Stevens Evolution

Published on Feb 7, 2018


Steven's Evolution Chapter 2

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2017 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

This story is a sequel to Life With Tim in the Authoritarian section.


The room became silent. Bright light flooded the room as Master Wrigley began to pound my ass.

`He's right, you know, boy,' a voice inside my head whispered to me. `You're such a good boy. Your reward this afternoon begins your journey to a new place. You'll know when you've arrived, boy. The Gods have selected you. You'll become the perfect vessel.'

The voice in my head disappeared as I heard and felt Master Wrigley's dick explode in my ass. His body convulsed as he released his pent-up energy inside my body. I became his upon the first shot of his cum. I realized the voice was right. I'm on my journey to become the perfect vessel.

Master Gregory slid onto the bed and next to Master Wrigley and me while Master Wrigley recovered on top of me.

"Such a lovely sight," Master Gregory whispered. I watched him begin to stroke his dick on the video monitor in front of me.

I salivated at the thought of Master Gregory's big dick pushing inside me. His beautiful ten-inch, uncut, thick Master dick.

Chapter 02: The Beginning Continues

Andre's Gift

"Good evening, boy!" Master Andre said to me as I stepped onto the patio off the main living area. "How was your day?"

"Interesting," I replied. I crossed the patio as he patted the seat next to him. I sat. "Master Wrigley stepped up my morning workout again. He added about ten percent to all the weights. Cardio went from sixty minutes to ninety minutes. He cleaned me from head to toe both inside and outside. He used a new oil on my body before Master Jackson visited with my new wardrobe."

"Tell me about your nap with Wrigley," Master Andre

"Also, very interesting," I continued. "It dawned on me after a tiny voice in my head explained things. I understand now what you meant about becoming close to Master Wrigley and Master Gregory. They feel like brothers in a way. Brothers who will help me on my journey to find new meaning to question plaguing me for most of my life."

"It sounds as though Wrigley and Gregory made their mark on you, boy," Master Andre added.

"Thank you, Master," I responded.

My heart pounded when Master Andre put his arm around my naked shoulders.

"Assume the position, boy," Master Andre said as he pointed to the floor in front of him.

"Yes, Master," I said as I dropped in front of Master Andre and clasp my hands behind my neck, rested my thighs in my calves, and looked directly at Master Andre's black leather lace up boots.

"At ease, boy," Master Andre said.

I relaxed my position by bringing my hands in front of me, and I looked directly at Master Andre.

"David and I have gone over all of the accounts you owned," Master Andre began. "I now have the power to execute any transaction I please without your permission, boy."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied.

Journey of Our Own

"Good," Master Andre replied. "Now it's our turn to take a journey of our own. Take off my clothes, boy."

"Yes, Master," I said as I happily began the task of removing Master Andre's clothing.

I slipped off Master Andre's shirt and my eyes went fixed on his chest and his nipples. I licked my lips.

"Not now, boy," Master Andre said knowing. He knew my desires. Master Andre stood. "Continue."

I kneeled before Master Andre and began to unbutton his tight 501 Levis. Button after button. I pushed Master Andre's jeans down and watched his dick slap against his six-pack. I helped Master Andre step out of his jeans and put them on the sofa next to us.

"Stand," Master Andre ordered.

I stood before my Master with my hands clap together behind my neck and waited for my orders. Our eyes locked.

"Stay," Master Andre added before he disappeared behind my back.

I stood motionless while I eagerly awaited my Master's return. Standing naked outside on the patio facing the Ocean, I felt a strong feeling of peace flood my body.

Master Andre returned and faced me.

"You look relaxed, boy," Master Andre said calmly. "I'm relaxed, too."

Master Andre raised his hand with a collar in his hand. I hadn't seen it before.

"This is a new collar," Master Andre explained. "I had it made in the local leather shop. I wanted a new collar for you to celebrate our new lives together. I want you to close your eyes boy and empty your mind. Your mind needs to be empty so I can fill it with our experiences together. What do you feel right now, boy?"

"Safe," I whispered.

"Good boy," Master Andre continued. "It's my job to keep you safe, boy. All you need to do is trust me totally. With your total trust, I will always give you safety... Open your eyes, boy."

My eyes opened.

"You belong to me now, boy," Master Andre added. "All of you belongs to me. Your mind. Your body. Your spirit. Mine. This collar tells the world you belong to me and to me only boy."

Master Andre slipped the collar around my neck and locked it.

"Lead me, Master," I replied. "Lead me to my new life of complete submission. I give my all to you: my mind, my spirit, my body, and my worldly possessions."

"Good boy," Master Andre whispered to me as he caressed my cheek with his finger.

"I bought you something else, too, boy," Master Andre explained. "We'll enjoy using it."

Master Andre held up his gift. My eyes got big.

"Yes," Master Andre began his explanation, "It's like the one Baback used on you several times. All of the strips of leather have little metal studs attached to them."

My dick had plumped up while Master Andre showed me the new flogger.

"I can tell you'll like this flogger, right, boy?" Master Andre asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied as my dick grew even harder.

"I'm not using it on your tonight, however," Master Andre continued. "I have something special planned for you."

The grounds crew stepped onto the patio. The bare-chested men's muscles bulged as did their crotches—even through the tightly packed jeans.

"I'm giving you to them tonight," Master Andre said as he surveyed the men from our grounds staff. "I want you to please them, boy. I want you to make each one of these men, our brothers in life, happier than they've ever been. I promised them you'd be with them all night. They all like to fuck, and they all like to get sucked. You'll have multiple chances to make them happy."

I looked at each man. The group had moved closer while Master Andre explained my surprise for tonight.


Milo stood only five-nine, but his body betrayed his height. The blond-haired, blue-eyed stud with a perfectly shaped, hairless, muscled upper body kept his eyes lock on mine as he moved closer and closer to the center of the group. He exuded sex from every pore of his body.


"Theodor, the six-three grounds manager, moved forward first. One look at the bulge in his tight jeans sent my libido racing. Not only was Theodor the biggest of the four, but also the most handsome. No, I need to take my comment back. They are all equally handsome and could easily find work as underwear models. Dark black, out-of-control wavy hair hung just to his shoulders. His neatly trimmed chest hair covered the front of his body from the well-muscled chest to his six-pack abs. The bulge in his jeans kept my focus, however.


Quinton's six-one, tight, sinewy, perfectly smooth, and tanned body looked magnificent as the moonlight illuminated him as though he were a set in a department store window. His exceptionally tight, exceptionally threadbare jeans showcased his ample package. Several patches of skin stood out beneath the almost non-existent fabric. His hairless, muscled chest shimmered in the light of the night, and his eyes lit up the rest of the outdoor area.


The image of Tyron seemed burnt into my brain. At six-one, his shaved head and body of tattoos created a bad boy image which made him, in my mind, perfect for a Sadist in a porn film. When he caught me looking at him, he returned a lopsided smile which gave me more fodder for a porn film Sadist. His movements reminded me of a sly cat going in for the kill.

"Theodor," Master Andre continued. "You and the boys can fuck him, have him suck you, or anything else you'd like to do with him. I guarantee you will have one of the best asses you'll find, and his mouth works magnificently. I do, however, want him back unharmed by eight am."

"Yes, Sir," Master Theodore said. "We'll take care of him for you tonight, and we'll bring him back to you in one piece."

A naked blond twenty something boy arrived. Master Andre put his arm around his shoulders. He and the boy turned and left us. Me standing naked. The five men circling me.

"I, for one, would like to see the boy jerk off and shoot his load out of that fucking dragon's nose at the tip of his dick," Master Melio hissed as he began to stroke my cock.

"You heard the man, boy," Master Theodore bellowed. "Let's see you work that big dick of yours."

"Yes, Master," I replied.

I grabbed my dick and began to stroke. I concentrated on each man's eyes. One by one, I felt connected. They were my brothers. I became aware of the attention each man paid to my cock as I stroked it.

"Judging by his nipples, he could use a little work on them," Master Quinton said as he stepped behind me and encircled my upper body with his beautifully muscled arms in search of my nipples.

"Oooooo," I moaned as Master Quinton found his target and pinched.

"Your Master told us you were a cum slut," Master Hermes said in his lust stained voice. I caught his eyes. His blue eyes drew me to them, but what I saw excited me even more. Lust. Lust glistened in his eyes.

I began jerking my cock faster and faster.

"I'm a cum slut, Masters," I managed to say. "Use me. Please, Masters, use me. Use me as a toilet. Use me as cum bucket. Take me. Use me. Please."

With the last word out, my dick exploded with cum. Ropes and ropes of cum flew through the air in front of me. The men's smiles all grew larger. Master Quinton pinched my nipples with his thumb nail and index finger. I jettisoned even more cum. I leaned my naked back against Master Quinton's bare chest. I felt energy pulsate between us, like a sign from the Gods.

For the first time in many years, the idea of being a cum dump for these five men sent lightning bolts through my veins.

I remembered something I had forgotten. I met a guy from one of my classes as I walked home from a night of partying at the local bar where gay boys from school hung out.

"Hey, gay boy," the guy exclaimed from behind me.

I turned and saw my classmate following closely behind me. "Hey, straight boy, you look like your hurrying somewhere."

"I'm on my way home," the guy explained. "My roommates and I went out tonight. They gave up hope of scoring and went home early. I thought I'd almost nailed this chick until a few minutes ago. So, I'm going back to our apartment and joining three other horny straight dudes."

"I'm sorry you didn't make it with the chick," I replied. I knew I sounded inebriated.

"You didn't score either, did you, gay boy?" the guy asked.

"Nope," I replied. "Too much competition from you straight boys."

"Do you suck dick, gay boy?" the guy said as we continued our respective journeys together.

"I'm a gay boy, remember," I replied.

"I can't speak for all of my roommates, but you could probably score some straight dick tonight if you're interested," the guy added.

I walked silently down the sidewalk. Thinking. My dick stirred, and I was horny and tipsy.

"I'm interested," I said to the guy.

The guy I walked with stood about six-one and looked like a surfer dude should look. Blond hair. Blue eyes. Muscled chest. I had drooled over him several times in class.

The guy stopped me as we walked. Without warning, he pulled me close to him and kissed me.

`Shit this dude can kiss,' I thought to myself as I lost myself to the man with his lips on mine and his tongue in my mouth.

They guy pulled away from me, grabbed my hand, and pulled me in the direction of his apartment.

We almost ran to the guy's apartment. He quickly unlocked the apartment and brought me inside. His buddies sat in the living room in varying stages of undress. One in his boxers. One with tight purple briefs. The last one with a tight, skimpy pair of gym shorts.

"I brought you boys a gift, if you want it," the guy announced to his roommates. "This is my gay friend I told you about from my CS class."

"Do you suck dick, gay boy," the guy with the purple briefs asked. His dick suddenly began to grow inside his purple briefs.

"Yea," I replied in a whisper.

My classmate had lost his shirt already and began undoing his tight jeans. His shoes lay next to his shirt on the floor.

Purple briefs sauntered towards me. One hand rubbing his crotch and the other caressing his nipples. He took his hand away from his crotch when he stood in front of me. He put his arm around me and pulled me in for a kiss.

"Does he get fucked, too?" gym shorts asked my classmate.

"He's a gay boy," my classmate said to gym shorts. "Of course, he gets fucked, right gay boy?"

"Ah huh!" I manage with purple briefs tongue still in my mouth.

`I didn't know straight boys kissed gay boys,' I said to myself.

My classmate, now clad only in red, skimpy, low rise briefs, positioned himself behind me and pulled my shirt up and off. I cooperated.

I toed off my trainers which my classmate signaled as a green light to get me naked. Red wrapped his hands around my waist and began to unbutton the fly of my jeans. By this time, my dick had begun to grow.

"Gay boy doesn't wear underwear, guys," red said to his roommates.

I stepped out of my jeans with the help of red. As I stepped out of my jeans, red attached his hand to my dick and began stroking.

"Gay boy's uncut," red exclaimed to everyone.

Gym shorts stopped kissing me and pulled away so he could look at my naked body.

I saw a camera flash. Boxers showed me the photo. I stood alone, naked, and hard, looking longingly at purple briefs.

"Guys," boxers said to the group. "I think we've found a permanent gay boy to help us through dry spells. You'd like to be our permanent gay boy, right, gay boy?"

"Yes Sir," I hissed just before red took his position in front of me and stuck his tongue in my mouth for a second time.

"I think we need to stop this kissing shit and get our gay boy doing his job," gym shorts announced. "I, for one, want to get my dick in his ass while one of you boys uses his mouth."

"Let's use our room," red suggested after he removed his tongue from my mouth. "We need to wash the sheets anyway, Barron."

We all followed red into his room. He switched on a light beside the bed, and purple briefs turned off the overhead lights. Gym shorts dropped his iPhone into red's music player and switched on music.

The sound of electronic music filled the room. Heavy percussion dominated. The music brought sex to my mind.

"On the bed, gay boy," gym shorts instructed. "Stomach down. Ass up. Now!"

Boxers pushed me closer to the king bed. Red pulled off the sheets and comforter which sat in a lumpy mess on top of the bed.

"Are you clean, gay boy?" purple briefs asked.

"Yes sir," I replied. "STDs came back negative last week."

"We can dispense with the condoms, then," purple briefs added.

Boxers had lost his boxers. Now he stood naked with a raging eight-inch hard on. I looked around the room.

`I am totally fucked,' I said to myself as I surveyed the four, naked straight boys who were about to fuck my ass and my mouth. `God, I wanted this.'

I almost lost my load when boxers crawled onto bed and pulled me down with him. He shoved a pillow underneath my stomach before he dropped his naked body on top of mine. His hard dick massaged the crack of my ass.

`This guy has done this before,' I said to myself.

Red moved to the side of the bed. He and boxers repositioned me, so I could suck dick.

"Lick it, gay boy," red demanded as he moved his hard, ten-inch, meaty uncut dick in my face.

Just as I stuck my tongue underneath red's foreskin, boxers pushed his dick into my ass and passed my sphincter muscle.

Red must bore easily because we went form me licking under his foreskin to his big dick shoved down my throat in seconds.

"This is one good ass, boys," boxers exclaimed as he paused with his dick completely in my ass.

"Gay boy's mouth works well, too," red added. "I won't last too long."

"We've got all night," purple briefs said to the group. "We'll all get relief."

"More than once," gym shorts added. "This will be a good night after all, boys."

It seemed like I stepped out of my body. Two hot looking straight boys used my ass and my mouth. Two others waited for their turn.

I wanted to yell, `Take me. Use me. Fill me with your cum.'

I'd heard the line in a porn movie.

The feelings I had while I serviced two studs swelled every moment I spent with them. The humiliation of servicing four straight guys added to my incredible horniness. Dick.

`I'm addicted to dick,' I said to myself.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" red howled as he unloaded into my mouth. I swallowed and swallowed and swallowed. He put his hands on my head and pushed me down on his dick again. His heavy breathing began to subside. His body relaxed.

"Why is it every time I cum I need to piss?" red asked the group.

"So, piss," purple briefs suggested.

Red released his grip on my head and let me come up for air.

"You want my piss, don't you, gay boy?" red asked.

I nodded yes. I'd never drunk piss. Before the ramifications surfaced, I felt a trickle of warm liquid fill my mouth. Red grabbed the base of his cock to regulate the flow. I swallowed and swallowed and swallowed and swallowed.

The stream of red's piss stopped. Red stepped away.

"We've not only found a cum dump, but we've also found a piss pig," red said as purple briefs positioned himself in front of my head with his nine-inch cut dick teasing me.

"Smell it, gay boy," purpled brief demanded. He suddenly turned around and stuck his ass in my face. "Tongue, gay boy. Clean it. Stick your tongue in my ass, gay boy. Now!"

Purple briefs pulled his ass cheeks apart and I moved forward and pushed my tongue in his ass.

"Holy fuck!" purple briefs bellowed. "Fucking fine, gay boy. Fuck my ass with your tongue."

I pushed my tongue inside purple briefs' ass and began massaging the inside of his holes.,

I felt muscles in gym shorts body tense and his cum explode into my ass. All accompanied with a guttural moan.

I lost myself in the sensations which overtook my body. Dick in my ass. Purple brief's dick in my mouth. All night until dawn. Dick in my ass. Dick in my mouth. Over and over again.

My eyes flicked open. I felt groggy for lack of sleep, but I remembered red asleep on top of me with his Dick still in my ass. I returned to the life of when I felt red's dick begin to move inside my ass.

"Your ass is so nice, gay boy," red hissed as he came alive and began to concentrate on his current activity.

"Your dick is perfect for my ass, straight boy," I hissed back. "Keep in coming!"

"An invitation... I can't... refuse," red added as the pace and energy of his pounding picked up. Soon, red pounded my ass in rapid, forceful strokes. I listened to the slap of his body into my ass when he bottomed out. His dick felt like a vacuum cleaner when he pulled out. I heard the slurp as his dick exited my ass. Over and over and over again.

`Fuck yes,' I said to myself. An idea suddenly came to me. I accepted the newly found purpose of my life. Cum slut and piss pig. But I wanted more. I wanted to be controlled by a man. The thought of public humiliation added new energy to my lustful psyche.

Red must have sensed the change in my psyche. "You're becoming MY gay boy as of this moment. You're mine to use. You're mine to share with others. You're mine, gay boy. Tell me you want it, gay boy. Tell me you're mine."

"I'm yours, Sir," I replied as others have in porn movies I had watched. "Totally yours!"

"Good... boy...," red hissed as he jabbed his dick in me two times before he exploded in my ass.

I began to see daylight slip over the horizon through a floor to ceiling window with a view of the ocean.

Master Milo finished ravaging my ass for the last time. With a lot of moaning, Milo lost is last load inside me. I lost count of the number of rounds the five men took my ass.

"It's time to return him, boys," Theodor said to the group. "His Master wants him in his possession by eight am. Tyrone, please escort the boy home."

"Certainly," Theodore responded. "Should we wipe the cum off his ass or return him as is."

"Return him as is," Theodor said. "I suspect the boss wants to see how slutty his boy has been."

"Come on, boy," Tyrone ordered. "You don't want to be late for your Master."



We arrived at the main house, and Tyrone accompanied me to the breakfast room where Master Andre sat having his morning coffee.

"Good morning, Tyrone," Master Andre said as he looked up from his tablet. "Steven, you look like shit."

"I'm sorry, Master," I replied. "Master Wrigley can help me get clean."

"Not yet, boy," Master Andre said to me before he looked toward Tyrone. "Would you like to join me for coffee, Tyrone?"

"I'd love to, Sir," Tyrone replied.

"Help yourself, and then come sit beside me," Master Andre said to Tyrone before he turned toward me. "I hope you made our outdoor staff happy. I need to hear about it. Not what you did, but how it made you feel."

"Yes, Master," I said as I assumed the position. Hands clasped together behind my neck, feet shoulder width apart, and eyes downturned. I began slowly, "The night with the men made me feel as though I was nothing but a common slut and whore."

"Excellent," Master Andre replied as he turned toward Master Tyrone. "Was he everything you thought he would be and wanted him to be?"

"Yes, Andre," Master Tyrone responded. "His sloppy ass worked better than any I've used. And his mouth! His mouth served us well. We all enjoyed fucking his mouth... Face fucking has become one of my favorite pass times."

"Boy," Master Andre said to me. "What made you feel like a slut and a whore?"

"I haven't felt so dominated, controlled, humiliated, and used for a long time, Master," I explained. "My work last night also reminded me of my college years, Master."

"Oh really!" Master Andre responded. I could see lust filling my Master's eyes. They burned holes into my head. "Tell me about what you thought about."

"I remembered my first time serving multiple men," I began. "I met a classmate as I walked home from the bars near campus..."

I gave Master Andre a detailed description of the men and how they used me.

"Did these men take you only this once?" Master Andre asked.

"No, Sir," I continued. "They used me almost every Saturday evening during my senior year, Master. "We continued to meet at least twice a year after we graduated. Our weekends together after college convinced me I was, indeed, a sub for men to control. We usually spent the entire weekend at my apartment. I became not only their sex slave, but also I served them in other ways. I made and served their meals. I bought them expensive clothes and electronics. I paid for their transportation to Chicago. I made them happy."

"Did you stay in touch with these men, boy?" Master Andre asked.

"For an entire year," I explained. "We would meet one weekend each month for an entire year... maybe two."

"Do you know where these men live now?" Master Andre asked.

"Yes, Master," I continued. "One lives in LA. Two live in Seattle. The fourth lives in New York. All married."

"Why did you stop meeting them?" Master Andre asked.

"I wasn't an appropriate friend," I went on. "They said I was a disgrace because I was nothing but a common whore. They couldn't risk being with me. It would ruin their lives if someone found out about our group."

"You owe these men a huge favor, boy," Master Andre added. "They made you understand your place in this world. They taught you how to accept humiliating and controlling situations. They made you what you are today, boy... Now, go upstairs. Wrigley is waiting for you. I will see you next before dinner. We have guests tonight, and "I want to speak with Tyrone alone to get his reaction to last night."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I turned to search for Master Wrigley and Master Gregory.

Into the Night

I met Master Andre on the patio a few hours before our guests arrived. Master Wrigley and Master Gregory had finished with me a few moments before.

"Good to see you, boy," Master Andre said as I walked on to the patio. "You look extremely sexy tonight, Steven. The new oil Wrigley found online enhances your entire body."

"Thank you, Master," I replied as I assumed the position in front of Master Andre.

"I talked with each of our grounds staff today, boy," Master Andre began. "They complimented me on my decision to take you as my boy. I sent a link to the video of your performance last night to Connor and Theo. I expect to hear from them sometime before the evening is over. I also sent one to your ex-husband. I thought he'd like a glimpse into your new life. The one to your brother was returned undeliverable. Too bad. I'd hoped he'd show it to your parents."

Master Andre stood and positioned himself in front of me. Inches away. His face in my face. I longed to have his lips against mine.

"We have some business to take care of before we enjoy ourselves," Master Andre explained.

Master Andre selected a chair facing the ocean. He pointed at his feet. "Assume the position, boy."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I sunk to my knees, clasped my hands behind my neck, adjusted my legs shoulder width apart, and looked longingly at Master Andre's feet.

"I spent time with Garret and his boy Farrell while you were with the grounds staff," Master Andre explained. "Garret's boy is an amazing cock sucker, and his ass is superb... It's gotten better and better over time.

"You'll be with Farrell often during the next two weeks," Master Andre replied. "He's practicing for his debut performance at the `In the Tank' event we'll be attending. Wrigley will work with both you and Farrell during those two weeks. You and Farrell will work out together, eat together, play together, and shit together. You and he will become soul mates. It's in the cards."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied.

"I also spoke with Connor and Theo while you and outdoor staff were together," Master Andre continued. "They decided to get a group of their fellow Harvard students together and attempt a scene like the one you experienced with the grounds staff. Connor and Theo guaranteed me at least four other horny college students will take part. Most of the boys Connor and Theo recruited want to watch both of your sons whip you, too. I'll spend time with Adrian, Leo, and Anton, too. They've decided to remain in Cambridge for Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to getting to know them. We'll be just one happy family."

"Thank you for arranging this, Master," I said.

"Now, you and I have some business to take care of before our guests arrive," Master Andre announced.

"Yes, Master," I replied.

I started on the left foot. I licked between Master Andre's toes, on the bottom of his toes and sole of his feet, I licked the top of his toes and the top of his foot. I switched to the right foot. I licked between Master Andre's toes, on the bottom of his toes and sole of his feet, I licked the top of his toes and the top of his foot.

"Good boy," Master Andre cooed as I finished his feet. "Take off the pouch of my leather pants, boy."

"Yes, Master," I said eagerly as I quickly began unsnapping the leather pouch from his leather pants. Master Andre's dick hardened with each snap of the fasteners.

"Oooooooo," I moaned as I eyed Master Andre's still hardening dick.

"You want it, don't you boy?" Master Andre asked as he began stroking his dick.

"Yes, Master," I whispered.

"On your back, legs spread and up," Master Andre ordered and pointed toward a double chaise lounge.

"Yes, Master," I responded and did as told.

Master Andre crossed the small space between us and stood at the foot of the chaise lounge. He stroked his cock as he surveyed my naked body.

I watched Master Andre intently and found myself in awe of his masculine beauty. The tight leather shirt and pants perfectly showcased Master Andre's huge muscular chest and bulging biceps. My dick hardened in just a few seconds.

"Someone is eager," Master Andre said with a huge smile as he began to position himself on the chaise lounge between my legs.

"Tell me what you want to do with my big dick, boy," Master Andre continued.

"Shove it into my ass, Master," I replied.

"What else do you want to do with it?" Master Andre continued.

"I want to lick under your foreskin and then put the tip of your dick in my mouth," I began. "I want to lick down the shaft of your big dick until I get to the base. Then, I want to give each of your big, hairless balls a tongue bath before I put your dick into my mouth and swallow it. I'll keep sucking and deep throating your big dick until to begin to fuck my face."

"Then what, boy," Master Andre asked. "Do you want me to cum in your mouth or in your ass?"

"Whatever pleases you, Master," I whispered as I eyed his dick with lust in my brain.

"Get to work, boy," Master Andre added. "I'll decide if I'll cum in your throat or in your ass. I'm leaning toward your ass."

I didn't hesitate. I slipped my tongue under his foreskin as I promised. When I reached his balls, I almost lost my load as I took each ball into my mouth.

`I love this man,' I said to myself knowing I couldn't speak with Master Andre's dick shoved down my throat.


Garrett and Farrell

"Master Garrett and his boy Farrell are here to see you, Sir," Charles said as he stepped into the living area.

A round of hugs followed suit with Master Andre and our guests.

"Farrell," Master Andre said to Master Garrett's boy. "I'd like you to meet my boy, Steven. Steven, this is Garrett's boy Farrell."

"I'm so pleased to finally meet you, Steven," Master Farrell said as he pulled my naked body to his scantily clad one. "Master has raved about you ever since he first met you."

"And I'm also pleased to meet you, Master," I said before Master Farrell released me from our hug.

Master Farrell's six-one, blond haired, blue eyed, perfectly tanned, incredibly muscled body sharply contrasted Master Garrett's huge ebony body. My dick reacted. I marveled at Master Farrell's massive chest showcased by a chain link harness. Nipple rings decorated each overly worked nipple, and his two silver armbands brought attention to his bulging biceps. My eyes kept returning to Master Farrell's bulge in his tight leather football shorts. Black leather lace up boots covered Master Farrell's huge feet.

"He's everything you said he would be, Master," Master Farrell said to his Master. "He'll be the perfect elixir for my training. So muscled. So hairless. So, tattooed. And his balls! His balls will be perfect for torture. I'm doubly excited about my training now, Master."

"He's as eager to please you as you are to use him, Farrell," Master Andre explained. "Right, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied as my dick seemed ready to explode. "I'm extremely eager to serve you, Master Farrell!"

"Farrell," Master Andre began. "Why don't you take the boy to the library while Garrett and I discuss a few business items?"

"Gladly, Master," Master Farrell said as he removed a collar attached to his belt. He slipped it around my neck and locked it into place. "You're mine for tonight, boy. We'll have so much fun getting to know one another."

Master Farrell attached a leash to my collar and led me into the library. The two-story, glass walled library looked out at the mountains behind the house. I hadn't realized until the moment we entered the room, the library housed no books.

"Take my clothes off, boy," Master Farrell ordered. "I feel too confined by the leather."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I moved forward to begin removing Master Farrell's clothing.

Master Farrell sat on an ottoman so I could slip off his shiny, black leather lace up boots. I tugged off his socks, and then he stood. I starred at the growing bulge in Master Farrell's leather football shorts.

"You'd better hurry, boy, or I will need to punish you," Master Farrell reprimanded me.

I unbuttoned the waist button and began to untie the laces of Master Farrell's leather football shorts.

"Oooooooooo," I moaned as Master Farrell's dick escaped its leather prison.

"You like my big dick, don't you, boy?" Master Farrell asked.

"Yes, sir" I whispered back. I watched Master Farrell grab his cock and begin stroking it.

"Master Garrett told me you liked his big dick, too," Master Farrell continued as he stepped forward and began to knead my nipples. "He enrolled me in a penis enlargement study. My dick just recently began showing the progress the treatments have made. I went from an eight-inch dick to a ten-inch dick in just four weeks. Your Master enrolled you in another study. You'll begin your treatment in Barcelona at the `Into the Tank' event."

"Why do you know this, and I don't, Master?" I asked.

"Master Garrett told me," Master Farrell explained. "Master Garrett and Master Andre share everything."

"Everything?" I asked.

"Yes," Master Farrell replied as he continued to knead my nipples. "Everything. You. Me. Everything."

"How often will I be with you during your training?" I asked.

"As often as necessary," Master Farrell said with a smile across his face. "Your Master has given you to me for my studies as long as you're not already involved with your Master or another project."

"I see," I replied. "What are you studying?"

"Shibari for one," Master Farrell explained. He put my left nipple between the nail on his thumb and the nail on his index finger. "I'm not only studying the physical aspect of Shibari, but also the spiritual aspects of the discipline."

"I've seen it done during public demonstrations, but I've never personally experienced it," I replied. "I'm curious about the spiritual side of the practice."

"My Shibari instructor will explain all of the ramifications of the practice on our first appointment with him," Master Farrell replied. "I believe you already know him, Aralias! His boy Taiyari will also attend our training sessions so he can serve as a training model!"

"We've spent time with both recently," I replied. "I'm eager to join you in your path to knowledge the knowledge of spiritual and physical fulfillment."

Charles appeared in the entrance to the library. "Excuse me, boys. Your Masters have asked me to bring you into the living room to meet the other guests."

"Thank you, Charles," I said as he waited just inside the room.

"Do you want me to take my leash and collar off you?" Master Farrell asked.

I thought for a few moments, "No, I'd like to keep them on if you don't mind. It will remind me of my future."

"Very well," Master Farrell responded. He picked up his leather football shorts and handed them to me. "Put them on me, boy."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I took the shorts from Master Farrell's big hands. I released the laces so Master Farrell could step into them. I positioned his cock and balls and began to tighten the laces.

"Good work, boy," Master Farrell said as he grabbed the leash and led me out to the living room. I carried Master Farrell's boots.

"Join us, boys," Master Andre said to Master Farrell and me. "We have a perfect evening planned. You will not only enjoy yourselves, you will learn more about our overall goals. Let's enjoy the patio before we have our meal."

Master Farrell tugged on my leash and followed Master Andre, Master Garrett, Master Aralias, and Master Taiyari to the patio. Charles handed out flutes of champagne to toast the beginning of the evening. I started to take my place at Master Andre's feet.

"No, boy," Master Andre said to me. "Your place is with Farrell this evening."

"Yes, Master," I said as I moved to where Master Farrell sat and took my position at his feet.

"Before we begin our discussion, I want to welcome our guests to our home. Steven and I hope you will all look at this spot as a place to rejuvenate and to heal," Master Andre said to the group as we all raised our glasses to toast the evening.

Master Andre, Master Garrett, Master Aralias, and Master Taiyari continued talking to one another. Master Farrell joined me on the floor. He positioned himself behind me. He wrapped his legs around my waist and arms around my chest.

"You make me so horny, boy," Master Farrell whispered into my ear. "I love being Master Garrett's boy, but I am eager to dominate you. Even a little public humiliation. I have lots of ideas. How old are you, boy?"

"Thirty," I replied. "You?"

"Twenty-four," Master Farrell replied. "I want to become a Dom because I'm getting older. No one will want an old fart as a sub. You're not like me, though, boy. You'll never get too old to be a sub."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, Steven, by the time you are forty, you will be immortal," Master Farrell said as he brushed his lips across my neck and shoulder. "Your body will return to its previous luster. You will look much younger than your actual age.

"A human being can't be immortal," I replied.

"You will be one of the first," Master Farrell replied. "You will live on and on."

"It's true, Steven," Master Taiyari explained as he joined Master Farrell and me on the floor. "Not in the way you know it, but you will live on... in Spirit."

"You're scaring me, Master Taiyari," I added.

"Don't be scared, Steven," Master Taiyari explained. "Others will accompany you. Love you. Protect you."

"Dinner is served, gentlemen," Charles said to the group.

We all drifted into the dining room and took our places at the round table. I sat beside Master Farrell on my left side and Master Taiyari on my right. Master Andre sat across from me with Master Aralias on his right and Master Garrett on his left.

When the first course had been served, Master Taiyari spoke to the group, "Steven is afraid of becoming immortal. I told him others will be with him. Love him. Protect him. Do you feel better, now, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. Master Taiyari's voice could quiet even the most enraged souls. "Thank you, Master Taiyari. You've helped me."

Dinner conversation became casual, friendly, and lively. Everyone participated.

"Shall we continue, gentlemen?" Master Andre asked the group.

Master Farrell Takes Steven by Force

Everyone followed Master Andre until Master Farrell tugged on my leash. I looked confused.

"We're not joining them tonight, pig," Master Farrell explained. "They have a meeting to attend. You and I need to become better acquainted. Follow me."

I followed Master Farrell to the patio and then down the walkway to one of the guest houses. It was the largest of the eight cottages lining the outer perimeter of the property. Master Farrell opened the door, and we walked in.

"What the fuck?" I exclaimed. The living room housed a sling, a Saint Andrews Cross, and a bondage table. They filled most of the room.

"Your Master Andre said I could decorate this anyway I wanted," Master Farrell said with a smile across his face. "Let me show you the master bedroom. It's quite nice."

Master Farrell tugged on the leash and led me into the bedroom.

"You didn't leave anything untouched, did you, Master?" I asked.

The king bed had black leather sheets covering the mattress. Restrains sat on each corner of the bed. A single overhead spotlight cast a warm glow in a circle around the bed. Mirrors covered the wall opposite the foot of the bed and the ceiling above the bed.

"I believe, Master, you may be planning on your training becoming a long-term situation," I added. My hard dick stood at attention.

"We'll spend two days a week together until we leave for Barcelona," Master Farrell explained.

"Won't Master Andre and Master Garrett want us to be with them?" I asked. "They have needs, too."

"Oh!" Master Farrell exclaimed. "I guess you didn't know. Your Master and my Master will keep each other company with the help of others. They used to be lovers, you know. They enjoy working on a boy together."

"What boy?" I asked.

"You remember the household staff?" Master Farrell asked.

"Yes," I replied. "Very handsome men."

"Alastair and Sal fill in for us," Master Farrell replied. "They will also be constant traveling companions along with Gregory and Wrigley.

"Along with Master Garrett and you," I added.

"We aren't constant," Master Farrell replied. "Master Garrett and I live lives separate from your Master and you. Alastair and Sal live together as do Gregory and Wrigley... Enough of small talk."

Master Farrell tugged on my leash again. As we approached the sling setup in the living room, Master Farrell pushed a button on the wall. I watched as sliding panels on the outside of the cottage closed over all the windows. The lighting inside suddenly dimmed except for a circle of light around the sling.

"I'm particularly fond of slings whether I'm a sub or a Dom," Master Farrell explained as he led me into the circle of light. "Your Master and I share the same affinity for slings. Perhaps you haven't been with your Master long enough to understand much of your life will be in a sling."

Master Farrell removed my leash as we stood in front of the sling. I looked up for some reason. Mirrors, stage lighting, and expensive video cameras lined the ceiling.

"It's a good thing you're a porn star, pig," Master Farrell said with a smirk on his face. "You must be used to cameras running while you serve men. No different here. Your Master likes to know what goes on in and around his homes. You and I will be featured in a fairly lengthy video while were together in this room."

Master Farrell took my hand and guided me into the sling. He put my ankles in the stirrups on each side of the sling. He fastened my wrists into restrains above my head.

"You're mine now, slut," Master Farrell hissed. "Until I give you back to your Master tomorrow, you are mine to do with as I please."

Master Farrell slid a cart on wheels closer to the sling. He pulled a hypodermic needle out of one of the drawers. He obviously noticed my partial panic.

"Don't worry, pig," Master Farrell explained. "I know what I'm doing. I'm a board-certified Physician's Assistant in the US. I won't do anything to injure you permanently. This injection will help you raise your sexual consciousness to a higher plane. The contents derive from all-natural sources. You'll be amazed at our journey here tonight. Ready, pig?"

"Yes, Master," I replied as Master Farrell approached me with the syringe full of things made from `natural sources.'

Master Farrell wiped the area on my upper arm before injecting the contents of the syringe into my arm.

"There," Master Farrell said as he pulled the syringe out of my arm. "You'll probably begin feeling heightened sensitivity shortly."

I watched as Master Farrell disposed of the needle and pushed the cart to the side. As he strolled back to the sling, Master Farrell began stroking his ten-inch uncut dick.

"I have waited for this moment from the moment I heard about you, boy," Master Farrell explained. "When Master Andre offered you to me for my practice, I knew I would enjoy using you. But, after I saw you, I wanted you more than I have wanted any other man. This will be the first of many times we play, boy. You and I will make a talented team. Are you ready for me, asshole?"

"Yes, Master," I replied as I lay mesmerized by his perfect dick. "I'm ready for you, Master."

"Don't cum until I allow you, pig," Master Farrell ordered as he slicked his dick with lube. "Do you feel anything yet, shithead?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I want you, Master. I need you in me. My body seems ready to explode with my desire to have your perfect dick inside my sloppy asshole, Master. I've never wanted to be fucked by anyone as much as I want you right now, Master."

"Good pig," Master Farrell whispered as me put lube on his fingers and lowered them to my ass.

"Ahhhhhhhh, yes!" I screamed as I felt Master Farrell's fingers touch the outside of my asshole and work their way inside me. "Oh! God! I need you, Master!"

Master Farrell pulled his fingers out of my ass, and he aligned his cock with my asshole. The first touch of his dick on the outside of my hole sent shivers through my body. Our eyes locked. We connected.

Every time Master Farrell touched any part of me, shivers ran through my body.

Master Farrell's dick began to make its way into my body. I felt so close to Master Farrell as he began to use me. I never wanted to give my body to an almost stranger than I do right now. I realized, this is who I am and who I will be for the rest of my life. A vessel to be used by men who take me. Cum will fill my asshole. I will swallow cum. Taste the inside of men's assholes. Lick men's armpits. Surrender all power—all feeling of self. I stopped thinking and just relished the feeling of Master Farrell's dick in my asshole. His asshole.

"Feels good, doesn't it, fucker?" Master Farrell asked as he bottomed out in my ass.

"Yes, Master," I said softly. "I love your big dick, Sir. So nice."

"I'm taking my time fucking you, boy," Master Farrell hissed. "Your ass. Amazing."

Master Farrell began moving his big dick in and out of my ass. Slowly. Our eyes still locked.

`You're on your journey now, boy,' a still unknown voice whispered. `You'll learn more as you study with Aralias and Taiyari. Dream, boy. Dream. Dream big. Dream.'

"He's right, boy," Master Farrell added as he continued to move his big dick in and out of my ass. "You're on your journey now... You'll see the world through different lenses, boy... Use my dick... to help you... on your journey... Feel it... Take it... Use it... It's yours... if you... need it."

I could only think about the feeling of Master Farrell's dick as it punched in and pulled out. Over and Over. In. Out.

My body felt tingly like a steady pulse of electricity flowing from my ass to the rest of my body. I caught a glimpse of Master Farrell's face. He existed in another world. One occupied by him and me. Only the two of us.

Master Farrell quickened the pace. His crotch slapped against my balls nearly crushing them as he shoved his dick into me. And I felt every blood vessel in Master Farrell's cock as he pulled his cock it in and out of me.

Master Farrell's constant barrage pushed me to the tipping point. I struggled to delay cuming. Then, I heard it.

"Cum, boy," Master Farrell bellowed. "Cum with me. Now, boy, cum!"

I felt Master Farrell's first spurt of cum before I joined him. My dick spewed cum in successive spurt after spurt after spurt. But the cum out of my dick turned into a minor event as I basked in the warmth each spurt of Master Farrell's cum shot inside me.

Master Farrell draped his sweat covered body on top of my cum laden one. We both stayed silent except for our breathing and heart beats.

`Feel the dick inside you, boy,' a voice began. `Concentrate on the dick. Feel your insides wrap tightly around dick. Dick becomes your friend when it languishes inside you. Feel it, boy. Feel the pleasure you get from dick. Dick becomes your life, too, boy. Your whole life revolves around dick. Other men's dicks. Many men's dicks. You will learn to know the secrets of the man with his dick inside you. Feel it, boy. Feel the dick. Feel your friend. Dick.'

The voice left. Master Farrell began to stir.

"Your planning on fisting me, right, Master?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"Yes, boy," Master Farrell replied. "The medication is working. What else do you see?"

"You will stand on a mountain top, naked, waiting for the sign," I began. "You will find the sign to signal your ascent into a position of great power. Power over men."

"What will you be doing for me, boy?" Master Farrell asked.

"Helping you find your power," I replied.

"Good boy!" Master Farrell exclaimed as he began to stir. "I've decided I'm putting something bigger inside your ass, boy. I can tell my idea excites you."

Master Farrell pulled his dick out in one motion. I felt empty.

I watched Master Farrell walk to the other side of the room and retrieved a can of Crisco from the cabinet. My dick reacted with a growth spurt. Master Farrell noticed when he returned and sat on a stool.

"You know what I'm about to do, and you like it, don't you pig?" Master Farrell asked

"Yes, Master," I said as I eyed Master Farrell's every, slow motion movement he made. My entire body tingled in anticipation as Master Farrell began slathering is right fist and arm with Crisco. The hand. The wrist. The forearm. The elbow. The bicep.

My dick throbbed when I saw Master Farrell stopped lubricating his arm just below his armpit.

"We'll take this slowly, boy," Master Farrell explained. "Not because I'm afraid I'll hurt you, but because I want you to feel every movement, every muscle, every vein as my arm goes further and further into your body."

"Oooooo," I moaned as Master Farrell touched the outside of my asshole for the first time. Nerve endings all over my body reacted to Master Farrell's touch.

Master Farrell's fingers began to move inside me, stretching me the slightest bit. More movement. More stretching.

I savored the mellow feeling created by the invasion of Master Farrell's body into mine. More movement. More stretching.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation of taking Master Farrell's arm as his elbow slipped past my sphincter muscle. More movement. More stretching.

Time stood still.

"Look, boy," Master Farrell's words brought me back to my physical world. "It's beautiful, isn't it, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I squeaked as I looked into the mirror above the sling.


Breakfast with Master

Master Farrell and I joined our Masters on the front patio where they were having breakfast. I assumed the position naked in front of Master Farrell.

"I'm returning you, boy," Master Farrell whispered as he unlocked my collar. "I set you free."

I felt even more naked without Master Farrell's collar around my neck.

"So, boy," Master Andre began as Master Farrell and I joined him and Master Garrett at the breakfast table on the front patio on this bright and sunny new morning. "Tell me what you liked about your time with Master Farrell last night."

"Everything, Sir," I replied. I paused before continuing. "I've learned to appreciate the bond of having a Master's arm in my ass up to his shoulder. Master Farrell and I became one. Master Farrell strengthened the bond when he put both his arms into my ass. For the first time in my life, I sensed every quiver of his arm muscles, every pulsing vein, and every contour of his arm. The feeling of submitting to my Master sent me over the top even before Master Farrell began. The whole night amazed me."

"Farrell?" Master Andre asked.

"The feeling of power, Sir," Master Farrell explained. "I felt totally in control. I owned the power which owned the boy. The whole concept of power sent me flying with the boy. As the boy said earlier, we became one. We'll never forget last night as the boy and I began... our journey."

"Excellent!" Master Andre added.

"We're so proud of you both," Master Garrett said. "We're excited to be part of your journey, boys. We'll be with you every step of the way."

The conversation continued.

"We must go now, boy," Master Garrett said as he stood. "The boy and I have business to complete. Come, boy!"

"Yes, Master," Master Farrell replied as he stood and slipped off his skimpy gym shorts as he became a naked slave boy again.

"I need you, boy," Master Andre said as he stood and moved to the side of the table closer to me. I assumed the position in front of Master Andre.

"We need to discuss some personal business later today," Master Andre said as he took a step closer to me as he said each word. "I want your body now, boy."

Master Andre picked up his collar from a chest beside the table we just occupied.

"I'll put this on you after we've cleaned up," Master Andre explained. "Before I collar you again, go to our bedroom and position yourself on your back. Spread your legs wide and hold them high until I join you.

"Yes, Master," I said as I hurried to the master bedroom I shared with Master Andre.

I pushed the obviously soiled pile of sheets off the bed and onto the floor before I took my position on my back. As I raised and spread my legs, my lust for Master Andre heighten.

"You look superb waiting for me to take you, Steven," Master Andre said as he walked toward the bed in slow, deliberate steps.

My dick hardened to its seeming breaking point.

Master Andre slid onto the bed, his eyes fixed on mine. His hand touched my highly stimulated asshole.

"Oooooo," I moaned with expectation.

Master Andre positioned his body to align his big, hard dick with my waiting asshole. The feel of the tip of Master Andre's hard dick on my asshole sent me into the skies.

With his dick poised at my asshole, Master Andre leaned close to me and put his lips on mine.

I've never needed another man's dick in my ass more than this moment.

His lips touching mine soon turned into open mouths with tongues exploring one another. He pulled away. His eyes realigned with mine as he moved into position to take my asshole.

"Ooooooo," I moaned again as Master Andre's big dick began its journey into my ass.

"Feel it, Steven," Master Andre hissed. "Feel my love for you. Do you feel it, Steven?"

"Yes, Master," I whispered. "I feel it."

"if you're feeling unsure at all, if you're feeling out of control, look at me," Master Andre said as his dick continued into my ass. "Any place you are, any time you need, look at me. My eyes will be watching. I'll protect you and keep you safe, Steven. I love you so much I'll make my life yours and your life mine."

Master Andre began moving his dick inside me. First with slow and measured movements. I began to fly as Master Andre quickened the pace of making love to me. His eyes never left mine. I wanted to pull his face close to mine and savor his lips, but I couldn't move.

"Stoke it, Steven," Master Andre whispered as his dick began to pull in and out of me. Faster. Faster. Faster. Faster.

I fought to keep from exploding. We each took breaths in time with the other. Our hearts pounded like a precise rhythm section of a band. I knew instantly we were ready by the look in Master Andre's eyes.

"Cum with me, Steven," Master Andre bellowed. "Cum with me!"

Our bodies began to convulse. Both cocks erupted at exactly the same time. As I felt my cum land on my abs, chest and chin, I felt Master Andre's cum coat the inside of me.

I came back to earth with Master Andre's sweat covered body lying skin to skin atop me. Our breathing calmed as we both recovered.

"I love you, Steven," Master Andre whispered without moving.

"I love you, too, Master."


Black Hole and Other Topics

"David suggested you could further explain a few minor items," Master Andre said as we sat on the patio watching the sunset. "First, I didn't realize you are King of Hassin. David said we will need to visit Hassin soon to deal with your official duties as King. You must have a great deal of responsibility being King."

"I am required to attend a Cabinet meeting once every year," I explained. "I will call the Secretary of State and ask him to amend the Constitution so you will attend in my place."

Master Andre raised his eyebrows showing his confusion. "How can you just change the Constitution with a phone call?"

"I'm King," I replied. "I can do anything I want in Hassin. I thought of naming a holiday for you, Master."

"I don't believe I need a holiday named after me, boy," Master Andre added. "When is the Cabinet meeting?"

"This spring," I explained. "April 15, I believe."

"You own a palace in Hassin?" Master Andre asked.

"No, the monarchy owns the palace," I explained.

"The King is the monarchy," Master Andre added.

"Hmm... I can see your point, Master. I could cede power to you in a non-hostile coup," I continued. "Then you'd be King. People would adore having you as King, Master."

"I'm not cut out to be a King, boy," Master Andre replied. "You could make your ex-husband King."

"Then he'd have control of the black hole," I added.

"Black hole?" Master Andre asked.

"Didn't David tell you about the black hole?" I asked.

"No," Master Andre replied. "I believe you might want to explain it to me."

"The black hole is a financial entity not owned by anyone or anything in the world," I began. "Money goes in from investors and disappears. Money comes out when requested. The family trust administers the black hole. I just gave you the simplified explanation of the black hole."

"Okay. Next item to discuss. Who is Joshua Johnson-Reynolds?" Master Andre asked.

"Master Joshua, a forensic accountant, and I worked together on a project for eSquare," I began. "We worked on it for more than a month. We grew very close and shared some of the same interests. We became friends."

"And those interests would be love interests?" Master Andre asked.

"At first, our shared interests concentrated on the lifestyle. We learned from each other about being a Dom and a sub," I explained.

"Why is he not now in your life, boy?" Master Andre asked.

"He's in New York now," I replied. "He heads a massive practice there. Master Joshua is one of the country's best forensic accountants. I did additional work with him while the family tired to understanding the black hole. It took us several weeks in London to find the answers we needed."

"How friendly were you and Joshua the forensic accountant?" Master Tim asked.

"We would spend time together fairly often," I replied. "Then, he had an opportunity to join this practice as a partner in New York. We lost touch."

"What did you like most about being with the forensic accountant, boy?" Master David asked.

"He's a solid man, Sir. His reputation is impeccable. I wrote him a recommendation before he joined the New York firm," I explained.

"What is one physical trait impressed you the most?" Master Andre asked as he smiled.

"His big dick," I replied.

"I must meet your forensic accountant then," Master Andre added. "You want me to meet him, don't you, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "You and he have much in common."

"Next Monday you and I will go to London," Master Andre explained. "I have business there. I want you to attend all the meetings with me. You'll also meet my brother Gabe."

"I'll look forward to it, Sir," I replied.

"I will also need the services of your forensic accountant," Master Andre added. "I'll have Gregory contact him and arrange a phone conversation with you."

"I'll make certain Gregory has his contact information, Master," I said.

"No need," Master Andre said. "He has all the contact information from your phone and computer. He also has your personal diary you've kept since meeting Tim. He'll go through it and provide me with important sections with information I need."

"Oh," I said in response to Master Andre's revelation. "May I ask, Master? What is the purpose of these meetings in London?"

"My brother Gabe and I want to acquire a business based in London," Master Andre explained. "I'll provide you with more information on our trip to London. We'll go directly to the Barcelona `In the Tank' event once our business has concluded."

"I'm excited, Master," I added.

I caught my first glimpse of his dick. Growing harder. Uncut. Thick. Huge. Twelve inches and growing.

To be continued...


I would enjoy hearing your comments about this story. You can write to me at

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If I have time, I will get back into the twitter game. Twitter: @stevenwellsma1

The following lists links to all my stories on

Please also see:

John's Journey Forward found in the Beginnings section

Together Forever found in the Beginnings Section (Sequel to John's Journey Forward)

Sam and Chris in the College section.

We're in This Together found in the Relationships section. (Sequel to Sam and Chris)

Jeffery Comes Home  in the Beginnings section.

Taking a Stand in the College section. (Sequel to Jeffery Comes Home)

Other Stories by the Author


Please note, the following stories are not for everyone because there are several scenes depicting Master/slave and BDSM relationships. So, if you are not interested in this type of literature, please, please do not read this story.

Life With Tim in the Authoritarian section

Steven's Evolution in the Authoritarian section. (Sequel to Life with Tim)

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