Steve the Teenage Master

By Johnny Walker

Published on Oct 27, 2013


Disclaimers: If you are not 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. Also this is a work of fiction, any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Please do not publish or post this story anywhere else without consent please.

First I want to thank everyone who wrote to me after the last chapter. If you like the story just drop me a quick line to let me know. A writer is nothing without the reader. If there is something you do not like also let me know, any feedback is welcome. I hope this chapter does not disappoint. Without further ado.

All I had gone through must have had an impact on my psyche because while I was sleeping there in the closet floor I had a dream, well, a nightmare to be exact. The only thing I can remember was that I was in front of the entire stadium crowd naked. I was so confused cause when I looked down I had breasts and a pussy and the whole crowd was pointing and laughing at me. I wanted to move to cover myself but I seemed stuck in place, frozen, and all of a sudden the laughs of the crowd turned to laughs from the entire football team inside the locker room. I was still naked but now I was myself again, no longer female, and I saw Steve pointing at me and talking to the entire team and more confusing still was that the whole team was naked, and all their cocks were rock hard, all shapes and sizes. I could not hear what Steve was saying, it was like he was on mute. The only thing I could hear was my own rapid beating heart. All of a sudden the guys started approaching me with lust in their eyes and I was sure I was about to be gang raped by the entire team when I was woken up by Steve.

In my post dream haze I was terrified for a second cause I thought the dream was real, and my heart was still beating fast, but I was so relieved to just see my sole tormentor and no one else.

He was only wearing basketball shorts without any underwear; I knew this because I could easily see the outline of his cock underneath the flimsy fabric. He was not wearing any shirt, and I was still amazed at how this 17 year old kid was in such a wonderful shape. His whole upper body was so chiseled.

Steve then put the chain back on my collar and walked me to the bathroom were he over saw my morning ritual of cleaning out my ass and peeing sitting down. Once I was finished he came over to me with another chain, but at the ends were some small clamps which he applied to each of my nipples causing me some pain. Once the pain went away he grabbed the chain and pulled on it causing my nipples to stretch and I grunted from the small pain it gave me. Now, I'll admit, I didn't mind this at all. My nipples are one of my erogenous zones and I myself would pinch them many a times when I masturbated.

Then I got on all fours again and he walked me out to the living room where he sat down to have a bowl of cereal and some milk. As he was pouring the milk in his bowl he told me that he had prepared my breakfast already and pointed to the dog bowl.

When I looked at it my stomach gave a jump, I saw that it contained cereal but instead of milk that fucking cruel motherfucker had put his piss instead. I wanted to cry cause I didn't know how much more of this torment of his I could take.

I lowered my head and took a bite of the cereal, and when I swallowed it I gagged. I heard Steve chuckle when he saw me gag, I felt like I was going to throw up at how bad it tasted. The cereal was soggy and his piss was cold. I did not want to eat anymore but I was so hungry that I took another bite, I took small bites and eventually I had finished all the cereal. The bowl was halfway full with piss and when I was going back to Steve he told me I had to finish the entire thing, which I did, with great effort on my part.

He then sat down in his sofa and I followed him. He took out his cock and told me to get to it as he turned on his TV.

I then started sucking his dick while he was watching some TV show. I realized I was actually getting good at sucking his dick. I was able to lower myself all the way down his dick to the base without chocking as much as before; my throat was now able to open up more easily to allow his giant tool down my throat. For some weird reason I found myself proud of this accomplishment. I continued to go up and all the way down his cock for some time and realized he was not even close to cumming.

He then grabbed his Xbox controller and turned it on. He then started playing GTA V which he had just bought while I was still working on his shaft. After a while I realized my jaw was getting sore but he did not care obviously. I must have been sucking his dick close to an hour I though. All of a sudden I heard Steve's cell ring, and he put down his controller down and with one hand he took the phone and with the other he grabbed the back of my head.

As he answered the phone he started to work my head up and down his cock at a really fast pace and I started chocking.

"Hey man, nice to hear from you"

The person on the other end started talking and I was still being skull fucked on Steve's dick.

"Nothing much, just here playing GTA, enjoying my Sunday, getting some of the greatest head...Yeah of course from the faggot slave, don't you hear him chocking on my meat?'

He just laughed, and I realized he must be talking to Nick.

"I know man, I am telling you, head from a faggot is better than any head from any girl, especially when..." He then impaled me on his dick and kept it there as I was choking from the lack of oxygen

"...hmmm, when his throat spasms on your dick, it's like a great massage on your cock when the bitch is chocking"

He then let go of my head, and I got off his dick as I tried to catch my breath "Did I tell you can stop?!" I knew from experience not to get on his bad side so I instantly went back to sucking his dick

"Yeah, man the offer still stands, come on by, this is going to be the greatest football game you will enjoy" He then hung up and told me we were having company. He then pushed me off his cock and put his shorts back on and I could see the impressive tent his large cock caused. He then made me dress in some basketball shorts and a tank top. I was still wearing the nipple clamps which were showing under the thin fabric of the tank top. He then told me I was dressed cause he needed me to grab some booze.

I asked Steve for the car keys and he back handed me so hard I could sense my ear ringing.

"Bitch, what have I said about talking out of turn?! You're lucky I don't have time to properly discipline you right now. Your bitch ass is walking to the liquor store down the street"

He then handed me the money and told me to grab two 18 packs of beer, anything imported, not domestic. I then went to the store and grabbed what Steve asked. On the walk back I had to set the 18 packs down several times cause carrying the two 18 packs was quite heavy. For Steve and his upper body strength it might have been a cake walk but for me it made my arms tired.

When I got back to the house Steve had me undress and put the beers in the fridge and asked me to bring him a beer when I finished. I then stocked the fridge of all the beers and went to the living room. Steve was playing his Xbox again.

Steve then had me get on all fours in front of him and I heard him open the beer bottle and take some sips. He then placed the beer on my back. Great, now I was serving as his table. I made sure my back was perfectly straight and not move a muscle. I knew if I spilled the beer I would have hell to pay, he did not have to tell me. From time to time Steve would kick my balls lightly with his feet, but I knew better than to even flinch.

When he finished his beer I crawled to the kitchen and threw it away. As I was crawling back with another beer for Steve I heard a knock at the door.

Steve then made me get back in front of the couch while he answered the door. I saw Nick come in and he was wearing basketball shorts too. At least he had the decency of wearing underwear. He was also wearing a very tight t-shirt that showed off his sculpted chest. I could tell this guy had quite a body on him too. He was very muscular and a nice sculpted face.

Steve wasted no time in asking "So Nick, what made you come around to coming over and enjoying the services of my faggot slave?" Nick looked confused as to why he had come and said

"I didn't come here to be served by your slave Steve; I just came over to enjoy the game with you"

I am sure Steve didn't buy that cause neither did I.

Steve then invited Nick to sit next to him and ordered me to get Nick a beer. I came back on all 4s with the beer for Nick. When I was in front of them Steve put his foot on my back, I instantly went from a table to a foot rest. Steve then invited Nick to relax and put his foot up which Nick did not seem to mind, and did.

Now I had 2 sets of muscular legs on my back which compared to all I had done this weekend was nothing, so I did not mind one bit.

I noticed they had about 1 hour before the game started and to kill time they started talking about school and Nick's work as a delivery boy. They finished their beer and made me get some more. They kept talking for a while as I kept getting them more beers and serving as their footrest.

They were on their fourth beer and I could tell they were somewhat buzzed already. I could tell Steve was being smart when it came to Nick; since he now decided to work on Nick, once they had some drinks.

Steve told Nick he was sorry he didn't come to be serviced by me since he would enjoy the game better.

Steve then whipped out his cock and told me to get to it. I then started to suck Steve's dick. I started by sucking on his head and then lowering myself a bit more down and back up. After Steve's cock was hard I just focused on his head while I was stroking his cock with my hand. I noticed Nick was looking at me and kept drinking his beer.

I was surprised Nick didn't say anything when Steve pulled out his cock in front of him but at this point I was not caring too much. I wanted to impress Nick, don't really know why, but I did, so I started deep throating Steve's dick down to the base.

"Oh yeah, that's right bitch, you know that's how I like it" Steve then grabbed my head and kept directing it up and down his cock. He then looked at Nick

"You see Nick, I don't know if you noticed, but the faggot knows how to work a dick right"

Nick was lost for words, I could tell the beers were working on him cause he seemed to enjoy the show and decided to put in his 2 cents "Man I wish my girl would go down on my dick like that, she just starts to cough, and god forbid if I try to force it down, she just bitches and moans."

"That's why it's good to have a slut like this one. She never complains and swallows it whole without any problems"

I started to go up and down completely on Steve's cock over and over. I could tell that Nick seeing me work on Steve's dick so well was starting to get to his mind since I saw him sporting wood under his basketball shorts. Steve looked at Nick and said

"Come on man, I see you are getting hard seeing this bitch smoke my pole, just try her out. She will deep throat your cock so good you will forget all about your petty insecurities"

Nick then finished his beer and said alright. Steve then threw me off his cock and I landed on my ass and then told me to get Nick and him another beer.

When I came back I handed them their beers, and got in front of Nick. When I took out his dick I was surprised to see that it wasn't as long as Steve's, probably about 5 or 6" but he was very thick, like unreasonably thick, probably a bit less thick than a canned soda. I started sucking on his head and I noticed Nick was having second thoughts and was about to take my head off his cock so I decided to go all the way down. It wasn't easy because my throat was not used to having such a thick piece of meat so I coughed a bit, but managed to take it all down anyways. I could feel my throat being stretched as much as it could.

I could tell that having deep throated his cock erased all doubt of not wanting me to suck him off. So I continued to go up and down and his cock, and I could swear it felt like it got even bigger and fatter. I was having a tough time getting it down my throat cause it was so big. My mouth barely was able to fit it in, my lips were as stretched as they could go and even though my throat was trained to open up, it cause me some discomfort letting him in. I then started to just focus on his cock, with my hands while I just sucked on his head, to give my throat a break when Steve pushed my head down on it

"Come on bitch, show my friend some respect, just cause he is thick does not mean you don't swallow it all down like the whore you are"

He held me down on Nick's dick until I started chocking and coughing and I could tell nick was enjoying this

"Oh god that feels good man"

Steve then let go of my head and I got off Nicks dick still coughing and catching my breath

"Bitch did I say you could get off my dick?" I was shocked that Nick spoke to me that way and I could tell the beers must be working through his system.

I noticed Steve smiling because he knew that Nick was now on his side and no longer shy about having me service him. I got back on Nick's cock and he pushed me down on it while he was sipping on his beer. I noticed my jaw was getting sore already Nick then grabbed my hair and made go up and down his cock at a fast face just fucking it like a pussy.

"Man Steve, you weren't kidding man, this feels great, I could never skull fuck a decent girl's mouth like this. This is a prime-A slut you found in this one"

I then noticed Nick's cock twitch and his breath was becoming more shallow and then he impaled me on his thick cock as he starting cumming

"OH YEAH BITCH, SWALLOW MY CUM YOU STUPID WHORE!! OH GOOOD, YEAH!!!" I felt his warm semen go down my throat and then he just threw me off his cock. "Wow that was amazing man"

"Didn't I tell you Nick? Didn't I tell you that this slut gives the best head?"

"You weren't kidding man, that was the best head I've had man, I just love how you can just use his mouth like some pussy and he just lets you." He then looked at me

"Aren't you ashamed of how much of a lustful cock gobbler you are?"

" well..." I noticed Steve was giving me a hateful stare that told me that I should know what to say

"No Sir, I am not ashamed at all, I just love servicing a real man's cock, and yours is great, it's so thick and beautiful I just was to suck it all over again"

Nick just laughed "You are one piece of work faggot"

He then looked at Steve and asked him where the bathroom was since he had to take a wicked piss. I just looked at Steve and he nodded towards Nick. I really did not want to drink any more disgusting piss, but I knew I had no choice in the matter, and I knew what Steve meant by nodding towards Nick. I just looked at Nick and I had to force the words I was about to say and sound convincing as I crawled towards Nick and grabbing his cock

"No need to get up Nick, let me take care of you, I am here to service all your needs Sir"

Nick looked at Steve bewildered and asked "Is this bitch serious? He would actually drink my piss man?"

"Nick, I told you that having a faggot to service you has a lot of perks, and being a portable urinal is one of those. No need to get up and miss the game or anything"

Nick just looked at me and told me to get to it then. To be honest after these 3 days I didn't mind the dick sucking or the ass raping that much, but the drinking piss part I don't think I could ever get over. That is what really made me ashamed and feel horrible about this entire situation. I pushed all those feelings and thoughts aside and as soon as I had Nick's cock head in my mouth and I had to start swallowing. After he was done I got off and just sat on the floor looking at this two hot guys just smiling at me.

I was then told to bring them more beer and they just sat there drinking the beers when I noticed the game was starting. Then Steve asked Nick if he wanted me to ride his dick during the first quarter of the game. Nick said he just finished cumming so he would pass right now. Steve then told him alright and told me to get on his dick and start riding it like the faggot whore I was.

I noticed Steve was hard already hard and I was glad I would ride his dick first cause if Nick would have been the first I would be in a world of hurt with that thick cock of his up my ass, and at least Steve would open me up somewhat so when I got to ride Nick I would not be as tight. When I got my ass onto Steve's cock it did not hurt going in as much as before. I guess my hole was more stretched now than when I first set foot in this house. As I got down on his cock Steve pushed me forward so he could see the TV while I was riding him. I looked up to see the game too when Steve told me to put my head down. He told me I was not to focus on anything but the wonderful cock of his master up my pussy. I just then looked at the floor as I was being made to go up and down.

He fucked me for the entire first quarter as him and Nick talked and cheered at the game. Once the first quarter was over, Steve pushed me off. He had not cummed so his cock was still hard. Nick then asked Steve "Man how come your cock is clean? I thought it was be all dirty with the faggot's shit"

"No man. I have this slut clean out her pussy ever morning so it's nice and clean and ready for any fucking she gets"

I looked at Nick and noticed he was rock hard, I am guessing seeing me work Steve's cock with my hole got him aroused. Once I got them another beer the second quarter was starting. Nick said I should ride him now.

I was dreading taking his fat cock up my ass but I was hoping that Steve's cock loosened me up a bit. When I lined up Nick's cock to my hole and I started to slide on it I knew I was not loosened up enough; it hurt my asshole too much. I climbed off and Nick asked me what was wrong.

I told him his cock was too thick and it was hurting me. Steve then said "You stupid whore, we don't care if it hurts your ass, like I told you, you cannot just get off cause it hurts. You just go slower and your ass will accommodate. NOW GET YOUR PUSSY BACK ON THAT DICK AND DON'T COMPLAIN BITCH!"

His tone got me scared since I did not want to piss him off. I then got Nicks head in my ass and I had to stop there. Nick then told me to get down cause I was blocking the game. I then got down and Nick slowly introduced some more of his dick in my ass and I gave out a small yelp. I was trying not to scream because my ass felt like it was on fire. Slowly but surely more of his dick was making its way into my ass and it was still very painful.

I was breathing out and in trying to loosen my hole. Before I knew it his entire dick was in my ass and it felt so full. I then went up and down slowly, after a little while I was starting to get hard because his thick cock was hitting my g-spot real well and I went up and down faster, driving me wild. This routine went on during the entire game; me bringing them beer, drinking their piss when needed, and continued getting ass fucked, switching between them once in a while. When they came -which they did a lot- they came in my ass, I was surprised they had the stamina to continue their fucking even after cuming so much.

By the end of the game I had a lot of their cum up my ass I could feel it filling me up. Then Steve had Nick bring him his camera and they had me in the presenting position with my head to the floor and my ass in the air, I could feel their jizz running down my leg and Steve took pictures of it.

"Yeah bitch, you look like the total slut that you are, there, with your ass full of cum" then Steve had the idea of grabbing the dog bowl and he scooped up the cum running down my leg and told me to push out all of their cum into the bowl.

I felt so ashamed and humiliated, not only by this act, but also having to do it in front of Nick, which was laughing at my expense and humiliation.

I then started pushing, feeling my asshole open up, which must have looked really red and swollen from all the hours of fucking they had given me.

I felt like I had a gallon of their cum up my ass and it felt like it would not end. After a while it stopped coming out, but Steve said to continue pushing and then he inserted two fingers in my asshole and then I felt more cum running out and also some wet farts.

Nick was also continuing to take pictures of this torment. I could tell they were both super drunk since they were slurring some of their insults at me calling me every name in the book, their bitch, whore, slut, cum receptacle. If it was a demeaning term I was being called that. Once my ass was completely empty Steve had me turn around and the first thing he made me do was lick his cum covered fingers clean.

"Yeah, you like cleaning cum covered fingers don't you?" I just kept licking his fingers not answering his ridiculous question, which was a mistake cause he just took his hand out of my mouth and he slapped me hard, which made Nick laugh very hard and loud

"I asked you a question slut, and when I ask you a question you answer me, you get it? So answer it" there was nothing I could do so I just looked at him and gave the response which I knew he was looking for.

"Yes sir, I am so sorry, yes I like licking cum of your fingers sir."

"Wow Steve, you have this bitch trained better than I thought"

"Not as good as I had expected if she does not know to answer to me" Steve then lifted his hand and I flinched expecting to be slapped again but they just started laughing seeing me flinch like the little bitch I was to them. Then came the moment I was dreading. When Steve put down the dog bowl in front of me with their creamy white substance I had just expelled from my bowels. I could not believe I had been full with so much cum. Nick then was the one who spoke which caught me off-guard since it was Steve who I had assumed had the dominant streak.

"Yeah bitch, look at all that cum that was just in your cunt, don't you have something to say?"

I just looked down and Steve took me by the hair so I could look at them while I thought of what was best to say to appease these drunken dominant jocks. I also noticed Steve smirking, which if I had to attribute to anything, it must have been Nicks new found dominance of me. At this point I had a lot of practice in stating my lowly status, so I didn't have to think too hard to say the words they wanted to hear

"Thank you so much guys for filling me with so much cum, I am nothing but a cum dumpster for you guys to use and abuse, it is a privilege to be used by such attractive and strong guys like you, I am really grateful as the cum whore faggot I am"

Steve just looked at Nick smiling and I knew then he was looking for Nick to continue his dominant streak to keep going.

"Well then slut, you will be very thankful to know that now you will not waste our precious cum, so start eating that nice soup of jizz we have gladly given to you" I just looked down at the bowl and I felt like I was going to throw up, it looked so horrible. I just started at it not wanting to eat all of this cum, especially when it had come from inside my ass. I felt like I was about to start crying, but that thought was broken when Nick leaned forward and took my head and lowered it completely in the bowl. I felt the cum cover my entire face.

"We said eat it bitch, not just stare at it like some painting" He then let go of my head and when I came back up they were just laughing like the cruel joke I was to them.

Steve then spoke "wow, you should see yourself, you look like the biggest whore in the world with all that jizz covering your face." Steve then took the camera from Nick and took another picture. Then he had me scoop the jizz of my face and lick it off my fingers while he took more pictures of that. Once I was done cleaning my face they told me to eat the jizz, and not waste any more of their precious time. I then lowered my face to the cum and the smell was overpowering, it smelled so strong. I then started slurping the cum from the bowl and I had to work really hard not to throw up cause it was so disgusting. I was just starting to get accustomed to the taste of cum, but this was so much of it, and not only that, it was colder than usual which was twice as disgusting. Steve and Nick just kept laughing and taking pictures.

Once I was done, which took me a fairly long amount of time, I felt so full and disgusted with myself. I thought that would be the end of it since it was kind of late and I just wanted to go home, but Nick and Steve had other ideas and dragged me by the collar to his bedroom.

As soon as we were in the bedroom Steve put my hands behind my back and handcuffed them together and threw me at the edge of the bed. Nick didn't waste any time and got on the bed in front of me and put his cock right at my lips.

I opened my mouth and started sucking on his head. It was kind of hard to move since I could not use my hands to adjust my position but Nick did not seem to just want his head sucked since he grabbed my head and forced his entire cock down my throat and pinched my nose shut. After some seconds I started to freak out since I was not getting any air and started chocking and coughing. I could feel my face turning red and tears were falling from my eyes. I tried to push my head up but Nicks strong arm were not letting me up. When I thought I was about to pass out Nick let go of my head. I was so glad I was able to breathe again, but it was short lived because Nick grabbed me by the hair and slapped my face with full force

"Look at the mess you made on my groin you stupid bitch!" I noticed his whole groin area was full of saliva and phlegm from my throat. I wanted to tell him to fuck off since he was the one who really made that happen but I knew there was no reasoning with a drunk teen.

"I am so sorry sir, I couldn't help it"

"Well then clean it up faggot" He grabbed my head and directed it to his balls and let go of my head. I then started licking his balls and slurping up all my spit. As I was licking and slurping away I felt my ass getting wet, and I instantly knew that Steve was applying lube to my hole which I knew he was going to fuck, and then Nick. I just hoped it wouldn't be for hours like during the game.

Once my hole was very lubed -which I was grateful for- Steve shoved two fingers in and I thought it would have hurt but I guess having been fucked for hours loosened me up some and I let out an involuntary moan once Steve's fingers found my sweet spot. Nick laughed and Steve had to pile on with his unnecessary commentary

"This faggot can't but help show what he really is, nothing but a cock whore who loves having his pussy stuffed" He then shoved his cock in my ass in one thrust and started fucking me at a furious pace.

I went back to sucking Nick's cock cause all I wanted to do was tell Steve to slow down, but I knew that was a bad idea so I just kept my mouth busy on Nicks cock. It was a better alternative than telling Steve what to do when he was drunk.

Nick then called Steve's attention and they both grew quiet and Steve slowed down. I had no idea what they were saying to each other in those quiet tones but I was getting nervous.

Nick then asked Steve "So you wanna?"

"I don't know man, not cause of the..." I am guessing there were some hand gestures but what he said next is what made me really, really nervous "I just don't know if she can handle it"

"Who gives a fuck man? You said it yourself; this faggot bitch is to be used for our pleasure. Also, wouldn't it be fun to put her through the ringer?" Nick and Steve then both laughed in unison and I knew my fate -whatever that is- was sealed.

At that point they both removed their cocks from my holes and they both left the bed to talk by themselves. I was so nervous and for some reason it was starting to feel strange when I did not have a cock in my ass, or pussy, as it was more commonly called now.

I was disrupted from my thoughts when I felt the penis gag being inserted in my mouth. Nick then got on the bed and I was positioned on top of him and I was lowered onto Nick's cock. It still felt a bit bigger than my asshole was used to, but after I went up and down on it for a bit, I was back in that blissful place I was starting to learn not to fight anymore, and just enjoy. I even began to move my ass around and grind on Nick's cock which made Nick smile.

"You like my cock in that pussy of yours huh?"

I looked at Nick while I was moaning, lost in the moment, and nodded. Not cause I knew that is what he wanted to hear, but because I truly was loving it. His cock was so thick, and when his cock head hit my prostate, I couldn't help but moan. I just wish I had my hands free so I could jack my rock hard cock and play with my nipples at the same time; but having his cock hit my g-spot was more than enough at this moment.

Nick then grabbed my collar and pulled me down. He then whispered in my ear "Well I hope you enjoyed my cock you stupid whore, cause now you are in for a wild ride"

I was confused but excited at the same time, if this ride I was having wasn't wild enough I had no idea what he could mean. I then felt the bed shift and Nick moved his legs and spread them wide. I then looked back, and saw Steve applying more lube to my hole and Nicks cock and then he put a lot of lube on his cock and I knew what they had in mind, what Steve had said I couldn't handle, and I knew he was right. There was no way my ass was ready to be double stuffed by their massive cocks.

I instantly looked at Nick with pleading eyes and had tears forming in my eyes. I was afraid and very nervous at what they had just planned, but Nick had a huge grin on his face and I could tell he was getting off on the anguish showing on my face.

I looked back to Steve with my pleading eyes -which now had tears running down- as he was aiming his cock to my hole which was full enough already. I was shaking my head and was screaming "no! Please!" but of course they just sounded like muffled screams.

I was hoping that maybe he would show me some mercy, but seeing the same huge grin on his drunken face made me realize that there was no pleading or begging that would change their minds and I started crying.

Nick started laughing and slapped my face "Oh come on bitch, he has not even stuck it in yet, save the crying for when we pop your DP cherry and tear that pussy in two"

Steve laughed at that, and I felt his cock trying to enter my ass. Steve put one hand on my shoulder and used it to push himself forward. The pressure in my hole was building up and I felt my hole trying to loosen up, but there was no way it would ever accommodate these two huge cock, but Steve was not giving up and kept pushing in.

Nick held my screaming, crying face, in his hands and looked me in the eyes and his stupid grin was gone, it was now replaced by a cold stare I had not seen from him "Come on you stupid cock whore, loosen that slutty pussy of yours. I know you can fit us, so stop your crying and let your master in!"

He then slapped my face and back handed me on the other cheek. I didn't know if it was the alcohol, but this Nick was so much different than the Nick that came in hours ago.

I don't know if it was the double slap but at that exact moment I felt Steve's cock head enter my hole and I let out the loudest scream. I had to take a deep breath in and breathe out cause I felt I might have passed out from the pain my sphincter was suffering. Thankfully Steve did not keep pushing. He just held the head of his cock rest in my hole.

Then surprisingly, out of nowhere Nick wiped the tears from my eyes and was running his hand through my hair gently. "See fag, I know it hurts, but your cherry has been popped like a virgin slut. But now, it's just a matter of time before your pussy adapts" He then reached behind my head and untied the gag.

As soon as the gag was out I couldn't help it "PLEASE! PLEEEASE! TAKE...TAKE IT OUT! IT HURTS, IT HURTS TOO MUCH!"

Nick then slapped me with all his force and I shut up instantly "Now now bitch, if you are going to be ungrateful for our cocks then I am putting the gag back in and we are going to do this the rough way. Then we are really going to give you something to cry and scream about. Do you want that?"

"NO! No. please, I am sorry" I couldn't believe I was apologizing to this cruel asshole while my hole was being brutalized by their massive cocks.

I am guessing seeing Nick's dominant side made Steve want to join in. Steve grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up so his face was right next to mine. That made my asshole clench around their cocks and I screamed, I couldn't help it.

"Are you really sorry faggot?" I could smell the beer on his breath as he asked me

"YES SIR! I AM SO SORRY!" I was just screaming what he wanted to hear so I wouldn't scream stop.

"Well then John, you will show me that you really are sorry by not complaining and take your fucking like the slave you are"

I had not heard my actual name for only 3 days, but it seemed like a lifetime ago with everything that had happened this weekend. Even with my ass, sorry, pussy, being ripped in two. I then just shut my mouth as Steve slowly pushed his way more in. I breathed out and in deeply and groaned loudly so I would not scream.

Nick then withdrew his cock and then shoved his cock back in. I let out a gasp and increased my breathing which got a laugh out of Nick "Oh Steve, you should see the face on this whore, she looks like she is giving birth instead of getting a good fuck"

Both Steve and Nick kept laughing at me and calling me every derogatory name in the book as I kept up my breathing exercises to deal with the massive pain in my way overstuffed rear end. Then they both proceeded to fucked me mercilessly as I kept groaning and had my handcuffed hands in balled up fists. It felt so weird having two cocks in my ass.

Thankfully, after all those painful minutes, which seemed like forever, they both came in my ass and withdrew their cocks. I felt like a cheap whore with all their cum running out of my battered hole and I tried to close my hole but there was no way I could tighten my ass enough to keep their cum in.

As I was thinking of how loose my hole was Steve picked me up and set me on the floor on my knees. Steve and Nick then put their deflating cocks in front of my face. They were covered in my ass juice, lube, and to my shock, some pink streaks. They weren't kidding about ripping my ass apart.

My face must have looked very shocked because Steve put his hand through my hair and moved my head up so I was looking at their faces.

"Don't worry fag, I know it may seem bad but it's not, it happens when your pussy gets it cherry popped. You are going home tonight and your pussy will heal quickly, especially since you are not going to be fucked any time soon." For some reason I did not want to give up being fucked, I was just starting to enjoy it. "Now open up that cum dumpster mouth of yours and clean our cocks"

I knew that anything other than full compliance would be trouble so I just took Steve's cock in my mouth. The taste hit my taste buds like a freight train, the mix of those bodily fluids was disgusting and I instantly gagged. Steve then slapped the side of my face "Bitch you better have a smile on your face. This is your master's cock you are servicing, and you better be thankful for it."

I then finished licking all over his cock and once it was completely clean I looked up at Steve "Yes Master, you are right as always" I then flashed a smile and he seemed content. Nick's slimy cock was then in front of my face and had to clean his cock as well. Even though the taste was still as disgusting I did as Steve told me and smiled and moaned as I was cleaning Nick's cock.

Once I was done Nick thanked Steve for sharing his whore and left without even giving me a second look.

Steve then unlocked my hands and told me to wait as he walked to his living room, and once he came back he had my clothes with him, which I had not seen since Friday, but he also had a device in his hands.

He told me to stand up and as soon as I did that he came over to me with a device which he started to put on my cock. I then realized he was putting my cock in a clear plastic chastity cage.

"Well faggot, I am sure you are glad you are going home, but remember when I told you before that you are not allowed to touch your cock without my permission, and you still did it anyways? Well, that showed me that I cannot trust you, and since I am still your master when you walk out of this house my rules still apply. So I am putting you in a chastity device so you won't be able to masturbate, touch your worthless cock, or even get an erection. That is what you get for disobeying me"

He had the biggest smile on his face cause he could see my disappointment written all over my face. "Also as you can see, you will need to sit down to pee too."

Once he finished cramming my cock into the chastity cage he locked it with a small lock and put the key in his pocket, the same pocket which he then pulled out a very small pink butt plug from.

"Also you are to always wear this butt plug in your ass. I would have gotten you a bigger plug but since your ass just took a brutal pounding I am giving you this very small one, which will allow your ass to recover and not cause you any further injury."

He then smacked my face very lightly "You can't say I am not good to you" and gave me a cocky grin.

I wanted to fucking punch him for saying that, but he laughed cause seeing the anger in my face without being able to say anything or fight back was the reaction he was looking for.

"You should only remove the plug when you need to take a dump. Both of these things are to be a constant reminder that your cock is now as useless and worthless as much as you are, and you are only on this earth now to have your ass stuffed like a faggot whore"

He then handed me the butt plug. I took it and reached behind me and the plug slid right into my ass cause it was so loose. So loose that I had to clench my ass so it would not slip out.

Steve then handed me my clothes and I got dressed. As soon as I finished dressing I didn't want to be in his presence anymore so I started walking out without saying another word to him.

He then came up behind me, turned me around, and slapped my face with all his force, which was his favorite way of slapping me, always as hard as he could. I felt the sting of his slap as he then spit on my face. "Don't you have something to say to me after this wonderful life changing weekend?"

As I stared at his eyes and felt his spit rolling down the side of my stinging face, my cock in a cage, and both his and Nick's cum stuffed up my ass with a pink plug, I felt tears forming in my eyes. Not only cause of my current state, but because I knew that for the foreseeable future I will never be able to stop saying "Thank you Master Steve"

Next: Chapter 4

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