Still the Same Eddie

By Robbie Calverley

Published on Feb 19, 2007


You may not think this is a gay story when you begin to read, but be assured it is first and foremost a story and two of the main characters are gay men.

If you are looking for sex you have come to the wrong place as this is a love story.


The first time Ellie Whitman clapped eyes on Ryan French she knew that she would have given anything to have his children ... had she not known he was gay. And how did she know he was gay? Easy. Although straight herself, she had a gay twin brother and her "gaydar" was quite finely tuned, like his.

Before we get into the relationship between Ellie and Ryan, let's go back a few years to when Ellie and her twin brother, Eddie, were kids.

Mum and dad were pretty well off. When the twins were born they wanted for nothing. Mum and dad were also pretty easy-going and ahead of their time socially. Being naturists themselves they encouraged the twins to follow in their footsteps and, of course, the always but the kids to bed naked.

Until the twins were five years old, they shared a bedroom and a huge old-fashioned feather bed, but their parents decided on their fifth birthday that the time had come for them to have their own rooms.

The bond between twins is something very special and togetherness is a very strong part of that bond, at least as far as our twins are concerned. After a couple of restless nights, the twins decided that they would revert to their old habits and one of them would invariably end up in the other's bed. One might have thought that they would grow out of this habit with age, but that was not so. Only when Ellie went off to university at the age of nineteen did they begin to sleep apart on a regular basis. Of course, both Ellie and Eddie had boyfriends. Sometimes they slept with their lovers - particularly Eddie, who became quite promiscuous. Their naturism also continued over the years and they were very familiar with one another's bodies.

Shortly before their eighteenth birthday their parents went on a cruise holiday. During a storm, their mother was swept overboard. Their father died in an unsuccessful attempt to save her. As the twins were almost of age and there were no financial problems, the authorities we happy for them to carry on their lives unsupervised.

Despite the trauma of losing her parents, Ellie did well with her GCSEs and went to University. Eddie went straight into the family business.

The twins found it extremely difficult to be apart, but they spent as much time together during the holidays as possible and would stay in touch through Email and phone calls during term time.

When Ellie arrived at Liverpool University she felt so alone and isolated that she joined every society she could and generally threw herself into every available activity. On the Friday of her second week she was sitting in the refectory. She happened to look up as Ryan walked in the door. He was her ideal boy, but she sensed immediately that he was gay. She also recognised in him a kindred spirit; lonely, friendless and dispirited.

Ryan walked to the counter and mechanically picked up a few bits and pieces of food and a drink and paid for them. He turned from the counter looking for somewhere to sit. As his eyes glanced towards Ellie she smiled, and he began walking towards her. "Do you mind if I join you?" He asked.

"I was hoping that you would," Ellie replied, smiling again, "I'm feeling pretty alone here and you look like a friendly face."

"Strange," said Ryan, "I thought the same about you".

The two of them sat and talked until they both had to leave for lectures, but they arranged to meet up afterwards and have a meal together.

They met at the entrance to the Drama suite where Ryan was studying that day. Ellie invited him back to her flat, where she made a spaghetti bolognaise and opened a couple of bottles of Rioja, which they polished off as they got to know one another. Ryan was sitting on the sofa, shoeless and totally relaxed as Ellie sat on the floor between his legs. "I really ought to be getting back to halls. It's quite a walk, and I'm pretty sure I'll be staggering a bit, so it'll take even longer." Ryan said.

"Easy solution," said Ellie, "stay the night."

"Um, well ..." said Ryan hesitantly.

"Come on, we can share the bed. It'll be OK ... I know." Said Ellie.

"What do you mean, you know?" asked Ryan.

"Ryan, my twin brother is gay, I know all the signs - that's one of the reasons I smiled at you."

"You mean you knew all along?" he asked. "I was trying to work out how to tell you before you came on to me."

Ellie laughed, saying, "Oh, believe me, Ryan; if you were straight I would have had you in bed before dinner! But I respect your preference and I promise you that if I lay a finger on you, it will be almost accidental"

Ryan giggled, saying, "In that case, I'd be delighted to accept your invitation."

"Great," said Ellie, "I usually sleep naked, but in view of he circumstances, we'll sleep in our underwear."

"Okay," said Ryan, giggling again, "but don't tell anyone we've slept together. It might ruin my chances with the guys!"

Ellie, used to being naked around other people, stripped off her sweater and jeans. She proceeded to take off the thin socks she always wore with trousers, revealing a matching black bra and panty set. "You're not shy, are you?" she asked a still fully dressed Ryan.

"A little," he confessed, and then began to remove his clothes as Ellie slid under the duvet and turned her back on him. He stripped to his boxers and slid in beside her, back to back, being careful not to get too close.

"It's only a four foot bed," said Ellie, "so don't get all coy on me. We're bound to touch before the night's out." And so saying, she turned over and spooned against him putting her arm around him and resting her hand on his downy stomach. She felt good having someone to cuddle, missing her twin more that she thought she would.

Ryan stiffened at first, unused to physical contact with the (so-called) fairer sex, but soon relaxed and quite enjoyed the intimacy. They both slept well, Ellie getting up once in the night to empty her bladder.

When Ryan woke the following morning, he momentarily panicked, forgetting where he was. Then, when he remembered, he smiled to himself, feeling the warmth of Ellie's body against him. He badly needed to pee but decided to hold off as long as possible so as not to disturb his hostess. As he lay there he was aware of something slightly different to the previous night and then realised that Ellie's boobs pressing against his back were braless. He shifted his body slightly, particularly his bum, and hecould feel that she was still wearing her panties. He lay there for about twenty minutes, savouring the moment and imagining that it was her twin brother and not Ellie who was spooned against him, causing his cock to grow to full mast.

Then he realised that he could put off peeing no longer and slipped quietly out of bed and off to the bathroom. When he returned Ellie was sitting up in bed, her bare boobs revealed to the world and a smile on her face. "That was quite some swelling in your pants, young Ryan," she said, "I hope you don't think I`m that kind of girl, even if I am, for the right guy! You haven't got a straight brother at home, have you?"

Ryan looked down at her, a little embarrassed, and said, "No, just me and my dad since mum died." Ryan always had trouble talking about his mother without becoming tearful. They had been very close, and Ellie could see the moistness in his eyes now as he slid back into bed beside her.

"Sorry if I made you sad," she said, "I know how it feels to lose your parents."

"It's OK," said Ryan, "I shouldn't be so soft." He looked at Ellie, smiled and said, "What's with the bare boobs? Have you no shame, you brazen hussy?"

Ellie laughed and said, "Sorry, but my bra was cutting into me during the night, so I just had to take it off. Besides, being a naturist I suppose really I have no shame as far as revealing my body is concerned, and as I have already said, for the right guy I can be as brazen as the next hussy. Now, you can pay for your bed for the night and go and make some tea and toast."

Ryan grumbled in jest and went out to the kitchen returning ten minutes later with a tray containing a pot of tea, milk, sugar, a plate of toast with butter and marmalade, and placed it on the bed next to Ellie. Then he sat cross-legged on the bed and said "You can be mother," as Ellie poured the tea while Ryan buttered a slice of toast. The two friends tucked into their breakfast and Ryan was aware that Ellie was occasionally glancing at his crotch. When he finally looked down he realised that his boxer legs were gaping and his cock had slipped out of one of them, giving Ellie a clear view. He quickly tried to cover himself up, but his cock seemed determined to keep revealing itself.

"Don't worry about it," said Ellie, "I'm used to seeing worse than that with my naturist upbringing. Besides, you have nothing to be ashamed of, it all looks pretty ... er ... healthy down there to me."

Ryan blushed. He knew that he was comparatively well-endowed, especially as he was only five feet seven inches tall. He was unused to exposing his body, particularly to women, but he felt comfortable with Ellie and made no further attempts to cover himself up.

Breakfast finished, Ryan returned the tray to the kitchen and then dressed in his clothes from the previous day as Ellie went and had a shower.

When she emerged from the bathroom, she was wrapped in a towel with her wet hair hanging loose, then she slipped the towel from around her and began to dry her hair revealing her fully naked body to Ryan. Again, Ryan blushed, this time to the roots of his hair, a look of complete shock on his face. "What's the matter, Ryan, am I that repulsive to look at?"

"No, of course not. It's just that I'm not used to seeing naked people around, at least not naked women. And I'm not all that used to naked guys either. I may be gay but, I have to confess, I'm not very experienced."

"Well, if you're going to spend much time here with me, and I hope you will, you'll just have to get used to it, and you might want to think about being naked with me."

The friends spent the morning together. Ryan took Ellie out to lunch to thank her for her hospitality and then went back to halls to shower and change into clean clothes before going out to the local gay bar for the evening. The bar was busy but a lot of those present were leather boys, a scene that Ryan was not into, so he left early and went home to bed.

The week passed pleasantly and the two friends met for lunch each day in the refectory. Ellie invited Ryan to her flat for the weekend again, an invitation which he gladly accepted. On Friday morning, Ryan's drama class was to be held in the lecture theatre, where he knew the heating was unpredictable. It was either boiling hot or freezing cold, so he decided on a tee-shirt and joggers, freeballing in case of overheating, but he wore his heavy top coat which he would keep on if it was cold. He was then going to dash back to halls, change for the weekend and take some spare clothes with him for Sunday.

The lecture theatre was roasting, so Ryan removed his coat as soon as he went in, pleased with his dress decision. Others in the class were sweltering in the heat, cursing the fact that they were wearing thick sweaters.

His tutor warmed to his subject and the class overran by quite some time. When Ryan was dashing back to halls to change, Ellie drew up beside him and told him to get in. Ryan explained that he wanted to get some spare clothes to which Ellie remarked, "Don't worry, I'll put those in the washer and dryer overnight then they'll be clean." Ryan jumped into the car and they drove to Ellie's flat. They spent a pleasant evening eating pizza and watching DVDs. When it was time for bed Ryan took off his tee shirt and then the realisation hit him. He was freeballing so he had no real alternative but to sleep naked.

"Um, Ellie," he said, "I er ...."

"It's OK," said Ellie, "I know what you're going to say. It's pretty obvious that you're dressed commando, your package has been pretty obvious all evening."

"What? You could tell? That means that everyone else could tell as well," said Ryan.

"Sure they could," replied Ellie as she removed her sweater and bra, "And most of the girls will have made a mental note to get to know you. What's more, all of the guys will have noticed it. Some will envy and you, the rest of them will want to get to know you better. You really have some very nice equipment, which I'm looking forward to seeing in the next few seconds."

Ellie slipped out of her panties and stood there naked, saying, "Come on, Ryan, if you want me to put them in the washing machine you'd better let me have them now. It's not too warm in here now and I want to get under the duvet as soon as I can.

Ryan took a deep breath and lowered his joggers and stepped out of them and crawled into bed. Ellie took his and her dirty clothes and put them in the washer dryer, then climbed into bed beside Ryan, saying, "Just as I thought - all the girls are going to be devastated at having to miss out on the nicest collection of wedding tackle I've seen in a long time." Ryan smiled secretly to himself.

It was not very warm so Ellie spooned up to him and he shuddered as he felt the warmth of her naked body against his. "Sorry," he said, "it's just that I wasn't expecting it." She draped her arm over him and snuggled in closer. In Ryan's limited experience it was unusual to feel a man's naked body against him, and this was the first time ever he had felt a naked woman's pubes tickling his butt. Whilst it did nothing for him sexually it was good to have another human being so close to him. He decided he could easily get used to this.

And get used to it he did. The next three weekends took the same pattern and he became used to being naked around Ellie and seeing her naked too. Sometimes they would spend the entire weekend naked, sometimes just the nights.

At the beginning of December Ellie asked Ryan what he was doing for Christmas. Ryan said that his mother had written that she would be staying with his Aunt Dorothy for the holidays, because his aunt would be recovering from surgery and was unable to be left on her own. She said that Ryan could go and spend Christmas with them or at home on his own. Ryan explained this to Ellie and said that he didn't want to go to his aunt's as they didn't get on particularly well, his aunt always asking when he was going to settle down and get married.

"Would you like to come and spend Christmas with Eddie and me?" asked Ellie.

"Oh, I couldn't do that. Much as I'd love to, I couldn't impose on you. You've already done so much for me."

"Don't be silly," said Ellie, "what have I done for you?"

"Well, you've befriended me, you let me stay here during weekends, and I've done nothing for you."

"What do you mean?" asked Ellie, "You've been the best friend a girl can have. You've been great company, and you treat me to lunch every weekend, so you can't say that. Now, think about the invitation. I guarantee you'll have a great time and I'm sure you'll hit it off with Eddie. He's had a tough time these last few weeks, so he needs a new interest in his life."

"Are you trying to matchmake by any chance?" asked Ryan with a grin.

"Well, we'll just have to wait and see. Eddie needs a stabilizing influence in his life. Usually it's me, but since I've been here, he's gone off the rails a bit and is now regretting it." Ellie replied.

"Why, what's he been up to?" asked Ryan.

"Well, you mustn't say I've told you, but he went out and got drunk a couple of weeks ago. When he woke up the next morning, he was in bed with a man he'd never met before. He asked the guy what had happened and he told him that they'd had unprotected sex. Eddie's panicking now while he's waiting for the HIV test results. He's really worried because although he's sometimes promiscuous, he's usually in control of himself and he always, always uses condoms. He now knows it only takes one careless slip and it could ruin what's left of his life."

"Ellie, why is Eddie like that? So promiscuous, I mean?" asked Ryan.

"Eddie is frightened to let anybody get too close to him. I can't go into the reasons here and now, but if you come and spend Christmas with us you'll find out why. I'm hoping against hope that you can make a change in his life. Eddie, deep down inside, is very much like me. As the two of us get on so well, I just hope that you'll hit it off with Eddie and that it might become more than just friendship." Ellie said.

Ryan sat and thought for a moment and then said, "OK, I'll come for Christmas, but I want to make it plain here and now that I'm not coming for any reason to do with Eddie, I'm coming because I don't really want to spend Christmas alone and I can't think of anyone I'd rather be with than you."

"That's great!" exclaimed Ellie, "we're going to a beach house on the Welsh coast."

"A beach house - in the winter?" Asked Ryan, disbelievingly.

"Yes, nobody knows us there. It belongs to the company Eddie works for and they're letting him use it. He feels that he can be anonymous there and whatever the outcome of his tests, he feels he can come to terms with them better if he's not surrounded by his friends."

Things continued as they were right up to the Christmas break, when Ryan packed a small suitcase (he'd been warned that he would be expected to enter into the spirit of things with the twins' passion for naturism). He and Ellie set off in her little car for the Welsh coast. When they arrived, late in the afternoon, and Ellie pulled up outside a sizeable modern house facing the sea, Ryan could not believe it. "Surely that's not where we're staying," he said, "It's bloody huge, it's like a palace!"

"Yup, this is it," replied Ellie, "the company uses it for corporate events during the summer, but most of the time it's just left empty during the winter. The old man next door keeps an eye on the place."

They got out of the car. As they approached the front door, it swung open. There on the threshold stood Eddie. He was not at all as Ryan had imagined him. He was only an inch taller than Ryan, with a shock of what seemed to be (and, indeed was) naturally blond curly hair. He was slim, handsome and, in Ryan's eyes, gorgeous. Edddie opened his arms and hugged Ellie long and hard then kissed her on the lips. Then he looked at Ryan and said, "And this must be the man I've heard so much about. Ryan, I'm delighted to meet you; Ellie has not stopped talking about you since she met you."

Ryan took Ellie's place in Eddie's arms and immediately felt at home there, following the hug with a gentle kiss on the cheek, much to Eddie's delight. "Welcome to Christmas Chez Nous," said Eddie.

To Ryan's surprise he was led to a room on the ground floor which was to be is bedroom. It was luxuriously furnished with a double bed, first class furniture and a private bathroom.

"This is an upside-down house," explained Ellie. The bedrooms are downstairs and the living area and kitchen are above. You'll see why when you go up. We'll leave you to get unpacked; come upstairs for coffee in ten minutes. Dress yourself in something comfortable, and then tomorrow, when you know Eddie a little better, we'll try being naked together as long as you don't feel too embarrassed."

In the ten minutes he had, Ryan dumped the few clothes he had brought into drawers and then treated himself to a five-minute shower. Then he slipped on his tightest pair of jeans (with no underwear) and a shirt, which he left unbuttoned, showing off his slightly hairy chest and stomach, as this is how Eddie had been dressed. He padded barefoot up the stairs into the open-plan living area. The room was huge, the kitchen area divided off by a breakfast bar. The front of the room was all glass, with doors leading out onto a sizeable walled terrace overlooking the sea, which would not have been half as effective if it had been downstairs. Ellie was sitting on the sofa and patted the seat beside her, inviting Ryan to join her. Eddie was in the kitchen preparing dinner.

The three chatted as Eddie continued working in the kitchen until he said, "Ryan, would you come and open the wine for me, you'll find the corkscrew in the drawer next to the sink."

Ryan went into the small kitchen area and found the corkscrew. To get the wine from the fridge he had brush past Eddie, the kitchen space being very limited. As Ryan bent to pick up the bottle he heard Eddie breathe in sharply. He knew that his jeans were so tight that his little bubble butt was nicely framed as he bent. He was delighted with Eddie's reaction. As he removed the plastic seals from the wine bottles he felt Eddie's hands on his shoulders and his breath on the back of his neck. "Can you manage there, or do you need a hand?" asked Eddie.

"Oh, I think I can manage, but don't go too far away just in case.," said Ryan.

The two boys carried the food and wine to the table as Ellie collected the cutlery and condiments from the kitchen. As they ate, they chatted about everything and nothing until Ryan felt Eddie's bare foot brush against his own. As he looked up from his plate into Eddie's eyes, he could see the desire there and realised that he wanted to go to bed with this boy, more than he ever had with anybody else. Their toes played with one another under the table and Ellie smiled to herself, knowing what was going on and happy that her little plan seemed to be coming together.

After dinner they cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher. Ellie made some fresh coffee, and Eddie pulled a bottle of Napoleon Brandy from the drinks cabinet. As they drank their coffee and brandy, the conversation continued, but lessened as they relaxed more and more with the effect of the alcohol and the passing time. Eventually, Ellie stood and announced that she was off to bed. Eddie said he was going to have a shower and left Ryan alone in the sitting room. After ten minutes or so, Ryan decided that, in spite of the late hour and the cold weather he wanted to see the sea before he went to bed. He opened the door to the terrace and walked the twenty feet to the far wall.

The normal seaside illuminations were not lit during the winter, but the garlands of white lights strung between the lamp posts were lit all the year round. As he stood looking at the sea he could see several couples standing by the sea wall or on the sands looking out over the calm water.

After a minute or two Ryan's bare feet began to feel uncomfortably cold on the tiles of the terrace. He was about to turn and go back inside as he heard Eddie's voice behind him, "It's a beautiful view," and again he felt Eddie's hot breath on the back of his neck and then felt Eddie's hands encircling him from behind, his left hand coming to rest on his downy stomach and his right hand on his chest, the thumb gently caressing his fast-hardening nipple.

"Yes," said Ryan, "it is a great view, the sea has always fascinated me."

"I'm not talking about the sea, sand, pier, or lights; they're always there." Ryan then felt Eddie's lips lightly kissing his neck before he added; "I'm talking about the newest attraction, the one I'm holding in my arms."

The combination of Eddie's warm breath on Ryan's neck and the manipulation of his nipple was driving Ryan wild; his cock was straining inside his tight jeans. He turned around in Eddie's arms to find him dressed only in a towel, still damp from the shower. His blond curls hung down around his face, giving him that `little boy' look. Ryan could do nothing else but kiss Eddie lightly on the lips. He broke the kiss and moved his head back. Seeing the apprehension in Eddie's eyes, he immediately resumed the kiss, this time pressing his eager tongue against Eddie's lips which opened and allowed him access. The kiss lasted for what seemed hours before Eddie's involuntary shivers brought them both back to reality.

"We'd better get back inside before you catch a cold," said Ryan.

"Ryan, I'd be happy to stay here all night as long as you were here with me.," Eddie replied.

Ryan laughed and replied, "I bet you say that to all the boys." Then he took Eddie's hand and led him back inside the house and closed the door.

As they stood in one another's arms Eddie said, "I know Ellie has told you about my past and it's true that I've been with so many men that I've lost count."

"That doesn't matter to me," interrupted Ryan.

"No, let me finish," said Eddie. "A while ago I made a stupid mistake and I got very drunk and had unprotected sex with a guy I'd never met before. He told me afterwards that he was clean, but I had to have all the tests just to be on the safe side. Heaven be praised, the tests all came back negative, but my attitude towards sex has turned one-hundred and eighty degrees. Ellie described my old ways as `Find them, fuck them, and forget them' and that just about sums it up, but this latest frightening experience has changed all that. You see, I've never wanted any man to get too close to me, I'll explain why in a moment. Ellie met you in college, took a liking to you and you have become firm friends. Even though I've only known you for a few hours, I can see why. Ellie loves you in her own way and she trusts you. She is a great judge of character and if she trusts you then I feel that I can trust you too. The reason that I've been reluctant to let anyone get close to me is simple. I'm wary of gold-diggers. Ryan, you know that our name is Whitman. Does the name mean anything to you?"

"Well, aside from the country singer, Slim Whitman, it doesn't mean anything at all ... well, apart from Whitman Electronics, of course, but that couldn't be ... you don't mean ...."

Eddie smiled and nodded. "Yes, I'm afraid that now that my father is dead I'm Chairman and Chief Executive of Whitman Electronics. Ellie and I own around eighty per cent of the shares between us."

"I assume, then," said Ryan, "that this means that you're both pretty wealthy."

Eddie nodded again, "Yup, with more noughts on the end than you can imagine."

Ryan took a deep breath. "I see." He said, the wind rather taken out of his sails.

"I hope this is not too much of a shock for you," said Eddie, "and that we can still be friends."

Ryan looked at Eddie long and hard. What he saw was the same Eddie that he had seen five minutes ago, the same Eddie that made him go weak at the knees, the same Eddie that made his cock grow hard when he touched his nipple. "Eddie, I love you and Ellie for who you are, not for what you've got. I wouldn't care what you did for a living; you would still be the same Ellie and Eddie to me."

Eddie breathed a sigh of relief and held Ryan tighter, kissing him lightly on the lips. Ryan could see the tears in his eyes as he said, "Ryan, would you sleep with me tonight? I don't want to have sex with you. I just want to hold you and feel you close to me. It's a feeling that's very new to me and you're the one I want to share it with more than anyone else I've ever known. I know so little about you, yet I feel that I know you inside out. I just hope and pray that this will become a relationship that lasts for ever."

Ryan broke their embrace and led Eddie by the hand down the stairs and into his bedroom. Since Ryan was wearing so little it took him only a moment to strip and then Eddie dropped the towel he was wearing and the boys stood naked staring at one another for a moment before coming together and embracing naked for the first time. "Eddie," he said, "I echo your hopes and your prayers. Even though we only met a few hours ago, I think I'm already in love with you."

Robbie Twickenham, England.

This story was written with the idea that it would stand alone, but my editor has asked me to consider continuing with it. What do YOU think?

As always, my thanks to A.S. for his editing skills and his encouragement. If you enjoyed the story, it is largely due to his efforts.

Next: Chapter 2

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