Stockard 719

By Kevin Cozart

Published on Sep 30, 2007


Hey guys. This is my first attempt at writing. Make sure to join my yahoo group: Members get early previews and I have added pictures of what I envision major characters to look like. Tell me what you think and if you would like to read more:

As Gabe started to wake up he realized that he had been having a nightmare. As Jamie crawled into the bed with him, wrapping his harms around him in the process, Gabe began to recall his memories of the dream. As he told Jamie about what all had happened he truly understood how much that Jamie meant to him and how worried he was about losing him. With the combination of the nightmare and talking to Jamie about it, he was beyond exhausted and was finally finding some comfort in the arms of his partner.

"Gabe, I know you have lost a brother and you are worried about losing your dad. I can't promise that I will live always, but our souls will be united forever. We need to enjoy the present and not worry about the future... the distant future."

"I know, it's just hard sometimes. We should probably get moving... there is work that needs to be taken care of outside and then we need to go to the hospital."

"Ok, babe," said Jamie as he kissed Gabe before they got out of bed and got dressed for the outside.

"Morning mom and dad."

"Morning Gabe. Is that Mr. Wicker I hear in the hallway?" replied Gabe's dad.

"Yeah, why?"

"I would like to speak with him... alone"


"Please son, it's just something I need to do."

"Ok," Gabe replied before sticking his head out the door and motioning for Jamie. "Dad wants to talk to you... alone."


"Mr. Wicker, I always knew that I was going to have to have the talk with Makayla's boyfriends and future husband... I just never planned to have it with Gabe's ... boyfriend. I know that I have been a lousy dad for the past few months, but I feel that I have been given a second chance and I plan to correct my mistakes. So, what exactly are your intentions when it comes to my son and his "heart"?"

"Mr. Bishop, I love your son with all that I am and I that's not right... he is the most important thing in my life. I know it's a bit cliché but I don't think of us as "he and I". I think of us as "we". If I were to lose him, I'm not sure how I would continue to function...much as I am sure Mrs. Bishop has been feeling the past week. My plans for us are to do whatever makes Gabe happy because his happiness is my happiness."

"Well said Jamie...I've asked Gabe to give me time to get used to you two. I realize that I have many issues to deal with about being the father of a gay son. I'll need the support of the both of you as well as your patience."

"You've got it. Not changing the subject, but any idea when they may let you leave?

"The doctor thinks I will be well enough to go home day after tomorrow. It's interesting that Sunday has always been a day that I look forward to...but now, it's different somehow. Things that I was always so sure of are suddenly not so clear."

"Mr. Bishop, one of the things that I have learned in my short years is that the Lord often decides to test our faith when we are the most comfortable."

"So true Jamie. I think it's time you start calling me Hunter."

"Yes, sir," said Jamie with a glint of a smile as he walked back into the hallway seeing Gabe and his sister talking with each other.

"One more week of finals and I will be out for the winter break. We need to go shopping for Christmas. Mom has been so busy with dad; she hasn't had time to get stuff together for the holidays."

"Ok, Kayla. You and I can go to town tomorrow and get mom's supplies and do some shopping. Deal?"

"Yeah. Hey Jamie. Dad give you the fifth degree?"

"Something like that. Before I forget, my granddad's executive assistant called earlier to see if we were going to be about to make it to the holiday events in the Capitol this year."

"I'm not sure. What all are we talking about?"

"Well, there is a public holiday concert at the Cathedral on Saturday night before Christmas in the Governor's honor followed by a private reception at the Mansion for the Governor's staff, Cathedral staff, musicians and choir and the family. My family is planning to attend the last advent service the next day and then have the family meal at the Mansion since I plan to be up here for Christmas. "

"Tell her that we should be there unless dad takes a turn for the worse. We can drive down on Saturday and come back on Sunday, if that's ok?"

"Well, traveling on Saturday and Sunday is fine, but I think we will use Dad's new `copter. I've wanted to check it out. It's just like the one they use for Marine One."

"Private planes, helicopters and limousines. Your dad isn't gearing up for a run at the Presidency is he?" asked Makayla.

"Well...he has expressed interest, but I don't think he has definite plans yet."

"Just think Gabe, you could be the partner of the First Son..."

"Whatever Kayla," said Gabe as his mobile started to vibrate, "Hey Nic."

"Hey, Patty and I are about thirty minutes away and hungry plus I need to drop my stuff off at your parents'."

"Cool, Kayla, Jamie and I will meet y'all at Herb's for an early dinner and then we can go to the house. Sound good?"

"Sure. What about Banks? He seemed to be a nice guy when we met him briefly last week and I know you two have become friends."

"I'll make sure to ask him."

He had been surprised when Sara Beth and Max had joined them. Max had followed Sara Beth home to spend a few days of the winter break with her before going home to his parents. Even though Max was a senior and Sara Beth a sophomore, he felt that these two might make it. Max never tried to control Sara Beth but treated her as an equal.

"Hey guys, I've got some news," announced Max between the appetizer and main course."

"Oh?" said Sara Beth asked in a tone that made it clear that she didn't know what Max was about to say.

"I got my acceptance to the MBA program today before we left. It looks like I will be around for a couple of more years with you chumps."

What followed was a round of congratulations and a kiss from Sara Beth.

About half way through their meal, Gabe looked around at his sister and all of his new extended family and couldn't help but feel a swell of hope and pride build up within him. He was happy that Banks was becoming part of the group so easily given his military background. He made a mental note to talk to Banks about his plans for going to school and completing a degree.

After about two hours of conversation, food, drink and laughs, the crew started to break up and go their separate ways.

"What do you two have planned for tomorrow?" asked Max to Gabe and Jamie before he and Sara Beth left.

"Well, Kayla and I are going to do some food shopping for mom and as well as Christmas Shopping tomorrow afternoon. Have lovely farm stuff to take care of in the morning."

"Kewl. I'll come over about 9 in the morning and help if you want. My aunt and uncle own a horse breeding stable that I used to work in during the school breaks. "

Gabe looked at Jamie before saying anything because he felt there was more to Max's offer than friendship.

"Great, see you then."

Back at his parents, Gabe was glad that Makayla was spending the night at a friend's house and Nic and Patty were staying in a hotel room so that he would be alone with Jamie at last. While he had enjoyed spending time with his friends and family, he needed to be with Jamie. Soon after making it to his room he felt Jamie's lips kissing his neck from behind. Know matter how many times Jamie had done it, it always felt so intimate and loving.

Slowly, Jamie turned him around and starting kissing him on the lips while working to get him undressed. While normally, they had developed a slower pattern of making love to each other, both knew that because of their separation of the past week that what they were both not only seeking but also needing was the quick release of pure raw sex.

Gabe's breathe escaped his body with force as Jamie's lips and tongue traced a line from his nipples to his cock. He arched his back lifting his hips off of the bed as his throbbing dick was engulfed in Jamie' warm and talented mouth.

"Jamie, I'm close. I need you in me," begged Gabe as he felt Jamie's fingers make contact with his asshole.

Jamie moved up to kiss Gabe before turning him over onto his stomach and crawling between his parted legs. Their bodies had become so accustom to each other that they fit together like two parts that had been forged to become one during sex. Soon after entering Gabe, Jamie lowered himself onto him so that their bodies were touching as much as possible, and he was able to kiss Gabe on the small of his neck, as he knew this was one of the most sensitive spots on his body. While they both longed for the intense connectiveness between them they both reached the point of no return all too quickly. After enjoying simultaneous orgasms, they were both spent and fell into sleep easily.

Sometime during the night, Gabe was awakened by the presence of Jamie's mouth sucking on his cock in an effort to bring it to arousal which didn't take long. Before he could react or even truly take part in their lovemaking, Jamie changed positioned and impaled himself on Gabe's dick. This time they took things much slower drawing near to the edge of orgasm before retreating to draw out their pleasure. Finally, they gave themselves into the heart stopping release of their climaxes.

"Morning babe."

"Morning Jamie. Last night was "fun."

"Yeah, we could have some more fun, but Max is going to be here soon."

"Yep. I wonder what he is coming for. I don't think it's just to help."

"Not sure, but I'm sure you will know soon enough. We better take a shower before he gets here."

The guys were just coming down the stairs when they heard Max's truck pull into the yard.

"Morning Max."

"Morning guys."

"I'll cook breakfast while you guys work," said Jamie as he grabbed Gabe's ass in just a way that Max couldn't see.

"Let me get my coat and gloves and we can get to work."

After working for about an hour, the conversation started to die down between Gabe and Max. Gabe could tell that Max was wanting to tell or ask him something but was afraid to do so.

"Max, is something wrong?"

"No... It''s about Sara Beth and I. I've been thinking about asking her to marry me. "

"That's great news. I'm excited for you two, but why are you so nervous about it with me?"

"Well, you are the closest thing she has to a brother, and I'm afraid that I won't be about to take care of her the way her parents have."

"Max, you don't need my permission, but know that you have my blessing. Sara Beth is a smart woman; she can take care of herself. Just love her and continue to treat her as an equal and everything will be fine."

"Thanks Gabe. Now I've just got to ask Sara Beth."

"Well, I'm sure that Jamie has breakfast done by now. Gotta eat and get ready to go shopping with my sister."

"Kewl. Thanks for your encouragement."

As they walked into the house, they were greeted with smell of sausage, eggs and pancakes.

"Hey guys. Ready for some chow?"

"Oh, yeah. Smells great," said Max.

"Get all the work done?"

"Yeah. Has Kayla called?"

"About 15 minutes ago. She should be here in about an hour. She sounds excited about you two spending time together..." said Jamie as Patrick and Nic came through the kitchen door.


"Morning. Y'all missed the work."

"We decided to sleep in." said Patrick and Nic in unison.

"I'm sure you needed to," replied Max before Gabe and Jamie could respond.

While Patty and Nic turned red in the face the other guys started laughing. Pretty soon with 5 jocks eating the food that Jamie had prepared, it was wiped out and everybody was full.

"Sorry to run, but I want to spend some more time with Sara Beth before I leave tomorrow. What's everybody's plans for tonight?"

"Not much. What do you have in mind?" asked Patrick.

"Well, I thought that maybe we can all go out to eat tonight since I won't see you guys until after Christmas."

"Sounds good. Once you talk to Sara Beth just give us a call, and we will plan to meet you there," responded Gabe since he knew partially what was going through Max's mind. ******************************************************************************************** "You've got the hottest friends on earth. Too bad they are either gay or dating."

"Whatcha mean sis? There are some good looking guys around here. What about Sean? I thought you two were dating not long ago?"

"Patty's younger brother? That was in seventh grade. Besides, he hit puberty and lost his mind."

"Lost his mind?"

"Yeah, he's dating Candace "Candy" Arnold, the bottle blonde, air-headed head cheerleader. She's dumb as dirt. He can't handle a girl that can actually use words with more than two syllables."

"Well, just remember most guys like that tend to settle down with a real women and not the Barbie doll type. Still on track to graduate first in your class?"

"Like bro like sis. I just hope I find some hot rich guy when I get to college."

"Whatever. What are you thinking about getting mom and dad for Christmas?"

"Not sure. Can't really think of what they would want. What's Jamie getting you?

"A watch. I found one in a store recently that I really liked. I'm getting him a cross pendant on a leather choker that he likes. We decided not to get each other a lot because we have each other and our home. We had rather help give other people a good Christmas. We gave 10 grand to the shelter and soup kitchen back at school. "

"I wish I had 10 grand to give away."

"Do tell? What would you do with it?"

"Well, I would be nice to help renovate the family waiting room at the cardiac care center at the hospital."

"Let's do it. We can donate money to the hospital in mom and dad's honor."


"Yeah, I'll get a check cut on Monday and we can give it to the chief of cardiology."

"That sounds great."

"Hey Max, what's the 411 on tonight's plans?" said Gabe as he answered his phone, "Cool, have you talked to the other guys? Great. See you at 7 at the Country Club."

"Are you guys going out again and since when did you go to the Country Club?"

"Yeah, Max is leaving tomorrow and wants to have one more meal with the gang. And as far as the Country Club is concerned, Sara Beth has been a member since birth. You should come along as well."

"Are you sure? I know it's gonna be your friends."

"Well, they are all more than friends. They are family, but so are you."

"Great. My first meal at the Club," said Kayla with a sly smile on her face.

While she was trying on a dress, Gabe sent Patrick a text message: "Bring Sean and make him dump the bimbo."

The return message simply said: "Ok, Cupid."

At dinner that night, Gabe and Patrick conspired to have Sean and Makayla sit next two each other. They internally delighted in the fact that they were squirming in their chairs and trying not to look or really talk to each other. They both fell out laughing with Banks looked at Sean and Makayla and said, "You two make a perfect couple...brains and brawn." Gabe and Patrick also noticed that they didn't really "fight" the suggestion either.

After everyone had finished their meal, Gabe could tell that Max was starting to fidget a little. He finally nodded to Max to give him the go ahead.

"Sara Beth," Max began as he turned to Sara Beth, "I know that we haven't really been dating that long and that we still have a lot learn about each other, but here in front of our friends ... our family I want to tell you how much I love you."

At this point, Sara Beth was starting to get a little nervous herself as the entire group was being drawn into the conversation.

"I know that we still have years of school left and that I'm not exactly the type of guy your parents were hoping for, but will you marry me?"

Next: Chapter 8

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