Steves Farm

By richard taillon

Published on Apr 15, 2023


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Chapter 4 of Steve's farm

After we find out that Split is missing, we decide to look for it separately. I will go up the trail leading to the forest, Ralf will drive on the road with his car, and Marco will search around the barn and the hall. Just after twenty minutes, my cell rings and Ralph tells me that Split was running naked on the road, still wearing all its gear. He is bringing it back by its nose ring tied to my bumper. When I see them coming closer I say:

  • Where did it think it was going? All geared up like a ponyboy.

  • Yeah. It was trying to go faster than my car. What a fool. It had no chance.

  • I found out that one helper forgot to tie its nose ring and left it standing with no restraints. Let's bring it inside and decide what we are going to do.

As we sit in the living room, we leave Split standing in front of us, its eyes full of tears.

  • What do you think Ralf, we should do with it?

  • In my opinion you should geld it, that way it won't try to escape again.

  • As usual, you always like to go to the extreme. I don't want damage property. A ponyboy without any spirit is boring, didn't you see how I used its anger to make it win the race.

  • So, what do want to do?

  • I'll think about it during the night and make a decision tomorrow. Marco will bring it back to its stall for the time being.

All night I study all my options. Should I take Split to the punishment room and give it a correction it will never forget? But would it keep its soul intact? That rebellious spirit is what I like about Split and I don't want to break it. Then I could exchange it to another master. Who wants a trouble one that tries to escape? Would I get a finely trained ponyboy in return?

The next day after I had my breakfast with Ralf, I ask Marco to bring Split to the house.

  • Split you are here so that I can tell you what I'm planning to do with you. After all the efforts and time I put in training you to become the exceptional ponyboy you are now, you tried to run way. You really disappoint me. I built up your body to turn you into a splendid specimen that you could only dream of in the past. I worked hard to make you run so fast that you could beat the best contestant. I helped you experience man-to-man sex with your companion. All of that for nothing, you still want to go back to your former life. You're not like Blacky who adapted well to its new life. One day I tested it to see if it was accepting its status. I left its nose ring unhooked for an hour. He just stood there waiting for me. The same with Brutus who runs free around the farm in his heavy shackles doing whatever I tell it. Since you are a hopeless case, I decided to let you go on some conditions. You will not talk to anybody about what happened to you here. If you ever go to the police, we have proofs that you were involved in the kidnapping of Blacky. You will not try to come back and rescue Blacky. I don't want to hear from you ever. The doctor will remove all of the your gear, bit, rings, plugs. I will deposit money in a bank account so that you can pay to reconstruct your nose and get new teeth. The doctor tells me that your toenails will grow back. If you agree just nod.

Split, who used to be Dan ,nods and follows the doctor to his clinic. Ralf removes Split's bit from its mouth ,the nose ring and the PA. For the first time in a long time, Dan is laying down on a couch. He still can't talk yet. Ralf gives him a sedative to relax. The next day he drives him to a hotel and, as promised, we never heard about Dan.

Life continues as usual. I tell Marco to increase Blacky's dressage training. To be more demanding and spend more time with it. I want it to be completely focus on performing and obeying the slightest gesture of order. Next time it will win the dressage show: the second place is not acceptable. I allow Marco to fuck it as much as he wants as long as he let it relieve its seeds once a week. In the house, I'm more demanding with Marco, ordering him to serve me every morning and evening: its seems I can't get enough. In the afternoon, I ride Blacky like never before, pushing its limits, whipping it so it reaches my goals. I even raise the level of Brutus's work to get more electricity for the barn and hall. With all the activity, I have to admit that something is missing, I have to fill the void of Split. One day, I am conversing with Ralf about this.

  • You know Steve, you really need to get another pony. All that extra activities are not enough to relieve your urge.

  • You are right. What do you suggest? Do you have somebody in mind?

  • I told you once about the twin boys doing athletics at the University. Fine specimens, they would take your mind off of you know who.

  • The problem is how to make two boys disappear suddenly without a trace.

  • They won a scholarship and are gone to Europe. We will have to wait for their return.

Things stayed that way when one day I received one email from the Russian interpret.

  • Master Steve how are you? I have to tell you that my boss was very happy with his stay at your farm. He is still waiting for your visit. To thank you for your hospitality, he decided to send you one his best ponyboy trainers. Boris is very experienced and can turn any boy into a splendid stallion with all the means at his disposal. He won't cost you much, as he lives a very spartan life. You can turn a ponyboy stall into a room. He just needs a small bed, a table with a chair and a computer. He can shower and exercise with the ponies. He will be there in two weeks, if you are okay with the plan.

It obvious that they don't know about the recent developments here. I'm left with only one pony. I don't really need a trainer. On the other hand, I can't refuse this offer and insult the Russian mogul. I don't know what to do. If only I could get the twins. Then I had an idea.

The gay couple who almost won the race against me and Split were splendid men and they would make a nice addition to my farm. I must trick them to come and visit me. I send them an invitation. They quickly answer saying they would love to take the advantage of the opportunity: It's hard to find a place to play without any limits. What a coincidence. They will come just after the new Russian trainer arrives.

It's been a very hectic two weeks with all the preparations under way. I have to decide what to do with Marco. I won't need him to train the ponyboys anymore. I don't know if he will accept to be just a farm hand. I'll see. Ralf goes to the airport to pick up Boris, and is surprised to see how little English he knows: He probably communicates more with the whip. I ask Ralf to bring something strong enough to drug the couple. I don't want to have any trouble, they are big, strong men. I want them knocked out before we tie them up.

Everything is ready when they arrive in the morning. From the front door, I see them getting down laughing from their SUV. Much to my surprise a third person steps down.

  • How are you Master Steve? I hope you don't mind but we brought a friend. He is very curious to see a ponyboys farm. Is it OK?

  • Well. I didn't expect another guest. You will have to share a room with him.

  • No problem. I expect John to sleep in a stall. It will make it a more realistic experience, don't you think so, John?

  • Sounds exciting, Eric. Master Steve can I present you David, our Chinese friend, he's somehow a geek, but in private he's into bdsm. We talked to him about our ponyplay and he was intrigued. He agreed to come with us on the condition that nobody knows about it. He's suppose to be at a conference.

  • What a pleasure to meet all of you. I'm sure you're going to have a pleasant and exciting stay.

The trip may not as pleasant as they think but surely exciting! That Chinese guy is not bad looking. He's shorter than the two partners, maybe 5'10 or 5'11. I have no choice, I must take it with the other two and decide after what to do with him. At least nobody will be looking for him here. I take them to the living room.

  • Coffee for everybody? Good. Marco! Prepare my special blend for the boys. I'll take my regular one. I know its early in the morning but would you like an Irish coffee?

  • Why not, its Saturday and we don't have to drive today.

  • Wow! The coffee is strong. Master Steve, do you want to keep us all up night.

  • Just want you to relax for the weekend. Talk to me about your friend David, Is it his Chinese name?

  • No, it's more convenient here to use an English name.. Isn't it David.

  • Yes,it's more practical. Are your servants always naked, Master Steve? They don't mind?

  • It's in their contract. They are used to it.

After a while, the boys drink a few cups and are feeling very relaxed and began to joke around. Eric asks David:

  • Why don't you play doggy? Show us how you behave when you act as a puppy. Don't be shy, take off your clothes, we're all friends. That's it, go on all fours. Stick your tongue out. Move your ass. Bark. He's so different now, very submissive. Lick my hand. Good boy.

  • Hey Eric, says John, would you like to take his place? See how he enjoys it, his puppy cock so hard.

  • Don't be a fool, you know I'm a top, I'm a trainer, I would never do that.

  • Boys why don't you go and show David the barn? Brutus will bring your luggage to your room.

They go directly to the barn where Boris meets them. I can check on my cam what they are doing and saying. The boys look and sound very excited now. The Russian trainer shows them all the gear and equipment. In the exercise room, they see Blacky sweating doing push ups.

  • 20 mores, shouts Boris, with his thick Russian accent.

  • I wouldn't like to have him as a trainer, says John.

  • Not everybody can be nice like me, says Eric, giggling.

Next Boris shows them the new ponyboy gear we bought: an inescapable whole-body harness, tying the torso, neck, chest, arms and hands, with a big plug locked in place.

  • Looks very extreme, say Eric, could you handle it John?

  • We could always try. As long as you're here with me.

Boris makes John undress and starts putting all the gear on him. He pulls the straps very tight. Eric tells him to go easy. But he continues and finally put on the new cruel bit complete by blinkers, John is now completely bonded and mute. David and Eric look startled by the speed and efficiency of Boris. How fast their friend was turned into a ponyboy. I call Eric on his phone.

  • Eric, why don't you come inside with David? I made another shot for you and it's getting cold.

  • What about John?

  • Its better if you leave him there.

  • I don't know... He's not used to such severe restraints, that plug looked very big for me.

  • Don't worry. Boris will check on him. And you can always remove all the stuff when you go back.

-All right, but just for a short while.

When they come back, I offer them another cup of coffee with no alcohol but spiked with a strong sedative. John is worried about his friend so he drinks it fast telling David to hurry up also. In not time both of them fall into a deep sleep. Marco and I start to work on them. We removed their clothes and put some restraints on their wrists and ankles. We install Eric on a strong metal chair, his wrists tied to the arm of the chair, his neck and breast strapped to its back and his feet on the legs, spreading his thighs wide open showing his balls and cock. We lift him to insert a plug. He must be a virgin because when I open his asshole with my finger, it's very tight. So he is indeed a strict top as he said. In the future, however, he won't do much fucking, I'll never allow him to fuck his partner like before. We ease John down in a medium size plug. There is plenty of time to open him up more.

We put David on a stretcher with wheels. I tell Marco that training "Smack," the new identity for the China boy, will be from now on his pet project. Instead of Blacky, he will train it to be a perfect show ponyboy. He needs to beef it up, strengthen its legs and increase its cardio capacity. I give him carte blanche to use any means necessary to reach his goals. Marco seems quite excited: he rolls Smack to the barn and begins to work on it.

When Eric wakes up, he sees a monitor showing John tied naked in a similar way to himself to a chair. The handsome black stallion is jerking up and down trying to escape from its bounds. Eric does the same thing, he can't talk because he's mouth is filled with a large gag.

-It's useless to try to get out of your restraints, you'll only waste your time and energy. Now look at your partner, it's tied to a chair like you, but if you look closer his balls and cock are tied with a wire connected to an e-stim box. There is also a metal plug in its ass connected the same way. I have a remote in my hands. It's now at a low setting, just on 1, but I can increase it to 3. You see how your lover is reacting. Its moving more, pulling on its bound. Watch me turn the needle to 5. It's starting to sweat, bouncing on its chair. Before I go to 7, I will turn on the sound so you can hear it.

  • Oh my god, stop it, I can't stand it, it's so painful, please, somebody help me!

I turn it to 7 and John starts to howl, twitching and struggling. Eric is also pulling on its bounds, grunting in its gag, its eyes wide open. I go back to 3 and John soon relaxes and slumps down. I turn off the sound.

  • You see my friend I control your lover's pain with my remote. I have an offer for you. You give me complete power of attorney to your assets and I stop this little game. If you don't accept it, let me show you what level 8 can do to John.

On the monitor, poor John was in a frenzy, covered with sweat. I put back the sound on and we can hear inhuman cries.

  • All that noise is unnerving, did you like my demonstration? I'll put on the earphones on you. I'll give you 5 minutes to decide.

I leave it listening to its partner and when I come back I ask him

  • Do you accept to sign off everything: company, apartment, car. What is your decision? Nod if you accept.

Eric, its eyes full of tears, helplessly nods. I bring some papers and release one of its hands after I ask it which hand it uses. I also ask it if the document need two signatures. It indicates no. They really trusted each other! Eric signs off its and its partner's former life. I think they should start over with new names. I pick Yin and Yang because in Chinese it signifies two opposites. Black and white, top and bottom, ponyboy and trainer.

With all the upheaval, I reorganize the farm. Boris will take charge of Blacky and Yin, the black stallion. Marco is going to train Smack, the Chinese boy. I, myself, will work on Yang, the former trainer and top. I plan to turn it into a dogboy. I know it will be hard. But that's the part I like: overcoming obstacles. I have found Yang's weakness, he loves its partner so much that it can sacrifice anything for it. With brainwashing and hypnosis I will make profound changes in its mind. Recently I've been reading a lot of books on the subject. I wanted to try it on Marco but Yang with its strong character will be a more exciting challenge..

Everything was in order when I received this email.

  • Steve. I know I'm not supposed to get in touch with you. But I need to talk to you, I left the farm without having the time to get an explanation or apology from you. It was hard for me to get back to my previous life. I didn't have much contact with my family and I didn't know what to tell them: they wouldn't understand what happened to me anyway. As my former wife, she doesn't want to have anything to do with me. I tried to get back to my company, but they didn't recognize me: I was too different for them physically and mentally. I wasn't the alpha male they knew. It seems I don't fit anywhere. The surgeon did a good job with my nose and my teeth were replaced by a dentist. Then I had to get used to eat normal food and sleep in a comfortable bed. I dreamed for months to run away from the farm and be Dan as I was before. But now I don't know what to do anymore. I can't find a job like the one I used to have. In the current economic situation they offer me only menial jobs.

I used to be so energetic, always looking to improve my lot. But even my body has become a problem. At least I was proud of my body when I left the farm, but it's hard to keep it up. I used to love running at the farm, but now I never have enough stamina and don't bother. I'm eating fast foods all the time since I don't like to cook, so I'm gaining weight fast. So you see how you fucked up my life. Don't worry I won't blackmail you. I'm really in a rot. I don't see the end of the tunnel. Sometimes I think it wasn't that bad at the farm. I miss being with Blacky, running in the field and rubbing against his body. In my dreams, I see him fucking me, I'm all confused, I know I am straight but I really liked it when he entered me and I felt his big cock against my prostate. It's all your evil doing and you are responsible for my sexuality. I hate to say this but I feel you must take me back as your ponyboy. The changes you done to me are permanent and it's impossible to go back to my life as Dan. Splits wants to go home. Please Master! Split is waiting for your answer.

I was stunned. I didn't except that from the cocky Dan. I'll have to think about it. If it comes back, can I trust it? I'm still undecided. What should I do?

Next: Chapter 5

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