Steve Recaptured

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 8, 2023


Wyatt was already at work when steve got there on Monday morning. He had a large iced coffee in his hands. Wyatt looked at him. He smiled. "Looks like SOMEONE had a wild weekend," Wyatt said "And it wasn't me, so it must have been MEESTER STEEEEV" steve gave him a grin. "It WAS a wild one." He moved to his desk and moaned "OH SHIT THAT HURTS" as he sat down. His shirt was tight so he pulled in his gut and when he did, his chest moved forward and the outline of the bar in his right nipple could be seen. "That from Mr. Raging Roids, or...." "It's from Sir Vic. He's back. " "I THOUGHT SO" Wyatt answered. It's the shirt. You used to wear that lavender number a lot. You told me you hate it, but. "I still do. Vic likes how it looks on me though." "It's tight." "That's part of the reason he likes it." steve winced as he moved to get comfortable in his chair. "So, I guess...." "It was five or six." Wyatt's mouth dropped. "GEEZ. That's more than when the two of you were together." "We're together again. But you're right. What can I say? 'absence makes the heart grow fonder?"

Wyatt checked his computer to make sure he had taken care of any early emergencies. "Ok steve. You're gonna have to tell me about this weekend. Friday, I leave you strutting like a rooster, and Monday, you come in with a sore ass, a pierced nipple, and God knows what I don't see. " He didn't see the butt plug. "It was wild. Vic decided he was tired of me being on my own, and... he came back and got me. " Wyatt felt his dick twitch. Vic was far from his type, but he fantasized about someone coming along, kidnapping him, and dragging him off over his shoulder. "Tell me the whole story."

You already know about the Friday night. When Saturday morning came around, Vic rolled steve onto his back and looked him over, as he toyed with steve's nipple. "When you left, this was pierced." He pinched that nip as steve tried to explain. "You're right Sir. But since I was going back to topping.... I took it out." Vic laughed. "Of course you did, fucker. Well, that's just something that's gonna have to go on the agenda this weekend. You better get up and get ready. We got a lot to do. " "Yes sir. I'll get dressed." "No. You'll get showered. I'm packing up what we're bringing. We'll get the rest over the weekend and next week. " steve stood silently for a minute. His dick was beginning to rise, and Vic was laughing. "You're already getting excited and I haven't done a thing but give you an order. OH, are we gonna have fun." Vic packed up two large gym bags of stuff, grabbed some work clothes still on the hangers, and took what toys steve had that he wanted. He found a white polo and button fly jeans for steve to wear. Both were tight. "If you weren't carrying a bag, you know where those hands would go, don't you bottom?" "Yes sir. subs put their hands behind their backs when they walk. " "Good. You didn't forget everything. But we're gonna clearly need a review of fundamentals. " steve gulped. "Yes sir," he answered. He remembered when Vic used to "review fundamentals" with him, which always left him sore, but... satisfied. Part of steve wanted to do what he could to get away, but a bigger part of him couldn't resist the total domination that Vic had over him.

Vic's apartment looked pretty much the same way it did when steve had lived here previously. As he was looking around, he felt Vic's arms come from behind him, and then pin his arms behind his back. He felt the little beard skirt over his neck, and Vic's nose teasing his ear, before he whispered. "You're back where you belong, steve. No more of this playing at being a top man. You know what you are." The teasing of his ear was driving steve nuts. He wished Vic would fuck him right then, but he knew that wasn't Vic's style. "Yes sir. A bottom. And a sub. Your sub. " "Then prove it, manbitch. It's been a while since I filled your ass. I wanna fill your mouth." "Yes sir. " steve dropped to his knees and he reached to open Vic's zipper. "Your teeth, bitch. You know how to do that." "Y...yes sir. I may be sloppy and..." "Well, then we'll just factor that into the rest of the day. Now get busy." steve moved slowly - TOO slowly for Vic, he knew, and that probably meant some kind of ass whipping later, but he got the zipper down. He got his mouth around Vic's cock and slowly pulled back and forth. steve knew what he was doing, and if Vic's preferences hadn't changed, he liked the feel of a tongue over his shaft, rather than a mouth sliding back and forth. That seemed to still be true, because Vic's strong hands moved behind steve's head and held him right where he was, with Vic's whole cock in his mouth. "Just like I remembered, bottom. No gag reflex. Heh heh. None. And you've got me NICE and WET. What should I do? Shoot into you? Save it for your ass? Decisions, decisions. " "mmmmmmph" was all steve could get out, when he was trying to say "you're the Boss, Sir." Vic pulled his cock out. "I think I'm gonna save it cause what I'm gonna do next is gonna be SO FUCKING HOT. Get your shirt off, and get on the bed. You remember where the cuffs are. Lock one of them." "Yes sir. Sir can I ask...." "NO. I know what you want. You wanna cum. You didn't shoot last night, and probably the night before." "Yes Sir. And I'm hard." "Did I cum yet?" "No Sir." "When does a sub ejaculate?" "After his DOM does, Sir?" "That's right. You'll have to wait. And you better control it, otherwise, stevie nips, you're gonna go into chastity." "What the hell have I gotten myself into?" went through steve's head, as he tightened the leather cuff on his left wrist. Vic grabbed his right wrist, and took care of that. Then he unbuttoned steve's pants, sliding them down until steve's cock popped out. He smiled. "I think there's even a pearl at the tip, steve-o. Better be there when I'm done." He leaned down and as his beard tickled steve's neck, he whispered "It's shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaving time." "NO SIR. PLEASE. NOT....." Vic's hand went over steve's mouth. "Quiet bitch. Seems you need to go over a LOT of the fundamentals. A sub NEVER tells his DOM no. Not even in a question." steve meekly shook his head yes. "I oughtta shave something other than your chest because of that but.... not yet. " He got up and came back with a straight edge, a towel, and some traditional shaving creme. Vic was "old school " with a lot of things, and this was one of them. He mixed up the creme, and lathered it all over steve's chest. Then, he pressed his knee against steve's crotch and when steve whimpered, Vic laughed. "Could make this REAL interesting by tweaking your nips as I go along stevie. You know the drill. Stay calm." steve did writhe a little as the blade moved back and forth. "I missed doing this steve. How often did I do it? Once a week?" "Once a month Sir" "Well, we'll have to do it more often. I think the smoother you are, the more compliant you'll be." The blade continued to move back and forth. steve could see his slightly kinky hair mixed in with the creme. He thought about the bottoms who had nestled on his chest, and how that wasn't going to happen, well, for at least a while. He was Vic's bitch again and... He felt the pearl drop onto his pubis, as Vic was cleaning up what was left of the shaving creme. "Important to be smooth when you get re-pierced steve. YEAH. Maybe even later today. First though... that sweet ass of yours." More pre-cum dripped out of steve, as Vic folded his knees so he could get into steve's butt. steve braced himself: Vic was big and his cockhead was especially big. Vic fucked ass differently than he fucked face. He knew that getting his whole cock into a butt would take work, and it would probably not be completely pleasurable for the bottom. He, on the other hand, enjoyed slowly pushing in, watching the sub's face contort, trying to accommodate all that meat, and occasionally teasing the guy by saying something like "Should I stop? Not man enough?" Sometimes, guys HAD begged him to stop. He'd pull out immediately, jerk off on them and send them home. Not steve. steve knew what was coming, and even though he was out of practice, he wasn't going to let Vic get into his head THAT much. At least, that was his plan. He didn't succeed. "DAMN I don't remember you THAT huge," he moaned. "Want me to shift to the baby dildos, stevie?" Vic was smiling. Getting even MORE of a submission from steve, would be an aphrodisiac. "Bring it on. Sir." Those words were superfluous, because Vic wasn't stopping. One bottom had said that Vic used his cock like a snake, and the way he moved, very slowly, very rhythmically, fitting into even the tightest hole, supported that. steve's hole wasn't the tightest one Vic had taken, not even when he had taken it the first time, but steve's experience, his knowledge of what Vic liked, was priceless. He pulled his legs back which made his hole expand a bit, then he dropped them, which closed it. That got a "FUCK YEAH," from Vic, before he just overpowered steve with a strong, forward thrust that brought a scream out of steve. "I can stop and get a gag, bitch. I might." "N... No Sir. I'm getting used to it again." "Good, because I'm not stopping." The "snake" came out and started again. "GOD he's SUCH a MASTER," went through steve's head, as Vic began thrusting again. He repeated it a third time. And a fourth. When he started the fourth one, he laughed. "Never got four from me, did you, bottom boy? See how much I missed ya?" "YES SIR" steve was gritting his teeth. He was getting sore. Vic ran his finger down the back of steve's cock. "I see you missed me too. Top man. Funniest thing I've heard in a while." "I'm a good top Sir," steve forced out. "You WERE a top. Whether good or not, who cares. You're not anymore, are you?" When steve hesitated, Vic rammed in harder. "ARE YOU?" "No Sir. No. I'm a bottom sub." "DAMN RIGHT. Bottom sub cum hole." Then steve felt the squishing as Vic's orgasm filled him. There was so much, he could feel it dripping out of his ass. He was hopeful. So hopeful.... "I bet you wanna cum, baby cakes, don't you?" steve, trying to catch his breath, pleaded. "Yes Sir. PLEASE????" "Ha ha. We'll consider it tonight. We got some plans to take care of this afternoon." He flicked steve's right nip. "If that channel can still be opened, great. Otherwise.... "

It was 2 hours later. Before they went to the piercing place, Vic took steve to a store where they sold uniforms. Vic had a fetish for his subs wearing uniforms of different kinds. It had been steve wearing the sheriff's uniform that had attracted him before, and now, he was waiting for steve to come out of the dressing room in the navy whites he had picked. Short sleeve, big open collar, tight slacks that framed steve's ass. "It's a winner," he told steve. It went on the pile with the police officer uniform, and the UPS outfit. steve remembered that these were all outfits Vic wanted him to wear when they were together the first time. As they were getting packed up, Vic turned to steve. "I think this weekend, everyone's gonna see the fantasy of the guy who grabbed his sexy UPS driver. " The thought made steve even hornier than he was. And he remained horny, because of how Vic hooked his finger through steve's jeans and pulled him along through the gay neighborhood, past the bar they'd be visiting the next night.

"You look familiar," Iulia said to steve as he positioned himself in the seat. Vic answered "Yeah, Jules. We were in here a few years ago, and steve was a bit of a miscreant. He may not need a new piercing if you can open the channel." "Well, let's see what I can do." She rubbed the alcoholic swab over steve's nipple, and picked up a magnifying glass. "Ja. I see the insertion point. Now, let's see...." She picked up a very slender platinum rod and advised steve to be very still. She suggested she COULD restrain him if need be. "NAH. That's my job," Vic answered. "If it hurts, it's his fault." It did hurt. Not bigtime, but it hurt. Iulia was skillful though, and a little bit of probing got the tissue to open up enough. She picked up a rod - steve looked at it and was puzzled. Last time, the pierce was with an arrow, with Vic's initials on the arrow head. This time, it was just a rod with two ends adapted for something to be screwed to them. "Now THAT was easy. It's your turn, Vic." "I had this custom made stevie. I was waiting for the right person for it and now.... I've got him." He had two nipple sized wrist cuffs, so that when he had screwed them onto steve's piercing rod, it was as if he had a small pair of handcuffs through his right nipple - Vic's symbol from his work. And.... - steve knew this wasn't an accident - the hanging nature of the cuffs, made them pull on his nipple, making it even more sensitive. "You have a loose fitting shirt for him, Vic?" "Heh heh. Nope. Bad boys have to wear the same shirts leaving as they did coming in, ain't that right boy?" steve gulped. "Yes sir," and he winced as he pulled on the polo shirt. It was rough cotton, and he thought he'd pass out from the sensation. "Still feel like jerking off, stud?" steve looked at him, showing his best "puppy dog" eyes. "Please Sir?" It took a half hour to get back to Vic's place, because Vic knew so many people. When they got into the loft, Vic grabbed steve and slid his hand to his jeans. He began opening them. "Who's your TOPMAN?" "You are Sir." A button opened. "Who's your DOM?" "You Sir" Another button opened. "When do you jerk off? "When you give me permission, Sir." The third button, and then Vic pushed the jeans, and then the speedo to the floor. He grabbed steve's balls and he began twisting them. "OH SIR. OH GOD. That hurts, but...." "But what stevie?" "It feels so good. OHHHHHHHH.. OH GOD..." Vic had started sliding his hand up and down steve's penis. "How anyone would be satisfied with THAT topping them, I don't know. Guess it takes all kinds." "Yes Sir. steve began breathing harder. "Thank you for accepting my ass Sir. Thank you. Your cock it always feels so...." He didn't finish because Vic stuck his tongue in steve's ear. steve let out a scream, and the jizz spilled all over. As he was catching his breath, steve spoke. "I remember Sir. I remember. I'll clean it up. Right now." Vic went off to the kitchen as steve got down on the floor to clean up the spill. It was one of Vic's inviolable rules: subs cleaned up their own mess. steve remembered. And while he was on the floor, looking for each drop (he knew the punishment for missing one), He felt Vic come up behind him and hook a thick leather collar around his neck. "I may decide to have you wear that permanently at some time, slave boy. For now, you can just wear it here. But you WILL wear it." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir." "SIt up on your knees. Slave position." steve got into position, and Vic pointed his head up so he could look into his eyes. "Pierced. Shaved. Collared. VERY close to being the complete sub slave. " "VERY close?" steve thought. "What was missing?"

"HEY UPS MAN! Finished delivering packages?" the guy started laughing and steve felt more humiliated than he had in a LONG time. The guy was someone he had topped about six months ago. He remembered their session: not the best, not the worst. Now, though, standing at the bar in costume, collared, clearly the sub of another man, he was dying to ask Vic if they could go back home. And he knew from past experience with Vic, that asking for that would only mean they'd stay another hour, or that Vic would make him take off his shirt, something that made him even more embarrassed. "Hey, Vic!" a big hairy leather man came up to them. "That's the guy you had a while ago. You back together again?" Vic laughed. "Whether he likes it or not. He submitted the first time and somehow, thought he could revoke that on me." The guy looked at steve: "You thought you could break a vow to Master Vic?" A very weak voice came out of steve. "I wanted to top. At least a little." "Know what, Vic?" The guy kept talking. "I gotta feeling that this one isn't broken yet. He's good. YEAH, he's really good. But you give him a chance.. he's gonna take some ass." Vic shrugged his shoulders. "And you know what, Sam? I'd be good with that if I approved it. That's the thing. stevie here wanted the right to choose his bottoms, to fuck them without me there, and just to do whatever the fuck he wanted." "So he wanted 'sub's night out' "? "Yeah, he did. But he didn't want any rules. And you KNOW that's not gonna go over with me. By the way: " Now, Vic DID open steve's uniform shirt. steve thought about pulling back but ..the thought that he was "VERY close" to being a complete sub slave concerned him. He didn't know what Vic had in mind, but he didn't want to push it. "Look at the beautiful work. The smooth chest. And... just got this today." He reached up and barely touched the rod through steve's right nip and steve nearly collapsed from the sensation. "DAYUM. You designed that, didn't you?" "Indeed I did. Sorta a ball spreader for tits." Sam smiled and shook his head. "It's good to have a hobby." He looked at steve. "I think you're gonna be RECEIVING packages for a while now, boy." He turned to Vic again. "You got him caged?" "Nah. Not my style. Either he controls himself or the punishment comes. BUT.... I'm really REALLY thinking that, hell, if he's got a ball spreader in his tit, he needs one on his balls too." "Oh. You haven't put anything down there?" "I haven't even shaved him. That MAY happen. " He started buttoning steve's shirt. "Too many people are looking. I don't want too much jealousy tonight. They're already jealous that I brought ya down, all those sissy bottoms. And those tops who were wishing you were a bottom." "I'm.... versatile..." steve thought, not daring to say it to Vic. He knew about some of the other equipment he owned: the branding iron, the chastity cages, the vibrators that went up to 14 inches, the dental spreaders for gags..No, he didn't want to risk any of that. But looking around, seeing all the men: the masculine furry ones (like he used to be), the pretty boys he used to fuck, steve was getting horny. He thought he knew a way to get them out of the bar. He looked at Vic. "Sir, may I speak?" "SURE. You need the bathroom or something, boy?" "No Sir. I need dick. I need cock in my ass. I'm horny." "WELL WELL WELL. Ain't that sweet. You're ready for another round?" "Yes sir. Desperately so." "I think I might be able to accommodate that. Now, let's go find the sling in the back." "OH SHIT" steve realized he hadn't thought about that. Vic was gonna fuck him in public. He felt Vic's finger go through a ring of his collar. "COME ON BOY. Master's gonna give you what you want." "How the hell do I get out of this?" steve was thinking, and... he was getting resigned to his fate. "SHIT. There's about five people in front of us wanting to use it. And now you've got ME going, boy. Of course...." He smiled and he went up to the front of the line, dragging steve with him. "Excuse me Sir, but my boy's honey pot is spilling over and he needs it stirred. Any way I could talk you into letting me cut the line?" The guy looked at him and he looked at steve. "I know that guy. I wanted to fuck him about 2 months ago. He told me to buzz off. And now... Someone's dying for dick. That right boy?" steve was trapped. "Yes sir. My Master's dick." "HA HA. Well, the only way you're gonna cut in line is if you're gonna take both cocks: your Master's and mine, and NOT with me in your mouth. " The guy looked at Vic. "He ever been double fucked." "Well, not with me, and I guess that's all that matters. But not tonight. He's had a busy day. Shaved, pierced... " "I get ya. Can't stress a new sub too much." Just then the sling became available. The young red head with the man was looking at him pleadingly. "I'm sorry Sir, but my boy is kinda desperate too. I was away from town for a week and... he was in chastity the whole while and all he had to play with was an 8 inch dildo." "Not a problema. " He turned to steve. "You still want dick, UPS guy?" "Yes Sir. More. " "Well, I think we'll head home then. But we'll be back. I'm Vic by the way." "I know who you are. Word gets around that hot stud stevie was taken down by one of the best. I'm Abe. Ask around. Next time you're here and you wanna think about double fucking. Let me know." "I will keep that in mind Sir." He turned. "stevie, let's get going. My cock is NOT gonna wait long, and there ARE some hot studs around here." steve breathed a sigh of relief. As they started walking back, Vic began to laugh. "OH, that was SO FUCKING FUNNY steven. I thought you were gonna shit those shorts." "I don't understand Sir." "You REALLY thought I was gonna fuck you in public?" "I ... I thought you were Sir." "Not gonna happen. That place was FILLED with wolves just waiting for me to have a heart attack or leave you alone for a few minutes so they could get their fangs into ya. Now, I ain't against gang banging - I think it's hot - but not when the guy getting banged is MY piece of ass. Nah... you got too damn cocky while you were away steve. You need a better sub mentality, and I'm gonna get it into you. One fuck at a time." "Yes sir." steve didn't really understand what Vic had in mind, but he clearly had SOMETHING in mind.

When they got back to the loft, Vic pushed steve up against the wall. He pinned his wrists over his head and shoved his tongue down his throat. He played in steve's mouth for a while. When he was done, he kept steve pinned. "Now, you're gonna have to get through that handsome head of yours, that submission is absolute. It is NOT conditional At least not with me. There are NO 'sub's nights out', there are NO "I was just looking Sir" excuses, NO. You'll follow my rules. And if you don't... No, I won't throw you out. You're stuck with me, fucker. But you'll know you did something wrong."

"I understand sir. " "Now damn it to hell, there's this fucking hot UPS guy who made the mistake of accepting a drink from me, and now... he's gonna find out what a BIG mistake it was." Vic could barely control himself as he got the boots and the shorts off steve, He opened his shirt and then grimaced. "DAYUM. I don't wanna cause an infection, but I want that nip so fucking bad. That left one is gonna be sorry." He dove at it and began chewing, as he began fingering steve's ass. The "massage" got steve even more excited, so when the "snake" that was Vic's cock was ready and pushing into him, he was ready. "You feel REALLY lubricated boy. I like that." "Thank you Sir. It was your massage." "Heh heh. Gonna have to keep that in mind."

How much more of a sub could he become? steve just wasn't sure. But we'll all find out real soon.

Next: Chapter 4

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