Steve and Steve

By Steve J

Published on May 4, 2006


Disclosure: The following rambling journal is a true (names changed) account of my own personal experiences. It is not my intent to offend or to challenge anyone with my narrative. I just thought it might be interesting to share my thoughts with this forum which I have viewed with enthusiasm for a few years. I am not gay, but I enjoy all kinds of erotica, especially descriptions of men enjoying their sexuality. Please do not read this if you are offended by descriptions of sex.

Steve & Steve, Part 8

Steve got the job with our local police department, but they pushed back his start-date to September 1 for some accounting reason. He was able to transfer his security job to a local office, which let him move at the end of June and get settled in. I offered to let him stay with me while he was looking for an apartment, but Tracy was home for her summer break, and her folks let him stay in their guest room.

I was only taking one credit for the summer term, and spent my extra time working at the school gym and at a hotel restaurant. One perk of the restaurant job was that I could make myself meals even if I was only on duty for a couple of hours, so I raided some bananas and started to practice deep-throating with them on my breaks. I soon got good enough that I could take down more than half of a banana and pull it back out with no teeth marks or bruises. I hoped that I'd soon get the chance to repay Steve's services to my cock, and let him know how awesome it felt to have your cock buried in a warm, wet throat.

He showed up at my house one Friday night because Tracy was exhausted from her internship (nursing) and he needed to get out of the house. I was getting ready to make some pasta and watch TV so Steve followed me into the kitchen. Shyly, he asked me if I'd thought about what happened between us the last time we got together. I told him that I had a good time, and that everything was cool, and then asked him what he thought.

"Stevie, I'm sorry but I've got some serious problems with what happened here last month" he said. The look on his face told me that he was about to say something straight from his heart, so I stopped washing the dishes, and turned to face him. "For starters, I get boned up whenever I think about it, and if that's not bad enough I've been jerking off so much since then that I'm losing sleep!"

I let out a sigh, and joined him in a hearty round of laughter. It felt good to be open about what had happened between us, even if Steve had created some unnecessary tension with his delivery.

"So we're cool?" I said.

"More than cool" he answered.

Reaching out with his right hand he took a firm grip on my basket and started to massage my cock and balls. I returned the favor, and in a few seconds our cocks were rock-hard and ready for action. Steve took control, dropping to his knees and pulling my shorts down to my ankles in one swift move, and then catching my prong in his mouth. His hands went to my thighs and started to squeeze my legs as he worked the head and shaft of my cock deeper and deeper into his mouth. For some reason Steve was able to take me all the way down with no trouble this time, and soon he was deep-throating me like a pro. I pulled my shirt off over my head so I could watch him slurp up and down my shaft. He pulled back so that just the head was left in his mouth, and started to tongue the underside where I was so sensitive, and then jerked me a couple of times before taking me back down his throat. I was getting worked up pretty fast (and we were in the middle of the kitchen for crying out load!) so, reluctantly, I pried him off my cock and led him to my bedroom.

Between the kitchen and my room we were able to discard our clothes, and we flopped onto the bed in a sixty-nine position. Steve lay on his back, letting me cover his body with mine. Immediately he suctioned my cock back into his mouth taking me down to the root. His nose buried itself in my ball sack, and he shook his face from side to side to bat them around. He brought his hands up and around my legs and grabbed hold of my ass, pulling me into his hot, wet mouth. I wanted nothing more than to hump his face, but turned my energies to pleasuring him.

Steve's cock was thick and throbbing, and had already started to leak pre-cum. I went right to work, licking over and around his head and then tonguing up and down his shaft. When his cock was good and wet I took the head into my mouth (lips over my teeth!) and started to pump with my right hand, watching as my saliva dribbled along the thick vein on the underside of his log, and then collected against my fist. My tongue started to press into his piss-slit, digging for more of his salty pre-cum, and making him moan.

His mouth made a wet vacuum which suctioned up and down my shaft, and the sounds of him slurping and sucking turned me on even more. I backed my cock out of his mouth and he immediately went to work on the underside of my shaft, sucking like mad, and letting his lips run up and down with his tongue lapping away. I started to move my hips back and forth and he pressed his mouth against the shaft, letting me fuck myself against his face. I dropped my mouth back around his cock, savoring the hot and throbbing feeling as it went all the way to the back of my mouth, and then surprised Steve by dropping my jaw and taking him all the way down my throat. It didn't hurt, but my eyes started to water, and I soon ran out of breath and had to pull off to recover. Steve gasped when his cock popped out of my mouth, and immediately moved his mouth back over my pumping tool. It went smoothly down his throat and I kept up my slow hip pumping, feeling his lips and tongue working over every inch on the in and out strokes.

Taking a deep breath I opened my mouth and went down on him again. This time I was able to keep my mouth over his cock for five or six seconds and then only had to back up halfway before I could relax enough to breath through my nose. I started back down, watching as his balls got nearer and nearer to my nose and my chin hit his pubes, and then moved back up again. His cock was soon red and shiny, and he started to buck his hips up to meet me when my mouth bottomed out on his shaft. When he did this his balls would draw up in their sack a bit, and then relax as he pulled his hips back. I started to time my own hip pumping to match what I was doing, and it felt like my balls were moving to the same rhythm as Steve's. Moving away from his cock for a moment I asked him if it felt good, and he replied by sucking even harder on my cock.

"Do you want to try to cum at the same time?" I asked him, and this time his answer was a very powerful flex of his cock, which made it thump into my chin and leak more pre-cum.

I went back down on him again, and started to pump my mouth up and down for a couple of minutes, but started to get tired. His cock was so fucking thick! Keeping my teeth away from the shaft, and keeping my mouth open wide enough to take him down to the base started to make my jaw ache. He seemed to have no problems with my face humping, and I started to get the warm tingling sensation that told me I'd be cumming soon. Not wanting to release Steve from my mouth I pulled up about half-way, and started to stroke the bottom half of his cock with my fist, letting my mouth and tongue suck and caress the top. He started to move his hips with more urgency, and his ball sac seemed to be getting tighter. I continued to jack and suck, taking my mouth away to lick the head and letting my hand pump him fully, and then continuing to suck and jerk.

Not to be outdone, Steve had started to play with my ass. As I started to pump his cock he had wet his fingers with saliva and started to press one of them into my asshole. I was in heat, turned on by sucking Steve's cock, and getting my cock sucked, so his finger easily slipped in with little effort. Steve pressed firmly with his finger, trapping me against his face so I couldn't move; my cock buried down his throat, and then started to wiggle his finger. That was all it took to take me over the edge. My cock started to twitch and swell up, and I stopped sucking on Steve to warn him about my climax. He didn't let up on his grip of my ass, and I gave into the intensity of my orgasm, building from the base of my cock and increasing in intensity until the pounding reached my brain. I could feel cum shooting down the length of my cock into Steve's throat, and was firing off the second or third volley when Steve's own orgasm began. His cock was still in my mouth which was instantly filled by his huge discharge. I quickly slid down the rest of the way, letting him finish shooting his load down my throat. There was no way to swallow the cum from his first shot, and I could feel it trickling out of my mouth and down over the base of his cock and balls.

My cock had stopped shooting but was still rock hard. I think Steve's finger in my ass was connected directly to my libido. He slid off me and spoke for the first time since we'd started fooling around.

"Dude, get off me! That's too intense...fuck!" he moaned as I continued to suck on his softening cock. I couldn't tell how much cum he'd fired down my neck, but it must have been a lot. His balls had relaxed into their sac, so I slowly pulled off and let his cock fall down against his stomach where it made a soft thud. It looked so incredible, shiny from my saliva and his cum, and all red and pumped up. I started to lick down the underside to clean him up, but Steve couldn't take the stimulation and forced me to roll off him. He finally pulled his finger out of my hole, leaving me with this empty itch.

"That felt awesome, but I can't take too much after I cum" he told me.

"When you poked your finger in my ass it was over for me" I answered.

We lay together on my bed, my arms gently stroking the inside of his thighs and his hand cupping my balls. My cock was still semi-hard, and Steve started to play with it dreamily. "You got off on me playing with your ass?" he asked.

"You know it!" I said.

" you want to fuck me, or what?" he asked.

I was not sure about this, even though I'd fantasized about it for years. Steve and I were in high school when the AIDS epidemic began, and there was a lot of paranoia about anal sex. Whatever mixed feeling I had about it, my cock had a mind of its own, and was instantly at full attention.

"That's what I thought..." Steve said, and he took me back into his mouth for a few quick sucks. I needed to pee, so I pulled away and asked Steve to grab some drinks for us. He rolled off the bed and walked into the kitchen, his swollen cock flopping back and forth with each stride. I laughed at my own unabashed staring at his penis. We had no shame with each other, and it felt pretty good.

I finished in the toilet and pulled a condom from my medicine cabinet. They were my room mates' but I knew that he didn't count them. I didn't want to be too obvious, so I carried a couple of towels out to the living room where Steve had opened two beers for us. He pulled a VCR tape from his knapsack and turned on the TV. "This is to get us in the mood..." he said, and we started watching a pretty poor quality video. It looked like it was filmed with a rented camcorder (it probably was), and didn't have any notable stars or starlets, but the actors were all in pretty good shape, and the sex was pretty hard-core. In one scene two guys in a packing plant or something, one white and one black, were arguing about work. The white guy said "Why don't you suck my dick!" and to my amazement the black guy dropped to his knees, unzipped the white guy, and started to suck his cock.

"Where did you get this?" I asked Steve.

"It was on the satellite" he answered.

"Are these guys gay?" I said.

"Who cares! Check out what happens next" he replied.

The two actors had taken off all of their clothes, and were sucking each other in a sixty-nine position. Both actors looked in great shape, with tight butts and six-pack abs. The white guy's cock was about the same size as mine, maybe seven inches or so and not too fat. But the black actor's cock was huge. I guessed that it was ten inches, and looked like it was as thick as Steve's. These guys were pros, and had no trouble deep-throating each other. Steve and I both cheered when the camera zoomed in on the white guy burying the black cock in his mouth to the base, his lips looking like they were going to rip.

"You did a great job with the BJ, Steve-O. Practicing?" Steve said.

"Yeah. Bananas." I replied.

"You know what they say. Practice makes perfect!" he said, and pushed me down on the sofa. His mouth found my cock before my back hit the cushion, and he started to deep throat me in time to the guys on TV. I sucked his soft cock into my mouth, and marveled as it slowly stretched out to its full length again, and it was soon down my throat enjoying a second washing. I was unable to completely pull my eyes from the TV; despite the incredible sensations Steve was causing in my crotch, and the close-up view I had of his huge cock again, there was something about seeing two guys on the TV going at it that got me really aroused.

The white guy had stopped sucking cock, and had gone down on all fours. The black guy started rubbing his ass-crack while jerking his huge cock. Steve immediately dropped onto the floor and assumed the same position, his perky ass wiggling to me, encouragingly. I flopped off the sofa, and started to run my left hand up and down Steve's ass crack, while playing with my cock in my right hand. The white guy in the movie was now holding his ass cheeks apart for the black guy who started to lick and kiss all around the guy's ass. Steve did the same thing, lowering his torso to the floor and pulling his ass cheeks apart for me. I started to lick and suck on his ass, but was careful to keep my tongue and lips away from the bud. It looked like the black guy was sticking his tongue in the white guys hole, but we couldn't actually see this because of the shoddy camera work. Soon the black guy returned to a kneeling position, and lined his immense cock up with the white guy's hole. The white guy turned to look over his shoulder and said something like "please fuck me with your big cock" and the black guy let him have it, thrusting his hips forward and burying all ten inches in one long, slow push.

"Fuck!" Steve and I both shouted. We both kind of froze, watching the black cock on screen fucking the white bottom.

"Not without a condom..." I said in disbelief.

"Or lube..." Steve added with a mischievous tone.

Steve dove into his knapsack and produced a small tube of K-Y and wagged his eyebrows up and down. I reached over to where I'd left the towels and brandished my condom with a flourish. In a heartbeat I'd opened the condom and unrolled it over my throbbing tool. Steve returned to kneel in front of me, and had quickly (expertly) greased up his ass. He was now pushing two fingers in and out, getting his hole ready for me. Without saying anything I lined up my cock head with his ass and started to press forward with my hips. Steve moved his hand away and reached forward onto the floor for balance, and I pushed my hips forward. To my surprise my cock slid all the way in. Steve let out a sharp hiss when I bottomed out and said "Hold it! Hold it for a sec!" and I fought the urge to fuck him and remained still. It took him a few moments to get used to having my entire cock up his ass, but he was soon pushing his ass out to meet me, and I started to slowly fuck my best friend. We kept our attention focused on the TV, but all of my thoughts were on the incredible sensations in my cock! His ass felt better than I could describe, and I fed my cock to him inch by inch, just like the black guy in the movie.

After a few minutes the white guy flopped over onto his back, and the black guy started to really fuck him hard. The white guy hooked his legs around the waist of the black guy, and used them to control the black guy's hip movements. Steve didn't say anything or look at me, but rolled over onto his back, letting me move forward and bury myself in his slippery ass again, this time with the benefit of seeing and feeling his hard and cum-leaking cock as I started to piston into him. The guys onscreen were fucking like animals. The black guy leaned forward and they stared kissing each other, using lots of tongue. I looked down at Steve and he shook his head at me, then grabbed his cock in his right hand and started to pump.

"Does it feel okay?" I asked him.

He nodded, but didn't say anything. I felt his ass start to tighten around my cock, and he rolled his head back in ecstasy. His cock was fully erect, and as I looked down my own cock jerked with excitement at the view. Steve's big cock getting stroked up and down as his balls got pushed up and down by my pelvis as I fucked my hips back and forth, and last of all my own condom-sheathed cock, shining from the K-Y and whatever natural juices were secreted by Steve's ass. The white guy in the movie was yelling out all kinds of trash "fuck me, yeah, fuck me hard, rape me, split me apart...etc" and soon Steve was saying hot things like "Yeah Steve, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me." I was pretty sure that I was hitting his prostrate gland now, and the smack, smack, smack sound of my hips driving into his ass were getting me ready to cum. The black guy on-screen pulled out his massive cock and started milking it all over the white guy's stomach and chest. I knew that I was close to cumming, and pulled out of Steve's ass to shoot, but he said "In my ass Steve! Shoot in my ass! Fuck me harder!" so I slammed my cock back in to his cock all the way and left it there, waiting for my orgasm to rise up and take me over the edge. Steve's cock swelled up to its biggest, and he rolled his head back as his cock exploded. Three or four huge bursts of cum shot out over his chest, and his body started to roll around as his orgasm hit. His climax made his ass clamp down like a vice on my cock, and I instantly shot off my second load of the evening into the condom, falling forward onto Steve and nuzzling into his neck as the wave of release crashed over us both. I think we may have dozed for a few minutes before Steve got uncomfortable and made me pull out of his ass. We showered together, and later Steve tried to fuck me, but couldn't get his head past my tight sphincter. He spent the night, and in the morning we sucked each other again.

The rest of that summer was one of the best times in my life. I completed my degree and graduated in the fall, eventually moving to a job overseas which led me back to the States and my current position. Steve and I must have fucked and sucked every weekend from June through August, at least when Tracy wasn't available. They broke up at the end of the year, but I don't think it had anything to do with Steve and I; just incompatible schedules. Steve soon started dating a new girl (she was also in law-enforcement) and they got married a couple of years later. I dated on and off for a few years before marrying my wife and starting a family. Now, Steve and I see each other at most once a year, and we don't talk about our past "experimentation" anymore. I am sure that I would never have tried any of the things we enjoyed together if not for the lucky coincidences which drew us together, and I am grateful that we shared so many intimate moments from high school until I graduated college. At times Steve has hinted that he'd like to go camping with me sometime so we could hang out "like we used to" but for now we're both fully committed to our families.

My advice to anyone who's curious and interested in sex is to speak about it openly with your best friend, share a little porn together, and see what happens. Even if they do not share your interests, at least they'll know where you stand...and who knows?

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