Steves Farm

By richard taillon

Published on May 12, 2023


I want to thank all my readers for their encouragement and suggestions. Don't forget to give to in order to keep it going.

Steve's farm 6

I'm back from a shopping trip for some new whips for Boris and a new harness Marco wanted for Smack that would be adapted to its body. It's been three weeks now since the new ponyboys arrived. I've been concentrating on my dogboy, training it daily; and it has made a lot of progress. As I open the door, Yang runs to greet me on all four, wagging its tail and starts to sniff and lick my crotch with its enlarged tongue.

  • SIT boy.

Immediately it takes the position, sitting with its front paws in the air, its tongue out drooling, begging to be fed. I take a piece of food from a bag I always carry, and put it on my hand. Yang devours the food, licking my whole hand clean, while wagging its tail to thank me. I give it a few more bits to show I'm pleased.

Yang is responding well to its daily training, it's able to move on all four with ease and speed. Licking everything presented to it. Fetching all the balls and sticks I throw. Panting and drooling like an animal. It looks great in its neoprene suit, similar to a large black Labrador. Its large balls are now hanging much lower. Yang is almost horny all the time, its red cock head poking out of the foreskin. The only way it can cum is to hump my leg or a cushion until I gave it my permission. With daily hypnosis, it can't resist but obey all my orders, depending on me for all its needs. The reality is that it is conscious of what it has become but can't resist doing it. The proud young entrepreneur is reduced to an obedient dog eager to satisfy me.

It's getting ready to meet other dogboys and prove it's an alpha, making them submit to its will through intimidating physique and dominating force. When Marco removes its dog suit to clean it, I make it exercise all its muscles. The special workout program helps mold its body into the perfect dogboy: Strengthening its front and back paws, increasing the size of its pecs and narrowing its waist with a nice six pack. I play with its tits while I look at the TV, it moans with pleasure closing its eyes. The tits used to be tiny, but they now are as big as my small fingers.


  • Yang needs to pee?

  • WOOF

  • Yang wants to shit?


  • Sit! Wait till I get your leash.

I get its leash and hook it to its wide studded collar. Its name is prominently written in large and wide letters in front. I open the door holding the leash tight to my right. Yang follows me outside on all four keeping with my pace. I take it to a pole a few feet from the house. When we reach it, Yang lifts one back leg and starts to piss. When the flow stops, I make it squat over a hole nearby and allow it to defecate. How demeaning it must be for the former man to have to do that in front of me and wait until I swipe it clean. I pull it again beside me and walk to the clinic to see what is happening to Split. It's been a week since the doctor went to collect it. Ralf has been working on it since then.

  • How is it going, doc? (As we talk, the dog sniffs and licks his crotch)

-Splendid! I see that your dogboy is learning fast.

  • Stop, Yang. Sit. See how horny it is. Its red head leaking. You really did a good job with its low hanging balls.

  • It really responded well to its training. Your daily work paid off. You can measure up to your Russian friend with your dogboy. Remember how impressed we were when we saw it.

  • Yes, that's what gave me the idea and I don't regret it a minute even though it takes a lot of time and effort. Apart from seeing the results fast, I got a nice hole ready to fuck as much as I want. Yang show how much you appreciate having your ass plugged by your Master.

Yang wags its tail and licks my hand. I give the forever hungry dogboy a piece of meat.

  • It seems it would do anything for a treat.

  • True, I give it just enough to keep it fit but not sufficiently to fill its craving, specially today when I was gone for some time. It had to wait and hold its piss and shit also. So understandingly, it was very happy to hear me back. What are you up to with Split?

  • I'm still on working on this case.

  • I've been too busy to hear your updates. So, what happened when you collected Dan/Split?

  • Just as you said, Dan was waiting for me in a hotel room. After it opened the door and let me in, it handed me an envelope full of cash, with a letter:

  • As ordered by Master, this is the money i got from selling all my belonging. The only thing left is the clothes I'm wearing. I shaved my body from head to toe, cut my nails very short and had three douches.

-Good. Strip naked! That's it. Put everything in a bag, rings, watch, chains. Dan is gone forever. It is Split, its mind and body are Steve's property. Split, SHOW.

As it was standing looking straight ahead, I had a good look and started to inspect every single detail of its body. As it stayed still without moving an inch, I looked at its perfect white teeth, the dentist had done a splendid job of restoration: such a pity to remove the molars again. I pinched the tits and played with them, pulling and twisting. Still it didn't move. I took hold of the balls, squeezing the sensitive gonads real hard. I heard a moan but no physical reaction. I even put a finger or two in its hole but to no avail. It didn't let go its posture.

I ordered it - Boy go on your knees and suck my cock.

Split complied quickly and started to work on my cock quite eagerly and didn't stop until I came. I noticed the pony was quite skillful in its oral service: maybe it has had some practice during its escape. After that, I took a nap while Spit waited on its knees beside the bed. I just had to get it discreetly in my trunk during the night.

  • It's been here now for a week, I promised you I would let you have your way with Split if it came back with your help. So, what terribly wicked things have you done with it?

  • First, I did the regular stuff, nose ring like the Brutus one, tit rings and PA. Next, I removed all of its teeth to improve its blow jobs technique. To make it more fun, I actually demand it to beg every time I extract a tooth. If I don't think it's making the effort, I'd make sure the extraction would be... Less pleasant, shall we say. I then did a little operation on its voice box by letting the air bypass the voice chords, which makes it mute for the time being: this could be reversed if one day you wish it to talk again. I also opened a new aperture that improves its oral service since now it did not need its mouth or nose to breathe, it can suck and deep throat without any need to pause. The air hole also can provide additional air when it runs: it may well give it an edge in future races. It's resting now, after I spent some long hours training it to use its new hole to get additional air. When its ready for more transformation, I'm planning to do more aesthetic additions to the tongue, the cock and the balls.

  • That sounds fantastic. I never thought that this boy, once a good friend of mine, would be reduced to just an object voluntarily? Life is full of surprise. And to give you carte blanche! But it is its fault, he it hadn't run away, I'm force to take extreme measures.

  • You were too nice to Split. Now it has to pay dearly.

  • I can't see it. Where is it?

  • Its in the toilet, waiting for my piss.

As I open the toilet room, I see Split kneeling in one corner, sitting on its legs. Its PA locked to the floor and its nose ring tied to a chain above its head. An O ring keeps its mouth wide open. Its arms are tightly bounded near the elbows, pushing them back but leaving its two hands free. One is holding some toilet paper and the other a soap.

  • You see Steve, it's very practical, during the day it's just a urinal and at night it becomes my cum dump.

  • How did you manage to make it stay like that all day?

  • There are many sensors checking if its moving. Whenever it does, it sends a painful electric shock in the metallic probe inserted in its ass. There are also tiny electric pads placed around its body, so when certain muscle tenses up there will be electric shots to ensure it won't get a prolonged spasm. I've trained it to endure such shocks without moving its body: It won't even bat an eye now.

  • You are sure it will drink my piss?

  • Be my guest. It won't even let a drop fall. It knows it will be severely punished.

I take out my cock and stick it in the mouth hole. Once I let out the flow, I see the throat swallowing my copious liquid till the end. I take a look at my former friend and I can see a drop at the corner of its eyes. How much lower can it go?

  • YANG COME HERE BOY. Say hello to your old competitor.

Yang comes in the toilet and starts sniffing and licking the poor boy who cant stay still,making a loud noise. Ralf is witnessing the whole scene says:

  • Don't worry, its normal, it just got shocked because it moved: although that's not really its fault. It will have to learn to focus on not moving and forget all distractions.

  • These two are too much. Remember what they once were. And now a fucking dog and a urinal.

  • The worst is they know it but can't do anything about it.

  • So, Doc? What are your plans for Split?

  • This urinal thing with the sensors made me think I could turn it into any object and make it keep the posture for hours.

  • Sounds amazing! Can you really do that?

  • But first I want to change its body to make it more flexible. It needs to have lean muscles with no fat, a bit like a trapeze artist. I'll put it on a special diet and exercises with a lot of stretching. What objects would you fancy?

  • A nice coffee table to put my legs in the evening. Yang would be curious at first and lick it but once its used to it, there will be no problem. I'll think about other things. What kind of decorations are you thinking of doing?

  • I want to work on the tongue to put some bumps on it to increase the pleasure when its sucking. The gums are completely healed now and it gives perfect blow jobs. I'm thinking of modifying the cock. I want to put small studs all around the head and down all the way to the base. I will give it an injection that will keep it hard all the time without any possibility of release.

  • What a wicked person? And the testicles?

  • After I enlarge them, I will ring then separately with spikes sticking out?

  • It will be a sight to see! You know I have a tattoo friend who is practicing on Brutus? Do you want him to help you with Split?

  • Yeah! Do some design on the cock and balls. Is he good?

  • You haven't seen what he has done yet?

  • No. I'll be happy to check. Let's go. But first I have to pee again

Ralf goes into the toilet where the poor Split will have to take more piss. I pull on Yang's leash and take it outside, call Marco to tell him to bring the doggy inside and put it in its cage for the rest of the day. When Ralph comes to join me, we go at the back of the barn where Brutus is working as usual turning the big wheel round and round, providing enough energy for the barn and the big hall. Its shacked hands holding the shaft with a disciplined and incessant movement, its muscles bulging from the strenuous effort. The mud mixed with its piss and feces cover its body from head to toe. The smell is overwhelming. I put on a pair of rubber gloves and unchain Brutus, leading it by its big nose ring to a water hose to clean it with cold water. I scrub it with a rough brush to remove all the dirt. It doesn't even move an inch, it's used to be manhandled and jerked around. When I'm finished washing it, we can see the body hiding under all the slime, Ralf exclaimed:

  • Wow! It's gotten so big. It looks like a real farm animal! Just hard muscles from neck to calf. Nothing left from the former man. It looks so stupid. Its eyes empty with no sign of intelligence.

  • Yeah. It's so dumb now. It only obeys reflexively without thinking. Doing exactly what I tell it to do. Can you see what the tattoo artist has done?

  • It's spectacular. What a bright idea: a big python coming out of its anus, going around its waist in the front and turns back again, moving up over its shoulder and finally its head sticking down to bite on the left tit. And it looks so real, you can almost see the snake moving, such vivid colors. Its fork tongue strikes the tip of Brutus' big, meaty tit.

  • It took ages to do and the brute had to endured endless hours. But it didn't even bat an eye. It's so used to pain that is has no reaction. Try it.

Ralf takes a hold of its balls and squeeze them.

  • You see! Don't worry. Pull them down and put more pressure.

  • True. No sounds or a small twitch, as if it doesn't feel anything.

  • It's been beaten, whipped, shocked, and clamped everyday since its arrival. The torture just became part of its routine. Continue hurting its balls while I make it cum. That's it. The harder you beat it, the bigger its cock grows. Harder!

-It's cumming! Ralf says in disbelief.

-You can continue hurting after it came, it won't bulge. I'll tell the tattoo artist you liked his work.

  • Very much. I think it would be a good idea to ink Split. I wonder how much I could do.

  • Don't worry. I told you that you have a carte blanche.

  • Well thanks. The work on Brutus opened my eyes and made me think about new ways to work on Split. Maybe I'll do some erotic designs all over its body, even its face. I can't wait: it's so exciting just to think about the possibilities! Can you get in touch with him so that I can discuss what possibilities are available.

  • No problem. I'll give you his email. He is always open to new project. The wilder, the better. Split could become a living canvass: we can cover the tattoos with darker ones over and over, until all its skin is inked. After we use it for our pleasure, I could advertise to find a buyer interested in having such a fully-tattooed original object in his home: maybe we can even charge more for its novelty. Worst comes to it, we will ink it all black from head to toe. Now that it's trained to stay still for hours, that's one more valuable feature.

After I return Brutus to its work pushing the wheel, I go to the barn to inspect Marco and his ponyboy Smack to see if its making any progress in the dressage for the next contest. I find both in the central alley. Smack is holding the SHOW position. Its knees bent at 45 degrees, its hands on the side, the back straight, head pushed back by the high collar, eyes staring straight ahead.

  • What's up Marco? Having any trouble with your ponyboy?

  • It's coming nicely, Boss. Look how well it's staying in the posture.

  • How long can it stay now?

  • As long as I wish. It knows it will taste my nasty whip if it ever tries to change its stance.

  • You did a good job. It is a challenge to train this pony. I've looked up its former name on the internet to gather some information about it: it's a pretty smart boy. Its secret kink of to becoming a submissive dogboy didn't prevent it to have an acclaimed academic life. Be careful to keep it in line, or it will try to show its superiority in some subtle ways.

  • Yes Boss. It's so true. At the beginning, whenever I turned my back, it would slack or change its posture to relax, believing I was foolish enough not to notice. It knows now that I always have a cam recording its every move. It has paid dearly for its mishaps. Last week, it was limping in the morning, so I was worry and went to the Doc to find out what was wrong. In fact, there was nothing at all and it was in perfect condition, just trying to feign. A few minutes after, it was in the punishment room... Now I'm sure it won't forget the hours it spent there suffering from the electric shocks on its balls: I almost fried those, Boss. Since then it's been much more obedient and eager to follow my orders.

  • You're becoming an excellent trainer, Marco. It's body is also improving. (I feel the pony all over) The ass is very firm and its six pack is now prominently visible. The pecs are more defined. Splendid work. It will make an attractive show boy. What are your plans for the coming weeks?

  • Teach it more about dressage: Holding position on one leg. Prancing around knees high. Moving to the rhythm.

  • You seemed to be enjoying yourself in the evening. I've seen you on my monitor.

  • Hey Boss. No privacy for us? Well if it makes you happy, let it be. When it's pushed over a bar, its mouth and asshole available, Smack can take my cock all the way now without choking, such a nice wet hole to fuck. Then when my pole is dripping, I move back and push into its hungry ass hole. Smack is an expert now at pleasuring me by squeezing my cock until I unload my jism.

  • It's transferring its intellectual abilities into its body performances. Good job in harnessing its perfectionism for your use. I'm sure you will win many prizes with that ponyboy. You probably should let it relax, its sweating profusely.

  • Yes Boss. Relax boy, lets go to the exercise room.

That's such a nice sight. The ponyboy walking knees high behind its trainer. Marco's body has improved a lot as well,he is more muscular and masculine. I'm going to fuck him real hard tonight when he comes home. Cool! Two available holes. I won't have any trouble sleeping after that. As I go out of the barn, I hear the sound of the whip in the air and ringing bells. The cart pulled by the two ponyboys with Boris standing urging them to go faster come crashing in the yard. Boris pulls hard on the reigns to stop the cart but the ponyboys continue to run at a slow pace sweating and catching their breath. The two tall ponies are like two side of the same coin. One pitch black, the other white. But with the same built, huge legs and ass, firm pecs and arms, small bells hanging from their tits. Both their manes have been braided in the same fashion. As Boris goes down from the seat, I ask him:

  • Can I ride them, if they are not too worn out?

He replies with its low voice and thick Russian accent.

  • No problem, Sir. My boys are always ready for use. You will see. Just take the reigns and the whip.

As soon as I sit and hold the reigns, the ponyboys stand upright and stamp the ground with their high boots. I just nudge the reigns and off they go trotting in sync. A gentle pull on the left and they turn instantly. It's like driving a car. I lead them on the trail and they continue effortlessly on the flat land and up the hill. I can see their muscles straining on their legs and arms. Their bodies glistening with sweat. And they keep going on.

On the way back, I hit their ass with lash of the whip once. They run faster. I can hear their breathing loudly. I hit them again twice. They are now pulling and running like crazy until I pull on the reigns hard once we get to the yard. They stop the cart so forcefully, which almost throws me out of my seat. Like before they continue running at a slower pace to recover. Boris looks at me laughing when I go down.

  • Be careful when you pull on the reigns, they obey to the slightest moves so if you pull hard, they react right away.

  • Good to know, Next time I'll be ready. Tell me Boris, they never stop running?

  • No Sir. They are not allowed to rest completely. Only when they eat and shit. Once I take off their tackles, they can lie down and relax in their stall.

  • You let them sleep together?

  • Yes, Sir, but they keep their boots all night and their arms are bind in the back.

  • You allow them to fuck each other?

  • Only when I'm not using them for my own pleasure.

  • You use both at the same time?

  • It depends. If I'm in the mood Sir. You don't mind?

  • As long as they perform well. I can't object your training method. And you also need to have fun,Boris.

This is the last part of Steve's farm. It could come back if I get fresh ideas, Thanks to my readers for their interest.

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