Steve and Steve

By Steve J

Published on Mar 29, 2006


Disclosure: The following rambling journal is a true (names changed) account of my own personal experiences. It is not my intent to offend or to challenge anyone with my narrative. I just thought it might be interesting to share my thoughts with this forum which I have viewed with enthusiasm for a few years. I am not gay, but I enjoy all kinds of erotica, especially descriptions of men enjoying their sexuality. Please do not read this if you are offended by descriptions of sex.

My name is Steve and I am a happily married 40-something with two beautiful children. Looking back at my limited sexual experiences, I can honestly say that I am heterosexual, and have always been heterosexual. I am conservative by nature, and have always taken a long time to become intimate with partners. The few times I allowed relationships to progress to actual sex were because I had serious intentions of marriage and trusted my partners intimately, but things did not work out the first few times. Happily, I met my wife, and we developed a strong relationship based on trust and honesty which developed into a strong union.

Having stated this, I can also honestly say that I was a complete horn-dog in my youth and that I have always been interested in and excited by the workings of the male phallus. I love the actual mechanism of male sex; the arousal, the build-up to orgasm, the ejaculation, and the post-orgasmic high.

When I hit puberty I had wet-dreams several times each week. I did not know how to masturbate, and it never occurred to me that masturbating would prevent some of the wet-dreams. After some light-hearted teasing from my mother (she did the laundry) I made it a habit to wrap my cock in tissues before going to sleep so that if I had a wet-dream it would not leave a stain in my pajamas. This arrangement worked until I was about 16, after which the increased size of my cock and the volumes of my nightly discharges were not so easily contained.

Around this time I accidentally discovered masturbation. Our family always kept a collection of reading material in the bathroom to make crap-times interesting. Crossword puzzles, comics, and magazines were always on-hand. One morning as I was leafing through a magazine and preparing for a nice crap I came across a lingerie feature. It had about 8 pages of photos of extremely sexy women in extremely miniscule negligees and I instantly boned up. Sitting on the john with the magazine in my lap I was amazed at how quickly and forcefully my erect cock shot up, and threatened to knock the magazine on the floor. Forgetting the magazine, I stared at my steadily pulsing cock, and discovered that I could force it to move up and down by contracting muscles I didn't know I had. I did this repeatedly, watching the head of my cock swell with each contraction, and seeing the shaft raise up about 45 degrees before lowering back down. This new control I had over my cock really fascinated me, and I noticed for the first time the development my cock had achieved since puberty began. I could actually feel the weight of the entire organ, the solidness of the shaft, and the tension in my ball-sac that I had never noticed or experienced before.

Turning my attention to the magazine spread again I imagined running my hard cock along the contours of the models, letting my cock-head slip under the fabric of their panties, or rest between their semi-exposed breasts. The more that I concentrated the harder my cock swelled until it became a bit uncomfortable. Finally I moved the magazine to see what was going on. What I found was a very heavy drop of viscous liquid dripping from the head of my cock. I immediately reached out a finger to wipe it off, but as soon as I touched the distended head of my cock I started shaking all over with little electric spasms. It was unbelievable! The magazine was now a forgotten heap on the bathroom floor as I reached around the base of my cock with my left hand to steady it, and continued to rub the goop into the head.

The combination of the slippery rubbing on the head and my tight grip on the shaft produced a feeling which I would later recognize as an approaching orgasm, but at this time was a mixture of ecstasy and fear. I thought the end of my penis was going to fly off or that my nuts would blow-up. The feeling of building pressure got more and more intense until I intuitively realized that something was going to happen. As I gazed intently at the bulbous purple head of my cock I felt an incredibly powerful pulsation, which seemed to originate from the base of my cock, but which caused my entire body to shake. Fascinated, I watched as first one, and then another jet of white cum came flying out of the end of my cock! I nearly passed out, and knocked the top off the toilet with all of my shaking (it didn't break, but my mother heard it downstairs). In the end 9 or 10 volleys of cum flew out of my shaft and ended up on my face, on my chest, on the tiled wall of the bathroom, and on the floor.

I was both elated and horrified. Not sure exactly what had just happened, but also feeling a kind of euphoria that was new and wonderful, I slowly released my grip on my still hard and pulsing cock, and watched as it slowly returned to a "normal" hard state. Normal in that it no longer felt like it was going to explode, but it didn't feel like it had any intention of getting soft either. At that age, as I imagine all boys can understand, my cock had a will of its own. It took me a few seconds to recover my senses enough to clean up the dollops of cum and flush the whole mess down the toilet. The smell and texture of the cum was intriguing, and I marveled that so much had come out of my cock at once.

Needless to say, after that first exhilarating accidental orgasm, I became a frequent masturbator. Still, without any guidance, the sum of my masturbatory practice was to get erect (not hard when you're 16), squeeze the base of my cock with my left hand, and gently rub the head between the index finger and thumb of my right hand. This worked for a couple of months, but something revolutionized my "development"...

Throughout my late-childhood and teenage years I spent most of my time with my best friend, Steve. Besides having the same name, we were similar in size and shape, and both excelled at school sports. Our biggest difference was in our background; his parents were young immigrants from Germany (his father was an engineer for one of the car parts manufacturers in our town), and my parents were older immigrants from the UK (my mother still carried some resentment to the Germans for bombing her hometown).

Steve and I were, and still are, identical builds. When we were 16 we were about 5-1/2 feet tall, and weighed 160 pounds of lean muscle. Steve looks like Jim Carrey, and I look a little Tom Cruise, so we got the nickname "Hollywood" at school. Steve and I shared a love of the same sports: football (soccer), cycling, running, and cross-country skiing. We also wrestled at school and developed into pretty serious athletes. We were both "losers" with girls, at least until senior high-school, so most afternoons we played sports or watched tv together.

One day, after school, we went into Steve's basement and turned on the tv, and Steve noticed a video tape in the VCR which he didn't recognize. It was titled "Kinky Business" and Steve mistook it for the Tom Cruise film "Risky Business". "Hey! Check it out! I guess my folks forgot to take this one back to the rental store. Do you want to watch it?" I agreed, and sat down on the sofa with Steve next to me. It was a warm spring day, and we had gone to school in similar Adidas soccer shorts and t-shirts. The sofa was not very large, and our legs always ended up either pressing against each other, or entwined with one's legs resting on the others. Hey, we were best friends, and were used to hanging out together.

Anyway the movie started and the first thing we both noticed was the music was really lousy. Then some blonde hottie (she looked like Meg was in fact Ginger Lynn) appeared on camera getting ready to take a shower. We couldn't believe it when she shucked her clothes, wantonly pranced around the bathroom nude (we could see her crotch in great detail) and then started to lather herself with soap in the shower. "Holy shit! What the fuck is this?!" Steve shouted in amazement. "It looks like your dad forgot to hide a tape from his porn collection" I replied. We were both kind of freaked out: first, that an adult had left an obviously adult video available for us, and second, that the adults would figure out that we'd been perving on the tape and murder us. Steve's parents both worked, and usually came home around 6pm. As it was only 3:30pm when we found the tape Steve's only immediate concern was that his younger sister Amy would walk in on us. He ran upstairs, checked her room, and then remembered that she had little league softball practice from 4 to 6. We were safe!

Steve came back downstairs, closed the curtains on the tiny basement window to the room and settled back down on the sofa. We were barely breathing when he pressed play again. The shower scene continued and we both gasped when the camera zoomed in on Ginger Lynn's pussy as she rubbed her clit a few times before digging a couple of fingers into her twat. My cock sprang to life as soon as Steve started the video, and started tenting my shorts. Embarrassed, I tried to nonchalantly rearrange my package, which prompted Steve to say "you and me both, bro!" Sure enough, his shorts were tented further than mine! This relaxed me a little, but I also felt a bit shy. While we were best friends, and I had seen Steve naked several times, it was weird being sexually aroused so close to him.

We continued to watch the movie, and I admit that I checked out Steve's shorts a couple of time to see if his cock was as lively as mine. Now that Ginger was finger-fucking herself aggressively, the male star of the movie appeared. Ripping open the shower curtain was a fully-naked, fully erect Tom Byron. Now for those of you who are used to seeing nude male members you might not be overly impressed by Tom Byron's equipment, but for me, this was the biggest cock I'd ever laid eyes upon. "Fuck, look at the size of that cock!" I blurted. Steve looked over at me and said "Yeah, I bet you'd love to wrap your lips around that hunk of meat, right?" I elbowed him in the ribs, pretty hard, too, and continued to watch as Tom Byron slowly started to sink his shaft deep into Ginger Lynn's innards, then gradually built up a rhythmic fuck which had me and Steve mesmerized. "I can't believe that cock can fit inside her like that!" I said. "Sure idiot. How do you think women give birth? You think the baby comes out thin as a pencil? Guess again! I've heard that some women can stick a guy's arm up their pussies." Steve advised. "Yeah, but look at the size of this guy's cock" I continued. If he keeps pistoning into her like this he's going to break something for sure." "I don't know if he's all that big" said Steve. Zoom! My attention turned from the tv to Steve's shorts, to his smirking face. "What are you saying? Is your cock bigger than that guy on screen?" I said. "I don't know if it's that big, but all I'm saying is that his cock isn't the biggest in the world, alright?" Steve answered. But now that my curiosity was piqued I had to keep after him. "How big is your cock? I mean, have you ever measured it?" I said. "No..." he replied, and then after a short silence in which Tom had started to fuck Ginger Lynn doggie-style, "do you want to measure?"

Normally, the idea of pulling my hard cock out in front of another boy would have turned me off. But now, with the combination of the onscreen fucking and the curiosity of comparing cock-size with my 16-year old buddy, I agreed. Steve put the video on pause, and grabbed a tape measure from his mom's sewing basket (the tv room doubled as the family room). We were both sporting major erections, and agreed to pull out our cocks on a three count.

Suddenly, the situation seemed hilarious, and we both giggled our way quickly through the countdown. "One, Two, Three!" Facing each other, we pulled our shorts down quickly, causing our trapped dicks to spring up, almost hitting each other before slapping into our stomachs.

Steve's cock was a little bigger than mine. I was fascinated by it's shape; we were both circumcised, and both of our cocks were about the same length (mine is 7", and his is about 7-1/2", but his cock is about 1-1/2 times thicker than mine, and it has a much larger head. I had never seen another erect cock before, and I assumed he hadn't either. We both held our cocks out for inspection, mine curved upwards slightly, and his stuck out straight. I noticed that, like mine, the end of Steve's cock has a droplet of the sticky "pre-cum" that I'd come to recognize as a sign of impending nut-busting. Steve asked me if I wanted to measure him, but I declined. Instead he asked me to hold the tape while he "got ready", and then while using the finger tips of his left hand to keep his cock steady he grasped the shaft with his right hand and slowly started jacking his cock. In just a few short pulls the end of his cock-head seemed to inflate a little, and I was sure that his cock was now at full mast. "What was that, what you did with your fist? Didn't that hurt?" I asked, in awe. "Man, don't you know how to jerk off? And I thought I was nave!" Look, see what that guy's doin' in the shower in the video? Now just imagine that your hand is a pussy, and fuck it like this." As he said this to me he reached over with his left hand and started jacking my cock in time to his own, to show me what he meant. It felt incredible, and I almost reached for his cock to reciprocate, but chickened out. "Don't touch my dick, fairy!" I said, but I also didn't move away.

"Shit, if I keep jacking my cock I'll shoot. Okay, give me the tape", Steve said, and he quickly measured his throbbing cock. I watched as a large drop of precum oozed out of the head of his cock and slowly made its way down the glans of the head. The tape showed Steve's cock to be exactly 7-1/2 inches along the top of the shaft. "Now it's your turn" he said, and handed me the tape. I didn't need to jack my cock to get it harder. In fact, I was kind of worried that I might actually fire off my bullets with all of the handling and over-stimulation of the porno and my friend's jacking me, but I was able to get a measure of just under 7" without blowing. "I knew I was more of a man than you" Steve joked. I handed him back the tape measure, and there were a few awkward moments of silence as we both blatantly stared at each other's cocks. Just then the telephone rang, and I nearly shot my load! "Steve" tucked his cock back into his shorts and went upstairs to answer the phone. There I was, in my best friend's basement with my cock hanging out, harder than it had ever been before, my nuts aching for relief and a porno (my first) showing Tom Byron splaying his cum over a well-fucked Ginger Lynn.

I suddenly felt very self-conscious, and went to the bathroom to take a leak, thinking it would soften my erection. As soon as I pointed my cock at the toilet I shot out the biggest load of cum I'd ever had. It didn't look like cum, but more like white rain drops spraying all over the place. It lasted maybe 10 seconds, but felt like it would never stop. My knees gave way, and I ended up spewing the last few cum shots on the side of the toilet bowl. Luckily the door was closed and I was able to clean up the mess (and myself) quickly. I went back to the tv room and had just sat down when Steve came back and said "That was my dad. He's on his way home early, and I have to finish some chores. Help me and we can watch some more later." He carefully rewound the tape to the start and turned off the tv. I never knew how he managed to get rid of his hard-on, or if he had whacked off upstairs while I was cumming downstairs, but by the time we got outside the electric atmosphere we'd had in the tv room was replaced with our normal casual banter.

We didn't get to watch more of the porno that afternoon, but we did pass a point in our relationship which would lead to more adventurous development later on. Let me know what you think of this first attempt at writing my journal, and I'll add more later on.



Next: Chapter 2

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