Steve and Steve

By Steve J

Published on Apr 6, 2006


Disclosure: The following rambling journal is a true (names changed) account of my own personal experiences. It is not my intent to offend or to challenge anyone with my narrative. I just thought it might be interesting to share my thoughts with this forum which I have viewed with enthusiasm for a few years. Please do not read this if you are offended by descriptions of sex.

Steve & Steve, Part 3

The next few weeks, were pretty busy. Our wrestling season was almost over, so we had extra workouts to prepare for the last meet. Steve and I spent time together every day, but outside of riding to and from school and wrestling, we didn't get much time alone to report on our progress. We had agreed to share as much info as we could about masturbating in the hopes that we would develop into sexually-superior studs, but had not had a chance to talk about it since that first talk a couple of weeks ago.

I had discovered on my own the incredible joys of lubrication (soap in the shower), and now jerked-off whenever I could get the shower to myself. I had also discovered the connection between stimulating something in my rectum and mind-shattering orgasms, but had only probed this area a few times. It was hard to get long shower time at my house, and I only attempted ass-play when I was able to take my time and relax.

Finally, the wrestling season was over. I did not place, but did manage to advance further than I had the previous two seasons. Steve had a really strong finish, and made it all the way to the semis. We promised our coach that we'd continue to train over the summer break, but were glad to have free time for the next few months.

Steve came up to me after school, holding a brown paper bag, and grinning broadly.

"What's up Steve?" I asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" he answered. "Take a look what I've got in here."

He handed me the bag, and inside were three VHS tapes. It took me a second for it to click in, and then I said a little too loud, "Pornos?!"

One of the juniors on the wrestling team had satellite TV, and Steve had won a bet by placing at our last meet. He also said he'd tape us copies anytime if we provided the cassettes and gave him $5 each. What better incentive to look for a summer job? All of the tapes were unmarked, but I got excited as my mind conjured up images of sex.

"What are you doing this afternoon?" Steve asked as I handed back the bag.

"I guess I'm free. Why, what did you have in mind?" I replied.

Steve slugged me in the arm, and then we made a mad dash for our bicycles. We must have been racing along at almost 40 miles per hour on the way home; it only took us a few minutes, and school was almost 3 miles away. Steve made a quick check of his house to make sure his sister wasn't home, then grabbed a couple of juice boxes and raced downstairs to his family room. I sat on the sofa as Steve juggled the tapes, finally deciding on one and putting it into the VCR. His dad was out of town on business, and his mother had gone shopping with his sister. Perfect!

We were both silent as the screen went from black into the first scene. Because these weren't retail tapes, but were recorded from Satellite, there was no slow opening sequence of titles and bad music. The opening screen shot was a very hot blow job with a fake blonde starlet and an extremely well-hung guy. She had both of her hands around the base of his cock, her fake nails pressed into his groin area, and she was bobbing up and down on his stick. They must have been going at it for some time, because without warning the guy's cock started shooting gobs of cum all over the place. He must have shot about 10 streams of cum, some of which the woman caught in her open mouth, her hair, her upturned face. It was very hot! (The actor was Peter North, but I can't remember the title of the film).

"Fuck that's hot!" hissed Steve. "If the rest of these tapes are these good, we're going to need some Kleenex!"

I reached down to adjust my cock, which had started to tent my shorts. Steve laughed and said "That didn't take long." As he said it, I noticed that he also adjusted himself. I still wasn't completely comfortable about being hard around someone else, but I was totally turned on by the porno, and kind of hoped that we would be able to continue our talk about masturbating. I wanted to know what Steve had "learned" during the few weeks since our last conversation. For now, he seemed totally focused on the porno.

The next scene was with two women. I was intrigued, because I wasn't sure what women could do to get each other off.

"Man, how do girls have sex with each other?" I inquired. They don't have cocks, and I don't think their tongues are that long."

"Shut up and let me watch!" said Steve. His cock was obviously fully erect.

It had tented up under the waistband of his shorts, and I bet if I lifted his t-shirt I'd get a one-eyed wink.

The scene progressed. The fake-blonde, fake-breasted women were in a heated 69 position, and didn't show signs of coming up for air. One seemed to be intent in ripping off her partners' clitoris; she was rubbing it so fast it was a blur on-screen. Her partner reciprocated by jamming 4 fingers into the other's extremely wet twat. It looked really cool, her long thin fingers with red press-on nails going in and out of the distended pussy, and I couldn't believe the `thwappy' sound that her hand made. I wondered if it felt anything like having a finger up my ass, and remember thinking it must be uncomfortable, but both the women seemed to be very into the scene.

As their moaning got louder and louder Steve's face got redder and redder. I was able to see each twitch of his basket with my peripheral vision (didn't want him to think I was fixated on his cock), and it was jumping around so much I could actually hear the sound of it rubbing against his waistband.

"Steve, be careful or you're going to have an accident" I said to him.

"Fuck, I can't take it! Look at that wet pussy...I'm going to cum just by looking at it!" he gasped.

I got up off the sofa, not easy with my erection painfully sticking out, and grabbed a box of Kleenex off the laundry table. Laughing, I plopped it down on the sofa between us, and said "just in case."

I was only fooling around, although I guess I was kind of hoping for another chance to compare our cocks, but I didn't really think either of us would be doing anything other than watching the porno, then me rushing home to jerk off, but Steve stunned me by scooting out of his shorts and t-shirt and shamelessly displaying his throbbing cock.

"Thanks, Steve-o. Hurry up and drop your shorts!" he said as he dropped back onto the sofa.

Before I could think of a snappy reply, Steve had grabbed his thick cock in his fist and started slowly jacking it up and down. He rolled his head back and sighed as a huge, and I'm not making this up, gob of precum rolled out of his cock and dripped onto his belly. I wasn't sure if he had cum or not, but it looked like he was almost there. There must have been a tablespoon of the stuff.

Turning back to the TV I modestly pulled my shorts halfway down, and grabbed my shaft. The girls started changing positions, and one of them went off-screen. Steve turned his attention to my boner. Without saying anything he reached over with his left hand (he was seated on my right), and gave my cock a few friendly squeezes. Again, having another person's hand touching my privates was so erotically stimulating I thought I'd cum immediately. Luckily I didn't, and I reached over and grabbed his meat and gave it a couple of playful jerks. His cock felt much heavier than mine, and when I rubbed the head my hand got some of his precum on it.

"That's the that some more" Steve murmured, so I pushed the head of his cock down onto his belly and rubbed it around in the goop that had collected there, then started rubbing it in with my thumb. He stopped me quickly, and I thought I'd done something really wrong.

"Shit! I almost shot my load!" he said. "Wait here a second."

His slipped off the sofa, and darted out the door. I heard his cock slapping against his stomach as he jumped up the stairs, and listened as his footsteps went into his bedroom, immediately above the TV room. In a flash he came back through the door, jerking his cock with his right hand, and holding a pink plastic bottle in his left. Sitting down, he used his right hand at the base of his cock to hold himself erect, and then deftly flicked open the hand-cream with his left hand and dropped a healthy amount over his cock-head. He then brought his right hand up and over the head in a circular motion, catching cream in his palm, and then glided back down to the base. His actions looked so smooth and natural I was sure he had been doing this regularly. In a few slow strokes his cock was well-coated with the hand cream and was now shiny and glowing.

Not to appear prudish I grabbed the bottle of cream and poured some out along the underside of my cock. I used the palm of my hand to rub some of the cream around in a circular motion, and then gripped the shaft and jacked up and down a few times. I was leaking precum, and didn't want to cum right away, so I started massaging my balls.

"What are you doing? Don't you want to jerk off?" Steve said.

"I am, idiot. If you massage your balls it'll give you a better orgasm." I wasn't really sure about that, but I didn't want to admit that I was ready to go off.

Schlep. Schlep. Schlep. Steve's hand was working over his cock in a well-rehearsed rhythm, and the sound was both humorous and sexy. I couldn't believe he was able to pound his meat so steadily without cumming. I alternated from slowly (lightly) jacking my cock to playing with my balls.

"What else do you know about making better orgasms?" Steve said. He was so casual I felt myself relaxing a little more.

"I don't know..." thinking about the reply gave me an excuse to stop playing with myself, and I willed myself not to shoot. "I always shoot bigger loads if I don't jerk-off for a couple of days."

"Well, duh. Anyone could have told you about that. Have you ever tried anything...different?" he asked.

I didn't want to admit that I'd fingered my ass, and really couldn't think of anything that he probably didn't already knew, so I shrugged and waited to see if he'd add anything. On screen the missing bimbette had returned, and she was holding a long shiny cylindrical object. It looked metallic, and she started licking and sucking on it like a Popsicle. The other girl lost her mind as her friend slowly inserted the cylinder into her pussy (it went in easily, the whore), and started fucking her with it.

Steve's jacking had stopped (I think his breathing stopped) when it first got shoved in, and now he renewed his efforts at a higher tempo. I was still super-aroused, but my curiosity about the shiny metal thing kept me from approaching orgasm. Steve had now started playing with his balls in his left hand, and occasionally moved his hand under his balls to squeeze something between his legs. He had started out jacking his cock horizontally, like I was, but the more he played with his balls and squeezed, the more he started pointing his cock straight up. I tried doing the same thing, but the increased tension along the shaft almost brought me off. Again I marveled at Steve's level of control.

"What are you doing with your hand, I mean, between your legs?" I blurted.

"Jacking off! What the fuck do you think?" he said.

"No, I mean, why do you keep sticking your hand under your balls like that?" I asked.

"You checking me out?!" he snickered. "I'm just rubbing my prostrate."


"You have to start doing more homework. Your prostrate. Gland? It's in between your ass and your cock and if you rub it it's supposed to make you hornier or something" he answered.

"How do you find out where it is?" I asked, excited about this new discovery.

"Just put your fingers under your balls and push up along the base of your cock." I did as instructed. "Now, move your fingers down towards your ass and press in." I tried to find the "spot" but found my anus instead. Back-tracking I started pressing up at the "root" of my cock shaft and it did feel pretty good. Could it be that the "button" I'd discovered in the shower was, in fact, my prostrate?

As if in answer Steve said "The only other way to hit your prostrate is if you ask your doctor for a "full" examination. I heard my dad talking about it once." I nodded seriously at this "new" info.

That confirmed my suspicion. But no way was I going to mention the ass-play. Instead I returned to the movie.

"I can't believe what she's doing with that pipe" I said, watching as the woman continued fucking her friend who was now kneeling and rocking back and forth.

"Not a pipe, you moron. It's a dildo. I'm going to have to give you a reading assignment." Steve was talking casually, but I could sense by his cock handling that he must be getting close. I had been sort of playing possum to avoid cumming too soon, but the combined images of the sluts on the TV, Steve's huge, swollen cock, glistening and throbbing just inches away from me, and the image I had of a large, metal dildo slipping into my ass was soon too much.

"I'm going to cum" I warned Steve, and I reached for the Kleenex.

"What are you doing? Shoot first, clean-up later. It's the first rule in enjoying a jerk-off" he said.

No arguing this time. I was desperate to unload my swollen nuts. It's always the same; once you decide it's time to cum wild bulls can't stop you!

I quickly pulled off my shirt, and started pounding for real. My goal was to shoot onto my chest to make it easy to clean up. I also didn't want to shoot into my face, which sometimes happened at home, because I wasn't sure what Steve would say. My swollen cock felt so alive I gave into the feeling and closed my eyes. I had a lot racing through my mind; would I shoot a lot? If I didn't Steve would think I was a loser?...or maybe if I shot too much he'd think I was turned on by him, or think I was queer, or then I could say I was into the video or...

My thoughts were cut off and I opened my eyes in surprise as Steve covered my hand with his, and started pulling my cock upright and milking it. A pulsing feeling started at the base of my cock and quickly ran up my spinal column until I could feel it in my head.

"What are you doing?! Ungh! Ooh! Fuck!" I started babbling as my cum reached the boiling point and jetted out of my cock. The first blob arched gracefully up and over my head and splattered softly onto the top of the sofa. "Fuck!" we both yelled as a second volley splattered the sofa next to the first. Shaking off Steve's hand I redirected my cockhead down in time to safely catch the remaining shots on my stomach. When I thought I'd finally finished dumping my load I let go of my cock and watched as it continued to twitch and ooze some extra clear fluid.

I reached for the Kleenex to clean myself up and also wipe off the sofa when Steve said "Wait!" His cock had swelled up with his constant pumping and looked bigger than when we'd measured ourselves a few weeks earlier. We had both forgotten about the video (those lesbo scenes can go on forever) and were staring at the mouth of Steve's 7&1/2 inch throbber as he jacked it in earnest. With no warning, or change to his pumping, Steve shot out a thick rope of cum that blasted past his ear and landed on a cushion. A few more pumps and a few more ropes of cum striped across his stomach (he'd taken off his shirt when he'd taken off his shorts). His cum seemed thicker than mine somehow, more concentrated.

"What did I say?" Steve said as he slowly released his softening dick and reached for the sofa. We quietly mopped up our cum, only breaking the silence when Steve offered me one of his partially saturated Kleenexes and I said "Ew!" I can still smell that combined fragrance of our cum; mine was earthy, and Steve's a more pungent musk. In the end, after the sofa was more or less evidence-free (it was porous tweed) we put all the Kleenex into a garbage bag. Steve only used three tissues to clean up, but I needed eight, and they were all totally saturated.

My penis had relaxed into its normal size and shape, and was a little red from the workout. Steve's cock had gone soft, but looked kind of puffy and bloated, which I again took as a sign that he had a lot more experience jerking off than I did. "For such a big cock, you didn't cum all that much." I ventured.

"Yeah, I shouldn't have jerked off this morning...too bad I didn't know about the tapes" he answered. I felt somehow jealous, and promised myself that I'd start making time for the occasional morning jerk-off in the future.

Our post-orgasm glow lasted a few minutes as we slowly got dressed and Steve turned off the TV. Without the porno going reality came back into the room, and I wondered what boundaries had just been crossed, what rules had just been broken. Now that it was over, I didn't want to say too much about what we'd just experienced, even though I had lots of questions for Steve, and I sensed that he had some things he wanted to say to me. Was it okay that we had jerked off together, that he had gripped my cock and jerked me off? Whatever I wanted to say, the bravado that came with our sexual arousal had left, and so I put off saying anything embarrassing. Why ruin a near-perfect experience?

On my way out the door, Steve slammed something into my chest and said "Your reading assignment." It was a slightly dog-eared paperback called "Men in Love" by Nancy Friday. "Rule number one, don't bend the spine or fold any of the pages. Rule jerk off while you're reading it. I don't want my folks to know that I've been using this. You can keep it for a couple of days, but it has to be back before my dad comes back from his business trip."

I looked at Steve quizzically, looked back at the book and said "Thanks." Was I ever in for an education...

I'll be adding more soon. Thanks for letting me share this with you. Please send comments to

Next: Chapter 4

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