Still the Same Eddie

By Robbie Calverley

Published on Mar 15, 2007


So many people have asked me to continue this story, so here is the second chapter.


Ryan broke their embrace and led Eddie by the hand down the stairs and into his bedroom. Since Ryan was wearing so little it took him only a moment to strip and then Eddie dropped the towel he was wearing and the boys stood naked staring at one another for a moment before coming together and embracing naked for the first time. "Eddie," he said, "I echo your hopes and your prayers. Even though we only met a few hours ago, I think I'm already in love with you."


The boys kissed again and as they parted Ryan looked Eddie in the eye and said, "Eddie, don't get me wrong, I really do want this to happen between us but it all seems to be happening so quickly."

Eddie took a deep breath, kissed Ryan's hand and said, "It doesn't have to, I know I asked if I could sleep with you tonight, but I'm willing to wait if you're not comfortable with it.

Ryan breathed a sigh of relief and took Eddie in his arms, "Thanks, Eddie, I've never really been in a relationship before and I think that is what we both want, but I don't want to jump into it with both feet. I think that if we get to know one another a little better it would make things easier later."

"Ryan, I never thought that I'd say this to any man, but I'm willing to wait for however long it takes. It will drive me mad, and my right hand will be working overtime, but I'll wait."

Ryan kissed Eddie gently on the lips and whispered, "It won't be too long, I promise, now off you go, and I'll see you in the morning."

Eddie walked to the door, turned and blew Ryan a kiss before walking slowly to his own bedroom.

Ryan woke with a start the following morning, his mind spinning with his constant thoughts of the new love in his life, but also the reluctance to allow things to develop too quickly. The winter sunshine was streaming in through the windows and there were sounds of activity upstairs. Urgently needing to pee, he went into his bathroom and relieved himself gratefully. He showered and cleaned his teeth, but decided against shaving, thinking that the slight stubble wouldn't matter as he was on holiday.

As he exited the bathroom he saw Eddie propped up in his bed waiting for him. "Good morning, gorgeous," said Eddie, opening his arms. Ryan joined him on the bed and melted into his arms.

"You were determined to get into my bed one way or another, weren't you?" asked Ryan. Eddie laughed softly and hugged him tighter.

"Are you two boys ever going to come up and get breakfast?" a voice called from the top of the stairs. Eddie took Ryan by the hand, kissed him again and led him up the stairs, naked, where Ellie was standing in front of the cooker, also naked except for an apron.

"Aren't you rather overdressed, sis?" asked Eddie.

"Well, I don't want the hot fat splashing all over me, and I suggest that you keep your wisecracks to yourself, or you can do the cooking." Ellie said. Eddie went and stood behind her and kissed her lovingly on the cheek, stroking her shoulder. "Aren't I going to get a good morning kiss from the other man in my life?" she asked. Ryan took Eddie's place behind her and as he also leaned in to kiss her she felt his soft cock brush against her. "MMMMmmm, if only ..." she remarked.

The three of them ate breakfast and made plans for the next few days. "I phoned the office last night," said Eddie, "and they've been having a few problems with the bank. I may have to go up to town and sort it out. If I do, would you both like to come up with me? After that we can spend the rest of the holiday at home."

"Where's home?" asked Ryan.

"Home is the house where we were brought up," said Ellie, "it's called Abbotswell Manor and it's on the River Thames in Berkshire, not too far from Windsor Castle."

"Sounds great," said Ryan, "I'd love to see it."

Ellie had arranged to go out with a friend of hers who lived a few miles away. As they would probably have a few drinks together, she had arranged to stay the night - she didn't want to risk driving back. Eddie looked in the local paper and saw that one of his favourite films, The Pirate Movie, starring Christopher Atkins, was on at the cinema in Westhampton, the next town along the coast and asked Ryan if he would like to go and see it.

"I'd love to," said Ryan, "I've never seen it, but I know that it has some Gilbert and Sullivan music in it, and I've always enjoyed their operettas."

Ellie left the house mid-afternoon and the boys showered, and dressed smartly but casually. "Are we getting a cab to the cinema?" asked Ryan.

"No," replied Eddie, "I've got the car outside, we'll take that."

As the boys left the house, Ryan looked around and walked to the only car he could see, a smart-looking Vauxhall, while Eddie locked the house up. "Not that old heap," said Eddie, "mine's around the corner," he added as he took his car keys from his pocket. As the boys rounded the corner, Eddie hit the remote button on his key fob and the lights flashed on the latest model top-of-the-range Mercedes C-class.

"Wow," said Ryan, "How the other half live!"

"You'd better get used to it if you're going to hang around with the big boys," Eddie replied. They got into the car and Ryan rubbed his hands over the soft leather upholstery as he sank into the luxurious softness of the front passenger seat. "If you're a really good boy," said Eddie, "I might let you drive it home later."

"Why, Mister Whitman," said Ryan, fluttering his eyelashes, "are you trying to bribe me into bed with you?" Eddie laughed and looked over at Ryan.

"No pressure," he said, "The last thing I want to do is blow it ... ... or maybe, if you'll pardon the pun, I suppose that's the first thing I want to do!"

Ryan laughed at the spontaneous humour and said, "but I'd love to drive this wonderful car home."

When they arrived in Westhampton it seemed that the world and his wife (or maybe the world and his boyfriend) were visiting the town, and they had to park the car some way from the cinema. "Remember where the car is," said Eddie, "I have no sense of direction whatsoever, and I'll probably lose the damned thing if I'm left to my own devices."

They walked to the end of the street; the cinema could be seen across a small park. As they walked through the park, Eddie took Ryan's hand and they stopped a couple of times to kiss in the seclusion of a small clump of trees.

The boys arrived at the cinema and Eddie bought the tickets. As they climbed the stairs to the circle, Ryan offered the money for his ticket, Eddie said, "Don't be so bloody silly, I'm a multi-millionaire, Ryan. Just because I don't throw my money around doesn't mean that I want you to pay for yourself. In fact, I'll be most upset if you try to pay for anything while you're staying with Ellie and me. You are our guest, and I'll thank you to remember it."

Ryan looked at Eddie and asked, "Are you angry with me, Eddie?"

Eddie smiled and replied, "Of course not, silly, I'm just asserting my masculinity."

Ryan laughed and punched Eddie playfully. They entered the auditorium and their tickets were torn in half. "Sit where you like," said the usherette, as Eddie took Ryan's hand and led him to the back row. There were a few other couples sitting there, all hetero, but the boys ignored them and sat down just as the lights went down. Ryan felt Eddie take his hand and settled down to watch the film, which he had not seen before.

After a few minutes Ryan felt Eddie release his hand, then felt Eddie's hand on his thigh. He smiled to himself as the fingers travelled slightly higher and his cock began to harden inside his trousers. Eddie then turned towards him and kissed him on the cheek, so Ryan turned to Eddie and their lips met.

The kiss had lasted for a few seconds when a male voice said, "Excuse us, please, boys."

Ryan, thinking that they had been caught in the act, blushed in the darkness and stood to allow the late arrivals to pass, then realised that it was two guys, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Their hands met once again and they sat watching the film, both of them secretly lusting after Christopher Atkins (and who wouldn't!!!). From time to time their gaze wandered to the other gay couple, who seemed to be more intent on making out than watching the film.

As the film ended, the boys looked at one another and then smiled broadly as they heard two zips being hastily pulled up. They turned and grinned at the other boys, who were blushing shyly, having almost been caught with their trousers down.

"Come on, let's go and eat," said Eddie.

"If we can get in anywhere," said Ryan, "the town seemed to be pretty full when we arrived."

"Don't worry about that," said Eddie, "I know where we'll get in."

As they walked to Eddie's chosen restaurant Ryan kept an eye on where they were going so that he would be able to find the car afterwards. Eddie stopped outside a very ordinary-looking restaurant and pushed the door open.

Inside the restaurant was packed, but a waiter was immediately at Eddie's elbow saying, "Good evening, Mr Whitman, table for two?"

"Thanks," said Eddie, and they were led to a small area of the restaurant which was screened off and sat at a small table. When Ryan looked around he noticed that all of the tables in this area were for two, and all were occupied by same-sex couples. "This is the only gay-friendly restaurant for miles and this part is set aside for gay and lesbian couples. Most of the other customers don't even realise," said Eddie.

Ryan noticed that they had become the centre of attention, and several of the men were acknowledging Eddie's presence and waving to him, giving Ryan the once-over in the process.

Menus appeared and Ryan was delighted to find that the style of cooking was predominantly old-fashioned English, with one or two Italian dishes thrown in to appease the so-called gourmets. Eddie ordered the Fisherman's Pie for himself, having checked that the chef had prepared it to the usual recipe, and Ryan ordered the mixed grill. The waiter raised his eyebrows and looked at Eddie, who nodded and said, "If that's what the man wants ... ..." The waiter grinned and left to place their orders with the chef.

"So what's wrong with ordering the mixed grill?" asked Ryan.

"Nothing, nothing at all," said Eddie as the sommelier approached to take their wine order.

"Red or white?" asked Eddie.

"Oh, white, I think," replied Ryan, "especially if you're having fish."

"Well, that's just wine snobbery," said Eddie, "I'm afraid I order what I fancy. I don't hold with all this malarkey. We'll have a bottle of champagne to start, please Marcel, and then a nice bottle of Chablis with the meal." Eddie said to the sommelier.

The two boys were left alone for a few seconds and then they were approached by a huge man in a black suit whom Eddie greeted fondly and then introduced to Ryan as Michel, the restaurant owner. Michel explained that although he and most of his staff were French, his passion was for English food, especially pies and puddings, so that is what the restaurant specialised in.

He asked what the boys had ordered and commended Eddie on his choice of Fisherman's pie, but when Ryan said that he had ordered the mixed grill Michel said, "are you sure?" and shrugged his shoulders in a very Gallic fashion.

Ryan again asked, "What's wrong with the mixed grill?"

"Rien, pas de rien." Said Michel, as the Sommelier approached with the champagne. Michel dismissed him and opened the bottle himself, pouring it into the boys' glasses himself before moving on to the next table.

"What's this secret about the mixed grill?" Ryan asked again, "do you think I should change my order?"

"You'd better not, the chef is pretty temperamental and the last thing you want to do is upset her." Just at this moment two guys stood up to leave and Michel was immediately beside them thanking them for their custom and kissing them both on the cheek.

Eddie poured more champagne as Ryan asked, "is Michel gay?"

Eddie shrugged, saying, "he treats men and women alike, don't forget it's quite common in France for men to kiss, so I don't really know.

As if by magic, the waiter appeared from one direction with their food as the sommelier approached from another with their Chablis and an ice bucket. Ryan at once spotted why his decision on the mixed grill had been questioned. It was served on an oval platter which covered half of the table, and the platter itself was full to overflowing with a huge rib-eye steak, a piece of gammon, a whole butterfly chicken breast, two sausages, two fried eggs, a piece of lamb's liver and enough chips and battered onion rings to feed half the restaurant.

Ryan's eyes opened wide as he said the only thing he could, "well, fuck me!"

"Later, darling, later," replied Eddie, "if you can stay awake after eating that little lot." The people at the neighbouring tables laughed as they heard the exchange and Ryan blushed as he picked up his knife and fork and began to attack the food. Eddie cut open his Fisherman's Pie and smiled as he saw the layer of prawns on top of the white fish and below the crispy potato topping.

He began to eat and offered Ryan a prawn, which Ryan refused, saying, "I'll have enough trouble doing justice to this little lot, without eating yours for you."

The boys ate in comparative silence until Ryan, who had been deep in thought said, "Eddie, what do you see in me? After all, you are rich beyond belief and could probably have any man you wanted. Why me?"

Eddie smiled and said, "Well, it's not an easy question to answer, and there is more than one reason. Firstly, you really are very cute, you know, and you have such a gorgeous smile. Secondly, I know you're not after my money, because you didn't know who I was until I told you. Thirdly, and probably most importantly, Ellie approves of you, and that means an awful lot to me. I am not a good judge of character, as can be seen by some of the rough trade I've knocked about with in the past. Ellie has her head screwed on when it comes to people, and she chose you, firstly as a friend, and then soon afterwards as a possible good influence on her wayward twin brother. All I can add is that I approve of her choice, and I can't imagine a future with anyone but you."

For a moment the food was forgotten as Eddie took both of Ryan's hands in his and they stared into one another's eyes. Suddenly aware that all eyes were upon them, they blushed with embarrassment and continued eating. Michel poured more wine as he passed their table and smiled at them benignly.

A few minutes later the kitchen door swung open and a lady of about fifty appeared wearing chef's whites and approached their table. She looked directly at Ryan and said, "You've never been here before, have you dear?" Ryan shook his head as he looked up at her. "Then you don't know about the rules and regulations, do you?" Ryan shook his head again. "And I don't suppose this young bugger has warned you about them," she said, punching Eddie playfully on the shoulder. Ryan shook his head a third time before she added, "Well, nobody is allowed to leave this restaurant until their plate is clear, otherwise I will take it as a personal insult against my cooking."

Ryan's face turned white for just a few seconds before she burst out laughing and said, "Don't worry, love, your plate will be clear, Eddie will see to that," then she pulled up a third chair to the table and sat with them. Eddie introduced her to Ryan as Mo, and told him that she had been chef at the restaurant for as long as he could remember. "Mo is an amazing person. She always comes and sits with me when I'm on my own, but she has never before sat with me when I have company. Why the difference today, Mo?"

"Well, young Eddie, unlike you, I'm a bit choosy about the company I keep. You always seem to turn up with what I can only describe as "a bit of rough", so I leave you to stew in your own juice, but this young man is a bit different. This young man is in a different class to your usual riff-raff, how did you manage to find him?"

Eddie laughed and said, "I didn't, Ellie did."

"That explains everything," said Mo, "you might be a rich man financially, but you've never been able to pick the boys. Eddie, don't lose this one."

There was a shout from the kitchen and Mo said, "Well, I'd better get back in there before those two French idiots kill one another," and disappeared.

Ryan smiled at Eddie and said, "I like her. I'm frightened of her, but I like her. The only problem is that I just can't eat any more of this food."

"Not to worry," said Eddie, "you haven't heard the last part of the tradition."

Saying this, he moved his empty plate to one side and took Ryan's plate in front of him, then he cut the remaining food into bite-sized pieces, stood up and said, "When you're ready, boys and girls."

At this the entire assembled company descended on their table, forks at the ready, and each took a piece of the remaining food and ate it, leaving Ryan with a clean plate as they returned to their own tables. Mo was beaming as she reappeared from the kitchen, saying, "I told you Eddie would take care if it, didn't I? I just hope that he takes care of you, dear."

Robbie Twickenham, England.

Chapter three in which disaster strikes will follow soon.

A.S., my editor, has once again worked his miracles and I thank him for all his hard work.

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