Steve the Teenage Master

By Johnny Walker

Published on Nov 5, 2015


Disclaimers: If you are not 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. Also this is a work of fiction, any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Do not publish or post this story anywhere else without consent.

Again I appreciate all the emails from readers saying how much you enjoy the story. If you shoot your load, shoot me a line :p. Let me know what you like, any constructive criticism is also welcomed. Also if you have any ideas let me know. Lastly, if you really like Nifty you can also donate to keep the Nifty Archive alive.

Happy reading

I woke up and I dreaded having to see my ex-wife with Steve again (if you want to see what happened with Steve and Barbara the night before see "John the cuckold" story under the Bisexual/authoritarian section) but luckily I did not see Barb for a very long time. But something happened during the next couple of weeks that was the worst thing to happen since I had come to call Steve my Master and owner: He was not fucking me. He had not even given me the usual butt plug I would usually wear all the time. My asshole was now empty all the time and since my cocklett was all locked up, my pleasure would come from my ass, which I was not getting and it was driving me wild. I was even blowing him less regularly and was not being humiliated as often, which made me realize how much of a faggot I had become since I was craving cock and insults like an addict misses their drugs.

During the first week of this new predicament I was blowing My master's delicious cock in his king sized bed and I reached behind me to rub my hole, and as I was about to insert one finger in he grabbed me by the hair and pulled me of his dick and slapped my face really hard

"What the fuck do you think you are doing you stupid fuck?"

Those demeaning words were music to my ears and they made me even hornier. I looked at him pleadingly as I stroked his cock. "Please Master, I am so fucking horny. I just want to finger my pussy, its been a while since I have had anything in my ass and I want it so bad"

He then spit on my face and grabbed the bottom of my face by my jaw "Damn you are one dumb fag. I don't give a single fuck what you want, you are here for my pleasure, not yours, and you should know that by now. That's why I have not stuck my cock up your worthless faggot cunt or given you the butt plug to keep it occupied. Now get back to what you do best and keep sucking my cock you pathetic cock sucker. I don't even want to see your stupid face anymore"

He then put the sheets over me and I continued to worship his magnificent cock under the darkness of the covers. After a couple of minutes he shot his load in my mouth which I savored and he kicked me off his bed and I crawled back to my doggy bed in the closet.

As the first week turned into the second and then the third I was becoming an animal of pure lust. I didn't even know a human being could be in heat but that was what happening to me. Anything that was remotely phallic shaped I pictured shoving up my ass, the remote, a candle, any sort of rounded handle. Even the only thing that took my mind off being a faggot slave to a demeaning teen jock master, my work as a teacher was becoming a problem.

When I was getting fucked and used often whenever I saw the young looking high school guys walking around I just smiled and kept on with my day. Now every guy I saw, whether they were built or had a couple more pounds on them, my eyes just went straight to his groin and pictured what their cock would look like, and how wonderful it would feel to have them bend me over on the spot and bury their cocks up my very lonely pussy.

Sometimes my eyes would linger on their cocks while I was daydreaming, and when I looked at their faces they all had different looks, some smiled, and some looked weirded out, while other looked down right furious.

Normally I know my face would have redden and I would look away immediately, but my lust was controlling me now and I was not ashamed for wanting their cocks so badly, so I just looked them straight in the eyes and smiled.

I didn't think anything of my wanton needs until the Friday before summer vacation. I was glad I did not have to be tortured by having a bunch of young virile cocks walking all around me that I could not devour with my mouth or asshole.

While I was packing all my papers and books I heard a knock on the door which surprised me and then I looked and saw Derrick standing at the door.

Derrick was the built black principal of the school, and apart from the couple of times we would pass each other in the halls where he would give me a smirk, the last time we saw each other was when Steve lent me out to him for a night and he used and abused me as his sissy whore. I was snapped out of that amazing reminder when he sternly looked at me and said "We need to talk bitch, follow me to my office" and just left without saying another word.

I was nervously walking behind him and looking at my watch since I knew Steve would be waiting for me outside. When we got to Derricks office he told me to have a seat. He then sat in his big leather chair behind his desk and had a stern yet worried look in his eyes

"John I am going to be honest with you. I know you are a cock whore and a slut, but I expect that side of you to stay outside of your professional side like it always has. I know you are Steve's slave and all, but lately I have gotten several serious complaints from a lot of yours students. They say that you are inappropriately staring, and openly gawking at their cocks. One even said you groped him"

I instantly became defensive "that is not true Derrick, you have to believe me"

"So you are saying you are not obviously staring at young guy's crotches? Because if I know the sissy slut that you are, that is not farfetched"

I stared at Derrick with an apologetic look "No, that part is true, but I would never grope one of them. That part is not true."

"I know bitch, after I confronted that kid about his allegation he ended up confessing that was not true, but he felt very uncomfortable with you staring at his junk. What has happened to you John? You were always able to control your cock hungry urges before, what is wrong now?"

I now stared at this beautiful black man that gave me one of the most wonderful, if not painful, nights of my life and I knew I had to tell him the truth. Maybe he could help me out by speaking with Steve.

"Derrick it's just that Steve has not been fucking me, or giving me an ass toy to play with, or even letting me finger myself for the last 3 weeks! I am going cock crazy Derrick. I swear after I come back from the 3 months from summer vacation I will control myself, I swear"

All of a sudden I saw Derricks eyes lit up; he smiled at me and said "You are telling me your pussy has been untouched for 3 weeks?"

I know at that moment that maybe I should have not been so honest with him especially when he told me to undress completely.

"Please Derrick. I told you that so maybe you could speak with Steve and... "

"I told you to get naked YOU STUPID FUCKING WHORE! DO IT NOW!!"

As I was undressing I noticed Derrick was doing the same. After a couple of seconds we were both completely naked and I could not help but notice Derricks 11" cock. My mouth was watering at the gorgeous hardening cock in front of me. When he came over to me he pointed at my caged cock which I had not noticed but was leaking a huge strand of precum.

"Wow you really are one horny little bitch huh?"

He then proceeded to scoop with two fingers all the precum from my locked up pathetic dick and he presented to me in front of my mouth. I instantly opened my mouth and swallowed his two fingers covered in my own juices

"Wow, I can't believe Steve has not fucked you for so long. You are one animal of lust right now"

All I could do was nod with his fingers in my mouth when he grabbed me by the back of my neck and he threw on the side of his desk with my ass open to him. I then heard my cell ding in my pants on the floor and I knew it was Steve messaging me.

For a split second that made made me realize what I was doing was wrong "Please Derrick, I can't....."

Then I felt the tip of his huge black cock at the entrance to my very hungry pussy and all the guilt I was feeling went away immediately.

I reached back and I grabbed my ass cheeks apart, I wanted his cock inside of me so bad.

Derrick then went on to slap his huge cock on my ass crack then move it up and down not sticking it in and I was moaning like a bitch in heat

Derrick lowered himself next to my ear and I could feel all his muscular torso on my back as he whispered in my ear as he kept moving his cock up and down my ass crack "Tell me whore, do you want this cock?"

"Oh yes daddy, please stick it in me. My pussy is so fucking hungry please"

Derrick then got up and went to his desk and took out a bottle of lube.

That was like catnip to a cat, I felt so happy. I was moaning and I could barely hold still from joy as my hole was twitching just thinking of that huge black cock inside my pussy.

Before Derrick could even open the cap I was snapped out of my fun and sexual heat when I heard a loud banging coming from Derrick's office door. "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR DERRICK!!"

At that moment I felt myself turning pale, and I felt like I was going to pass out. I knew that Steve was behind that door and a whole world of reckoning was coming. I started shacking in fear and Derrick did not help matters much when he just went to open the door with his cock rock hard and a bottle of lube in his hands.

I knew Derrick was not a bit afraid of Steve since he was twice as big as he was, but I on the other hand was still shacking as a leaf, and as soon as Derrick opened the door my fears were confirmed when Steve looked at me bent over my boss's desk.

He had a look of pure rage in his eyes that made me tear up in guilt. I knew I had fucked up royally and then Steve ran to me completely ignoring Derrick and grabbed me by the hair.

I thought he was going to slap me, but I was thrown off guard when he actually punched me in the face with all his might. "YOU FUCKING STUPID WHORE!!"

Steve then grabbed me by the hair and threw me to the ground and then he kicked me in the stomach so hard I felt as I was going to throw up. Luckily before he got a second kick in Derrick grabbed him and threw him away from me like a rag doll.

I looked up at Steve, and it may sound stupid, but at that moment I not only saw anger in his face, but also a bit of sadness.

At that moment I crawled on all fours to Steve's feet and even thought I knew he could kick my face I kissed his feet and groveled "I am so sorry Sir, I really am I just couldn't help myself"

I knew if I really debased myself Steve might be somewhat more merciful "I am just a hungry whore who has been deprived of cock for so long, all that runs through my mind is cock. I just had to have my pussy stuffed. I am so sorry sir it won't happen again"

I saw Steve ball up his fist and I flinched thinking he was going to punch me again, but he just kicked me away from his feet. I was about to crawl back and grovel some more but a look in his eyes told me I had not better get close to him. He just took a deep breath and looked at Derrick

"Sorry I lost my temper Mr. D, I should have known better that this dumb fucking whore couldn't control her ass around hard cock, especially one as big as yours. Even though I am sure her hole is so hungry she would have bent over even if it was a fucking micropenis"

He then looked at me and simply told me "get dressed" I immediately went to put on my pants when Derrick spoke to Steve "Hey man, not so fast, let me at least fuck her pussy first"

Steve then looked at me and grinned, then looked back at Derrick "I don't know Derrick, this bitch betrayed me, and I don't know if letting her get fucked is going to send a mixed signal. I need her to be punished, not rewarded."

Steve then got on his knees next to me as I was on all fours next to him. He then started to rub my hole and I moaned. He then started to push his finger in my hole and I realized it was not as pleasant as I thought since my hole was dry. There was no lubricant whatsoever. I groaned since it was actually painful and that made Steve push the whole finger in. I grinned my teeth since I knew better than to tell Steve to stop after I betrayed him.

"So Derrick you said you wanted to fuck this bitch's pussy. Except a pussy gets wet when you finger it" Steve then started to push a second finger in and I felt an immense amount of pressure on my hole which made Steve smile. "It is still not getting wet. Why is that bitch?"

I was barely hearing him since all I was focused on was taking deep breaths to cope with the awful sensation my dry hole was having but I was focused when Steve punched the back on my head and shoved the entire second finger in my hole and grabbed me roughly by the hair "I ASKED YOU BITCH. WHY ISN'T YOUR PUSSY WETTING WET?!"

I didn't even have to think twice before shouting "Because it is not a pussy Sir! It's an asshole"

"Just like you are bitch" Steve laughed at his own stupid punchline as he took his fingers out of my ass which was a brief relief which did not last long because he then said "another major difference between an asshole and a pussy is" He then showed me his fingers "assholes like you, are full of shit" his fingers were covered in my own feces which was understandable since I was not douching like he had me done before.

"Now lick them clean you dumb whore" I could not believe he was asking me to do that, I closed my mouth instantly. He then pulled my hair so rough I thought he was going to rip it off and he got close to my ear "Did I fucking stutter bitch?!" He kept pulling my hair "Huh?!"

As soon as I opened my mouth to say no he shoved his dirty fingers in my mouth. I instantly started retching; I had to make the greatest effort not to vomit while tasting my own shit while I was licking his fingers clean. "I think I have been taking it to fucking easy on you. From now on I think I will use you as my personal fucking toilet and toilet paper instead of just my urinal"

When I finished cleaning his fingers he stood up and spoke with Derrick "I am sorry, where were we? Oh yes, you wanted to fuck this cheating piece of shit faggot?"

Without even giving it a second thought or saying a word Derrick grabbed the lube he had in his hands and opened it, but Steve grabbed his hand "No Mr.D. Like I said, this bitch is not getting fucked in her pussy, which is wet and clean, this bitch needs to learn her lesson and get fucked in her dirty, tight, dry hole"

My eyes budged out when I heard that. I could barely take two fingers dry I could not imagine the pain that Derrick's monster cock would cause me.

I looked up at Derrick with pleading eyes. Derrick had a look of guilt in eyes, but his cock was still rock hard. For a split second I thought he would take pity on me and pass, but he thought it over for a second or two and said "I feel sorry for you bitch, but I need to get my rocks off"

I felt defeated as my eyes started to water. Steve then got in front of my face and spit right in between my eyes "Oh is the little bitch about to cry? I thought this is what you've been craving the past 3 weeks? Now get on the side of the fucking desk and spread those ass cheeks like the whore you are and take his huge fucking dry cock"

I felt defeated as I got up and went back to where I was a couple of minutes ago and spread my cheeks for Derrick.

Derrick didn't need to think twice as he walked over to me and lined up his cock with my tight pucker and started to push in. My hole was instantly in agony. I reached back to spread my checks in hopes that it would make the invasion more tolerable, but it didn't. Derricks head popped in and I could no longer stand the pain. "Please stop!! Please, I can't take it" I felt Derrick go about another inch as tears were building up in my eyes.

Then I heard Derrick say "man I can't do this" he then took out his cock from my ass for a split second I was so fucking happy thinking he finally decided to take pity on me and he was done fucking me. But he just knelt behind me and hacked a huge loogie on to my asshole and put his huge cock right back on my hole.

I actually couldn't help but to chuckle, I had actually thought my pleading was the reason he had stopped. It was just too uncomfortable for him. He didn't care how much my asshole hurt, then again, why would he? A faggot is only good to bring pleasure to the real man using him. That it is just a pair of fuck holes to claim, enjoy, and use as he sees fit.

When Derrick started to push in this time it wasn't much better than the last time, but I decided to take it like a good faggot. So I just grinded my teeth and took deep breaths as derricks cock slowly pushed its way in my barely lubed asshole.

As soon as he had his entire cock in me he didn't wait at all for me to adjust and quickly took his cock all the way out. It felt like he had dragged my insides out with his cock and I let out a soft grunt.

Derrick then knelt behind me again and said "fuck man, your hole is so fucking tight" and he spit on my hole again. This time he didn't slowly work his way in, he shoved his entire cock in. I let out a high pitch squeal and I heard Derrick let out a small laugh.

I knew better than to beg Derrick to stop since that wasn't going to work. He enjoyed me being in this painful position just as much as Steve, or if not, he was too fucking horny to stop, either way I was going to get fucked like the disobedient faggot I was, so I just kept still trying to not cry too much so I just grunted quietly taking my punishment

I knew no amount of spit was going to make my asshole feel like I wasn't being ripped in two by his massive cock, but to Derrick it must have felt like the right amount of spit since I heard him let out a moan, and just like that he started to work his cock in and out of my hole. First at a regular pace but after a couple of seconds he started to really pick up the pace and jackhammer my very sore hole. He then grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up and he whispered in my ear "you like this don't you you fucking worthless whore?"

To be honest I was only half paying attention, I had my eye closed just focused on pushing out trying to open my hole so it wasn't as bad, and I thought he had asked me a rhetorical question, but then he grabbed my nipple, squeezed, and turned so hard I thought he was trying to rip my nipple off "I asked you a fucking question you dumb cunt. You like this don't you? You like being fucked hard and rough?"

From the tears in my eyes, my grunting, and breathing no one could mistake my mood for anything but miserable.

"Ye..yes sir. I.. I love to be tre...treated like the fucking piece of me...meat I am sir" he then let go of my hair and nipples as I fell back on the desk with Derrick moving his hands to my hips and continuing his painful assault on my ass. As a faggot I have learned that you should always make the man fucking you happy and excited so you should always say what they want to hear, since you exist only for their pleasure.

I still had my eyes closed when I was taken aback when I felt a hard slap on my face. I opened my eyes to see Steve in front of me with his cell phone pointed at my face. "Smile for the camera bitch"

With all that was going through my head the last thing I wanted to do was smile, but I grinned as best as I could when Steve let out the hugest spit on my face with the wad of spit landing on my forehead right above my nose and as the spit rolled down the side of my nose he slapped me "I know you are a dumb slut, but now you are deaf too? I said smile, not a shitty forced grin. I don't give two flying fucks how your sore hole is feeling, it is doing its purpose. Now I want you to give me a huge smile, like that cock in your ass is the greatest feeling in the world"

I can honestly say that my ass may have been in pain, but somehow those demeaning words felt so good to my ears. I knew I had fucked up by betraying Steve with my faggot lust, so I knew I had to do what he wanted so that maybe he could find it in his heart to forgive what a whore faggot I was. So I removed the tears from my face leaving the spit drying on my face and I gave the biggest smile like I was truly enjoying the brutal ass fucking I was getting from Derricks huge black cock.

Steve got a couple of shots, and as he walked back to the chair he laughed "you should see how stupid you fucking look fag, eyes all puffy, spit on your face, and the biggest dumb fucking blissful smile on your face"

He continued to be on his phone not even giving me a second glance, but after a minute or two he got a call, and gave me a devilishly looking grin as he picked up the phone. He got up and started to walk out the door, and I heard him say "hey man, got the pics? Yeah that's the faggot whore I was telling you" and the rest I did not hear since he closed the door. I had a feeling of dread come over me.

Then the cruelest thing happened as Derricks was pounding my hole. I noticed my hole was actually hurting less and less, and as I actually let out my first moan Derrick grabbed my hips forcefully and I felt his cock twitch in my ass and he let out a huge groan "yeah you fucking slut! take that fucking black cum up your pussy". I felt like I was about to cry from frustration as I felt Derrick pump load after hot load in my ass.

Just as I was starting to feel good having his cock fuck me it was over. Derrick then took his cock out, and as I felt my gaping hole squirt the massive amount of jizz he pumped into me I felt that empty feeling in my pussy I hated. I wanted my pussy to be rammed by another cock right away.

Just as I was having that thought, Derrick grabbed me roughly by the hair and pulled me from the desk and threw me in front of him. He then looked at me with a mix of anger and disgust and pointed at his deflating cock "look at what your fucking dirty ass left on my cock bitch"

I looked at it and not surprisingly it was covered in his cum, my ass juices, but what he was mad at must have been the bits of pieces of shit that my undouched hole left on it. I looked up at him with an apologetic look and he slapped my face "what the fuck are you staring at me for bitch?"

He then grabbed my head and forced his cock in my mouth "there you go bitch, clean my cock with your gutter mouth" I swirled my tongue all over his cock getting to taste all the flavors there. Luckily the strongest flavor was his cum and next was my ass slime, but even thought it was the least noticeable flavor just knowing there was some of my shit in my mouth made me gag in disgust just as I had when Steve made me taste it from his fingers.

Once I swallowed all the cum, slime, and shit from his cock I kept licking and sucking. I couldn't help myself, I had come to love the feeling of a rock hard cock in my mouth but Derrick just hit the side of my head "did I give you permission to suck me off bitch?" I shook my head but I still kept his cock in my mouth.

Derrick just smiled down at me, his once respectable employee, now just a dumb cock hungry whore who was not able to stop sucking his cock. Just then I felt my mouth being filled with the taste I had come to recognize right away as piss. I gladly swallowed gulp after gulp as he kept filling my mouth. Once the stream had died down I sucked the head trying to get every last bit, and Derrick just took his cock away from my mouth and I instantly crawled towards him with my mouth open. He just laughed at me

"Man you are really fucking pathetic. You can't get enough cock can't you?" He just grabbed his cock in his hand as I nodded my head "well too fucking bad because that's all of my cock you are getting today" I was frowning at that statement when Derrick grabbed me by the hair and lowered my face to the ground where I had spilled his cum from my gaping hole and he rubbed my face all over the spilled cum like some disobedient dog who is not house broken "look at the fucking mess you made you dirty fucking whore, you can't even clench your hole properly, now my floor is fucking covered in cum and dirty ass slime"

I knew I should have known better, but as a stupid faggot I was lost in getting my face smothered in my ass mess that I had not realized that my gaping asshole was wide open and all of a sudden I let out a huge wet fart.

I knew I had messed up once again when Derrick lifted my head up from the floor "What the fuck?! Did you just..."

He then looked behind me and when he looked back at my face he slapped me "You are one dumb fucking cumdump"

He then turned me around and I saw that I had made another mess with my loose gaping battered asshole. Derrick then brought my face down and I thought he was going to smother my face again but right when I was right above the mess he said "I would smother your queer face all over this mess but I think you would learn your lesson better if you fucking clean this mess with your dirty ass tongue"

I wouldn't have minded lapping up the cum mixed ass slime that leaked from my gaping cunt, but as I looked closer at the floor I had not realized how dirty the floor was; with several teachers and students walking in and out of Derricks office, the floor was covered in dirt and streaks from different shoes.

As I was looking at the dirty floor and dreading having to lick it clean Derrick gave me a painful swift kick to my hairless balls and I let out a scream

"Did I fucking stutter you deaf fucking faggot? Huh? Start licking up your mess"

I didn't need any further motivation as I extended my tongue and started to lick the dirty floor swallowing up Derrick's cum that I queefed out from my abused hole. As I was licking up the mess and dirt from the floor Steve walked in and laughed. "Isn't this a pretty picture. The cock hungry whore having a snack?"

Derrick shared the same laugh as Steve "Yeah, she has to learn that when I smother her face in her mess sharting out another load onto my floor has consequences"

"Well Derrick I am sorry I have to cut this learning session short, and trust me, I wouldn't mind if this human swiffer cleaned every inch of this floor with her pathetic gutter mouth, but this bitch has a long night ahead of her."

I instantly lifted my head as I heard this since my curiosity was peaked but Steve did not further clarify what he had meant and simply threw my clothes at me "get dressed and hurry the fuck up we don't have much time"

I put my pants on and I had the clench my ass since I felt like more cum leave my hole and run down my legs. I was about to wipe my cum covered face with my shirt when Steve grabbed my hand to stop me. "Did I say get dress and clean up? Or just fucking get dressed?"

"Just get dressed sir"

"Then leave that dirty ass cum on your face and let's get going" You would think that by now this sort of humiliation would mean nothing to me, but as I walked out of my bosses' -and current co abusers- office with cum leaking out my asshole and a face covered in dried cum I was beet red and matters were not helped any further when I saw the young muscle man known as Coach Hanson walking towards Derricks office.

I saw the coach wave at me from a distance and he was going to stop to say something to me when he noticed my face and just gave me a quizzical look and to make the situation worse Steve yelled at me "Come on bitch keep up"

As I walked by Hanson I just meekly said "I can't talk right now" and kept following Steve a couple of steps behind. I did not dare to look back, and I hoped after the summer break he would have forgotten about this brief and awkward encounter but as I will go in further detail later on he did not.

The drive back to Steves was silent and I felt Steve's anger still brewing in the air all around us. I wanted to speak so badly. I knew I was not allowed to speak out without his permission but I wanted to apologize to Steve and make it clear that my actions were stupid and they would not happen again no matter how long he would keep me celibate, that I would take any further punishment he had in mind, even though the punishment he had set up for that night was more than I could even fathom.

When we were back at his place he simply told me to get undress and go take a shower and use my enema bag and make sure I was clean inside and out thoroughly. Also when I was done with that I would find my change of clothes on his bed, I was to put it on and meet him back in the living room so I could begin my second round of punishment.

I did not need any further instructions as I made my way to the shower. I gave myself a long cold shower as those were the only ones I was permitted. Steve made it clear since the day we met that faggots did not have the luxury of taking nice hot showers like real man do. Once I washed and rinsed all the dirt and sweat off of me and was nice and clean I went and grabbed the enema bag from under the sink and rinse out my ass several times until all the cum and shit was gone from my bowels and it was completely cleaned out and pristine like a good faggots pussy should be.

I then walked out into Steve's room and saw what he wanted me to dress with and I felt myself turning red again. I knew by know I should not have any shame left in me as a dumb fucking faggot but somehow I did.

On the bed all there was a red skirt so short (maybe 4 or 5 inches in length) that it would just cover my chastity device, and the slightest movement up or over would show my shackled useless cock or faggot ass. Right next to that was a pair of 6" high heeled hooker stiletto shoes which were in red to match the super short red skirt. Then to finish the whole get up was a black fishnet top which showed off my entire hairless body

I put on the whole dress and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked almost identical as when I first served Derrick back at his house. I looked like a cheap trashy street walker.

I then walked out into the living room as best as I could with the high heeled shoes trying not to fall over when I noticed Steve was on his cell phone and as soon as he saw me he started to laugh and talk into the phone "Oh I can't wait for you guys to see this. This fucking bitch looks like a fucking prostitute. You guys are going to have so much fun. Well, I guess I'll talk to you later man"

Steve then hung up and told me to stand in front of him which I did. I could tell he was starting to get a hard on looking at how much of a sissy faggot I looked like. He then told me to turn around and bend over which I did.

I knew as soon as I bent over my hole would be visible to my teen master. I then heard him moving around and I looked back and noticed he was holding a bottle of silicone lube.

I started to get giddy since I was hoping he would fuck me in this get up so I could act like the cheap whore I was dressed as but as I kept looking at him as he took out something from his pocket. It seemed like a plastic looking syringe but without a needle, he then unscrewed the top of the bottle and inserted the device and started to withdraw some lube from the bottle into the syringe looking thing, and I realized it was some sort of lube applicator. He then inserted the tip into my asshole and I felt as a rush of lube was coating my inside.

I began to moan as he started to finger my now well lubed hole and he spanked my skirt covered ass cheeks "Yeah, my slutty little faggot is enjoying this right? This is how a faggot pussy is supposed to feel like, nice and wet." He then started to apply a second finger into my hole as I reached back and spread my cheeks.

"I was going to send you out to the meeting I set you up with tonight with a dry hole, but I figured you would have a better experience looking and feeling both the part of a slut. Wearing this fucking ridiculous whore outfit with a wet pussy to match"

He then withdrew his fingers and I let out a disappointed groan, I was hoping he was going to take off his shorts and fuck my wet pussy with his huge teenage rock hard cock. He then let out a laugh "Don't worry bitch, your pussy is going to get quite the workout tonight, there won't be any shortage of cocks to fill this wet fucking pussy" He then slapped my ass one more time as he got up and went to get his wallet and keys from the table in the living room. I then followed him to his car and got in the passenger seat as we drove out into the night.

We drove for about an hour in the high way when we got off an exit called liberty city and I started to look at the area outside the window and I had a sinking feeling inside my stomach. There was a bunch of stores boarded up and a lot of homeless people with shopping carts walking around. I also heard a police siren in the distance.

This was not an area I would feel safe walking around in the day let alone at night like right now dressed up as complete faggot with high heels and a skirt.

Steve then drove for a couple of more minutes when he stopped at a corner with a 4 way stop. "Alright faggot, this is where you get off. Stand in this corner and wait for a man to come by and ask you if you are the faggot party favor. Get in his car and enjoy the rest of your night, which I am sure you will not soon forget."

I did not know if it was my nerves, but at that moment I could have sworn I heard a gunshot in the distance. I could not believe he was asking me to get off in this place and just wait for some random guy I had no idea who it was, to be picked up and taken to god knows where, to do god knows what.

I felt my eyes started to tear up from fear and I as I was about to speak up in protest Steve simply slapped my face "You better not start to fucking back out you fucking whore, you wanted cock so fucking bad well you are about to receive the consequences of your dumb whore actions. Now get your faggot ass out of my car, I have a date with a smoking hot babe"

I looked around one more time and there was no one around which was sort of a small relief as I got out of his car. As soon as I closed the car door Steve drove off without saying another word.

I started to shake from fear. I was standing in a street corner dressed in nothing but a red skirt with high heeled shoes and a fishnet top. If a cop car showed up I am sure I would be arrested for being a male prostitute or worse, I would be killed by some random thug.

I had to take a deep breath and stop all the horrible things running through my mind when a nice white BMW stopped right next to me and lowered his window.

Inside was a middle aged man with a beer belly who asked "How much?"

I knew he had mistaken me for a prostitute which I couldn't blame him for , I wait a couple of seconds to ask me if I was the faggot party favor which he did not he just started at me and asked "Are you fucking deaf you stupid queer? How much for you suck me off faggot?"

I then simply smiled and told him I was just waiting for someone and he gave me a hateful look and said "fuck you you fucking cock tease" as he drove off.

The same thing happened two more times with two other cars and I was starting to get really nervous. I had been standing in this corner less than 30 minutes and I was approached by three different men looking to hire my mouth and ass for some cash. Then another car stopped by, this one was different in that it was a low rider, it looked like a 1950s or 60's car and when it stopped next to me the front jumped up which gave me a scare. It must have had hydraulics installed. Inside was a Mexican man in his 30's all tatted up and mean looking. He just looked at me and said "Get in the fucking car puta"

I swallowed and said "No thanks man, I am waiting for someone"

He then lifted his shirt and inside his waist band was a silver looking gun which he took out and pointed at me. I felt like I was going to faint.

"I know you aint fucking deaf cabron. Get inside my car or you are going to be some fucking random dead Jane Doe in the street corner full of fucking lead, you hear me?"

I was shacking all over as I opened his passenger door and got in. He then started to drive off and I began to cry. He then looked at me and his mean look went away as he started laughing. "You are fucking dumb whore ese. Who the fuck gets in a random man's car just because of a vague threat"

I knew better than to argue with him since it wasn't just a vague threat when he pointed a gun at me.

"Steve was fucking right, you are one dumb fucking weak sissy maricon. You didn't even wait for the party favor code man"

At that moment I stopped crying and let out a huge sigh of relief, this fucking Mexican thug was the man Steve had set me up with. I then looked him over some more and I realized this man was quite attractive. He had a nice build, I could tell he was very muscular and I also started to notice all the tattoos he had on. He had a bunch of skulls on his arm and crosses but the one which caught my eyes was the two tear drop tattoos near his eye which if any common knowledge was to be believed was that he had killed two people before so I knew I better not do anything stupid in his presence.

We drove in silence for a couple of minutes until we stopped in front of a tattoo parlor and he turned off his car. "Ok bitch time to get out and meet your new friends for the night"

I got out of the car and made sure my skirt covered my chastity covered cock and tried as best as I could to walk behind mystery Mexican man in my heels as he walked inside the now closed tattoo parlor. We then walked through all the chairs and tattoo needles and in the far end was a door we walked through.

On the other side was a huge backyard and there was a grill going, but no one to be seen except for 2 fully grown German Sheppard dogs running all around the yard.

Mystery Mexican man looked back at me and said "Don't worry about the dogs, they are sweet and gentle" He then gave me a smile "You might meet them more in detail later on if you are a good bitch"

There were some empty beer cans on a table next to the grill but then the thug started to walk up a flight of stairs to what looked to be an apartment above the tattoo shop. I of course followed him in silence, and when I walked into the apartment behind him I was greeted by 8 other Mexican thugs all with tattoos and some with the same tear drop tattoos as the main mystery man who had picked me up.

They were all drinking beers and talking, some were smoking weed from joints, others from bongs, one was snorting a line of cocaine from a table in the center of the room, but they all stopped talking and looked up at me and the man who had picked me up.

I felt all their eyes on me and I knew I should have been afraid, but seeing all these strong criminal looking man made me horny and then the man who had snorted the line from the table laughed and said "the entertainment is here!!"

Then the man who had picked me up from the street corner turned around and without warning punched me in the stomach.

I simply doubled over in pain to the cheers and claps of the drunken and high men in the room. When I was doubled over grabbing my stomach the man who punched me grabbed my hair and threw me on the floor on all fours and kicked me right in the balls "COME ON BITCH! START BEGGING FOR COCK YOU WORTHLESS FAGGOT WHORE!! That's what you are here for, now start sucking and putting out!"

I then looked around at all these men and I realized this was going to be quite the excruciating night ahead for me.

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