Steves Farm

By richard taillon

Published on Apr 29, 2023


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Steve's Farm Chapter 5

I'm surprised by Dan's unexpected email. In his email, despite his plea of return, he is still accusing me of his misery: Apparently, he has not learned to truly submit as a pony boy. I hit the reply button.

  • I got your email. Let me be clear. I don't want Dan anymore. I want Split, the ponyboy I trained and gained results: a strong body, an excellent racer and, a good companion for Blacky. The situation here has changed a lot. I have a new Russian trainer and a new ponyboy, the black one you defeated in the race. If Split wants to come back, it will be on my terms, without any conditions. Let Dan sever all ties with his past and let Split surrender.

Master Steve

Now I can concentrate on my new boy while Boris takes care of Blacky and Yin, the acquisition. I'm sure Marco will do a good job with Smack, the China boy. I'll check on them later. Yang is laying on the ground naked still under the drug so that I can inspect its body from head to toe. It's a nice tall specimen, a hairy redhead with milky white skin dotted with sun freckles (It won't see much of the sunshine from now on, I decided). Its clipped hair, well-maintained beard and mustache give it a rugged masculine look. There's a real alpha man. Too bad it will soon become something completely different. Yang's chiseled muscles show signs of regular workouts: pronounced pecs and abs, solid biceps, triceps, and legs. It's muscular but , just a wiry, hard body. I flipped it to check its ass hole: Really tight as I noticed before. I push in with one finger, and I can feel the squeezing pressure of the rectum: It will be easy for Yang to hold a nice dogtail in its hole. I turn it again on its back. I see that the cock is uncut, so I begin to play with it to find out how big it can get. Not bad, medium size in length but thick with a large plum-sized head. I'm surprised it doesn't have a PA like Yin, now its former partner: this needs to be fixed soon. The average-size balls are high against its cock: I will need them to be pulled down. I'll discuss with Ralf about the modifications. I'm sure he will go overboard as usual, but there is real work to be done on Yang. After I measure its head features, I encase the head with a tight, heavy duty hood that blocks all sounds and light, with only a small breathing hole next to the nostrils and a penis-shaped gag with a feeding tube. I manacle its hands and feet with leather restraints. Marco and I carry it in a large case, and I plug its ass and put on a catheter. That way it won't mess things up. From time to time, Marco empties its bowels. He told me that when he came, Yang started to struggle in the case, trying to escape but most of the time it is quiet, probably contemplating its new state of being. In the meanwhile, I need time to create a special program for Yang's training. I've been reading books and surfing the internet about brainwashing and hypnotism. I want to change Yang from an alpha male into an obedient dogboy; I write to the Russian interpreter if he could send me more literature on the subject. As it turns out, he is more than happy to help me, and he says he will also inform his boss. I soon receive a lot of information, with specially air-delivered videotapes that document how the Russian dogboy was processed. After I play the videos, I understand why it was so submissive. The central piece of training instrument is a special body box, which I worked on all day. The box is made of solid wood panels on four sides, with the bottom doubled for reinforcement. I install four wheels so the box can be easily moved around. I cut the legs of a metal chair to 6 inches and screw the chair to the bottom of the box; then I replace the seat with a padded toilet seat. The two-part top is removable with a hole for the head with hinges to lock them together. I have calculated the height the boy can sit comfortably with its head sticking out at the right height to be locked. The next day, I ask Marco to help me install Yang in the box. The tall dogboy struggles a lot before we are done. With the hood and the restraints, it's hard for it to do anything anyway. We open the back panel and push the boy on the seat and close the top around its neck. I tie its legs to the sides since it is tall they almost touch the edge of the box. Then I tie its wrists to the side at the back. Marco removes the plug and puts a pot under the open seat, then moves the catheter under it and locks the back panel. Yang is now sitting quite comfortably, its head hooded, mouth gagged, free from any external sound or light. Its limbs are all immobilized, enough to weaken its will of resistance but not so tight as to restrain the circulation, since it will stay in this position for quite some time. I remove two plugs in the hood next to its ears and install the headphones. Yang will be in complete silence for hours and hours to come. Just as it is desperate for any outside stimulation, it will begin to hear a pre-recorded hypnosis program drilling into its brain that is crazing for any information. YOU ARE YANG. YANG IS A DOG. THIS IS THE DOG MASTER'S VOICE, over and over. As Yang begins to accept its new identity and associate my voice with the concept of "Master," the recording changes: YANG NEEDS TO OBEY MASTER..... After a while: YANG OBEYS ITS MASTER....YANG IS A DOG......The recording runs on a loop that repeats for hours without stopping, drilling its new identity deep into its head, filling its mind, washing away its resistance. Marco feeds it water to keep Yang from dehydrating, emptying the catheter and the pot under its asshole without touching it. It's left alone in this brainwashing program hours after hours until hours turn into days, and its mind filled with only my words. I ask Ralph to visit the ranch and look at my new captive. He drives to the farm almost right away. - Where is the boy? - It's in the box in the corner, can't you see its head? - I thought it was just a hood lying on the top of a box. - The dog is encased inside, and it can't see or hear anything. It's in a different world now, listening to my words. You remember the red hair trainer that almost beat me in the race? - Yes, it was quite a team... Wait, that's the boy? My, my! Did you really catch both of them? - Yup! The pony is being trained by the Russian, and for this one, I want to change it into a dogboy. It used to be a very successful businessman and a proud alpha male. But I want to reduce it to a muscle dog that will lick anything I order it to without any thought of its own. - Do you have some interesting modifications in mind? You know I'm open to any idea, right? - Not yet, but since it's uncut, I want you to tattoo its big cock head into raging red, so that when it comes out of the foreskin, anyone will spot it right away. Also, I want its balls to hang lower between its legs. - Interesting, why don't you elongate its tongue, making it stick out all the time, like a real dog. -That would be nice, that will help it to lick well. - Fantastic! I have to take care of your new ponyboys. They come in teams now! Can you ask Marco and Boris to bring them to my clinic? I'll do the standard procedure: nipple and gland rings, replacing their molars with the permanent bit and the welded cinch for the genitals. Do you want the toenails removed now? - Since the ponies are at the clinic, do that as well. We will wait for the dogboy until I decide what I want.

I study various online and printed catalogs to see gears designed for dogboys, and I discover plenty that piques my interest. I'm planning to buy a bodysuit that completely wraps its torso, legs, and arms, with additional head hood and paw mittens. What breed of dog will fit the personality that Yang would be molded? Yang is a tall boy with a strong, masculine character, so it will become an aggressive, dominant muscle dog submitting only to its master. Three days in a row, Yang have no any contact with the outside world. In complete darkness, the only sound being my hypnotic voice filling its brain. No food, just water. I take the microphone and talk to Yang directly through its earphones. - This is your Master speaking; you need to obey my voice, you are my dog now. Are you going to obey your master? Nod if you will. I see its head shaking a bit. The boy must be surprised to have direct contact. - Nod if you are going to obey exactly what I tell you. That's it. Now I am going to remove your gag. You are not allowed to talk. If you do, the gag is going right back and I will leave you alone here for who knows how much longer. Understand, dog? It nods again and I take out the gag with the tube. It breaths through the mouth for the first time in days and moves its tongue, licking its lips. - Now you must do exactly what I say. Or you will lose that little freedom I allow you to have for now. Open mouth, wider! Stick out the tongue. Good. Tongue in. Mouth shut. Lick teeth. Stop. I'm going to feed you some food, but you must follow orders precisely. Open mouth, stick out the tongue. I put a small piece of beef on the tongue. - Tongue in. Close mouth. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I didn't tell you to swallow! The gag is going back, maybe it will teach you a lesson, so next time you will follow orders. I suddenly punch its face with my full strength and it cries out in pain. I force the gag in its open mouth again and turn off my microphone. I roll it back in a bedroom, leaving it to listen to my brainwashing program. It must be very hungry by now. That small piece only woke up its stomach. A few hours later, I roll it back to the living room and start the operation again. This time, I will be careful not to use personal pronouns so Yang would remain in a hypnotic status without waking up its suppressed ego. I take off the gag. - This is Yang's master speaking; Yang needs to obey, Yang is my dog. Yang, open mouth, Yang, stick out the tongue (I put a small piece of beef on it) Yang, tongue in, Yang, close mouth; Yang stay. (I intentionally wait for a few minutes, and the dog remains still) Yang, open mouth, Yang, stick out tongue. (I see the beef is still there) Yang tongue in, Yang tongue out, In. Out. In. Chew. Swallow Good dog!

I repeat the practice many times to help it regain some strength, after being immobilized for a long time, relying only on water. Then I gag it again and roll it back. From now on, Yang will only be handfed by me: this will make it learn its dependence on me, making it more obedient to me. I take it to the next step by playing another hypnotizing program. - Listen to Master. Dog needs to earn its food. Dog cannot talk. Dog can only bark. Dog barks, then Master feeds dog. After a few hours of conditioning, I took the gag out and turned off the recording. - Listen to Master. Dog needs to earn its food. Dog needs to bark. Now! No! Not like that, dog is not a Chihuahua, its a big dog, bark like one. I let it bark for some minutes. When I'm satisfied with its baritonal howls, I fed it again. It's time for me to have some fun. I insert a ring gag into its obediently open mouth; then I kneel on the box. Its mouth is now stretched wide open by the gag. I stick my cock inside, push in a little, play with its tongue, filling the wet hole completely as I get hard. I use it for some minutes before I go deeper, making it gag. It needs more training. I ignore its miserable choking and keep on pumping. Finally, I shoot my load. Feels great to fuck its mouth after all the planning and work finally. I remove the gag and feed it again. Every time it pleases me, I will feed it. It will learn the lesson. The next day, I remove the hood, leaving only a thick leather blindfold. Its mouth is now well trained. It opens, sticks out tongue, licks, swallows, and shuts: all on command. I think it's time to take it out of the box for more behavioral training. Marco brought in a hefty package that contains four sets of made-to-measure dog suits specially commissioned by me. The first two sets are identical. Made of neoprene, they are easy to care and good for daily training. The second suit is a tight rubber one, which is much thicker than the ones normally available on the market. It is vividly colored and can be high shined for an impressive presentation. The third suit is made of luxurious leather, which is thick but incredibly soft, so it won't hinder the dog's movement: after some wearing, it will be molded into a second skin to the dog. I tell Marco to study the instructions of these suits carefully so he can take good care of these meticulously crafted suits. Once Yang finishes its initial training, he will need to make sure it is always enclosed in one of the suits except for its daily cleaning time. Just as Marco leaves, Ralf comes in and helps me to put Yang into the neoprene suit once it's carried out of the box. After so much time in the box, it's very weak, so it's easy for us to handle. The body suit completely wraps its body tightly from neck to toes, highlighting its inviting musculature, with convenient openings at the crotch, the asshole, the tits for easy access. We insert a tail plug and lock the paw mitts on its hands. There are special straps to fold the calves to the thighs, but it's not the time to use them. Its' not strong enough to go on all fours, so I decide to send it to the doctor's clinic for some minor modifications on the cock, balls, and the tongue. Ralph drugs it and takes it away. I remind him to remove all its hair except a small patch over its cock and on its head to remind me of its original red color. When Yang comes back, it will be able to stand on all fours and start its real training as an obedient doggy. At the end of the day, I go to the clinic to check on Yang. It is lying naked on the metal operating table. - Hi, Ralf! How is it going? - Good. You can see that Yang is not restrained because I gave it a paralyzing potion. It's awake, and it can feel everything as you can see its eyes are wide open: it just cannot move an inch. I just finished tattooing its cock. I pinned its foreskin to uncover the gland, it's now flaming red as you asked. - Good! Each time its horny, we will be able to see the big head poking out of its foreskin. What about the balls and the tongue? - I installed a wide two-part metal band pushing the balls out. There's a screw so you can increase the gap between the two ends each day, forcing the balls to move down further. After a few months, once you remove it you will get naturally low hang balls. - That's cool! You really did a great job as usual. I'm eager to put it on all four with its balls hanging low and its hard cock protruding with the red head. - I'm now working on the tongue. I've injected a special hormone that will stimulate the tissue growth in its tongue. Once it arrived here, I pulled the tongue out as much as I could with pliers and attached them to a chain hanging from the ceiling. When you get it back, you should do the same daily maybe when in the cage at night. Mix this compounded powder into the dog's meals: it contains several potent drugs. One stimulates tongue and ball sack growth, and another helps the dog to be more focused on your training. The intellect of the dog brain will not be affected, but one side effect of the compound will make it more susceptible to hypnotic suggestions. - That's a wonderful side effect! I cannot wait to train it to lap and drool like an animal. - Do you want anything else done? I have to go. I'll come back tomorrow. I gave it enough anesthetic to keep it in this paralyzed state until tomorrow morning. - Thank you for all your work. We will bring it back to my house then. After Ralf left, I admire the body of my doggy boy. Its strong body would have made it a nice ponyboy, but I've already had three living in the stable now. Feeling its body with my hands, I begin to plan how I'll transform it. Its skin will go back to pale white, no more sun and blemishes. I'll work on its legs and arms to make them robust enough to walk on all fours. A thinner waist and larger tits... And I remember it's time for its daily hypnotic sessions. - Listen to Master's voice. I want Yang to feel better. Just listen to my voice and relax. I know the doctor gave Yang a lot of pain. But those are for Yang's benefits. Yang needs to listen to my voice. Because Yang wants to feel better. Listen to my voice and relax. Yang is getting ready... its eyes are becoming heavier and heavier... Just relax and listen to my voice. After a few minutes, its eyes close and I begin to modify its mind. - LISTEN TO MASTER'S VOICE. YANG IS A PUPPY BOY. YANG NEED TO OBEY. MORE AND MORE. YANG LIKES TO OBEY. IT MAKES YANG FEEL GOOD. SO GOOD. LISTEN TO MY VOICE.

I spend a long hour repeating these words over and over again. Then I leave Yang in a daze, hearing my recorded voice. I decide to take a break and walk toward the barn. I come across Marco coming out. - Have you started you training with Smack? - Not yet, Boss. I just took it out of the punishment room. It took a few days to learn to obey my every order and keep quiet. It's not used to pain, so I've taught it some heavy lessons. But it's very stubborn. - Be careful with this one. It's a smart researcher before its enslavement, and it will try to trick you. That's why I called it Smack: it can be a smart ass, which needs heavy smacking. Don't slack on this one, ever. You will have to punish it every step it takes. Blacky is naturally submissive, but this one likes to pretend to be a good boy. It will be hard to break it down and truly make it surrender. It's the same as training a cunning animal: if you are not strong enough, it takes over. - Yes, Boss, thank you for the reminder. It helped that the Doc worked on it. I asked him to shave it completely apart from its head mane. The Doc then pulled off its back molars and toe nails, insert a PA, and ringed its nose and tits with some thick ones. All that and the punishment room made it understand its new status as a low animal. I think it's ready to start its pony show training. - Show me how it looks now. We walk into Smack's stall, its waiting there, tethered by a big nose ring that obscenely stretched its now deformed nostrils. It's now smooth body tightly hugged by a heavy-duty body harness, which highlights other fresh piercings on its body. The back band of the harness goes from the posture collar to the belt and the other one is lifting its chest just under the new tit rings cinched to the back. The cock was folded back between its booted legs. - You see Boss, it's wearing a pair of very high black boots, I cleaned its feet and the toes seems to be healing well. - Yes it will be painful for the pony at the beginning but it will get used to it. Don't tie its PA yet to the ass plug until it fully heals. How big is the plug? - It was not a virgin hole so we went straight for a large one. Doc chose a specially curved plug so it won't fall out. It will hold the same kind of very long pony tail we got for Smack. - The harness fits very nicely. You need to pump the body more to get more definition. In fact, you have to build up all its muscles to get a good show boy. - Yes, Boss I know that. I had that experience before with Blacky. I don't want to be second next time in a show. - I'm sure you can do it. You have good material to work with. Look at its eyes. How Smack doesn't like it when we discuss as if it's just a dumb animal. Are you planning to use it at night? I don't mind if you do. - Thank you Boss. Can I remove.... - Will discuss that outside. I don't want the smartass Smack to know too much about the Masters' business. -You are a trainer now, Marco. You control, train, and use your ponyboy as you wish. The only thing that counts it the result. Lets' have a closer look. We go back to Smack's stall. It's still standing there waiting, as if it has never moved. Tethered by the nose ring and restrained by the heavy leather, it's not easy to change position anyway. Marco walks closer to it and delivers an order: - Smack, stand straight and proud, present body to Master Steve. The ponyboy immediately obeys by tightening its body. I am impressed by Marco's commanding performance. He's much more confident now as a young man. Very different from the street boy when I first adopted him. Having his own ponyboy clearly helps him grow as a trainer and mature as a man. I unlock Smack's PA from the plug and begin to feel the ponyboy's hairless body all over, pointing to Marco the weak parts in need for some work in order to turn it into a perfectly built ponyboy. I noticed that as I feel the pony, its cock began to leak precum despite the clear irritation from the fresh PA. - Are you going to let it cum? It's leaking. - Not, not at the beginning, it should learn to focus on performing for me. - Too bad, that cock seemed to be made to fuck. You have to let it have some release for health reasons. Marco smirks. I am again impressed by his growth. - I will let it cum, but only when I beat it up. It will begin to associate the release of its sexual frustration with pain, and learn that pain is pleasure for it. Its asshole is going to get a lot of action as well. I will pound it regularly to show the fucking pony who its Trainer is: its goal in life from now on is to satisfy my wishes and pleasure. - Don't be afraid to use the hood, the crop, and the whips, you will get faster results. - Look at its back and rumps, Boss, you will see the marks of my work. I have noticed those fresh marks but decide not to give Marco too much praise. Marco speaks in a lower volume as we walk out. - Eventually, I want to condition my pony into a "pain pig," that it can only get sexual release from every more excruciating pain. Imagine my show pony shooting its jism when I whip its back and ass... That can be a nice routine to impress our guests. As we talk I hear a loud voice coming from the yard, BYSTRO, BYSTRO, Blacky and Yin rush into the barn, passing by us and going to their stall, where they keep running in place. They are out of breath but continue to move. CRACK, Boris comes in with a menacing bullwhip in hand. He says HELLO with his low voice and continues towards the two panting ponyboys. - Do they always come running like that? - Boris almost never lets them rest, if they are not racing or training, they run in place. They get the taste of the whip whenever they failed to do exactly as he orders. That whip must be nasty because they seem to fear it a lot. Just the sound makes your skin crawl. - The way they came in shows its very efficient. Why are they wet. Boris is not using the new bathroom? - Only for himself, Boss. He washes the ponyboys only once a day outside with Brutus's hose. Only cold water and a rough brush. Poor Yin was not used to arctic water and it howled like crazy the first few times. - What was he shouting? - Not sure, I think it means "faster" in Russian. At first I thought it was a French restaurant. Anyways, all of his orders are in Russian, with the whip, they sure learn fast. They would do anything to avoid pain. - You should try it yourself. - Speak Russian to my ponyboy? - No, silly boy, use a good whip. They sleep in the same stall? - Yes, he takes off the boots, the horse tail plugs, and unhook their cocks. but he keeps the bit on and theirs hands tied to the belt. He lets them sleep on the ground. - So they can fuck each other now? - They do in the morning sometimes. Since they are so exhausted by the end of the day, they fall asleep right away. He doesn't let down all day, they really need to rest. - Do you know who is fucking who? - Not sure, Boss, but I think Blacky is topping Yin. I think Boris is using one or both during the night. He is very secretive, its hard to know. Perhaps Boss, you could check the cams. We go back to the house and I tell Marco that he won't have to wear his chastity cage anymore since he has proven he's a true trainer and a real man. He will have to keep on doing his tasks naked inside and service me, however. At the end of this long day, I sip on wine while checking my emails. I got one from Dan -Split

Master Steve,

It humbly Master to reclaim Split as HIS property without any conditions. It begs Master to accept its apologies for trying to run away after all that Master had done for Split. Dan has already sold all the belongings and transferred the money into a checking account. Dan also has severed all ties to his previous life. The man called Dan is forever gone and Split will give everything to its Master. Spit understands now that it is a ponyboy and wishes to serve Master in any way HE wishes. Split will wait for Master to collect it and instruct it on how to handle Dan's account.

Your obedient ponyboy,


Next: Chapter 6

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