Steve Recaptured

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 11, 2023


The re-piercing had healed. steve was very relieved that it had, because while he couldn't work steve's nipple, Vic had turned to edging and foot tickling as replacements. steve enjoyed being edged, but the foot tickling was something he REALLY hated. That meant, of course, that Vic used it often.

Vic had recaptured steve a month before, and in Vic's words, steve required "much more discipline and training than I thought you would. You seem to have forgotten most of what you were taught." That's why steve was sitting in the bondage chair, shirtless, newly shaven. He had on a pair of tight workout pants and nothing else. His ankles were tied to the back legs of the chair so that his crotch was exposed. Vic was in his working room, gathering materials. It was Saturday morning: punishment day.

Because he felt that steve was not performing up to par, Vic had started keeping a list where he would detail each infraction and, sometimes, the penalty that was to come. The list this week included him having caught steve staring at a guy in bar (that was true), for pulling his mouth back from Vic's cock without permission, for fingering his dick when he peed for longer than was necessary, etc. Where punishments were written down, steve could prepare: so he added up the added edging time (an additional 30 minutes in total), and the hitachi stimulation (20 minutes) but the one he didn't know was "new clamps game with gag." It would be the first time Vic had used the clamps on him since the tit piercing, and steve was nervous. He saw the clamps: they were new too, and they looked wicked.

Vic walked into the room and smiled at steve. "Is that chest pointed out?" "I thought it was, Sir." "You can do better than that. POINT IT" "yes sir," steve answered meekly. Vic walked over and flicked his nipples evoking a moan from steve. "When you're tied up like that, you always remind me of that TV show with Conrad in it. Makes me even hotter." "Thank you Sir. mmmmmmmmmph" Vic had stepped behind steve and had slipped a new microfiber gag over his mouth. It was a much tighter tape gag than had ever been used on him, and it suppressed just about all of his moans. "Now, here's our game, steven...." Vic produced the clamps and ran them over steve's nipples. "First these go on." He attached them and steve tried desperately to scream. They hurt, big time. The smile that Vic had was no comfort for steve. "Next, these get added." steve saw a handful of what looked like weights, each shaped like a manacle on a handcuff. "Made them myself." He put five of them on the chain joining the clamps. "Now.... I'm going to lift this chain as high as it can go and count to five. Or, even better, you're gonna tap five with your foot. Then I'm gonna drop them. After we do that for a while, we'll move to six. Then seven. And we'll keep on going until I think you've had enough. Here we go. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" This was certainly something new. steve began tapping his foot as Vic counted: "5, 4, 3, 2, 1." steve knew that it was going to REALLY hurt when Vic dropped the chain, and it did. "Now, let's take a 5 second break, and start again." He repeated it ten times. Then he looked at steve's sweating, pained face. "You gonna look at other men when you're with me, bitch?" He had the chain in his hand. steve shook his head NO as vigorously as he could. "Remember. There's a LOT more weight where these came from. Next time I catch you gawking, it goes up." Vic hadn't taken the gag off steve, so all steve could do was nod. "Now, edging. Let's get your sub ass on that bed." He untied steve, who then put his hands behind his back as Vic squeezed his bicep, leading him to the platform bed. The headboard had several sets of restraints. Vic used the ones furthest up the board and after he had secured steve's wrists, he slowly removed the gag. steve closed his eyes as he winced, but remembered to say "thank you Sir" when the gag was gone. "Now I THOUGHT about replacing the edging with the hitachi steven, but... I decided this will be a chance for you to learn... you could lose the privilege of cumming all together, if you continue to disobey. We'll use the hitachi tomorrow. Vic set a timer, and began slowly, slowly stroking steve's cock. It took about two minutes for steve to start moaning. His hips were bucking and he could shoot any time. That is, if Vic let him. He didn't. Every time steve was right at the edge, Vic stopped, and he let steve squirm and beg. He kept on begging for Vic to "please finish me off Sir," and Vic just smiled. "Nope. Thirty minutes. Minimum. steve thrashed around on the bed. There was nothing he could do. He tried another approach. "Please Sir. My ass needs cock." "Oh it does. And it's gonna get it. Maybe after 25 minutes of this." "SHIT" steve thought. He didn't dare say it though. "Yes sir. Thank you Sir." "You gonna try better, stevie?" "Yes sir. Absolutely." "You're going to stop deliberately vexing me?" "Yes Sir. I promise. " "I wish I believed you," Vic smiled. "I think you LIKE being punished, and you set yourself up for this." Vic was right. steve couldn't explain it, but... he would've been perfectly happy to live like this six days out of seven. He wanted that seventh day to... express himself, and Vic wasn't having it. "Ah. 25 minutes. Time for the Master to get his reward." Vic was naked and had been throughout. Every time steve got a glance at Vic's cock, he licked his lips. He wanted it SO bad. Vic had him SO hot from the tit play, the edging, the bondage. Vic pushed his cock in. He grabbed each of steve's sore nipples, and twisted them. "You like that sub boy?" "Yes sir. Yes. Yes. I love my Master letting me know who's BOSS" "Oh, and you're gonna know it a LOT this weekend, stud. It's gonna be a HOT scene at the leather bar. " Vic was thinking about what he had in mind. He had found one of steve's old uniforms and he planned to use that together with.... But we're getting ahead of ourselves. steve had no idea about the uniform or the scene. All he knew was that Vic was getting harder, thicker and he was finding the spots in steve's chute that he had found the first time around. And new ones. steve recognized the smile that came over Vic's face before he shot and braced himself. It always felt so good! The new placement of the restraints made steve feel even more helpless than he had when he was Vic's sub the first time. He thought of that as he bucked and then shot, again yelling. "THANK YOU SIR. THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME CUM. THANK YOU SIR." Vic responded by closing his teeth on the tip of steve's left nip, while he rubbed his thumb on the pierced right one. steve almost passed out. Sex with Vic had been superlative the first time around, but THIS time? steve didn't have second thoughts about leaving, first because it resulted in Vic recapturing him, but also - and when he had the guts he'd bring it up again - he wanted that free day: a chance to top or even dominate someone. It would be difficult. The first time he was Vic's sub, Vic did take "boy's night out," once every other week or so. When he did, he'd leave steve, naked and shackled to the bed frame by his ankle. steve was allowed, and expected, to jerk off while Vic was away. Sometimes, Vic would bring a guy home, and then chain steve to the wall so he could watch Vic dominate the new guy. It was hot, but since steve had already jerked off, he never got hard. It was another way Vic had of letting him know who was in charge. Now, though, Vic didn't seem to have any interest in playing around. While steve was sure that Vic DID eyeball guys when they went out, he never actually saw it happen. Mostly, Vic spent his time teasing steve, making him more and more eager to get taken home and get fucked or to suck off his Master. steve told all of this to Wyatt at work. Unfortunately, Wyatt wasn't all that sympathetic. If anything, he was jealous. He would sigh and say something like "I'm glad SOMEONE is getting his itch scratched. I haven't had dick in.." He never finished. steve would answer "six months." The response was "Yeah, and that one wasn't very good either." One day, Wyatt broached a question: "steve, do you think Vic would be interested in doing a three way with you and I?" steve looked up, stunned. Wyatt was like a brother and.... besides, if he ASKED Vic, Vic would assume that STEVE wanted it, turn him down, and come up with some kind of punishment. steve knew that Vic wasn't all that thrilled with him working, and wanted him at home 24/7, since he worked from home. He DID like the second and regular stream of income though. Yet, if he thought that Wyatt was a "threat," he'd have steve quit immediately. steve knew that. He couched his response carefully. "Well, I'll ask but I have to be honest. Vic doesn't go for blonds. " He paused for a minute. "How about I ask him if he knows anyone who might be interested in you?" Wyatt looked up, smiling. "You'd do that? Vic knows just about every DOM in this city. He must know SOMEONE who wants a wiry middle aged blond." steve laughed. He had thought about taking Wyatt home with him some time, before Vic reappeared. He would have LOVED a three way with Wyatt: Wyatt on the bottom, steve in the middle, Vic on top. It wasn't going to happen, at least right now. "Let me ask. I'll find out."

That night, Vic was tired so, instead of taking his usual time to play with steve, he put his feet in steve's lap and ordered him to give a foot massage. It was something steve needed to learn the first time they were together. "Sir, can I ask a question?" "MMMMM. You just did but ask another one. Just don't stop working on my feet, boy?" "Thank you Sir. You know that guy I mention from work. Wyatt?" steve felt Vic begin tensing up. He was thinking steve was going to ask about a three way. "Yes. And he's NOT sharing the bed. " "NO Sir. NO NO. That's not it. Instead.... Wyatt was wondering.... he was wondering if you knew anyone who might be interested in dominating him." Vic smiled. "Now THAT is an interesting question. You want me to be a matchmaker." "Well, sort of Sir. " "Heh heh. Ok, I'll give it a thought. If I decide to do it, you're gonna have to come up with some form of compensation for me. " "Sir, I'll wear a collar in public for a week." Vic smiled. "A month." "Ok Sir. Of course. " Vic pulled his feet out of steve's lap. "You know, this talk has gotten me roused. Belly down. On the bed. NOW." "Yes sir." It wasn't the hardest fuck that Vic had ever thrown into steve, but it was still pretty damn good.

Vic's plan, which was a masterpiece, worked on the assumption that everyone wants what someone else has. So he designed a scene that would get people at the bar think that he was fucking steve AND Wyatt. And he had just the way to do it. The old uniform of steve's he had found was a police officer's uniform. He explained the plot to steve the next night. "Ok, here's the scene. You're a police officer, who was arresting Wyatt, when you got jumped by me. Since Wyatt was already cuffed, he couldn't get away and now... I have the two of you. But I'll give up Wyatt to whomever wants him." steve looked into Vic's eyes. "He won't have any say, Sir?" "Nope. A good sub takes cock from a DOM when he's told to do so. If I told you to take someone else's cock, I'd expect you to do it." "Yes Sir. I understand." "Now, I don't want you taking other cock...yet. And I may decide I don't want it at all. But if Wyatt's gonna grow as a sub, that's what he's got to do."

That's how it happened that, the following Saturday, Wyatt was in Vic's apartment dressed, as Vic had instructed "like street trash." steve was in the old police uniform, which was much snugger on him now than it had been. Vic had two pair of handcuffs ready, As they walked to the bar, he had a hand on Wyatt's neck, and one on steve's bicep. "Up against the wall, bitches!" He ordered just before they went into the bar. He cuffed them. "MOVE! You're gonna entertain all my friends tonight."

More than one person was more than a little intrigued by what they saw. Yes, Vic and steve had been in the bar frequently, and steve had been in uniforms for many of those visits. They had never been with a third. "Officer steve just looked so good cuffing that boy that, well, I had to have him. Once I had him, I guess I couldn't leave the boy there so.... I've got him with me too. " "You gonna fuck them both, Vic?" one guy asked. "Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe. Maybe I'll just make the boy watch while I fuck my police officer here. I know he likes cock, don't you officer steve?" "Yes sir. I do," steve answered, beginning to think about how good getting fucked would be, and how jealous it would make Wyatt if he watched as Vic fucked him.

"Or maybe I'll fuck them both. Just make a decision over who's gonna take my load, and take him second. Then give the other one a load the next day." "You'd keep them both?" Someone asked. "Hell yeah. I mean, a man needs variety." "Exactly" said the Dom, fingering Wyatt's nipple through a torn shirt. "Exactly," thought steve. He saw two, maybe three people there that night he had topped in the past. He looked the other way when they saw him.

At some point in the evening, Vic saw a tall man of color walking around. "Hey, Maxwell!" He called out and the guy looked up and smiled. "What's up, stud? Haven't been around much. You got TWO bitches?" "Yeah, at least for now." He pushed Wyatt forward. "You wanna give this one a spin? I know you like blondes?" Wyatt was taking a look at Maxwell. He seemed AWFULLY big. He didn't know and he squirmed in his cuffs. Vic tossed Maxwell the handcuff keys. "Take him out for a spin. Return him by Sunday night." (It was Friday night). "HEY. THANKS MAN! You just made my weekend." Maxwell looked at a terrified Wyatt. "And boy, I'm gonna make YOURS." He pulled Wyatt away just after he gave one pleading look to steve. "I hope he has no gag reflex. That's all I'll say. " He opened two of steve's uniform shirt buttons, so that the ownership pierce could be seen. "Damn you'd be a sexy cop, boy. I'd have to turn to illegal activities to try to get your cop ass in my bed." "You could do that right now Sir." "Yeah I could. And I'm gonna. Now that we found your pal some company for the weekend. Let's go. I'd tell you to call a cab, but.... " Vic usually didn't make jokes about domination, so this might have been because of the situation with Wyatt. Instead, he called a cab and got them in. It WAS a fetish club and bar, so the driver didn't think anything about a handcuffed police officer being pushed into the car.

As the drove to Vic's place, steve got his courage together. "Sir, I wanted to ask you something?" "If it's whether you can blow me or not tonight, the answer is yes." "Um, thank you Sir. I did want to ask something else." "Ok, and why are you sweating? If you sweat a lot, your whole will be slippery and I'll fuck you instead of you blowing me." "I'm nervous Sir. I'm nervous about asking the question." "No, I won't marry you." "Sir.. I'm trying to be serious." "Ok bottom, be serious." "I.... I wonder if I could have one night of free time to myself, Sir?" "Oh, you mean like a night when we don't have sex?" "More than that Sir. I mean, I left because... I wasn't getting a chance to express the top part of me." Vic laughed. "And you think that going out and topping one night enough will take care of that?" "I don't know Sir, but I think so." Vic took a deep breath. "We'll talk about it this weekend. Sooner rather than later. But if it happens, sub boy, it's not gonna happen tonight, so you better build up some saliva for my cock." "Yes sir." Well, steve thought, "I got the question out. Now let's see." When they got back into Vic's loft, steve looked at him. "Where do you want me to kneel, Sir?" "Middle of the living area. Usual place. " "Yes sir." "Get my zip down with your teeth, officer sub. Don't do any damage" "Yes sir. I'll try." steve was very good at opening a man's zipper with his teeth. He wasn't as smooth as he usually was, because he was nervous about his question. "Nice job," Vic said, as he opened his pants and let his cock out. "Now, finish it off." steve began by kissing Vic's cock head. Then he licked it thoroughly, moaning as he did. He could hear Vic breathing harder, so he knew he was dong a good job. His own cock was growing: he was thinking about what was happening to Wyatt as he blew his DOM. He began sliding his mouth back and forth over Vic's cock. Vic enjoyed being sucked almost as much as he liked taking an ass. He was thinking about what he was going to next. He thought it was brilliant because.... NO, he did NOT want steve going off on his own a night every week. One night was not going to be enough, and he was not going to go to two nights, for sure. He had worked hard to bring steve to this state, and he was not going to let him walk out." "SUCK IT . SUCK IT DRY YOU FUCKING SUB." Vic rammed his dick into steve's throat hard, and held it there. steve had to work hard not to gag, and then again when the jizz started flowing into his mouth. "Get it all bitch boy, or you'll be cleaning the floor all night." "mmmmmph" steve responded, as he finished the blow job. When he did, he felt Vic rubbing his ears: something he did when steve had pleased him. Vic reached behind steve and unlocked the handcuffs. "Get out of that uniform, and get on the bed. On your back." "YES SIR!" steve thought Vic was going to be angry about the question but so far, it didn't seem that he was. Vic wasn't, but he was confident he was going to get his way. He came into the bedroom where steve was laying. He looked him over including his hard cock. "It's smaller than mine. Can't do much damage with that, stevie." "I know you're better at fucking than I am Sir." Vic smiled and got on the bed. He got into the position that steve knew always.... ALWAYS

made him helpless. Vic lay on one of steve's arms. He held down the wrist of the other arm with one hand, and began playing with steve's pierced nip with the other. His mouth and his beard grazed steve's ear. "OH SIR. OH.... My dick. It's.. It's leaking." "I know. I just wonder. Am I the only person who knows how to do this to you?" "Yes sir. No one else." "Hmmmm. Interesting." He kept on squeezing the nipple and began brushing his facial hair against steve's ear as lightly as he could. steve was dying: he wanted release. "So, here's what I would propose. You can have Sunday nights as boy's night starting next week." "Hmmmm. Thank you Sir." "BUT... there's a catch. There's ALWAYS a catch." "Sir, I can't think if you keep on doing that to me." "I know. Ha ha. " Still, Vic stopped. He rubbed his hand on steve's belly. "I'm really not happy with this arrangement, and I want to say no, but I'll say yes. Of course, I'm going to start letting people know how easy it is to handle you." He went back to steve's nipple and ear. "SIR! You wouldn't do that!" "Oh yeah, I would. Because stevie, if you're gonna go out on your own, you're gonna have to contend with other tops as well as the bottoms." "You're the only top I want Sir" "What makes you think you're gonna have the choice? If other men know what I know...." "I can defend myself Sir." "Yeah, probably against one, maybe two. But you know what? A good gang bang is probably something you can use." steve pushed at Vic's hand. It wasn't moving. Much of his strength was gone from the experience of the nipple work. "Please don't tell anyone Sir. PLEASE." "Well, now steve, here are the options. You can have your night to yourself after I let people know how I handle you, or you can have SEVEN nights a week to yourself, and I won't tell anyone. OR.... we can leave things the way they are." "Can I think about it, Sir?" "Ha ha. No. You have to decide NOW. And I'm not gonna say a word ." Vic just kept on working on steve's nipple and his ear. He didn't say anything. He just listened to steve moaning, and kept him firmly in place on the bed. It took about 7 minutes. "You win Sir. You win. I give up. Seven nights a week as your sub. No more arguments Sir. I know my place." "And where's that, stevie?" "Under you Sir. At your feet, Sir. Anywhere you want me." Vic smiled. "Something we WILL talk about is doing a steve sandwich with Wyatt at the bottom and me on top. But that's for later. Now, jerk off. I saw you get harder and harder as I played with you. "Yes sir. I want to. Thank you Sir. " While steve was stroking, Vic put his mouth over steve's. His tongue took control, and steve just melted. It was going to be difficult to jerk, but then, Vic broke the kiss. His facial hair went back across steve's ear and he whispered "Who's fuck toi are you?" "YOURS SIR. YOURS. ONLY YOURS. OHHHHHHHH" steve had one of the biggest orgasms he had ever had. Vic caught some of the jizz and spread it on steve's mouth. "Taste the cum of a true sub boy, stevie. MY sub boy." "Yes sir." A few hours later, Vic had recovered enough to throw yet another fuck into steve. It was a weekend steve would discuss at length with Wyatt. Wyatt had some stories too. Come back and hear them.

Next: Chapter 5

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