Stevens Evolution

Published on Nov 13, 2022


Steven's Evolution Chapter 5

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2017 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

This story is a sequel to Life With Tim in the Authoritarian section.

Steven's Evolution


"Tell me, boy," Master Andre said as he turned his attention to me. "Tell us how you feel about calling Connor and Theo, your sons, Daddy?"

"Their request took me by surprise, Master," I explained. "But, as time has moved forward, I've gotten used to it. I don't understand the long-term ramifications right now, but the idea of calling my Daddies, Daddy, adds a certain thrill to my relationship with them. I'm beginning to see you as my Master, Master, and you as my Daddy, Daddies. Your power seems suddenly different to me. Calling my sons Daddy demeans me in ways I can't explain yet."

"Excellent," Daddy Connor responded. "Theo and I will observe you and question you and Dad about your feelings as a part of our research on Total Power Exchange. It was Dad's idea to have you, boy, call us Daddy. Now, it seems so natural. It defines our ownership into two unique relationships while still maintaining our mutual emotional and physical bonds."

"Let's head home," Master Andre suggested. "It's been a long day, and I'm especially eager to consummate our relationship tonight."

We quickly walked back to the condo.

Steven's Evolution Chapter 5: Initiation


Daddy Connor stopped after we stepped into the foyer of the condo and turned to me, "Strip, boy!"

I quickly disrobed, and I stood awaiting further orders. Without additional verbal orders I followed Daddy Connor, Daddy Theo, and Master Andre to the Master Bedroom. Daddy Theo pointed to a straight back wooded chair. "Sit! Assume the position."

I sat with my back flat against the wooden back of the chair. My hands were clasped behind my neck, and my legs were spread shoulder width apart. By this time my dick strained felt as though it might burst.

Daddy Theo began to string a rope around my upper body starting just under my arm pits. His hand, with the hemp rope in it, brushed against my skin and made my entire body quiver.

Daddy Theo whispered to his brother, "The boy likes this, Connor. When I touch him, his whole body shakes."

"It's the medication," Master Andre said as he moved closer to watch my Daddies restrain me. "The medication which makes him constantly hard also increases the sensitivity in his skin and nervous system from touch and other external stimuli."

The first contact of the hemp rope against my naked skin sent my mind soaring. I felt a jolt of endorphins when Daddy Connor joined Daddy Theo. One on each side of the chair. They began the procedure to bind me to the chair. My Daddies guided the rope around my body. Each wrap tight with the previous one. They continued until the rope reached my waist.

They stepped back to view their handiwork, "Outstanding, Connor!"

"It's a work of art in many ways. It looks so beautiful! Look at the way the rope binds the boy to the back of the chair, Theo. The chair and the boy are now one—a boychair."

`Boychair,' the word registered in my brain. `Boychair... Boychair...'

I felt as though I no longer existed as a human being inside the room. I became an object. The power of my Daddies touch made me realize I had taken one more step toward complete submission.

Master Andre handed Daddy Theo a Jennings Dental Mouth Gag. Daddy Theo expertly installed in in my mouth and then stretched my mouth open wide.

"Perfect, Theo! Great job!" Master Andre stepped closer to look at the gag installation.

Daddy Connor began to shackle my wrists behind the chair. He pulled my hands so they were behind the back of the chair and then locked them together. The sound, as the lock clicked on the shackles, pounded in my head like an explosion.

Daddy Theo exclaimed as he retrieved a leg spreader. "Now for the most exciting addition!"

He attached each ankle to the appropriate restraint and extended the spreader until my legs were spread widely apart.

Daddy Connor lifted my legs so my thighs were against my rope encase upper body. He slipped a roper under my lower thigh and began to wrap both legs with rope. My legs did not move after Daddy Connor finished attaching them to my upper body and back of the chair.

"You boys have all but mastered the use of rope in a bondage scene. Beautifully done!"

`My Daddies and my Master own me,' I thought as I heard Master Andre's voice say the words I really didn't hear. I only felt the sound pound against my ear drums.

"We have another surprise for you, Dad," Daddy Connor added as he picked up a remote control, pushed a button, and watched a portion of the ceiling slide open. A chain hoist lowered from the hole of the ceiling.

Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo attached the hooks to the back of the chair. Daddy Connor pressed another button on the remote, and the chair lifted off the floor.

"Amazing," Master Andre whispered as he watched my Daddies complete their task.

Daddy Theo slipped a rod out from under the seat, and the seat dropped away.

Daddy Connor pressed another button on the remote and a panel on the floor opened and exposed two eyelets awaiting use. Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo connected two chains to the bottom of the chair back and attached them to each of the eyelets on the floor.

"Stabilization," Daddy Theo said to Master Andre. "We don't want the boy to swing. We want him to see all the energy between us as we take our relationship with you grow into something beautiful, mind blowing, and complete."

"You've thought of everything," Master Andre said to Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo. "I'm eager to see the playroom!"

"Now, it's our turn, Dad," Daddy Connor said as he moved closer to Master Andre.

Daddy Connor put his hand around the back of Master Andre's head and pulled him into a kiss. Daddy Theo moved in closer as well. He joined the other two in passionate kisses.

Master Andre pulled slightly away from Daddy Theo and Daddy Connor.

"I can feel the energy radiating from your bodies," Master Andre quietly said. "I've never felt so much energy from two men. It consumes me."

"We feel it, too, Dad," Daddy Theo added. "It feels so good... It feels so perfect... Naked... We need to be naked."

A flurry of hands and clothes tossed aside concluded in three naked men once again holding each other tight and pressing their lips together. My dick stretched against the plastic of its container.

"I want to feel you in me so, so badly," Master Andre hissed. "I've never wanted a dick up my ass more than I want yours right now. The desire. The energy. The passion. The..."

"Lust," Daddy Connor finished Master Andre's statement.

I watched as Daddy Connor walked Master Andre backwards toward the bed. When Master Andre's legs bumped against the side of the bed, Daddy Connor helped his lover lay on his back. Daddy Connor slid between his lover's legs and lay contentedly atop Master Andre. As Daddy Connor's lips brushed against Master Andre's, my body erupted in an explosion of feelings. It felt as though something, at the moment their lips touch, entered my body. Daddy Theo slipped beside the two lovers and joined them in the kiss.

I felt my blood pulse through my veins like the water moving down a storm ravaged river. I felt everything. The touch of Daddy Connors lips on Master Andre's lips.

My eyes seemed to zoom in to watch as their tongues fought a battle to show their passion to each other. I watched as Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo consumed Master Andre's mouth.

My mind found a place outside the room. I no longer saw Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo kissing Master Andre. I saw my Daddies and my Master frolic naked next to a calm river. All my boys joined them. Master Adrian, Master Leo, Master JJ, Master Bashir, Master Omar, Master Kathem, Master Ali, and Master Ahmed. Master Anton sat perched in a tree watching the men frolic below him. My ex-husband, Tim, also played in the water. He helped the little ones take the first swim of their lives.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Master Andre's scream jolted me back to the scene in the bedroom. Master Connor lay on his back with Master Andre on top of him—Master Andre's dick impaled in Daddy Connor's ass, cum exploding inside Daddy Connor. Daddy Theo laid atop Master Andre. His dick also began to erupt in Master Andre's ass. Daddy Connor shot his load between his and his lover's sweaty, naked body.

I felt it all: the powerful shots of cum in my ass, on my body. I felt as though I were drowning in all the cum.

My eyes flittered open. I saw nothing but the black of the lightless enclosure. I felt hot. Sweat dripped from my body. Pins pricked my skin. Stillness. Darkness. Lifeless. I couldn't lose the feeling of being lifeless and confined until a bright, white, burning light appeared before me. I couldn't see beyond the brilliance of the light.

"Your four hours are up, boy," Daddy Connor whispered to me from the other side of the blinding light.

My body still felt confined, but I sensed another presence.

"You endured your punishment, boy," Daddy Theo added.

"You've witnessed the joining of three minds, three bodies, three lovers," Master Andre continued. "The three of us are one. We own you equally now, boy. We will guide you further down the path as you completely give your body, mind, and soul to us. We'll all enjoy your journey, boy."

"You never need to worry, boy," Daddy Connor whispered. "We'll take care of you, keep you safe, keep you warm, keep you loved."

"Just give us everything, boy," Daddy Theo continued. "Mind, body, soul, energy, power. Just give us Ev... ery... thing."

I suddenly found myself in the center of my universe. Master Andre, Daddy Connor, and Daddy Theo surrounded me. Their arms entwined around the waist of the others. Naked. Close. Loved.


Back to School

My eyes flittered awake as the sun began to stream through the open bedroom windows. I looked to my left to see a sleeping Master Connor lying on my left with his head resting on the right side of my chest. I looked to the right to see Connor lying on my right with his head on my chest. `Beautiful!' I thought just as both started to stir.

"Have you been watching us long, boy?" Master Connor asked.

"No. But I've concluded you're both a work of art."

"Flattery will get you fucked, boy," Master Andre added as he stepped into the bedroom. He'd been in the city with friends while Daddy Connor, Daddy Theo, and I reacquainted ourselves with the each other's bodies. "Why don't you get Connor and Theo some coffee, boy? I have something to discuss with them, so shut the door when you leave and knock when you're back with their coffee. Give me fifteen minutes for our conversation."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I quickly slipped out of bed and made my way into the kitchen. Master Andre's laptop sat on the kitchen island near the coffee. An open window on the screen caught my eye. A hulk of a man stood in the middle of what looked to be a deck on a private yacht. He dressed in tight leather pants and nothing else. I poured myself a coffee and sat in front to wait for Master Andre's discussion with the boys.

I scrolled further down the screen. I realized the open window with the photo contained an article written for BDSM Magazine. I began to read:

Daniel Patrick Gora (52), born to a Greek father and a Lebanese mother, built his fortune as a real estate mogul with projects in every Middle Eastern country. His husband, Richard Rothchild Clyburn (28), helped Daniel amass a huge entertainment conglomerate specializing in the gay BDSM leather community. The entertainment company announced yesterday it will open its first island resort targeted to the BDSM community. The undisclosed island sits in the Pacific, and it's vacation huts were available by the week, month, or longer. Only members and their guests could stay at the resort.

I read further to understand why Master Andre would be interested in the couple until I realized I needed to return to the bedroom. I grabbed two fresh cups of coffee, strode to the bedroom door, and knocked.

"Come in!" Master Andre barked from the other side of the door.

I entered the bedroom and went to give Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo their coffee.

"Thank you, boy," Daddy Connor said as he took the coffee.

Both Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo had raging hard dicks as they lay on their back.

"Think about my offer, boys," Master Andre said as he stood from the edge of the bed. "We can talk further once you've read and considered my email. I believe we can make a lot of money and have an amazing time with this venture."

Master Andre left the bedroom after he kissed Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo. He walked out of the room without looking at me.

"We have classes all day today, boy. You'll meet us at the Science Center at twelve noon. Wrigley will lay out your clothes we want you to wear. Once we have lunch, you'll be used... I mean interviewed by a very special friend of ours. We'll pick you up outside the Science Center around six this evening. Any questions, boy?" Daddy Connor explained as he and Daddy Theo began the process of selecting their clothes for the day. Their still rock-hard dicks bobbed with every movement and the muscles in their ass undulated with every step.

Daddy Theo took over the explanation. "We consider this meeting today critical to our success and your success, boy. Please give your interviewer your full cooperation. You'll be rewarded this evening."

Daddy Connor continued. "Dad will be spending the next several days in Back Bay with investors, so you'll not see him much until he's finished. Sid will also be visiting us this weekend. He's matured during his short time at Milton Academy. We believe you'll be impressed. So, we have some fun events planned!"

"Thank you, Daddies." I left Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo to shower and change for their day at school. I sauntered into the kitchen just as Wrigley finished preparing my morning ritual.

Wrigley engaged me in conversation while I consumed my food. "You seem so happy here in Cambridge, boy. Is it the place or the people?"

"Definitely two people. Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo. I missed them tremendously while we were on our tour."

"I can only imagine. They impressed me when we arrived. They were so eager to show Max and me around the condo."

"I'll bet their appearance never phased you, Sir."

"Boy! Connor and Theo look better than any man I've ever seen. Their beautifully sculpted bodies. Their curly blond hair. Their sky-blue eyes. And their dicks. Their perfect, long, uncut dicks with low hanging balls excite me even when they are fully clothed."

"So, Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo excite you!"

"Damn right they excite me!" Our conversation about Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo continued until we were ready to hit the gym. "Let's do this, boy. We have a short day with a lot we need to accomplish."

I followed Wrigley to our private gym we have next to the playroom. Then, Wrigley began to work me harder than I've worked before. He pushed. And he pushed. And he pushed. And he pushed. And he pushed. Then, he stopped pushing. I trudge back to my room to shower off the sweat and stink from my workout.

I saw the clothes Wrigley had put on my bed.

My wardrobe for the day consisted of a pair of skinny fit dress slacks which showed every muscle in my body as well as my cock and balls. I turned around and looked at myself in the mirror. The slacks highlighted the crack of my ass. The white polo shirt looked simple enough, but, when I put it on, I had to strain the seams of the fabric to pull it over my torso. My biceps nearly tore the sleeves of the shirt. My nipples protruded quiet clearly.

As I walked to the Science Center, I felt everyone turned to stare at me... like I was a hooker walking through the campus to my John's office.

"Hello, boy!" Daddy Connor startled me as he and Daddy Theo walked up behind me. "You look more and more like a hooker every day! Couldn't you be a little more discreet around campus?"

"You had Master Wrigley lay out my clothes, Daddy!" I countered.

"Boy! Do not counter me! If I say you look like a hooker, I mean you look like a hooker. So, you look like a hooker. And you do look like a hooker." Daddy Connor exclaimed loudly enough many around us heard his comments. Some even paused to hear what would happen next.

"I'm sorry, Daddy." I replied in a hushed voice.

"I didn't hear you, boy! What did you say?"

"I'm sorry, Daddy!" this time those around us heard my reply. Some snickered. Most kept watching.

"Better! Much, much better!" Daddy Connor turned his attention to Daddy Theo. "Where do you want to go for lunch, Theo?"

"The pasta place down the street would be good. Or, we could go to our new office and order in."

"You have an office?" I asked.

"Of course!" Daddy Connor responded to my question. "It's in the Science Center for Clinical Studies. I'd rather go to the pasta place, Theo. We can show the boy our office after we eat. He can change for the rest of the afternoon."

I felt somewhat relieved Daddy Connor mentioned changing before meeting the others today. Then, all hope went out the window as Daddy Theo clipped a leash onto my collar and led me away to the small restaurant. We found a table near the window. Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo sat next to one another.

"You seem a little unsure of yourself. Is it the leash?" Daddy Theo asked.

"Yes, Daddy. I don't normally wear a leash when in a public setting like the campus."

"Get used to it, boy!" Daddy Connor explained. "If you're with us and on campus, you'll be wearing a leash. We need to break you of some annoying traits, boy. Dad agreed you need to suffer more and endure more public humiliation. It will build your character and help you and Dad achieve Total Power Control."

"I will be forever in your debt, Daddies, if you think it will make me a better boy for Master Andre."

"And you don't know how much you will be in debt to us by the time we graduate from Harvard undergrad." Master Theo added with his now familiar trademark smirk. "And Dad also told us you'll be known as Stéphanos Xanthis. Your new name will be Stéphanos Xanthis. Connor and I decided we'd take Dad's last name as well because you will no longer be a Caldwell and Dad T will no longer be a Caden."

"Why will Tim not be using Caden?" I asked.

"He's taking Grant and David's hyphenated name." Daddy Connor smirked as he told me the news. "David and Grant are adopting Dad T. So, Grant and David will be our grandparents."

"Grant and David don't have a problem with being grandparents to two eighteen-year-old boys?" I asked.

"They're the same age as you, boy! Twenty-eight. Only ten years older than us." Daddy Theo had copied Daddy Connor's smirk.

"David and Grant are happy being grandparents at twenty-eight?"

"Yup. And we have three twenty-eight-year-old dads and two twenty-eight-year-old grandparents. Nice, huh?" Daddy Theo said.

"I would caution the two of you not to adopt a sixteen-year-old boy."

"It's not on the radar right now, boy! But who knows? In a few years, maybe." Daddy Connor's smirk got remarkably smirkier.

We continued our conversation until the time approached one pm. "It's time we show you our office, boy. Take our stuff to the trash. When you return to the table, drop to your knees and assume the position."

I gathered our trash. On my return to the table where Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo sat, I thought, `Where in the fuck did we go wrong with these two?'

I dropped to my knees and assumed the position. I waited for Daddy Theo and Daddy Connor to give me the signal to stand and follow them, but a handsome guy—probably about the same age as me—stopped beside me and spoke to my Daddies.

"I'm glad you're bringing authoritative roles into the limelight on campus. I'm a sub, and my mistress is hesitant to bring our relationship into the open."

"Thank you, boy." Master Connor didn't miss a beat. "We're studying Total Power Control as our undergrad thesis. Here's our cards. If you and your mistress would like to talk in more detail, call or email us."

The handsome guy took Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo's cards and fished his out of his shirt pocket. "My name is Hans. My mistress's name is Casandra. I'm certain she will want to speak with the two of you."

"We look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day, Hans."

"Thanks. You too!"

Hans left and Daddy Theo picked up the end of my leash and tugged on it after he stood. I followed. We walked silently back to the Science Center. When we arrived, Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo led me to the bank of elevators. Daddy Connor inserted a key card and the elevator began its climb to the sixth floor.

The door opened and I followed Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo to a door with a name plate that read "Connor Xanthis and Theo Xanthis."

"Impressive!" I look around and no one seemed to be in the hallway.

Master Theo swiped a card through the reader beside the door and pushes it open after it buzzed.

"This is where it will all be happening for the next four years," Master Connor said proudly. "We have an interview room though this door."

Master Connor opened the door.

"Very nice!" I added as we stepped into the room.

"And, over here, we have a door to Dr. Demetri's studio. You'll see the studio later today."

"Take off your clothes, boy." Daddy Theo exclaimed.

I hurriedly stripped off my shirt and began working the pants down my legs. As I stepped out of my shoes and then my pants, I saw Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo standing in front of me. They were naked and hard.

"You have another appointment in one hour from now. We'll have just enough time for you to get each of us off. Maybe more than once. Connor first. Now, boy! Now!"

I eagerly dropped to my knees in front of Daddy Connor and slipped his dick into my mouth. Daddy Connor forced my head down so his cock pushed into my throat.

"On your feet with your ass up, boy, and don't stop sucking!"

I didn't answer. I just stood up with Daddy Connor's dick still battering my mouth and throat. I heard the sound of a packet of lube being ripped open.

"Mmmm!" I growled right before Daddy Connor's cock shoved back into my throat. A moment later, I felt Daddy Theo's big dick touch my asshole. A bolt of lightning seemed to shoot from my ass through the rest of my body.

Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo picked a pace and a rhythm they liked. Daddy Connor in. Daddy Theo out. Daddy Theo in. Daddy Connor out. Over and over and over again. They kept pumping and pumping and pumping. But just as I was about to shoot a load, I felt Daddy Theo's body tense.

Daddy Connor shoved his dick down my throat and kept it there. I felt his dick shooting cum out of this dick down my throat.

Daddy Theo took his turn at releasing his load into my waiting ass.

I felt Daddy Connor grab my dick as Daddy Theo's last spurt of cum exploded in my ass. Within second, I shot my load—a very big load—on the office floor.

We rested a few minutes as all of us caught our breathe. Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo pulled out at the same time. I stood by myself in the middle of the office as Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo inched away.

"You've made quite a mess on our clean office floor, boy! You need to clean it up. Your tongue licking the floor would clean in rather nicely." Daddy Connor pushed my head to the floor, and I began licking the tile floor clean.

"Good work, boy! My brother and I never tire of your mouth and ass." Daddy Theo remarked. "Now stand up."

"Yes, Daddy!" I replied as I struggled to stand after a powerful orgasm rocked my body. I looked at my Daddies now standing side by side.

"Now the fun begins, boy." Daddy Connor began. "We'll take you to your first appointment down the hall after Theo and I get dressed."

I must have looked a little surprised.

"What, boy?" Daddy Theo asked.

"What do I wear, Daddy?"

"Nothing, boy. You won't be wearing anything for your afternoon appointments." Daddy Connor explained.

I swallowed. "I understand now, Daddy!"

Abdul Kassab

Once Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo were dressed, the led me out of the office and down the hallway. Daddy Connor opened a door marked "Abdul Kassab." We walked inside and stopped in front of a desk.

"Good afternoon, Susan," Daddy Theo said. "Stéphanos Xanthis is ready to see Abdul."

"Excellent! And what a nice specimen he is, too! I'll let Abdul know he's here." Susan turned and opened a door and announced us. "Connor and Theo's specimen is here to see you, Abdul."

"Excellent! Send them in, please. Do you want to come in a chat for a moment?" Abdul directed his last comment to Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo.

"No, thank you, Abdul," Daddy Connor replied. "We need to get to our next class."

"I'll take the specimen to Demetri after we're finished here."

"Terrific! We'll bring him here again next week."

"Wonderful!" Abdul replied as he watched Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo leave the office.

The hulk of a man called Abdul stood before me as an imposing man. Six-three. Muscular. Black curly hair. White button-down shirt. Top two buttons undone. Black slacks. Fiery red shoes. Black chest hair filtered out of the shirt collar. His olive complexion with flawless skin made him not only imposing, but extremely handsome.

"Assume the position!" Abdul ordered.

I stood feet shoulder width apart with my hands clasp behind my back. Our eyes met. I was immediately sucked in to his eyes. Shimmering brown eyes with lust screaming at me and drawing me further and further into my mind.

Abdul circled around me and stopped again when he returned to his original position. Our eyes met again. The lust just screamed louder.

"You may sit," Abdul nodded to a straight back chair in the middle of the room. He took a seat in an overstuffed black leather chair with an ottoman.

I sat and put my hands on my thighs for lack of any better place to rest them.

Abdul began our session, "First of all, you may call me Sir, Your Highness, or Master. We'll be getting to know one another over the course of this semester. Connor and Theo have arranged this time with you to study your past in great detail. We'll be discussing your childhood, including your elementary school years, your high school years, your college years, and the first few years of your professional life. I'll be using some interesting techniques to help you remember details you've long forgotten. Do you have any questions for me, boy?"

"The purpose of this study is exactly what, Sir?"

"The purpose of this study is to gather information from clinical assessments to help Connor and Theo with their research. Shall we begin, boy?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Have you ever been involved in any type of psychological analysis?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Tell me about it, boy."

"My first time in counseling coincided with my last set of foster parents who took me in at the age of seventeen. My foster parents decided I might need some psychological help because I suffered severe anxiety when I encountered new experiences. The work with the psychologist only lasted a few months because the psychologist didn't believe I had suffered any traumatic events prior to my adoption."

"Did your work with the psychologist help with your anxiety attacks?"

"No, Sir. They sent me to see a psychiatrist after the first councilor. We did several sessions to unearth what might have been forgotten trauma in my childhood. I also experienced serious mood and personality swings. Many of my caregivers labeled my "acting out" behaviors as a serious problem. Coupled with the acting out they surmised I lacked empathy and conscience. I was impulsive and, sometimes, self-centered. My psychiatrist decided my symptoms could be outgrowths of a trauma. They also targeted antisocial behavior which could be survival skills I'd learned through some trauma rather than true antisocial behavior."

"I'd like to obtain your medical history from the psychiatrist, if you don't mind."

"Of course, Sir."

"I'll have you sign a consent form before you leave today. Did you isolate any trauma issues during your sessions with the psychiatrist?"

"One phase of my life was very hard for me to talk about. When I turned thirteen, I managed to escape from my foster parents and lived on the streets... I didn't like talking about it... I still don't."

We continued our conversation for the last thirty minutes of the session.

"I believe we've made a dent in our work together. I'll be eager to get your psychological medical history so I can review the notes. I have several techniques I use to make our sessions more palatable for those who have anxiety discussing some unfortunate past events. We'll get to the bottom of your childhood trauma. It may take more than just this semester."

"Thank you, Sir. What does all this tell you about my proclivities to be sexually submissive?"

"Good question, boy. We can discuss this question during your next session. I'll take you to see Bolo Wu next. He's just down the hall."

Bolo Wu

I padded down the hall following Abdul to my next appointment. I saw several people as we made our journey to Mr. Wu's office. Some starred. Others smiled. Only one stop to ask Abdul if he could feel my balls. Naturally, Abdul granted him permission and my dick sprang to life.

We turned down a short hallway and stopped at an office door with a name plate that read "Dr. Bolo Wu." Abdul pushed the door open. I wasn't prepared for what I saw in the office. A naked, well-muscled black man with a large flaccid penis. His penis wasn't just large, it was huge. Also uncut. Also pierced. The five-ten man still looked formidable.

"Well, hello, Abdul. What a wonderful specimen you have here!" Then he turned to me. "I'm Bolo Wu. I'm a psychiatrist studying sexual stimulation of several clinical trial drugs. I also use several BDSM techniques to evaluate many of the trial drugs. Welcome!"

"I'm pleased to meet you, Dr. Wu." My dick started to get harder with every word I spoke.

"Thank you for bringing the boy to me this afternoon, Abdul. I'll take the boy to see Demetri when I'm finished here."

"You're so welcome, Bolo. I believe we've finally found a specimen we can all use and evaluate."


Abdul reached out and twisted my right nipple before exiting the room.

Dr. Wu and I stood facing one another after Abdul left us. My eyes kept darting down to Dr. Wu's huge dick which began to spring to life.

"So, boy. You're probably wondering how big my dick really is when fully engorged. It's almost three inches in diameter and fourteen inches long. And, don't worry, boy. I won't be sticking it inside your ass until a later session. Now, let's get on with our work, shall we?"

"Of course, Sir."

"Good. You might be wondering why I'm naked. The simple answer is I like to be naked, but there is a longer more powerful answer. During our sessions, we will be sharing emotions, feelings, and spiritual insight as we evaluate various clinical trial drugs. We will use techniques borrowed from some of the most ancient spiritual cultures of the world. My specialty is devoted to finding spirituality through homosexual sexual rituals. We will begin today's session by learning about each other's body."

Dr. Wu turned and motioned for me to follow him. We entered a room which seemed similar to a television studio except the set consisted of one very large bed.

"On your back, boy," Dr. Wu instructed as he pointed to the center of the bed.

"Yes, Sir!" I positioned myself in the exact center of the bed on my back.

"I will first inject Clinical Trial Drug 407 into your system. I'll use one of your balls as the injection point. It will begin to work almost immediately."

Dr. Wu knelt between my legs and loaded a syringe with a fucking huge needle. I wanted to scream out in pain the moment the needle started its decent into my ball. Even before Dr. Wu had finished injecting all the drug, the pain dissipated. Dr. Wu put the used syringe and drug vial into the trash.

I watched as Dr. Wu returned to his position between my legs. I felt I was in a slow-motion film. The touch of his skin on mine elevated my already keen sense of weightlessness. I remember nothing else after I felt Dr. Wu's extremely hard dick rest on my stomach...

Home again

I heard familiar voices in the background. Soon my vision began to sharpen, and I realized the voices were Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo's along with another familiar voice. I rallied to bring the world around me into focus when I felt the third voice touched my skin.

"Good morning, Dad," I realized the voice was my other son, Sid. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm... fine, son." I managed to say. "Where are we?"

"You're being held in a secure environment until you've fully recovered from the clinical trial drug," Sid explained.

"Secure environment?" I asked.

"It's very interesting, Dad," Sid continued. "It's a cross between an intensive care unit and a prison cell. You'll only be here another few days."

"Why am I here at all?" I asked in a weak voice.

"In case you have more hallucinations," Sid replied. "Besides, you need your rest after three straight days and nights of sex. Dr. Wu called in nearly fourteen people to keep you well fucked. We'll show you highlights when the entire three days footage has been edited."

"Oh!" I looked into Sid's eyes. They were playful and inviting.

"He's getting the look again, Connor. Should I fuck him again?"

"Sure! It'll give you a chance to bond with your Dad. Besides, you'll get to experience the heightened sexual sensations he's now blessed with."

"Cool!" Sid exclaimed. "Are you ready for me, Dad?"

"Yes! Please! I need you!"

Sid jumped off the bed and quickly dropped his shorts and pulled his shirt over his head.

"You've been working out!" I exclaimed as I saw Sid's now muscular body for the first time.

"Do you like it, Dad?" Sid asked fishing for compliments.

"You look amazing, Sid!" I replied as my dick grew into a massive hardon.

"Thanks, Dad," Sid replied with a smile on his face and an eight-inch, rock hard, uncut dick. "You look pretty good yourself, Dad. Your ass looks so well-used, so loose."

Sid didn't bother with lube. He wanted inside me just as much as I wanted him inside me.

"Ahhhhh! Fuck!" I moaned as Sid's dick began sinking and sinking further inside me.

I looked up at Sid. His eyes were closed, but his head was tilted up just like he was looking into the sky. He had a huge smile on his face.

"Shit, Dad!" Sid hissed as I felt his well-trimmed pubic hairs tickle my swollen balls.

"Fuck me hard, Sid. Rough!" I squeaked out as Sid opened his eyes.

"You want it rough, huh?" Sid murmured as our eyes locked.

"Yes!" I bellowed.

Sid kicked into high gear and began pummeling my ass. Over and over again. In and out and in and out. I felt as though I was on fire. Every inch of my body burning with sexual sensations I'd never experienced.

Sid continued pounding my ass. Sweat began pouring off Sid's naked, hard muscled body. It dripped onto my already sweat covered body. My dick was hard and eager for release. Sid's body tenses. His eyes rolled upward as though he were in a trance.

I felt my whole-body drift into space. Every jab of Sid's dick pushed me further and further into a blissful state of peace.

Then it happened.

"Ahhhhhh!" Sid screamed as his body began to convulse during his obviously powerful orgasm. On the last spasm of his orgasm, Sid collapsed on my chest. We both waited for breathing to return to normal.

"You feel good on top of me, Sid," I managed after a few minutes.

"And you feel good under me," Sid added before he shifted his body up mine. He found my lips with his.

I immediately wanted more kisses. I wanted more of Sid's dick inside me.

Sid pulled back for a moment. "Jeez, boy! You are one fine kisser. But I want to practice something I learned last weekend."

"Anything you want," I replied. I eagerly wanted attention from the man laying on top of me.


Andre Xanthis

Steven Caldwell Xanthis

Master Demetri's Research

"Follow me, boy," Master Demetri said after the door had closed behind Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo.

I stood and followed Master Demetri into another room. The door locked after we were inside the room. It was dimly lit.

"Lights!" Master Demetri said, and a bank of overhead lights flooded the room with bright, bright light.

I looked around the room. No windows. Gleaming stainless-steel walls, floor, and ceiling surrounded us. Stainless steel bondage table. Stainless steel medical exam chair. Stainless steel St. Andrews cross. Stainless steel looking sling. Stainless steel saw horse. Stainless steel cabinets lined the back wall. Stainless steel chains hung from the ceiling over stainless steel chains attached to eyelets in the floor.

"This is my research lab, boy," Master Demetri explained. "Every piece of equipment connects wirelessly to a computer. The computer stores data about the research work I do in this room. Today I will collect data from various stimuli. We'll start with the sling."

Master Demetri attached a chain choker around my neck just above Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo's collar. A long chain extended to the floor. Master Demetri took the chain in his hand and led me to the sling.

"The chain I put around your neck includes several sensors to monitor your reaction to stimuli applied," Master Demetri continued as he stood at the foot of the sling. He reached over to a table beside the sling chair and picked up a syringe. "This medication removes all restrictions your body naturally applies when it experiences sexually induced stimuli. Your Master Andre Xanthis provides funding for my research in exchange for evaluating the effects of certain medications his company will soon be marketing. This is one of them. Face away from me and bend over."

I turned away from Master Demetri and bent forward. I put my hands on my knees to stabilize me. I felt a prick as the needle penetrated the skin covering my ass. As Master Demetri injected the medication, I immediately began to feel a sensuous calm descend over my body. The massive pain I felt in my dick began to grow again. The pain in my dick, although constant now, elevated my senses to the degree I felt the air brush around me.

Master Demetri put his hand on my shoulder. The light touch of his and on my bare skin sent shudders of excitement surge through my body.

"Stand and face me, boy," Master Demetri said after he removed the syringe from my ass. The slight tug Master Demetri gave felt as though Master Demetri strangled me.

I stood facing Master Demetri. His eyes seemed to burn a hole in my forehead where his gaze landed. His hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me close to him. Naked skin touching naked skin. The heat radiating from Master Demetri's touch sent my mind into overload again. The pain in my dick as it grew to an even larger size intensified. I felt the power Master Demetri possessed as his lips closed rank on mine. Our lips touched.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed as my dick erupted and began to spew cum as Master Demetri held me tightly against him. My cum coated his stomach and mine. I collapsed against Master Demetri as my dick's spewing cum subsided.

Master Demetri helped me to the sling and positioned me with my ass just barely not on the sling. He pulled my legs up to the metal restraints and locked both ankles into place.

"The computer has just now begun to feed information to me about your orgasm, boy," Master Demetri said as he moved behind my head. He fasted both wrists in the appropriate metal restraints and clicked them closed. "The first information concludes a past experience triggered your massive orgasm. It's still searching for evidence of how the past experience affected you, but, make no mistake, it was a powerful incident which precipitated your powerful orgasm. The past experience may or may not be part of a repressed memory."

As I recovered further from the massive orgasm, I began to sense a mental connection with Master Demetri. The connection confused me because I had no recollection of when our mental connection began.

"We are becoming one, boy," Master Demetri explained. While he spoke, he began to apply lube to his engorged cock. "This connection will be temporary, but you will remember some of the triggers which caused your orgasm as we proceed to the next stimuli analysis."

"The next analysis may allow you to place emotional trauma to a particular incident. Typically, the incident will be from either a past life or repressed memory incident," Master Demetri continued his explanation. "While this analysis may not allow you to remember the specific trauma or incident, it will, however, provide us with insight as to your proclivity for being a submissive, especially submissively allowing another to inflict pain."

"We need to clear your mind, boy, of any memories or relationships which might affect the outcome of this stimuli," Master Demetri said as he positioned his dick against my asshole.

With the touch of Master Demetri's huge dick on the outside of my asshole, my memory of past events began to clear.

"Close your eyes, boy, and listen to the music," Master Demetri added.

Music wafted over my now ultra-sensitive sense of hearing. I felt myself letting go of thoughts I'd collected for years. My mind relaxed. My body relaxed. The outside world seemed no longer threatening or part of my life.

I focused on a new sensation. The feeling of Master Demetri's huge dick pushing further and further inside me. Every millimeter he pushed inside me brought sheer pleasure. My mind began to fill with thoughts of the huge dick moving further and further inside me. I felt nothing but Master Demetri's dick. The intensity of the sensation brought with it more unity with Master Demetri. He, piece by piece, took possession of my mind. He controlled me. I began to hear a voice inside my head. An unknown voice. `You've forgotten me, boy. You've ignored what I've done to you. You put our time together out of your mind. But the memories of what we had faded into your brain. Slowly. The memories will return. You'll need more sessions with your healer, boy, but you will finally bring this agonizing part of your life to the surface. The memories will affect you, boy. But you need to remember.'

The voice left as I felt Master Demetri's body react to the pleasure he took from being inside me. I felt so calm and relaxed as I felt Master Demetri's cock explode inside my ass. His cum pounded against the inside of my ass like. His come filling me. My dick again exploded with another earth shattering orgasm.

Master Demetri's eyes fixed on my eyes as both of us recovered. I saw his lust for me turn into feelings of power over my body. I felt his power build in intensity. I wanted him to take over my body... to control me... to own me."

"Yes, boy," Master Demetri said quietly, but forcefully. "I am taking control of you, boy. I will own you while we are together. You will submit totally and accept my power over you. You will have no other Master but me. No one will care about you but me. No one will come to your aid but me. No one will keep you safe but me. Accept me, my power, my control, and my lust for your body, and you will find new meaning in life. I will lead you to new realizations. I have ultimate power over you, boy. My power and control over you will continue to guide you as you and your Daddies and Master find your place in life."

I lay quietly listening to Master Demetri's words. His aura enveloped me.

"The computer is feeding me information about you while you engage with me," Master Demetri explained. "You heard a voice from your past. The voice wants you to heal. I am your healer. Your healing will be extensively documented so our sessions can help others heal. This will be your legacy to the world, boy. The world will learn of our breakthroughs. Your name, my name, Connor and Theo's names will be included. Your breakthrough journey will last for an eternity. We will lay your secrets open for the world to view."

I concentrated on Master Demetri's voice. His words. His power. His control.

Master Demetri still had his dick inside me. I focused on Master Demetri's dick. Hard. Huge. Powerful. A vivid picture of his dick inside me began to overtake my senses. I felt Master Demetri's power over me radiate from his dick. His dick controlled my body and my bodily functions.

I felt my emotions and sensual feelings explode. I finally realized my dick exploded for the third time sending cum shooting into my face, chest, and stomach.

"Our session is finished here for today, boy," Master Demetri finally said after I had regained composure. He pulled out of my ass, released me from my restraints, and helped me out of the sling.

"Take the back elevator down to the garage," Master Demetri explained. His tone changed. He no longer controlled me. His power no longer overtook me. "The door beside the bondage table will lead you to the elevator. Your driver will be waiting for you when you step out of the elevator. Your Daddies await your return at the condo. Do not speak of this session with anyone. Not your Daddies and not your Master Andre. Now, go."

Master Demetri turned and left me standing in the room. I managed to find enough energy so I could find the elevator for my trip downstairs to the garage.


Return to Daddies' Care

"We're happy your back, boy," Daddy Connor said as I returned to the living area after cleaning my body of the stench of my session with Master Demetri.

"Your Master Andre called to tell us he has been delayed in returning to us," Daddy Theo explained. "His business took longer than originally planned. It will be just you and the two of us for the rest of the weekend."

"We'll begin our weekend with a low-key dinner at home followed by some quiet time between the three of us," Daddy Connor added. "We'll need this down time to prepare for the rest of the weekend."

"Take off our clothes, boy," Daddy Theo commanded. "First your Daddy Connor, then, me. Now, boy!"

"Yes, Daddy," I replied as I stood in front of an already standing Daddy Connor.

I pulled Daddy Connor's tight tank top over his head and flung it to the floor. I pulled off the trainers he wore without sox, and, then, I put my hands on the waist band of his gym shorts and pulled them down. Daddy Connor stood before me naked with a raging hard dick.

"It's your Daddy Theo's turn, boy," Daddy Connor said as he began to stroke his big dick.

"Yes, Daddy," I said as I moved in front of Daddy Theo. The same procedure followed with Daddy Theo. His shirt. His shoes. His gym shorts.

"Let's have our dinner before we start the evening's activities," Daddy Theo said.

A young man with only a jock strap entered the living room pushing a service cart with what smelled like a heavenly dinner entrée.

Daddy Connor sat on the love seat at one end, and Daddy Theo sat on the opposite side of the love seat.

The jock strap clad young man handed a plate of food to Daddy Connor and then one to Daddy Theo.

"Your dinner is on the floor beside the sofa in the dog bowl," Master Theo explained. "On your hands and knees, boy, and enjoy your meal."

"Yes, Daddy," I said. "Thank you, Daddy."

I moved on my hands and knees to the bowl and began eating. I stuck my mouth into the bowl and brought out a mouthful of food. I continued to grab a bite of food from the bowl, chew well, and then swallow. I continued until the bowl stood empty. I licked the bowl to clean it for the next meal.

"Come sit at our feet, boy," Daddy Connor said when he and his brother had finished their meal.

"Yes, Daddy," I said as I began to crawl to them and sat back with my thighs sitting atop my calves. I placed my hands clasped together behind my neck.

"We tossed a coin while you were with Demetri," Daddy Theo began. "I won, so I get to pick our first activity. You'll have your first experience on our new bondage table in the playroom. Ready, Con?"

"You bet!" Daddy Connor replied as both he and his brother stood to lead me to a stairway leading down.

We arrived on the next floor.

"Crawl, boy," Daddy Theo ordered.

"Yes, Daddy," I said as I dropped to all fours.

I followed Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo to a red door. Daddy Connor used a passkey to open the door. The open door provided the only light in the pitch-black room until Master Connor flicked a switch. A massive set of flood lights shed bright white light on the interior. Various pieces of playroom gear filled the huge room. The stainless steel bondage table sat in the middle.

"This is a replica of the bondage table Demetri has in his research room," Daddy Connor explained. As Daddy Connor continued his explanation, he and Daddy Theo guided me on top of the bondage table. They began to fasten the appropriate restraints to my wrists and ankles. The restraints were made of stainless steel. "The table has sensors strategically placed in various places. These sensors on this table, like the other sensors on each piece of equipment, feeds into Demetri's computer in his lab. We get instant feedback about your reaction to various stimulations. The information will help us determine which of your life experiences pushes you into the role of a submissive. You might, during our research, become aware of a life altering experience which may cause you grave mental anguish."

My Daddies stepped back to admire their work. The lighting changed to a single circle of light surrounding the table. The rest of the room lay in complete darkness.

"Excellent!" Master Connor exclaimed.

"The first bit of information has just come in," Master Theo said. "You feel like your body tingles, doesn't it, boy?"

"Yes, Daddy," I replied.

"Amazing," Master Connor said. "This table will send you back to a prior time in your life. We'll know more as we continue our research."

Daddy Theo stepped into the darkness, and he returned from the darkness with something shiny in his hand.

"We'll start with these nipple clamps, Con," Daddy Theo said to his brother.

My Daddies began to prep my nipples by kneading, pulling, and twisting. One Daddy on my left. The other Daddy on my right.

"Ahhhhh!" I shouted as the clamps bit into the skin of my nipples.

"Excellent!" Daddy Connor whispered to his brother. "Now the gag."

Daddy Connor disappeared into the darkness. He returned with a Whitehall dental gag in his hands.

"Theo and I have decided you'll need one of these in your mouth regularly," Daddy Connor continued. "We both like the way it makes you look vulnerable. When you look vulnerable, we both get exceptionally horny."

Daddy Connor installed the Whitehall dental gag in my mouth. He and Daddy Theo again admired their work.

"We're ready for the head monitor," Daddy Theo said as he grabbed a round metal band with several eyelet screws on the periphery of the circle. He slipped the object over my head.

Daddy Connor joined Daddy Theo as they tightened the screws so the ring sat securely on my head.

Daddy Connor explained the ring, "This ring is another sensor we will use to extract data from our play session. It not only gathers information, but we can also reverse the flow of energy and feed stimuli into your brain causing, we hope at least, some very powerful fantasy trips for you."

Daddy Theo stepped into the darkness and returned with a rolling table, it had drawers and a flat workspace.

Daddy Theo opened a draw and pulled out two Wartenburg Wheels. He took one and handed the other to Daddy Connor.

My Daddies began to systematically roll the devices across my skin. They began on my chest near my nipples. Arm pits. Down my side to my abs. The inside of my thighs. When the rollers finally started on my balls, I practically jumped out of my skin. Up the shaft of my cock became even more sensual. Daddy Connor pulled my foreskin back so Daddy Theo could roll the wheels across the head of my dick. My mind did flip-flops.

"Interesting," Daddy Theo said. "Did you hear the computer analysis of the wheel?"

"Yes," Daddy Connor replied. "It's interesting. Just by touching the head of the boy's dick with the wheel unleased a whole series of sexual fantasies. You're one sick bastard, boy."

"Are you ready to proceed, Con?" Daddy Theo asked.

"Absolutely," Daddy Connor replied. "We're on our way of gathering the information we need for our paper. We should also have enough for a book or two on the subject."

"His fantasies alone could fill an encyclopedia of men on men sexual BDSM exploits," Daddy Theo added.

"I'll get them," Daddy Theo said as he disappeared into the darkness. He returned with four guys who followed him into the circle of light.

"Our friends we met in class wanted to watch the next phase of our time with you on the table, boy," Daddy Theo said as the guys circled around the table near the edge of the darkness.

"They couldn't believe what we wanted to do to our Dad," Master Connor added. "So, we invited them to watch."

"Our Dad likes to be watched," Daddy Theo said to the guys. "We also want you to touch the boy anytime during the next activity. Watch his reaction when you do."

"This is amazing, Theo," Daddy Connor said as he seemed distracted by the information the computer relayed to both Daddies. "The boy's secrets keep pouring out of our computer analysis. No wonder the boy is such a slut."

"Are we ready to proceed?" Daddy Theo asked Daddy Connor.

"Absolutely," Daddy Connor replied to Daddy Theo and then turned his attention to the audience of four very hot looking men. The men looked as though they were Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo's freshman class members. "This will be an exciting night for those who haven't experienced, either in person or in porn films, men on man BDSM sexual activities. At times, you'll think we might be hurting the boy... We will hurt him a lot if all goes according to the plan. Feel free to have fun on your own or with another audience member. We urge you to enjoy the scene. Theo and I always find cock stroking brings on an amazing fantasy trip when watching a scene like this. Any questions?"

"Why did your Dad volunteer to be your research subject tonight?" a six-one blond muscle stud asked.

"He didn't volunteer," Master Theo explained. "We're his Daddies. We tell him what to do. He does it."

"Cool," the blond stud replied as he rubbed his crotch. "Do you fuck him, too?"

"Yea," Master Connor replied. "He has a great ass. One of the best."

"He's also a great cock sucker," Master Theo enthused. "We should begin."

Master Connor retrieved two bags of clothes pins made of metal. Each connected to the next with a wire. Daddy Connor took one sting of clothespins. Daddy Theo took the other. They started attaching the clothespins to my skin starting with my nipples. Daddy Theo took one side. Daddy Connor took the other.

Each clothespin dug into my skin. I watched Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo's faces as they worked. A picture of them flashed through my mind. Angels hovering around me. Horns came out of their heads.

"Did you hear what the computer just sent us, Con?" Daddy Theo asked.

"Yea," Daddy Connor replied. "You'll pay for your sins, boy. How dare you picture us as horny angels?"

"Yea, boy!" Daddy Theo added as he and Daddy Connor continued to attach the clothespins. "You're supposed to be thinking of us as muscle studs getting ready to cause you a lot of pain."

"We'll just fuck your face once we're finished installing the clothespins," Daddy Connor suggested. My dick twitched.

"He likes the thought of getting his face fucked, doesn't he?" blond muscle stud asked.

"Yup," Daddy Theo replied. "He begs for our dicks all the time. He's a real slut sometimes."

They finished attaching the clothespins.

"Perfect symmetry," Daddy Connor said as they looked at their creation of wire and metal. The pins stretched from my nipples to my balls. They continued up the shaft of my dick and stopped as the last pins were attached to my foreskin.

I tried to scream in pain as the last five pins cut into my foreskin, but the gag made the scream sound like a grunt.

"Now we can start the tens console," Daddy Connor said as he and Daddy Theo watch my reaction.

Slow soft tingles began pulsing through the string of clothespins. One after another. Every minute or two the intensity and speed of the pulses increased until they were all firing at once.

My body thrashed against the restraints as each pulse hit. I felt the skin around each pin began to get warmer and warmer with each burst of power.

"We should turn this down, Con," Daddy Theo said to his brother. "We did promise Andre we wouldn't leave any permanent marks."

The pulses stopped. My body lay still on the bondage table.

Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo began circling the bondage table. They made five complete circles and stopped. Daddy Connor on my right side. Daddy Theo on my left.

"You boys might want to step up a little closer and watch the next part of our research very carefully," Daddy Connor said to their guests.

As the guests moved closer to the bondage table, I saw all four of the men more clearly. They were all naked and stroking. The room felt packed with testosterone. Lust clearly shone in their eyes.

I took in the image of each young stud.

Five-eleven, brown close-cropped hair, brown eyes, Hispanic, muscled, and at least a ten-inch dick.

Six-foot, jet black curly mop of hair, grey-green eyes, olive complexion, extremely well built, eight-inch dick.

Five-nine, flaming red hair, bright green eyes, silky white perfect skin stretched over a lean set of muscles, eight-inch uncut dick.

And the blond muscle stud with an enormous dick. Definitely bigger than brown hair.

"We'll have the clothespin removal ceremony now," Master Theo announced to the group. "Connor will remove the gag because we want you to hear the boy scream."

"I believe we're ready now," Daddy Connor said as he took his place opposite Daddy Theo. Each held the beginning part of the wire. The clip at my nipples would be the first to come off. "On three, Theo. One... Two... Three..."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as all the clips pulled off my body.


The Next Morning

My eyes fluttered open when I heard movement beside me. I turned to look. Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo sat naked in a chair just inside the circle of light.

I still occupied the bondage table. A thermal Mylar blanket covered my naked body, and the restraints still held me still on the table.

"Someone's awake!" Daddy Connor said as he stood and moved next to me. "How do you feel, boy?"

"I don't know," I replied.

"You passed out when we pulled the pins off your body," Daddy Connor explained. "So, we left you here to rebound."

"Thank you," I replied. "What happened to the four guys who were here last night?"

"We gave them a raincheck for this afternoon," Daddy Connor continued. "You'll like them."

I smiled at Connor. "I'm looking forward to being with them. They're good looking and hung."

"We picked them for their attributes," Daddy Connor added with a smile. "I suspect they'll be long-lasting, too."

"The boy has awakened, I see," Daddy Theo said as he took his place beside his brother. "I hope you've recovered."

"I think so," I replied.

"We need to inspect you, boy," Daddy Connor said as he pulled the Mylar sheet off my body.

Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo moved closer and ran their fingers to trace the redness from the clothespins all the way from my nipples to the tip of my now extremely hard dick.

"Excellent," Daddy Theo spoke up after he and Daddy Connor finished the exam. "You've healed remarkably well, boy. The cream your friend George sent really does work wonders."

"The four boys from last night will be here at 1 pm," Master Connor said. "I can't wait to see them take your ass, boy."

"We should feed the boy before our guests arrive," Master Theo suggested.

Daddy Theo and Daddy Connor worked quickly to unfasten the restraints.

"Let's join the others for breakfast," Daddy Connor suggested once I stood between my two Daddies. I followed them into the dining room. Alastair, Sol, Gregory, and Wrigley served brunch.

"Good morning men," Daddy Theo exclaimed as we headed toward three empty seats.

"You three look happy!" Wrigley said as his smile light up the room. "We've heard from Andre. Sid and Raj connected and explored the city. Raj is Andre's friend Truman's son. He's the same age as Sid. Andre and Truman have rekindled an old relationship. We might have another person living with us if the relationship progresses."

"I understand Andre and Truman want to take Sid and Raj to a Hellfire party in Chicago tonight," Alastair explained. "Sid will accompany Raj as a sub. Raj will be the dom. Truman will take Andre as his boy."

"What is Raj like?" Daddy Connor asked.

"Fine looking young man," Sol explained. "He's six two and still growing. He has long, straight hair. Hairless body except for his head, pubs, and pits. Big dick. Muscular."

"Raj acquired an eclectic set of skills as a Dom during his training under the supervision of Clyde Densmore," Master Alistair explained. "Perhaps you've heard of him?"

"I know Master Clyde, Sir," I replied. "He helped train me while I served Master Ed several years ago."

"I thought so," Master Alistair continued. "I understand he takes slave training very seriously. I believe I've heard the word brutal used to describe his style. Did you think he's brutal, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I said to Master Alistair. "I only hope he has given Raj enough background to go slowly with Sid. I am not good at being an angry father."

"Master Andre's presence will keep them safe," Master Alistair added.

Master Gregory looked nervous about the direction of the conversation. "Sid and Raj want to work out together. Raj goes to Milton Academy."

"Andre sent along a publicity photo for Raj," Master Sol said as he pulled out his phone and brought up a photograph.

"Holy shit!" Master Connor exclaimed as he looked at the photo. "This guy has a seriously muscled body. How old is Raj?"

"Fifteen," Master Sol replied.

Master Theo took the phone. "Too bad this guy's a Dom. I'd like to have a turn with his body!"

Master Theo handed me the phone. "Oh! Wow!"

Raj stood on a beach in a skimpy Speedo swimsuit. The sun highlighted his extensively muscled chest, eight pack abs, huge biceps, tree trunk thighs, and massive outline of his cock and balls. His sexy eyes and long, coal black hair added to his appeal. My dick went from semi erect to full blown hard. "Sid is one lucky guy!"

Once we finished eating, Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo led me back to the bedroom. Daddy Theo shoved me face first onto the bed, pushed my knees underneath me to raise my ass, and slide my legs apart so he could access my asshole.

"I won first round pick for your ass, boy," Daddy Theo growled. "We need to get you ready

The College Boys Return

I stood naked in the hallway as Daddy Connor buzzed their friends into the building. My hands were clasp behind my neck with feet shoulder width apart and eyes focused on the floor. Daddy Theo opened the door and welcomed the boys into the entryway.

"I hope you're ready for some fun," Daddy Theo said to the group of young college aged men. "The boy is eager to service you in any way you want. Why don't each of you explain to the boy what you expect from him this afternoon."

A five-eleven Hispanic guy stepped forward first. He had close-cropped brown hair, brown eyes, and a lean, muscled body. His already hard, ten-inch, uncut dick sent shivers through my body.

"I'm Dan, boy! I'm looking forward to stuffing my big dick into your mouth and ass."

A breathtaking man stepped forward. Six-foot, jet black curly mop of hair, grey-green eyes, olive complexion, extremely well built, eight-inch dick.

"I'm Omar. Naturally, boy, I want to fuck your ass. But I want more."

Five-nine, flaming red hair, bright green eyes, silky white perfect skin stretched over a lean set of muscles, eight-inch uncut dick.

"I'm Wes. I want to fuck you to oblivion. Your ass will never be the same."

And the blond muscle stud with an enormous dick—at least twelve inches—took center stage. Definitely bigger than brown hair. His dark, allover tan highlighted his blond hair and blue eyes. At six-two he was the tallest of the four.

"I'm Logan. You can call me Sir. I enjoy a good fuck, but I also like to work a boy over. As a matter of fact, I've become addicted to the sound of a whip lashing at a man's back."

"Here's how it's going to work today, boy. Connor and I will leave you with these four gentlemen. We'll be back tomorrow morning to pick up the pieces. Guys! He's all yours."

The four guys huddled around me after Connor and Theo left. Logan took a leadership role.

"Here's what I suggest we begin with a quick turn on the boy's ass. Strap the boy to the sawhorse so you can really put some muscle into ravaging his ass." Logan looked around the room at the smiles on the other's faces.

To be continued...

I would enjoy hearing your comments about this story. You can write to me at

The following lists links to all my stories on

John's Journey Forward found in the Beginnings section

Together Forever found in the Beginnings Section (Sequel to John's Journey Forward)

Sam and Chris in the College section.

We're in This Together found in the Relationships section. (Sequel to Sam and Chris)

Jeffery Comes Home  in the Beginnings section.

Taking a Stand in the College section. (Sequel to Jeffery Comes Home)

Other Stories by the Author


Please note, the following stories are not for everyone because there are several scenes depicting Master/slave and BDSM relationships. So, if you are not interested in this type of literature, please, please do not read this story.

Life With Tim in the Authoritarian section

Steven's Evolution in the Authoritarian section. (Sequel to Life with Tim)

Visit my website:

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If I have time, I will get back into the twitter game. Twitter: @stevenwellsma1

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