, we are only postponing the inevitable." I said, "Yeah, by a year or two." We kissed each other and walked out back to go into for a swim.

*** end ***

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