Stockard 719

By Kevin Cozart

Published on Jul 25, 2007


Hey guys. This is my first attempt at writing. Tell me what you think and if you would like to read more:

Gabriel wasn't sure what his senses registered first: his father's fist making contact with his face, the sound of the contact or his father's booming voice shouting "Get out of my fucking house you fucking fairy!"

Not saying anything, Gabe pulled himself up off of the floor where he had landed after being hit by this father and walked out the door of this childhood home possibly forever hearing the sound of his mother crying ringing in his ears. School was over for the semester and Gabe had felt he needed to spend some time at home before the summer semester began. He couldn't call Jamie because he knew he was hard at work finishing up the renovations and restoration of a century old Victorian home that Jamie had purchased for them in the days after Gabe's birthday.

The house was officially located at 719 Elm Street, or so Gabe and Jamie had first thought. While doing some renovation work, Jamie discovered that an original set of blueprints had been mailed to 719 Stockard Avenue. Immediately starting research on the topic, Jamie discovered that the house and 5 acres with it had once belonged to a much larger parcel of property owned by the Stockard Family, one of the two families that had donated the land that The University now resided on. When a "rival" family had come to power in the 1940's, they worked to have the name of the street changed to Elm in reference to the numerous elm trees the Stockard's had planted on the property throughout the years. In reality, the Peterson's (the rival family) didn't think that the Stockard's should have a street named in their honor if the Peterson's couldn't as well. Jamie had used his family name and his research to convince the City Council to rename the street and the renaming was well along in the process. So Gabe and Jamie were moving from 719 Stockard Hall to 719 Stockard Avenue.

Not knowing what to do or where to go, Gabe finally decided to head for the "the Creek" as it was known locally. There was a beautiful place near a bend in the creek were a waterfall had formed that would block out the noises of the world and allow him to think.

After arriving and walking the quarter mile or so to the spot, Gabe sat down and started to think about the last month. He could still visualize the way the golden sun played across Jamie's olive skin and how they both contrasted so greatly with the white sheets of the suite's bed the first morning they were a couple. The way he was blinded with emotion when he caught a light flare from the gold ring on Jamie's hand. The last month had simply been magical.

Suddenly, however, the magic had ended. Earlier, his father had come home early, slamming the door as he entered and yelling for Gabe to come downstairs. Not sure what was happening, Gabe made the trip downstairs. As he entered the family room, his father flung a newspaper at him. Once he righted it, he saw a picture of the Governor's family taken a few weeks before at the Governor's birthday party. A picture he was in. Then he noticed part of the caption was underlined, "Gabriel Bishop, James VII's partner. Photo and caption supplied by the Executive Office of the Governor." Before he had time to react, his father, the chairman of the deacons at the local Southern Baptist Church, continued.

"Is it true? Are you some fucking faggot?"

Gabe didn't know what to say.

"No. No son of mine is a perverted whoremonger." And then the swing of the arm with the fist attached.

Just as Gabe flinched at the memory of the hit, he heard a familiar voice behind him. He didn't turn around because he knew it had to be Patrick.

"Your sister called me to see if I knew where you might be," continued the voice, "she said that you and your dad had had a huge fight and that he had thrown you out."

By this time, Patrick was standing along side Gabe. Patrick O'Daniel was the hero of the local school having led the school to back to back state championships in football and baseball. Before meeting Jamie, Patrick with his short dark hair and dark alluring eyes was the sexiest guy that Gabe had ever met. Their friendship had started Gabe's sophomore and last year at the local school which was Patrick's freshman year. Many people viewed Patrick as an emerging mega star when it came to athletics, but his grades weren't even close to being on the same playing field. Coach Raynie who taught tenth grade history and coached the baseball team, had asked Gabe to tutor Patrick. Hesitant at first, Gabe capitulated and soon discovered that Patrick was far from dumb, but that he did have a learning disorder. After, they got the disorder treated, Patrick quickly made up ground academically. Even after Gabe changed schools, Patrick would still instant message or email him for help with a particular subject or problem. Later in the week, Patrick would walk across the stage as his classes' valedictorian something that would never been a possibility a few years before.

"Patrick, I'm gay. My dad found out and blew his stack. This isn't exactly the way I wanted to tell you and I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore. I know you are straight and while I do think you are cute, I only think of you as a friend, a very dear friend," said Gabe as the fear crept in even more. They were in the middle of no where and no one except Patrick knew about how much he loved this place.

"Shut the fuck up!" replied Patrick sharply before changing to a tone somewhere between questioning and jokingly, "you think I'm cute?"

Gabe was confused.

"Listen. You may be the next Einstein, but you got a lot to learn about some things. We all aren't redneck, holy-rolly homophobes like your dad. If it wasn't for you, I would probably be sacking groceries at the Piggly Wiggly or pumping gas and changing oil at my dad's garage. Instead, I'm headed to The University on a full academic scholarship and have been accepted as a walk-on in football and baseball. They offered me scholarships in both, but I wanted to see if I would make it on my grades first. I owe you everything and it's time I start repaying."

After pausing, Patrick continued, "I got one more final in the morning that I need to study for and dinner is probably close to being ready at home, so get off our ass and follow me. You're staying with me tonight and the rest of the week. After my final, we will go to your house and get your stuff. Deal?"

Gabe nodded yes as they both got up and started walking towards their vehicles. A few steps into the walk, Patrick put his arm around Gabe and said, "it's going to be alright bud. I'm here for you and from what I hear you got a pretty sweet deal waiting on you back at school."

Later that night after dinner with the O'Daniels, Gabe called Jamie and told him about what had happened. Jamie offered to drop everything and come get him. Gabe told him that it was ok and that he didn't have to come. He wanted to spend some time with Patrick and see him graduate. Jamie agreed, but said that he would fly in on Friday and attend the graduation ceremonies with him.

After Patrick studied for awhile and was satisfied with his preparedness, they started to talk about Gabe's orientation and Jamie and their life together. Patrick never seemed to get grossed out and even asked Gabe questions about what it was like to kiss another guy, suck a cock or have one up your ass. When it came bedtime, Patrick announced that he had a no clothes in the bed policy and then added slyly and jokingly, "You aren't gonna try and rape me in my sleep are you, Gabe?" Gabe's response was a throw pillow straight at Patrick's boyish face. When Patrick was fully undressed, Gabe thought about how Patty as he sometimes called him had filled out quite nicely and was well on his way to having a nice piece of meat between his legs. Sensing what Gabe was thinking, Patrick grabbed his cock, pumped it once and said," at 8 inches Patty's coming along real well in my humble and unbiased opinion." All Gabe could do was laugh.

In the early morning, Gabe woke feeling the pain in his jaw and tears running down his cheeks. Trying to stay quiet as not to wake Patrick, Gabe realized he was unsuccessful when he detected a change in Patrick's breathing and him starting to move. Gabe felt a muscular arm wrap around his torso and pull him into Patrick's waiting embrace. Patrick whispered into his ear, "Forget about your dad. You are safe and if he ever wants to hurt you again he will have to kill Jamie and me first. " Besides Jamie, this is the only other man whose arms Gabe felt safe in and soon fell asleep and rested peacefully.

When Gabe woke up, Patrick was almost ready for school. He reached over and took his car keys out of his pocket and tossed them to Patrick saying," Why don't you go to school in style today?"


Detecting the giddiness in Patrick's voice at driving a car to school that cost a quarter of a million dollars, Gabe responded, "Sure, you deserve it after the last 24 hrs," but wasn't ready for what happened next.

Patrick leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Not a romantic kiss by any means, but one that obviously came from a point of deeply held love.

"Not bad, bud... but Jinnie is a better kisser," cracked Patrick referring to his Siberian Husky that was laying at the end of the bed. So proud of himself, he didn't notice the second pillow flying at his head in less than 12 hrs until it was too late.

"Parents, friends, administrators, faculty and staff, first I would like to welcome you all here and thank you for taking part in this occasion with my fellow graduates and myself, " was the opening line of Patrick's speech at graduation," Often in speeches at events such as this, the person in my position is supposed to charge his or her fellow graduates to look forward to their future and strive for their goals. I'm not going to do that this evening. Before I continue, I would like to share with you a graduation ceremony story that is so popular on the internet that it is almost to the level of an urban legend. The story talks about a nerdy student whose life was changed one day by a single act of kindness by a guy from the A group, a popular jock. During the student's valedictorian speech he announced to the entire assemblage that on the exact day that the act of kindness had occurred, he had decided earlier in the day to end his life before his parents got home. The interceding act had happened on the way home from school. It gave him the courage to make it through the night and then the week and finally the rest of high school. While he and the jock had become friends, he had never even told him the entire story. "

"Why do I tell you this story today? Because the story was somewhat reversed in my case. In the ninth grade, I was popular, athletic and extremely lonely. I hated the fact that I was "stupid" and slow. With no offense to my father, I never wanted to play a few years in the minors and maybe even the majors and then return here and take over the family business because I was too stupid to do anything else. I never made the final decision to end my life, but thoughts of suicide was often on my mind and I even researched different ways of killing myself, trying to find one that would be the easiest on my parents. Then a guardian angel entered my life. He didn't treat me like an idiot that couldn't learn, he found out why I couldn't learn and he helped me to fix it. If he hadn't stepped in I know I would not be giving this speech right now and I highly doubt I would have even made it to graduation. Today, I dedicate this speech and the rest of my life to the best person I know and my guardian angel, Gabriel Bishop. My fellow graduates I charge you to look backward and find the person who either changed your life or gave you the support that you needed to get through the darkest and lowest points in your life. Every time you think about taking the easy path in life, ponder this question: "If I do this, would I be disappointing (insert name)?" If Principal Anders will indulge me for a moment, I have something I must do."

With these words and a nod to the principal, Patrick left the stage and with tears streaming down his cheeks, he made his way through the crowd heading to Gabriel who was crying as profusely as or more so than Patrick. They were locked in an embrace that was only broken when they realized that the entire crowd was standing and clapping.

Later that night at the hotel after the big graduation party, Jamie and Gabe were lying in bed in each others arms after a marathon session of making love thinking about the day's events. Jamie was the first to break the silence that had enveloped the room.

"What do you want to give Patrick for graduation?"

"Not sure. He probably needs money for cloths and school supplies for school. Maybe a new computer or laptop."

"I was thinking more along the lines of a new truck. His is getting pretty old and I saw two pictures of a fire engine red Dodge Ram extended cab on the walls of his room as well as the desktop of his computer."

"That sounds great, but are you sure? I mean you have already spent so much on the house and everything. He's my friend..."

"Gabe, the kind of money "I" ... I mean "we" have is only good for one thing: Helping other people. We haven't even spent half this year's interest on the trust fund yet. He took care of you this week while I couldn't or more correctly you wouldn't let me. It will make him happy and will make you happy to give it to him right?"


With the decision made, Jamie started to formulate a plan. The next day, Gabe distracted Patrick long enough for Jamie to email the image that was on the computer's desktop to a local car dealer. Jamie also used his connections to rush order a personalized tag that read "Patty" having been filled in on Gabe's nickname for Patrick and Patrick's nickname for his dick. A few days later, the car dealer called Jamie on his cell and told him the truck with the upgraded satellite stereo receiver, speaker system, 60 disk CD changer, GPS navigation system and fog lamps was in as well as the license plate.

At lunch, Jamie announced that he was thinking about getting a new truck and asked if Patrick and Gabe wanted to go with him to look. Jamie was tapping Gabe on the foot at the same time. Gabe readily agreed knowing Jamie was up to something and worked to make sure Patrick was on board. At the car dealership, which wasn't a dodge dealership btw, the three boys were walking around talking until suddenly Patrick stopped cold in his tracks and went dead quiet. He was staring at the truck which was being wiped down after receiving a good wash and wax.

The guy doing the detailing not knowing that the truck was Patrick's noticed Patrick's expression and said, "Custom order. Sweetest truck I have ever seen. Everything has been upgraded. Somebody is definitely going to be happy."

Finally regaining his voice, Patrick responded, "Is it ok if I look? I promise not to touch anything."

The maintenance man said, "I don't see why not. Make sure to walk around back, she's even got a custom tag already. Damnedest thing I have ever seen!"

Patrick slowly walked up to the truck and looked in, taking in every detail. Real wood accents inside, state of the art everything and that wonderful new "car" smell that no one in is family had ever been able to experience for any significant length of time themselves. Gabe and Jamie stood back both noting that Patrick was looking more and more like a little kid in a toy store at Christmas.

Patrick finally left the cab and made is way to the back of the truck. Seeing the custom plate, he yelled "Holy Shit" so loud everyone on the lot heard him as well as the Episcopal priest in front of the church across the street.

Walking up to him, Gabe laughed and said, "Congratulations!"

Over the next few days as Jamie and Gabe starting making arrangements to return home, Patrick started to withdraw and seemed depressed. Finally, Gabe asked him what was wrong.

"In a few days, y'all are going to leave and I am going to be stuck here until school starts in the fall. I've got the money for classes or the money for rent, but not both. My scholarship doesn't start until the fall, " was Patrick's response.

Before Gabe could respond, Jamie spoke up and asked Patrick a question, "How good are you with a shovel and how fast can you get your shit packed?

Patrick and Gabe both looked at Jamie a little confused.

"Our house has 5 bedrooms including two master suites. As long as I can get some slave labor out of you helping me with the landscaping in the yard, I don't see any reason why you can't live with us this summer. I would offer for the fall, but I know The University requires all freshmen to live on campus the first year, especially athletes."

So with Jamie and Gabe returning to the university town and Patrick coming with them, the summer began. Gabe was taking three classes a term instead of the normal two because some of his professors had convinced him to triple major in comparative political theory, international studies and international business. Jamie and Patrick were working from dawn to dusk each day except for when they had their one class each a day on the yard and surrounding acreage. Jamie had read an article mentioning a gazebo that was once in the backyard and after being satisfied that he had located the spot where it was, he and Patrick built a new one there. Most days when Gabe got in from class, the boys had a jockstrap, running shorts that were soaked in sweat and cross trainers on and nothing else. Gabe always went up to Jamie giving a deep French kiss and inhaling his scent in the process. On more than one occasion, Jamie followed Gabe in the house and came back out with a smile and look of satisfaction on his face.

Over the months, Patrick came to two conclusions: he had never seen two people more in love with each other than Gabe and Jamie and that from the sounds he heard at night he had never had a sexual experience on the level of what they seemed to have every freaking night. Not to be out done, Patrick had been keeping himself busy in the sex department. He had a different girl over at least once a week, but it just didn't seem to be the same.

By the beginning of the second summer term, most of the landscaping work had been completed which was good because Patrick was starting voluntary workouts with the baseball team. The football coach told him that his workouts would be enough over the summer, but to be ready to play a real sport come fall. Gabe was really happy that Patrick was fitting in and making friends. One day Jamie noticed that Patrick seemed to be a little bummed.

"Hey man, what's got you down."

"Nothing, "came Patty's quick response.

"You know I don't believe that. Things are going great with the team. You might actually get to play baseball this year and not have to red shirt. You seem to be doing well with the ladies. Your grades are good. What gives?" pressured Jamie.

"It's the ladies part. Don't get me wrong. It's great but seems to be something missing. "

"Oh, is that all? That's simple"

"Jamie, please don't mess with me. "

"I'm not. The answer to your problem is love. Look, you can't compare yourself to Gabe and I. We are both extremely lucky. We found each other. Even after we did, it still took months to build what we have. We had to get to know each other. Learn likes and dislikes. Sowing your oats can be fun. Hell we've all done it. But sometimes, you have to nurture what you've sown to really see it grow and blossom into something amazing.

"Thanks, growing up in the country you would think that I could understand that. "

"One more bit of advice?"


"Even pretty weeds aren't worth nurturing and the ugliest seeding that no one else wants often produces the prettiest blooms. "

Jamie told Gabe about is talk with Patrick. Gabe and Jamie both noticed that the revolving door on Patrick's room seemed to slow down over the next few weeks.

The week after summer finals it was Patrick's birthday. Jamie and Gabe threw him a big party at the house around the new pool that had been installed. Patrick invited all of the friends he had made over the summer including the entire baseball team. The team seemed to be a little shy at first after finding out about Gabe and Jamie's relationship, but were soon shucking their shirts and having fun. When it was over, everyone on the team bumped fists with Patrick, wished him a happy birthday and told Gabe and Jamie they had a great house and thanked them for letting them come over. G & J, as they became known to the team, told them that any friend of Patrick's was a friend of theirs and always welcomed in their home and in their pool.

Later after everything had been cleaned up, the boys were setting in the tv room and Patrick got his presents from the boys. They gave him a new laptop and 5 grand in cash for clothes and other stuff. While he still had look of shock on his face, Jamie interjected, "Extra large condoms can get expensive, especially the good ones." Patrick blushed briefly.

"Guys, I can't even been to thank you for what you have given me over the summer. More than material things, you have given me friendship and love. Y'all will make great parents one day, but wait a few years first"

"Why?" Gabe and Jamie both asked at the same time.

"So that I can be a good uncle. You know, spoil them, get them sugared up and send them home!" replied Patrick with a smile before two pillows came flying at his head.

Next: Chapter 3

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