Steve and Steve

By Steve J

Published on Mar 31, 2006


Disclosure: The following rambling journal is a true (names changed) account of my own personal experiences. It is not my intent to offend or to challenge anyone with my narrative. I just thought it might be interesting to share my thoughts with this forum which I have viewed with enthusiasm for a few years. Please do not read this if you are offended by descriptions of sex.

Steve & Steve, Part 2

Steve and I completed the chores (mowing the lawn, cleaning the garage, and taking the garbage cans out to the curb) in record time, but were disappointed when his mom arrived home almost an hour early.

"Don't worry, dude! We'll be able to watch the porno again, as soon as I figure out where my dad stashes his collection," Steve said.

After that, it was friendship as usual for us. We were both so busy with school and sports (and trying to get girls to notice us) that we didn't talk about the porn tape for a couple of weeks. The biggest change for me was the adjustment of my masturbation style. Steve's introduction into "jacking" my cock was like giving water to a man in the desert. I couldn't get enough!

The day after watching the porn I went to my room right after dinner to complete a math homework assignment. After about an hour of concentration, my mind began to wander a little, and I started daydreaming of Michelle, a girl in my class. That afternoon at school her breasts had rubbed up against my arm when we were working on an in-class assignment and seeing her handwriting in my note-book took me back to that electric moment in time. My cock jumped to attention, and I thought it was a good time for a study break.

Lying down on my bed I took off my shirt and shorts and stared at my hard cock. I enjoyed making it twitch by contracting the "cock" muscles I'd recently discovered, and pretended I was doing cock-calisthenics. It only seemed like a couple of minutes when a large drop of pre-cum leaked out of the head, and I still hadn't started stroking it. The contact with Michelle's tits must have turned my nuts' production into high gear. Grasping the shaft in my right hand I started to jack my cock up and down, just like Steve had showed me. I liked how I could vary the sensations by increasing or decreasing my grip pressure on both the up and down strokes. It also felt great letting my hand continue up over the head of my cock, then slip back over the head and continue right down to the base. My balls started tingling a bit, so I started to massage them with my left hand, and increased the tempo of my jacking.

I had been masturbating now for a couple of months, and was able to recognize the build-up to my orgasm. This new jacking off style, or maybe the constant image of Michelle's firm breasts rubbing my arm, brought my climax much faster than I expected, so I actually gave a little cry of surprise when it started. The first couple of shots of cum, propelled by the upwards stroke of my hand on my cock shaft hit me right in the face. Most of the second shot went into my opened mouth, and I was so caught up in the orgasm that before I knew it I had swallowed it down. The remaining blasts of cum landed on my chest and stomach, and I stopped stroking and lay still for a few moments to enjoy the warm glowing feeling of post-orgasm. It was then that I noticed the sweet, earthy flavor in my mouth.

It would never have occurred to me to try tasting cum, but the taste wasn't unpleasant at all. What made it sweet? And what gave it that smell? I started playing with the cum that had pooled on my belly, and reveled in the warm, sticky feeling that it had. Then, to satisfy my curiosity, I brought my finger up to my nose for a prolonged whiff, before sticking my finger into my mouth and licking the cum off my finger. I let the cum sit on my tongue for while before letting it slide on down my throat. It was such an uncommon sensation I could not imagine ways to describe it. But now that my post-cum glow had started to fade away I started to feel a bit guilty at having sampled my jizz, so I cleaned up quickly, and finished my homework.

The next day after school Steve and I were riding home on our bicycles. On wrestling practice days, like today, we rode home on a footpath that kept us away from the rush-hour traffic on the major roads. It also meant that we could ride beside each other and chat.

"Good practice today, Steve-o!" he said.

"I don't know." I replied. "I didn't feel like I had much energy."

"Maybe you shouldn't jerk off so much!" he answered.

"Man, I can't seem to jerk off enough!" I joked. "Doesn't it seem like we're always horny? Today I got a boner in gym class. Whose idea was it to make junior grades co-ed?"

We laughed for a while, and then Steve said "So how often do you jerk off?"

I thought about my answer (I didn't want Steve to think I was a pervert), and said "I don't know, maybe a few times a week?" Actually I was masturbating every day at least once and sometimes did it three times or more in a day.

"Yah, sure. You jerk off a few times a week, and you're a fucking liar!" he said.

"Why? How often do you jerk-off, Jerkoff?" I laughed.

"Well...since you asked...I polish the lance every day." He stated this with what seemed to be a bit of pride, like he was a champion masturbator or something like that.

"Don't you think that's a bit much? I mean, if you whack off every day isn't it bad for your health?" I asked.

We had just reached the half-way point home, where the footpath ended and a public park with a baseball diamond and bleachers separated us from the road leading to my house. Steve nodded towards the empty bleachers and we hopped off our bikes for a break.

"Listen," he said as he sat on a bench. "I want you to think this over carefully. The other day, when we watched the porno at home, remember how good it felt being boned up together? I mean it wasn't being together that got us boned up, but it was cool being together and being you know what I mean?"

Sitting down next to him I replied "I guess I know what you mean. It felt good not being embarrassed about having a chubby and it was really cool watching that porno."

He bit his lower lip a bit, then looked around to make sure we were alone, and said, "Did you do it? After you watched the porno, did you jerk off?"

I didn't know where this was going, and kind of wondered if I'd missed cleaning up some of my spunk from his bathroom. "Well, yeah. I came buckets. How `bout you?"

"Okay, I'm glad that you admitted that to me. Look, I think I can be totally honest with you about this. You're the first, and probably the only guy who I'll ever talk to about jerking off. And since we both enjoy it, I want to know if it's okay to, you know, talk about it and stuff." He had started to blush, which proved he was being serious and not joking.

"I think it's cool if we talk about anything to do with sex!" I replied quickly, hoping to reassure him that it was more than cool. "But what's there to talk about?"

"Okay, for starters I kind of got the impression the other day, when I stroked your cock – and by the way, I'm sorry if that wasn't cool, it just kind of happened – I kinda thought that you could use some pointers, and maybe we could share "research" about jerking off and stuff."

"Like a study group?" I joked again.

"No, seriously, Steve. You know how we're always working out at school to try to be better at wrestling? Or how we're always doing homework to get better at school? After we watched that porno I shot the biggest load I've ever had, and maybe if we keep practicing our jerking off we can get better and better at it" he stated.

"It sounds cool to me. But don't get any ideas about stroking my cock again! I don't want anyone thinking that we're gay or anything" I said. "If we're training our cocks, it has to be to make us perform better with the ladies, okay? We'll make it a secret pact, a covenant or something. Agreed?"

In answer Steve held out his hand for me, signaling the start of our own secret handshake. Once completed I somehow felt better, like a problem I'd had was suddenly gone, even though I didn't know what it was. Maybe just knowing that I could talk freely about masturbating was the reason I felt a kind of lightness.

I said goodbye to Steve and went home. It was still early, and I had time before dinner for a shower. My cock was hard before I finished undressing, probably because of all the talk about sex and jerking off on the way home. I normally didn't take long showers because we had a small electric water tank, and there were 6 of us in the family; therefore, I had never experience "self-love" in the shower before. As I washed in the shower, first letting the warm water rinse away the sweat of wrestling practice, and then lathering up with soap, I realized that my hard-on was not diminishing, but was in fact getting harder. I grabbed it between my soapy hands to wash it, and naturally gave it a few strokes. The lubrication of the soap and the overall wetness of the shower were extremely erotic. Before I knew it I was pounding my cock for all I was worth. Using both hands together to create a slippery smooth tube, I simulated the pussy-fucking I'd seen in the video, and started thrusting my hips back and forth. It only took a couple of minutes before my balls drew up and I splayed 6 or 7 hard jets of cum onto the wall of the shower.

My cock was now very clean (the pipes were clean too!), and I was amazed at how sensitive it was to the water splashing down from the shower head. Even though I'd had a tough work-out at school, and had now finished shooting a load of cum, my cock was still rock hard. I continued washing my way down my legs, and eventually ran a soapy finger down the crack of my ass (I always wash my ass last for some reason). As my fingers moved over my bud my cock jumped up. I rubbed my anus again and again my cock jumped. After a few more rubs I felt this kind of tingling itchiness in my butt, so I lathered my fingers again and gently pressed my index finger into my tight, wet hole. It easily slipped in up to the first knuckle, but my sphincter was too tight to let it in any further. As I pressed and poked with my finger my cock jumped and bucked like a wild thing. I imagined that, but putting my finger up my ass, I was actually sticking my finger into my cock, and that I could pump it up by pushing more of my finger in.

Bending over at the waist, I was able to slide a bit more of my finger into my ass. The tip of my finger had passed through the tight entrance channel and I was able to wiggle it around a bit. I slowly started to push my finger in and out, each time trying to sink it a little farther into my ass, as I stared at my rock hard erection. Being bent over, my cock was now poking into my stomach. Each push of my finger in my ass caused a reactionary hip motion that moved my cock-head across my soapy abdomen. It felt incredible. With a determined push, I forced my finger in past my second knuckle, and then the rest of it slid in easily. Now my cock was twitching and pulsing like it would explode. The distended head, normally a deep red color, had become more purplish, and the surface was glassy smooth, the skin so tight it was almost translucent. I started moving my finger around and continued poking about in my ass when all of a sudden I touched a nerve-ending or something that gave me an instantaneous orgasm. As my head was at waist-level I almost passed out, seeing little fireworks in my head as each wave of cum shot out of my cock. Whatever I'd touched in my ass was like a water faucet, and the cum kept on pouring out, not in jets or spurts, but in a slow and steady stream. Eventually the cum lost its normal milky color, and became clear. Maybe I was peeing? Finally, when I was sure my nuts were completely empty, and the contractions in my cock and ass had ended, I pulled my finger out of my ass and finished showering.

I was very light-headed and sleepy after cumming so much, so I went to my bed to lie down before supper. What was I going to say to Steve when we next talked about jerking off? Would he be freaked out about the finger-in-the-ass thing? To be honest I was a bit freaked out. Should it feel so good sticking something up your ass? I drifted off to sleep.

More to come. Please send comments to

Next: Chapter 3

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