Still Hate You

By Ryan White

Published on Jun 18, 2024



"So, what is WITH you these days? You never wanna hang out with us anymore? Do you have stashed away a girl somewhere that we don't know about?"

Seth grinned, very much like a Cheshire cat who had just been given the freedom of their house, along with a bowl of cream, as he sat down at the beginning of the recess and opened up his can of Coke Zero, taking one massive sip, before swallowing and winking at both Omar and Kyle.

"Maybe, maybe not..." he replied, his eyes glimmering as he knew that they would never, ever in a million years guess just who had in fact placed that smile on his dial these past couple of days.

Omar grunted as he took a bite of his banana and peanut butter sandwich, his dreads all over the place as it usually was, before his eyes landed on Christine, another African American girl in their grade, of whom he totally had the hots for yonks.

"Yeah mate, lucky for some, I still have to fucking lose my V-Card," he muttered, never taking his eyes off the beautiful young girl.

Kyle flipped his head over towards his mate far quicker than you could ever hope to say WHIPLASH.

"The fuck? Didn't you swear like mad that you lost it when we were what...fourteen? Or were you just lying because of what me and Seth over here could achieve with them girls?" he taunted Omar, reaching out towards Seth for a solid high five, of which the latter had laughingly returned.

Omar cackled out a laugh, gripping his flaccid teenage dick locked inside his school shorts for the whole world to see.

"You wish, homie! But God damn, it sure as hell feels like it...I haven't had sex in so long, I could swear I'm a virgin all over again, the V-Card is totally growing back, yo! Anyway...I like Christine and I like her bad, but hey...I don't know, what from I've heard of her, she's really into charity and all that stuff. Totally not me. I'm more ghetto, you know what I'm saying?"

Seth rolled his eyes as he giggled when Kyle pretending like he was choking on his food.

"Omar, if anything, you can just pretend that you're a saint and all that kinda shit, and see if she likes you. You guys don't have to actually date...her getting you off will do just fine too," he said with a wickedly handsome smile, before his cellphone vibrated inside his school blazer, having him reaching inside and pulling said phone out, he saw that he had a message from Jonathan, his heart immediately warming up a million miles a minute as he read it.

"Come outside. I'm waiting."

A sly grin started to spread along the lines of Seth's lips, before he sniffed and quickly typed back a reply.

"WTF, I have a class in like 10 minutes!?"

Not even a few seconds passed and Jonathan had responded yet again. Que another broad smile from the popular, handsome Freedom High teenager.

"Okay, leave it then. Enjoy your boring class knowing I came all this way to see you."

"Dude, did you sleep with a hanger in your mouth or what?" came Kyle's joking response, and it was instantly a sheer horror instinct that allowed Seth to quickly snatch his phone away to where Kyle's eyes couldn't see it. Jesus...Kyle, along with Omar had been his best mates ever since he could remember and of course that INCLUDED Jonathan, but over time that all changed.

Ever since he had written Jonathan off, so did they, and Kyle was the worst of the bunch. He knew the boy had a nasty streak, he challenged teachers towards the edge of their sanity, he had been reprimanded by the cops for the usage of illegal weapons several times...but he was and remained his friend, and loyal to Seth in every way that ever mattered, on the football pitch and beyond.

However, if Kyle knew...just HOW much things between himself and Jonathan had changed in these last few days, he doubted whether the dude would even wanna stay in his life. Kyle was very...anti anything homosexual, to put things mildly.

He quickly typed a last reply.

"FFS...okay, just give me a few minutes, I'm on my way."

Seth opened his eyes before he bit his bottom lip...

Jesus, he was outside. He was actually here. Within literal walking distance. He really wanted to see him, although it had only been like twelve hours since they were last together. The feeling of Jonathan's strong, powerful arms around his very own, his warm breath cascading across his lips...the feeling of his heart beating underneath his own, the way he would look at him when he thought Seth wasn't looking...

Absolute horror show, as his dick started to respond to what he was thinking.

"I uhhh...I don't feel that well all of a sudden. If anyone asks, tell them I'm going home, okay?" he managed to croak out of his raspy, hoarse throat before he stood up and made for the school gates out in front as fast as his injured knee would allow.

"Where the...SETH? YO, HOMIE?" he heard Omar shout out after him, but he couldn't even get himself to care any sort of less. All that he knew, was he couldn't let Jonathan wait.

Not here, anyway.

Not with the tensions between Freedom High and Edgemead Academy students being what it was.


A smile was pulling at Jonathan's lips when he realized that Seth was actually coming.

He could see him in front of the Freedom High school gates, having a quick chat with the security guards there, before the gate was suddenly opened, and out came running the one person that he wanted to see even more than he needed to take his next breath.

Glancing around him, Jonathan giggled as he saw how nervous the dude was, before waved over towards Seth, as if the boy couldn't already see where he was.

"Can you come for a drive? I kinda borrowed the work's scooter..." Jonathan started to say but was stopped right in his tracks with the severe look on Seth's face.

"Are you actually crazy coming here? You KNOW how my school feels about yours after that last soccer game (chapter 1) and the way that you guys beat us in the end! And don't even START to say that you didn't dive to fucking earn that last minute penalty, because I've played that game way too long! You forget that we were BOTH strikers back in the day before...well, before my knee was fucked, but I know you...I would have dived too...just so you know..."

Jonathan smiled as he saw Seth running his fingers through his jet-black hair, something that he wouldn't mind doing himself, by any sort of means, before he rolled his eyes and faced his best friend.

"Can you come for a drive, or not? I ain't asking you again. I'll go right back to Edgemead and pick up Saskia and have long, hard sex with her..."

Seth's eyes flashed dangerously...and it looks could kill poor Jonathan Logan would have been buried six feet under.

"Don't you fucking dare. I want you all to myself, your girlfriend can fucking go and screw herself with a dildo which I'll even pay for..." he muttered, before he swung his back pack over his shoulder and got onto the back of the scooter, his arms intuitively wrapping themselves around Jonathan's waist.

"Can we just get out of here, Jesus...I need to BE with you...and we can't fucking DO anything around here..." he whispered as he made himself as comfortable as he possibly could. Jonathan started the engine, and sighed happily as he felt Seth's warm body solidly pressing itself into the frame of his back, before the scooter slowly drove away from the school.

Driving out through the entire passage of the Freedom town and getting on the free way, Seth was surprised to see Jonathan turning into a lane that he didn't recognize, but he trusted his best friend, he knew that he had to have something in mind. It felt like forever since they had left school after a while, before Jonathan finally pulled in to a coastal road, quite far from where Freedom was situated. As he opened his eyes more clearly, he swallowed slowly as he saw it was in fact a tiny, private beach, not entirely visible to the public eye, if you obviously didn't know about it. He looked questioningly at Jonathan, before he took a step towards him, his eyes digging into those of the handsome blond boy.

"What's all this? What couldn't wait until school was out this afternoon?" he asked quietly, his eyes flickering all over Jonathan's lanky, powerful body, before the latter turned around and switched off the scooter's engine.

"I had to get out of was...I just HAD to see you; don't you get it?" Jonathan asked, his voice thick with sudden emotion, that drove Seth just absolutely crazy.

Seth stood closer to Jonathan, and nervously, slowly, looking around casually for anyone sort of life around them, but there was none, the minuscule little beach all but deserted in the early afternoon sunshine. He took the boy's right hand slowly into his own, and his heart quickened just a tad, as he heard Jonathan sigh with relief, before he felt his best friend squeeze their limbs tightly into each other.

Jonathan blew out some bated breath, before he sat down onto the soft, wet sand, pulling Seth along with him.

"I know we sorted out some of our shit the other day, and that we are cool with each other now...I mean, I know we're WAY more than cool, but...I'm just afraid of gonna do to us? To our friendship? We fucked things up before, you remember?"

Seth nodded quietly, still holding on to Jonathan's hand, before he looked out into the beautiful panoramic ocean view before them, the tide making small waves towards the shore as it withdrew, and entered time and time again.

"I know that, and I'm sorry...I don't know how to even start to say that I was such a dick for all these years, but you gotta remember one thing, Jon...I was twelve. We both were. I spent seven months in a wheelchair. I ain't using it as a fucking excuse, because no amounts of shit can make up for me wreaking our friendship but there is one thing that you need to fucking know..."

Jonathan looked over at his best friend, his jet-black hair once more waving in all wind directions with the mid-breeze...

Seth was breathtaking beautiful...and even though he had identified as straight all these years, there was one thing that he couldn't deny...not even for one Mument. He loved and adored Seth as a friend...they were more like brothers before Seth's terrible accident, they were fucking inseparable. But this...what happened in Seth's house the other day...when Seth had CHOKED him when he had discovered one of his deep, dark secrets...that he was secretly burning himself with cigarette butts...

...and because of the close proximity of their bodies, they couldn't stop the inevitable.

And the seemingly STRAIGHT Jonathan Logan's teenage dick was JUST as hard as Seth Randall's that day. He WANTED Seth to kiss him. He WANTED to be close to his best friend, as he possibly could be. He missed the hell out of the dude over the years they weren't speaking, and when push came to shove, the LOVE that he had for his childhood buddy had literally transformed into something way more.

Way more lethal. Way more romantic.

Way more DEPTH. Jesus.

"You have a girlfriend, tho..." came Seth's sad reply.

Jonathan nodded and finally released Seth's hand with his grasp, pulling up both of his knees in a sitting position and allowing his arms to rest on top of them. With a slight ache in his heart, he realized that Seth's left leg was placed out straight in front of him...another sign of the lasting effects of that terrible day.

"That's kinda what I wanted to talk to you about...we can't do that at home. I'm always at work, and Omar and Kyle are always over at your place. I just...I thought I loved Saskia. I always have, I mean...she was my pre teen crush, you know that better than I do."

Jonathan swallowed some pent-up saliva before turning the entirety of his body towards Seth and looking his directly in his beautiful, blue eyes. Once more, his stomach did sheer somersaults, as he looked at him...this was way bigger than just friendship. Was it possible that the beautiful friendship that had once existed between them...had somehow evolved over the years, to whatever THIS was now?

He reached out and cupped Seth's cheek inside the palm of his hand...and enjoyed the hell out of Seth's reaction as his eyes launched upwards at the feeling of his best friend's sleek touch.

"Last night, I couldn't sleep. My mind is totally fucked up, it's going around like crazy. I tried to do a pro and con about both of you. Like what I like and dislike. And apart from you being an absolute DICK for four fucking won. I wanna be with YOU way more than I wanna be with her! Dude...that's just insane...I nearly fucking got dressed and wanted to run over to your house to just...BE with you! Do you realize what that means?'s you. Jesus man, it's always been you. Don't you GET it? I...fucking CARE about you!"

Seth couldn't breathe.

He tried to. Oh, he tried to.

But when Jonathan's lips slid over his own, he had totally forgotten anything and everything else.

The fight...their intense rivalry...the fact that the schools they were attending looked down on each other and HATED the sight of the other...the way that he had upset Jonathan when he broke off their friendship and just the NASTINESS that he had put him through...and the sheer GUILT that he still felt whenever they were near each other... was all wiped from his mind.

Both boys deepened the kiss as the sun once more casted its ultra violet rays upon them, showering them in a sheer glimmer of light and happiness. Out of seemingly no where, Jonathan's hand landed on Seth's thigh, as his lips swiftly proceeded to move to his throat, and the latter groaned in pure sexual pleasure. Both boys by now, had glowing erections to try and deal with, and it was Jonathan who allowed a narrow HISS to escape his throat as he felt Seth's hand curling over the head of his hard teenage boy cock, the school trousers doing fuck all to hide how Seth was making him feel.

"Are you...Jesus...are you sure no one can see us..." Seth croaked out and moaned out loud, without even meaning to, as the immense feelings cascading from Jonathan's wet, warm lips slashed up against his exposed neck.

"I knew there wouldn't be anyone where this time of don't need to worry, you're totally safe with me..." Jonathan whispered in his ear, and he snickered as he felt Seth shudder against his him, his entire body turning into a solid packet of jelly babies with the hearing of his words.

Exhaling softly, Jonathan took total control, and buried his face right inside Seth's jet-black hair, his heart was hammering, his body was on fire. His fingers twitched, as he took hold of Seth's cock, equally as hard as his own.

"That feels so God damn good..." Seth managed to slither out of his mouth, his words a further indication to if giving permission, to go ahead.

"See how hard you make me..." Seth whispered.

"Fuck..." Jonathan whispered back.

Stroking upwards again, he rubbed his thumb over the head, still hidden underneath the school clothing, Seth groaned out low in his throat, needing to touch Jonathan in return, to make him feel as good, as he made him.

"Touch me..." Jonathan whispered as if he could read his mind, and Seth didn't wait even for a second, at the urgent demand. God knows, Jonathan's voice was wreaked.

Like in a slow-motion animation movie, Seth looked around nervously one more time, before he leaned in and kissed Jonathan with EVERTYTHING that he had inside of him. At once, he felt Jonathan's arms going around him, holding him close, his tongue reaching the inside of his mouth, looking urgently for its mate, and finding him. The swapping of their saliva felt magical as hell, sweet as shit, as both boys knew inside their heart of hearts, that this was for real. This was for keeps.

"Sh...shit..." Seth whispered as Jonathan grasped his hard dick through the material once more. He looked upwards at his best friend and a fiery inferno lit up inside his chest as he saw the latter's eyes.

"I need to feel you. Get those off. Now," Jonathan ordered.

Seth trembled...there seriously wasn't people around, but you never knew. Where they were situated, they couldn't be seen from the highway though...and holy shit, he wanted to do with Jonathan, demanded, so fucking badly.

With a hiss inside his throat, his arms slid off Jonathan's body and onto his own, hands and fingers fidgeting at his belt, before he finally managed to unclip the expensive Billabong clasp, before Jonathan needlingly took over, unfastening what was left of his trousers, ripping it off in his current, hormone-defined state.

Jonathan's breathing quickened...he had wondered how he...a seemingly straight guy with a girlfriend to he would possibly be able to touch...feel...and look at another boy's dick and think...I WANT THAT.

It was easy in the end.

It belonged to Seth.

He reached out slowly, and gripped the base of the boy's dick inside his fingers, eliciting a massive inward groan from his best friend. With only Seth's boxer shorts remaining, he gently placed his fingers at the sides and removed the last remaining bit of material from him...sighing in complete awe and wonder as he finally saw his buddy's hard dick, launching proud as punch, upwards before him.

"Is it okay...I're used to pussy, I get it..." Seth started to protest, but ONE look from Jonathan swiftly managed to stop him right in his tracks.

"You''re bigger than me...and I feel no shame in admitting that..." he whispered back, looking deep into Seth's eyes, before placing another kiss on his lips, dragging his bottom lip along for the ride so much that Seth nearly collapsed from the emotion of the powerful smooch.

"I wanna see you now..." he muttered, and just for a second Jonathan seemed confused as hell, before his eyes lit up and he nodded, himself taking a good look around, just incase, before he unclipped his trousers as fast as he could, removing both his school shorts, as well as his underwear in one fluid movement.

For Seth, this was as a life long dream come true. He could remember, even when he was at the tender age of twelve, and when he finally realized to his horror, that he felt way more than friendship for Jonathan...

...he would sometimes, late at night, he would fantasize about a Mument just like what was happening right now. Instead of girls in his class, it would always be Jonathan inside his dreams, it would always be Jonathan that he would be thinking about. It was ALWAYS HIM. Never, ever, he even ONCE thought, that they would ever be HERE. Never in a million fucking years.

Jonathan's eyes rolled back inside their sockets as he felt Seth's raw palm on his cock, he threw his head backwards in complete surrender as the boy began the rhythmic movement of up and down jacking of his dick, wanting to give him as much pleasure as he did before.

"Why...why did we never do this as kids..." he whispered towards Seth, winking at him, as he took Seth's own cock inside the powerful, hungry, needy grip of his own hand, and began to repay the favour in kind.

Both boys were rock ass hard by now, it felt like both their boy dicks would literally be able to impregnate a watermelon. As they continued to jerk off each other's fellow teenage organs, their eyes never left that of the other, they couldn't...wouldn't look away, no matter how hard they tried.

Seth's heart was pounding inside his chest, lunging forward once more, and burying his tongue inside of his best friend's mouth yet again, the boy holding him as close as he could, from the position that they were in. Seth's cock was an angry red, as it proudly ascended to the heavens with Jonathan's masterful manipulation, with Seth breaking the kiss, and looking down at Jonathan's own thick six and a half incher.

"More...I need more..." Seth moaned as once more he covered Jonathan's mouth with his own, as the boys began jerking each other harder...faster...more intense than before. Each boy's dick felt like it was on fucking fire...their balls tightening with every movement of their young hearts.

Jonathan was the first to give over...the immense feelings and emotions coming from his teenage dick pushing him over the edge of the so-called cliff as he POURED his globs and globs of boy juice right over Seth's still jerking hand and fingers. Seth gasped at how warm the feeling of Jonathan's sperm was, it was like pouring lava straight from the volcano itself, as he broke the kiss and looked downwards at the still spurting teenage boy cock...still shooting it's virile babymakers like sheer manna from heaven. Reaching upwards with his hand, he immediately stuck his fingers in his mouth, licking some off, testing the waters, SAVORING the rich flavour of teen boy sperm, as he heard Jonathan groan loudly at the sight of his cum inside his best friend's mouth.

Seth's breath quickened as he felt his own orgasm rapidly approaching, his chest was heaving at a rapid pace, and he placed his hand firmly on Jonathan's shirt-covered chest, where he could clearly feel the other boy's heart beating just as fast and just as quick as his own.

"You gonna make me cum...? MAKE ME CUM FOR YOU..." he hissed at his best friend, once more covering his lips with his own, as Jonathan doubled his efforts on Seth's dick, determined to follow through on his orders. Seth's dick felt like a saber inside his hand by then, and as he looked into his buddy's eyes, he knew that he was close. Very, very close.

Something shifted inside Seth's eyes as he felt his climax was so close...he felt Jonathan's rough skin on his hard dick as he gave over to his temptation...something inside his stomach lunged towards the boy before he cupped Jonathan's cheek and pressed his forehead firmly onto his. His cock finally gave up the chase and launched his teenage boy sperm straight out from his dick like a tomahawk cruise missile on auto pilot.

There was literally cum everywhere you looked, the smell of two boys just having given each other the most pleasure that they possibly could considering where they were, as Seth's body crash landed on Jonathan's, pushing the boy downwards so that they were literally cuddling on the sheer amounts of sand around them. Jonathan's hand had long left Seth's cock and it was still pouring out it's buttery goodness, drips and drips of the stuff sentenced to immediate death on the sandy slopes.

Seth closed his eyes as his he tiredly, laid down his head on Jonathan's chest...and he realized that the latter was quiet. It had been ages since he had heard Jonathan physically SAY anything, before he placed a single kiss on the boy's chest.

"Was that...I mean, was that too much for you? You're quiet as hell, and that fucking scares that shit outta me right now..." he whispered.

Jonathan's eyes were closed too, but he reached over and placed his arms firmly around that of his best friend, as a way of an answer.

"I...don't worry. This is just all so new to you said, I'm used to fucking and eating pussy...but I wouldn't have done all of this, if I really didn't want to. Hey...Seth, look at me."

Seth sighed and slowly used his limp arms to drag his body upwards, to where he could see Jonathan. His eyes widened as he saw Jonathan reach for his hand, and he kissed Seth's knuckles softly, before carrying on.

"To be honest...I didn't know what to expect. Before all of this, I was straight...or at least I thought so. I'm not saying I'm over girls forever...but let's put it this way. If I saw a naked girl over there on the beach right now...I would CHOOSE to stay here with YOU, and NOT go over to her. If that makes any sort of sense?"

Seth happily smiled, as he reached over and buried his face inside the crook of Jonathan's neck for what felt like the millionth time.

"Believe makes perfect sense..." he whispered, tracing the boy's facial features with his fingers...feeling Jonathan entire body shudder as he did so.


"What has you so happy tonight? You look like Manchester United has just won the Premier League, the way you have been grinning your butt off all afternoon! Did Saskia turn up at the shop whilst you were working? I hope she didn't bother you too much...we really cannot afford for you to lose this job, my boy."

Jonathan shook his head, blushing as his mother smiled knowingly at him, standing up and kissing her on the cheek, before making his way towards the fridge, sighing as he just how empty it really was this relatively early in the month, reaching out and taking a can of Coke that his manager, Sophie Rawlings had allowed him to take from the store where he worked at after school and on weekends. He literally didn't know when last he saw Saskia and to be honest...he really didn't care. Not as much as he knew he was SUPPOSED to.

His chest tightened as he saw Seth in his mind's eye. His childhood friend. He smiled softly...closing his eyes for just a second, relieving the wonderful afternoon that they had shared. He never knew...he never realized being with someone could make him feel that...ALIVE. Ever. Sighing, he opened up the can and took a sip.

"Nah, it was nothing like that. Me and Seth just hang out. Oh, did I mention that we're tight again? It only took about four years, but whatever..."

Dory Logan stiffened as she heard her son's words, and turned towards him, all the happiness and joking demeanor of a few minutes ago, now well and truly gone, before she placed her washing that she was busy with, gently down on the kitchen counter, and sat down at one of the bar stools, looking straight at him.

"Now Jonathan...personally I have nothing against Veronica and Mark...they are wonderful least we thought they were. They treated you like dirt after Seth broke off your friendship and you have hated him ever since...what on Earth happened that I don't know of? The things you said about him over the two couldn't stand each other after his accident!"

Jonathan nodded and sat next to his mother, taking her hand in his own. He saw the love in her eyes shining towards him, and he knew that she deserved some sort of explanation, but he couldn't tell her the truth. Not yet. He had never heard his mother make one derogatory comment about homosexuality ever in his life, but it was a whole other concept when it came to a person's only son.

He just didn't wanna chance it. Not even when he wasn't sure where he and Seth were even going with this. There was an insane attraction to the other...that was for sure. But in this town...when they were only sixteen? There was just A LOT that could go wrong if the wrong people would to hear about this.

" remember what you told me that night when Dad took his own life?" he asked Dory, as softly as he possibly could.

Dory Logan blinked her eyes a couple of times, before staring down at her hand-me-down skirt and apron that she was wearing. With Jonathan now working after school, he no longer could finish up the washing for her, which meant that she had do it after school, and she never wanted him to help her, even though he repeatedly wanted to...she knew working at his age wasn't a life that any teenager wanted, and yet, he jumped at the chance to earn themselves some extra money. She squeezed her son's hand as she wiped her eyes.

"Of course I do. I told you that you are the man of the house now, and that we only have each other. We have to believe and..."

" in each other...yeah, I remember," Jonathan finished his mother's sentence, taking a deep breath.

"I kinda...need you to trust me on this too, now. I know what I'm doing, and I promise you that finally fixing things up with Seth didn't happen like, overnight. We just...sorted things out. If nothing else, we're buddies again. And to be honest...all those childhood memories keep popping up so it was kinda inevitable. You know, like learning to ride our bikes, dad teaching us to swim, playing video games over at their house, you remember?"

Dory laughed fondly at the memories, staring at nothingness as she seemingly started to recall a certain memory.

"What? Do I have Coke on my lip or what?" Jonathan giggled, as Dory patted him on his back.

"I was just...thinking of my favourite memories of the two of you was when me and Dad came home after he fetched me from choir practice one afternoon and you were playing Pokemon or some other stupid game...Gosh, you two boys must have been what...nine or ten at the most. Now, Dad was only gone for about ten or so minutes, but when we came back you two were fast asleep...curled up in your bed facing each other. Dad only shook his head, and left the room, but something got my attention..."

Jonathan swallowed. Hard.

"And...what was that?" he dared to ask.

Dory smiled; her eyes full of fondness.

"It's just...Seth had his arm around you. As if he was...even at that age, as if he was, protecting you. Probably just kids being kids, but that's how it seemed from my point of view. He was always the most adventurous one of you two. Ah well, if you tell me to trust that you know what you're doing, then I'm happy with that. And Jonathan...I just don't wanna see your handsome face as heartbroken as it did that afternoon Seth broke your friendship...just remember that, okay?"

Jonathan kissed his mother on her forehead, before he proceeded to make dinner for the two of them, with what was available in the fridge. He sighed as he dished up the two scrambled eggs and three slices of toast for her, and a meagre two slices toast for himself, before he quickly ate his meal and took his mother her plate of food.

"Where's yours, Hun?" she asked, her eyes searching all over the small kitchen area. Jonathan smiled at her, reassuringly, before he dramatically, rubbed his flat belly.

"I already ate at Seth's place; I told you we were fixing our shit..."


"...fixing our friendship...I meant to say. He quickly made us some huge BLT's so I'm still totally stuffed. You go on and eat, okay? Oh, your phone is ringing...where did you put it?"

"Hun, I think it's in the bathroom where I did the washing earlier!"

"It's okay, I'll get it!"

Jonathan quickly dashed over towards the bathroom, and immediately saw his mother's brick of a cellphone on the basin, before he grabbed it and instantly answered.

"Dory Logan's phone, hello?"

"Is that you, young Jonathan?"

"Oh, Mr Matsumo...I'll quickly get my Mum, just hold on for a second, please?"

"Who is it, Hun?" Dory asked as she looked up from her meal, her hand outstretched to receive her phone.

"It's your boss," Jonathan mouthed as silently as he could, handing the phone over towards her, before he turned back and quickly placed his own dish in the basin, pouring hot water inside from the tap, ready to wash the cooking equipment, before he heard it...

...his mother's brick of a phone falling to the floor, instantly smashing the age-old gadget to smithereens.

"Mum...MUM!" he screamed as he saw his mother nearly double over, as if she was in severe pain, as he quickly came at her side, helping her upwards, her eyes were everywhere, and as soon as she seemed to recognize him, she clung to her son with both of her hands.

"MUM! What...the hell is going...what the hell did Mr Matsumo SAY to you? MUM...TALK TO ME!"

Dory shook her head...her grip on Jonathan's arms slipping by the second. Eventually she took a deep breath and composed herself...tears rolling out both of her eyes as she tried to maintain some kind of stance, for her son.

"Mum, seriously, are you gonna tell me, or am I gonna have to go over to that fat fucker's house and ask him myself?"

Dory blew out some air, reaching upwards and running her hand through her ash brown hair.

"I'm...they.... he said...they are letting some of us go...and I'm one of them. Dear God in heaven, Jonathan do you realize what this means? I'm not going to have a job by next month! When I get my final salary this week...that's it! I've been there...what...thirty-three years! How can he DO this to me? How? And why now...everything was just looking up for us...WHY is God punishing us like this?"

Jonathan tried his best to keep his he knelt down to his mother's level and took her in his arms.

He might have been calm on the outside, but on the inside, he was shaking.

She has been the heart and soul of that bakery...she had even met his father there all those years ago when he stopped for a coffee and a chocolate bagel. He had been told that story so many times, that he had lost count.

Was this fair? Fuck no.

Was LIFE fair?

Definitely not.


"I don't want that boy in my house ever again! Jesus Christ, if I knew he worked at the store, I would have never ordered home delivery!"

"Now, Veronica, just be reasonable, we can't tell our son with whom he can be friends with or not..."

"LIKE HELL I CAN'T! Mark, did you forget what happened the last time those two boys did ANYTHING together? Our son was crippled for a year!"

"It was seven months, Mum..."

"You shut up! I'm still your mother and I'm STILL talking!"

"Mum! GEEZ! Will you chill the hell out? All I said was that Jonathan and I are friends again. I didn't say anything about bringing him here! Don't you think I'm well past having sleepovers?"

Veronica suddenly stared at her son, as if he had just stepped into something nasty and smelly at the same time.

"Be that as it may, I refuse to have people of his...fuck that, POOR people like himself and his mother in this house! And have you forgotten the SHAME that hangs over that family? Ronald committed SUICIDE! What if it runs in the family?"


Seth rolled his eyes and thanked the Stars upstairs that his father had the nerve to shut his mother up, otherwise he was very close to doing that himself. God knows, she wasn't always like this. But ever since his dad had gotten promoted to partner in his law firm and even more money had come rolling in over the years, she had changed as well.

Feeling even more guilty because he didn't support Jonathan at the time when his father died, feeling like a dick with how he treated him over the years in general, so THIS was the LAST thing that he needed.

A motorbike storming down the street where they resided in, came to a sudden stop, with tires and exhausts straining for power as it did so, catching his attention, and Seth gasped with relief as he saw Kyle park his expensive huge ass machine on their driveway.

" that, Kyle? Seth...he begonias!" Mark rambled hysterically, rushing outside to see if there was any damage to his beloved front garden, as was the speed with which Kyle had ridden that tank of a bike that his parents had gotten him earlier in the year.

"At least HE comes from a good family...a wealthy family...Seth, I swear, if I ever...EVER see Jonathan Logan l in my house, you can go pack your things and go ahead and live with him and his filthy mother in that monstrosity they call a house. Do we understand each other?" Veronica thundered over towards her son, before she picked up her laptop in anger and headed towards their bedroom.

"Yo, Homie! How's it hanging?" Kyle greeted him, his eyes wild and excited, with his bike helmet swinging from his right hand.

"Ask your sister, she'll tell you," Seth smirked towards his mate, before they fist bumped each other. Kyle stood quietly for a while, before he motioned for Seth to come closer.

"Can we go and talk in your room? Like...what I have to say...NO one can know about. You get me?"

Frowning, Seth nodded and signaled at Kyle to follow him upstairs to his bedroom. His phone had been on his bed this entire time, and as he picked it up, he saw that he had two messages waiting for him. One from Jonathan, and one from Joel.


With everything that had been going on with Jonathan this past few days, he had completely fucking forgotten about he and Joel's...arrangement on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Of course, Joel wouldn't have dared to talk to him in school about this...not this. He probably wanted to know why Seth had been totally ignoring a flash of guilt once more flew through the handsome teenager.

"Yo, yo yo! Earth to Seth!"

Swearing underneath his breath, Seth turned his phone off and turned towards Kyle, signaling at him to join him on his bed.

"So, what is SO damn important that you had to get me all alone in my bedroom?" he joked, jabbing at Kyle playfully with his elbow.

Kyle spat a huge glob of saliva on Seth's expensive floor carpet, before he looked at his friend, disgusted as anything.

"Told you before, don't even make jokes about that homo shit, not around me. Omar might think they're funny as hell, but I don't..."

"Kyle! KYLE! was just a know how me and you have KIDDED around since we were kids? What the hell is up with you these days? You never used to be like...well this?"

Kyle scowled, looking away from Seth, before he shook his head and laid down on his bed.

"I just...I don't wanna talk about anything to do with fags, alright? Now, listen to me. The whole reason I even came. You remember how those slum bastards over at Edgemead won the last soccer match we played them in?"

"How could I forget? Jonathan Logan dived to earn a penalty which he scored past me to win. What's your point, it's been nearly a month ago?"

Kyle grimaced, before he sat upright, with literal STARS in his eyes.

"We came up with the perfect revenge plan. Listen to of the security guards over at Edgemead works for my dad in his spare time as an office boy. He literally does that during the day, and at night he's a guard to make extra money...but in short, he NEEDS cash and fast. You know how little security pays, bro? So, me and Omar and a couple of the other guys on the team, we cornered him when he came off his shift this morning...and I was like...if I paid you like...a couple of hundred pounds to just...look the other way one night...then we sneak in, we TOTALLY TRASH their school hall, we TRASH their locker rooms, we fucking SPRAY PAINT everything in sight and we basically DESTROY their asses. They will think twice before EVER messing with us again. Fucking homeless wankers, the lot of them! So...what do you say?"


Seth swallowed, not able to look Kyle in the eye. He was legit afraid, that if he did, Kyle would see what was in his heart, in a second.

Well, he was angry as hell too, the way that Edgemead defeated them in the previous game. If there was one thing that the prestige Freedom High did NOT EVER accept, it was looking bad to their cross-town counterparts Edgemead Academy. But that was when he and Jonathan were still mortal enemies...when they honestly couldn't stand each other.

Things has changed somewhat since.

" that really necessary? I mean, we have another game against them next month, so we just beat them on their own turf and that will be it..."

Kyle shook his head, defiantly getting up and walking towards the window of Seth's room, staring at the outside for a few seconds, before turning back to his mate, arms crossed over his chest.

"No. Fuck that. Do you have ANY idea how much SHIT my dad put me through because we lost to those poor fuckers? He actually sat me down and told me that he's spent THOUSANDS on my football training, only to be beaten by kids who couldn't even afford to EAT properly! Do you know how THAT felt? No, you don't, because you're Mister Perfect, perfect fucking Seth Randall, who can never do anything wrong, EVER..."

"Woah! Stop the fucking train! Mate...what the hell is this? Why bring me into this? Look, I'm really sorry that your dad gave you a hard ass time with this, but it has nothing to do with me! And any way, I'm the team captain and I say we don't do it. If that guard decides to talk after we do really wanna go to fucking jail? For Edgemead Academy?"

Kyle blinked a couple of times, before Seth stood back...these days Kyle was like a different person. His whole demeanor has changed over time...he was always a prankster, always a trouble maker, but naturally good at heart...he was never, ever THIS vindictive and CERTAINLY not over something as simple as a lost football match.

"If he talks, I'll just have to kill him..." he said, his voice as stable as Seth had ever heard it.

Seth's eyes bulged out of their sockets as Kyle reached into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out a small pocket knife, complete with his name engraved at the top, in pure gold.

"See this? My dad gave me this for my sixteenth birthday. Now I've never shown this...or told anyone about this, and the only reason I'm telling YOU, is because you're my best fucking mate...I'm doing this. With or without your help. Edgemead is gonna get what's coming to them...and if anyone...ANYONE gets in my way...I'm gonna make them pay," he whispered, his voice hoarse with pent up emotion.


"I got my car; can you wait for me outside? I'm coming to get you."

"WTF, now? You crazy? It's cold as hell!"

"You wanna see me or not?"



"Whatever. See you in ten."

Seth smiled as he turned on the ignition and drove straight across town, the small distance towards Jonathan's house. He had to tell him what Kyle was planning...there was just no other way. He couldn't allow Kyle to do this, and after seeing that yeah, he was gonna have nightmares for weeks about that. It was like he didn't recognize Kyle anymore.

He shook his head, and drove slowly out of the Freedom section of the town, and turned into the right lane, which entered the lesser wealthy Edgemead part of town. He parked right outside Jonathan's house, and thanked the Stars that it was winter and dark as the daylight he wouldn't dare set foot here. Just as Freedom High students LOATHED everything about Edgemead Academy, the feeling was very mutual from Edgemead's side, and everyone around here knew Seth Randall, as well as what car he drove.

He would be instantly recognized and probably chased out of town...even perhaps something more severe than that. The hatred from both parts of town have become increasingly violent over the years...the slightest little thing could trigger a major fallout and has, in the past.

Seth's eyes immediately lit up as he saw Jonathan opening his front door, rolling his eyes his friend carefully looked around if anyone was looking outside their window, before running towards Seth's BMW as quickly as he could.

"Who the hell is gonna stare at you in this weather, Jesus..." Seth said as soon as Jonathan got into the car, and in turn, received a middle finger to the face for his troubles.

"Alright?" Jonathan asked, as they made their way to the park in the middle of the square, a bit out of town, but still close enough than they were still INSIDE of Freedom. Seth hoped to God that the cold, icy weather would be enough to keep nosy ass folk away from them, because he REALLY needed to see his best friend, and meeting up at his house wasn't an option.

"Yeah, you? Look, I need to tell you something..." Seth muttered as they entered the park, and stopped the car just underneath what he knew was a bundle of trees together, before turning off the ignition, as well as all light inside the car.

"How romantic is this..." Jonathan sarcastically said.

"You want someone to recognize both of us? You really wanna deal with that fall out?" Seth blasted over towards him.

Jonathan sighed, and turned towards his friend.

"Can we not...I missed you..." he said, and although Seth couldn't physically see his face, he heard the desperation, the tiredness inside the crisp of his voice.

Seth bit his lip and carefully reached towards his mate.

"Jesus, come here..." he said softly as the two boys embraced, Jonathan gasping at the warmth that Seth's body brought to his freezing frame.

"You're cold as hell, mate..." Seth whispered, kissing the side of Jonathan's neck as he did so.

"I know...I'm sorry...I'm warming up now, though..." came the tepid response, as he pulled Seth closer to him.

They sat embraced for a few more seconds, before Seth cleared his throat and released the boy that he cared about so fucking much, reaching out and cupping the side of his face with his palm.

"What happened...I have known you forever, mate. Something's wrong. Tell me. Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me..."

"FINE! Jesus...look, it' Mum lost her job this afternoon. That fat fucker Matsumo just up and sacked her for no reason. Cutting costs and all of that."

"What the fuck, he can't do that, she's been there forever!"

Jonathan snorted.

"Yeah well, he has, hasn't he? And now...mate, we've already at our fucking lowest, so now I'm gonna be the only person bringing in any money for me and Mum! And you know I don't make much...I just dunno what the hell we're gonna do..."

Seth's heart SUNK seeing Jonathan like this. So sad...his handsome face so pale...just so utterly devastated, that he nearly couldn't stand it.

"Look, I can...if you want...I mean, I can know?"

Jonathan frowned as he looked upwards at Seth, his eyes suddenly as cold as ice...having a sneaking suspicion where he was going with this.

"You...can...WHAT?" he forced the words out.

Seth swallowed nervously, before he withdrew his hand from Jonathan's face.

"I mean...I don't want you to be angry, but I kinda have more money than I know what to do with, I can always help you guys out..."

Jonathan gripped Seth's arm so hard, that the boy actually wheezed with pain, his eyes wide with shock and pent-up emotion. He shouldn't have said anything...he knew as soon as he did that Jonathan would be mad as hell...

"HOW DARE YOU! I didn't tell you all of this, because I wanted MONEY? What the hell do you even think of me?" Jonathan demanded, angry as Seth had seen him in a bitterly long time.

"I know...geez, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have offered...I don't know what the hell I was even thinking..."

"You didn't think, period! Look, this was a fucking mistake. I knew this would bite me in the ass eventually, whatever this homo crap is that's happening between us! All you care about is money! Typical Freedom fucker! You know what...I'm outta here..."

"JON! Mate, wait, let's just talk about this..."

"I don't have ANYTHING to say to you! Go back to your rich ass mates and leave me the FUCK alone!"

Jonathan got out of the car as fast as he could, before Seth soon followed, and he managed to grab Jonathan's arm, before he turned around and SNATCHED it away.

"I said, LEAVE ME ALONE!" Jonathan thundered over towards Seth, pinning him against one of the trees that they had parked under, looking at his best mate with sheer hatred in his eyes. Seth sighed and reached upwards and grabbed Jonathan's arm.

"Jon...come on...we've just sorted our shit out. Please. Fuck man, I'm so tired of fighting you! After the other day? After what we did...after being with THAT...I just wanted to HELP, for fuck sake!"

Jonathan's eyes narrowed...and eventually softened as the seconds passed, as he gently loosened the grip he had on Seth. Seth released his arm and reached up and cupped Jonathan's face in both of his hands. Both boys were breathing in and out, a rapid pace. Seth leaned forward and kissed his best mate what felt like the millionth time since they had started this new chapter in their lives, and kept hold of the boy's lips, before he slowly allowed it out of his oral grasp.

"Don't you get it by now? Can't you fucking see it in my eyes? Can't you hear it in my voice? We lost so much time...I care about you, mate!" Seth whispered, as he clung to Jonathan, as if he might vanish of he allowed himself to let go even for one second.

Jonathan sighed and dug his forehead against Seth's. Apart from his mother...he had NEVER had someone who said anything CLOSE to this to him, ever before. He knew his mother would always be there for him...but this...what Seth had just fucking said...his heart was pounding in his chest.

What he felt for this boy...this perfect, handsome boy that he has literally known every since he could remember...

...OH MY GOD... had just gone WAY beyond just friendship.

Didn't it?

Both could sense it. Both could FEEL it.

Neither DARED to say it.

Because THAT would make it real. It wouldn't be able to be unsaid.

Because quite frankly WHAT they felt for each other at that moment, scared the living shit out of both of them.

They heard the nearing footsteps at virtually the same time.

Both turned their heads towards where they had heard it coming from.

"OH...SHIT..." Seth murmured as they realised that someone had been watching them...for God knows how long.

The person realised it too, as they turned around and dashed towards the edge of the park.

"HEY! OI, COME BACK HERE!" Seth screamed at the top of his voice, leaving Jonathan totally in his wake, speeding after who ever it was.

"SETH! YOU CRAZY? WHAT IF HE'S ARMED?" Jonathan yelled worrying after his best mate.

"SOMEONE KNOWS, MATE! I CAN'T JUST STAND HERE!?" Seth frantically replied.

Someone had seen them.

Seen them KISSING.


Thank God that whoever this was, was not exactly faster than Seth himself. Even with his knee cramping, paining him to the extent that he was sweating with the force used on the ligament, he hawled in the person and tackled them sorely to the ground.

"The hell? What the fuck are you playing at?" he managed to holler out to the guy underneath him...until he realised just who it was.


Joel Rawlings coughed a few times, before he focussed his eyes and stared straight at Seth, his cheeks as red as Seth had ever seen them, both his sets of fingers clenched tightly in balled up fists.

"Am...Am I not good enough for you anymore?" he managed to croak out, before Jonathan caught up with them.

"You okay? Who the fuck is this nerd?" he asked, completely out of breath.

"No one...just...he's no one..." Seth managed to actually squeak out, his throat dry as the Kalahari Desert, before he got up, leaving Joel on the ground.

A cackling laugh from Joel weirded the hell out of both boys, but more so Seth, who thought he knew Joel rather well, until right now...because never, ever did Joel come close to uttering anything like THIS, during their twice a week suck off sessions.

"No one...I'm "no one"? So that's why I haven't heard from you in a week, right? Because of him? I had to follow you for two whole days to find out what's happening! Why don't you tell your little BOYFRIEND I've been your personal cock sucker for two years now! And then suddenly you throw me away for this Edgemead piece of trash?"

Jonathan's eyes on Seth.

Seth couldn't BARE to look at his best friend.

All those times he had with Joel...he honestly, truly, never thought Joel would do THIS to him.

Obviously it meant way more to Joel than to him...for him to go to THIS kind of extremes.

They had just gotten each other back...

...and the way it felt right now...

...they had just lost each other all over again.



Okay, so bear with me. My stories ALWAYS has a happy ending...but how the HELL is Seth gonna explain THIS to Jonathan?

And just how dangerous is Joel...not even to mention the knife-carrying Kyle?

Please shoot me an email if you enjoyed it? It's kinda the only way us wannabe writers know if our stories are being read and appreciated, so even if it's just to say "hey, loved it" or "fucking hated it" HAHAHA I would love to hear from you.

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