Steves Farm

By richard taillon

Published on Mar 22, 2023


This is continuation of : Steve shows his new ponyboy. With a different perspective in order to add some characters. Thanks for all the suggestions. Don't forget to contribute to

Steve's Farm

It's been such a wonderful year!

I found my first PonyBoy by luck and had a great time turning him into a fine stallion. I really love it when I can make my PonyBoy evolve step by step; breaking it the first days, then bringing it to the final result... just accepting its fate at first, and at the end realizing its true nature. Blacky is a good example. It progressed from a rebellious and arrogant teenager to a proud and satisfied PonyBoy, always eager to obey. It took a lot of patience and dedication to change its natural laziness so that it learns that it will need to earn the smallest thing; that it is completely dependent on my will; that it must obey all orders. It's true that I had to put it through some harsh punishments but it slowly learned. One day a key event happened. Blacky was particularly nervous when Ralf came that day; probably afraid of another modification that the doctor bragged about. It refused to move so I had to take it to the punishment room. It had to go through three days of behavior adjustment. The needles on its balls with electricity did the trick. It came out of the room a compliant boy; willing to do everything I asked without any delay. I also like to be nice to my boy. I get good results playing this role. I love to see the pleasure in its eyes when I give it some sugar or I let it fuck Spit. It's so much fun to train it to walk in the correct posture. I know how hard it must be to lift its legs and keep up the pace. The greatest fun is when I ride it in the fields; seeing how it gives it's all. It's gratifying when I look at the almost perfect body I created.

As for the second PonyBoy, what a surprise? It almost fell into my hands. With every visit, Split (I almost forget it was called Dan ) gave me the idea of another pony. Its life was going nowhere. Its fantasies were just that; fantasies. It came strutting its body in my face. When I saw the tape on the hidden cameras with such a young body and a cute face, I couldn't help myself. This task was more difficult. It was older and mature, a straight macho man, even a dominant one, who liked to impose its will on women. I had to use all my persuasion, both mental and physical, before making it to follow orders. It accepted to walk, trot or run, it adapted to all the harsh training. It was trickier for it to have man to man relations as it didn't tolerate the touch of a man. I went slowly. First I rubbed its body and privates parts getting a normal physical reaction. Then I got it to cum. Next I let it get frustrated from lack of sex and then I fucked it to show it that it's only a sextoy. Finally I had a spectacular result; it came when Blacky was fucking its hole. I thought that some female presence had stopped its progress. I gave it an adjusted dose of Viagra. It couldn't help itself. It let Blacky fuck it and get some of the horniness out. It's on the right track, but I can see some resistance in the back of its head. I don't trust it completely. I warned the groom to be careful and always keep it in some kind of bonds. Its body has improved spectacularly. I like these improvements to SHOW. Glistening in the sun, all of his muscles are defined; not an ounce of fat.

When my two ponyboys run side by side I can admire their firm bubbled ass and study legs. To keep them in line, I use all kinds of means; caressing, talking softly, rubbing, edging or jerking. Occasionally I use light punishments; riding crop or whip and occasionally very hash treatment to put them back on the right track. To keep them horny and hard, I add some Viagra to their food. When I have visitors or when I want Blacky to fuck Spit I add an extra dose. One day they performed quite a show. They were so horny that they both acted like real animals in front of me, Ralf and the groom, oblivious of our presence. One day they will make good show ponyboys.

Talking about the groom, I met Marco in town. He was living on the street with no place to stay, begging on a corner. He was in bad shape; scruffy hair, unkempt beard and very skinny. I started to tell him that I felt sorry for him. He explained his situation and the troubles he was in. I told him I had a farm and needed help and that I would give him a good pay because it was a special farm. He was intrigued and wanted to know more. I gave him the doctor's card and said he would give more explications. I wanted the doctor to see him before hand so that he could give him a medical checkup. I didn't want to bring any disease onto myself or my PonyBoys. Ralf explained that he would get a lump sum after a year. Board and food would be provided. He needed to know that it was a very special farm. He would be grooming human ponies. He would take care of the house and the barn as well as servicing me in all aspects. It was ruff for him on the streets and it wasn't a few blow jobs and fucks that concerned him. He was stunned, but very interested by the money. A few weeks later he came with Ralf. I told him I had a few more requirements. He would have to completely shave his body, shave his beard and cut his hair very short. He'd also needed to be completely naked in the house at all times. He was upset, but reluctantly agreed. This was his first step in his unwilling training. The turning point came when he fucked Blacky. I had told him that the PonyBoys were out of bound. When I saw him on the monitor, I was very upset. I told him I would throw him out in the streets without any money because he didn't respect our agreement. He begged saying it was the first time, that he wanted to stay, and that he wouldn't do it again. I said that if he stayed it would be on MY terms. From now on I would be controlling his sex life; no more jerking alone or worse, fucking my ponies. He didn't understand how I could do that. I showed him a chastity belt. I said that was his choice: stay and get your money or leave and go back to the street broke. He accepted my offer and I put the chastity belt on him. Since then, his behavior has changed completely. Each morning, he gives me a blow job and I fuck him every evening. If I'm satisfied, I allow him to cum once a week. He is always eager to please me. I think he would do anything to cum. I have more permanent plans for him.

With my new farm hand, I had more time to organize. Every weekend, I have visitors. I'm more careful now. I try to find out exactly what they will do. I had to buy new equipment for those who don't have any. My PonyBoys are out of bounds. No touching. With all of the visits, I could continue all year round. I'm thinking of building a large indoor training facility as well as organizing races and show competitions. My circle of Masters is increasing. Some prefer a pony to pull or push. Some want a pony to carry its master on its shoulders or its back or even on all fours. Some are into more extreme modifications. I'm sure my friend the doctor would be very interested to share with them.

A month ago I received an email from one of the two bitches who almost ruined my two ponies.

  • Dear Steve,

You must remember me. I'm Louise, the woman who came to play with your PonyBoys. I'm sorry about what happened that day. I hope I didn't do any harm to them. I was very excited and got competitive with my friend, but I'm not writing to you about that. When I came back, I thought about your ponies. I noticed they were always tethered; they never had any freedom. Either they were living an extreme fantasy or had no choice. I found the permanent modifications they had; nose, mouth, tattoos and branding rather odd. Nobody in their own mind would accept that. Don't worry I don't want to blackmail you or denounce you. In fact it's the opposite, I want you to help me.

As you know I'm in my thirty. I'm also dating a young 25 year old man. Michael is very charming and wants to marry me. I feel over my head over him. We got engaged and he promise to love me all of my life. A close friend told me that he was cheating on me. I didn't believe her so I hired a private detective as I wanted to be sure. The results were surprising. Not only was he running around like a rabbit, he was making fun of me. The detective gave me an incriminating tape. In it he said he was marrying me only for my money, that I was a fucking old bitch and that he hated even to touch me. Once he married me he would divorce me to get out as much money as he could.

I still am so enraged! I want to get back at him! Then I thought about you and your PonyBoys. What if you took control of him; taught him not to play with me? I don't want to turn him into a nice PonyBoy. No, I want a freaking draw horse, one that will pull all day long. I'll gladly pay you for your services. I'm awaiting your answer.


I was taken by surprise. The offer was tempting. I never thought about this kind of training. Then I started to think about all of the possibilities and new body modifications I could attempt with a new subject. There were no physical or mental limits. He surely deserves his fate. So I answered that I would be willing to do it for the right fee if she could arrange to get Michael to the farm. I didn't want to be involved in his disappearance. We agreed that she would bring him here herself. Officially he was supposed to leave for a month in Europe and she was to join him later. In fact somebody took his place on the plane and she drove him to the farm after giving him a drink spiked with a strong drug.

They arrived at the scheduled time. She parked the car right in front of the main door. I opened the passenger door to have a look at my new boy. Michael was sitting with his head tied down by his seat belt, babbling incoherent words. With the help of Louise we made him walk inside, almost carrying him. I already had a stretcher ready for him. I tied him with wide straps. He looked disoriented, not realizing what happening to him. I take a closer look. He is still dressed in his smart suit; his tie open, his styled hair a bit scruffy. His dark beard and mustache were cut just the right length. He must be of Mediterranean stock; not as dark as Blacky with an olive skin and nice face features. I cut off all his clothes. He protested, but without conviction. His body is slim; not very muscular with love handles. He has a nice soft cock and a very hairy chest. I'm looking forward to playing with him. His life will change radically. He is a free playboy, with no cares at all going from woman to woman, taking booze and drugs, just thinking about himself. From now on he will only know hard work, pain and chastity. He will be turned into an object.

I'm glad you are going to take care of Michael. This fucking asshole is going to pay. I'll come back next week and pay the rest your fee.

I asked her if she had any special requests, and promised fast progress.

She told me that I could do whatever I wanted, as long as he suffers.

I called Mac to help me carry Michael to the punishment room. It was easy to string him up by its wrists as he was still confused. I left telling Mac to shave him from neck down. When I come back, Mac was almost finished. He was giving him the finishing touch; shaving his armpits. The poor man was wakening; confused and trying to understand what was happening. As I enter, Michael was shouting obscene things at Mac who was listening to his headphones, indifferent to the cries and pleads. When he sees me, he swears and then begs me to let him go, telling me that he will pay me. Its time to shut him up. I pick one heavy hood; one with only two holes for breathing. It's a tight rubber one that cuts all sounds and squeezes the head. I also pick a hard gag to prevent any chocking. Now we can be quiet.

After Mac left, I tied Michael's feet to two rings on the ground and pulled him higher. I start to work on him. First I use a wide strap on his entire body, legs, calf, thighs, ass, belly, breast, rump, back, and arms. His already sensitive shaved skin turns into a bright red. He wiggles as much as he can. After a while he stops, probably from exhaustion. Since he woke up he's been trying to get out of his restraints. Once I'm sure he's red all over, I use the paddle on his ass; twenty good blows, with all my might. What a sight; two shining globes; so warm when I touch them. I call Mac and instructed him to rub Michael from neck to toe and loosen his ties so that he can relax on the floor.

When I go out my two PonyBoys are waiting for me side by side in the sun. I make them wait while I rest in the house. I'm still tired when I run my boys. I just relax and let them go at a leisurely pace. I had an offer of a race from another master. He's waging a good sum, and thinks that his pony is unbeatable. He's been training him for two years now. I'm tempted and I wonder witch one I should choose. It's difficult to say because when they race against each other, I'm not sure if they don't occasionally let the other one win. They are like two accomplices. I look at them pulling up the hill, straining together, even though I never really pushed them with the whip; two companions in unison. It's true that I let them together in the small field. I warn them that they should never lie down but that they could rest or run as they wished. I notice that the first time they just stood there but later on Blacky started to rub his shoulders against Spit who didn't react. These days, they both do it. They need physical relations. Marco doesn't like it very much and I don't need it anymore with my house sextoy. So they play and run in the open field or just rest on each others shoulders.

I go back to see my new boy. It is slumping on its wrists, its skin pink and shining. I take out one earplug.

  • Thirsty boy? Nod if you are? I see you are. You have to earn what you get boy. I will release your feet. You will stand feet apart, ass sticking out. When you have the right position I'll give you some water. I'm waiting. You don't want to do it? It's your choice.

I put back the earplug, tie its feet and pull it higher. This time I choose a metal ruler. I hit each muscle from leg to neck with regular and strong strokes. I go to have a coffee. When I return, again I ask it if he's ready. As soon as I untie its legs, he takes the position. I put a tube down the hole in the hood and gag then pour down a small amount of water; enough to keep it hydrated, but not enough to quench its thirst. It was another small step in its road to slavery.

The week went by fast. Every day I made it take another step. It had to loose its dignity each time. For me to take off the hood and the gag, or for it to eat or drink, it had to kneel down and have its balls, cock and ass touched; even fucked. It had to beg me to shave its beard and hair. It didn't keep a hair anywhere. It even lost its eyebrows. It failed sometimes and I had to put the hood back on and punish it harder with the cane. After a few days, it gave in and called me as I wished; limited to saying only: yes master or please master. The final test was when I told it to stand with its hands tied to the back of its collar, very straight, ass sticking out. It had to suffer ten blows on the ass without moving and count them saying thank you master. If it moved we would start all over. In the end, it got a total of 35 blows. I cheated once; he didn't really move, but I wanted to prove my total control.

Today Louise came to pay the rest of the money and see what has become of her former fiancé. I told her to wait in the yard while I went to fetch her protégé. It was its first time out of the room; naked, barefoot with its hands tied to the collar. I put a mouth stretcher and two wicked alligator tit clips on it. It gasped for air, careful not to make any sounds. I pulled it with the short chain connected to its now painful tits. When it saw Louise standing by the corral it tried to get her attention. It started to shout and even pull on the chain in spite of the horrible pain. She comes closer. -Wow! What a change! I can't even recognize him. Is it really Michael? No beard, no hair? His cock looks bigger with nothing to hide it. Hey Michael, if you could see yourself! You can't laugh at me anymore. You thought I was a fool? You're the fool now!

She spat in its face in a rage. The poor boy realizes what's going on; she is responsible for what's happening. She was not going to save it. Tears started to flow form its eyes.

  • Now boy show Louise how you have progressed; Stand straight and proud.

After a quick wank on its abused tits, reluctantly it takes the correct stand, its eyes still filled with tears. I show her how I can handle its private parts. It didn't move an inch while I play with its cock and balls and put a finger in its hole. After she pays the money, Louise leaves telling me she will come back in three months because she has to go to Europe. She will make everybody believe that she's looking for her boyfriend. She had paid somebody to cover up Michael's disappearance. She won't miss the son of a bitch.

Just as she's leaving Ralf arrives eager to see our new catch. It's waiting tied to a pole in the yard.

  • Come in Ralf, it's in the yard. Let's move it to the clinic so you can examine its body thoroughly and get some samples.

  • So you have another PonyBoy to play with? Nice specimen! I see you already prepared it.

  • No not a pony this time. I'll turn it into a beast of burden. With hard work and training, I will beef it up. Do you have something to speed up the process?

  • I'll immediately give it a shot of steroid. I'll leave you some samples. On my next visit I'll bring you a good supply. You will have to inject it in the ass once a week. You'll get spectacular results. Can you do that?

  • No problem.

We discuss my plans for my plow-boy:

  • Another nose ring; a real big one, but this time I want it piercing its septum from the outside.

  • Its tongue ringed in a way that it can't talk normally anymore.

  • Big tit rings.

  • Its cock cinched with a large band.

  • Permanent metal wrist and leg shackles.

I plan on installing a big wheel in the yard, and make it push or pull it, milling all day long. Leave it in a cage when it's not working. No fancy cleaning or rubbing, just cold water.

When Louise comes back, it will be a different animal.

Next: Chapter 2

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