Steve and Steve

By Steve J

Published on Apr 18, 2006



I don't remember all of the conversation with Steve last night. As soon as he'd dropped the bomb on me about his family moving away it seemed like I was hearing his voice through a vacuum. I could hear his voice but the words had lost their meaning. Steve had been my best friend since as long as I could remember, and our relationship had developed much stronger during the last few months. I had no idea where our explorations of masturbation were leading us, but knew intuitively that I would never have an opportunity to share these experiences with anyone else.

Conflicting emotions running through my head kept me up well into the night.

Several times I started to masturbate as images of from that afternoon flooded my imagination; Steve's sunshine-illuminated body, the wooden stick plunging in and out of his ass, his heavy balls swaying back and forth as he fucked himself, and finally his thick cock shooting thick strands of his pungent cum. Was it the situation that was getting me aroused? Was I turned on simply by knowing how incredible it must have felt to have an ass full of 10 inches of wood and fingers, or was I getting turned on by Steve? These thoughts kept on fighting with the erotic images I had burned into my brain, making it impossible for me to get into a good jerk-off mood. I finally fell into a fitful sleep.

My dream that night was a partial replay of that afternoon. I was watching Steve jerking off in his shower, but he couldn't see me. He was in the shower pounding his raging hard on, and poking his fingers into his ass. When he went to his bedroom and started to pound his cock, I was standing next to the bed, naked. Still not seeming to notice my presence in his room, Steve reached his hand out and took hold of my erect cock, which pulled away from my body without any resistance. Still hard and throbbing, my detached cock took the place of the "Kubotan" Karate tool and he started fucking himself with it. I could feel everything, even though I was no longer in control of my cock. His ass muscles, in my dream, worked my cock just like his hands did, producing the "schlep, schlep, schlep" sound that was so intoxicating to me.

Luckily, before I had a wet dream my alarm clock woke me up. I was able to take care of my aching hard on in the shower, and caught up to Steve on the way to school. His eyes were puffier than they normally looked in the morning, and I knew that he'd been crying more. We talked a bit about his father's job transfer, but didn't really get into a discussion. I wasn't sure how I'd feel if my dad got a transfer to a better job in a bigger city, but I didn't want to press Steve for too many details until he was over the initial shock.

As we rode our bikes lazily onto school, I caught myself checking out Steve's ass more than once. I was intrigued by how much mastery he had in stimulating his hole, more than I thought I'd ever have. I hoped that we'd have some time to "practice" jerking off again, and maybe I could ask him about sticking things up my butt. Now was not the time.

"What are you doing after school today?" Steve asked as we were walking into school from the bike park.

"Same old, I guess. Do you want to hang out?" I answered.

"I gotta ask you about me after school?" he said.

The day was pretty boring. School term was almost over, and most of our grades were already tallied. What's the deal with the last 4 weeks of school? Why can't the teachers just admit there's no more learning to do, and give us an extended vacation?

We were halfway home, having said goodbye to a couple of guys on the wrestling team who lived in the next neighborhood. Steve motioned for me to pull up beside him so we could talk.

"About yesterday..." he started. "I don't want you to think I'm a freak or anything."

"I feel terrible about walking in on you like that...but you did leave the door open." I smiled.

"I know we talked a little about this kind of stuff, you know, jerking off and everything..." he said.

"It's cool. You're not the only guy who has tried to stick things up his ass." I said. I was still embarrassed that I'd cum by watching Steve jerk himself off, and hoped he wouldn't say anything about it.

"I've got something that I want to you see, and then maybe you can do me a favor." Steve said, shyly.

We got to his house, grabbed juice boxes as usual, and headed to the rec room. Steve produced a VHS tape from his stash of tapes and video games (the perfect hiding place for personal items is in plain view) and shoved it into the VCR. I knew what to expect...we'd been watching porno's together every week for the past few months, and Steve had a friend with a satellite dish who kept the new material coming. I settled back to the couch, noticing that Steve had put himself right in the middle, so that our bodies were touching. It wasn't uncomfortable, but wasn't what I had expected.

The movie was a 70's masterpiece featuring a fairly trim Ron Jeremy, and some other performers from the era. The opening scene looked like what I imagined a Village People after-hours party would be. Ron Jeremy and another construction worker type skewering a woman from both ends in a fake construction site, both guys still wearing hard-hats, the other guy had a utility belt on. It was my first time seeing Ron Jeremy, and I got the usual thrill of seeing such a huge cock going to work. I felt my own cock starting to inflate as the scene progressed. I was still a virgin, but imagined what it would feel like to have such a long penis, and to be able to shove it in and out of a woman's pussy. In between positions, Ron would bend over and "self-lubricate" his cock-head. I had never seen a guy do this in any of the other movies Steve and I had watched, and Steve felt my surprised twitch.

"Fuck, I wish I could do that" Steve said, reaching down to slowly adjust himself. "There's nothing like the feeling you get when you jerk yourself off, but could you imagine being able to get head anytime you want?"

"Can you reach your cock with your mouth?" I asked, knowing that it was almost impossible. I had tried once or twice to roll my legs over my head, but was not flexible enough to get within more than 6 inches away from my cock.

"No way man, you have to be double-jointed to do that." Steve said, and then added "the best I can do is lick the head."

"Prove it, liar!" I said, but Steve just shoved me with his elbow.

In the movie Ron continued to fuck the woman senseless before pulling out of her swollen twat and spewing a huge load right on her cunt. He didn't touch his cock at all, just pulled it out and let it unload. Steve had started rubbing his crotch during the first scene, and was now rubbing his hand up and down the length of his cock, whose outline was clearly visible in his shorts. Just like in our other few jerk-off sessions there was a feeling of sexual tension; both of us were young and horny, and I loved it when we had jerked off together, but neither of us wanted to be the first to whip out his shlong. I started to rub myself, gripping my cock shaft between my index finger and thumb and slowly sliding my hand up and down, making my painful erection obvious.

"I can't take much more of this without some relief." I said.

"You mean like this?" Steve said as he reached over with his left hand and pulled down the front of my shorts. The head of my cock was temporarily pulled down by my waistband, but quickly snapped free and hit my stomach with a slap. Not stopping there, Steve reached over with his right hand, and started to caress my cock and balls. I kind of froze, not knowing where to put my hands, and not able to get at his package because of the position of his torso, so I tried to act cool and comment on the video.

In the new scene Ron Jeremy had just walked into an orgy (you gotta love the plot lines of those 70's era flicks) and walked over to a naked woman who immediately reached into his pants and started jerking his pole. Steve had been watching my cock pretty intently, and had kindly spread the leaking precum around the head with his fingers, and was now copying the stroke rhythm of the girl on screen.

"Fuck that feels good." I said, not wanting him to stop. "Do it just like the movie."

Steve relaxed his grip on my cock long enough to pull off his shorts and t-shirt, his fully engorged cock flopping out right at my eye level. I quickly shucked my clothes, and pulled Steve back onto the sofa by his cock.

His well-developed prick was as hard, or harder, than mine, but felt spongier as well. I remembered how my own cock had puffed up after copying Steve's masturbating "technique" and guessed that my own cock would eventually fill out the way his did. I started to jerk Steve's cock in appreciation for his renewed servicing of my cock, and we both tried to match the girl in the scene. She was now kneeling in front of Ron Jeremy, and was pumping his huge penis with both hands, twisting her hands together in alternate directions as she slow jerked him up and down. He didn't look like he was fully hard yet, but my own cock felt close to exploding.

"Just like the movie" Steve said, as we criss-crossed our arms and tried to mimic what the woman on-screen was doing. After a few moments, the camera cut to another couple in a heated doggie-style fuck, and Steve broke contact with my cock and started to pump himself. No doubt about it, Steve was a pro at jerking off, and I realized that my attempts to mimic his strokes were not as good as his own practiced form. His touch on my cock was electric, and I watched him stroking his shaft, hoping to learn and improve my own technique. Steve didn't seem to mind that I was staring at his cock.

In fact it seemed to encourage him. Now that we were both naked and getting worked up by the movie Steve seemed to relax a bit, and started to vocalize his feelings, saying things like "I love jerking my cock" and "wish I had a girlfriend like that", and other random comments that added to the overall sexual mood.

Now the camera had again returned to Ron Jeremy and the woman who was jerking him off. She had slid both of her hands to the base of his cock, and slowly started taking his length into her mouth. It was hot, watching this slender woman choking down such a huge dick, and all the while she kept looking up at Ron. She got stuck about half-way down, and then slowly backed up again until the head of his cock popped out of her mouth. In true Ron Jeremy fashion, he gripped the shaft like a baseball bat, and started whacking her on the face with it a few times before shoving it back into her mouth, this time a little bit further.

"That looks fucking awesome!" Steve said as the camera zoomed in for a close up of Ron's cock sliding slowly in and out of the woman's very red lips. I wasn't sure what Steve meant...was the blowjob awesome, or did Ron's cock look awesome? I just agreed, and picked up the pace with my own cock-fondling. I felt the tell-tale tightness in my balls, and quickly reached down with my left hand to give them a tug. Steve's left hand also traveled between his legs, but down underneath his balls, so I knew he was pressing into his prostrate. He rolled his head back and started seriously jacking off, giving me the chance to gaze at him fully. We had never really made eye contact while jerking off together; it would have been "weird" somehow. I was able to see more details about Steve's body, which I'd seen so many times, but had never really noticed. His lack of body hair contrasted to my own fairly hairy chest and legs. Steve had zero hair on his chest, and only a very faint treasure trail leading to his thick, brown pubes. His nipples were much larger than mine, and had little dimples in the top. Once when we were wrestling I gave his tit a squeeze and it really hurt him, so I knew that his nipples were sensitive. Steve's musculature was also more defined than mine. We both had lean, hard physiques from all of the wrestling workouts and sports, but I was a bit stockier while Steve looked like a tri-athlete.

The biggest difference was definitely in the thickness of our cocks. Steve's must have been one and a half times thicker than mine, making his cock look much larger. It also felt heavier than mine, more robust. I watched his fist pumping up and down his cock, the way his ab muscles flexed at the top of each stroke when he rolled over the head, and the way his thighs flexed on the bottom of each downward pump. He really was a well-tuned jerk-off machine. I turned my attention back to the movie, and gently jerked my cock up and down, careful not to be too aggressive and blow my load.

"Fuck, this film is awesome!" said Steve. "I'm going to need some lube. Do you want some?"

"Sure!" I agreed, and watched Steve's tight ass saunter out of the room as he went to find some lotion. He came back a few moments later, and I loved seeing the way his cock swayed back and forth with each step, like the head of a monitor lizard slowly gazing left and right. He moved right over to me, and knelt between my legs. Very casually, he popped open the bottle of lotion and poured some out into his hands. Then, after getting my tentative nod of approval (I couldn't think of anything to say), he started greasing me up. I had been able to cool off a bit, and since Steve had left to get the lotion I hadn't touched my prick, otherwise I am sure I would have ejaculated right away. Instead, I was able to enjoy watching my best friend rubbing lotion all the way along the underside of my shaft, and then gripping my cock in his fist as he started to pump me up. This was the first time that Steve had grabbed my cock from the front, so his palm was on the top side and his fingers curled around to the base. It was thrilling to watch his finger tips caressing and sliding along the thick central vein that runs down the length of my shaft, and then watch my balls part as his fingers pressed into them.

Steve's large cock was still as hard as ever and when he leaned forward to adjust his grip his cock head pressed in between my thighs, right beneath my ball sac. Instinctively I leaned over to grab the bottle of lotion from the floor, and then leaned back on the sofa, reaching for Steve's cock. Before today the only cock contact that we had attempted was in jerking each other, other than some accidental cock to body contact as we jerked each other off.

As I reached down to grease Steve's thick tube, he moved his hips forward to make it easier for me. This accomplished more than he had intended; first, it made his cock stick out obscenely from his torso...I looked fucking huge up close and sticking out like that; second, it brought his cock directly over mine. As I gripped his shaft and started to lube him up, he continued to move his hips back and forth, until our balls were pressing into each other and the bases of our cocks started rubbing against each other.

Steve took his hand off of my cock, moving my hand aside and letting his hot cock flop down to rest directly on mine. The heat and weight of his cock felt awesome, and I let out a gasp of pleasure as these new sensations took me closer to the edge. Steve started pumping his hips again, letting his cock-head slide all the way down to the base of my cock, and then move back up until I could barely see my prick under his.

"That feels fucking awesome! If you don't stop I'm going to shoot!" I warned.

His hand squeezed our cocks together firmly, and I could feel the throbbing pulse emanating from the base of his heavy, thick member. Our balls pressed together, and I felt mine draw up again sharply. Steve must have sensed my building orgasm because he stopped jacking our cocks for a few seconds and we both watched as our pricks bobbed up and down on their own. Steve's cock leaked a large drop of precum which lazily rolled out of his piss-slit, and dripped down onto the underside of my own generously leaking head. Keeping his grip in place Steve slowly moved his hips back, pulling his balls away from mine, and making his cock slide down the length of my shaft, only stopping when just the mushroom head was still under the control of his thumb, and then driving his hips forward again. I can't describe the feeling accurately, but it was such a potent combination - the spongy heat of his rock-hard cock as it drove up and down my own aching boner - that in no time I erupted in a huge orgasm, letting loose 3 or 4 thick volleys of cum, and several more smaller spurts, which were directed by Steve's grip down onto my stomach. Still, Steve kept on pumping back and forth with his hips, like he was fucking his hand, or trying to fuck me. When my cock finally stopped oozing cum, Steve pulled back from me, and then sat down on the sofa again.

Saying nothing he reached over with his left hand to scoop up some of my still-hot cum which he then smeared down his shiny red shaft. Schlep. Schlep. Schlep. He really started working his hand up and down his shaft, twisting his hand around and over the head on each stroke. I couldn't help staring again. His cock looked like it was going to burst, but I knew that even though he was super turned-on, Steve had a lot of stamina. I felt a little awkward now that I had cum, but my cock was showing no signs of going down, so I copied Steve and smeared the remaining cum from my belly onto my shaft, and started to gently jerk off. Steve pumped for a few minutes without stopping, and we both focused on the porno again.

"So did you jerk off this morning, or what?" I ventured.

Steve didn't speak, but just shook his head to signal no.

"Getting close?" I asked.

Steve stopped pumping and pressed his cock at the base with his index fingers and thumbs to make it stick straight up. Then he forced blood into it by contracting his cock muscles, to show me how pumped up his cock was. My cum had blended in with the lotion, creating milky pattern lines all over its surface. It was now as big as I had ever seen it, so I guessed that he was close to coming. I felt weird again. Here I was with my best friend on a school day afternoon, bare-assed naked, and jerking off on his sofa, and now his huge cock was coated with my cum. I was sure that it was not just the porno's that were getting us both worked up. I was also getting turned on watching Steve jerk off, and was positive that he got off getting me off.

Why else would he be touching me so freely, and using my cum to wax his shaft?

I moved off the sofa and knelt between Steve's legs, taking the same position that he had done with me. Then, leaning forward I pressed both of our cocks together and started to jerk us both off, letting Steve experience the same sensations that I had felt moments ago. He gasped a bit as my hand bottomed out on our shafts, and I reached down with my left hand to stimulate his prostrate gland, pressing underneath his balls, and feeling his cock surge a bit. Our cocks were so slick with the lotion and cum that some excess had trickled down below Steve's balls, and I started to massage the root of his cock with my fingers. Slowly, as I pumped our cocks up and down with my right hand, my left hand moved from under his balls right to the edge of his ass, following that little ridge of flesh that feels so good when you touch it. Steve started moaning a bit each time my finger neared his anus and my curiosity from seeing him playing with his ass the previous day go the best of me. Without asking I let my fingers gently run around the rim of his hole a few times, then continued the up and down path to his balls. In a few such moves his ass was very moist, and I could feel the heat from his pulsing hole. I was finding it hard to keep both of my hands working simultaneously, and adopted his grip-fuck technique with my right hand, holding onto our cocks, and letting my now-recovered penis to slide up and down freely against Steve's as my hips pumped back and forth. This let me focus on the fingers of my left hand. Steve's face was flushed as I continued to circle and press my fingers into his ass, smearing as much lube and sweat from his balls as I could. Finally I stopped pumping my hips so I could watch as my index finger firmly pressed into Steve's hole.

It went in easily, and I let it slide all the way in before twisting it a bit and pulling it out. His ass was not as tight as my own, and it only took a few pumps with my finger to settle into a steady rhythm. I could feel his cock twitching as my finger worked in and out of his hole, and started to push harder and deeper. Pulling my finger almost all the way out I started to tug sideways and up and down and then gently pressed my middle finger up and into his tight chute. Steve let out a gasp and took control of his cock again, frantically pumping as my fingers pressed in all the way.

Adding my second finger made it possible to reach his prostrate gland, which I started to assault freely. I knew that he could take it after watching him rape himself with the broom handle, and I loved watching him writhe on the sofa in total abandonment. My cock was now throbbing, and I knew that it wouldn't take much more for me to cum, so I slipped my cock back out of Steve's grip to give myself a bit of a breather. Steve's stomach muscles were flexing with each downward stroke on his cock, and every time he brought his fist down his ass pressed down onto my fingers, so I didn't really need to move my hand at all. His eyes were half closed, and he was breathing rapidly, and he kept on muttering and moaning.

Finally I felt his ass clamp down hard on my fingers and he yelled out "Fuck me Steve, oh fuck my ass man!" so I jammed my fingers all the way into his ass and felt as his cock started to pulse with his orgasm. I could feel every contraction with my fingers, and leaned in with my hips to bring my cock back into Steve's grip. Cum flew out of his cock just when our cocks pressed together, and he started to hump against me while continuing to spew his load. He came a lot, more than I usually did, and definitely more than I'd ever seen him shoot before. I added a few more small spurts of cum as my second orgasm racked over me, but somehow I was able to keep my fingers buried in Steve's ass. We almost fell off the sofa, Steve had pushed down so hard on my fingers that my left arm was suspending half his body off the floor. At last he relaxed his body with a contented sigh and let my withering cock slip back out of his grip.

I removed my fingers gently from his ass, and noticed that they didn't look dirty (I figured they'd get covered in crap), but I quickly gathered my clothes and went into the laundry room to wash up and get dressed. Returning to the tv room a couple of minutes later I found that Steve had not moved an inch from the sofa, and he looked like he was falling asleep.

"Dude! You're folks are going to be home soon. Get your clothes on!" I instructed, and I tossed him a box of Kleenex. He ignored me, and started scooping more of his cum off of his stomach and chest, and massaging it into his cock and balls. Steve's cock still looked puffy and swollen, and he had just had what must have been a mind-blowing orgasm. His cock was not hard, but he seemed to be trying to prolong the feelings of his post-orgasmic glow.

"Man, that was awesome! When you stuck your fingers up my ass I almost shot right away!" he said, before coming out of his trance and reaching for the Kleenex.

"Your ass was so tight I'm surprised you didn't rip off my fingers." I said.

"I could feel it when you came, like your ass was connected to your cock or something."

"You should have shoved your cock in my ass! That would have been hot!" he replied.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...Slow down, loverboy!" I said, not believing what I had just heard. "I'm not queer and I definitely don't want AIDS." (This was the 1980's and there was a lot of confusion and paranoia about the onset of this terribly disease. I was excited that Steve had voiced one of my own desires, but now that the tv was off and my sexual libido was back to normal I didn't want to cross any lines.)

"I'm not saying I want you to fuck me...but if you used a condom it would be cool to try it...don't you think?" Steve ended the conversation by putting on his clothes and leaving the room. What was going to happen now? Steve would be leaving town in a few weeks, and I might be able to get the chance to try some new "sex" acts with him, but I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship or break any unwritten rules along the way...

More to come later!

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