Steve Visits the Islands

By Alan Oh

Published on May 6, 2020


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This story is fiction, but some may take offense. If male-on-male sex offends you, don't read. If bareback sex offends you, don't read. Generally, if you get offended easily by frank discussions about hot, anonymous, meaningless, raunchy sex - DO NOT READ. Keep in mind, this is an imaginary world without HIV/AIDS.However, if you read the story, let us know what you think. Enjoy! Papa.

============================ Steve Visits the Islands Chapter Seventeen - Time Passes

...Kawan headed for the showers, where most of the men had now dispersed. The party was officially over. Steve and David unstrapped Stefan and helped him stand up. His muscles were stiff, his nipples and navel burned and throbbed from the piercings, his cock and balls were spent, and his asshole was now big enough to park a small vehicle. Also, he could not stand up on his own just yet. (I guess that's what happens with too much sex, drugs, and rock `n' roll.)...

Steve and David carried Stefan upstairs to his room. They held him in the shower and gently washed the night away. Stefan began to recover and was able to stand on his own. He hugged both David and Steve, "Guys, that was both terrifying and awesome! That was a lifetime of sex in one night. I am beat to hell and I won't be able to walk right for a couple days, but that was incredible!"

They continued to wash each other, enjoying the touch, but not even close to wanting more sex. David realized that he was a little out of place here and excused himself to return to his own room. Steve toweled Stefan off, caressing him along the way. He led him to his bed and pulled down the covers for him. Stefan got in and Steve pulled the covers up over his tender body. Steve sat on the edge of the bed and held Stefan's hand.

"I am truly happy that you had a good time tonight. Those men are my closest friends and colleagues. They've shared and I have shared. It's just a little game we play." Steve's eyes started to well-up with tears. "And I am so fucking SORRY that I made you go through that and humiliate yourself like that," Steve was talking through his sobs. "I planned that party while we were on the plane coming home from the islands. You were just my pet cum pig and I hadn't hosted one of these in a very long time. Fuck, Stefan, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I can't say it enough."

"Sir, please stop. You have no need to apologize," I reassured him. "I really AM you pet cum pig and you have every right to use me or give me away as you wish; that's part of our deal, remember? Besides, I loved it!"

"Baby, I know you loved it, but I did not," Steve sobbed. "You are so much more to me now than a nasty pig, Stefan. I swore I wouldn't let this happen, but I am falling madly in love with you. I want to be with you until we die. I don't want anyone else to touch your beautiful body, I want you to save it only for me. I am lost when I am away from you. My spine tingles whenever you enter a room. My cock vibrates at the thought of making love to you."

"Ich liebe dich, ohne dich kann ich nicht leben." Stefan said, staring back into Steve's eyes. "I love you too, I cannot live without you."

Steve leaned down and kissed Stefan passionately. "Go to sleep, my love. Rest and we will talk more in the morning."

Steve walked into his suite and Stefan rolled onto his side, smiling and imagining how different his life was about to become. He slept better than he had in years. ==================== Nobody disturbed Stefan and they let him sleep until he was ready to get up. That was nearly 12 hours later. He stretched and felt some of the reasons why he had slept so long. His body ached, he had plenty of sore muscles, and he had apparently gotten his nipples and navel pierced, leaving them red and sensitive.

He walked slowly to the shower and stepped in. He let cold water flow over his hard, ravaged body, and stood there as it gradually warmed. He soaped himself and used the opportunity to massage some of his sore muscles. By the time he was finished, Stefan felt like he was getting closer to normal. He shaved everything that seemed to need it. There were some touch-ups on his stomach and armpits. Plus, he needed to shave his head as well. Before he went downstairs, Stefan pulled on one of his pink lace jocks.

The house was already spotless, there was no evidence of a raucous party last night. Stefan walked into the kitchen, Steve and Michael were talking quietly. They stopped when Stefan came in. "Good morning, gentlemen. Sorry to sleep so late, sir. It won't happen again."

"No need to apologize, I assure you," Steve said. "Michael and I do want to meet with you in the study today. So' get some coffee and join us, please. Oh, by the way, this was delivered this morning by registered mail."

Stefan took the large manila envelope and poured himself some coffee. He followed Steve and Michael into the study. They sat around the coffee table. "Well, don't keep us in suspense" Steve said. "What's in the package?"

Stefan looked at the return address and ripped the envelope open. A stack of pictures fell out and Stefan read the letter inside. It was from his wife and it was in German. When he finished reading, Stefan crumpled the paper and started to cry. Meanwhile, Steve and Michael had picked up the photos and were staring at them in disbelief. These were very revealing intimate photos of Steve and Stefan having sex with each other and with a whole group of other men. They were astonishing.

Stefan told them that the letter was from his wife's attorney. "They have been surveilling us since we got here and waiting to get the perfect lackmail shots. Once they had these, she was ready to pounce. She threatens to expose me and ruin my business, as well as embarrass you. She calls me every filthy name in the book and says that we are evil perverts. She wants $5 million to shut up and destroy the original pictures."

Stefan cried, "I don't have that kind of money, and I can't lose my business, it's everything I've built. I need that income to survive."

"I DO have that kind of money and she knows it. Personally, I don't mind those pictures getting out for me. I think they're hot because we're hot. Of course, I realize we can't have the pics get out because you are not as open and foolish as me. So, Michael, what are your thoughts?"

"Sir, I believe that I can negotiate with her. I know everything there is to know about Stefan's ex, a lot that he is not even aware of. By the time I'm finished with our conversation, I will have every electronic device that ever had those pictures stored in my possession. I will also convince her that she really doesn't need $5million to be happy. I'd bet she'll walk away with $1million and what's left of her dignity."

"Very good," Steve said, "no worries. Now, for the real reason we needed to meet. As you know, my feelings for you have evolved and I think we need to make some adjustments to our arrangement. I don't want you to demean or degrade yourself ever again. You are no longer anyone's pet piggy. I do not want you to have sex with anyone else but me for as long as we are together. I want to be your partner, not your master. Will you marry me, Stefan?"

Stefan was stunned. After his failed marriage, Stefan thought he would never find love that wanted to be with him forever. When he first set eyes on Steve back in that island pleasure palace, he had a feeling that this man would change his life, and he was correct. "Steve, YES...absolutely yes, I will marry you!."

Michael pulled out a stack of papers and cleared his throat. He was ready to start the business meeting. Steve had other ideas. He grabbed Stefan's hand and they ran upstairs to the master bedroom and slammed the door. Michael sighed and smiled, he knew they'd get to it later.

Steve pulled the pink jock off of Stefan and threw it in the trash. "Get all the rest of that nasty pig crap and throw it away, baby. I'm curious about the piercings, what do you think?"

"Truth be told, I like them. I've thought about it before and never had the guts. I assume it hurt like hell and I was too medicated to notice."

"You are correct. You screamed bloody murder at the time, but forgot soon after. I'm glad you like them because...TADA...(he opened his bathrobe to reveal identical piercings on his body.)"

"Stefan couldn't help but laugh. "Your hair is shaved in spots. It looks awful!" He kept laughing.

Steve closed his robe. "I'm aware, it was unavoidable. He shaved my nipples and my belly to pierce me, and now we have to wait for it to grow back."

From that morning, Steve and Stefan grew closer. Their sex life was insatiable. Everyone on the estate got used to seeing the men fucking anywhere on the grounds. It got to be a joke to guess where they'd be next. Stefan's English improved and he moved his business into the office building on the estate. They were able to find ways to work together to benefit both companies. They started to plan their wedding. Michael insisted that they both sign a prenup. Neither man objected.

Steve and Stefan made notes about how they thought the document should be structured and Michael came armed with his ideas. Steve began "Michael, you have been with me long enough to know every detail of my finances. You also know something of the initial struggles I faced getting where I am now. I know what I have and how I got it and...what I want to do with it. I want us to design the prenup and my last will and testament to reflect what I want."

Stefan spoke up, "I agree we should clear the air before the wedding. I don't want anyone to think that I hooked you for your fortune. I want the prenup to leave me out if I end our marriage. If I die first, my entire estate goes directly to you. If you die first, I get nothing. It's that simple"

Michael interjected, "There are a number of examples available that fit your situation perfectly. If you'll both just look at the files I've prepared for you..."

Steve smiled and said, "Baby, wait till you hear what I wrote: If I should die before Stefan, my entire fortune becomes his without strings. If our marriage ends by my cause, Stefan is to receive one half my entire fortune, with no strings attached. If Stefan dies first, just kill me and donate all our money to charity."

Steve and Stefan embraced and kissed. Michael rolled his eyes and shoved his papers back in his folder. "You two are hopeless!"

The wedding is in two weeks. I can't wait to see how it goes.

[TO BE CONTINUED] ======================== END CHAPTER SEVENTEEN

I hope you are enjoying this storyline. It could be a very long, hot vacation for Steve. I'm anxious to see what happens next and what pops up for Steve. Let me know if you like the story. Suggestions are also welcome. Thanks, Alan.

Next: Chapter 18

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