Steve Recaptured

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 26, 2023


"Mowing the lawn? What did he mean? We live in a loft, not a house." It was Monday at work: the first workday after Vic had taken wyatt into the house as beta slave. steve knew exactly what he meant. "It means our pubes are getting shaved." "HUH? That means.... " "It means Sir likes his man pussies clean. That's what it means. Sometimes he forgets to do it. When he shaves my chest, he gets too hot and he winds up fucking me. Then he loses interest until next time. " He paused. "But now, especially since he feels he needs to keep me in my place, it's probably gonna happen regularly. Yours too." wyatt laughed. "Hell no. I'm not getting shaved steve." Now steve laughed. "Don't be surprised if he makes me do it." "FUCK. He'd do that?" "Remember. I'm alpha, you're beta. But we're both slaves. He's the Master." "Shit! I didn't know I was getting into this kind of stuff. I'm gonna bail." steve laughed. "That's what I said. You saw what happened. And if you bail, three guesses who's gonna get punished for it?" wyatt paused for a minute. He looked at steve. "You really LIKE what he does to you don't you?" steve thought for a minute. "Yep. Sir Vic is right when he says I'm about 90% passive/submissive. And now he took care of the other 10%." wyatt couldn't seem to keep a focus. "So if you're 90%, and you're topping me, that makes me.." "All the way, dude. Get used to it. Think about it: when was the last time you took someone home and topped him?"

"That doesn't mean I won't at some point." "As of now it does. Don't let Master Vic hear that. You'll be in that cage for at least a month. Trust me." On Sunday, after their first night as a threesome, Vic waited until they had had breakfast and showered. "We're gonna skip the gym today, because we need to have a family meeting. Both of you, strip. steve, get two sets of ropes, and two cock cages out of the toy box." "Yes sir, " steve answered. wyatt looked at him questioningly but when steve gave him a look, he kept his mouth shut. "wyatt, you push the chairs back to back. NOW" Vic pointed to two chairs. wyatt started to do so, and steve whispered "You answer 'yes sir'. ALWAYS." Vic heard him and laughed. "If you weren't such a damn good sub, you might actually make a good Master, steven. " "Thank you Sir," steve answered, as he took one of the seats. "Sit in the other one, wyatt" he told the newbie, who was still stunned by what was happening, but did what steve told him. They way they were sitting, it was easy for Vic to rope steve's left wrist to wyatt's right one, and vice versa. He also took a long strip of rope, and tied it around the space under their nipples and then another one over them. As the bigger man, steve's stood out more than wyatt's. wyatt had never been tied like this before, and it felt... good. Vic noticed that he was enjoying it.

He stepped away and came back with a paddle. "Down boy." He stood in front of wyatt, and smacked the paddle against the palm of his hand. "I'd get that thing down if I were you." He patted wyatt's balls gently with the paddle, but didn't hit them. At that moment, he didn't see that the sound of the paddle was getting steve hard. He increased the frequency and the strength of his smacks and finally, as he begged Vic to stop, wyatt's hard on came down. "I could have guessed this would happen, steven." Vic smiled. "I know how to handle you. Smacking you will only make things worse." steve knew that meant... ice. Vic stepped away again and came back with an ice pack from the freezer. He held it against steve's crotch and pressed, harder and harder. The cold caused the blood vessels to contract, and now, steve's was down. Vic moved quickly. He locked a cage on steve. Then he went back to wyatt. He picked up the paddle. "We gonna need this again, boy?" "No Sir." wyatt was trying desperately to keep himself composed, but the sounds of steve moaning had been almost as arousing as the bondage. Vic's hand on his cock didn't help either, but with difficulty, Vic got the second cage on wyatt. "THERE WE GO. Sort of like training wheels because neither one of you needs to cum and you won't, unless I decide you can. " He walked around them, and flicked at their nipples as he did. He took another chair, positioned it backwards and faced them both. "steve knows the rules for the two of us, but now we are three. And the rules are gonna change. You're gonna have a set of rules that are the same, and you're each gonna have individual rules. We start with the collective ones." That's where steve and wyatt learned about how the frequency of shaving was going to increase. "We'll start with mowing the lawn" on Monday he told them. "wyatt, if and when you develop chest hair, you'll get it shaved at the same time steve gets his shaved. Keeping slaves smooth reminds them of their place. " He continued. "You have curfews. I realize days change and are different, but we'll discuss everyone's day the night before, and you'll have a time that you will be here. Every late minute, means either ten whacks with a paddle or an extra day of chastity. My choice. " He took a breath. "Now, the rule has been that every day, when he comes home, steve blows me. That will continue. wyatt, steve will decide on an appropriate act, with my approval, and when you come home, you'll take care of him the way he takes care of me. Note, steven, that wyatt is NOT to do anything that I consider to be a dominant or topping act. He will NOT put his finger in your ass, for example. Nor will he tickle your feet, etc. On the other hand, if you decide that you would like him to take a dildo for ten minutes, that would be perfectly appropriate." "Yes sir," steve answered first, and a weaker "yes sir" came out "of wyatt. He was wondering how he had allowed himself to get into a situation like this. And he was ambivalent about whether he liked it or not. "As for chores, steve you may now split them. wyatt, you'll do what steve tells you to do. And since you'll have more free time, steve, I expect that you'll be spending more time in bondage because... " he moved the chair in front of steve "your life is about to change." "How Sir?" steve was truly puzzled. "If you think I've been dominant to now, you just wait. One ounce weights on those clamps are about to become one and a half. I just told you: more bondage. When we go out, you'll be collared ALL the time. And arm banded. I may even have you collared in public, I'm still thinking about that. And your workouts are going to be more strenuous. More muscle, less flab on that body." steve forgot to answer "yes sir, and got a smack to his balls for it. "I'm sorry. Yes sir." Vic smiled. "Now, the first thing you're going to do is you're each going to glue a dildo to those chairs because when you sit on them, you'll sit naked and on the dildo. I want you both opened and available all the time." There was a pair of "yessirs" from wyatt and steve, as Vic untied them. "GET TO WORK BECAUSE AFTER THAT, YOU'RE GOING TO THE GYM AND WHEN YOU COME BACK FROM THE GYM, WE'LL HAVE SOME FUN."

Vic gave each of the subs a six inch dildo and a tube of epoxy cement. "That's all it's gonna take. Just make sure you don't get it on your balls because... heh heh. You'll find out." When they were done, Vic sent them off to get dressed for the gym. He looked at his watch. "You have 2 hours to get done and back here. wyatt, steve's gonna be showing you a basic routine. That's what you do until we step it up. steve, you do your regular workout today. You'll step it up on Monday. And you'll be going to the gym together. People are gonna think you're actually a couple. "

"He's really being a hard ass about this isn't he?" wyatt asked as they changed in the locker room at the gym. steve laughed. "Hey, you signed up for this. So did I. Actually, no. I didn't but... yeah, he's being tough." "He'll relax won't he?" "Don't count on it. Moving you in gave Master the chance to take more control of me. That's what he wants." "Is it what you want steve?" steve looked down for a minute. Then he looked wyatt in the eye. "Yes."

steve remembered his first workouts as he "trained" wyatt that afternoon. "I can't, it's just too tough," wyatt whined at one point. "You're gonna be taking 12 inch dildos up your ass, you better get used to doing tough things, boy." wyatt's eyes bugged out. "TWELVE INCHES? You can take 12.." "Just gimme 12 reps, wyatt. NOW" wyatt was so inexperienced at the gym that steve knew: they were going to be late. No question about it. When they were done and in the locker room, he texted Vic. "Sir, apologies but we ran late." Vic answered almost immediately. "You know that means a penalty. Since I put you in charge, you'll be paying it." "Yes sir, " he texted back. When they got back, Vic was in full leather: chaps, a vest, his band on his left arm. "Well, which one of you bitches is gonna take care of my hard on?" "I'll do it Sir" steve got in front of him, hands behind his back as he knelt. "wyatt, get undressed and sit. Right on the dildo. You get to pick the chair you want. That's yours from now on." "Yes sir," he answered, gulping as he dropped his clothes. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR BITCH BOY? JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN DO WHAT YOU WANT WITH BLONDIE DID NOT CHANGE THINGS. GET YOUR MOUTH ON MY COCK." steve began slurping. He knew exactly how Vic liked his blow jobs, so he was surprised when Vic took the back of his head, pushed him forward, and held him, until steve began to choke. He tried to pull back, but Vic was too strong. He didn't dare do something like scrape his teeth on Vic's cock either. He looked beseechingly at Vic, who was smiling. "Good blowjob, stevie. Gonna get better at them. Next time, I'm gonna hold it longer. " He pulled back. "Now get on the bed and grab your knees. " He turned to wyatt. "YOU. Get out of the chair, get your tongue up his ass and lube it. If I have ANY trouble getting in, you'll pay." He looked at steve. "COWBOY YOUR LEGS. MAKE IT EASY. HE'S A BEGINNER." "Yes sir." steve pulled his legs apart. "Get your tongue in there slave wyatt." wyatt gulped. He thought he was going to throw up. "I'M FUCKING HORNY. GET HIM WET." He shoved wyatt's head forward. "Yes sir. " wyatt closed his eyes and began lapping around steve's hole. GET IT THE FUCK IN IT. IT NEEDS TO BE LUBED INSIDE NOT AROUND IT." "I'm sorry Sir I.... " "EAT THAT ASS. NOW." "yes sir." wyatt did the best he could but he was gagging. Vic pulled him back roughly. "Get back on the dildo. " He looked at steve. "You better start training him better or else..." He pulled out his cock and RAMMED it into steve. "OH SHIT" steve thought. "That first thrust was rough. " They got rougher. "I was horny to begin with and I took two pills so that I'd ream you good and hard, stevie boy." "Thank you Sir" steve moaned. Vic seemed to be twisting his cock a little, side to side - something he hadn't done before. It was driving steve crazy and... he was caged. He began to make a combination of moaning and whining sounds. "You paying attention, wyatt? This is gonna happen to you. From BOTH of us. Spit roasting too. Oh, you're gonna be such a fine beta. " When Vic finally did shoot in him, steve was more than a little relieved. He didn't want to beg for mercy: he HATED asking for mercy, and Vic didn't want to hear it. He didn't have to, this time, but if that's the way he was gonna get fucked from now on.... Vic pulled out. "You're both gonna have to hold back. But I have a little game set up for both of you. steve, stand up, put your hands behind your back. " "yes sir," steve felt the ropes going around his wrists. He LOVED the feeling. Vic tossed him on his side. "Your turn blondie bitch. UP. You'll clean the dildo when we're done." Now wyatt was tied too, and on his side, facing steve. Vic grabbed both of their cocks, and put a small set of cuffs on their dicks: one cuff at the base of each of their balls. "I wonder who can make the other one beg for mercy first. Let me just say the winner: the one who holds out, MAY get an hour without the cage tonight." steve, who had begun to think like Vic did, saw a chance to make wyatt cocky. They struggled, like two wrestlers chained to each other, for a good half hour. steve didn't fight as much as he could have, and then... "You win, wyatt. You win. I give." He saw the smile on wyatt's face. The guy actually thought he HAD won. "THAT was fun. Watching my boys cock fight. " He walked over to wyatt. "I said the winner MIGHT get an hour without the cage." "Yes sir." "I didn't say he would." "PLEASE SIR I...." He saw the look on Vic's face. He was in trouble. "Now, you'll take the vibrator and be gagged at the same time. THAT's what you're getting for an hour." Vic picked up a roll of duct tape and wrapped it around wyatt's mouth. Then he rammed an 8 inch vibrator up his ass, and turned it on. "Only reason you're not getting it, alpha bitch, is because you just got the real thing. You stay in here and wait until the battery dies. I got work to do." "You can nap when it's done," steve whispered to wyatt. "I beat ya. How good a top can you be if the beta slave can make you give in?" "Yeah, you did. I'll get you next time. " He leaned down and planted a kiss on wyatt's forehead. "He won't hear that. I'd go deep with my tongue but you'll make too much noise and we'll get caught."

We move forward to Monday now, after the discussion about the lawn mowing. wyatt said nothing for about an hour. "steve. remember when you said that you'd go deeper but we'd get caught?" "Yup." Then he saw wyatt's look. "Maybe there's an empty office. Let's go look." They found one. There was even a cleared desk. "On your back beta. Alpha slave is gonna make you WISH you weren't caged. I already wish I wasn't." steve got on top of wyatt, and as wyatt squirmed underneath him, he let his tongue go to work. He got wyatt's ears, his neck, his mouth, everything. "God I wish I could cum," wyatt whispered when they were done. "Looks like you did." steve pointed to wyatt's slacks. He had been leaking. "OH SHIT. Vic's gonna know." "Yeah, and I'm gonna get punished. So are you." steve smiled. "BUT YOU LIKE BEING PUNISHED." "You'll learn to like it too stud. Trust me."

When they got in the door on Monday, Master Vic was waiting. "wyatt's turn. steve, you get on the chair. We'll wait." "Yes sir," steve got out of his clothes and positioned himself on the dildo. Six inches wasn't a problem for him anymore. He remembered though, when Vic had first captured him, how uncomfortable it was. Vic noticed how easily he took it. "We may have to change yours to a 9 incher steve. I don't like the look of contentment on your face. For now...." He moved away from where wyatt was kneeling. "Let me make this more interesting for all." He grabbed a pair of clamps and put them on steve's nips. He had them at their narrowest position, so steve DID feel them. "You keep your hands behind your back. " "Please wyatt. Finish him off fast." steve was now decidedly UNcomfortable. Nipple clamps he could handle, dildos he could handle, but the combination, with the cage, and watching someone else suck off HIS DOM was... And Vic was enjoying watching his discomfort. "Slow down, blondie. You got a date tonight?" "BASTARD" steve thought. Vic looked at him and mouthed "man pussy." Between wyatt's less than expert efforts and Vic's masterful slowing down of the task, it was half an hour before he came. "You'll have to get better at this, wyatt. I expect steve is gonna make you practice. LOTS. When I uncage him. IF I uncage him." "Yes sir. I'll do better. " "Now, it's time to mow the lawn. steve, you're first." He took the clamps off steve's nipples and signaled for wyatt to take his place on the chair. As he did, Vic saw that his jock stuck to his crotch. "Hmmm. I wonder how THAT got there. You know anything about that stevie?" "No Sir," steve lied. "It's gonna be a ten incher on that chair. Now, slip your wrists into the stirrups. wyatt, pay attention. wyatt was, in fact, riveted as he saw Vic cover steve's pubes with a creme and then take out a wicked looking razor. He took strong, sure strokes and wyatt saw the black hairs intermingled with the creme. "How's my boy. How's my boy feel?" Vic was running his hand over steve's sensitive crotch area. "I'm... I'm good Sir. Now I feel like your boy. " "You ARE my boy. My BOTTOM boy." "Yes sir." Then wyatt saw Vic kiss steve the way steve had kissed him. "I'm NEVER gonna get what I want in this relationship," he thought. He began to think when Vic said "OK, wyatt boy, get up. It's your turn." He gulped. There was nowhere to go. He knew that Vic kept a small whip nearby, and so.. he took his place on the bed, the same way steve did. "alpha bitch, take care of your beta. SHAVE HIM." wyatt began to struggle. "HEY. NO. HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT HE'S DOING. NO.." "He got you wet today, bitch, whether you admit it or not. Now, you better hope he's adept enough to not leave you with a REALLY high voice. LAY STILL." "It'll be ok wyatt. It will be. Just stay calm." wyatt did his best. He closed his eyes as he felt the cold of the creme, and then steve's somewhat short, unsteady strokes. "Don't cut me. Please don't cut me," he kept on praying. "Sir, he doesn't really have a lot of pube hair. " Vic came over and looked. "Yeah, you're right. Not much more than a boy scout. Ok, the two of you , clean up. You can shower together if you like. Then into street clothes. Time for evening bondage. " Half an hour later, they were tied back to back, and gagged, with Vic feeling each of them up from time to time. And all the while, wyatt was trying to figure out how he could extricate himself from the relationship.

Next: Chapter 8

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