Steve Recaptured

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 7, 2023


It happened that all of the thinking and plotting wyatt gave to extricating himself from his relationship with Vic and steve came for nothing: Vic told him to leave. It happened one night over dinner. Vic looked up, put down his fork and announced "I have something to say. It affects all of us." steve put down his own fork as did wyatt.

"This threesome is NOT working. And I'm ending it." He looked at the two subs, and then continued. "steve, when I ok'd this, I had remarked that you were 95% sub bottom and 5% top, did I not? " "Yes sir, you did." Vic smiled. "And did I not also say at one point, that you were going to have to learn to be 100% sub?" steve swallowed. "Yes sir. You said that as well." "Letting you have the 5% with wyatt was a bad idea on my part. See, according to my calculations, if there are 365 days in a year, and you are 5% top, you should be topping no more than 18-19 days a year...." He continued. "I think you've topped wyatt twice this week. And I'm sure you planned to do more topping next week. That's not going to fly."

"But Sir..." wyatt spoke up and steve froze. They did not have permission to speak and he didn't know what wyatt was going to say. He saw Vic scowl. "Yes, it's true. steve took me twice this week but... you took me three times." Vic's lips curled into a snarl. "Yes, and that's three times I could have been fucking steve's ass. Making him MORE of a sub bottom than he already is. And to be honest wyatt: you're not as good a fuck as steve is." steve wanted to ask "but what about my 5%?" He knew Vic well enough not to do that. He could very well wind up out of the apartment, and with wyatt as a ... bottom. One hundred percent of the time. It was the last thing he wanted. "Now I know the two of you like having sex with each other, and this is how we're going to work this out. And it's not for negotiation: you take it or leave it. Once a week, I will let steve top at work: let's say Tuesdays. I don't want to know about it. ALL I want to know, steven, is that when you come home, you will continue to serve as my bottom and sub. If that is not acceptable - and be glad I'm giving you the choice - I want to know now." "No Sir. It's fully acceptable. Thank you for accommodating us. " He smiled. "After dinner and after the two of you clean up, steve will help you pack wyatt. My understanding is that you have kept your apartment. At least I see the rent bills come in every month." "I have Sir. Would it be ok if I invited steve to my place occasionally." Vic brought his hand down on the table. "ABSOLUTELY NOT. To the extent I'm permitting anything, it is a work place relationship that I do NOT want to know about. And if it goes further.... " he smiled. "You can count on steve being in chastity 100% of the time and not able to do ANYTHING to you with his cock. Of course, you'll be able to take HIS ass but... I will know about that steve, and you will NOT want the consequences." steve and wyatt looked at each other. If steve were honest, he would have said that he was not finding being the Top all he thought it would be. Vic had characterized him as 95% bottom. He thought it was closer to 98% and wyatt was voracious: he didn't understand that the bottom doesn't tell the top what to do, and he was nagging steve, constantly, wanting cock, wanting to such his dick, wanting him to tie him up, everything. steve, in the meanwhile, would get hard during the day just wondering what Vic would do to him that night. Sometimes, he'd take a break and just sit in his work chair, hands behind his back and, if wyatt were out at the men's room or getting coffee, he'd quickly stuff a wad of cloth in his mouth to simulate Vic gagging him. wyatt caught him once. "That's hot. I wish you'd do it to me, steve." "mmmmmmmph." steve spat the cloth out of his mouth, and blushed red. "You shouldn't have seen that. I was thinking about Vic and..." "You should keep thinking, steve. Isn't it MY turn to get fucked tonight?" That was a true source of tension between the two bottoms. Vic spent time - not a lot of it but some - fucking wyatt or dominating him while he left steve tied up, usually with a vibrator at his caged cock, to watch. The vibrator torture was ok, but... "that's my DOM'S cock" steve would think, and imagine it was himself underneath Vic, not wyatt. " "I think Vic decides who gets fucked wyatt. I don't have anything to say about it. Neither do you." "I NEED COCK STEVE. I NEED MORE OF IT. I'M NOT GETTING ENOUGH OF YOU AND I'M NOT GETTING ENOUGH OF VIC." steve began to think, correctly, that wyatt was planning to push him out of the relationship. Vic had figured all of this out. He was going to use it. Once wyatt was gone.

"Hey, you'll find a DOM just like I did, wyatt. " "BUT I WANT YOU" he wailed as they were packing him up. "No, you don't. You want someone who will give you 100% of his time, and turn you into a true sub." "I AM A TRUE SUB." wyatt whined some more, and now steve laughed. "No, you're not. You complain too much. You're way too vocal about what you want and what your needs are. A good sub only worries about his DOM's needs." He stopped for a minute. "You learned a lot here wyatt. I think Vic may be looking for someone he thinks is appropriate for you. I'll let you know at work." "I don't think I'm coming back to work, steve. I don't think I can handle being around you." steve sighed. "Ok. Make sure I have your number. I think Vic planned to introduce you to someone this Friday. I'll confirm with you. If he does, don't screw it up." "Yes sir," wyatt answered. "Car is downstairs. C'mon wyatt. I'm sure steve told you we expect to see you on Friday." "Yes sir. Thank you for everything." He tried to shake Vic's hand, but Vic headed for wyatt's nipples and squeezed them. "One last time. Make sure your next DOM works them REALLY well. And make sure he appreciates gags. You're mouthy. He's gonna have to keep you quiet. " Then he laughed."Quiet wyatt. There's your new sub name."

After wyatt was in the car and on the way back to his original place, steve spoke to his Master. "Sir, you seem tense." "OF COURSE I'M TENSE SUB BITCH. DO SOMETHING TO RELIEVE THE TENSION." "YES SIR." steve knelt in front of Vic and ran his face over Vic's crotch. He felt it begin to stiffen. Skillfully, he opened Vic's zipper before he got TOO hard, and then he used the bottom of his face to push Vic's cock out. His tongue began to lick at the cock as if it were a lollipop. "FUCK YEAH. That feels good bitch boy." Vic reached behind steve and shoved his head forward. "ALL OF IT COCKSUCKER. ALL OF IT. EVERY LAST CENTIMETER. " He deep throated steve, and he pushed hard when he did. steve began to make sucking sounds, because he knew that the sound of him working on Vic would get Vic even more excited. Maybe he wouldn't cum in steve's mouth. Maybe... just maybe.... "You got me nice and wet steve. Get on the bed. Get your jeans off. Master Vic is gonna teach you who's in charge. "Like I don't know," steve thought, and turned so Vic couldn't see the smile on his face. "Hmmm. If topping wyatt did one thing, I think it pushed your testosterone levels steve-o I think you need to be shaved early. I want you SMOOTH for Friday." "Yes sir." It was Tuesday. steve knew that meant he could count on a shaving on Wednesday night so that his skin could recover, and he'd look perfectly smooth at the bar. He wondered who Vic had in mind for wyatt. He knew that Vic kept in touch with many of the DOMS in the area. He just wondered who. He stopped wondering, when Vic shoved his dick into him. It almost felt.... creamy. "OH GOD SIR . I love the feeling of you in me." OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" Vic had reached up and began twisting the tit bar. steve could hear the chastity cage rattling as his cock, unable to grow longer, grew thicker. Vic's balls were slamming up on his ass and steve was... painfully erect. When Vic's little beard hit his neck and his ear, steve started to beg. "PLEASE SIR. PLEASE PLEASE. 100 PERCENT. ALWAYS. ALWAYS. PLEASE. PLEASE LET YOUR TOTAL SUB CUM. PLEASE." It was exactly what Vic wanted. He didn't ask steve to say it, he didn't demand anything, steve just gave in completely at that moment, and Vic knew: he had his 100% sub.

On Wednesday night, after steve came home from work, he knew. The shaving materials were all laid out on the bed. Vic had left a note:

"Back in ten minutes. Making arrangements for Friday. Shirtless. Keep your jeans on. I'll take care of that." "No mention of edging or milking me. SHIT " steve thought. He needed it. He needed it bad. But he did what he was told to do: he stripped down and before Vic came home, he checked himself out in the mirror. Vic had designed his workout, and it showed: if you didn't see Vic and steve together, you'd wonder who that hottie with the muscles was fucking. If you looked closer and saw the tit bar, you'd be confused. But when Vic touched steve and steve went into slave position, all was clear. "Get on the bed muscle boi. They'll show even better once you're clean." "Yes sir," steve answered, placing himself on the bed. "Now, let's get you as clean as can be. My 100 percenter can't have a hair on his chest, his pubes, his pits." "No Sir. Absolutely not. " As Vic worked on the shaving, he had a big grin. "What if I told you I found wyatt one of, if not THE, most respected DOMs in the city. " steve tried to keep still. There was only one other DOM he could see serving and that was this HUGE man of color named Cal, who had the nickname Piledriver. At one point, Cal had three subs and he kept them all satisfied. You could see them all at the bar on the weekends, each one with a color coded leash. The red one meant that slave was getting fucked that night, the green one was for the slave in charge of getting Cal and the red leashed slave lubed up with his tongue, and the yellow one was for the slave who would be electronically stimulated that night.

The word was that Cal had gotten bored with the three slaves he had, and had dismissed them all. Was wyatt going to become part of his stable?" "Is... is wyatt going to Piledriver Cal, Sir?" Vic laughed. "Even better. MUCH better. I showed his pictures to Sir Roberto. His reaction was... positive. "A diamond in the rough. My favorite kind of stone. I will be there." "SIR ROBERTO? SIR... I..." "He wanted you steve. I told him you weren't part of the deal. He wasn't pleased but.. you know how Sir Roberto has taken a turn to twinks as of late. It won't last, but it'll be good training for wyatt. Unfortunately, he will have had two of the best and... ha ha... Maybe he WILL wind up with Cal. Now... there we go, nice and smooth." Vic had stripped steve down and cleaned his pubes. "I think it's a festive night, so... " He stuck out his tongue. "Gonna lube you up the old fashioned way." "OOOOOH. Yes sir!" steve LOVED the feel of Vic's tongue almost as much as his cock. As that long, skilled organ penetrated him, getting him moist for the longer, more menacing cock, he wondered what it would be like to be part of Cal's entourage. Or Sir Roberto's. They were both known to be fickle, and Sir Vic had hunted him down to take him back. That meant... that meant the world." He felt the gush of Vic's cum in him. Then he saw that Vic had the key to his chastity cage in his hand. "Something new tonight, stevie. I did some shopping. I did it after I saw a movie." He unlocked the cage, and steve's cock jutted out. "Get on the chair. Your hands behind you." "Yes sir." steve sat on the dildo: he was opened now, so it was easy. Then Vic bound him. He turned around and came back with two hitachis, and some velcro tape. "One for each of your balls, steven. I'll keep the vibrations on low. And I'm gonna set the timer for an hour. For every minute less than an hour before you cum, you're gonna spend a minute on the fuck machine." steve HATED the fuck machine. It was rhythmic, and regular, and it was HUGE. It was like getting screwed by a robot. And Vic knew he hated it. "Bastard," he thought, and then Vic attached the hitachis to each of steve's thighs. "OH FUCK I'M NOT GONNA LAST LONG" steve gushed. And he didn't. In less than 15 minutes, he had blown a huge load. "This is gonna be fun. Friday night, after the bar, stevie. But now... you've got a floor to clean." "Yes sir." "And make short work of it. This will help inspire you." Vic put the biggest vibrator he had in steve's ass. steve got on all fours and began lapping up his cum. "I love my job," he quipped to himself.

Vic dressed steve as a kidnapped preppy for Friday: blue oxford shirt, khakis, and a blazer. steve knew that by the end of the evening, the shirt would be destroyed, several of the DOMS would be given access to his tits, and then.. he'd be back home on the fucking machine, because Vic would probably take some new boy in front of him while steve was getting nipple abuse and sucking a stranger. "Good evening Victor. May I present my new boy, wyatt?" Sir Roberto, with his stunning white hair, his height, his muscles, couldn't help but make an entrance. He was leading wyatt on a leather leash, with a studded collar. There was a ball gag in his mouth. "You were quite correct, Victor. The mouth never stops with this one. It has to be engaged in order to... ahem, keep it in order. Is that not right, boy? " He pulled the leash and wyatt moaned an answer. "I'm glad you began training him with chastity, Victor, because he needs it. I've already caught him playing with himself twice." Vic turned to steve. "You didn't break him of that filthy habit?" Vic turned to Sir Roberto. "I was having my alpha slave train him and clearly he did NOT do an adequate job." Sir Roberto snickered. "I presume you will let him know of my displeasure?" He handed Vic a package of his trademark clover clips for steve's balls. "I will indeed Sir." "BRAVO. Now if you will excuse us, wyatt is about to be introduced to the appropriate use of a sling." "Well, HE'LL be the sore one on Monday, that's for sure," steve thought, as another piece of his shirt got ripped away. "I very much like this bar, steve, but I think it may be time to replace it: with a two piece construction that looks like an X. It will be so much fun to see how you react to it." "Yes sir," steve gulped. "Now, we'll be heading home. That fucking machine is waiting for us." "Yes sir." steve bowed down as Vic put HIS collar on, and put the leash through the eye ring. "I'm owned," steve thought. And he was.

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