Steve the Teenage Master

By Johnny Walker

Published on Nov 5, 2015


Disclaimers: If you are not 18 years of age or if it is illegal to readmaterials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. Also this is a work of fiction, any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Do not publish or post this story anywhere else without consent.

Wow, how times flies.

Once again I wish to thank everyone who wrote to me after the last chapter. Again if you like the story just drop me a line to let me know. It was reading the old emails that made me keep on writing. If there is something you do not like also let me know, any feedback is welcome. I hope this chapter does not dissapoint.

When I drove into my driveway I noticed that it was almost 1 am and I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked like shit. My hair was a mess, my eyes were puffy from all the crying and I had not even realized I still had my slave collar on which I took off and put it in my pocket.

When I got out of my car, I realized my wife was not home since her car was not in the drive way. Barb was not someone to stay out late when it was not Friday or Saturday so I was surprised, but I was thankful. The last thing I wanted to do now was explain my current situation to her.

When I walked in to my home I felt such a relief. No one here to humiliate me or abuse me; where I could walk up right and not crawl around on all 4's like an animal, and where I could eat off a plate and not a dog bowl. How easy it is for one take the simple things for granted.

I then took a shower, in which I took out the butt plug, and very gently cleaned out my recently wrecked asshole. Before I went to bed I got curious and just had to take a look at my hole.

I got in front of the full length mirror in my bedroom and bent over and when I spread my cheeks and looked back; I was mortified. My once tight normal hole was replaced by a gaping swollen hole. I guessed being fucked by 2 massive cocks will do that to you. I then put the plug in my night stand. I did not care for what Steve had said, fuck him, and his stupid rules, I was no longer in his house.

I had such a restful sleep that when I woke up I was shocked at the time, it was close to noon. I knew I should have woken up earlier and called out of work so they could get a substitute in time for my class, but I was just so tired I could not help but oversleep.

I then smelled coffee and knew Barb was home and was afraid to face her. I am sure she had seen me sleeping being completely hairless from the neck down and with my cock in the chastity device.

I walked out of the bedroom in my pajama shorts and I stepped dead in my tracks, and felt nauseous when I saw Steve sitting at my table with a cup of coffee and talking with my wife. When my wife saw me Steve turned to me and smiled

"Hello faggot, why don't you join us" He then pointed to the floor next to him. I saw barb smiling as she drank her coffee.

I then walked over to Steve and just stood next to both of them. I looked at Steve who then had a blank face which I could not read. I wanted to plead with Steve not to make me do anything in front of my wife to humiliate me but he then snapped his fingers at the floor and I just kneeled next to him.

"See Barbara, I told you he was nothing but a bitch" I then just hung my head because I could not believe what he had just said to my wife. To add insult to injury he then grabbed my chin and pointed my face so I was staring directly at my wife. "Fag why don't you tell your ex-wife the truth of where you were this weekend?"

I then took my face from his hand and looked at him and back to my wife then back at Steve "What the fuck do you mean ex-wi.."

He then slapped my face cutting me off and before I even realized it, he reached down and grabbed my balls through my shorts and he squeezed very hard causing me to grab his muscular hand, which made me instantly regret it since I noticed he could squeeze even harder.

I then let go of his hand and looked him pleadingly. Through gritted teeth I begged "sorry sir, please, I am truly sorry. I apologize, please let go, please" he then just pointed at my wife with his other hand while continuing to squeeze.

I looked over at my wife who I thought would be at the verge of tears, seeing her husband groveling at some teenager, but instead she had the hugest smile; a smile I had not seen for a while in our marriage. It was the same smile that made me fall in love with her at the beginning of our courtship.

I knew if I wanted to be release from the death grip Steve had on my balls I had to tell Barb the truth and seeing the smile on her face made me realize she must already have some inclination as to what the truth was.

"Barb, I lied when I said I was on a fishing trip this weekend. I was actually Steve's sex slave, I did everything he commanded and I am so sorry sweetie, I never meant to cheat on you, he blackmailed me" At that point Steve let go of my balls

Barb then put her cup down and spoke for the very first time "Oh come on Steve. Blackmail? All he had were some pictured of you with a cock in your mouth. It could have been anybody. You could have denied it."

I felt like someone had thrown a bucket of ice cold water on me as a wave of realization washed over me.

She was right. Those first pictures and note which had arrived 7were very minimal. I could have denied everything he said. It would have been my word versus his. The moment I had agreed to go with Steve to his weekend getaway I had sealed my fate.

Deep down though, I had a nagging thought.

A thought I always tried to push away every time it crept up. Maybe subconsciously I had not wanted to deny it. Somehow when he first slapped me and made suck his cock in the classroom I never once thought of denying his very vague accusations. I stopped thinking that crazy thought when I saw Steve move.

Steve took out an envelope from his jeans pocket and put it on the table. He then took out some stapled papers from it, as well as a check.

I had no idea what was about to happen, but I know whatever it was, it was probably bad news, and I was correct.

Steve asked me to stand up. When I was on my feet he handed over the papers to Barb who then was signing her name on several lines.

"Well bitch, I know you don't know this, but I have some money to my name"

I had a confused look on my face which made Steve chuckle "Don't worry about it, I will fill you in on the details later on. Probably while you are choking with my cock down your esophagus or maybe up your faggot pussy. The important thing to know right now is that your very soon to be ex-wife is signing the divorce papers so you will be free to be my slave 24/7. Also she is receiving a very hefty sum of money so she can be financially stable for a while."

He then put his hand over Barb's free hand as to comfort her "She needs to be free and go out to seek someone to really take care of her, and your sorry ass is definitely not it"

She laughed as she handed the papers over to Steve.

He then put the papers in front of me and I realized he was not joking. They were actually divorce papers. I looked at Steve and Barb for some sign that this was all some sort of cruel joke, but I knew it wasn't.

Steve smacked my balls with the back of his hand. "Come on bitch, sign the papers" I knew I had no choice so I signed on every line which needed my signature.

As I finished doing that he stood up. Steve then looked at my wife "Well Barb, you are now a free woman to date, or go out on the town and paint it red. Do whatever you want, knowing you no longer have the burden of being a very beautiful woman tied down to a good for nothing faggot husband"

Barbara then stood up with her mug and walked over to the coffee maker and refilled her drink. She then walked back to Steve and shook his hand "I don't know how to thank you Steve. I am so grateful you will get John off my hands, and out of my life, so I can focus on myself and my own needs. Thank you so much"

Steve then grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it; like some sort of gentleman in an old novel and looked at her as I stood by them completely being ignored. "Oh Barbara it is my pleasure"

I looked at Barbs face and she seemed to be blushing. Steve then grabbed my face and asked me where my slave collar was. I told him it was in the jeans in my bedroom and he told me to go get them as quickly as possible.

I then walked back to my room and took out the slave collar from the jeans I was wearing yesterday and put it back on my neck. Before I went back to the living room I went over to my dresser and took out the butt plug which I spit on and shoved it back in my hole. I was very glad Steve never found out I had slept without it in because there would be hell to pay.

When I walked back to the living room I saw Barbara laughing along with Steve, who had the leash for my collar in his hand. When I got next to Steve he put the leash on and pointed to the floor letting me know to get back on all fours. Steve then kissed Barb goodbye and started walking towards the door which I hesitated.

"What is wrong bitch?"

"I am sorry Master Steve but can I at least put on some pants. Please?"

He just laughed "I don't give a fuck what you want" and he continued walking outside as I followed behind him. Luckily there was no one outside to see my humiliating crawl to the car or on the drive to my new permanent home at Steve's place.

For the next 2 weeks things were very uneventful. There was a routine that we fell into and I had grown to be ok with. Not that I had much of a choice anyways.

During the week I would wake up at the crack of dawn -in my human size dog bed in Steve's closet- to cook Steve and I breakfast and make him coffee. When I finished that I would go and get under the covers to wake up Steve by sucking his cock, and as soon as he was awake and conscious he proceeded to do his morning piss in my mouth. After that we got dressed, and ate the breakfast I had cooked; Of course, he would eat at the table and I still had to eat from the dog bowl on the floor. Eating out of the dog bowl fully dressed in my normal clothes at first really felt humiliating, but I just got accustomed to it.

Steve then drove us to school during which I had to perform road head and suck his dick all the way there. The drive to the school was only 20 minutes, but I had a challenge on making him cum before we got there or I would receive a brutal ass whipping when we got back home after the school day was finished. For the first week of this I could never make him cum which made him pissed off and he would really took it out on my ass. That whole first week I taught my lessons standing at the podium because sitting down hurt my ass, and when Steve was in class he had a huge cocky eating grin on his face.

After that first week I learned that just sucking his cock never did the trick, what did work to make my teen master cum in that short time was to just keep deep throating him the whole way to school. I had to continually massage his cock with my throat while massaging his balls with my hands.

If the feeling of a sore throat, and the taste of his cum in my mouth was not a constant reminder of my current position during my work day, every time I went to the bathroom did. When I needed to take a piss I had to take a stall -or wait for one- to sit down, because the cock cage I had on did not allow me to use the urinals.

During my time in Steve's house I would get fucked regularly whenever he got horny, and let me tell you, a male teenager gets horny very often. Also I was not allowed to get a haircut so my hair was getting longer. My hair always tended to grow out fast so now it was almost reaching my shoulders so I kept it up with a small rubber band.

My students were complimenting me on it and I always said thank you, and saying I was trying out something new, but Steve and I knew better. It was just a convenience for my Master to grab me better while face fucking me or pulling it roughly while riding me like a wild bronco. But I did not mind it that much.

The only thing I really hated was that my cock was locked up. Every time Steve fucked me I always felt like I was about to cum but it never happened. Don't get me wrong, being fucked was feeling better and better since my only pleasure now was coming from my ass, or faggot pussy as Steve liked to call it, but I never got any release.

It was becoming more and more frustrating but what happened next took my mind off from it completely:

I had finished my last class of the day on Friday, and was packing up when Derrick, the principal of the school, and my boss, walked into my class room.

He was an impressive man, over 6 feet tall, muscular and in very good shape for being in his early 40s. He is actually African and he was very proud of being born there. He had moved here in his early teens and made quite a life for himself. He is as black as night, and every time I was in his presence I felt intimidated. He was the tallest and most built man I have seen.

His voice was very deep and I had never heard it any deeper as when he said "John, I need to see you in my office right away" and with that he just walked out.

He had looked pissed off and I could not fathom why. I looked at my watch and knew Steve would be pissed if I made him wait, but I really had no choice. I then followed him to his office in complete silence.

Derrick's office was very spacious. His desk was an impressive huge dark mahogany desk which was full of papers, and his chair was a nice leather one. I sat in one of the two empty chairs in front of his desk as he took his seat in front of me.

He just looked at me for a bit in silence, and then he started to clear all the papers on his desk, and once his huge desk was completely clean except for a manila envelope on his desk, he finally broke the silence.

"So John, anything you want to tell me or confide in me?"

I looked at him with confused eyes because there was no way he could have known about my situation with Steve so I said "No Derrick, nothing, why? Am I in some sort of trouble?" and I chuckled nervously

"I don't know John, you tell me"

Derrick then opened the envelope on his desk and pulled out some photos and threw them on the desk in front of me.

It was all the pictures Steve had taken over our first weekend together as well as a few pictures he took over the past 2 weeks. All the classics from the cum dripping from my ass, and me eating it up from my fingers with a smile on my face, to the newest pics of my red ass from Steve's furious spanking for failing to making him cum on our drive to school, were all there. Every dirty deed he took a pic of was in front of me and I was speechless.

Derrick then got up from his chair and went to his door and locked it. He then came back and sat in front of me on his desk.

"So John, I know you may not want to confess what the hell is happening in these photos, but this morning this envelope was delivered to my offices from an unknown sender and I must know who the hell sent me this photos, because if any of these were to made public it would be a major scandal for not only you, but this entire institution."

I was in shock and was stunned. I had no idea what to say when Derrick screamed "JOHN! WHO THE FUCK SENT ME THESE!!?"

I knew I had to be as honest as I could be

"Please Derrick, Steve will not make these public, he is only doing this to humiliate me"

At that moment I knew I had made a huge mistake. I should have said `Him' instead of Steve, because Derricks eye brows lifted and he asked me flat out. "Steve who?"

Before I could answer, as if some cruel joke from destiny was played on me, my cell phone rang, and I knew from who it was... Steve. He had waited too long for me in the parking lot.

Without my permission he grabbed the phone from my jean pocket and saw `Steve' on the screen and answered the phone. "Who the fuck is this?"

I looked at him as Steve talked to him on the phone. Derrick then began walking around his office as Steve was talking to him. I had no idea what he what telling my boss and his principal, but the only thing Derrick said in the entire conversation was Okay' and a couple of seconds later I see' and he just walked back and forth in his office.

The fact that Derrick seemed to have calmed down as he sat in front of me again with the phone to his ear I really did not like, not at all. He should have been threatening Steve or saying what he was doing was wrong or something, not hearing him out. The last time a guy heard Steve out was Nick, and that did not end well for me.

As soon as that thought ran through my mind Derrick hung up my cell and he had a smirk on his face. The next words from his mouth were unbelievable but I knew he meant them "Get naked you dumb cunt"

"Please Derrick, I..."

He then cut me off by grabbing my neck in his huge hand and squeezing. I was instantly having trouble breathing and I felt my face turning red.

I knew I did not have time to think too much since I was about to pass out, so I took off my shirt in record time, and Derrick loosened his grip. He then stood up, but not letting go off my neck. He lifted me up by my neck until I was on my feet and I continued to undress and took off my pants. When he let go of my neck I stood in front of him completely naked in only my chastity device.

"You are one stupid bitch you know that?"

"Yes Sir" I didn't understand why he was acting this way but I am sure what ever Steve had told him caused him to act this way.

He chuckled at that and I realized he was sporting some serious wood in his pants. I do not know why, maybe it was the fact that I had not gotten off in more than two weeks but I really wanted to see his gigantic cock because it seemed to be an impressive size.

Derrick must have seen the curiosity in my eyes because he started to rub his hard on. "You want this dick don't you?"

I knew there was no use in denying it because I really wanted to see it. "Yes sir, please, let me look at it"

Without warning Derrick grabbed my head and I fell to my knees as he started to rub my face all over his crotch as I felt his very impressive hard on and I was really enjoying it. The more my face was smothered on his cock the more it seemed to grow and I wanted to get to it and suck it. I then started to lick his hard on through his jeans and biting at it. It was like I was possessed and I really wanted to get at this African's massive cock.

Derrick then pushed me off his jeans and I just stared at him with lustful eyes and he just chuckled. "Steve must have been onto something, you really are a cock hungry slut aren't you?"

At that moment I wished I could have denied that statement but I couldn't. I always saw myself as a straight guy, but lately I was doubting that more and more. At that moment I really wanted to see the massive cock that laid behind that impressive outline. I didn't know if it was a desire brought out by being locked in a chastity device or what but I felt like answering truthfully "Yes sir, please let me service your huge cock"

He then took off his shoes and socks and went on to unbutton and remove his pants. I was then staring at him in his blue boxer briefs with what looked to be a cock about 8" long, but it seemed to be soft and not even hard and also the thing that was making me even more fascinated was that the head of his black cock was poking out the bottom of the boxers and I could not help myself and went to suck his head which seemed larger than Steve's.

Derrick then pushed me back with his foot "You are one silly faggot. You think you can just suck my cock?"

I looked at him somewhat confused and decided to answer truthfully "I am sorry Sir, since you undressed I thought I could service you"

"Well fag I want you to serve my cock but first I want to see how bad you want it. If Steve, who I believe is your master is to be believed you will do anything for cock. Is that right?"

I did not know how to answer that at the moment. I just kept staring at Derrick's huge cock peeking out of his boxer briefs. I really felt like I wanted to suck it and smell it but I don't know what I was willing to do in order to do it. Why would I even need to prove how bad I wanted his cock? I obviously did, my cock was straining in its cage and I could not keep my eyes off his cock.

At that moment I heard a knock at Derrick's door and I was snapped out of my confusion. Derrick then put his pants back on and went to the door. When he unlocked it Steve walked in.

"Hey principal D, how's it going? I thought by now you would be pile driving this faggot's pussy."

"Hello Steve, please sit down." Steve then sat on the chair next to mine and patted my head as if I were some dog of his. "Well Mr. D, what do you think of my slave here?"

Derrick then sat on the desk in front of Steve and I still could not seem to look away from his crotch.

"First things first Steve, I am not Mr., or principal D, my name is Derrick and as a student here you will respect me and address me as so"

"Well I am sorry Derrick, I did not know you would be so..."

"Second" I was surprised that Derrick did not even let him finish "I do not appreciate you having a private investigator follow me around so you could learn more about me"

Steve then stood up and sat next to Derrick on the desk and put his arm around him "Oh come on Derrick, you can drop the hard ass routine. I do respect you, as a student and as a fellow alpha, but right now is after hours and we are in the weekend so relax a bit"

He then snapped and pointed in between his legs and of course I immediately crawled over to him and faced his crotch. He then grabbed me by the hair and said "suck my dick faggot" for a second I had hope that Derrick would stop this, but he just kept quiet, so I unzipped Steve's jean and gobbled his cock down to the hilt as I had learned to do. My throat had come a long way from when we first met; now it opened up more easily.

I kept sucking him off for several minutes while Derrick just looked on and rubbed the massive cock in his pants.

Steve then looked to Derrick and continued talking as if me sucking his dick was not even happening "I am sorry I had a P.I. follow you Derrick, hmmm oh yeah, is just that I had a hunch about you since you do not have a wedding ring on, or any family pictures in your office and my hunches were right, hmmm give me a second man"

He then stood up and started to fuck my face at a feverish pace, and then he kept his cock down my throat until I was gagging, drool running down my chest, and my face was turning red. I then made the mistake of trying to push him off by his legs which made him retreat his cock from my throat, he took out his cock from my mouth and slapped my face as hard as he could, and then back slap me on the other cheek.

"YOU STUPID BITCH! You should know better by now to take your throat fucking as the cock whore that you are! So you better put your hands behind your back and not fucking move until I am done with you!"

At the moment I felt sorry, which surprised me, before I would have been mad, but I actually felt bad that I had not been able to endure his furious skull fucking so I put my hands behind my back and let him fuck my throat until he was finished.

When Steve finished, the first couple of spurts were inside my throat, but the rest he shot on my face.

He then took a deep breath and then put his cock back in his jeans and when he look at my cum covered face he laughed. I then looked at Derrick who had seen the whole thing take place in front of his eyes and he had a huge smile on his face. I also noticed his cock and my eyes could not help but widen, his wood was so thick and large it looked like it was about to tear the seam off his pants.

Steve then noticed my reaction and looked too and he kept laughing. "Well Mr. Derrick, you seemed to enjoy the show. Damn, how big is that monster? 10, 11 inches? Wow, I am jealous."

"If you must know Steve, it's actually 10 inches long and I am actually quite impressed at how much control you actually have over this faggot slave. He actually seems to love your cock"

Steve then patted my head again and I actually felt pride in showing how much I was able to take when it came to his cock.

Steve then pushed me aside and spoke to my boss and his principal, whom I should remind you is over twice his age.

"Well Derrick, the reason I dropped off those pictures to your office this morning was because I knew you would confront John here, and I wanted to talk to you about taking him in for this evening and using him as your sissy white faggot slut. That's what you seem to be into isn't it, white sissy boys? I know he is not as young as the twinks you are into, but I am sure you could teach him a thing or two"

I looked at both of them confused, since I really did not know what Steve meant by `White sissy boys' but Derrick seemed to be in a pensive mood and when he looked at my cum covered face, and a huge grin seemed to come over his face which I did not like, and he shook Steve's hand "Alright then, I will take your faggot slave so he can be my sissy for the night"

Steve then let out a huge sigh of relief "Oh thank god. I like this faggot's pussy, but I have a date tonight with an actual girl, and truth be told, it has been a while since I have plowed my cock into an actual pink wet pussy, and though I could keep him hidden in the closet as I've done before, I rather him be off with you learning to be a sissy for some huge big black cock and I know he will love it. Just take it easy on him Derrick, his mangina has not been opened too much"

Steve had a laugh at that line and looked at me with serious eyes. Then he lowered himself to my eye level and spoke slowly so I would not miss a single word he said "Ok bitch, you are now the property of Derrick here. You will follow all his commands as you would myself. He is now your master until he hands you back to me. Do you understand cunt?

I nodded right away. Not only since I wanted something different than Steve, but since I had yet to have at a taste of that 10" inch monster Derrick had, and I really wanted it.

Steve then looked at Derrick and said he had to leave right away if he wanted to make it to the date he had this evening and left the office without even another glance at me.

Then Derrick looked at me with a smiled and told me "Alright bitch get dressed back in your normal teacher clothes"

I then proceeded to put on the pants I had previously wore over my caged cock, which was still strained at that moment, and then the shirt. Once I finished dressing up in my day clothes as a teacher I felt overdressed. I was starting to feel more comfortable in my naked state as a slave.

Once I finished dressing up Derrick came up to me and he then wiped up all of Steve's cum off my face on his index and middle fingers, and when he put them up to my mouth I licked them off without any further instructions, and he just smiled and tapped my face.

"You may not know it, but you are quite the faggot"

I just smiled at that statement since I knew he was proud of me.

We then left the office as we had come in: The principal, and the teacher, but we both knew that the dynamics now were much different than an hour ago when we came in originally.

I then followed Derrick to the parking lot and to his car which was a very nice looking car but it had a logo I had not seen before, it was a B with wings. I got in the passenger's seat and him in the driver's seat and we drove in silence all the way to Derrick's house. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

On the drive to Derrick's house I had hoped he would have asked for some road head so I could wrap my lips on that huge 10" piece of meat but he drove in complete silence.

When we got to Derrick's house I was surprised to see a nice looking 2 story house.

When I walked in behind him I was surprised at what I saw. The whole first floor seemed to be a gigantic living room with a small kitchen taking about 1/4 off the space to the left. There was a small door to the immediate right next to the main door we walked in from and right next to that was a stair case leading up to the second floor.

Derrick then told me to get completely naked and kneel, which I did without hesitation. Normally I would have felt shameful to be naked in front of a fellow colleague but in this private setting I felt it was normal.

Derrick then walked to the other end of the room and walked into a door I had not seen.

When he was gone I looked around and the living room and the color was all a light yellow color which was a bit odd to me since all the living rooms I had been in where white, but the décor was all African themed. Posters of Africa and African masks, and truth be told I felt a bit uncomfortable.

After a couple of minutes Derrick walked out and my eyes bulged out. He was only wearing boots and a leather harness on his chest in the form on an X with a ring in the middle of his body, and I was taken aback at how hard his upper body looked like. It was all muscular and impressive for a man in his early 40's. His huge cock was limp but it looked to be about 8" and I felt sad because I wanted to see it fully hard.

He looked at me with a smile on his face "Alright fag, go into the room and wear all I have laid out for you, and then you can come out on all fours and get what you are craving" He then grabbed his flaccid 8" cock and swirled it around. I did not need any more motivation and ran to the room he had just come out of.

When I stepped inside I noticed it was a somewhat of a small room. For a second I thought it was a closet since there were four walls with a light bulb hanging from the ceiling, but there was queen sized bed in the middle, and a full length mirror to the left.

I was confused, but then I noticed there were several things laying on the bed, and then my confusion turned to horror. The things on the bed were all feminine types of clothing.

I was frozen when I heard Derrick from outside the room. "HURRY THE FUCK UP BITCH!"

Now mind you, I am not much of a fashion expert so I was taken aback. The first thing I grabbed was a very small red thong.

I knew better than take too long so I just put my legs through it and I put it on. I looked at myself in the mirror. I then I noticed the thong was see through so I could see my chastity cock cage through the red fabric. I then picked up the next thing on the bed and it took me a second to realize it was a pair of fishnet stockings, which I put on.

I then picked up a rectangular piece of clothing and I moved it left and right and realized it was a skirt, but oh my god was it short. I put my fishnet clad legs through it and moved it up to my legs and the bottom of the skirt barely covered my thong covered caged dick.

I felt so stupid since I was figuring out the things I was picking up little by little, since I barely could recognized them. I picked up the next item and it was fishnet also, but it had sleeves, so I knew it was a top and I put it on.

I then looked at the bed and there were only two items left. High heeled shoes and a lipstick tube. I picked up the shoes and they were red colored and the heels looked rather long, if I had to guess I would have said 6". I sat on the bed while I put them on and when I stood up I almost fell forward, I had to get used to feeling of the shoes and recalibrate my balance. I then took the lipstick tube and when I took off the top I noticed the lipstick matched the shoes since it was bright red lipstick.

I had never put on lipstick on before but I stood in front of the mirror and when I went around on my lips I felt so slutty, and if I am honest I did a pretty good job.

I then stood up and stared at myself in the mirror and I felt so ridiculous. I looked like some sort of strange looking hooker with the fishnet stockings to match the top, and a small skirt with the red lipstick. I then decided to take off the rubber band holding my small pony tail and let the small amount of hair I had free and at least that looked somewhat better but not much.

"Come on out you dumb ass cunt!" I then got on my knees and crawled out back into the yellow African themed living room.

As soon as I got into the living room the smell took me back to my teenage years. He was halfway through a blunt, and there was no mistaken that it was not tobacco. His eyes were slightly red and as soon as he saw me he had the biggest smile on his face.

He was completely naked and his dick was rock hard. He was stroking his massive dick with his right hand and smoking his blunt with his left and I could not help but stare at his cock. I was crawling fast towards it like a moth drawn to a light. When I was in front of him I could not help myself and I opened my mouth to taste his cock since I wanted it so bad.

He then let go of his cock and grabbed my hair before I could even get a taste, and put my face on his lap so my mouth was right next to his balls and I could not help but take a deep breath to smell his manly African man musk scent and if I could get hard I knew I would be at full mast since my cock hurt as it was straining against its cage.

"Not so fast fuckhole, I know you want this" He then waved his cock around and I instantly nodded.

"First you got to show me how much you want it" He laughed because he knew damn well I did, since I would not be in this position if I did not.

"Damn girl, you look like a fine slut, how about you lick my balls a bit"

I instantly stuck out my tongue and started licking his huge balls and he just laughed. "Wow bitch, that did not take you a second thought"

I just moaned and kept licking his balls and sniffing. I could not get over at how much I was starting to enjoy the smell of a man's crotch. Even in the past few days when I was constantly sucking off Steve I was enjoying the smell as much as the act itself.

He then pushed me off and his balls, and I felt sad which was weird since normally I would not be enjoying this as much as I was, specially dressed in the most flimsiest and ridiculous outfit. Then he handed me the joint and gave me the sternest so I knew better than to wait to inhale.

I had not smoked weed in over a decade so as soon as the first bit of smoke hit my lung I started choking. This made Derrick laugh much harder than it should have. I then handed the blunt back. "What the fuck? You barely smoked it. Just finish it since there is not much left." As I took my second hit he was still stroking his huge fat black cock.

He then started to touch my caged cock and balls with his huge foot "I am glad your owner was smart enough to lock up this useless appendage. Faggots have no use for their cocks, their only purpose is to please their superiors with their holes and body" He then kicked my balls and the smoke I was holding in my lungs escaped as I groaned. He then just chuckled.

I knew I should have been mad or ashamed by what he was saying and doing to me but somehow what he was saying was turning me on even more than it should have, and even though I hated to have my cock caged his words rang true. I then finished the blunt and my head was just dizzy and I could not help but stare at him with lustful eyes as I licked my lips. I wanted to beg and plead to fuck my ass but I knew better than to speak out of turn.

He then asked me how I felt and I just let my high mind speak without any barrier.

"Oh Sir I am so fucking horny even though I look ridiculous in this outfit and all I want is to taste your wonderful huge cock" I then crawled until I was right in front of him and his cock was right underneath my face "please sir let me serve you, please, I don't know how much more teasing I can take."

He then grabbed me by my hair very roughly and I was so happy since I thought he was going to ram his 10 inch cock down my throat, but then he slapped me across the face as hard as he could and then back handed me on the other cheek. I just cringed as he did it again and again. I was slapped and back handed 5 times and my cheeks were burning. I don't know if it was the weed but even though my face was red and hurting I was still thinking of his cock.

"You are so fucking dumb you know that? First things first, you may call Steve Sir, Master, or I don't know what the fuck, but you call me Daddy. You are my sissy whore fuckhole so you will take all the teasing I want to dish out. Also very important, you said you look ridiculous which leads me to believe that you feel somewhat shame of the way you look, and if there is one thing I know, is that silly faggots like you don't feel shame. You will do anything for the cock, isn't that right?"

I looked at him, and just like many times before, I did not really know if I agreed with all he said, but was willing to say what he wanted to hear in order to get what I wanted, and I nodded.

I was thinking that just agreeing with him would be enough to let me gobble up his cock but he seemed to call my bluff.

He then got up and went upstairs leaving me all alone in the room. Now I was starting to get a bit nervous because I was alone with my thoughts. Now that object of my lust -his huge 10" black cock- left the room I realized I was super high, and maybe what Derrick, sorry, Daddy was saying was true. While I was having these thoughts he came back and sat in front of me with a huge permanent black marker and his cellphone in hand.

"So like I said slut, faggots do not feel shame since from what I've learned humiliation seems to turn them on, but I don't think you really agree with me and you just nodded yes to get at my big black anaconda. So I am going to prove to you that what I've said is true, or prove me wrong."

I looked at him because I knew this was pretty much the point of no return.

"So as you see, I have this nice big permanent marker and I will use this to write all over you the names I think that best describes a desperate dumb fuck like yourself, and I will take photos of you, and maybe share them with some of my other black friends who I may share you with if you are a good girl. So if you think you look ridiculous now, you ain't seen nothing yet...or, if you want to prove me wrong, or you think all this is too much for just the pleasure of a black cock then you can take off this "ridiculous" outfit and get dressed back in your regular clothes, and we can light up another joint and drink some drinks and talk like regular colleagues and never speak of this."

I wish I could say I was conflicted at that moment, and maybe I would have been if I wasn't so high, but I knew I could not continue to smoke and drink with him as equals without regretting not having tasted his huge cock.

He must have seen the wheels turning in my head because he then threw the marker across the room and grabbed his cell phone. He aimed it at me and I could tell he was recording me.

"Alright John, if you want to continue and taste this" He smacked his hard rock cock against my face "then you go fetch that marker like the good little bitch that you are" He patted my head like I was a pet of his "or if you have any shame or dignity left in that body of yours then go grab your clothes" he then pointed the phone's camera towards the door where my clothes laid

He smiled at me and I turned around. I thought it over and at this moment is when I truly accepted that I really was a faggot like Steve and Derrick said there was no point in fighting it any longer so I started crawling towards where the marker was

As I neared the marker I could hear daddy speaking to the phone recording me "So ladies and gentleman as you can see the whore has made its decision and accepted his role as the faggot that it is" When I then grabbed the marker with my mouth -since I knew damn well if I grabbed it with my hands he would punish me- he started whistling and snapping his fingers "here sissy, come on, bring me the marker"

I then crawled to him and when I was in front of me he patted my head again "that's a good bitch" he then grabbed the marker and he threw it again, but this time towards the door and it landed on top of my clothes "go on, fetch"

I could not believe it, he was making me fetch it again like some common dog, but I had made my mind so I crawled over and grabbed the marker again. He did this to rub it in my face that I could have easily gotten my clothes, but I had made the decision to be his play thing and that humiliation turned me on.

I then brought the marker over to him and he took it in his hand and took off the top

"Alright fag, you earned a treat, here, suck the head of my cock" I could not believe it, I smiled the hugest smile because I finally was going to taste him and I took the head of his cock in my mouth and I moaned in delight. It tasted so good as I rolled my tongue all around the head, tasting his precum and sweat and I moaned again. I was in faggot heaven.

He then put down the phone and started writing on my forehead with the marker. I am sure I could tell what he was writing if I focused but I did not, all I was focusing on was his delicious black cock in my mouth. I then started lowering myself on his cock and was taking more of his cock in my mouth when he grabbed me by the hair and took me off his cock and slapped my face.

"You are one greedy fucking cunt, you know that. I said just the head didn't I?"

"I am so sorry daddy I just want to taste the whole thing, please, it is so delicious, please let me taste all of you" I was stroking his huge cock with my hand as I was saying this and I am sure if anybody saw me they would think I was begging for some sort drug but I was just groveling to taste his whole cock and that would seem pathetic to anyone else but I did not care.

He then turned my head and on my right cheek he wrote a huge bold W, then H, and then he circled my red lipsticked mouth so now my mouth was an O, and my left cheek he continued to write an R and E.

"Stand up"

I then stood up in front him and I wobbled a bit since I was not used to standing in high heels, but when I got my balance he wrote across my chest SISSY, in really huge bold letters, and down from the second S, he wrote L U T, and after the T he wrote R A M P, like some humiliating crossword puzzle. He then he lifted the skirt and on my shaved pubic region he wrote something too fast for me to guess, but when I looked down he had written `useless' with an arrow pointing to my precum leaking caged cock.

He then put on the marker away and took his phone "Alright bitch, pose for me like if you were a filthy porn star. Show me that all those things written on you are true. These are the pictures I am going to show to my other friends to see if they want to use you, so if you want more black cock in the future really sell it.

I then went on to pose in many poses. You name it I did it; on my knees, sucking my fingers, licking my lips, bending over looking back blowing kisses, also on my back, fingering my hole, playing with my nipples, making faces like I was in heat or being fucked. Derrick was laughing the entire time and taking pic after pic.

He then told me to crawl in front of him and when I was in front of him I heard him making some deep noises from him throat and I realized he was forming a huge loogie which he then spit right on my forehead, and I felt it running down my face, and he took a pic of that.

"That's a good picture of what a worthless piece of shit faggot you are" he then slapped my face "What do you say?"

"thank you daddy"

He laughed out loud "You are a fast learner, maybe you are not as dumb as you look."

He then stood up and turned around and got on his knees on the sofa and he pointed his ass towards my face and I got a good whiff of his ass and it was not a good one, I could tell his ass was very sweaty. He then spread his ass and even though I could see there was no shit on his tight puckered asshole it smelled like there was, maybe he had not wiped well.

"What the fuck are you waiting for whore? It isn't going to lick itself"

I just stood still because I did not want to get any closer to the smell and he just stood there not saying a word. He then stood up and said "I guess you are not as trained as I thought" He then went upstairs and when he came back he brought what looked like a sampler of spanking tools. He had a mean looking thin cane, a leather strap, a thick wooden paddle with holes in it, and of course a belt.

Seeing this brought back a flashback of when Steve gave me the severe spanking on our first weekend and I almost started crying so I threw myself at Derrick's feet.

"Please Daddy, I am so sorry, this worthless faggot is begging you to please don't spank me, pleeeeaaase I am really sorry, I am just so fucking stupid I had a lapse in judgment, I will never hesitate when you give an order please"

I didn't know what else to do so I got up on my knees and clumsily walked around to his ass on my knees and I spread his ass cheeks and without even thinking twice I put my mouth on his hole and started liking. The smell was still as bad but I was eating out his tight hole like if it was a 5 start dessert.

"Oh yeah, you see. That wasn't so bad was it? Come on, I wanna feel that dirty ass faggot tongue up my hole you dumbfuck" He then grabbed me by the back of my head and was smothering my face with his ass. I could barely breathe but I kept pushing my tongue into his hole and little by little was making my way into it. I kept licking the musky stink covered hole and shoving my tongue into, licking and shoving. I was actually liking the feeling of his hole around my tongue and I wanted to stick my tongue as far as it could but it was hard. My tongue was getting tired.

Derrick then let go of my head and he sat on his back on the couch with his ass sticking out "Come on cocksucker keep licking my fucking asshole" I crawled over to his exposed wet hole which I noticed was all red because of the lipstick I was wearing and went on to bury my face between his firm ass cheeks again.

As I kept rimming him I noticed that he had his cellphone out again and took a pic of himself giving the thumbs up with me over his shoulder with my face buried in his ass. After he took the shot he looked at it and laughed. After a couple of minutes he stood up and I stayed on my knees in front of him.

He then showed me the pic he had taken and my cheeks turned red from shame. On the corner it was him with a huge smile and the thumbs up and behind him was me. You could clearly see the fishnet get up with the skirt and high heels, but what really made me feel ashamed was the huge bold DUMB written on my forehead. I was nothing but a dumb faggot being used. Luckily the word whore on my face was not visible due to the fact that it was covered by his ass.

"Alright bitch, that was fun, but it's time for your punishment"

My eyes shot open in surprise as he got the tools he had brought down and put them on the sofa in front of me.

"I am going to be nice and allow you the choice of picking the order in which to get your spanking. As you can see we got the cane, the belt, the strap, the paddle, and of course my hands. You will get 10 strokes a piece for a total of 50 licks, so what will it be first?"

I looked at him and said "but daddy, I thought you weren't going to punish me. I did as you asked, I rimmed you"

He then turned to me and spit on my face, and slapped my face so hard I fell on my side and when I was down he kicked me on the balls two times, and I grabbed them and was rolling from side to side in pain.

"You really are a fucking dumb ass whore!" He grabbed me by my hair and pulled me up roughly and threw me on the sofa. He pulled my hair back and screamed at me "You thought? Your job is not to fucking think!! Your job is to do what you are fucking told, you are nothing but a brainless fuckhole for me to use and abuse as I see fit. If I want to punish you, I don't need a fucking reason. But you did not do as I told you because I brought these down for a reason."

"I am sorry daddy"

"Oh you don't know how sorry you are, but you will. I was going to let you choose but now I am going to choose the most painful order to fucking spank you in. Also I thought 50 would be enough for you to fucking understand but now it's 75, 15 apiece, and if you keep mouthing off I may make it 100."

He then spanked me with his bare hands and by 15 my ass was a bit uncomfortable, but then he did the next 15 with the leather strap and my eyes were watering.

"Stand up and grab your ankles" I stood up and did as told and he grabbed the belt and he lifted his hand as high as it could go and brought it down on my reddened ass with all his might and the sound was so loud and the pain was unbearable, and there was 14 more to go. By the 10th hit with the belt I felt sick to my stomach

"You see what happens when you misbehave? Stick your balls out and close your legs"

I did it and when I looked down it looked like I had a pussy since I had tucked my caged cock and balls back.

Derrick then delivered the next 5 hits with the belt on my balls and I screamed and cried the entire time. He then came up front and grabbed the wooden paddle. I looked at him and was crying like I had never cried before and pleaded "Ple...please da..daddy, I am so so sorry, I, I..." it was hard to speak while trying to catch my breath because of the crying "have le..le..learned my lesson, please" He didn't say anything and just walked behind me and continued to paddle my ass

When he finished the last hit with the paddle my ass felt like someone had thrown boiling water at my ass. I had snot running down from my nose and everything was blurry due to all the tears I had in my eyes. When he came up to grab the cane I could not stand up anymore and fell on the floor onto my knees and was shaking from the excruciating pain in my ass.

He then told me to put my head down, stick my ass up, and put my hands behind my back. When I did he got on his knees beside me and he grabbed both my hands with his free hand. He must have known this next part needed my hands immobilized because I knew I would not be able to take this next part without trying to cover my already tortured red ass.

He then screamed the next sentence and after each word he swung the cane at my ass


He then let go of my hands and I just fell over sobbing and grabbing my ass and I felt the marks the cane left and I was shocked at how hot my ass felt.

Derrick then just sat on the sofa in front of me and lit another joint and just stared at me crying and sobbing. He was rock hard and stroking his cock. He did not say a word as he kept smoking. Seeing me suffering like this must have been entertaining and a turn on since he was not growing soft after all the minutes that passed.

I will say though I was truly grateful he did let me cry and leave me alone for a couple of minutes because I do not know I would have been able to get up right away and perform in such much pain. After a while I had calmed down and even though the stinging was there.

"Is the dumb whore done crying? Come here and suck my cock"

I did not need to be told twice. I got on my hands and knees and crawled in between his giant muscular legs and instantly got my mouth on his dick and started to suck on his head. I was really enjoying the taste of his cock. I then moved down on it some more and I grabbed his cock with my hand to jerk him off at the same time.

He then grabbed me by the hair and slapped my face, "No! I don't want you to use your hands, you have got to learn how to be a great cocksucker, and that means just using your mouth so put your hands down on the floor."

I then put my hands down and continued to suck his cock. I must admit it was hard to do since his cock was really thick and I had to really concentrate on not using my teeth and doing a good job at sucking. I must have slowed down too much since he grabbed my head and forced it down. About half way I started to choke and must have not concentrated hard enough since Derrick hit me upside the head "Watch your fucking teeth, and learn to relax your throat"

I then opened more of my mouth and he forced his entire 10" cock down my throat. I was chocking and gagging since I could not breathe. I tried to get up but his powerful hands kept me down "Naw ah you fucking slut, you stay down impaled on my fucking cock. Oh yeah, that spasming throat feels so good"

After a while I felt light headed and could not stand it anymore so I put my hands on his legs to try to force myself off. He then grabbed me by the chin forcefully and brought me right in front of his face while I was chocking and taking deep breaths "What the fuck did I say huh? I said to put your fucking hands down! Do you need another spanking session?"

I looked at him with big frightened eyes "No daddy, please, it's just that I was feeling lightheaded from lack of..."

He then punched my face and I looked at him in surprise. "So what? I don't give a fuck what your excuses are you stupid piece of shit. If I want you to pass out with my cock down your throat that is what the fuck is going to happen. I don't think you have yet to learn, you are my fucktoy to use how I see fit"

He then shoved me down all the way on his cock again and just like before I felt he was keeping me down way longer than I could stand but I knew better than to fight him. I felt all the saliva running down my chin and my eyes were watering and he then let go of my head and I jumped off his cock coughing and catching my breath. He then grabbed me by the hair and slapped my face, I was just glad he did not punch me.

"jeez has Steve taught you nothing? Fuck!" He was looking at me and I was scared since he looked so pissed off, and I know this may sound pathetic, but I actually felt sorry since I was not doing a good job like a good faggot slut was supposed to do

"When you are sucking a man off you don't get off his dick. You go all the way up to the head and catch your breath, but you never take the fucking cock out your mouth. That is what your mouth if for, to always be filled with fucking cock. Also that doesn't mean just keep the head in your mouth and catch your breath; you use your tongue since you can move your tongue when breathing so let's try that again"

This time I did exactly what was expected of me. He kept me down until I was about to pass out just like before and when he let go I had to fight the urge to just let go off his cock but I didn't, I went up to his head and twirled my tongue all around his head while catching my breath.

After that he let go of my head and I just continued on by myself. I knew better than to anything different so I would impale myself all the way down his cock and fight through the choking and gagging until I couldn't hold my breath any longer and I repeated that process for a while. He then slapped the side of my face "Anything you need to learn is that a cock hungry faggot always makes eye contact with his superior"

I then looked up at him and at the sight of him made me even hornier than ever. He was leaning back with both his arms behind his head in a relaxed pose that showed his powerful muscular chest and arms which were all gleaming and sweaty and the cockiest smile which just said yeah you are nothing but a warm hole to be used for my pleasure.

At that moment with his cock in my throat I used one of my hands to reach back and lift my skirt, put the string in my ass crack to the side and inserted 2 fingers in my asshole and I moaned from the pleasure my prostrate brought me. Also at that moment I realized I must have done something wrong since his smile vanished and was replaced by that furious look I dreaded.

He then grabbed my head and lifted me off his cock and a trail of saliva string still connected from his cock to my messy lipsticked lips. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?"

I looked at him confusingly and answered with the truth "You just make me so fucking horny. I was just fingering my pussy daddy."


I still looked at him confusingly since I really didn't know how to answer that question.

He then spit on my face "I knew I labeled you as dumb whore for a reason. I know I make you horny, that's why you are here guzzling my fucking cock dressed as a 5 dollar hooker, which you decided to do remember? The reason I asked is because I made it very fucking clear that your hands were to be down on the floor. Did I ask you to finger yourself?" He then made a fist and he moved like he was going to hit me and flinched

"No daddy, you didn't, I am sorry"

"No, I didn't. This shit may fly with Steve but not with me. In case you haven't learned, which at this point I don't know how you could not, but you are here for my pleasure, not yours. Your pussy is made to be used by cocks, that's what fag pussies are made for, not your stupid selfish fingers. I would punish you by spanking you again, but I have a better idea"

He then got up and dragged me by the hair to the side of the sofa which he threw me over. He then grabbed his cell phone, placed it in front of me on the other side of the sofa, and started recording. This time the camera was facing forward and I could see myself and Derrick on the phone screen.

He then got behind me, lowered the thong I was wearing to my ankles, which made me feel more of a whore, and placed his cock head right up to my hole and he leaned on top of me got next to my face and spoke to me and the camera "Normally I prepare my faggot's pussy nice and slow to open them up and use plenty of lube, but truth be told that is not my favorite way to pop a cracker's pussy big black cock cherry."

He then rammed his huge thick cock into my asshole and I screamed and tried to run away like some sexual fight or flight response which was futile since I was pinned down to the sofa. I then moved my hands back trying to push him off me which again proved to be useless.

He grabbed my hands with his and moved them in front of me and he was lying on top of me with his mouth next to my ear

"Isn't this what you wanted whore? To be impaled on my black cock"

"Please daddy, please take it out, it hurts too much"

"Tough shit, you better get fucking used to it."

To be fair he was not moving his cock at all which even though it didn't make it hurt any less at least it was giving me some time to adjust

"also you only have half my cock in your tight ass pussy" My eyes bugged open since I could have sworn he had thrust his entire cock in my but he then slowly started to move his hips forward and all I could do was take deep breaths through my clenched teeth which made him laugh a bit. But he kept pushing until I felt his pubic hair against my ass and I knew I had his entire cock crammed inside my very full pussy with his 10" cock.

"All you stupid fags are just the same. First you scream and flail, and beg for me to take it out, but once you get used to it, you somehow become like a bitch in heat"

He then started to move his hips in a circular motion and even though I was still in pain, it was becoming less and less and I knew he was right. Every time Steve fucked me it was the same, and ever since I had my cock locked up the feeling in my pussy seemed to feel even better, and that feeling was washing over me again as Daddy moved his cock ever so slowly around in my pussy that I let out an involuntary moan

"See, I knew that `take it out' feeling never lasts too long" All I could do was moan as his cock kept moving around and I wanted him to move it back and ram it into me over and over. I started to move my hips with his.

"Please fuck me daddy"

He then stopped moving and I groaned. I kept moving my ass, but it wasn't the same.

"What was that? I don't think I heard you right"

I knew damn well he heard me, but I knew he wanted me to beg and not only that but to have it documented as well.

When I looked at myself on the screen I could not even concentrate on saying anything original, my whole mind was being clouded by the need to have my ass fucked by a huge cock so I just said the first thing I saw

"I am nothing but a dumb whore daddy"

He then slowly moved back until only his head remained in my whole and I moaned.

"What does the dumb whore want then?"

"Please fuck me hard, I need that cock in my pussy, please" I started my ass around and he rammed his entire cock in my ass and he kept doing that. Taking it almost out and then ramming it back in. No slow moves, just ramming it over and over and I was loving it. My eyes rolled back because I loved the feeling of being rammed like a dirty whore.

I moved my hands back past the mini skirt I was wearing and spread my ass cheeks; it was like I wanted more than the 10 inches he was giving me. "Yeah, spread that pussy for daddy" He then grabbed me by the hair and started fucking me so good I could not help moaning over and over. He was also breathing heaving and grunting and all of a sudden he took his cock out of my ass with a loud pop.

I instantly rubbed my fingers over my hole and I felt it nice and open, I knew I could easily fit 3 or fingers in it. But I was in such in such a state of arousal that I gave out a whine, like a dog missing a toy because I just wanted my hole filled. "Please, please stick it back in. I need it"

"God you are such a needy fucking slut. I almost came and I don't want to yet. I am loving beating that pussy up too much"

He then went around and sat on the sofa and his rock hard cock was full of my ass juices he then snapped his fingers in between his legs and I got up to walk to him but he then held up his hand and I stopped. "look at the mess you made you horny bitch"

He then pointed to the sofa where my caged cock was and I could not believe at how much precum I had released, and just for the short time he fucked me. It looked like I had actually cummed which I was pretty sure I didn't, but I got back on my knees and started licking the mess up with my tongue without actually being told to since I knew that is what is expected of a good slave whore like I was now. I also kept making eye contact with him while I was doing it, and he had a huge smile on his face. I was also surprised his cock was not going down even though he was not touching it at all. It made me even hornier since he must have been hard at me debasing myself in front of his like his good personal slut and believe it or not that made me happy.

Once I was done I got back on my knees and crawled in between his legs and again. I could feel the thong down my fishnet clad legs, and I just wanted to mount his cock and ride it forever if I could.

He then grabbed my head and made me clean his cock from all the drying ass juices on it and also he chocked me with his cock for a while and when it was nice and wet from all my slick saliva he told me to ride him and I gave an excited squeal and got up on my high heel shoes, grabbed his cock in my hand and pointed his engorged head at the entrance of my hole and I sat completely down on it. I groaned since I was not as open as I thought, but I just moved my hips around loving the feeling of having been filled up again and letting the whore feelings show as I put my hands on my knees and lifted my ass up and down.

I was moaning a high pitch sound like a girl and savored the feeling my pussy, and I thought of it that way at the moment since it was giving me such an intense pleasurable feeling and my cock was useless.

Derrick slapped my ass and I let out another girly shriek and was such in a state of bliss "Oh yes daddy, fuck me, fuck me like the whore I am."

He then slapped my ass again and told me to turn around. I then got up and sat on his cock facing him, and then with his cock in me he grabbed me by my back and he stood up and I was suspended in the air with his cock fully impaled in my ass. I let out a huge groan and my eyes rolled up into my head since it felt like his cock was even deeper inside my pussy. He then leaned a bit forward and he started to jack hammer my ass at full speed.

I looked at him and I could tell he was using all his magnificent upper body strength, and the sight of this black brute made me so fucking horny. His whole body was sweaty and I was so horny at the moment that I would not have minded licking every drop of sweat of his chiseled body. At that moment I was just moaning like no tomorrow and I kept screaming "fuck me daddy" when all of a sudden I had this amazing feeling run through me and I started saying "oh yes, oh god, yes yes" over and over and I don't know if it was the sight of being fucked like a slutty blowup rag doll by this gigantic African man but I had a feeling that I had not felt in over 2 weeks and I knew I was about to cum.

I had not even known that was possible with a caged cock, but it was, I felt my locked dick spurt out cum over and over all over my balls and onto his stomach.

He then put his mouth next to my ear and grunted "I love it when sissy slut whores like you cum with just my cock inside of them"

Normally I would have felt shame or regret after cumming, but not this time. When he said that I just squealed with delight and I kept on moaning. My beat up pussy felt really sore but I did not want him to stop. I loved being in his sweaty arms with his cock going in and out of me.

All of a sudden he let out a primal scream and he fell back onto the sofa and as I lay on his lap again I felt my bowels warming up and I could tell he was filling me up with his black seed. What amazed me was that his cock kept shooting cum even after a hot minute, and I was starting to feel my bowels warming up as he kept filling me up, and that made me so fucking horny.

He then let out a laugh as he scooped up the cum that I shot on his stomach with two fingers and as soon as his fingers were in front of me I licked them like it was a delicious treat.

"Hot damn you are one hot piece of whore you know that?"

All I could think to say was "Thank you daddy" which made him smile. I then was about to get up when he grabbed me "No bitch. You are going to let every drop of my cum make it into your pussy to remind you that you have been bred by a real fucking men. Also, if you're lucky, your master will lend you to me so you can be filled up by many of my friends like a good little whore" I just smiled because if all his friends fucked as good as he did, I would not mind getting fucked for days on end not matter how sloppy and destroyed my ass would get.

After a while I felt his cock start to shrink inside of me and then he told me to get up but to be careful not spill any of his precious gift to me.

It took me a bit to get my balance and I had to clench my ass cheeks really tight because I could tell I was really loose, and even then I could still feel some of his cum running down my leg. Even more escaped as I bent over to put my thong back on. As I went up I could not help but to scoop the bit that had escaped and taste it. Derrick just smiled at me knowing I was now a full fledge cum addicted slut.

I then went to get my clothes by the door when Derrick spoke "What the fuck do you think you are doing?"

"Getting my clothes so I can get dressed when I go back to Steve's"

He let out a small laugh "But you are already dressed to go back"

I looked at him with shocked and pleading eyes "Please no"

"Why not? He already has seen the pics I've sent him. I want him to see in person how much of a whore you have matured into in just one night with me"

He then picked up the cell phone which I had completely forgotten about and he called for a cab and he asked specifically for Elijah as the driver. I looked at Derrick and he asked me what was wrong.

"Nothing, I just thought you would drive me back to Steve's. I mean, I am afraid I will get arrested for indecent exposure or something, I am like half naked."

"Naw I am too tired and I don't want to spend my gas on you" that made me a bit sad but I quickly realized he was not wrong. I was nothing special to my boss, I was just his employee, and now his fuck toy too. "also not to worry, Eli is a close friend of mine, he is not going to be surprised about how you look, I am sure he is expecting it. He has picked up many dumb sluts from my place, some not half naked, but actually completely naked. So do not worry"

Derrick then walked over to my clothes on the floor and he took out my wallet from my pants and he kept looking, probably for keys but since I didn't have any need for keys I didn't have any. He then opened up my wallet and he gave me a smile which I could not realize why. There was nothing humiliating or shameful in my wallet. The only thing in my wallet was just my ID and driver's license and nothing else. Derrick then handed me my clothes and told me to wait for my ride as he went upstairs.

After about 15 minutes Derrick had not returned and I heard a honk outside and I knew my ride had arrived and I felt a ping of sadness since I wanted to see Derrick one last time before I left. I heard another honk and I just walked out the door with my clothes in hand and on my heels. I was being careful as to not take big steps as to not leak any more of the huge amounts of cum in my ass. I tried to open the door behind the driver and it was locked. I walked around to the other side and it was also locked. Then the front door next to the driver was opened by Eli the cab driver.

I found it weird as I sat down, since I was pretty sure cab passengers didn't sit in the front. I then got my first look at Eli.

Eli was also African American but he was lighter skinned. He must have been in his mid-30's, but he had a beer belly, which seemed unlikely since he was not big anywhere else. He had a gorgeous face, with light green eyes. I am sure he could have been a model if he had kept up his physical workouts, but sitting down driving all day long I am sure was to blame for that.

As soon as I sat down Eli laughed "whoa, look at how messed up you look. I am sure Derrick gave you quite a work out huh?"

"Yes Sir, he fucked me very well"

"Yeah, he is quite known in our circle of friends for turning out sissy faggots like yourself. Are you working for him now?"

"Actually I was working for him before he made me this way"

"Really? How much money did you make a night?"

I looked at him confusingly, "I am a teacher, what do you mean `a night'?"

Eli looked serious, like he had said something he shouldn't have "Never mind that, lets get going" He asked me the address where we were going and I told him.

He then turned on the meter, but after a couple of seconds we were not moving. "I know I shouldn't ask, but since you are a" he then looked at my face "What does that say? Dumb whore? Do you have cab fare you dumb whore?"

At that moment I realized why Derrick had laughed when he saw my wallet. Since Steve handled all the expenses I never carried any money. I looked at Eli and shook my head.

"Well that's a problem isn't it? So how do you think we can work this out?" He then put his right hand over my headrest and he opened his legs a bit and I knew exactly what needed to be done to `work this out'.

I then reached for his pants and he reached over and turned off the meter. I then unbuttoned his pants and lowered the zipper and his cock popped out.

"You may be a whore but you are not as dumb as you look"

"Thank you Sir" I then lowered my head to his dick and there was that smell I've come to long for, of sweat and spunk, and his also had a faint smell of dried urine and I knew it should have made me disgusted, but it was actually making me want to stick it in my mouth even more and that is exactly what I did. His dick wasn't that big, it was about 5 and half inches long.

As soon as I had his dick in my mouth he moaned and he started driving.

I kept playing with his dick with my tongue and he kept moaning as I was wedged between the fold of his big stomach and his balls. After a bit he must have been getting bored because he used his hand to keep me impaled all the way down his dick. Now I don't know if it was because his dick was not as big as I had been used to or I was getting much better at deep throating, but I was not choking at all which made me feel proud.

After a while Eli parked the car "We're here"

I then got off his dick and when I was about to turn he grabbed my hair and slapped my face and spit on my forehead. "Where the fuck do you think you are going slut? You are not done paying off the cab fare" He then put my mouth back on his dick and once again he shoved it down my throat.

After a couple of minutes of having him moving me up and down his cock I could tell he was tensing up. I was ready to swallow his load but he took me off his cock and put face right in front of his cock as I felt all his cum landing on my face. Shot after shot landed somewhere on my face, he did not miss a single shot. "There you go, now you have the dumb whore look complete. Now get the fuck out you stupid bitch"

I grabbed my normal clothes and when I got out Eli drove off. As I was walking towards Steve's door I scooped the semen off my face and swallowed it. I was really hooked on that tangy taste. When I reached the door there was more so I kept scooping it up and swallowing. I was not going in until I had tasted every single drop on my face, and if I wanted more there was a nice warm reserve up inside my ass.

I had come so far tonight and I had a huge smile on my face. I knew I should have felt shameful being dressed in a micro skirt, thong, high heeled shoes, fishnet stocking and top, and a huge black load up my ass, but I did not. I was officially a faggot with no shame, which is how a faggot should be.

I knocked on the door and I heard Steve say it was open. As soon as I stepped inside, the sight in front of me made me drop the clothes I was carrying along with my bottom jaw

On the sofa was a naked Steve with a naked Barb, my wife of 6 years, well ex-wife as of 2 weeks ago.

Next: Chapter 5

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