Stockbroker and Master Sargent

Published on Jun 6, 2007


The Stock Broker and the Master Sargent.

By Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. It is not intended for minors or for persons who are offended by all male sex. If you are offended, Don't read it! It is a fantasy, not a sex guide.

No one was more surprised than I to find my self sucking the enormous cock of a sixty-five-year-old sex maniac. I was in the bedroom of a complete stranger's house surrounded by a half dozen middled aged men all going at it like dogs in heat. Freddy, the only one of the men that I knew, was fucking a very accommodating seventy years old man.

I'm Ron Rudolph and had been under the false impression your sex life came to an end after your fifties. For me it had. I was a classic divorced workaholic. I didn't have much of a social life, so I had become a celibate Republican businessman. There had been a few widows who looked me over just after I got divorced, but nothing clicked.

I was at Home Depot trying to find some part to repair the toilet in the master bath of my condo when a salesman came over to help. That was Freddy. My plumbing experience is limited and my description of what I needed was vague. My toilet wasn't flushing right, but I hadn't even looked to see who made the fixture.

It was late in the evening. Freddy said he was getting off work shortly and he'd be glad to drop by and take a look. That was fine with me. I bought three possible repair kits and he said I could return the ones that didn't work.

Freddy looked like Gabby Hayes. He was middle height, bearded and had a twinkle in his eye. I thought he'd be a good Santa at Christmas, were his beard white rather than salt and pepper. He followed me home is his small pickup truck.

He fixed the problem in five minutes and I offered him a beer. We talked. He had been a Master Sargent in the army and had retired after 30 years. He took the job at Home Depot out of boredom with retired life. Conversation with him was easy and comfortable. We had a few more beers.

Actually we had a lot more than a few beers. I was tipsy as was Freddy. He was getting ready to go and I suggested he spend the night. I have a real problem with driving while drunk. Freddy confessed he had a close call a few years earlier and he couldn't afford a DUI conviction. We had a few more beers and I showed him the guest bedroom.

I went to my bedroom, got undressed and was ready go to bed when I realized there were no towels in his bed room. I went to the linen closet and took him some towels. I knocked on his door. There was no answer, but I could hear the shower running. I went in.

"Freddy," I called out, "I have some towels."

He turned the shower off. A second later Freddy opened the door. He was stark naked. I must have looked shocked.

"I hope I haven't broken the dress code," Freddy said.

I laughed. "No problem," I said. "It's just that I'm not use to seeing anyone naked except for me." Actually I have always been uncomfortable with nudity. As a stock broker I was use to seeing men in suits and ties. I didn't go to the gym, so the last time I had seen a naked man in the flesh had been in the dorm at college.

"My apartment isn't air conditioned, so I spend a lot of time in my birthday suit," Freddy said. "I tend to forget. I gave my sister-in-law quite a shock when I was there last Christmas."

"You must work out," I commented. "You're in good shape." Why I said that, I don't know. He was built like a gorilla, all muscle and hair. I had thought he was over weight, but he was solid.

"When you're a Master Sargent you need to be in better shape than the recruits," he said. "The last few years I was in the army, which wasn't much of a problem. The amount of baby fat in this nation is unbelievable. The couch potato is the national vegetable." He scratched his balls. Uncut, his cock was hidden deep in the foreskin, but his balls were huge and hung low.

We talked about the poor state of American youth. Freddy wasn't at all shy and I found myself getting excited as I talked with the naked man. I was in a bath robe. I took quick glances at Freddy's cock and saw it was getting firm. The next time I looked it was getting impressive.

"You've got a nice one there," Freddy said. He was staring at my crotch. I looked down and saw my half hard cock poking out of my robe. "Let me help you with that," he added, as he dropped to his knees and began sucking my cock.

My reaction time was so slow, my cock was down his throat before I had a chance to cover my cock. I didn't move. I didn't know what to do. As it turned out, my cock knew exactly what it wanted. I was 55 years old and my sex life had been modest until it dried up completely.

I was completely unprepared for the sensations I felt as Freddy sucked my cock. It was out of my realm of experience. It wasn't that I had forgotten how good sex could be. I didn't know it could be so good, so intense, so pleasurable.

"Let's get in bed and do this right," Freddy said. He got up and led me to his bed. "Lie down and let me work my magic."

"Should we be doing this?" I whispered.

"You're above 18 aren't you?" he asked. A second later he was sucking my cock again. As my cock slid down Freddy's throat, I felt a wave of desire and affection sweep over me. It wasn't just the sex. It was Freddy. I was excited to be with him. I had no experience, but I knew he was a good cock sucker, and guessed he was as good at sex, as I was at the stock market.

He was a man's man and a natural leader. He was entirely at ease sucking my cock. During most of my previous experience with sex I was nervous and ill at ease. My wife never liked it much and her discomfort transmitted to me.

"Do you want to give my cock a lick or two?" he asked.

"I guess so," I said. My uncertainty came through my voice.

"Are you new to this?"

"Well. . ." I replied.

"Just take your time and don't be afraid to tell me to stop," Freddy said. "Sargent Freddy has helped a lot of guys discover the joys of man sex. They've all come back for more. Just relax and let your cock do your thinking for you. Nature will take its course."

"I'm not sure there's a brain in my cock," I said.

Freddy laughed. "There's a brain in every man's cock," he replied. "You may think it's not there, but you can't fool Mother Nature. Sex makes the world go round. Relax and go with the flow." It was hard to believe, but I relaxed and let it flow. Somehow, Freddy was used to being obeyed and I fell into place like any new recruit. A minute or two later I got up enough nerve to suck his cock.

I looked at it closely. His cock was almost as thick as it was long. At first I thought it was short and stubby, but it was a good six inches long. It was so thick it looked short. It was drooling some clear stuff.

Freddy could read my mind. "It's pre cum. I produce it in bucketfuls," he said. "They tell me it's sweet and tasty."

It was much better than I had guessed. Freddy was a good guide to sex. I stuck my tongue out and tasted it. He was right. I took the entire plum sized head into my mouth. He had extra foreskin that covered half the cock head even when it was bloated. I pushed it back with my lips and exposed his entire gland. I licked the edge, where it joined the shaft. Freddy moaned.

Freddy responded to just about every movement I made. He moaned and told me how good it was. I figured that could have been just being polite and trying to help out a neophyte. His cock twitched and when I licked several places, a glob of pre cum would ooze onto my mouth. That, I figured he couldn't fake. He was enjoying me.

This was a new experience for me. Sex was an ordeal for my wife, only a necessary part of a woman's duty. I had never had sex with a person who enjoyed it before. Soon Freddy and I were sixty-nining. I copied whatever he did and as I relaxed, it just got better.

Here I was with an almost perfect stranger's cock almost massaging my tonsils with my nose buried in his bush and I had never been so excited in my life. I was exhilarated. After fifty-five years on this earth I finally realized what sex was all about. My parents had been reticent about sex and affection and I tended to think of sex as a byproduct of reproduction.

Masturbation had been better for me than sex with a partner. At least I wasn't embarrassed or inept when I jerked off. Freddy and I were having a great time. Too great maybe. "I'm going to shoot," I cried. I expected Freddy to pull away, but he didn't. Freddy took it all. I was shocked, but I could hardly move. The orgasm was that good.

"That was one hell of a load," Freddy said. "How long have you been saving up?"

"Longer than I want to admit," I said. "I didn't mean to shoot in your mouth."

"I don't mind taking cock caviar once and a while," Freddy said. "You may not have guessed, but I'm not new to this. I've got some milage on me."

"What happened to don't ask don't tell?"

"No one would dare to accuse Master Sargent Freddy of being a fag. As far as the higher ups knew, I was one hard asked bastard. They never figured out the secret to my success. I was hard but fair and the boys respected that," he said. "I can take as well as give."

"Are you talking about sex?"

"Not all the time, but sometimes," Freddy said. "It helps that I'm a bottom."

"A bottom?"

"I like a cock in the ass, especially if it's a young soldier's cock," he explained. "As I said, I'm a hard ass, but once you've poked through my sphincter, I'm soft as velvet. Guys can forgive a lot once they've taken a trip down my tunnel of love."

"You're kidding," I exclaimed.

"Well, it ain't official Pentagon policy, but it does the trick," Freddy said. "I had a lot of fun with a lot of guys and the word never got out. Give and take, that's the way to keep the guys happy."

"You kept happy too?"

"I sure did," he replied, "and unless I'm really mistaken, you're happy too."

"You're not mistaken," I said. "My head is spinning. I've never done anything like this before or felt what I am feeling. It's good, but . . ."

"It's been disorienting?" Freddy suggested. "It may be me. I was use to dealing with young guys who thought they were 100% straight and who hated my guts for a while. We end up naked and the kid's cock is in my ass. Maybe he thought he would fuck me pile driver style, but 99% of the time we end up kissing and making love. They wanted to be loved by their parents, or teachers and they want to be accepted by the Sarge. They're dizzy by the time we're done. Happy, but dizzy."

"Do you fuck them?"

"Only if they're desperate to get m fucked," Freddy said. "I'm thick and it's not easy to take. I don't want any pain, only happy memories. I'm no virgin and I could take a telephone pole up my ass. I've never had a problem with one of them, but I'd hate to hurt a guy."

"I thought you army guys are no pain, no gain?"

"There's a time for hard work and struggle to achieve a goal, but that ain't when you're having sex," Freddy said. "Some guys work too hard to have fun." We spent the night together. This was the first time since I was a teenager I had three orgasms in a night. Freddy had two. I didn't take his cum, but I enjoyed his climaxes. I had shot off twice before he had his first. I was sucking him when he told me he was going to pop. I pulled off and he sprayed me with his sperm, coating my chest. I was pleased I could get him to shoot.

We both had to go work early the next morning. I gave him my number and he said he'd call on Friday. "Maybe we could do something on the weekend," he said. I spent the next few days worrying he wouldn't call. I thought about him constantly. Actually while I thought about him, my imagination dwelt on his cock. I thought about his purple-lavender cock head with glistening precum dripping from his wide piss slit. I remembered holding the throbbing organ as he shot volley after volley of opalescent sperm. I don't think of myself as a sex crazed man, but my thoughts concentrated in his genitals.

On Friday at seven in the evening the phone rang. It was Freddy. "How are you doing?" he asked. "Any problematic side effects?"

"I'm fine. All is well," I replied. "How was your week?"

"Good, except the rest of the week was a let down compared to that evening I spent with you," he said.

"Repairing the toilet was that good?"

Freddy laughed. "That's it. Do you have any free time?" he asked. "I'd like to get together again." I had nothing planned, so we agreed to get together Saturday evening for dinner.

We ate at an Appleby's and went back to my condo. I was a little worried that our previous get together had been a fluke. It wasn't. I was much more relaxed this time. I though when I was more relaxed about it, it might not have been as exciting, but that wasn't true. If anything, it was more exciting. I managed to deep throat Freddy. He liked that.

After a very satisfactory duet of orgasms we rested. I had hoped he would stay the night, but he said he had some friends to see the next morning. He could tell I was disappointed.

"I have some friends who get together every Saturday morning for breakfast at nine," he said. "It's just a bunch of old geezers like me."

"Well, if they're really like you, it sounds like fun," I said.

Freddy looked at me closely. "We all share some common interests," he said. "It's not so much of a breakfast group as a play group, a sex play group."

"You're kidding!" I explained.

"Officially the guys are off to wall mart or Lowe's to do Saturday errands," Freddy explained. `It's actually a suck and fuck session."

"How many men are there?" I asked.

"Sometimes five or six guys attend regularly. Other guys join in when they can get away," he said. "Are you interested?"

"I don't know," I said. "Do you think I'd like it?"

"Well, if you like sex a lot, it's good," Freddy said. "It's not for men who aren't into it. There are no virgins there. To tell you the truth Ron, I'm not sure you're ready for it."

"What makes you think that?"

"I don't know you well enough to know," Freddy said. "It a party for recreational sex, not for chitchat. The sex is all open and everyone is full service. Several guys have attended looking for love and been disappointed. It's not that kind of a group. Think about it over night. I'll give you a call in the morning. If you're interested, I'll pick you up an we can give it a spin. "

Next: Chapter 2

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