Stockard 719

By Kevin Cozart

Published on Aug 22, 2008


Hey guys. This is my first attempt at writing. Make sure to join my yahoo group: Members get early previews and I have added pictures of what I envision major characters to look like. Tell me what you think and if you would like to read more:

Sorry for such a long delay in posting. Chapter nine is almost ready and chapter 10 is started.

"I can't Max."

"I see."

"No, you don't. It's not that I don't love you or want to marry you. I do. But, I don't feel that it's right for us to get married as long as Gabe and Jamie can't."

"Sara Beth, you don't have to do this because of us," chimed in Gabe, "if you want to marry him, we support you."

"No. She's right. We don't have any more right to be formally married than you guys do."

"There's no reason we can't join together like Jamie and Gabe have and start a home together," said Sara Beth as she kissed Max and allowed him to place the "engagement" ring on her finger.

The rest of the meal was filled with well wishes and general merriment. All too soon it was time to part ways and head home.

"Sara Beth's parents are going to freak out when she tells them that she isn't getting married. Her mom as been preparing for her wedding since she was born."

"Should we try and talk her into going through with the wedding?"

"Jamie, there is no talking Sara Beth into or out of anything once she has made up her mind."

The next day, Jamie and Gabe got up and made their way to St. Luke, the small Episcopal Church in Gabe's hometown. It was the first time there for both; however, Jamie had been raised and confirmed in the Episcopal Church. As this was Gabe's first time to observe the season of Advent, he was especially tuned into the liturgy and sermon.

Growing up, he had been told that the Episcopal faith was where rich people went to play church. However, while attending with Jamie in the past months, he had felt the mending of his relationship with the Church and appreciated the welcoming embrace of his new religious home.

After the service, they were greeted by the Vicar.

"Good morning Mr. Bishop and Mr. Wicker."

"Good Morning, Rev. do you know our names?" replied Gabe.

"Bishop Hughes is a good friend of mine. He showed me a picture of the two of you and him the last time I was at the Cathedral. I must say that I am honored to have you here. Gabriel, how is your father?"

"Doing well actually. We came to the early service because the doctors are thinking he may get released today."

"A blessing indeed. While I know that neither of you are members here, would it be ok if I stopped by later and checked in on him. We worked together on a community project quite a few years ago and I always thought of him as a true man of faith."

"I would love that, Reverend."

"Till then, go in peace."


After a late breakfast, Gabe called Sara Beth.

"How did your mom take the news?"

"She's still crying. You would think that I had cancelled her wedding. Anyway, do you think that I can come with you and Jamie to the capitol? I need to get out of here for a few days."

"I don't see why not, but we will have to get you a room at The Plaza. We are leaving on Friday and coming back Monday since dad is doing better."

"That's cool. Gotta run. I'll stop by later and check on your dad."


"Is Sara Beth's mom pissed?"

"No, just crying her eyes out. Sara Beth wants to come with us to get out of Dodge. I need to check with The Plaza and see what they've got available."

"Why don't you get the double suite? That way we can stay there as well and she won't be alone."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, the Mansion is going to be full to the brim anyway. It will allow us to have some peace and quiet," said Jamie with a sly smile.

The rest of the day was quite a blur as Gabe's dad was indeed released. While many of his friends and family tried to check in on him, Gabe's mom pretty much turned them back saying that he needed his rest. When the Vicar and Sara Beth came, she allowed them to enter without any resistance.

"Morning Banks," said Gabe as he ran into his new friend while at the hospital with his dad on Thursday.

"Hey Gabe. Dad here for a check-up?"

"Yeah. I told mom I would bring him so she can get some cooking done for the holidays. Jamie is home packing for our trip to be with his family this weekend."

"Oh. Sounds like you guys have a fun holiday planned."

"Yeah. What are your plans? Family coming into town?"

"Not really. Since granddad died earlier this year, it's just grandma and I."

"Well, I better check on dad," said Gabe as he started to walk away before stopping and turning back, "Banks, we always have a big community Christmas gathering at the house on Christmas Eve. Patty, Nic and Sara Beth will all be there. Why don't you bring your grandmother and come?"

"I wouldn't want to impose on your family."

"What part of community do you not understand? Either show your ass up or we are coming to get you. Deal?" said Gabe with a slight smile on his face.

"Ok. Deal," replied Banks laughing.

Beginning with one of Gabe's favorite Christmas hymns, "O Holy Night," Gabe was utterly enthralled with the performance of the musicians and choirs on Saturday night. "Carol of the Bells" and "Stille Nacht" were two more of Gabe's favorites from the concert. At some point, Gabe allowed his mind to become a little sentimental in thinking about the fact that the love of his life was on one side and one of his best friends was on the other and they were there as part of the Governor's family. He really didn't know how life could get much better.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the following piece was not originally a part of our performance this evening, but was added at the request of the Governor's grandson," announced the master of ceremonies before they performed "Little Drummer Boy."

Gabe had told Jamie that growing up his brother Jamie had played the part of the drummer in the song at the church during the years he was in band.

"I just thought that your brother could be here with us as well," said Jamie as he wrapped his arm around him.

"Are you enjoying the party?" asked Sara Beth about halfway through the official holiday party the Governor's Mansion.

"It's all right," replied Gabe.

"Do I note a bit of sarcasm?"

"I know. I was always envious of the society parties you got to go to growing up. It is just that most of the people here are conservatives and most look at me as if I do not belong. Right now, I would trade our community party for this any day."

Before Sara Beth could reply, they were interrupted by a rare outburst of laughter coming from the direction of a group of people containing Richard Bush, the state's speaker of the house, who was considered one of the most conservative people in the nation.

One of the other members of the house standing nearby attracted by the laughter asked what was so funny. By this time, Gabe and Sara Beth had moved closer to the group without being noticed.

"Well, a few months ago our neighbors placed their house on the market. My wife was afraid that a gang of niggers or wetbacks was going to by it. Turns out some faggots bought it."

"Perhaps you and your friends should leave, Mr. Bush," announced the Governor whom no one had noticed enter the room as well.

"Farrington, we were just having a little fun," replied the speaker.

"That's Governor Hollingsworth to you and I've asked you kindly to leave my home. Honestly, while I may have found that funny at one time, I do not any more. Please don't make be call in the highway patrol to escort you out."

"Honestly, since your grandson announced to the world that he's a faggot, I don't know who you are anymore."

"I'm trying to become a better person and better grandfather. I have a lot of work left to do, but I am working on it. You should try it some time. Now leave."

Looking across the room at his lover, Gabe could see tears forming in Jamie's eyes as his mom's arms wrapped around his waist. For as much as he wanted to go to Jamie, he knew it wasn't the right time.

Later in the evening while making his way through the crowd, Gabe was stopped by the Governor's aide.

"The Governor would like to speak with you in private for a few minutes. Follow me please."


"Having a good time, Gabriel?"

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry about earlier. If there were anything I could do, I would."

"Like not dating my grandson?" Before Gabe could answer the Governor continued, "If you weren't dating my grandson, then we would be extremely unhappy and Mr. Bush would still be an ass. That's not the reason I asked you in here. After the holidays, I am announcing that I am leaving the Republican Party. While I still see myself as a fiscal conservative, I think that people should come first, especially family. Since next year is an election year, I was wondering and hoping that you will come and work for me and the campaign next summer."


"Yes, Gabriel. I'm friends with quite a few of your professors and they have told me that you are a natural political operative. Besides, many of the diehard conservatives will turn their backs on me and I will need to gain support from the left to win the election. Will you help?"

"I will serve at the pleasure of the Governor," replied Gabe with a slight smile, "Can I take a look at your speech before you deliver it?"

"Tell you what. After the holidays, why don't you come and work for me and write the speech?"

"Ok, sir."

"Hmmm. Granddad works as well," replied the Governor before wrapping his arm around Gabe's shoulders.

Sitting in the grand cathedral the next morning, Gabe was taken back to his nightmare only a week ago. When he squeezed Jamie's hand, Jamie seemed to understand what was going through his mind at the moment. While the service was engrossing for Gabe, it was uneventful until it came time for them to take the Holy Eucharist. The Bishop at often spoken publicly on the need for the Episcopal Church to slow down when it came to matters affecting homosexuals in the church, but had always been nice to Jamie and Gabe. Gabe felt that it might have been more about who they were politically, than beliefs that the Bishop had.

As Gabe and Jamie dropped to their knees to receive the body and blood, the Bishop walked over to them, placed his hands on the heads, and in a whisper uttered the following prayers:

"O God, you have so consecrated the covenant of marriage that in it is represented the spiritual unity between Christ and his Church: Send therefore your blessing upon these your servants, that they may so love, honor, and cherish each other in faithfulness and patience, in wisdom and true godliness, that their home may be a haven of blessing and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen."

"God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, bless, preserve, and keep you; the Lord mercifully with his favor look upon you, and fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace; that you may faithfully live together in this life, and in the age to come have life everlasting. Amen. "

Jamie and Gabe were both stunned by the prayers, but silently returned to their places in the pews after receiving the sacrament. Shortly thereafter, the service was concluded and it was time to leave.

"Gentlemen, a word please," said the Bishop to Gabe and Jamie as they were leaving. He took them into a small room off the Cathedral's vestibule. "Gentlemen, while I stand behind what I did during the Eucharist, it would be best if everyone didn't know about it right now. I truly believe that you two are committed to each other and that the world is a better place because of your love. There are those in this state and through the country that would push to have me resign or even defrocked for what I did."

"Sir, we are both extremely grateful for what you did. You actions are safe with us."

"One more thing, I now pronounce you husband and husband," said the Bishop with a smile before opening the door. "Oh and Mr. Bishop, I expect to be confirming you when I come to St. Peter's in the spring."

"Yes, Right Reverend Sir."

"So, how does it feel to be a Wicker now?" asked Jamie.

"I was thinking we should be Bishops," said Gabe with a smile as they made their way across the street to the Governor's Mansion where they were meet by Sara Beth.

The rest of the day was filled with Christmas cheer and the opening of presents. Jamie's younger cousins and even second cousins were running around showing their gifts to any adult who would pay attention to them.

The Governor gave Gabe a rare leather-bound copy of the US Constitution and Jamie gave him a while not as old but equally as nice copy of the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. While Jamie's gift was a family tradition of sorts, the gift from the Governor was special to Gabe. Gabe gave Jamie a new watch that he had been eyeing in store back at school. They had both agreed to keep the gifts to each other small.

As Gabe went to sleep that night with Jamie's arms wrapped around him from behind, he finally knew the true meaning of peace on Earth.

Next: Chapter 9

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