Steven on the Mountain

By David Young

Published on Nov 8, 2021


Copyright: All rights to the story belong to the author and must not be republished for use without the author's permission.

This story involves sex among consenting adults, if it is not legal to read this type of material where you are located that proceed at your own risk.

My goal is to provide you some sort of sexual contact in every chapter, some will be masturbation but mostly it will involve two people who either love each other very much or are on their way to falling in love.

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Hello, my name is Steven and you will soon find out that I am a bit of a loner and a kind of odd dude.

So for starters, I am a loner because I haven't found many humans I enjoy being around much. Most people just seem to find the fastest way to piss me off or annoy me. So I just stay away from them as much as I can.

I live alone in a cabin on Black Mountain in Kentucky. I don't believe I was really supposed to build my cabin up here, but the only people who come this far off grid are criminals and hunters. Both of which are trying to escape the mundane qualities of everyday life.

Black Mountain is the highest mountain in Kentucky and on the hiking paths there are generally a lot of tourists. That is actually how I came to live on the mountain.

Like most teenage boys I hated life with my parents, my reasons may have been different but the dislike for my family's ways of living was all the same.

My mother, a devout Christian was sure to throw the Bible at me when I broke a rule. I swear she made them up as we went along. "Thou shalt not masterbate" have you ever seen that in the Bible? I know I haven't.

My father was her polar opposite, he drank most of the time, and only came home long enough to bark out commands or sleep.

I ran away at sixteen years old and have never looked back once. A few months after running away I ended up on Black Mountain and have been here ever since.

That was in 1971. I had read about the mountain before and decided I wanted to go to the top. In the Summer of 1971 I did just that. I hiked to the summit at 4145 feet above sea level and looked out at the world and knew I had found my home. Obviously not liking people I was not able to live at the Summit due to all the tourists, but it was not long before I decided to get off the beaten path and explore this great new world.

I found other less traveled pathways through the trees and walked for what seemed like months but was really only a few days and found a nice clearing where I decided to set up a small camp site.

Mind you, I knew nothing of the mountain or the laws or rules of the area. I also had no idea about the wildlife I would run into. So my first few days were pretty interesting. I ate some berries the first night and spent the next day vomiting my guts out. Day two I came across a black bear and about shit my guts out. Little did I know it was just as scared as I was and the encounter lasted about 30 seconds before the animal disappeared into the trees and away from me.

The one thing I did not encounter on those first few days were humans and that suited me just fine.

After a few days of hanging out in the clearing I decided I wanted to venture deeper into the forest. I soon found out that Black Mountain was famous for its summit, but also its coal industry.

Coal is not mined as much on the Mountain as it was in previous decades such as the 1930's and 1950's, but if you wander around enough you will find some coal mines still being worked.

I didn't have much trouble with the coal mines and its employees because I generally heard them from way off and just veered off in another direction.

I continued on my journey stopping sometimes for a few hours and sometimes for a few days. I started to lose track of the time of day, then the days of the week only having a general idea based on the position of the sun. I was good with this too, because by this time I had already decided I was searching for a spot to set up a homestead and stay on the mountain.

So I told you I was raised by a religious mother and a drunk of a father so it's easy to say I had a fairly sheltered life and knew nothing about sex of anything like that. I had never used drugs either.

After about a month of wandering around in the forest I wandered on to a group of people who were just a little older than myself and decided to watch them from a distance. Partly because I wanted to see if I could scavenge anything from whatever they left behind.

The first thing I noticed about this group was the potent odor of Marijuana in the air. I had never smoked it before but I knew what it smelled like.

After a couple of hours of hooping and hollering and smoking weed the group started to break off in smaller groups of two. To begin with there were nine people, two sets of two went into their tents, and another two sets of two went into some nearby cars. It didn't take me long to figure out why they were all parting ways.

The one lone boy stayed around the campsite for a few minutes and then stood and walked a few feet into the trees. I heard the sound of him undoing his zipper and then the sound of him relieving himself.

As I said earlier I didnt know anything about sex but for some reason I found myself wandering what his dick would look like, what would if feel like? I was very confused about the way I was thinking, but nonetheless decided to move where I could catch a glimpse before he put himself away.

Well being that I was only new to this way of living I made a ton of noise moving around. The boy yelled "Who's there?" At first I just stayed quiet and hoped he would decide he was hearing things and continue on. He didn't, he yelled again, and again, until I finally yelled back.

I came out from the trees and revealed myself and to my surprise the boy hadn't even put his dick away. So in the end I got a nice view of his floppy dick. It was amazing, the boy's dick was easily five inches soft and had a strange layer of skin flopping around on the front.

After a few seconds as to be expected he realized I was staring and put himself away. I introduced myself and he did the same. Being the Naive person I am asked about the floppy skin on the end of his dick. The boy explained he was uncircumcised and that was the way all boys looked when they were born. I remembered the teachings from the Bible about circumcision and quickly caught on.

Sean was the boy's name or at least that is the name he gave me. Sean and I talked for about an hour and he seemed like a really nice person. Sean didn't seem to have any hang ups about name brand clothing or any of the other stuff that people seem to get wrapped up with in American society. As the conversation went on Sean informed me that he was eighteen years old. I also found out that Sean and his friends were enjoying some time away from the world before they were shipped off to Vietnam.

At this time in American History the Vietnam War was in full swing and American young men were being drafted into the armed forces.

Sean and his friends had enlisted to avoid being drafted and ending up on the front lines.

Being that I was only sixteen I didn't know much about the draft, but knew plenty about the Vietnam War. At this time it was all people talked about. You had your die-hard supporters of the conflict as well as your anti-war activists, I was neither. I understand that all humans need to have a safe place to live and work, I just didn't really care how they got it. Looking back, if I had known then what I know now, I would say that sometimes Americans need to mind their own business and stop trying to police the world.

But to get back to myself and Sean because a conversation about my political beliefs is a story for another time.

Sean asked me where I was camping for the night and I replied by telling him I had not found a suitable place as of yet. Sean stated "You can camp here with us." I started to unpack my tent and Sean laughed and told me not to bother because his tent was already set up. Sean then told me there was plenty of room in his tent since he didn't have a girl like the others.

Sean and I crawled into his tent and started to make ourselves comfortable. My eyes about popped out of my head when Sean pulled down his cutoff shorts to reveal he was not wearing any underwear. Sean noticed the look on my face and smiled and stated "I learned a long time ago not to hike or camp with underwear" he proceeded to tell me he gets too hot.

I didn't understand at the time but I could not keep my eyes off of Sean's lean body as he was working on situating his naked self into his sleeping bag. Sean was about six feet tall and around 175 pounds with blond hair on his head. The hair on the remainder of his body was a little darker than the hair on his head. Sean was not a really hairy guy, he only had hair on his legs, under his arms and a small happy trail leading from his navel to his pubic mound.

Sean must have noticed me staring again because he giggled and told me to make myself comfortable. I began by lifting my shirt over my head and revealing my skinny upper body to Sean. I glanced over and he was watching me like a hawk, and for some reason I enjoyed it. I moved down and undid the laces on my boots and removed them along with my heavy wool socks. I was very nervous about going any further but decided I owed it to Sean since he had shown me all of himself.

I undid the button of my pants and started to shimmy them down off of my mid section and down my legs to reveal my puny body and the fresh pair of tighty whities I was wearing.

Once I was undressed and wearing only my tight white underwear Sean smiled and asked "can I see you without your underwear?" As nervous as I was I hooked my thumbs under the waistband of my undies and pulled them down and completely off of my body. Sean seemed to be enamored by my circumcised cock and even asked me if he could touch it.

Still not sure where this was leading I nodded to let Sean know he could touch me. Sean reached over and placed his entire hand around my boy tube and squeezed. I was already hard as a rock so it felt amazing when Sean touched me.

Inside I wanted to pull away because being gay in 1971 was not a good thing. I allowed Sean to continue touching me because his fingers and his hand felt like pure magic coursing through my entire body.

I had only mastebated a handful of times in my entire life so what happened next was pure bliss. With Sean's hands lightly touching me I began to shake a little as I felt a tingling sensation that started at my feet and pushed all the way to my balls as I shot cum all over his hand.

I apologized to Sean and felt terrible about what I had done. Sean assured me it was okay and asked me if I wanted to touch him. With my entire body shaking from being nervous I reached my hand over and began to fondle Sean's hard penis.

Sean's dick made my 16 year old pecker look small. He was an easy seven inches around and really thick. I grabbed his cock and held him for a few minutes before he reached down and wrapped his fingers around my hand and began moving our hands together and therefore stroking his cock.

Sean moved his face a little closer to mine and started placing kisses on my neck and cheek as I was stroking his cock. Sean lasted much longer than me but when he came it was like a volcanic eruption. His body started convulsing and his cock seemed to get extremely hard before he erupted three long stringy ropes of cum from his cock and onto my hand and his stomach.

After Sean and I cleaned up we lay on our backs and both seemed to be in awe of what just occurred between us. My mind kept racing with thoughts of how I potentially just condemned my soul to hell for an eternity for committing a sexual act with another boy.

Sean on the other hand seemed to drift off and sleep like a small child. After about an hour of so I finally came to the realization that if I had condemned my soul already then I should just enjoy this one night. I curled up next to Sean and drifted off to sleep with my arm draped over his body and my fingers resting on his cock.

The next morning I snuck out before Sean even woke up and continued my journey further into the forest and further away from civilization. I never saw Sean again and to this day I do not know if he ever made it to Vietnam and if so, if he made it home or was he one of the many American lives taken from us way too soon.

According to the records there were 58,220 American lives lost in the Vietnam War. Some of which were self inflicted due to the high stress environment. America will never be able to know the true number of American lives lost due to this conflict because of the suicide from PTSD and the deaths of spouses due to some form of depression or PTSD related reasons.

At sixteen I really didn't understand anything about all this stuff. I would not say I was in opposition of the war then or now. Looking back I believe the American government and the citizens could have surely handled things better. My reasons for leaving my family and coming out to live off of the land in the middle of nowhere were much different and had nothing to do with politics or anything like that.

I was running from myself and then ended up finding the new me on the Black Mountain.

From the time I was sixteen until I was eighteen, so about eighteen months or so I wandered around in the forest living off of the land. I found books that were left by campers that helped me learn about the area and its plants and animals. I learned what berries and nuts to eat and what to stay away from.

When it was cold I had plenty of blankets and sleeping bags to climb under to keep warm. In December of 1972 I found refuge in an abandoned motor home. I am sure it was stolen and stashed in the forest. My new living space was well used and abused. The windows were all broken out and when it rained or the snow melted water poured from the roof.

I stayed in the motor home until May of 1973. By this time I had been living in the forest for two years and had grown fond of being alone. One day I heard voices coming from nearby and went to investigate the source of the noise. I soon found that I was located near a very popular summer hang out for the locals. That meant I had to move on and seek solace somewhere else.

I wandered deeper into the forest for a few months. In July of 1973 I ended up getting rather close to a watering hole. I heard people yelling and screaming again and went to investigate this situation as well.

When I got closer to the cause of the noise I was able to make out four individual people. Three men and one woman all in their late teens to early twenties. The closer I got I realized all four of them were naked. They would grab a rope that hung by a large branch off of a tree that was hanging out over the water. Then they would swing out about ten feet and let go, sending them plummeting to the water.

I was mesmerized by the bodies of the three men. The woman was beautiful but nothing compared to the men she was with. I sat and watched the group for a while as they continued to swing out over the water. After some time one of the men and the woman retired to a nearby tent and the other two men continued playing around.

I watched the men and admired their physique as well as admired how they were okay being naked with each other and having fun. At one point both men were in the water and they moved closer to each other and enjoyed a long passionate kiss. This explained why they were so okay with their nudity.

After the kiss ended the men walked slowly up to the bank of the water and unfolded a blanket. The men lay down on the blanket and began kissing again. It was like I was in a trance watching these two young men kissing and their hands roaming all over each other's bodies.

At eighteen almost nineteen I was still a virgin and very naive about sex or the topics of gay or straight. I had only touched one boy before and that was Sean, remember the boy being shipped off to Vietnam. As I watched the young men my mind drifted back to that night in the tent with Sean and my hand moved into my trousers to touch my penis. I was rock hard and in dire need of release.

The young men continued kissing for a few more minutes until one of them started kissing downward on the other's body until he reached the other's cock. He licked the head of his partner's cock a few times and then engulfed the man's dick. The boy receiving the blow job moaned while the other continued to suck with all his might.

After about ten minutes the boy reached climax and this was evident by the shivering of his body and the deeper moans I could hear coming from his mouth. The other man moved up to kiss him and it was unclear as to if he swallowed the others cum or if the two men shared it with a kiss.

As the boys switched places and the other was getting a blowjob in return my hand had somehow lowered my zipper and allowed my own cock to fall out and be exposed. Like I had done many times before I began stroking my meat, only this time it was in time with the rhythm of the blowjob I was watching.

I soon picked up the pace with my left hand stroking my cock and shot my load on the forest floor about the same time the one man released his load in the other man's mouth.

I put my dick away and decided I needed a nap after that. It was the first time I had touched myself in months.

My goal was to stay around the watering hole until the group left, so I could go down and get cleaned up. It had been months since I had properly bathed and even longer since the last time I had cleaned my clothes. I needed to find somewhere stable to set up a longer homestead so I could get a better grip on personal hygiene.

I woke up a few hours later to find it had gotten dark and all four people at the campsite had retired to their tents. I had no idea what time it was because I stopped wearing a watch months ago in an effort to further embrace my world without technology.

I moved down to the water and stripped off my clothing and walked naked into the water. The water felt cold at first as was evident by the shrinkage of my dick. I normally sport a rather nice four inch soft cock, but my cock was now working its way down to almost two inches as it was racing from the cold water into the warmth of my body.

I took my time walking into the water so as to go easy on my balls but once they were submerged it was not that bad and my body regulated itself rather quickly.

I didn't have any soap so I just ran my hands up and down my body to wash away the dirt and grime from the past few months. It felt nice to be getting cleaned up for a change.

I made my way back to the bank and while still naked I grabbed my dirty clothing and walked back out in the water until it was knee deep. I began washing my clothing to get rid of some of the smell. I had a change of clothes in my pack. I stayed for a few minutes washing and ringing out my clothing. Once I was done I moved back to the bank and laid them on a rock to allow them to dry.

It was a good plan put together by failed logic. Since it was night time it would take forever for my clothes to dry. I sat near the rock for a few more minutes while still naked to allow my body to air dry and then I planned on putting on my dry clothes and storing my wet clothing in a waterproof bag until morning to lay out and dry in the sun.

Again the plan was a good one except with my body being so tired from wandering around and now being clean I ended up falling asleep on the rock. Still naked I slept until early morning when I was awoken by someone asking if I was okay.

It was one of the men from last night, the guys I had watched trade blowjobs in the forest. I immediately placed my hands over my genitals and covered myself when I realized I was still naked.

After coming to my senses I apologized to the men and told them I was just taking a dip in the water and ended up falling asleep. I lied and told them I didn't realize I was so close to a camping site.

The taller man introduced himself as Mark. Mark was about 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighed somewhere around 180 pounds and kind of stocky. Not fat by any means, he definitely spent some time in the gym. Mark had dark brown hair and green eyes and was actually pretty attractive.

Mark introduced his partner as Ryan. Ryan on the other hand was 6 feet tall and about 150 pounds and extremely lean. Ryan had blonde hair and blue eyes and was also a pretty attractive man.

After the introductions the men asked me if I would like to join them for breakfast. Ryan stated "Cheryl makes a mean camp breakfast."

Mark stated "Cheryl and Charlie are a couple of friends that are with us in the other tent.

Now that I was more awake the previous sense of modesty was gone and I stood naked in front of the two men and began putting on my jeans and shirt, the dry ones I had laid out to dress in last night.

Myself, Ryan and Mark all walked closer to their tent and Mark started some coffee. I had not had coffee in quite a while so it was actually a nice little treat.

While drinking our coffee and waiting for their friends to wake up we sat and talked a bit. I found out that Ryan and Mark are a couple and have been together for the past three years. It's pretty rare to come across openly gay couples in Kentucky in 1973, but the two men were rather open. They may have been more open because we were in the middle of the forest, who knows.

I also learned that Ryan and Mark were from California and were just here on a visit, which may have been why they seemed for open about being gay.

We talked about what I was doing in the forest and the boys thought it was neat that I had gotten so fed up with the outside world that I had said screw it. Of Course both men agreed they couldn't do it.

The boys asked me if I had a significant other and I told them of how I was not really into much human contact so dating or marriage was really not me.

After getting to know the boys I did tell them what I had seen last night while watching from a distance. Both of them giggled and asked if I enjoyed the show. I told them how I masterbated and we all laughed. I am sure it was clear I lacked in the social department based off of the information I would just spout out. I have always tended to say the things that most people only say in their minds. Some would say I have no filter or that I bleed from the mouth.

After about thirty minutes of conversation and my rambling of all things better left unsaid Cheryl and her boyfriend excited their tent. Cheryl was toppless and as soon as she saw me she ducked back into the tent. Mark and Ryan laughed and assured her it was all good, that I had no interest in her boobs.

Cheryl's boyfriend James came out wearing only his tight white underwear and was apparently not modest at all as he sat down and started making himself some coffee. Cheryl soon joined us with a tank top now covering her upper body.

Like Ryan and Mark, James was a good looking young man. James was probably in his mid twenties and looked like he was not afraid of the gym. Cheryl was a lean, beautiful young woman who was also in her early twenties. Cheryl had long reddish hair with brown eyes.

Making good on the promise of a good camp breakfast Cheryl started preparing a meal while James assisted her. It was actually fun to watch James dance around in his underwear while helping Cheryl get ready for breakfast.

I noticed Ryan was watching me as I stared at James. I took a quick look and noticed Mark was watching James as well. We all giggled when we noticed we were caught. James seemed none the wiser to us three watching his stubby cock dance around on top of his balls in his tight little white underwear.

Mark broke the silence and said "James knows we are watching, I think it turns him on a bit." Ryan giggled as I continued to watch James three musketeer's dance in his undies.

Ryan said " I have seen it." Mark said " I have sucked it." I was caught off guard by the couple talking so openly about fooling around with someone else.

They both laughed and agreed since they caught me naked this morning there is not a cock on this campsite they have not seen. Mark said "there is only one I have not sucked."

I would be lying if I said I was not interested. I could see the pleasure on Ryan's face as he climaxed the previous night.

After breakfast Ryan and Mark announced they were going for a swim. Cheryl and James agreed that was an amazing idea.

The four of them walked to the water's edge and stripped naked and walked out into the water. All together they motioned for me to join them. I saw no harm in hanging out with my new friends naked. After all, I had already seen them naked and two of them had already seen me.

I stripped and walked slowly into the water as I had done the previous night. I tensed up and cupped my balls as I lowered them into the water. The four of them, already submerged, laughed at me.

When I got to the group Cheryl and James were locked into a passionate kiss like two honeymooners. Ryan and Mark were just talking so I decided to join them a few feet away from the other two.

We were in the water only a matter of minutes before I felt Mark's Hand brush up against my thigh. We made eye contact and he smiled. I tried to seem as loosened as I could because even though I am not very social I was actually having a good time. Soon I felt Ryan's hand brush against my other thigh.

The two men both moved their hands closer to my crotch until their hands collided with my cock. By this time I was hard as a rock and let out a little moan. I lost track of who's hand was who's at this point as the boys fondled me under the water.

Mark took the lead and moved his face closer to me and placed a little kiss on my neck as he and Ryan continued to caress my cock and balls. I turned my head and Mark kissed me right on the lips and began forcing his tongue into my mouth. I had never French kissed anyone before. It was amazing to feel him inside my mouth. His tongue made circles around mine. On the other side I could feel Ryan kissing my neck so I turned my face to him and he did the same by kissing me on the mouth and this time I allowed his tongue entry into my mouth.

My mind was reeling with thoughts as the three of us kissed as the boys fondled my genitals. Was I really enjoying this or was I just looking for a means to an end. It was hard to decide if I enjoyed the men or if this was just my bodies natural reaction to the innate desire humans have to have sex with each other. Whatever it was I knew I didn't want to stop.

The boys broke our embrace and started moving up to the bank and as I knew exactly what I was doing I followed them. We made it to the bank, dried off with their towels and continued walking until we made it to their tent. The three of us entered the tent and we lay down. Me in the middle, Mark on my right and Ryan on my left.

As there had not just been a one hundred foot walk and the act of drying off we all embraced and continued where we left off.

Mark continued to kiss me deeply while Ryan started kissing my left nipple and then he moved to my belly button and down to my pubic hair. Ryan buried his nose in my bush and inhaled deeply, I could feel his breath on my dick.

Ryan grabbed my shaft and the next thing I knew my cock was covered by his warm inviting mouth. It felt amazing and like nothing I had ever felt before. I was not able to control myself and Mark must have noticed because he said "don't hold back, cum when you need to." That is just what I did, about ninety seconds later I shot my cum deep into Ryan's mouth. My orgasm felt as though it lasted an hour and my cock was so sensitive afterwards.

Ryan moved his mouth over to Mark's cock. Mark and I continued to kiss each other. I decided it was now or never so I broke the kiss and moved my face to Ryan's cock and began to suck his dick while he pleasured Mark.

Ryan's cock had a strange flavor. It was a bit salty but also a bit earthy. The earthy flavor probably had something to do with the fact we had all just been swimming.

I was really odd to feel something like this as being so natural. It was like I knew everything I needed to do to please Ryan as he was pleasing Mark.

After a few more minutes I heard Mark whisper to Ryan that he was going to cum. Ryan sped up his movements and soon was rewarded with Mark's cum. With myself and Mark already having released our loads it was time for me to make Ryan cum. Ryan rearranged himself on his back and I hovered over him and began to suck him vigorously. Ryan was moaning as I sucked his cock and Mark played with his nipples and kissed him. It was like Ryan's cock had grown another inch and somehow gotten harder than it already was. I could feel the vein on the bottom of his cock as it pulsed to release his cum into my mouth.

Ryan's cum had a salty flavor and was not really good. It was not unbearable and I liked that he was able to derive pleasure from what I had just done.

The three of us sighed and fell to our backs all three drained now of energy and semen. The three of us napped for a few hours before I woke up and realized I needed to be moving on.

I exited the tent and dressed in quite and exited their campground and their lives as fast and quietly as I had come into it.

Thank you for reading my story, please provide feedback. I do not mind people being critical of my work. I would prefer someone to be honest with me about my work. I am working on a few other stories and would love some insight into my character development and the general flow of my stories.

Next: Chapter 2

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