Stevens Evolution

Published on Jan 20, 2018


Steven's Evolution Chapter 1

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2017 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

This story is a sequel to Life With Tim in the Authoritarian section.

Steven's Evolution


It took only five years from beginning to the end. It played out in distinct steps and iterations.

Tim and I shared those five years. I met him in Provincetown. He moved to Chicago to be with me. We married. We adopted kids. Our love grew, but it wasn't enough. We both needed more.

I found it with a string of different Masters. Tim found it with two lovers with other forays along the way.

Money was never an object when it came to Tim's and my life together. We bought a duplex in one of Chicago's premier neighborhoods. We bought a vacation home in Provincetown with a water view. We both drove BMW cars.

We grew apart. Me making BDSM porn movies and serving as a very sought-after rent boy. Tim writing novels with several boyfriends along the way.

I was a sub. Tim was... undecided.

Fast forward. My last rent boy client turned into my new Master and soon to be husband. I'm happy and living the way I wanted for the first time in my life.

Chapter 01: In the Beginning


Andre Xanthis, my new Master and future husband, and I circled our new home in the helicopter which transported us from the Mykonos airport.

"It's beautiful, Master," I said as I looked down at the pristine white adobe style main house, infinity pool, guest cottages, and grounds leading down to the Ocean. "What will six of us do with all this space?"

"Live," Andre replied. "We'll fill every inch of space with love and serenity—except for the playroom. We'll reserve the playroom for ourselves and whomever we want to invite into our private space. We'll throw in some lust just to make our lives more interesting."

I'm Steven Caden-Caldwell. My divorce from my first husband, Timothy Caden-Caldwell after five years of marriage became final three weeks ago. Tim and his lovers, Grant and David, moved to London. Grant became a network bureau chief in London. David and Tim followed.

Tim and I share custody of the nine boys we adopted while we lived as a couple. Our four youngest—Omar, Kathem, Ali, and Ahmed—will live with Andre and me for most of the year. Omar and Kathem are one set of twins. Ali and Ahmed are another set of twins. All four were born in Iraq. They are two-year-old bundles of energy.

JJ and Bashir, both fifteen-year-old adopted boys, enrolled in a prep school in London and are under Tim's purview.

Finally, we have three other sons who are now freshmen at Harvard University. Two of them are identical twins, and the other son came to us by way of my late Master Ajmal. Connor and Theo command attention. They're nineteen, going on thirty, and are two of the most perfectly muscled, blond haired, blue eyed hunks packaged neatly into their six-two bodies. Adrian's chiseled face, black longish hair, and deep brown eyes gives him an authoritative presence. His six-one frame brilliantly houses his well-muscled, lightly-haired body.

Adrian's boyfriend Leo is like a son to me. I've shared my body with the two of them and their boy, Anton—Leo's father.

Tim and I parted amicably, and we still act as a team where the boys are concerned. Andre and I invited Tim, Grant, and David, along with our boys, to our wedding in July.

I found it surreal. My future husband and I will be married at the house Tim and I bought as a summer refuge. The event marks the end of a relationship I began over five years ago. I know, however, my new life will suit me better than the one with Tim. No longer will I have a separate husband and a Master. My Master and new husband will be one.

I will give everything about me to my new Master and future husband. Master Andre will assume the role I secretly wished Tim would have fulfilled.

We stayed in our seats until the helicopter settled on the heliport and the engines died down. The house manager greeted us on the ground.

"Welcome home, gentlemen!" Charles, the house manager greeted us as we descended to the lawn. "I trust your flight was satisfactory."

"Yes, Charles," Andre replied.

"Your personal items arrived yesterday," Charles explained. "I placed the boxes in one of the walk-in closets in your suite. I'll be more than happy to help unpack them if you'd like."

"Thank you, Charles," Master Andre said. "I'll show Steven around the house. We'll head out to have lunch in the village once we finish our tour."

"Yes, Sir," Charles replied.

Charles left us standing on the lawn near the helicopter pad.

"Strip, boy," Master Andre demanded. "Leave your belongings here, and I'll have one of the boys bring them to the house."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I began to disrobe.

Master Andre watched me undress with intent fascination. I put my belongings in a neat pile on the sidewalk beside me and stood motionless as the fresh ocean breeze drifted across the lawn. The feel of the breeze and the blaze of the sun on my naked skin excited me as I assumed the position: hands clasped behind my neck, feet shoulder width apart, and my gaze adjusted to Master Andre's feet.

"You amaze me, Steven," Master Andre finally said to me. "Your beauty. Your strength. Your devotion. You're mine now, Steven, and I'm never letting you go."

"Thank you, Master," I replied. I felt Master Andre close ranks. I melted into him as his hand touched my naked body to pull me closer to him.

Master Andre lifted my chin with his free hand, and our lips touched. The world around us disappeared as our tongues and lips fought off reality.

Master Andre paused and pulled slightly away. "You're mine, Steven."

"Yours," I whispered as Master Andre's lips met mine again.

Master Andre broke our kiss, and we stood looking into one another's eyes.

"I feel free, Master," I began. "I feel freer than I've ever felt before. I feel free, proud, loved, protected, and trusting. You've given these feelings to me, Master."

I paused.

"The day I turned the lock for the last time on the Chicago house, I knew this would signal the beginning of another life," I continued. "My insides ached when I fully understood the moment. I turned around and walked away from the locked door. It marked the finale of my relationship with Tim. But, then, I also knew this marked the beginning of a new journey for me... for us."

"I'll never let you down, Steven," Master Andre whispered as he pulled me into his arms. "I promise I'll always protect you, love you, and respect you. Just trust me, Steven."

"I trust you with my life, Master," I added as he released me from his hold.

"Let me show you our new home. We're the first to experience the uniqueness of this home. We'll fill it with love and contentment as well as lust and physical gratification. We'll be a family here, Steven. You and I will become us."

"I feel like an us already," I whispered as Master Andre put his hand on the small of my back and guided us toward the main house.

Grounds Staff

We stopped on the pool deck where a group of tanned Greek Gods of the flesh dressed in well-fitting jeans and work boots stood awaiting our arrival. Their sweat covered naked upper bodies glistened in the sunlight.

"Gentlemen," Master Andre addressed the group of five men. "I'd like you to meet my partner and future husband, Steven. Steven, these men make the grounds around our home a place of beauty. From left to right: Theodore, the grounds manager, Hermes, Quinton, Tyron, and Melo."

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you," I said. "Theodore, Hermes, Quinton, Tyron, and Melo."

"We welcome you to your new home, Steven," Theodore added. "Please let us know if we can make you feel more at home."

"Thank you," I replied.

"Please continue with your work, gentlemen," Master Andre said to the men. "You've done a superb job so far."

As we proceeded into the house, I leaned in closer to Master Andre and whispered into his ear. "They look amazing! Who picked them?"

"I hired Theodore," Master Andre said with a smile. "He hired the rest. He has excellent taste in men, don't you think?"

"Yes, Master," I said as we smiled at one another. "Remarkable taste in men. Are any of them gay?"

"All of them," Master Andre replied. "They also share our interests in the 'lifestyle'."

House Staff

"Oh!" I exclaimed as we suddenly faced another contingent of men in the entry hall.

All the men wore tight black jeans with red polos. The tight black jeans, obviously custom made, covered each perfectly to display their fine asses and intriguing crotches. Their polos stretched across their massive chests.

The tallest of the men stepped forward.

"Steven, this is your personal assistant, Gregory," Master Andre explained. "Gregory, this is my partner and future husband, Steven."

"I'm excited to finally meet you, boy," Gregory said as he stood in front of me. "I've heard so much about you. And you look as handsome as Master Andre suggested. I look forward to working with you."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied not knowing what else to say about having a personal assistant.

Alastair, Master Andre's personal assistant, rounded the corner with two drinks in his hand. He handed one to Master Andre and one to me.

"Thank you, Alastair," Master Andre said to his assistant. "You're just in time to assist in welcoming Steven to our new home. Perhaps you'd like to introduce the house staff for me."

"Certainly, Sir," Alastair said as he took charge of the rest of the introductions. "You've met your assistant, Gregory, and you've met Charles. Barron and Kyle serve as household chefs. Franklin and Seymour tend to the upkeep of the inside of the house as well as function as managers of hired staff for public functions. Bern and William handle the business side of the household. Sal functions as your future husband's personal attendant. Wrigley will attend to your personal needs."

"You have all this committed to memory, right, boy?" Master Andre asked with a smile.

"Just don't give me a quiz, Sir," I replied.

"I'll show Steven the rest of the house and property," Master Andre suggested. "I'll let all of you return to your duties."

I watched as the staff filtered out of the main entry hall.

"I didn't realize you've hired most of the island," I added.

"The people we've hired, Steven," Master Andre corrected. "If I hire someone, it's a `we hired' someone. If you've hired someone, it's also a `we haired' someone... I thought about showing you our suite at the end of our tour, but I've changed my mind. Let's see how our private suite turned out."


Master Andre and Steven in Their Bedroom

Master Andre took my hand and led me to an open staircase leading to the second floor. As we walked up the stairs, the stunning view toward the ocean became increasingly spectacular. I gasped as I looked at the expanse as we reached the top of the stairs. The whole space surrounded by seemingly endless glass walls. The outside became the inside. The lush green of the lawn and landscaping popped against the bright blue of the sky and ocean. The whole outside became a canvas to be enjoyed inside the glass enclosed room. The room's white interior became the perfect backdrop to the outside.

"Amazing, Master," I finally found my voice.

"I agree, boy," Master Andre whispered as he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. "This room will be our haven. We have two playrooms on the property. Those will also be our havens, except we'll be isolated from life in a different manner than here."

"May I ask a question, Master?" I asked.

"Of course," Master Andre replied.

"Why do I have a personal assistant and a personal attendant?" I asked.

"Wrigley, your personal attendant, will assist you with personal grooming, clothing selection and upkeep, exercise, and nutrition," Master Andre explained. "Gregory, your personal assistant, will help you organize your schedule, assist you in communicating with those you need to communicate, and keep you from stressing out."

"I missed something," I added. "Personal grooming? I'm hairless. Why will I need help with personal grooming?"

"Body oiling and massaging, anal washing, and a few other tasks we'll discuss at a later time," Master Andre replied. "We do have a lot to talk about, Steven, but I don't want to talk now. I want to fuck you on our balcony overlooking the water."

"What if someone sees us?" I asked.

"We have a perfectly secluded property, Steven," Master Andre replied. "The only people who will be privy to our sex on the balcony are the staff and a few thousand cruise ship patrons."

I raised my right eyebrow.

"I believe you have work to do, Steven," Master Andre said with a smile. "I don't believe I can fuck you with all these clothes on my body. However, I need to do one more thing with you before we proceed."

"Yes, Master?" I responded.

`God he's beautiful!' I thought to myself.

I stood in front of Master Andre. I clasped my hands behind my neck, spread my legs shoulder width apart, and looked down at Master Andre's leather boot clad feet.

"Good boy!" Master Andre said as he retrieved my collar from a table beside us. He slipped the collar around my neck and locked it into place.

"You're mine now, boy," Master Andre replied. "Your body is mine. Your mind is mine. Your soul is mine. You'll serve me well, boy. Your life is mine to control... forever. What's your new mantra, boy?"

"Lead me, Master," I replied. "Lead me to my new life of complete submission. I give my all to you: my mind, my spirit, my body, and my worldly possessions."

"Good boy," Master Andre whispered to me as he backed away. "This first time together in our new home symbolizes the beginning of our life together, boy. We will return to this home to renew our bonds no matter where we are in the world. Give yourself to me, boy. I will lay claim to you. My claim on you will last an eternity."

Our eyes locked as I began to unbutton each button on the front of his shirt. I looked into my Master's eyes and not at his beautiful body. I withdrew into Master Andre's mind with each brush of my hand against his perfect skin, his perfect body, his perfect muscles.

"I am yours, Master," I whispered as our eyes remained locked. His shirt floated onto the floor.

"Continue," Master Andre whispered.

I sunk to my knees and slipped off my Master's boots. My hands slid up Master Andre's legs, caressing his jeans clad body as I moved upward.

"Lick it, boy," Master Andre whispered as I intently scrutinized his growing bulge.

I slowly leaned toward my Master's dick encased in his jeans—my tongue extended. I felt as though the earth moved underneath me as I began to trace my Master's hardening cock with my tongue, wetting his tight jeans as I moved toward the base of his engorged shaft.

"Now, boy," Master Andre finally whispered. His voice signaled my next duty.

I slowly unbuttoned his jeans. The top button first. Down and down until I reached the last. My own hard dick ached as I slipped my hands between Master Andre's jeans and his skin.

I thought my dick would explode as I slowly slipped his jeans down his massive thighs. I moaned as his rock-hard dick slapped against his six-pack abs as I freed it from Master Andre's jeans.

Master Andre stepped out of his jeans and stood naked as I knelt in front of him, salivating at the thought of having Master Andre's massive dick in my mouth.

"Balls, boy," Master Andre hissed. "Lick my balls."

I hungrily swept my tongue over my Master's balls. Greedily licking and teasing him. Needing him. Wanting him. I felt Master Andre's hands brushing across my hairless head. His touch drove me wild.

"Suck it, boy," Master Andre hissed. "Suck my big dick. Suck it."

I slipped my tongue up the length of Master Andre's big dick before I plunged it deep into my throat in one swift gulp. I came off Master Andre's dick and slipped my tongue under his foreskin and swirled it around the circumference of his cock head. I heard a guttural moan from my Master's throat. His hands landed on my head and pushed his dick down my throat. I couldn't breathe until he began to face fuck me with his huge, hard cock.

Then he stopped. My Master stopped face fucking me just as quickly as he started.

Master Andre backed away from me. I stayed on my knees trying to steady my breathing as Master Andre also caught his breath.

"Face down on the bench, boy," Master Andre hissed.

I quickly moved so I rested my stomach on the marble slab which served as the bench. My Master lifted me to my knees to push my ass up and make it more readily available to him. Without a sound and without pause, my Master shoved his huge cock into my ass. I felt his cock rip my insides apart until his balls slammed against mine.

"Ah! Fuck, yes!" Master Andre exclaimed as he battered my ass with his dick. "You've got... so much... for me... to take... So much... So good... I'm taking everything I want from you, boy. I own this ass! I own your heart, your soul, every breath you take. I own your life...! You're... mine! Mine...! Mine...! Mine...! Mine...! Miiiiinnnne!"

My Master's cock exploded in my ass. His Master cum filled me. His body rested on top of me. I felt his heart beat. I felt his breath. I felt his warmth, his sweat, his power.



Master Andre and I strolled casually down the street on our way to Master Andre's favorite coffee shop. I walked a little funny after our first fuck in Mykonos upon our arrival. I may as well have been naked. I wore only skimpy gauze shorts covering a small portion of my body. I also had the good fortune to wear a pair of Greek slave sandals on my feet.

Master Andre on the other hand looked magnificent in a pair of white gauze pants and an open white gauze shirt. I wanted to lick Master Andre's smooth, muscular chest.

"I thought we should position the Endeavour in either the Caribbean or Fort Lauderdale for Connor, Theo, and Adrian's winter and spring breaks," Master Andre explained as we walked. "It would be fun to have them join us during the time they're off school."

"What is the Endeavour?" I asked.

"A yacht," Master Andre replied.

I raised my right eyebrow. "A yacht... You own a yacht...? How big is the yacht you own?"

"About forty meters or one-hundred-thirty-one feet," Master Andre explained. "It features a master suite with a 360-degree panoramic view, five guest rooms for ten guests, and other cabins for the seven crew members. And it moves faster than almost any yacht in the world. So, where would you like us to position the Endeavour? The Caribbean? Fort Lauderdale?"

"Fort Lauderdale," I replied. I sat for a moment. "Why do you think my three oldest sons would want to join us for their winter break?"

"I asked them," Master Andre replied. "We could explore the area. Even cruise around the Keys. Belize would be nice at the time we're in South Florida. I need to arrange for them to become our sons. I own your ass after all."

"I like the idea," I replied. "It should be their decision though."

"We'll let them decide," Master Andre replied. "I am looking forward to getting to know them better.

"I don't suppose you have a dungeon on this boat," I said.

"Of course not!" Master Andre responded. "The master bedroom, however, has restraints attached to the head and foot of the bed and has the hardware to setup a sling."

"Oh Jeez!" I moaned.

"We'll have coffee at this shop," Master Andre suggested. "I want you to meet someone."

We walked into the small coffee shop, and the aroma of freshly made coffee and recently baked bread wafted through the air. I lost track of the smells when I spotted him. Six-seven. Muscle stud. Dark ebony skin. Polo shirt with the coffee shop logo stretched across the man's massive chest. His arms bulged. The bulge in his tight jeans seemed enormous.

"Garrett!" Master Andre exclaimed.

"Andre!" Garrett responded. "What the fuck are you doing here? I didn't expect you back until next week."

By now, both men stood in the middle of the coffee shop with arms around each other in a massive bear hug.

"I want you to meet my boy," Master Andre said as he and Garrett pulled away from each other. "Garrett, this is my boy, Steven. Steven, this is my best friend, Garrett Stavros. You may call him Sir, Master Garrett, or Master."

"You sure do know how to pick them, Andy!" Master Garrett said to Master Andre as he looked me over. His hand moved to squeeze my now hardening cock and balls through my skimpy gauze shorts. "Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful."

"Take off your shorts, boy," Master Andre ordered.

I quickly unfastened the snap and let the shorts drop to the floor. My dick continued to grow.

"Turn around, boy," Master Garrett ordered.

I turned around. I now faced Master Andre.

"Fucking nice ass!" Master Garrett exclaimed. "He's a pre-owned boy I see. Sometimes used boys give the best service. When will you add your brand to his ass, Andy?"

"I plan to have our collaring service in Chicago in May just before we get married," Master Andre explained. "Part of the collaring ceremony will surprise even the boy, but I'll put my brand on him at the ceremony. We'll marry at the Provincetown home the boy once owned. We've scheduled the wedding for mid-July. You are, of course, invited to both."

"I'll definitely be at both," Master Garrett replied as he shoved one of his fingers into my ass. "I'll bet he has a really sweet ass!"

"The best I've ever had," Master Andre replied.

"What will you name him after your collaring service?" Master Garrett asked.

"I haven't made a final decision, but I'm leaning toward Steven Andre Xanthis," Master Andre replied. "I've been tempted to name him Boy Xanthis. It might, however, become confusing in certain situations. Where's your boy Farrell?"

"I've rented him to Vladimir," Master Garrett replied. "He's visiting our fair island this week."

"Perfect!" Master Andre exclaimed. "You must join us for dinner tonight. You and the boy will have an opportunity to learn more about one another. Just the three of us!"

"Thank you, Andy!" Master Garrett replied. "I'm excited."

"Cocktails at seven," Master Andre continued. "Dinner at eight. We'll entertain ourselves after dinner."

"I'll be at your home at seven," Master Garrett said as he and Master Andre hugged again. "I'm pleased you dropped by the shop this afternoon... I've missed you, Andy."

"I've missed you as well, Garrett," Master Andre said as both men released the other from their hug. "Until this evening!"

Both men exchange their final words. Master Andre grabbed my hand and led me out the door.

"Master," I whispered. "Shouldn't I put the shorts back on?"

"Why?" Master Andre asked. "You aren't ashamed of your body, are you?"

"No, Master," I whispered. "But I thought you'd want me to have something on in case we meet someone... a police officer for example."

"Remember, boy," Master Andre began. "It's my job to protect you. I won't let anything vile happen to you. Trust me."

"Yes, Master," I replied as we stepped from the outdoor patio to the busy sidewalk. "I trust you with my life."

"Good," Master Andre continued. "I'm sorry you won't meet Garrett's boy until later. He's a really nice boy. Very submissive. Very responsive."

"Garrett is one of your best friends, Master?" I asked. "You seem very close to one another."

"Very close," Master Andre explained. "We met when we were in boarding school at Philips Andover. We've been thick as thieves since then. We went to Stanford together, too."

"Have you shared his boy?" I asked.

"Yes," Master Andre replied. "I'll share you with Garrett, too. Probably tonight. He and his boy Farrell will be the only men I'll let fuck you unless I've rented you to someone or there is a special occasion or a special guest."

"What's Master Garrett like?" I asked.

"When he involves himself with a boy, he becomes extremely intense," Master Andre replied as we continued to walk down the crowded street. "Everything seems orchestrated from an audience point of view. However, Garrett uses thoughts of the moment to direct his playbook. Intensity. Flexibility. Creativity. You'll enjoy him immensely."

"His happiness means so much to you. I can tell," I explained. "I'll do my best to please him, Sir."

"I know you will, boy," Master Andre said as he put his arm around my shoulder. "You will develop a close bond with Garrett and Ferrell. I can feel it. I can also feel it's time for you and me to return home. I want your ass again, boy. I want your ass all the time, but I have restrained myself. I can't restrain myself anymore. I don't believe you will mind if I've become addicted to your ass."

"No, Sir," I replied as I looked at Master Andre and smiled. "I definitely won't mind, Sir."

Master Andre suddenly stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. He surveyed the alley between the two buildings we were near. He turned toward me. His smile had vanished. His eyes had turned wild and lustful.

"I can't wait until we get home, boy," Master Andre replied. "This alley will do."

Master Andre grabbed my right bicep and pulled me into the alley.

"Against the wall, boy," Master Andre hissed as he slammed the front of my body against the stucco wall of the building.

I heard the sound of the zipper opening and then felt the tip of Master Andre's rock-hard dick graze the outside of my asshole. I heard the sound of lustful need in his breathing and felt the focused, swift moves of his body as he prepared to take me. Master Andre locked my arms against the wall of the building.

"Ahhhhhhhh," I hissed as Master Andre slammed his dick into my ass.

Master Andre didn't pause. He took what he wanted. My ass. He kept pounding and pounding and pounding. My dick raked across the nubby texture of the stucco wall. Master Andre continued pounding and pounding and pounding.

"You're mine, boy," Master Andre hissed as he continued to pillage my ass with his big, hard dick. He took my ass. Owned it. Fucked it. Ravaged it. My ass became his property. He howled just before his dick exploded in my ass.

With every eruption of his dick, he pounded into me. Five... ten... fifteen times before the eruptions ceased. Master Andre kept my arms pinned to the stucco wall while he rested.

We heard a single clap... clap... clap... clap... clap. We turned to see another Greek God standing just inside the alleyway.

"Andre Xanthis, I believe," the man said. The stranger stood about five ten with a broad build. He wore tight Levis with his shirt tucked into the back of them. "Leave it to you to provide the afternoon's entertainment special for the village. Garson Macrocordatos here. You have a fine boy. I've been watching as you paraded him naked through the streets of Mykonos. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful boy."

Master Andre took two deep breaths before he could speak to our visitor.

"My pleasure, Mr. Macrocordatos," Master Andre replied. "What brings you back to Mykonos?"

"Family business," Master Macrocordatos replied. "Where did you find the boy?"

"I didn't find him," Master Andre said as he still had his dick in my ass. He seemed in no hurry to remove it either. "I knew him by his reputation. I wanted him. I took him. He's mine, Mr. Macrocordatos. Mine."

"Did you buy him?" Master Macrocordatos asked.

"How else does one obtain ownership of property, Mr. Macrocordatos?" Master Andre asked. He jabbed his dick into my ass again. I heard the anger in Master Andre's voice. "Unlike you, Mr. Macrocordatos, I didn't steal him. I bought him. Cash. Lots of cash. He's mine."

"I get the picture, Mr. Xanthis," Master Macrocordatos said. "I'd keep him on a short leash, Mr. Xanthis. It would be a pity to lose him."

Master Andre jabbed his dick into my ass once more.

"I don't intend to lose him," Master Andre added.

"Do you ever share?" Master Macrocordatos asked.

One more jab. Then another before he answered.

"No," Master Andre said. "Especially not with you, Mr. Macrocordatos. Especially not with you. Maybe you should be running along. You wouldn't want to be late for your next appointment. I understand prostitutes have very busy schedules."

One more jab.

"You would know better than I Mr. Xanthis," Master Macrocordatos retorted. "I'll see you and your boy around the village. In the meantime, have a great life."

Master Macrocordatos turn on his heels and left.

Master Andre didn't move. I felt his breathe on my neck. I smelled the angry odor of disgust.

One more jab. Then another. And yet another.

"I wouldn't mind if you wanted to fuck me again in this alley, Master," I suggested. I hoped to calm Master Andre.

"You know what, boy," Master Andre said as he added three more jabs. "I would love to, but I need to wash the stench of our visitor off our bodies."

Master Andre pulled his dick out of my ass. I knelt and cleaned Master Andre's dick with my tongue before I pulled up his pants and fastened them around his waist. I stood and faced Master Andre. His eyes still burned with rage.

"Master," I began. "Tell me what I need to do to help you calm down so we can enjoy our evening with Master Garrett."

I finally saw Master Andre smile as he pulled my face towards his. Our lips met. I felt Master Andre's body relax.


The Friend

Charles stepped into the living area with Master Garrett following close behind. "Master Garrett here to see you, Sir," Charles said to us and turned to leave.

Master Andre and Master Garrett hugged again. When they were finished, Master Garrett pulled me into a hug.

"You feel so good, boy," Master Garrett whispered into my ear and he continued to hug me. I felt both of his hands move to the cheeks of my ass. "So, so good!"

When Master Garrett released me from the hug, Master Andre handed him a vodka on the rocks.

"Why don't we sit on the patio and enjoy our drinks?" Master Andre asked. "It is such a lovely evening."

We stepped out onto the patio and my naked body responded to the balmy breezes wafting onto the island. Master Andre patted the chaise lounge chair where he sat. I joined him between his legs.

"I understand, boy, you were involved with a very high-profile telecommunications startup several years ago before you became a prostitute," Master Garrett began. "Do you regret getting out of the business world?"

"No, Sir," I replied. "I enjoyed my time at eSquare. My work challenged me. I enjoyed my time with the company. However, I'm more suited to the life I live now. I receive great pleasure in helping Master Andre with his needs. Master Andre became my life from the first day I met him, Sir."

"Boy," Master Andre said to me. "Garrett is part of my family of advisors. We form a community of people who have, either by family heritage or by our own good luck, assembled financial resources allowing us to focus on four parts of our being: mind, body, energy, and spirit. Soon, you will become part of the group."

"Come sit over here, boy," Master Garrett suggested.

I looked at Master Andre, and he nodded his head yes.

"Straddle the foot of the chaise lounge chair and face me, boy," Master Garrett ordered.

I moved into position.

"Look at me, boy," Master Garrett continued. "You've amassed enormous wealth, boy. Isn't wealth unbecoming of a submissive?"

"Master Andre controls most of my wealth, Master Garrett," I explained. "The rest is in a trust for my ex-husband and nine sons, Sir. We hired an independent executor for the trust."

"Very good, boy," Master Garrett continued again. "You might wonder why your Master asked me to speak with you, boy. I'll explain."

Master Garrett leaned toward me as he positioned his lips over mine. Bolts of electricity blew through my body as our lips touched. I could barely breathe. The passion of Master Garrett's kisses grew and grew and grew. He pulled away from me.

"Did you feel it, boy?" Master Garrett asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied in a whisper. The whole experience with Master Garrett kissing me left me relaxed and energized.

I felt Master Andre straddle the foot of the chaise lounge and scrunch up behind me. He put his arms around my chest and pulled me close to him.

"It's okay you feel the way you do, boy," Master Andre finally said in a quiet and seductive voice. "It's more than okay. I'd think I made a mistake if you didn't. But I didn't make a mistake, did I, boy?"

"No, Master," I replied. I suddenly felt like I've never felt before. "Do I get to love both of you, Master?"

"Yes, boy," Master Andre replied. "You get to love both of us while we're in our private space. To the outside world, however, you love only me. It's complicated, but we'll make it work."

"What about Master Garrett's boy Farrell?" I asked.

"He will be part of our private group, boy," Master Andre replied.

"When I rent my boy Farrell, you will be available to service your Master and me," Master Garrett explained. "When your Master rents you, Farrell will be available to us. You will overlap many, many times, however."

"Garrett and I are teaching Farrell how to be a Dom," Master Andre explained. "You will be his boy when he practices."

"I see worry in your eyes, boy," Master Garrett whispered. "Don't be worried. Ferrell and I don't plan on living with your Master and you. Our meetings will be on an irregular basis. However, judging from the hardness of your dick, our meetings will be immensely pleasurable."

"Show him, Garrett," Master Andre suggested.

Master Garrett stood and slung his leg over the two of us. By the time he faced us he had removed his shirt.

I gasped.

The light bounced off Master Garrett's ebony skin stretched across his incredibly muscled body. Every slight move caused a muscle to ripple. His nipples stood out at least an inch from his massive chest. My eyes inadvertently focused on his nipples.

"You like my nipples, boy?" Master Garrett asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "Very much!"

"You'll like sucking them, I promise," Master Garrett said as he unbuttoned the top button of his pants. One by one, Master Garrett unbuttoned another button. One by one, his jeans exposed more and more of his crotch. Slowly, after unbuttoning the last button, Master Garrett began to push his jeans down his thighs. I first saw his huge monster dick trapped mostly in the denim.

Master Garrett's big dick finally popped out of his confinement. Huge. Absolutely huge. I couldn't tell how big it was, but I knew I wanted it... badly.

"Do you like my dick, boy?" Master Garrett asked as he began to stroke his huge, hard, uncut dick. His balls hung low.

I couldn't speak.

"I asked a question, boy," Master Garrett said in a louder tone. "Do. You. Like. My. Dick?"

"Y..., y..., yes, Master," I finally spit out. "I like your dick."

I finally realized at that very moment, Master Andre had been kneading my nipples while Master Garrett undressed.

"I see Barron and Kyle have dinner ready for us," Master Andre said as he released my nipples.

Master Garrett quickly pulled up his jeans and stuffed his still hard dick into them as best he could. He didn't bother with the buttons. Likewise, he pulled on his shirt and left it unbuttoned.

We gathered around the dining room table at our assigned seats. Barron and Kyle served the appetizer course.

"Garrett met your two sons last week when he was in Cambridge," Master Andre began. "I've had several long discussions with them about life between you and me, life between you and the two of them, and life between the four of us. They had questions I thought Garrett could answer. Tell the boy about your visit, Garrett. I see by the boy's expression he's confused. Please, explain your conversations with Connor and Theo."

"Connor and Theo make a stunning pair," Master Garrett began. "You must be as proud of them as they are of you. Back to our conversations. I discovered two unique and intriguing young men. Both are committed to living their lives as they want to live them—not how others believe they should live them. They are a breath of fresh air. I also found their psychology projects fascinating! I'm certain they have talked with you about it at length."

"No," I said as we sat at our assigned seats. "No, they haven't talked with me about their projects."

"Ah!" Master Garrett said. "They probably didn't want to bother you as you and your Master begin your new lives together. Each of them will write their class paper on research into Power Exchange as it relates to gay Dom/sub relationships. They hope to make the study of Power Exchange, especially Total Power Exchange, their life's work."

"It seems my sex-addicted teenage boys have transitioned to academic young men," I said as I looked toward Master Andre. "Although I didn't speak with them about the topic of their research, I am certain they will become experts in their fields."

"Connor's research focuses on the subject from the submissive viewpoint. Theo's from the Dominant viewpoint," Master Garrett explained.

"Master," I said as I again turned my attention to Master Andre. "Why do I believe we will become the focus of their research?"

"Because we will," Master Andre said with a smile across his face. "It will be wonderful to see the boys over Thanksgiving."

"We're going to see them?" I asked with excitement.

"Yes," Master Andre said. "I forgot to mention it to you. I'm sorry. Unless you don't want to see them."

"Of course I want to see them!" I exclaimed. "Where will we stay?"

"With them in their condo," Master Andre explained. "They went shopping to find a king-sized bed so we have enough room for the four of us. Adrian, Leo, and Anton haven't decided if they will be away visiting with Tim, Grant, and David or in residence in Cambridge. We'll also pick up Omar, Kathem, Ali, and Ahmed on our journey back to Mykonos."

"The pitter patter of little feet," Master Garrett said with a smile. "I hope you both have a good pair of running shoes."

"We do," Master Andre replied. "The boys come equipped with their own caretakers, Raj and Sein. Both men. Both gay. Both love taking care of the boys."

"They're cute, too," I said. "The caretakers. The boys are cute, but they haven't developed the assets of Raj and Sein."

"Raj and Sein look forward to learning more about our lifestyle," Master Andre explained. "Raj has a keen interest, I think, in becoming a Dom. We'll see about Sein."

Barron and Kyle removed the salad plates from the table. They soon returned with the entre.

"The salmon looks wonderful, gentlemen," Master Andre said as his dinner plate with the salmon arrived in front of him. "Barron and Kyle rely on locally sourced ingredients. You should ask them to show you their hydroponic farm on the property. Thank you, Barron, Kyle."

"Enjoy!" Barron said as they disappeared from the dining area.

Dinner continued with talk mostly of world affairs. When the last crumb of dessert disappeared, our conversation moved into the living area.

"Your Master wanted me to discuss a very important matter with you, boy," Master Garrett said as we settled in front of the fireplace. "We touched on this briefly. Andre and I are involved with a group of other men who are not only interested in developing our minds, bodies, energy, and spirits from a lifestyle point of view, we also focus our lives on bettering the lives of those around us. We've each taken an area of interest and have developed plans to implement our good works, or we have already implemented them. The group wants to ask you to join us with our work. Your entrance into this group does not come as a surprise to any of the members. We sought you out. Your Master Andre found a connection between the two of you while he investigated your personality, mind, and interest in others. You were destined to be sitting with the two of us here in Mykonos. Does any of this surprise you or scare you?"

"Surprise me..., yes...," I began. "Scare me..., no. But I don't understand how a submissive can add anything worthwhile to your group."

"Simple," Master Garrett continued. "We Dom's have our causes based on our backgrounds, heritage, and interests. Yours, as a submissive, will be different and serve other communities or needs. We're all aware of the many projects you have fostered over the course of a few years. Your venture capital business that provides funds to entrepreneurs in the LGBTQ community is an example of your creativity, boy. You've also rescued or helped rescue young men who have been abandoned by their families. So, you see you do have an interest in helping people. Join with us and let's make the world just a little better."

"I don't know what to say," I replied.

"You don't have to say anything except, `thank you, Sirs,'" Master Andre said with a smile.

"Thank you, Sirs," I replied. "I am certain I will appreciate the opportunity to be part of your group."

"We also offer other benefits," Master Garrett replied. "Your Master Andre will explain those benefits when the two of you spend time alone. Now, boy, I believe I could use another drink."

I scurried to the bar and fixed three vodkas on the rocks. I handed Master Garrett and Master Andre their respective drinks. I took my drink and settled at the feet of Master Andre.

"What do you think of our little hideaway, Garrett?" Master Andre asked.

"Hideaway?" Master Garrett responded. "It's hardly a hideaway. Every cruise ship passenger visiting Mykonos gets a clear view of your front lawn and your Master bedroom. But you are an exhibitionist, Andy. I suspect the boy is also."

"If he's not, he will be after a few days here," Master Andre replied. "Ready to see the boy perform, Garrett?"

"I've been ready since you walked into the shop today," Master Garrett replied.

"Take off Garrett's clothes, boy," Master Andre ordered.

"Yes, Master," I said as I stood and moved in front of Master Garrett. Our eyes met. The lust poured out of Master Garrett's eyes. "Lead me, Master. Lead me to my new life of complete submission. I give my all to you: my mind, my spirit, my body, and my worldly possessions."

Master Garrett stood and moved in front of me. I pushed his shirt so it slid off his body. I knelt in front of Master Garrett and began to tug at his jeans.

"Oh my God," I whispered as I touched Master Garrett's perfectly formed ass. Hard. Muscular. Perfect.

I continued to push his jeans lower. His expertly trimmed pubic hairs made my mouth water. As his jeans cleared Master Garrett's big, hard, uncut dick, it popped straight up nearly smacking me in the face. I could barely breathe.

As I lowered Master Garrett's jeans over his thighs, I wanted to touch and caress the taut skin covering the ample muscles in his ass cheeks. I kept moving his jeans down until I could help Master Garrett step out of them.

I looked up from my kneeling position at Master Garrett's feet. He looked like a God. His six-five height from my position felt as though I stood at the base of a high rise looking up."

"Stand," Master Garrett ordered.

I stood before Master Garrett and assumed the position. Hands clasped behind my neck, feet shoulder width apart, and gazing longingly at his massive feet. My dick felt harder than it had ever been in my life.

My gaze kept turning toward Master Garrett's massive cock. He noticed.

"Worship it, boy," Master Garrett ordered. "Lick it."

"Yes, Master," I hissed as I put my tongue on the base of Master Garrett's huge dick.

As I began to slide my tongue along the length of Master Garrett's dick, Master Andre stepped next to us.

"Make my friend happy, boy," Master Andre ordered quietly. "Lose yourself in the taste, smell, and feel of his dick. Concentrate on my friend's dick, boy. Make my friend happy. If my friend is happy, I'm happy. Worship him, boy. Worship him."

I worshiped Master Garrett's big, uncut dick. I memorized every vein of his engorged cock. I smelled the luscious scent of his manhood, and felt the softness of his hairless balls. I tasted man.

"Enough," Master Andre barked.

I pulled off Master Garrett's dick and assumed the kneeling position. Hands clasped behind my back. Legs spread shoulder width apart. Eyes gazing at Master Garrett's big, shoeless feet.

"Follow," Master Andre said as he turned to leave the living room.

I quickly stood and followed close behind my Masters. Master Andre, now naked, led us up the stairs and into our bedroom.

"On your back," Master Andre ordered. "Legs lifted and spread."

I hurried to the bed and moved on top of the bed on my back. I raised my legs to welcome my suitors. Master Andre switched on a bank of bright lights.

"We might have a cruise ship audience," Master Andre explained. "I want to make certain they can see all of the action."

My dick twitched as I saw Master Garrett make his way to the bed. His huge dick dripping precum as he gently stroked it. Step by step. Stroke by stroke. Master Garrett finally slid onto the bed and knelt between my legs. Our eyes met.

"Yeeeessssss!" I hissed. I nearly exploded with the need to have Master Garrett inside me.

Master Garrett plucked the tube of lube off the mattress and began to apply it to his gigantic cock. Our eyes never left one another as he aligned his dick with my asshole and began to slowly push into me.

"Oooooooo!" I moaned as Master Garrett's huge dick head pushed inside me. I nearly came when his cock passed through my sphincter muscle. Inch by inch I felt filled and ready to burst, but I wanted more. I wanted it all.

"Shit yes!" I hissed as Master Garrett's dick hit the halfway mark of its journey. Our eyes remained fixed on one another. I saw the depths of Master Garrett's soul in his eyes. His lustful energy pulled me further and further into his mind. We had no secrets now.

I felt Master Andre crawl onto the bed beside us as Master Garrett's dick continued its drive further and further into me.

I kept my eyes focused on Master Garrett's eyes.

"Please him, boy," Master Andre whispered. "Please my friend. Let him fill you like no other man can. Your ass is his ass now, boy. Please him. Get used to him."

I watched the twinkle in Master Garrett's eyes grow into a blinding light as I felt Master Garrett's neatly trimmed pubic hair caress my balls.

"Don't cum until he tells you to cum," Master Andre whispered.

`Let your body grow into one with your Master Garrett,' I heard an unrecognizable voice whisper. `Your bodies will become the ultimate temple where you and your new Master experience a bounty of tireless sexual energy and lust. You will come here often, boy, with other men. Many men. These men. Give yourself to your Master, boy. Give him what he wants.'

I realized Master Garrett amped up the ravaging of my ass with his gigantic dick. Over and over and over and over. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

"Cum for me, boy," Master Garrett exclaimed. "Cum now with me. Now, boy. Cum!"

I felt my dick explode as our bodies convulsed. Over and over and over and over again. Spurts of cum burst out of my dick. Master Garrett's cum filled my ass. Every explosion of cum shook us to the core.

Master Garrett finally lowered himself on top of me to wait for our bodies to return to normal. Sweating. Convulsing. Breathing.

"You did it, boy," Master Andre whispered into my ear. "You made my friend happy. You gave him your body. He'll take it often. Be free, boy. Be free to experience your new life."

We stayed motionless for several minutes. Master Garrett's weight nearly suffocated me, but I didn't want him to move. It felt as though we were one.


My eyes suddenly flicked open. I smelled sweat. I smelled cum. I smelled man.

"Good morning, boy!" I heard Master Garrett say to me.

I turned over to face him.

"Your Master needed to meet with someone," Master Garrett replied. "He'll be back when he's finished."

Master Garrett shifted slightly. I felt his huge, hard dick on my leg.

"Thank you for last night, boy," Master Garrett said as he stroked my face. "You exude sex. You exude submissiveness. You exude creativity. You exude desire, lust, and obedience."

"Thank you, Master," I responded to his compliments.

"Do you trust me, boy?" Master Garrett asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I trust Master Andre with my life. He trusts you, and I trust you as well."

"Good boy," Master Garrett said as he turned so he was on his back. His huge dick hard. "I want you to sit on it, boy. I want you to take my entire dick into your ass in one push. Push hard and push fast. Understand, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. I gulped at the thought of Master Garrett's request. I grabbed the lube from the table beside the bed and began coating my ass. I used my fingers to get the lube inside me.

I turned my attention to Master Garrett's huge dick. I squirted lube into my hand and placed it on Master Garrett's dick.

One touch. It's all I needed. I wanted Master Garrett's dick in my ass. I wanted to shove it inside me with one hard, fast push.

I straddled Master Garrett's body and positioned my ass over his dick. I lined up my asshole with Master Garrett's big dick, and I took a deep, deep breath.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" I moaned as I felt Master Garrett's big dick push into my ass with the force of a baseball bat. When my balls scraped against Master Garrett's neatly trimmed pubic hairs, I saw stars and nearly passed out from the intense pain... until I slowly began to tolerate Master Garrett's dick inside me. All fucking eighteen inches of dick slipped into my ass in one fast, hard push.

I slowly moved up and down. Short movements growing into fast, steady movements. I picked up the pace as I rode Master Garrett's dick. Faster, further. As I bounced up and down on the full length of Master Garrett's dick, my now hard, hard cock bounced with me. Sweat pored off my body.

I felt like I had been riding Master Garrett's dick for hours though it probably had only been one.

I felt Master Garrett's body tense. Then I heard it.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Fuuuuuck! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Master Garrett bellowed as I felt him unload. Over and over and over again his erupting dick spewed shots of cum into my ass.

Simultaneously my dick shot gushers of cum onto Master Garrett's sweat covered stomach.

I finally collapsed on top of Master Garrett's massive body as he fought for his breathing to recover and his body to quit convulsing. We stayed in the position. Me on top of Master Garrett. Master Garrett's spent cock still impaled in my ass.

We were both jarred to reality when we heard Master Andre, "Good job!"

He sat on the bed next to us. "You two are a sweaty, smelly pair! But I will say you were both fascinating to watch."

"How long had you been there, Master?" I asked.

"When you started to put the lube on Garrett's dick," Master Andre replied. "I saw you change, boy. You were amazing. Absolutely amazing."

Master Andre stood and began to remove his clothing.

"It's my turn now, boy," Master Andre hissed. He quickly slipped off his shirt, toed off his boots, and shucked his jeans. Master Andre stood by the edge of the bed, and Master Garrett moved us next to him with his dick still impaled into my ass. "You've got a dick to suck, boy. Now!"

I leaned toward Master Andre's hard, uncut dick and slipped my mouth over it and began to pleasure Master Andre. "Fuck him again, Garrett!"


It's a New Day

Gregory, my personal assistant, stood off to the side explaining my schedule while Wrigley carefully applied body oil to my entire frame. Wrigley and I had spent a rigorous two-hour session in the gym before he cleaned and oiled me.

"Jackson, your Master's tailor, will measure you for your new wardrobe from one this afternoon until six tonight," Gregory began. "You'll have lunch with Andre. Your wardrobe selection will be simple today because you'll be wearing a summer loin cloth when you are out of the house and in public. Any questions?"

"I won't get arrested for being almost naked in public?" I asked.

"Not if your Master is with you," Gregory replied. "Your new wardrobe arrives just before you and Andre leave for your tour of Barcelona including the `Into the Tank' event. Alastair and I will open your Barcelona condo prior to your arrival."

"I hate to ask, but how many houses does Master Andre own around the world?" I asked.

"I'm not certain, Steven," Gregory replied. "I can check with the property manager and find out how many houses you and Andre own. I understand you've added a few to the mix as well, Steven."

"My other question," I began. "What is an `Into the Tank' event?"

"A BDSM themed dance party combined with public BDSM activities," Gregory explained.

"Oh!" I replied. "Another thought I have. It appears I will be naked most of the rest of my life. So, why do I need a new wardrobe?"

"You'll be wearing clothes from time to time," Gregory explained. "You'll be wearing many of them while also being naked. Think leather harnesses, arm bands, vests, chaps, briefs, and so forth. You'll develop a laid-back style when you need to appear in public without being naked. Tight, tight jeans. Tight, tight shirts. Your Master also favors black tie events. You'll still look like a sexy slave boy even through you're dressed in the latest fashion. You will be creating the latest fashion trends and not following them. I think you get the picture."

"Yup," I replied as Wrigley finished oiling my body. I felt Wrigley's hand caressing my asshole. "Ahm, Wrigley? What are you doing?"

"I have a special oil for inside you," Wrigley replied.

"Okay," I said as I felt Wrigley's finger slide into my ass. My dick became instantly hard.

"It looks as though you enjoy being oiled, boy," Master Andre said as he suddenly took his place in front of me.

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"Good," Master Andre replied. "The oil Wrigley applies to your asshole will make you extremely horny, too. You'll spend most of the rest of your life with the oil applied to the inside of your asshole when you don't have a dick in it."

I caught Master Andre's broadening smile.

"I'll wait for you downstairs," Master Andre explained. "I'll see you in a few moments on the patio where we'll have lunch."

Master Andre disappeared just as quickly as he appeared in front of me earlier. Master Gregory left in another direction.

"You're a very lucky boy, Sir," Wrigley said. "Your Master cares for you deeply."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied. "Can't you just call me boy like everyone else, Sir?"

"I work for you," Wrigley replied. "I can't call you boy."

"Do you like your work, Wrigley?" I asked.

"Yes, of course," Wrigley replied.

"Then, please call me boy."

"Got it!" Wrigley said with a smile. "I believe you need to join your Master for lunch downstairs on the back patio, boy. You don't want to keep your Master waiting, BOY."

I walked naked through the house from my dressing room to the back patio. I noticed a... a... a woman standing next to Master Andre. She sipped a drink from a champagne flute as I slid the door open.

"You're just in time, Steven," Master Andre said as he and the woman walked toward me in the still open doorway. "Steven, this is my sister, Rhea. Rhea, this is Steven, my new boy."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, boy," Rhea said to me as she proffered her free hand. Her hand was positioned as though she wanted me to kiss her ring. I quickly looked at Master Andre who, with a smile on his face, nodded `yes' to me.

I took a cue from a documentary about the queen of Jordan, Queen Rania, and I bowed slightly from the waist and brought her hand to my lips for a slight moment.

"I'm pleased to meet you as well, Miss Xanthis," I said to her.

She turned to her brother. "I've always known you have excellent taste in men, Andre, but your new boy defines masculine splendor."

"He does, doesn't he?" Master Andre said as he put his arm around my shoulder. "And don't forget, Rhea, he's mine, and I don't share well."

"I'm partial to blond-haired, blue-eyed muscle studs myself, but you'll need to remind your brother Gabe about your ownership position," Rhea replied as she flagged the server. "Your boy needs a drink, Andre."

The server handed me a champagne flute filled with a bubbly liquid.

"Steven," Master Andre began as we sauntered toward the pool. "I asked Rhea to join us this afternoon for lunch because she has a favor to ask of you."

"Of me?" I asked. "What could I do to help you, Miss Xanthis? I'm only Master Andre's boy."

"You were also a high-ranking executive at eSquare before you were collared by your Master Ajmal," Miss Xanthis explained.

I looked at her with confusion in my eyes.

"I can see I have a lot of explaining to do," Miss Xanthis continued. "And please call me Rhea or Mistress."

"Yes, Mistress," I replied.

"I became the family's liaison to our business group involved with telecommunication. We decided in our last executive leadership meeting to purchase eSquare. It went from a simple friendly venture to a hostile takeover. So, we need your help, Steven. You know the players. We're trying to determine the majority ownership of eSquare. However, we're running up against brick walls because the entity seems cloaked in secrecy. Do you have any idea who CCHP Partnership might be?"

"It used to be Caden, Caldwell, Hassin, and Peabody investments," I explained. "For some reason the name changed to CCHP Partnership a few years ago."

I looked at Master Andre. His right eyebrow raised indicating I had some explaining to do.

"We believe CCHP might be willing to negotiate with us to overtake eSquare," Rhea continued. "We need to determine the players behind the partnership so we can submit a proposal."

"Why do you want to takeover eSquare?" I asked.

"Their proprietary secure satellite network has become a barrier in terms of our ability to gain market share," Rhea replied. "We need to improve our market share standing to remain viable."

"What would you offer the CCHP Partnership and the other stake holders?" I asked.

"Market value plus ten percent," Rhea replied.

"You're joking, right?" I asked.

"No!" Rhea exclaimed. "It's over fifty dollars a share premium."

"The shareholders, including the CCHP Partnership, unless they've changed since I've been involved, do not seem interested in a simple payout," I began. "They view ownership of eSquare stock as a source of future income. I believe you might either need to rethink your offer or devise some other plan of increasing market share."

"What is your boy trying to say to me, Andre?" Rhea asked.

"I don't know," Andre said with a smirk on his face. "Do you think, Steven, you have something more to say to my sister? Do you, by any chance, have a voting share for the CCHP Partnership which owns a majority of eSquare stock?"

"I'm trying to point out the CCHP Partnership doesn't need cash," I continued. "It needs a solid investment which will be paying dividends for years to come."

"So, you know who owns CCHP Partnership?" Rhea asked.

"Of course," I replied.

"This should be good," Master Andre said as he looked at me then his sister Rhea.

"Who?" Rhea asked.

"Omar, Kathem, Ali, and Ahmed Caden-Caldwell," I replied.

"Who the hell are they?" Rhea asked.

"My two-year-old sons," I added. "Obviously, Tim, my ex-husband, and I serve as consultants to the executors of the trust which owns CCHP Partnership."

"Four two-year-old boys own fifty one percent of the fastest growing telecommunications firm in the world?" Rhea asked. "It's probably worth two-hundred billion."

"Yes," I replied. "I kept my shares of the company when I stopped working at eSquare. Tim and I offered to purchase the original partners' shares as they retired from the business. It's all now owned by the trust. You, however, underestimated the value of eSquare. It's probably worth between five-hundred billion to seven-hundred billion."

"What would we need to offer your two-year-old sons to own a majority of eSquare?" Rhea asked.

"It's not for sale," I replied.

"Why?" Rhea asked. She almost shouted.

"The company wouldn't be the same as it is now if it were sold to a large conglomerate," I replied. "Even though the value of eSquare has grown to more than five hundred billion dollars, it still has its original entrepreneurial spirit. If it lost its trademark management style, it would be worthless. The eSquare board might entertain a joint venture. Or they might offer to buy the telecommunication arm of your family business."

"I thought Steven was your sub, Andre!" Rhea shrieked. "He's more of a natural Sadist!"

"It's why I love him so much, Rhea," Master Andre replied. "I don't know about you, sis, but I'm hungry. Let's eat lunch."


Adding Bulk

"Are you trying to kill me?" I hissed at my personal assistant Wrigley as he pushed me harder and harder on the bench press.

"Andre expects results by the end of this month," Wrigley replied. "Either I will kill you in the gym, or you'll disappoint your Master. Which would you prefer?"

"I can't disappoint Master Andre," I exclaimed.

"Good choice, Steven," Wrigley replied. "I'll add twenty more pounds to each side of the bar for your final set. You'll enjoy it, I'm certain."

"I have no choice," I replied before I moved the bar off the safety. I pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed. I pushed twelve times. I added one last moan as I replaced the heavy bar on its safety rest. "Ahhhhh!"

"See," Wrigley said as he helped me up from the bench. "I knew you could do the extra weight."

"You may have known it, but I wasn't certain—especially on the eleventh and twelfth rep," I added.

"We're cleaning you up and oiling you next," Wrigley explained. "Andre has special plans for you tonight. We must be extra diligent."

I thought I'd be toast after Wrigley's clean up and oiling routine after a two-hour workout. I didn't have a muscle or a cavity which went uncleaned or unoiled.

Master Wrigley surveyed his work and pronounced my body perfectly cleaned and oiled.

"Meet your Master on the deck off the living room," Wrigley suggested. "I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning. We'll be doing some extra cardio tomorrow while your Master Andre attends an offsite meeting."

Wrigley slapped my ass as I left my dressing area. I found Master Andre sipping a glass of champagne as he surveyed the blue, blue ocean. I found myself mesmerized by Master Andre's masculine beauty. His tight jeans hugged his ass perfectly. The tight white t-shirt accentuated his broad shoulders and muscled arms.

"Steven!" Master Andre exclaimed as he finally turned to see me standing in the doorway. "What a beautiful sight! You look as though you're packing some extra muscle. I take it you survived Wrigley's exercise routine."

"Barely," I replied as Master Andre pulled me close to him and kissed me. My dick stirred at the touch of my Master. Master Andre pulled back and our eyes locked. I found my voice, "Something seems different about you, too, Master."

"Less stressed," Master Andre explained. "I met with my advisors this morning. Our plans became clearer after I discussed the options."

"What kind of plans, Master?" I asked.

"Life plans," Master Andre continued. "You and me. We have much to discuss about our combined life and philanthropic goals."

"Yes, Master," I said.

"Our relationship will take us on an incredible journey," Master Andre began. "It may take us a lifetime to achieve our ultimate goals. I know we both will enjoy our journey."

"Yes, Master," I replied. "You already understand my needs. I only hope I won't disappoint you, Master."

"I guarantee you won't disappoint me, Steven," Master Andre replied. "Let me explain my vision. I want to hear yours as well. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"Good!" Master Andre enthused as he handed me a flute of champagne. "Our mastery of our TPE relationship determines our fate in the eyes of the world. You'll give me complete control of your mind, your body, your soul, and your energy. You'll surrender all your rights as a person to me. You will become my property. You are my slave. This type of commitment needs you to surrender to me absolutely and unconditionally. How do you feel about what I have explained so far, boy?"

"I feel I could bow down in front of you and give myself totally to you, Master, right now" I replied. "I know, though, we will need to work on this phased-in growth."

"Eventually, you will have no limits," Master Andre continued. "I will set your limits. We will not use safe words because you will learn to give me explicit trust."

"I knew I could trust you with my life after the first time we shared our bodies," I explained. "My trust has only grown."

"Good boy," Master Andre said as he leaned over to kiss me. "I will, in turn, protect and care for you without hesitation. I no longer will require your consent for anything."

"I understand, Master," I said eagerly.

"We will acquire another set of rules for our everyday life," Master Andre continued. "To the outside world, I want us to appear as equals. But you will still be my slave. You will learn to read my actions and reactions and respond appropriately. We will learn this powerful ability as we interact with one another publicly. Sometimes, we will react inappropriately, but we will learn from our experiences. I also want you to offer your opinion freely when asked. You will know the proper answer. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master," I replied and smiled. "Apparently, we will learn to become mind readers."

"Exactly!" Master Andre said as he pulled me close to him and pressed his lips to mine. He pulled away after several very intense minutes. "Before we get carried away, I want to hear your viewpoint, boy."

"I am excited to be embarking on this journey with you, Master," I added. "You complete my life. I already know I want to be totally within your power. I also believe we have an inroad to our mindreading abilities. Master Ajmal gave me lessons with a Spirit Master. His name is Lien Bien Chung. I don't know how to contact him, however."

"One of my advisors gave me his contact information," Master Andre said with a smile. "It seems we're already reading each other's minds even if it is through an intermediary."

"Master Tim and I had also somehow developed the gift of being with one another even though we were separated by time and space," I explained. "We learned the technique through naked yoga sessions as well as lessons from Lien Bien Chung."

"We will learn to be with one another no matter where we might be, too, boy," Master Andre added.

"I know what you want right now," I whispered as I slid closer to Master Andre. My hand found his already hard cock through his jeans.

"I know you know," Master Andre whispered back as I slid to my knees and began to unbutton Master Andre's jeans. He lifted his ass off the sofa, and I pulled his jeans down to his ankles before slipping them off. I eyed Master Andre's rock hard, uncut dick. I licked my lips before I moved my tongue under his foreskin and swirled my tongue around Master Andre's cock head. I took in the musty aroma, and I felt my dick swell even more.

"Suck it, boy," Master Andre hissed.

I shoved Master Andre's big dick into my mouth with eagerness. I pushed my throat over Master Andre's dick. I felt Master Andre's power over me grow.

"Yes, boy!" Master Andre hissed again as I took care of his cock.

Master Andre's body began to writhe in ecstasy, and I continued to work on his cock. I felt Master Andre cum even before the first ropes of cum exploded from his body. I didn't spill a drop.

Once Master Andre's body recovered, he tugged on my arm. He pulled me up to him. His lips and my lips met. A bolt of energy surged through my body.


The Tailor and the Wardrobe

"Many of the new wardrobe items have already arrived for the boy, Gregory," Master Jackson, Master Andre's tailor, said to my personal assistant as he motioned to a rack of clothing. "We're eager to see how they fit and to determine any modifications needed. Andre wanted to join us, but he had a meeting with some associates to attend. So, Gregory, we'll start with the formal attire if you don't mind."

Master Jackson stepped next to a rack and pulled a canvas covered garment bag off the rack. He hung the bag on a hook next to us and removed an article of clothing. It appeared to be a suit or a tux.

"Andre asked me to design all of the boy's wardrobe to draw attention to his most prized assets," Master Jackson explained to Master Gregory. He pulled the pants off its hanger and handed them off to Master Wrigley. "Gregory, have you informed the boy that he'll never wear underwear again?"

"No, Jackson," Master Gregory replied. "The boy will do anything his Master says."

"Good," Master Jackson continued. "Let's start with the tux pants. Please put them on the boy, Wrigley."

"Yes, Sir," Master Wrigley said as he took the tux pants from Master Jackson and helped me step into them.

As Master Wrigley pulled the pants up to my waist, Master Jackson continued, "Andre has decided the boy will wear his cock and dick on his right. Consequently, I designed all his clothing to have room for his ample cock and balls on the right."

Master Wrigley buttoned the top button pulling the waist of the tux pants tight. As he zipped the pants up, he positioned my cock and balls appropriately. I felt the fabric tighten around my mid-section.

"Absolutely perfect, don't you think, Gregory?" Master Jackson asked as he surveyed his handiwork.

"Absolutely stunning," Gregory replied. "It's amazing how you were able to highlight his perfectly sculpted ass and amazing cock and balls without being ostentatious or scandalous."

Master Jackson slid his hand across my ass and then my cock and balls. "Look, boy!"

Master Wrigley moved a three-way mirror in front of me.

"Oh my!" I said softly as I surveyed my image in the mirror. The outline of my cock and balls in the tux pants left nothing to the imagination. The ass showed comparable results. The material hugged my ass tightly. I could almost make out the crack of my ass.

"Let's try the tux shirt," Master Jackson said eagerly as he pulled the shirt off its hanger and handed it to Wrigley.

I felt the material of the shirt tighten around my arms as Wrigley pulled it on. Master Wrigley moved in front of me and began to button the shirt. It pulled tightly around my waist and abs. Wrigley added the shirt studs to the top few button holes and pulled the shirt tight across my chest.

"Perfect!" Master Jackson exclaimed.

"Andre will be proud to show everyone his property," Master Gregory said to Master Jackson.

Shoes came next.

"These custom designed shoes will allow Steven to wear them comfortably without socks," Master Jackson explained. "We've eliminated sox from Steven's wardrobe altogether, Gregory. What do you think?"

"Wonderful idea, Jackson," Gregory replied. "I'm sure Andre will like it. It will enable the boy to strip more quickly when he's ordered to do so"

"So, it's settled," Master Jackson concluded. "The boy will wear all of his shoes and boots without sox. He won't own sox... just like he won't own underwear."

We went on to try on garment after garment. Pants, jeans, shorts, shirts, polos, t-shirts, gym outfits, dress shoes, casual shoes, running shoes, every type of shoe known to mankind, jackets, suits, tuxes, harnesses, leather shorts, leather pants, leather shirts, leather boots, chrome arm bands, gold arm bands, leather arm bands, chain link arm bands. The list went on. Five hours after we began we finished.

Master Wrigley probably handled my cock, balls, and ass more than anyone in a five-hour timespan. Master Gregory applauded Master Jackson's skills with every outfit.

"I will make modifications where necessary," Master Jackson explained. "Otherwise, the boy will find all of his wardrobe in his personal dressing room. I will begin to work on his summer wardrobe after the minor modifications are complete. Do you have any questions, Gregory?"

"No," Master Gregory added.

I felt exhausted.

Master Gregory turned to me as I stood naked in the middle of the room, "Your Master asked me to tell you he's delayed. He will return when he finishes his meeting with his colleagues. He suggested you and Wrigley should take a nap together. Your Master has a busy night scheduled for you."

"Master Andre wants Master Wrigley to take a nap with me?" I asked. "Why?"

"You're doubting your Master's decision?" Master Gregory asked.

"No, Sir," I replied. "I'm sorry. I will never make the same mistake again, Sir."

Our Nap

"Let's go, boy," Master Wrigley said as he grabbed my right arm and made our way into a room off the master suite's main bedroom.

The room seemed spacious and contained a king bed as well as a small sofa. Two side chairs also adorned the room. No artwork hung on the walls. The sofa and the bed's comforter, covered in black leather, starkly countered the glistening white walls of the room. It had one small window and a bathroom sink, a toilet, a bidet, and an open shower on the opposite wall with the window.

"You will stay in this room when you are not with your Master," Wrigley explained as he began to remove his tight red polo. "You will only use the master bedroom when you spend time with your Master. You and I will have our nap here."

"Take off my jeans, boy," Master Wrigley ordered.

"Yes, Master," I replied as I quickly moved in front of Master Wrigley. I knelt in front of him and helped him slip off his shoes. Even Master Wrigley's bare feet sent tingles through my body. I began to unbutton his jeans. His growing cock became obvious.

I slipped off his jeans and placed them on a shelf near the bathroom area. I repositioned myself in front of Master Wrigley and assumed the position.

While Master Wrigley stood only five nine, his body, covered in silky white skin, looked perfectly sculpted with a muscled chest, six-pack stomach, sharply defined biceps, well-formed legs, and magnificently shaped ass. I had a view of his ass from the mirror directly behind Master Wrigley.

"I hope you like what you see, boy," Master Wrigley began. "As your personal attendant, I am charged with keeping you company while you are not involved with your Master or another man of his choosing. So, what do you think of my body, boy?"

"It's perfect, Sir," I replied. "And, Master, to be honest, I have been mesmerized by your brilliant green eyes since the moment I first met you."

"Thank you, boy," Master Wrigley said as he fondled his growing cock. "My dick is eight inches long. Previous to working for your Master, I had blond pubic hair which matched the hair on my head. Master Gregory and his employer decided I needed to have a hairless cock and balls."

Master Wrigley turned and moved beside the bed.

"While we occupy this room, you will follow my orders without delay and without question. Otherwise, your Master has given me the authority to punish you," Master Wrigley explained. "You will become intimately familiar with my body as I will with yours. I am not a sadist. However, I will oversee using you as I see fit. We will lock ourselves in this room often, boy. Pull down the comforter and turn down the sheets, boy."

"Yes, Master," I replied. I scurried to the bed and turned down the black leather comforter and rested it on the foot of the bed. I turned the corner of the rubber looking black sheets down to make it ready for Master Wrigley.

"Very good, boy," Master Wrigley said. He moved onto the bed and slid beneath the sheets. He pulled the sheets back exposing his body to me.

"Your place is here beside me, boy," Master Wrigley said as he patted the space next to him.

I crawled onto the bed beside Master Wrigley. He pulled the sheets over the two of us, wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me to him with my head resting on his armpit and chest.


I suddenly awakened by a loud buzzing sound. Master Wrigley reached across me and shut off the sound which further jostled me into reality. Master Wrigley resettled himself next to me and pulled me toward him.

"Did you have a nice nap, boy?" Master Wrigley asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "You're a very comfortable sleeping partner."

"Thank you, boy," Master Wrigley replied. "It's time we start the evening... Your Master instructed me to become familiar with your ass and mouth. I'll begin with your ass now. I'll expect you to service me every morning after our workout. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

"On your stomach, boy," Master Wrigley ordered.

I turned on my stomach. Master Wrigley caressed my ass with the palm of his hand. His energy gushed through my body. His touch made me calm, yet it also made me energetic and eager for Master Wrigley to shove his dick into my ass.

"Do you feel it, boy?" Master Wrigley asked. "We will seal our bond here in this bed. You and I forever linked as a unit. I suspect your Master never told you about another requirement of your service..."

"Which is?" I asked.

"I'll let Gregory explain it," Master Wrigley said.

I suddenly became aware of another person in the room. I turned to see Master Gregory standing naked beside the bed.

"Such a lovely sight," Master Gregory explained. "My boy laying naked with our employer's boy next to him. This will become a tradition for you, pig. I intend to refer to you as pig when you lie with my boy or me. My boy will fuck you now to get your ass ready for me. Did you know my boy and I own you when we spend time with you...? Don't answer... It's in our employment contract. Your Master selected us for our positions because he knew we would complement each other. Me, my boy, and our employer's pig of a boy... Our bond will become so strong it will exist through eternity. Do you know how long eternity is, boy...? Don't answer... Take him, boy."

"Yes, Master," Master Wrigley said as he continued to stroke his eight-inch cut dick.

Master Gregory tossed a tube of lube to his boy.

Master Wrigley began to slather lube on his very hard dick. I watched in the video screen at the head of the bed.

Every movement Master Wrigley made sent tingles through my body. Smooth, calm, seductive movements.

Master Wrigley tossed the tube of lube to the side and began to position himself to take me.

"Oooooooo," I grunted as I felt Master Wrigley's dick against my asshole.

"I will take you now, boy," Master Wrigley hissed. "You'll be mine forever."

As Master Wrigley began to push his dick into me, I pushed back to force Master Wrigley's dick inside me.

"Someone seems eager, Master," Master Wrigley whispered to his Master Gregory. "Such a good boy."

The room became silent. Bright light flooded the room as Master Wrigley began to pound my ass.

`He's right, you know, boy," a voice inside my head whispered to me. `You're such a good boy. Your reward this afternoon begins your journey to a new place. You'll know when you've arrived, boy. The Gods have selected you. You'll become the perfect vessel.'

The voice in my head disappeared as I heard and felt Master Wrigley's dick explode in my ass. His body convulsed as he released his pent-up energy inside my body. I became his upon the first shot of his cum. I felt the power of Master Wrigley's cum as it gushed from his dick. I realized in a split second the voice was right. I'm on my journey to become the perfect vessel.

Master Gregory slid onto the bed and next to Master Wrigley and me while Master Wrigley recovered on top of me.

"Such a lovely sight," Master Gregory whispered. I watched him begin to stroke his dick on the video monitor in front of me.

I salivated at the thought of Master Gregory's big dick pushing inside me. His beautiful ten-inch, uncut, thick Master dick.

To be continued.

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The following list links to all my stories on

Sam and Chris

We're in This Together

Jeffery Comes Home

Taking a Stand

John's Journey Forward

Together Forever

Life With Tim

Next: Chapter 2

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