Stockbroker and Master Sargent

Published on Jul 8, 2007


The Stock Broker and the Master Sergeant. 2

By Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. It is not intended for minors or for persons who are offended by all male sex. If you are offended, Don't read it! It is a fantasy, not a sex guide. If you have any comments send them to or

Freddy went home. He called me at about 8:00 the next morning. I was indecisive until the last moment, then I said I'd try it out. I felt like a teenager going on his first date. It was an odd combination of fear and lust. Lust and sexual drive hadn't played much of a role in my life. I'm not sure if that was because imagination is not my strong suit, or that I didn't see the sexual potential of many situations. Perhaps, I was just exceptionally good about suppressing the sexual part of my physical make up.

I was excited. My mind told me to stay home and avoid the situation, my body had other thoughts. For most of my life my mind had no problem over ruling my body, but this was different. My experience with Freddy was so far beyond my normal range of sensations, I had to see if I could feel more.

Freddy picked me up ten minutes later. He was cheerful as always, but he didn't talk about the party. We went to a suburban area of nicely kept houses. We turned at some impressive gate posts and drove down a gently curving road to a large older house. The property was well landscaped and the house was secluded. I had been worried about being seen going into a strange house, but the landscaping was thick. There were three cars parked to the rear of the house.

We entered through a kitchen door and a burly man greeting us. He wore a tight fitting Gold's Gym tee shirt and nothing else. "Freddy, you brought new meat," he said. "We always like to meet new friends."

"Ron, this is Lou, the co-host of this little event," Freddy said. "He's a former Marine. Ron is a stockbroker." I could have guessed about the Marine part. He was barrel-chested and obviously worked out. He was a short, fire plug of a man.

"Why don't you get changed and we'll get acquainted later," Lou said. "The first bedroom on the left is the dressing room. The rest of the guys are in the sun room." Someone rang the doorbell. Lou let two men in.

"Phil, you could make it! It's been a while," Lou exclaimed as he opened the door. "We've missed you."

"The old ball and chain is devoting the day to looting Target," Phil said. "I brought one of my neighbors along. Lou, this is Hugh." Lou introduced me to the new men. We all shook hands then went to the changing room. Phil was a tall, bearded, rather slender man of about sixty. He was distinguished looking. Hugh was in his 40s, shorter and beefier. He was very nervous.

Freddy and Phil stripped quickly. I suspected Phil was a runner. His body was toned. I was slower and Hugh held back. Hugh wasn't toned at all. In a few years he would have a weight problem if he wasn't careful. He was a teddy bear of a man, beefy and covered in silky brown hair. "I'm a little embarrassed," Hugh said. "I'm a bit excited." His shorts were tented.

Freddy smiled. "Unless I'm very mistaken that's why we're here," he said. "You're not in Kansas any more, Dorothy. The rules here are different." As if to emphasize the point, a very hairy, muscular man came in the room sporting a full erection.

"Phil, it's good to have you back, it's been a while," the man said.

"Hugh, this is Miller. He owns this house." Phil said as he introduced the two men. Hugh looked the muscular man over and liked what he saw. Miller dropped to his knees, pulled Hugh's shorts down and began sucking Hugh's cock.

"Miller isn't the shy type," Phil replied. Phil, Freddy and I went to the sun room, leaving Hugh and Miller to their own devices. Lou was there with two other men. Lou chatted with one as the other alternated sucking their cocks.

"As I said. Everyone is friendly here," Freddy whispered. We went over to the trio and joined them. "Boys, this is Ron," Freddy said.

"I'm George," the man talking with Lou said. He had a good tan and a hairy chest. "The very friendly man whose face is buried in my crotch is Johnnie." From what I could see of Johnnie, he was much younger.

"I'm afraid I'm new to this," I said. "I don't know the rules. What's off limits?"

Lou laughed. "I'm not sure I've noticed any rules," he said. "As long as the guy you're playing with is into it, it's fine. It's an orgy not a tea party." I must have looked shocked. "Well, maybe you could think of it as a tea party with cock sucking," Lou added. We all laughed. I relaxed a little. A little humor made me feel more comfortable. The sun room had big arched windows over looking a garden area. I had expected a dark room with all the curtains pulled, not this light filled space.

Phil put his arm around me and pulled me close. "I know what you're thinking," he whispered. "I was brought up to think sex was sinful. It was hard for me to understand sex is a normal part of human life. The cock is a sensory organ. You aren't afraid to eat because food tastes good, are you? Why should we be afraid of our cock because the sensations are so pleasurable? It's all right to enjoy sex."

"Are you a biologist?" I asked.

"You guessed!" Phil said. "Professor Emeritus at the University. By the way, there is one rule here. If you want to fuck, ask first then be careful about the upholstery," Phil said. As we talked, it became obvious Johnny was an equal opportunity sucker. He pivoted so he could suck all five of us, one after the other.

Hugh and Miller joined us in the sun room. They came with another man who was later introduced as Beau. Beau was huge. He must have been six-four and three hundred pounds. With broad shoulders and narrow waist, he looked like Bluto. He also was hairy. His genitals seemed to consist only of a cock head the size of a silver dollar resting in a nest of pubic hair. He must have been in his late fifties or early sixties.

"Hi guys!" he bellowed. "Nice to see you all. Who are the new men?" Miller made introductions. Beau was a construction superintendent. He seemed pleasant, but loud. I noticed hearing aids in his ears. He must have been partially deaf.

"Be careful when you're near Beau," Miller said. "He leaks precum like a forty-year-old faucet. Don't slip."

"There's an easy way to solve that problem," Beau said. "If it bothers you, lick it up!" I looked at his cock and saw a big bead of fluid glistening at his slit. Beau noticed me looking. "Try it." he said. "Some guys like high-test, redneck cock juice a lot." He reached over to my cock and collected some of my precum on his finger. "Your ooze is good," he said as he tasted it, "nice a sweet."

I didn't realize I was drooling. I didn't know what to do, but a second later I was on my knees licking Beau's huge head. I was shocked I did it, but no one else seemed to mind. We were next to a chair. Beau sat in it and spread his legs so I could suck him more easily.

"Milk me," he said. As I sucked him the flow of precum turned into a flood and his cock expanded. Beau was a grower, not a shower. The cock shaft must have been buried in his massive body. As I sucked him, his cock telescoped out. It was almost as thick as his head, but it curved as it grew. It turned into a seven-inch long crescent of man meat.

As I sucked it, lapping up his ball juices, I lost my inhibitions. I hadn't been sure how to "milk" a man, but it didn't take long to figure out what to do to get Beau going. If I licked the edge of the cock head or deep throated him and slowly pulled off, the precum flowed.

I had been worried that the men who went to this sort of party would be odd. The men I met seemed normal except perhaps for their sex drive. It surprised me that I shared the sex drive. Phil and Beau weren't the sort of men I ran into ordinarily, but we all shared a common interest. The combination of academics and construction workers seemed odd, but that may have been because I had spent way too much time with fellow brokers, bankers and financial analysts. I'm not attracted to the gay men you see on the television. Hairdressers and decorating gurus aren't my type. All of these men seemed like regular guys.

"Can I cut in?" George asked as he tapped me on my shoulder. I moved and George replaced me on Beau's cock. I saw George's meat for the first time. It was a solid eight inches. George was every inch the bland, retired businessman type. It hadn't occurred to me that he would be so well hung.

I guess gay men are supposed to be excited by young, tanned, stud muffins, but I was turned on by this collection of ordinary looking men. As I looked around at the men, Phil saw me and motioned to come over. He was with his friend Hugh. Phil's cock was at half staff. It was a good seven inches and meaty. Hugh was fully erect.

"You're looking good," Phil said. He stoked my cock. I reached out and stroked his. His cock drooped. I had thought he was only half hard, but he was fully erect.

"Everyone is so big here," Hugh said.

"Cocks are cocks," Phil said. "You can never tell where it will fit. Ron, Hugh wants to get fucked and he's trying to make a selection."

"Why don't you do it?" I asked.

"He wants something a bit more modest for his first try," Phil said, "Are you interested? A long and thin cock is good for a first try."

"I've never fucked a man before," I said. "I'm not sure I'd be a good choice."

"I've never been fucked before," Hugh said. "We can learn together." It turned out we had a demonstration of good fucking technique a minute later. In the fantasy vision of the way gay men should be, I had assumed the big, muscle-bound men would fuck the small, more average guys. I didn't expect Lou and Freddy to get on their hands and knees.

Phil and George stepped up to the plate. George took Freddy and Phil took Lou. "Close your eyes and think of England," George said as he nudged his cock into Freddy's hole.

"Let's do this Ester Williams style," Phil said, "synchronize. One, two, three!" The cocks vanished. Both Freddy and Lou moaned in appreciation.

"Damn, that hit's the spot," Freddy said. Lou got on his back so he could 69 with Freddy as they were plowed by the other men. I had never thought of the ass hole as a sex organ, but clearly Freddy's hole was a sensory organ. George used a lot of lubricant, so Freddy's ass looked juicy after a few thrusts. When George pulled out all the way, Freddy's hole would stay open for a few seconds. As the cock touched the opening again, I could see Freddy pushing it open to welcome the huge member.

I glanced at Hugh. He seemed mesmerized as he watched the rhythmic pounding. He was hard as a rock and precum was dripping on the floor. "Do you believe they're doing this as we watch?" he whispered to me. "Every time I did it with my wife, it was pitch black in the bedroom," Hugh continued.

"I think Freddy and Lou like it," I whispered back to him. Hugh smiled. He had a tube of lubricant in his had. I took that to mean he was ready to get fucked. We went to the side of the room.

"Why don't we try it doggy style first," Hugh suggested, as he squirted some lubricant on my cock. "Can you take your time?" I said yes. He got on his knees and spread his ass cheeks.

I positioned my cock in Hugh's hole and pushed. Nothing happened. I tried a few more times without success. While I knew damn little about men's asses, I knew Hugh was tight. "Are you sure you want me to do this?" I asked.

"Keep on trying," Hugh replied.

Beau came over. "Is it his first time?" he asked. I nodded. "Add more lube," he suggested. "You've got a big cock head. Once it's in, the rest will be easy." Hugh, try to relax

"I'm too excited to relax," Hugh muttered. "Keep on trying. I'll open up." I pushed again and he began to let me in.

Beau held a small bottle. "Take a sniff of this," he said as he held it to Hugh's nose. "This may help. Hugh did as he was told. Nothing happened at first, but after a few seconds Hugh's ass opened wide. My cock head popped through the sphincter, then my entire cock slid in. Hugh sighed in satisfaction.

His ass was tight, grasping my cock. I was still for a while then started to slowly pump. With every slow thrust, Hugh relaxed. His ass' vice like grip became a firm grasp, then it turned into a caress. At first when I pulled out, his sphincter closed tight again, but after I did this a few times it changed. His ass welcomed my cock. It was almost as if his ass was kissing my meat.

It felt really good for me, but Hugh loved it. I could have fucked him for hours. Unfortunately my cock had less staying power. I liked it, but my cock loved it. Before I knew it, I felt the juices rising. I pulled out quickly and sprayed the entire room with my seed.

"Good show!" Beau exclaimed. I looked up and saw we had attracted an audience. They approved. "Are you okay, Hugh?" he asked.

"It's great," he said. I moved away, winded by my orgasm. Beau moved in and slipped his cock into Hugh's ass. Beau was much thicker than I was, but Hugh didn't complain. It seemed to be a good fit.

I sat down. Freddy and Lou joined me and we talked. "Was that your first time as a top?" Freddy asked.

"It was my first time for anything," I said.

"Hugh is a natural bottom," Lou said. "You don't see a guy on his maiden voyage who takes it so well. Once he sniffed the poppers, he was a bottom pig. It was a pretty sight to see."

"What are poppers?"

"Amyl nitrate," Freddy said. "A little bit of sugar makes the medicine go down. Amyl makes the cock slip in a lot easier. It can make a big cock fit in a tight space."

"It sure worked for Hugh," I said.

"It worked for Lou too," Freddy said. "He had been a top until I met him. I introduced him into his prostate."

"And for that I thank you," Lu said. "Freddy is the Mother Theresa of gay sex. Through him oi saw the light."

"You weren't into gay sex before?" I asked.

"I wasn't into gay sex, but I did have some fun when I had too much to drink," Lou said. "As you can imagine, I got drunk a lot," he explained. "I guess you could say I was a classic homophobic man who was addicted to man sex. It was all right when I was in the Marines because I didn't get out much. It got bad when I retired. That when n I met Freddy."

"What happened?"

"I taught him how to enjoy sex!" Freddy exclaimed. "I got him to slow down and smell the roses."

"It more like slow down and enjoy the cock," Lou said. "The cock part was easy. The ass part was harder. I'd fucked guys before but I had never taken a cock. Freddy taught me how to do that. Freddy liked it in the ass so much, I wanted to see what was ringing his chimes."

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