Still Hate You

By Ryan White

Published on Jun 11, 2024



"Are you sure you don't you want something to eat first..."

"Joel, I'm literally in no mood to talk right now, alright? We both know why the fuck you're even here in the first place, so get your gay ass the hell down there and get to work, yeah? We cool, or should I call one of the sluts at school who would be all too fucking willing to suck my dick and swallow my cum?"

A sickening feeling of dread and anger spilled over Seth's mind and heart as he saw the intense hurt inside Joel's eyes, but he had way more than enough to deal with than the damaged feelings of the local Freedom High gay boy.

Easy there, are not too different from him, remember...that irritating little voice inside the back of his mind tended to whisper to him, as it always did, when he always tended to think that he was better than Joel Rawlings, just because he could actually get away with PRETENDING to be straight, to satisfy his fellow peers.

Jesus...but there was nobody on this planet that could get him off, the way that Joel did...give the poor little devil his credit, as Seth sunk in his stomach, as the pure pleasure paradise of emotions and feelings flooded through him like a hot knife through butter. Joel's skilled, experienced tongue glided up his hard teenage boy length as if hadn't seen the God damn thing in weeks, when it was in fact only a few days ago.

Another hiss from Seth as the boy proceeded to slightly jack his teenage dick down near at the base, whilst he was keeping his cockhead company with the flicker of his desperate, needy, thirsty tongue. He could actually hear Joel, dramatically as was kin to him, smacking his lips as he always did when his pre cum started flowing, and there was usually enough to rival a horse's piss.

With his dick rock fucking hard, stretching proudly upwards towards the skies and busy being slobbered over inside a wet, warm cavern of sorts, Seth tried his best to think of anything else than...well...He Who Would Not Be Named...if only it was Voldemort himself and not his sworn fucking enemy things would have been cool as shit.

Anyone would have done what he did a few days ago...he tried to tell himself. Jonathan too drunk, he slipped backwards and he fell into his girlfriend Saskia's pool and he would he drowned if Seth hadn't jumped in to save him.

Just his fucking luck that he had to do mouth to mouth on Jonathan, because Lord Joel took another swipe to his leaking cockhead, the sparks emanating from his groin making the sixteen-year-old Seth shudder in sexual pleasure...

...that was his dream...that was what he wanted to do with his former best friend ever since he could remember.

Thinking back some four years ago, when he and Jonathan Logan were as inseparable as two best friends could get, he knew that he felt something...something MORE for the boy that he had known all his life, something way more than just being best buddies. The way he would LIGHT UP when ever he was near Jonathan, his then, twelve-year-old heart soaring every time Jonathan stepped into the room or on the soccer pitch...

...he didn't know at the time, or rather, at that tender age, he was simply way too scared and young to acknowledge what those feelings were actually called.

And then, that terrible accident that happened, when he listened to Jonathan just before it happened...telling him that people were talking about them two being way too close to be just friends...something that scared him so fucking much, that he did the blasted fucking dare that Kyle had suggested on that afternoon...and got onto his hoverboard, and he swerved down that nasty hill and he lost his balance and he popped his knee in what was something he didn't wish ever happening even to his worst enemy...

...but from that day on...he hated Jonathan Logan.

Because he held HIM responsible for the accident. He still did, to be fair. He lost his soccer scholarship, he lost his place on the team...and in a way, he lost his freedom, because he wasn't allowed anywhere near STANDING upright for nearly seven months. For seven EXCRUTIATING months, he had to go to school each and every day stuck inside a wheelchair, he had to grit his teeth and bawl his fists as he saw his fellow schoolmates go on with their lives, whilst he was literally stuck in his.

Right then, in the present, Joel felt the need to fondle Seth's balls, swoop downwards and take the left nut into his mouth, swirling it around for good measure, making Seth buck his groin into the boy's face, his back stretched out comfortably on his bed, his eyes closed and his hands folded into fists once more, as was the severity of the need Joel was having to see Seth cum and taste his babymakers.

Seth moaned as the image, of his lips on Jonathan's much as he didn't want it to much as he didn't want it to be HIM...any other boy, but not him, not the guy that he spent the last four years hated his guts out...but the moment that IT happened, it was like all his childhood dreams had suddenly come to life.

He shook his head, his dick on red alert...and his eyes bulging in sheer shock and amazement as thinking about his former best friend made his dick even harder. Joel popped Seth's left nut out of his mouth, licking his lips at even doing this with the most popular boy in school, before giving his twin brother the same treatment...

"FUCCCCCKKKK...Jesus..." Seth croaked through his laboured breath, as he resisted the need to just...reached down and run his hand through Joel's sweaty hair...the shapes and forms inside his mind creating an alter universe where he looked down and didn't see Joel Rawlings...but Jonathan Logan before his teenage genitals the mother of all sucking jobs.

His dick was so hard, it felt like the sixteen-year-old fuck stick would break metal at this point...pre cum was seeping freely through the flaring piss slit, his cock was extending to it's full potential of seven and a half inches, although right now it seemed and felt more like eight. Seth gritted his teeth as he closed his eyes...and it was at THAT point and time that Joel popped the right ball out of his warm mouth and grinned like a Cheshire cat...enclosing his gullet around that leaking phallus head once more...

"OH MY GODDDD...JO...OEL!" Seth squeaked through his repeated waves and waves of sexual pleasure, catching himself before he made a dear, dear mistake in front of the school faggot. Over and over, his cockhead was overly stimulated until the poor Seth Randall just couldn't take it any more.

He was a teenage boy after all...they were not really made to last.

Joel looked up in sheer fascination towards Seth...THE Seth Randall...he knew of several girls at school who would give their panties to be where HE was right at this moment, and once more he wondered why Seth never stopped this...whatever THIS was, between them. He didn't need him...not even a little bit, because he had plenty of girls ready and willing to drop their clothes as well as their virginities for just ONE afternoon with the immensely popular soccer captain...and yet Seth chose him to do this with twice a week.

Seth's mind knew instinctively that he was getting almighty close to spilling his seed. Doing what every teenage boy has done since the beginning of time, he started imagining people that he was attracted to...the FACE that he wanted to see when the moment of orgasm arrived. The person you fantasized about...the pussy or dick, for that matter, that you pictured when the crashes of orgasmic bliss completely and utterly overtook you.

His legs were shaking, he drew in his stomach...he laid back down and ran his right hand over his rock-hard abdomen...spreading his palm over the six blocks of hard work and determination that came from having a home gym. His cock was now being swallowed up and pleasured at an alarming rate, with Joel working his magic like a pro wizard in training...and when that moment came, that he feared...

...he knew whose face would appear before his eyes the moment that his cock started to spill it's juicy, sticky, battery goodness.

As always poor Joel nearly drowned in the avalanche of sperm that came from Seth Randall's young machine gun...goblets and goblets of teenage baby makers scattered themselves everything, looking for a fellow teenage ovum to occupy, when all they found was the mouth of a nerdy boy with glasses, who at this point, swallowed and fucking gobbled them faster than you could try and say BOY SPERM.

Joel did his best to swallow and digest what he could, his own dick nothing but a solid arrow inside his school trousers, as it always did when he tasted Seth's yummy cummy load. Calling him a faggot was wrong...God, it was so wrong, but that was exactly what he was...he lived for these sessions with Seth.

He felt for Seth, like he had never done for anyone.

And whilst he knew that Seth was straight...and he knew that nothing permanent would ever happen between them, the damage was long done. He had feelings for the dude...and tried as his young heart might, they refused to go away.

Seth didn't move for a while. He just...laid there post orgasm, in what seemed like genuine shock and amazement, before he shook his head and patted Joel on the side of his head.

"Would you just...would you just go, please?" he whispered, in a tone which Joel had never heard before. Frowning, he stood up gingerly, his legs wobbling, his own dick still rising to the skies, he hesitated for a moment, before he grabbed his bag and turned towards the door.

"Seth, if something is wrong, I can always stay..."

Seth rolled his eyes and coughed out a laughter than actually made Joel cringe...

"Look, if I wanted someone to talk to, I'll watch Dr Phil or something, can you just get out? And remember Joel...if you BREATHE a word of this to anyone..."

Joel nodded and sighed, before he left Seth's room, dejected as he always did. Why he kept doing this...why he kept having himself degraded like this, he would never fucking know. His mother kept at him to start STANDING up for himself, but with him being seen as the school faggot, that was a little hard to do. But also, AS the only gay boy in Freedom High, his chances of getting dick anywhere else was few and far between.

As usual, when it came time for Joel to leave, and Seth was left on his own, with only his mind to keep him company, he reached for his packet of cigarettes, which he had hidden inside his school backpack, the only place where his parents didn't even think twice to look at. He lit one up and immediately felt better as the nicotine started to work its magic.


Why couldn't he have...I dunno...gained insane amounts of weight over these last four years, or just have had an accident of his own, so that he didn't have to be still so incredibly sexy...

And still, even after all these years, Seth couldn't get that feeling of HATRED out from his heart. He blamed Jonathan for the accident and he still does. He blew out some more smoke, until he felt the warm ash land on his exposed left arm. He closed his eyes...and laid back...taking the bud of the cigarette, and VIOLENTLY smashed the still burning tip onto his naked flesh. A hiss from the back of his throat caught him off guard...

THIS was how he dealt with the fact that he would NEVER be accepted for who he really was...not by his peers, and certainly not by his parents.

This time...the still smoking bud on his arm seemed to HURT more. It seemed to cause more pain, rather than take it away.

He hated himself.

He LOATHED himself from being gay in the first place.

But not only that...and a single tear rolled down his cheeks, as he remembered who's face he saw as he came just minutes ago.

Most of all...he DETESTED himself, for still caring about his former best friend.


"I don't even wanna see this shit..." Jonathan whispered to his friend and teammate Frankie Henderson as they stood in line at the cinema to buy tickets for the latest rom-com that was crazing through the nation and indeed, Freedom as a town.

Frankie took a sip of his Coke Zero just as Jonathan rolled his eyes in complete and utter contempt, choking on the black, artificially sweetened goodness as he giggled at the sheer horror that was his friend's facial features. The last thing that Jonathan was now in the mood for a was a kiss-me-quick kinda story when there was a brand-new Jason Statham thing starting at the same time.

He ran his fingers through his styled-just-right blond hair, looking longingly at the row of people already queuing to see the action feature film, and here he was, actually queuing up for something with Harry Styles in it, near damn sacrificing his mental health for his girlfriend Saskia, because and I quote...she REALLY wanted to see it! URGH!

"Just see this as your sort of punishment, brother! And later on, tonight, when you have suffered for two and a half hours, she would be more than willing to give you her reward...if you know what I mean..."

"Frankie, I've literally known what you mean for four years, now shut the fuck up about this stupid ass mov...SASS! We're over here!"

Saskia's eyes lit up as she saw her boyfriend and his bestie standing in line to purchase their tickets, and she leaned over to give Jonathan a huge ass kiss, giving Frankie a what-the-hell-are-you-even-doing-here glance as she did so.

"BABY! Sorry, I'm late...kinda had a fight with my parents before I came over here...listen, can we maybe talk in private?"

Frankie's eyes flickered between those of Jonathan and then finally back at Saskia, before he eventually got the message, which usually took a while for the lad...some people just weren't meant to be the smartest peanut in the packet, and there was nothing wrong with it. Jonathan sighed as he pleadingly looked at Frankie, before the latter simply shrugged his shoulders, took another sip of his Coke, and turned away from them.

"You better keep my place, brother..." he muttered, clearly not happy, before he finally left boyfriend and girlfriend alone.

Saskia looked up at Jonathan with her pretty blue eyes, reaching upwards, to curl a string of lose hair behind her ears, before she bit her bottom lip, and took hold of Jonathan's hand inside her own.

"Baby...I'm really sorry and I didn't even wanna come, but I knew you would be worried and everything...but see, the thing is, my parents sort of...refused to give me any money for's the middle of the month and we're skint!" she whispered towards him, so softly and so urgently, that Jonathan could hardly even hear her.

He knew that Saskia's folks didn't have it easy...none of the good people who lived in Edgemead did, basically working their asses off for minimum wages and still didn't make ends meet most of the time. In the classier part of town, there was Freedom itself of course, where all the rich bastards lived, in their grand old houses, with their three-four garages, swimming pools, riches beyond belief and way beyond what they really needed.

People who lived in Freedom, never sat foot inside Edgemead, because they would rather die than be seen there...which wasn't the case for the youth in Edgemead...who frequently ended up being delinquents in the fancier part of town.

"Uhm...okay, well should we just go straight to the carnival then?" he whispered back, quite frankly relieved that he perhaps didn't have to sit through this...whatever romance crap this even was, for the next two and a half hours.

Saskia sniffed, as if she wanted to cry, but couldn't quite get the tears out, before she clung to Jonathan like white on rice.

"See...Baby, the thing is...I've already told EVERYONE at school that I'm gonna see the movie, and they will soon all be here...everyone will notice that I'm not here and they'll ask all sorts of questions...and if we discuss the movie at school on Monday, then I won't know what they're talking about! Is there any way that you could pay for my ticket as well? I PROMISE I'll pay you back the moment my dad gives me my allowance! Please, Baby...for me?"

Jonathan opened his mouth to respond, but the moment that he did, his eyes narrowed at the sight of the three boys entering the cinema complex, and who was no doubt also going to the carnival afterwards, if you took in how they were dressed. They had the bucks to do both. He gritted his teeth, hoping to God that Seth wouldn't see him, but it was already too late. His former best friend seemed to stop talking to both his soccer teammates Omar and Kyle...both dudes that Jonathan himself were friends with years ago, before they turned on him, blaming him for Seth's accident just like the latter did.

"Baby, please, we're almost at the cashier's desk! I'm gonna be so ashamed to turn around now!" came the pleading from Saskia, her eyes as white as he had ever seen it.

Jesus. He only had a certain amount of money with him...his mom was working two jobs already in order to support both of them after his father's suicide...and whilst he had tried his best to get employment now that he was sixteen, nothing had worked out for him as yet. If he had to pay for both himself and Saskia to see the movie, then he would have next to nothing left for the carnival. And quite frankly, he would rather go there with Saskia, than see this God damn movie.

"Heyyyy...look who it is! I didn't think you would be anywhere around here, Loser! Didn't think you could even afford to hang out at places like this!" Kyle smirked, as he laid eyes on Jonathan, both himself and Omar joining up with himself and Saskia, whilst Seth just shook his head, remaining where he was, with both his hands stashed in the pockets of his hoodie.

"Jesus Kyle, don't you have some STD to go and get rid of?" Jonathan snapped back at the boy, who glared at him with complete and utter contempt.

"Watch your fucking useless piece of forget I know where you live and where you come fucking DARE you even TALK to me..."

"OKAY...chill...Jesus, Kyle, do you have to be such a dickhead all the time?" Seth finally managed to intervene, dragging his buddy away from Jonathan and Saskia, with a wild-eyed Omar looking at Seth as if he was dumbfounded.

"For real, homie? He's the reason your knee is fucked and you still support this fucker?" he asked, as quietly as he could without attracting even more attention to themselves.

Seth's eye caught that of Jonathan, and for a moment the two boys seemed to have a secret moment between them, fleeting as it was. Jonathan's anger subsided somewhat as his eyes flickered over his former best friend...his jet-black hair standing in all wind directions just as he liked styling it four years ago...his tight-fitting blue jeans with holes all over the shredded material, his hoodie rolled up at his arms, and underneath the cinema lights, he could even as far as see the hairs on his arm sway with the evening atmosphere.

The memory of Seth's lips on his own, just a couple of days ago when the latter boy had literally dived into Saskia's pool to save him from drowning and when he was forced to perform CPR on his ass. The feeling of another boy's lips on his own took a while to remember, but now he couldn't get it out of his mind. He even refused sex with Saskia since then, scared to shit that he would picture Seth in his mind, if they got hot and heavy.

"Look, just leave us alone...we didn't bother any of you..." he ordered, putting his arm around Saskia and tensed visibly as he saw Seth's eyes narrow just a tad as he did so, making him even more determined to show him, as well as the other two assholes that they were no fucking better than he was.

"Of course we can watch the movie, I'll do anything for you..." he whispered over towards Saskia, who immediately lit up as if all her previous birthdays had come at once, before daring a final time to glance over at where Seth was. Omar and Kyle had long turned their attentions to the Statham movie previews showing on the big screen TV's but Seth was still where they left him. Giving the cash for Saskia to purchase the tickets, he stood aside, and looked defiantly at the black-haired dude.

"You okay after the other night?" Seth asked, as he slowly walked over towards Jonathan, both of his hands still in his pockets.

"What's it to you? Huh? No one told your rich ass to jump in after me and pull me out of that pool. Would have bet my life on you leaving me in there, you've fucking hated my guts for four years," Jonathan replied as nastily as he could, but he found himself that he couldn't look away from Seth's demeanor.

Seth rolled his eyes and shook his head, eliciting a cough sound out of the back of his throat, as if in total and utter disgust.

"Geez...that's what you get for worrying about someone..."

"Yeah well, you haven't worried about me in four years, so why don't you just piss off and get back to your posse? People like you and me, we don't fucking mix, you get that?"

Seth seethed through his teeth, smirking as he turned around to see where both Kyle and Omar was, before he turned back to Jonathan.

"Yeah, I probably should. Before all these people would start to think I'm talking with the HIRED HELP around here..."

In a flash, quicker than you could say LIGHTENING FAST, it took Jonathan a mere two steps towards Seth before his hands reached out and GRABBED his former best buddy's hoodie around the neck area, and steered him away from the majority of the crowds, pushing him up against the wall of the building, where no one could see them.

"What the hell did you just say?" he hissed towards Seth, who smirked and pushed Jonathan violently off from him.

"You heard me...remind me what part of what I said was FALSE!" he snickered back towards the blond boy, his eyes enjoying messing with him at every passing second.

Jonathan cackled out loud, before he got all up in Seth's face, both their noses, as well as their chins mere centimeters apart. So much so, that both boys could feel the warm breath of the other cascading over them.

Seth's froze...not in actual fear, but he was afraid...afraid that being so close to the boy that he couldn't get out of his mind, was going to betray how he really felt about him...Jonathan was even more handsome than he was four years ago...back then everyone called the two best friends potential future heart breakers, but JESUS, Jonathan was a beautiful dude. His blond hair cascaded over his forehead, his eyes as angry as he had ever seen it, his cheeks glowing red as roses with the lights of the cinema shining across both of them.

Jonathan stared at Seth, in return...determined as hell to make him PAY as he wanted to several days ago, but there was something stopping him. Something that in a million years, he never would have thought made ANY sort of sense. They were mortal enemies now, but they were best friends before...inseparable for years, until the day that Seth had that horrific accident to his knee and blamed HIM for it.

As he glared into Seth's eyes, he saw so many...relieved so many memories...them as kids playing Lego's together, learning how to swim together...two little pre teen boys walking home with their arms around the other after winning and scoring in their soccer matches...

...and he would be the first to admit that he had never, ever in his life thought of himself as anything other than heterosexual...straight...into girls, or whatever you have to label it these days...

...but was it his imagination, or just because he and Seth had shared that seemingly, at the time, unbreakable bond between them all those years...

...but as he looked into Seth's blue eyes...he FELT something.

Something more...something way more than just friendship...or even kindship with the dude before him.

Jonathan sighed, and released Seth so fast that the latter's back slammed against the wall of where they were situated.

"You ever...EVER call me THE HELP again, and so fucking help me, I'll rearrange that pretty face of yours with everything I have in me..." he whispered, patting Seth's cheek for good measure, before he cleared his throat, his eyes absolutely everywhere other than on Seth himself, before he turned around, spotted where Saskia was on her tippy toes searching for him, and made his way over to his girlfriend.

"At least you think I'm pretty, huh?"

Jonathan balled his fists, swinging around to MURDER his former best friend, but all that he saw was a fleeting shadow and a hoodie zipping past him, as well having to endure hearing the solid, shrieking laughter from the boy he hated more than any other human on this earth.

He hated this.

He wasn't...he wasn't GAY?

I mean, he would have known by now, wouldn't he?

Seriously, he had never looked another boy in his life, and thought...yeah, I wanna stick my dick in that!?

And what's more, why the hell did it have to be Seth who would have such an impact on him? And even so...if he was going through a phase where he was into guys, which he hoped to GOD wasn't the case, but nevertheless...WHY SETH?

WHY the boy he LOATHED with all his might?

WHY the boy who THREW their friendship away like a dog in heat?


About a month had passed since the incident at the cinema, and neither Seth nor Jonathan had set eyes on each other since then, not that they had any reason to, though...because Seth lived his rich and charmed life in Freedom, whilst Jonathan had finally found some temporary employment at the local supermarket in the Edgemead part of town, as a shelf stacker and delivery boy.

The job didn't pay all that much, but he was paid weekly, and therefore he could afford to help his mom with stuff around the house, for the first time in his life. Word was spreading however, that Jonathan worked at the store, and therefore attracted many of the Edgemead faithful, supporting their friend, and even just popping in to say hi, or just to buy a soda, as a show of solidarity.

Unfortunately, it was the only supermarket around these parts, which meant that there were customers and clientele from Freedom as well. And Jonathan knew, some day, that he would have to face Seth coming in here and even go as far as serving him. He dreaded even thinking about something like that ever happened, and hoped to God that his co-worker Sophie would be around when that ever happened. God knows, there was no way that he would bow down to Seth Randall and his cronies more than he already had to.

It was nearly time for school to end on the following Friday afternoon, and whilst everyone around him was seemingly excited about their weekend, Jonathan put on a brave face and slumped his way towards the supermarket, where he had his afternoon shift. He was working the entire weekend as well, so there wasn't much to look forward to. He said goodbye to Frankie and the others, before giving Saskia a kiss that he hoped would have rocked her world, because he wasn't going to be seeing her much until at least Monday.

"Do you really have to work? Can't you in and tell them you're sick or something? You know my parents are away for that wedding thing they have on? Come on, Baby...just me and my sticking my tongue down your fucking my wet...soft pussy with that hard ass dick of yours..."

Jonathan could feel his dick responding at the sound of what was promised and GOD DAMN he nearly reached for his phone and called his manager up to tell him just THAT...but he couldn't do that to his mom. She worked TWO simply wasn't fair.

"Soon, okay? I'm sorry, but I can't let my mom suffer by herself. I have a job now, so I can help her. Please understand, yeah?" he whispered softly, and leaned in to kiss her, but to his sheer amazement, the young, beautiful girl pulled her face away from him, grimacing as she did so, and grabbed her bag, swinging it angrily over her shoulder in complete retaliation.

"Babe...what...what did I do?"

Saskia's eyes flashed dangerously over to her boyfriend.

"I dunno why I even bother with you! Do you know how many rich ass boys over there at Freedom would be just HAPPY to fucking have me alone with them for even ONE MINUTE? I ain't getting any attention from you, so I have to get it SOMEWHERE? I'm just telling you that you know...and realize. I do have options!"

Jonathan stared at his girlfriend in sheer disbelief. He couldn't believe the shit that was now coming from her mouth. She could literally cheat on him with anyone in Edgemead, and he wouldn't even bat an eyelid, after all of this...but to have her mention FREEDOM? Those rich fuckers with enough money to wine and dine his girl...HELL NO!

"Listen Babe...I have to get to work...but seriously, if that is how you feel, then you should do that. Then we should fucking break up right now. You KNOW how I feel about those dudes up in Freedom and you DARE to threaten me with them? Are you for real?"

Saskia lowered her eye lashes as she blushed and tightened her grip on her bag.

"I wouldn't do that, and you know it. I love you too much..." she muttered, before she turned away from him, checking her phone as she did so.

Yeah right...if she didn't walk around with all those stuff in her mind, she never would even have said it. Instinctively, when thinking about Freedom, his own mind jumped to Seth. His heart started to beat a bit quicker as his face doomed up in front of his mind's eye.

FUCK! STOP THIS! You aren't into dudes and you NEVER will be!

But that little irritating voice at the back of his head kept whispering to him, over and over and over...

"If that was true, then why didn't you even flinch at the fact that Saskia might cheat on you?"


"Hey, new kid!"

Jonathan shot Sophie a vicious look, before he sighed, and smiled, knowing that her new pet name for him came out of nothing but affection. Since he started working here the older woman had sort of taken him underneath her wing, per say, and made sure that he did the best he could, whilst also teaching him the tricks of the trade, and made sure he stayed in their boss's good books. Jonathan placed down the stock order slips that he had been busy checking, before he walked up to her, giving her a warm smile.

"I'm totally at your service, Mam!" he said as loud as he could, reaching upwards with his right hand, giving her a genuine military salute, which was only received by a rolling of her eyes as she pushed a whole lot of packages towards him.

"Smart ass, listen, there has been a last-minute online order to deliver, so stop this silliness, and get on that scooter of yours and drive out to Freedom and go and deliver it. Any tips you get you can keep; you know the drill by now. Come on, the sooner you go, the sooner you can get back, and I can lock up and we can get the hell outta here!"

Jonathan giggled at her usage of words, but his smile instantly vanished like mist from the morning dew as he saw the address of the placed and paid order.


"What? Come on, get a move on, don't you have a girlfriend that's waiting for you?"

Yes, but that was besides the point now.

" there any chance...and I wouldn't even ask if it wasn't THIS address, but can't YOU know...deliver it? I promise I'll never ask for ANYTHING ever again..."

Sophie took the receipt from him, and took another look at the address, before sighing and giving it back to him.

"Don't tell know the people living there, right? And you don't want them to know you're doing deliveries? Someone you go to school with? Perhaps a friend? Your girlfriend? How am I doing?"

Jonathan swallowed slowly and shook his head. He didn't dare look Sophie in the eye, knowing that he might spill his guts the way things were was like she KNEW what was going through his mind, they had this instant bond when he started working here. God knows what she might think of him, knowing what had been going through his mind these last few weeks.

"Not a friend, exactly...just someone that I can't fucking stand...sorry..." he quickly added as he saw her frowning at his own choice of words.

Sophie reached out and took his left hand in hers, and gently squeezed it.

"I get it more than you might think, mate. My own son is really going through the wears over there at Freedom High. Bunch of stuck-up rich boys, if you ask me, but he's got a scholarship, and with all due respect, going to Freedom High would look much better on a college application than Edgemead Academy...I keep telling him, Joel, you have to have MORE RESPECT, for yourself! Don't allow others to MESS with you! Unfortunately, he is openly gay, which makes things over there SO much worse..."

Jonathan dropped the receipt, as he stared into Sophie's eyes.

"He's...he's what?" he whispered, convinced that his ears were playing tricks on him.

"You heard! He won't mind me telling you this, because you guys don't know each other from Adam, but yeah...and I don't need to tell you how bad THAT is in a school such as Freedom High, you were there yourself. You take these groceries, and you hold your head high as can be, and you go make the delivery, and you come back here. No sweat, right? And you DO NOT take crap from anyone over there, you hear me? Off you go! You could have been BACK already!"

Oh my...and he was afraid she would...I dunno, be disgusted as hell with him, if she knew...everything he has thought about Seth these past few days...poor Sophie didn't know why, but when Jonatan reached over and gave her a hug, she held him close for a moment, like a mother would her own son. Of course she wouldn't realize just how much she had just said, had meant to him. But it meant the world.

Jonathan smiled at Sophie and nodded, taking the bags of groceries over towards the scooter that belonged to the supermarket, and the one he always used to do the deliveries with.

Jesus...this wasn't gonna be fun. Not at all. the delivery, don't hang around and come back.

And totally ignore Seth if you see him.

Should be easy, right?


"What...are you...doing here?"

Just my luck, Jonathan thought. So much for ignore him if you see him. if it wasn't embarrassing enough doing a delivery to his house, now he has to look at me as if the cat dragged me in here and back as well.

He lifted up the three bags of groceries and lifted his eyebrows as he did so.

"What do you think I'm doing here? Didn't you order these?" he asked, the sarcasm evident in his voice.

Seth frowned, and made sure both his arms were fully covered by the polo neck shirt he was wearing, before he stood aside letting Jonathan come inside the huge ass mansion that his parents owned.

Jonathan whistled out loud as he entered the place for the first time since that awful afternoon that Seth had hurt his knee and literally CHASED him out of his house and out of his life, he had literally spent have his life around here, when they were best friends, but back then the house didn't look anything like this. They must have spent a fortune in upgrades over the years, they'd be fucking multi millionaires if they ever wanted to sell this joint. Turning around towards Seth, he glanced over the area with the bags still lodged in his hands.

"Where can I put this? It's already paid for, so don't worry about that. I don't wanna be here a second longer than I need to, and I'm sure you feel the same, so...where?" he said, his eyes falling on Seth once more, before he smelled it.

Jonathan sniffed a couple of times, before he looked at Seth in sheer confusion.

"Is that...are you fucking smoking in here?" he asked, his eyes etched in shock and disbelief.

Seth sighed and threw his hands up in the air, before he grabbed two of the bags in Jonathan's hand, their fingers touching just for a mere moment, before he stormed off towards the kitchen, with Jonathan in tow.

"Hey, don't you fucking walk away from me, I asked you a fucking question!" Jonathan seethed as he followed Seth along the familiar path towards the Randall's kitchen.

Seth literally tossed the bags onto the marble kitchen counter, before he turned back to Jonathan in sheer anger.

"Yeah, so fucking what if I am? What is it to you?" he demanded, his eyes flashing dangerously, letting Jonathan know that he was SO not in the mood to be dealing with whatever THIS even was.

Carefully, as he could, Jonathan placed the last bag onto the table, joining the others, before he crossed his arms and shook his head.

"Nothing, I suppose, but I still have a brain and I still remember going with you to your grandfather's funeral all those years ago, because you didn't wanna be alone and you wouldn't stop crying until I came with you. You remember your granddad, don't you? I mean, the one who died from LUNG CANCER! Can you blame me for wondering why the fuck you wanna end up the same way, with smoking that shit?"

His fists now balled up tightly, ready to attack at any given moment, Seth came closer to Jonathan, and looked the blond boy DEAD in his eye.

"Again...what's it to YOU? and you, we stopped existing YONKS ago. Let it go, and get the hell out of my house..." he whispered, his voice nothing but a cloudy rasp, his chest heaving up and down at a furious pace, his anger now completely out of control.

Jonathan stared at Seth, before grimacing and holding up both of his hands in a way of sheer surrender.

"Okay, I ain't your dad or anything. I just thought you would have more brains not to do that shit...Jesus, you still play soccer with that stuff running through your veins? Does your coach know about this?"

It was like something inside Seth EXPLODED with the mere sound of Jonathan's voice.

"THAT'S IT! GET OUT! GET OUT AND NEVER COME BACK! I'm gonna fucking get your ASS FIRED from your pathetic job they way I feel now! I'm serious, Jonathan! I SAID GET OUT!"

With Seth's anger getting to the absolute maximum, his sleeve of his polo shirt, etched upwards a little too much to his chagrin, and before he could stop himself, his eyes flashed towards his exposed arm, and quickly pulled said sleeve over his wounds as fast as he could, before Jonathan could see them...but it was way too late.

Jonathan's heart pounded inside his chest, but was wasn't just out of anger. He knew what he saw...his eyes glimmered in horror, as it flickered urgently from Seth's arm to his eyes. It didn't take a genius to realize that Seth was smoking cigarettes and together with the burn marks on his arm, putting two and two together, and ending up getting FOUR.

"What was that? Did you do that? Did someone hurt you?" he demanded, his voice raised several octaves, his temper threatening to join Seth's in complete expulsion.

Seth willed himself to calm down, before he closed his eyes and counted to ten.

"I told you to get out of here..." he started to say, but before he knew what had hit him, Jonathan was at his side, pulling his right arm towards him, and RIPPING the sleeve upwards, exposing the very thing that Seth had been trying to hide from the world, for so long.

Jonathan swallowed slowly as his eyes flickered over the multitude of wounds...the ones which were almost healed as well as some of the freshly made ones...some of which seemed like they were nothing but a couple of hours old.

"Jesus, Seth..." he whispered, before he felt his lanky body being PUSHED away by a force that he had never felt before. Seth's hand grabbed at his throat as his back hammered against the kitchen counter, grimacing in pain and discomfort, but Seth was operating on auto pilot right now...someone other than Joel knew his one of his deep dark secrets that threatened his entire living existence... he increased the hold he had on the boy's throat.

"I told go home. I told you to get out...WHY didn't you just fucking LISTEN! Just like when we were kids, you ALWAYS had to be a fucking SMART ASS!" he hissed towards Jonathan, enjoying the fuck out of the latter boy's eyes bulging in their sockets at the mere realization that Seth was literally about to CHOKE the life out of him.

Jonathan reached upwards, and grabbed hold of Seth's hand, willing it away from his throat, as he cackled right into his face, with both boys once more feeling the effect of a warm breath on their skin...the breath of another boy, that was.

"You're sick, you know that? You fucking need help if you're doing things like that! Jesus, Seth, why are you even hurting yourself? You have a fucking perfect life! If anyone had to fucking push burning cigarettes onto their flesh, it should be me! I'm the loser, I'm the poor Edgemead bastard whose mom has to work TWO jobs, just to get by! I'm the one who's girlfriend is angry at him, for having to work all weekend, so she threatened to leave him! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HAVE TO BE UNHAPPY ABOUT?"

Seth reluctantly weakened his grip on Jonathan's neck...his heart ached being so close to his former best friend. This close and yet...his eyes glanced all over Jonathan's handsome features, his face...his nose...the beginnings of a stubble on the boy's lip...his beautiful...beautiful eyes and his blond hair once more falling all over his forehead, as he returned his look.

Jonathan couldn't look away either, even if he tried. They had a bond...even though it had been ripped to shreds a mere four years ago, when it felt like several more, with all the hatred and animosity between them. He opened his mouth to insult Seth some more...

...before his mouth opened in sheer shock...and disbelief.

A moan escaped from Seth's throat, as he must have realized what was going on as well.

Jonathan swallowed...and his answer to the question that he wanted to ask Seth was suddenly reflected in the boy's eyes.

They were hard.

Both of them.

Standing this close...mere centimeters separating them...

...their teenage dicks were as straining hard, as hard could possibly be.

"I...I fucking HATE you..." Seth whispered, his grip on Jonathan's throat lessening by the second, as he turned his palm around and softly placed it on the side of his neck...his fingers nearly too nervous, too scared, too afraid for make another move...he desperately wanted to. Oh boy, he wanted to caress every single part of this sexy boy's body...and what's more his cock agreed with him.

So did Jonathan's. He could FEEL every inch of it, against his very own.

Jonathan swallowed slowly, his Adam's apple going up and down inside his throat, as he struggled to take another breath.

This was wrong...this was so wrong.

"I can't STAND you broke what we THREW me away like a fucking pavement special..." he hissed back at Seth...why did he have to smell SO GOOD...he never used to wear cologne when they were twelve years come he never realized just RAW and BEAUTIFUL his best friend was until now?

Seth's face came closer, ever closer...almost as if in slow motion.

"You ruined my put me a fucking wheelchair for seven months...I should rip you apart right now, you Loser..." came the taunting reply, but his face didn't stop its journey to where it so desperately wanted to nestle itself in.

Jonathan slowly shook his head...he kinda had a feeling of what was about to happen...and his heart RACED when he realized...deep somewhere within himself that...

...he WANTED it.

This was his life long best friend. This was the boy he grew up with. Until THAT day, they were as close as boys could be...even Saskia at age TWELVE joked that there was more than friendship between them.

Slowly he leaned forward, until their noses physically touched...and he nudged his against Seth, the latter boy's eyes glimmering with hope...maybe more?

"I wanted to make things chased me away. I...Jesus, Seth, I fucking missed you so much, I can't even...why did you ruin what we had? You were my brother; I would have done ANYTHING for you! I would have turned back time and gotten on that God damn hoverboard myself, if I could...I never wanted anything to happen to you..." he finally admitted, tears accumulating inside his eyes and eventually dripping down his cheeks.

Seth's mouth hung open at the sound of Jonathan's words. He believed could he not? He knew Jonathan better than he knew himself. Slowly he caressed the boy's neck with his thumb, before his face sharpened, reaching upwards and gently as he could, wiped Jonathan's tears away.

Both boys SHOOK with the need to be together, to be the sheer intimate act that Seth was now doing. The boys trembled. Eyes firmly on each other.

Time stood still.

"I want to hate you...but I can't anymore..." Seth croaked out as he leaned forward and placed his lips firmly on Jonathan's.


Both boys moaned as both their fleshes finally touched, skin to skin, the sheer wait for this to happen, four years too late, evaporated, at last.

Jonathan reached up and held his former best friend's face inside both of his hands, desperate for the boy not to feel any more pain than what was necessary, other than which was coming from the burns on his arm. In turn, Seth deepened their kiss, reaching upwards himself and gripping the back of Jonathan's head, running his fingers through his mane of blond hair...something that he always wanted to do when they were kids, but never had the guts Jonathan pulled him even closer to him.

Coming up for some much-needed air, releasing them from the kiss, Seth's buried his face inside the crook of Jonathan's neck, the latter boy instinctively knowing who hold onto him...and at that moment, Jonathan knew...he KNEW and he realized that whatever CRAP happened between them during the last four years...

...that he would PROTECT Seth Randall with every fucking fibre of his being.

Seth didn't even realize he was crying as well, before he also realized that he was flooding Jonathan's neck with his tears.

"I'm sorry...Jesus, man...I was such a DICK..." he cried out, his voice muffled from his face still being lodged on the side of Jonathan's neck, as if it just brought property there. He uttered a sort of choking sound as he felt Jonathan's arms holding him even closer, if that was possible, stroking him...caressing his back with every passing second.

"I don't even know what to say...I came here not wanting to even see you, the fucking humiliation of delivering groceries to your house...I gave as good as I got, dude. I was angry too. You just GAVE UP on us!" he muttered, as he heard Seth clear his throat, and finally lift his puffed up, out of tears features from his neck.

"I'm sorry...just...just tell me...tell me this isn't a dream...because I've wanted, ever since the fucking fourth grade..."

Jonathan pulled his buddy close and kissed his forehead in response.

"Why didn't you say anything? Fucking hell, man, we wasted FOUR YEARS!"

Seth smiled wryfully and shook his head.

"In this town? I never would have had the guts...and Jesus...if Kyle, Omar and the rest of the team knew about THIS...they'll fucking ROAST me..."

Jonathan reached down and took solid hold of Seth's hand, squeezing it inside his own.

"Fuck those guys. They are still the same twelve-year-old idiots that we hung out with, only now they've actually grown a pair of balls and no doubt their dicks are bigger, but they're still mentally fucked."

Jonathan took a deep breath, because he knew it was time to be serious. The fun and games, and all the laughter of the past could wait until later...he felt he had to level with Seth. Allow him to know where he stood...God knew after THAT kiss, he really didn't want ANY misunderstandings between them, ever again.

"Dude...I'm gonna level with you...I have never been...what's the word...attracted to another guy before. I honestly thought I was straight all my life...but then again, would I be kissing you if I was? I mean, you HAD to feel my cock pushing against yours earlier...YOU did that. Not any girl, not even Saskia ever got me that hard. You...only you."

Seth smiled once more, his blue eyes shining in the late afternoon sunlight streaming through the windows, as if announcing a somehow "new dawn" in their lives, before he leaned down and kissed Jonathan one more time.

" do we do now?" he whispered, still refusing to let Jonathan's hand go from his grasp.

Jonathan sighed and shook his head.

"I dunno, buddy. I really don't can't EVER get out. We both know what will happen. Freedom and Edgemead are full of God damn homophobes...but now that this has happened, now that we have each other around again...Jesus, Seth I don't wanna lose you! Not after this...not after today."

Jonathan hugged Seth to him, the latter giving back as good as he was getting, both boys feeling ounces of friendship and perhaps more...flowing through their veins, as they had never felt with anyone, ever before.

"I care way too much about you..." he finished his thought, feeling Seth nod against his neck, as if to say...

...yeah, me too.



Wow...that took EVERYTHING out of me. I'm in tears and it's not even real LOL.

Please shoot me an email if you enjoyed it? It's kinda the only way us wannabe writers know if our stories are being read and appreciated, so even if it's just to say "hey, loved it" or "fucking hated it" HAHAHA I would love to hear from you.


I love writing for Nifty, but the Highschool section is my all time favourite. PLEASE let me know if you wanna read more about Seth and Jonathan, and where to from here for them...because there's not way things end here LOL.

Shoot me a message!

Next: Chapter 3

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