Steve and Mike

By moc.loa@67nogarA

Published on Dec 17, 2010


If your not 18 you shouldn't be reading this come back when your old enough. This story contains sex between two males without the use of condoms. I strongly urge any male out there having sex with anyone to use condoms. Being safe is the only way to play and live a healthy life without the fear of std's. Be smart. Be safe. If you enjoy this story let me know I am enjoying writing this and might continue with some more of this story and what happens between Mike and Steve. All rights belong to the author. Contact me at ( _ ( ( ) with comments thoughts and suggestions you might have. Enjoy if nothing else! Thanks in advance to any and all replies they mean a lot to me and my writing ideas.

I was in the kitchen with a thousand thoughts running through my head. The first being was what the hell was she doing here and at this hour of the morning. I didn't know whether to think this was a good thing or a bad thing. I just stood there waiting and watching the coffee drip into the pot. How

was I going to handle this? How was I going to sit down and just talk to her after the way she had treated me on the phone and then just hung up on me? Steve walked into the kitchen and came up behind me and put his arms around my waist. He whispered in my ear.

"I know this isn't going to be easy, but promise me that you'll stay calm and not just yell and scream at her, whatever reason she came here for we'll just have to wait and see. Will you do that for me, will you just listen first? That damned voice of reasoning again.

"I can't Steve, I can't promise you anything. I'll listen to what she has to say, that much I will do. I don't know why I slammed the door on her or why I spoke to her the way I did, it just came out. So with that being said, I'll do the best I can with her." I was standing there leaning against him holding his hands. still watching the coffee finish brewing.

"Do you want a cup now or do you want to wait?"

"Make mine now, I'll have it with you. And Michael, make a cup of tea for your mother. Come on, I know it's hard for you right now, but at least make

the first move towards working this out, be the bigger person here, I know you have it in you to do this." The voice of reason wasn't as strong but he was pushing me a little and perhaps that's what I needed right then.

"All right, go out and you talk to her for a minute, I'll get our coffees and I'll make her a cup of tea, think you can talk to her for a few minutes while I get everything together? And do you want anything to eat or do you want to wait a little bit before you eat anything?" Since I was asking him

to talk to her for those few minutes until I got everything together I felt like I was the one that was pushing.

"Okay I'll go out there and make some small talk, but don't you dare leave me out there to long by myself, got that? And no I don't want anything to eat just yet, maybe we'll go out for breakfast after this is done." He hugged me a little tighter and lightly kissed me on the side of my neck. Then he bit my ear lobe and blew into my ear. He made me shiver as he was doing this.

"I love you Michael and remember I'm behind you on this, don't back down and try not to turn this into a fight. She's making a move, I'm not sure if it's going to be good or bad, but she's here to see you and that's got to be something. I'm going to sit on the couch and when you come out there I want you to sit right next to me. I want her to see that you and I are together on this, okay?" He let go of me and turned me around so that I was looking directly into his eye.

"Steve, your amazing you really are I don't know what I would do sometimes without you. I'll do as you ask, just as you want I'll sit right next to you. You always seem to know best so I'm trusting you, just like I always do, oh yea and one more thing.....I love you to Steve, I love you to." With that said I was the one that turned him around and pushed him towards the living room, into the lions den. God knows what we were in for.

It didn't take me but another few minutes before I had the coffees and tea ready. I put them all on a tray took a deep breath and walked out into the living room. Nothing was being said so I don't know if they had said anything or not. I hadn't paid attention when I was in the kitchen, perhaps I should have. I put the tea in front of my mother, gave Steve his coffee put mine on the coffee table and sat down, right next to Steve. I could see my mother look at the both of us as I leaned back on the sofa. No one was saying anything. the silence was deafening. Steve was the one that broke the silence.

"So Mrs. Mathews what brings you here at this hour of the day?" Nothing like being direct, he always was. Steve figured what was the point of beating around the bush when something had to be dealt with. And this was definitely something that had to be dealt with. My mother just looked at him and then at me and for a second I was beginning to think that maybe this wasn't such a good idea, I don't know why I just felt like maybe we shouldn't be doing this right now. It was to late to turn back now. Whatever was going to

unfold Steve was right about one thing we had to deal with it.

"I'm not going to lie and say that I'm happy to be here Michael, I'm not. Your father does not know that I'm here, he thinks I went to work. But I can't really work good these days, not since I made that phone call to you, I haven't been able to think straight since I found out about you two. Perhaps I shouldn't have made that phone call, but I did and it can't be undo. I'm sorry I called you and treated you like that, it wasn't fair. I didn't give you a chance to say anything. But I will say this, I talked to you sister last night and she told me what was going on between your brother and you. I don't want that kind of behavior to continue, I will not put up with that, you are not to treat your brother like that. He didn't mean to do anything that deserved what you did to..." I cut her off, I could see that she was going to protect him, she was going to take his side in this, just as she always did when it came to my older brother. I was starting to fume.

"I didn't do anything!! Do you know what he did? Did Cindy tell you the whole story? Or did he tell you, which one told you the whole story Mom, which one?

"Mike, come on, stop and let you mother finish, don't get mad, please Mike, look at me for a minute." I looked at him but I couldn't focus. I was really just looking right past him.

"Steve, don't you hear what she's doing, she's going to take his side, after what he did, she's going to take his side."

"Just let her finish, let her finish what she came here to say and then we'll go from there, you promised me, remember that promise." That voice that damn reasoning voice was in full force.

"All right, but only and I mean only because your the one asking Steve." I meant what I said, if it wasn't for him I would have probably kicked her out of the house. It went back to being silent again. I was looking straight

ahead, I couldn't look at her. I was to mad.

"If you'll let me finish what I was going to say that he didn't deserve to be beaten like that, although your sister says you only hit him once. He looked like someone had beaten him more than that. With that being said, he still had no right to break your trust when you told him that you were a quee..ah. a homose..I don't know what it is you want me to call you." She held her hand up as a kind of signal for me not to answer her. Whatever your are you are. I think the word you like being called is gay. Whatever, I'm not going to tell you that I'm thrilled over this, but your my son and no matter what's going on you are and always will be my son. I wish you had told me. I wish that things had happened differently." She sat there with all the dignity she had, she was done saying what she had to say so it was my turn and I wasn't sure what to say. She hadn't rejected me she hadn't told me that she never wanted to see me again, but we still had a long way to go. I would take Steve's advice and start now. I just reminded myself to go slowly and try and think about what it was I wanted to say to her.

"Mom, I don't know if I'm glad you came this morning or not. I'll admit I wasn't expecting it, but maybe I should glad you came just the same. There were so many times that I wanted to tell you about myself. And every time I came even close I would chicken out I was afraid that you would push me away and not want anything to do with me. That's one thing that you have to understand. I heard the things you said about Joni and Dad's cousin. So I was afraid what would happen if you knew. I never wanted you to find out the way you did, I really did want to be the one that told you and Dad. But at the same time, I can't and won't forgive my brother for what he did, he did it to be cruel, just like he always does. I thought I could trust him when I told him, and I specifically told him not to tell anyone, I made him promise. He told Cindy and made her think that I couldn't face you and that she should be the one that told you. When I confronted him after the phone call he laughed about it and acted all smug he made me furious and I just couldn't control my anger. I'm not sorry I did what I did to him, I would have done more but thanks to Steve and Gary I had enough sense to walk away. I'm not sorry that I fired him either, I won't work with someone I can't trust Mother. So don't ask for me to give him his job back if that's what you intend to do. And there's something I could tell you about him that you don't know, but I won't, I won't reduce myself to his level, but I will say that he's not telling you everything about getting out of the military, and why you didn't hear from him for almost a year. I know the reason, but he's the one that's going to have to tell you that, not me."

"Your right Michael, it is your brother that will have to tell me. I'm proud of you for not being vindictive when you have every right to do so, and from what you just said, could do so. I'm glad to see that I raised you to do the right thing." I could see that she had relaxed some it made it easier for me to talk to her some more without feeling like I had to defend myself. As much as I didn't want to know I had to ask about my father and what he has been saying since he found out.

"Mom, I have to ask how is Dad taking this, he must hate me, unlike you I'm sure he wants nothing to do with me. I know how he feels about us gays." I tried to keep it on the light side and not sound to serious.

"I'm not going to lie, he's upset and doesn't understand it, I don't think he's going to disown you but its going to be awhile before you should come

to the house. I'm not going to stop you and tell you not to come, the door is always to my children, no matter what, you're just going to have to give your father some time Michael, let him get used to the idea, don't cram it down his throat is what I'm really saying." Well at least there was some hope there, he hadn't disowned me yet, that was a good sign. I was beginning to feel a little better about my mother and father.

"And before anything else is said, I want to say this Michael, I'm sorry about the phone call, I was upset and hurt. I was hurt you never told me, I was upset because your father was saying things he didn't mean and we were fighting about it. I was just angry when I called and I should have never even picked up the phone that night, I was wrong, will you forgive me?" I was taken by surprise over her apology. Coming here took a lot for her I knew, but to also apologize like this was another.

"Of course I do Mom, you don't have to apologize, I know you were just mad when you said those things, believe me I've heard worse in my life, much worse."

"Well I'm sorry that I said things that made you feel like you couldn't tell me, I can't even imagine what it's been like for you to grow up having to hide and having to put up with other people calling you names or worse. Has anyone ever beaten you because they thought you were gay?" It was the first time I heard a true tone of concern.

"There's been a few times that I've been hit because someone thought I was gay. But I've learned to live with it Mom, I've learned to live with it."

"I don't mean to pry and if I'm out of line just say so, but Steve what have your parents said about this, or don't they know yet? It was one question I really didn't think she would ask. I just looked at Steve and waited to see how he was going to handle it.

"No Mrs. Mathews they haven't been told yet. Michael doesn't know this yet but the last time I talked to my mother I told her that Michael and I would be coming over next Sunday and that there was something that he and I had

to tell them. So she knows that there is something going on, she knew when I was talking to her, because she asked me if something was wrong." He did take me by surprise over this piece of information.

"Well I wish you both the best and I hope it goes better with them than it has with us Steve, I really do." She meant it, by the way she talked I really knew that she meant what she had said. I guess that I had underestimated my mother after all.

"Do you want another cup of tea Mom?"

"No thank you I really need to get going, I do have to go to work, now that I have cleared the air with you Michael, I can go to work and actually get something done. I will be talking to your brother and without telling him

anything I'm going to get to the bottom of whatever it is he's hiding about the military. And don't worry Michael I will not tell him anything about what you said. Because to be honest, you said nothing, you just said that you knew something about the last year of the military when he wasn't talking to us. I'll take if from there." And I knew she could, she'd get it out of him one way or the other, but she would get him to tell the truth, my mother had a way of guilting you into admitting the truth when she knew you were lying. Within a few minutes she was out the door and Steve and I had the morning to ourselves.

"So my man, what would you like to do? You want to go back to bed for awhile or go out to breakfast, or make breakfast here, what do you want to do. If your good I might even let you have your way with me!" I was feeling pretty good, the problem with the mother and father was somewhat resolved and I knew that with some time things would be okay between all of us. I was feeling pretty happy right then and there.

"Let me think, sleep food or sex. That's not an easy question at this hour."

"Why you little shit I offer you a perfectly good romp in the sack and you have to think about it! Now your choices are food or sleep, how do you like that, so now what is it that you want? I still wanted sex, to hell with the sleep or food, the only food that I wanted was him and one way or another I was going to get it.

"But you said sleep food or sex, wasn't that what you said?"

"That was before you had a problem thinking about what you wanted, you should never have to think about what you want when sex is one of your options. Now Sad Sack you will have to beg big time to get any sex from me."

"You think so, do you? You really think that I will beg for sex?" He was walking towards me now with that look in his eye, the eye that told me yes we were going to have to have sex, but we weren't just going to jump into bed and go at it. He had this glint in his eye that told me he was up to no good and that for teasing him like I did I was going to pay the price. How I wasn't sure, but I was beginning to worry, gratefully, how exactly or what exactly he was going to do to me first.

"Now Steve, we can discuss this right?" I was walking backwards into the kitchen towards the dining room.

"No, no we can't discuss it, talking is over. Well perhaps you can do the talking. Just maybe you can talk your way out of what I have in mind for you or maybe talk your way into it. It's up to you Babe. You decide." He was being very sexy at that precise moment he had that swagger that said he knew he was going to have his way with me. He had that look in his eye that was hungry, he wanted this and he wanted it bad. Perhaps I didn't want to talk my way out of this, okay I was in no way going to talk my way out of whatever he had in mind.

"And if I remain silent, what do I get then big boy?" By now I was in the kitchen and had backed up to the counter I had no where else to go. I had no intention of going anywhere. I wanted him and I wanted him badly. It was such a turn on to watch him come at me I was hard and he hadn't even touched me yet. He stopped about two feet away from me and just looked at me. >From head to toe he kept looking at me. He made me feel so vulnerable.

"Are you hard?" He said it so low and gruff.

"Yes." Time lingered before he said anything.

"Do you want me?" He just kept looking at me, into my eyes. I don't think he even blinked.

"Yes." He just kept looking at me starring at me all over. Time was passing and he wasn't moving he wasn't talking. Finally he moved to the right of me and stepped forward maybe half a foot.

"Will you do as I say?" He had his hands on his hips his legs were spread slightly and was standing straight up it seemed like he was almost standing at attention.


"Take your shirt off and fold it up." I did as he asked I unbuttoned my shirt, took it off and folded it. When I had done that I put it down on the counter. And he just stood there again looking at me.

"Turn around and face the sink."

"Then I want you to unbuckle you belt and loosen you pants but don't take them off and don't unzip them, just loosen them up for me." I turned around

and unbuckled my belt and loosened my pants god I was so hard. I knew he was looking at me, it felt like he was burning me up by just looking at me like he was, I felt so hot all over.

"Keep looking forward and put your hands on top your head and interlace your fingers." I did as he requested I heard him move and come closer to me I could now feel his breath on my neck. It gave me goose bumps and I shivered knowing he was so close to me.

"Does this turn you on Baby?"

"Yes." I felt his fingers touch my back it was like a bolt of electricity it made me jump. He started running his fingers up and down my spine. lightly ever so lightly he just went up and down my spine. I was beginning to feel like I was on fire.

"Close your eyes and take a deep breath for me Babe." I closed my eyes and took the deepest breath I could I wanted to relax I needed to relax he was turning me on so much my cock was straining against the fabric of my underwear. I wanted him to touch my cock so much at that moment but I had to wait. He stepped closer to me and I could feel his body heat he was that close to me. His arms came around me and he placed them on my chest, slowly he began to rub my chest and lightly graze over my nipples. And then I felt his lips on the back of my neck and he ran his tongue down my neck and over across my shoulder. God I was on fire I wanted him so bad.

"Would you like me touch your cock and wrap my fist around it?"

"Oh yes, please, Steve, please touch me there." He ran his hands down my chest and over my stomach pressing slightly against me and he put his hands down my underpants and just as he reached my cock he stopped and pressed hard about an inch away from the base of my cock. But my cock was rubbing against his hand.

"Should I go lower?"

"You have to, I need you to take hold of my dick Steve please." He withdrew his hand and placed them on my hips kissing my neck and shoulders the entire time. Taking a hold of my pants and underwear at the same time, he pushed them all the way down to the floor.

"I want to take them all the way off Babe, lift your foot one at a time." I did just what he asked.

"Now, back up a little and put your hands on the counter and spread your legs wide." I was really getting hot and turned on by now. I was almost trembling with lust. He knelt down behind me took my cheeks and spread them apart. His tongue was going up and down over my hole. I was in heaven I was moaning. He was eating my ass like he hadn't eaten in months. It was fantastic to feel his tongue slide up and down and graze over my hole so many times.

"Steve oh my god, don't stop just keep doing that it feels so good." He did he kept kneading my flesh and spreading my ass apart and eating my hungry

hole. His tongue was like a drill entering my hole I was so hot with desire. I was almost begging him to shove his cock up my ass. I could feel his saliva all over my ass and down my balls I was soaked from him. He was making me so hot and horny I was going crazy. He took both my balls and sucked them into his mouth and just kept sucking on them, it was really putting me into a frenzy to want to get fucked. I wanted it hard. I wanted him to fuck my brains out, I didn't want love making, I wanted raw hot hard fucking sex.

"Steve fuck me, just fuck me, fuck me hard, I'm begging you Steve please." He stood up and leaned over me and was kissing my back, biting me lightly.

"Are you sure that's what you what Babe?"

"Yes Steve Yes."

"Then I'll give you what you want Baby." He stood up and dropped his pants put his hand on my back I felt him line up his cock with my hole and he shoved it in all the way without stopping. I wanted to scream but before I could think he had pulled it all the way out. I thought I was going to lose my mind. He plunged it back in and then out and in and out.

"Don't take it out anymore please god Steve just fuck me its what I want and need right now Steve, just fuck me as hard as you can. Do it NOW!" And he did. He slammed into me so hard I had to catch myself on the counter. And he continued to assault my ass hard. He kept pounding me in and out constantly banging my prostate driving me closer and closer to orgasm. He was slamming into me I was holding onto the counter so hard. I had one hand on the counter and one against the wall, it was the only way I could stand there and not get slammed into the counter.

"Oh fuck yea Steve, your gonna make me cum, I can feel it coming, its going to happen any second, keep fucking me Steve just please keep fucking me.

He finally drove me over the edge and the cum spewed out of my cock against the cabinets. He was fucking me for all he was worth, I could feel him in his frenzy, he was getting ready to unload.

"Oh yea Steve give it to me, dump your load, let it go." He gave a thrust that almost knocked me down off my feet. And he stood completely still as I felt his cock spasm and empty his sperm into me. And then he started pounding me again and I could feel the sperm seeping out of my ass as he pounded me some more. Finally he stopped and laid his hands on my back leaned down and kissed me.

"I love you Michael, I love that you let me have my way with you. I want some more of that ass of yours." I was panting and trying to stay standing after he had finished.

"You can have me, but not right now, you have to hold me up and get me to the bathroom, we need a shower and a few minutes to recoup. Damn that was good." Steve leaned over and helped me stand up straight. He put his arms around me and just hugged me. At that point I needed to be held up and hugged, it was a wonderful feeling to know that he could give me what I needed. But then again he was doing that all the time lately.

"You ready to move Babe?"

"Yea, let's hit the shower, I could really use one, a nice hot one. And don't get any ideas mister, the only thing you get to do in the shower is wash my back, no more no less, you got that?" I was trying hard not to laugh because he was playing grab ass and not at all being serious.

"I mean it, don't get any ideas, you wore me out with that last round, it'll be a few days before I can sit down, damn Steve."

"Don't whine to me know, you got what you asked for Baby."

"Yea, Yea, whatever, just don't think that anything is going to happen in the shower, that's all I'm saying, okay?" We walked up the stairs to the bathroom and I sat down while Steve started the shower. He had exhausted me with that last round of sex and standing up wasn't easy, but I wanted a shower more than anything at that moment.

"Come on Babe, let's get in." He took me by the hand and helped me get into the shower. The hot water felt wonderful, I just stood there letting the water relax and revive me. Steve was standing under the other shower head enjoying the shower just as much as I was.

"This is a whole lot better Steve, I feel much better now, how about you, this working for you?"

"Oh yea, this was definitely a good idea Michael." As he finished that statement he reached over and turned me around so that I was facing the wall. He began to wash my back with the bar of soap and his hands, it felt like heaven. I could have stood there all day with him doing this. Slowly and gently he began to wash my neck and then down my arms. I can't explain the feeling you get when someone else gives you a bath like this. I wondered how I had gotten so lucky to have this man in my life and why he treated me like he did. I wasn't going to question it, I was just going to enjoy what I had. A few minutes later he had completely washed me from head to toe and I felt invigorated. The least I could do was do the same for him.

"Why don't you turn around Steve, and let me do the same for you, that felt really good." I did, I tried to give him the same treatment that he had just given me. I worked on his back as I had the first time I had touched him in the shower, those memories flooding my mind as I washed him. I had to laugh a little as I replayed that night in my mind. So much had happened between us since then. I began to wonder where we were headed, I wondered what was going to happen to us in the future. I just took comfort in that whatever was going to happen at least I had him in my life to find out and discover together. I wanted to show him how much I loved him right then and there, I just kept washing him until he was done and then let him rinse off.

"How are you feeling now, feel better after I got you all washed up?"

"Oh yea Babe, I feel good, almost like I could lay down and take a nap." I had other plans.

"Why don't you just stand under the water a few more minutes and just let the water relax you?" He backed up again under the shower spray and I quietly knelt down and sucked his cock into my mouth and began giving him head. I wanted to show him how much I loved him and I was going to suck him dry to show him. I worked him to full erection as he held onto my head and moaned in pleasure.

"Oh Michael, why are you doing this? I'm not going to be able to walk after this and the first round we just had." But he didn't make me stop. I just

kept at it, in and out and in and out, while playing with his balls. I knew it wasn't going to take long to bring him to a climax. And I wasn't disappointed. Within a few minutes I was getting him to the boiling point.

"Babe....your going make me.......oh close.." I had him to that point I had him where I wanted him. I was more than happy to finish him off. And I did.

"Oh'm ......." He lost it, he grabbed a hold of my head on both sides and shoved his cock into my mouth losing control and unloading his sperm into my mouth and down my throat. I just knelt there and let him get control of himself as his cock softened in my mouth. I slowly suckled his cock so that he was totally drained of his sperm. He knelt down finally and picked me up.

"Come here you, that was amazing." With that he placed his hands on each side of my jaw and leaned in and kissed me, and slowly he put him arms around me and just held me under the water with him. I reached down and gently used the water to rinse off his just spent dick.

"No more touching that, your done. You've done enough to me. And now your hard and I should take of you."

"No, not now Steve, not now. You can take care of me later, for now I'm totally content." And I was, at that moment I was totally happy. I turned around and just let the water run over me for a minute and then shut it off, Steve followed right behind me. We both dried off and were quiet as we finished. We both walked into our bedroom and got dressed.

"You mentioned earlier about going to your parents this Sunday. What time are we supposed to go there?"

"After they get back from church I thought we would go there about one maybe two, but no later than that, Mom will have dinner on the table about three at the latest."

"So we're staying for dinner?" I was thinking he was being pretty confident that after he told them about us that everything would be good and that we would be sitting down to dinner as if it was just another day.

"By the tone of your voice I can hear that your worried that I'm counting on everything going okay and that they'll be okay with you and I."

"Pretty much, you hit the nail right on the head."

"Mike, my parents brought me up to believe that no matter what I decided to do with my life or how I handled my life that they would stand behind me and support me."

"Steve, I understand that, but this is totally different, this isn't like hey mom and dad, I'm not going to be a doctor, I'm going to be a bum instead. This is a hot topic and not what your parents envision when you grow up. They see you deciding what you want to do for a living as making up your mind as far as the rest goes they automatically assume that marrying the girl next door, having babies, and so on is a given. They expect you to give them grandchildren. The last time I checked I didn't see gay couples having children. And adoption is out of the question, there is no way in hell we could ever adopt, the courts are just not going to let that happen."

"Okay you have a point about that, but I know my parents. They might have a little problem but they won't turn their backs on me or on us, I promise." I wondered how he could be so positive about the outcome when he had seen how my parents had reacted. Perhaps because mine had found out they way they did, they reacted so negatively. Maybe if I had told them myself the outcome would have been different. I hoped for his sake that he was right I didn't want to see his world pulled out from under him like I had. And that was the next thing I wondered how his brother and sisters would take the news. I knew all of them, but they didn't know about us, and how would they feel about this.

"Is this just going to be your parents and us or is the rest of the family going to be there?"

"Not sure Babe, I think it's just going to be just us. I told my mother that I had something that I wanted to talk to them about and that it was important. But I didn't tell my mother not to invite the rest of the family. But either was it's okay, if they are there, then we will be telling all of them at once."

"Are you sure that's a good idea, all of them at once?" I was really surprised over this idea. I felt really uneasy about telling all of them at the same time. I had dealt with this all my life, he was still new to this. He seem to take it in stride like it was no big deal to make this choice in life.

"Let me ask you a question Steve and I want you to think about this before you answer me, do you think you were gay all your life and just didn't give in to those desires or was it that you just began to feel that way after you split from Sandy and you and I had that time together to bond?" I could see that he was thinking about what I had asked him I could see that he was contemplating the question seriously. I was glad that he was taking this


"I'm not going to lie to you Mike, I'm not sure at what point I knew that I wanted to be with you. I don't think that I ever thought I was gay growing up, it wasn't until you and I had the time to spend together that I began to have feelings for you and thought about what having sex would be like with another man. It never turned me off when I thought about it to be honest with you. I never thought that I wouldn't be able to do that kind of thing, I just thought about how I felt about you and when we were together how you make me feel. Does that answer your question?"

"Perhaps it does. You amaze me you really do. You make it seem that it's so easy to just come to this decision in your life and act like it's no big deal. You act more like, it is what it is, no more no less. Perhaps I have over complicated the whole issue because I grew up like this and when your young and unsure you make decisions that you don't realize how much there going to effect the rest of your life. And now at this stage if I had to do it all over again, perhaps I would have made different choices and acted differently about being gay and how I would handle it.

"I know this Mike as long as your with me on Sunday, the easier it will be for me to tell my folks. You give me the strength I need to face them." That statement surprised the hell out of me, I was the one that gave him strength? And I was the one that wanted to be more confident, more like him. It

made me start laughing out loud.

"What's so funny, what are laughing about?"

"You, I'm laughing at you, you think I'm the one that gives you strength! And here I am looking up to you because your always so confident, you always seem to know what you want and how you want it. You were the one telling me that we weren't going to live our lives as a lie that we would stand up for what we are and who we are and not be ashamed or embarrassed by it. And I'm in awe that you can be that way like it's nothing to say to the rest of our friends and family that we are gay!"

"Just goes to show you Mike what you mean to me and how I know that together we can face the world with this. If we don't stand up who is going to? I'm not criticizing you, but if you keep hiding, what about the others out there like you, the ones that are hiding because they don't see anyone else

standing up and saying HEY I'm gay and I'm not ashamed! The more people that stand up Michael, the more that will stand up together."

"Your amazing, you should be a poster child, that's for sure." I wanted to hug him. He actually made me feel good about myself, he made me feel good about who and what I am. I was actually beginning to think that I would be glad to go to his parents house on Sunday and stand beside him. How could his parents not be okay with him and I? I was beginning to look forward to Sunday at his house. He had really put me at ease about the whole thing. My thoughts were interrupted by ringing of the phone.

"I'll grab it Steve." I went down the stairs and into the kitchen to pick up the phone.

"Hello." For a second there was silence.

"Hello, someone there?"

"Your a fucking asshole you know that? It was my brother. The last person I wanted to talk to, my perfectly good day was going out the window fast.

"What do you want Roy? I don't really have anything to say to you, and any problems your having at the moment your having because you brought them on by yourself." I was pissed and was short with him, I wasn't going to put up with any his bullshit this time.

"It seems that since I don't have a job I'm facing the possibility of having to go back to jail, back to Leavenworth and it's your fault, Your going to have to give me my job back, like it or not." Was he for real? Was he actually thinking I was going to do this?

"Are you kidding Roy, do you really think after what you have done to me that I'm going to give you your job back? I have an idea, go ask Dad to help

you get a job, I'm sure he'll be happy to hear why you need a job in a hurry. I'm sure you won't mind telling him what will happen if you don't have a job and soon" I almost felt bad for him I didn't want him to go back to jail.

"Tell me something Roy, why, why should I give you your job back after what you did to me with Mom and Dad? What makes you think I should be that nice to you? You screwed me over and you did it intentionally you thought about it before you did it. After all I've done for you, why should I give you your job back, give me one good reason." There I was being the soft one I hated myself at that moment, why was I even giving him the time of day? By this time Steve had walked into the kitchen and was right behind me.

"Is that your brother?" He whispered and I nodded that it was. Before I could even think or say anything Steve grabbed the phone out of my hand and hung it up. I was stunned to say the least.

"You are not going to talk to him, I know what he'll do. He'll play on your sympathetic side and try to get his job back. Am I wrong, was that what he was doing?" I just looked at him for a few seconds. He knew, he just knew.

"It is, that's what he was doing. I don't fucking believe him, the fucking nerve of him. Don't you dare help him Michael, don't you dare, he treated you like shit and after all the things that you've done for him. I will slap you silly if you help him." I hadn't seen Steve like this before he was pissed. The phone rang, He looked at me and I didn't move. He was the one that picked up the phone.

"Hello." He just stood there still looking at me. he reached over and took hold of my hand brought it up to his mouth and kissed me, and winked at me.

"What exactly do you want Roy?"

"I want to talk to Michael, I need to get things straightened out that's all Steve."

"So your not going to ask Michael for your job back are you Roy?" He was being calm but at the same time he was using a tone of voice that was letting Roy know that what he wanted wasn't going to happen.

"No, I'm not going to ask him for my job back. Now can I talk to my brother or not?"

"You can he's right here, just remember what I said Roy I'm going to be standing here listening to the whole conversation until he hangs up the phone, so maybe this would be a good time for you to say something nice to your brother and you know what I mean." With that being said Steve looked at me and handed me the phone right before he let go he quietly told me.

"If you does anything other than kiss your ass and say sorry, your to hang up." He put the phone up to my ear with both of us holding on to it.

"Hello Roy."

"Is he listening right there by you?"

"Yes, he is Roy." There was silence for a few seconds before he said anything to me.

"I don't know what to say besides he's a fucking prick for sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong, you know what's going to happen to me if I don't have a job. You can't let that happen to me. You know me I didn't mean to do that to you I didn't....." I hung up the phone on him. I started to


"Did he start to tell you that you should give him his job back?"

"Yes, but you saw what I did, I just feel so bad because I know if he doesn't have a job what will happen to him and he is my brother Steve." I was still shaking and Steve put his arms around me and just hugged me telling me

that it would be okay and everything would work itself out. He assured me that Roy would find a job somehow, especially if he didn't really want to go back to prison. He had enough fiends one of them would help him.

"What hurts is I know that our father could easily get him a job where he works, but it means that my brother would have to tell my father about the military because he will have to report the new job to his probation officer. Maybe there is some justice in this world." It is what happened a few days later my brother had to go to my father and tell him what was going on and why he needed a job so bad, he also had to tell him why he lost the job with me. My sister told me all of this after it had happened. I don't know if it was going to help me with my father or not. That was still down the road for him and I.

"Well for now, let's not worry about this, let's have breakfast and some coffee and just enjoy what time we have left before we go to work. I'll make breakfast, you make the coffee. What do you want to have?"

"Surprise me, but to be honest with you I'm starving, somehow I seem to have this ravenous appetite this morning. I don't know why either." I said it

with a smirk on my face and he smiled as I turned to make the coffee. We had a quiet breakfast cleaned up and got ready to go to work.

The next couple of days went by pretty quickly. I had a shortage of help at the restaurant, not only had I fired my brother but one of my cooks had walked out in the middle of a lunch time rush. So my hours got a little longer and I had to work quickly at trying to fill the two positions that I had lost. Because of the shortage I had to work Sunday morning to get things a little bit ahead for Monday morning when we opened. Thankfully Steve and Gary pitched in a few hours so that I could get it done and be ready to go to Steve's parents house for dinner and his telling them about us. To say the least I was nervous come Sunday morning. As much as he kept reassuring me that every thing was going to be okay and that his parents would be okay with this, I still wasn't that sure. I still had by doubts. I tried hard not to let on to Steve that I wasn't as comfortable as he was with this coming out. The time finally came to go to his house. By the time we had pulled into the drive way I was no where near as calm as he was. And he knew it.

"Listen to me Mike, stay calm and relaxed, everything is going to be okay. Let me do the talking and explain this to them." We pulled further down the driveway and I realized that this dinner was not going to be with just his parents, everyone's car was there, Kenny's, Laura's and Tiffany's. Oh God, this was going to be a family affair. My stomach went into overdrive and twisted into knots.

"It's okay, just take a deep breath and trust me, will you do that, will you just trust me this time?" He was using that voice of reason again, for once I was glad. I needed to hear that right then, I needed it more than anything.

"Alright, I'm going to trust you, and I'm going to let you say it all, because I certainly don't know how I would handle this if this was my family we were facing." I let out a deep breath and decided okay just follow his lead that's what he wants me to do. We got out of the car and headed for the back door. Tiffany was out the door and ran up to Steve and threw her arms around him like little sisters so often do with older brothers. Tiffany and I had one thing in common we were both the youngest in our families.

"Hi Steve, how you doing, I'm so glad to see you, I haven't seen you in about a month, what the hell you been up to?" She was so bubbly and excited, not that she was that young, she was eighteen. She just had a passion for life and was always this way, since I first met her Tiffany was always bubbly and happy, she didn't like anyone that wasn't.

"I'm good Tiff, how's everything with you? How's school going, you decided what college your going to attend next fall?"

"I'm great and no I haven't decided. Mom wants me to stay close so that I can come home on weekends and close enough so that she can come and save me. From what I'm not sure, she just says she wants to be able to be near in case I need her in a hurry." By now she was walking right next to him and had put her arm around mine.

"And what's up with you Mike, your being quiet today, where's my hello kiss?"

"I was just giving you and your brother a minute." I was trying so hard to relax.

"Well loosen up you seem all tense, I never see you like this, come on with me for a minute I have some boxes in the car I need to get out. Steve can go in the house and help Mom." I didn't know what to do I just looked at Steve and he nodded at me and jerked his head towards his sister's car giving me the sign to go help her. He went towards the house and Tiff and I went towards her car. She stayed hanging onto my arm as we walked. I had seen Tiffany grow up and it was nice to see that she had grown up to be somewhat like her brother, that same confident walk and manner.

"What's been going on with you two Mike. I have a feeling that something is going on that's not being talked about." I tried not to be surprised or show any emotion but she must have caught something in my none reaction.

"I knew it, something is going on. Between the way Mom has been acting and talking the past two or three days and then today she's been, I don't know just weird." By this time we were at her car and just standing there not really moving.

"Why what are you talking about, what's your mother been saying?" I was trying hard not to show any kind of emotion or anything I was trying to be nonchalant. I don't know if it was working or not. I quickly tried to keep things light and not like I was pushing for information.

"And what do you have in your car that you need help with?"

"Nothing, I wanted to talk to one of you, I figured I could get you before Steve would help me, he would just make an excuse and say that he had to get in the house to see Mom.

"Aren't you the tricky one, I better tell him to be more careful of his crafty and cunning little sister."

"Come on, I'm not that young anymore, not like when you and Steve first started hanging out. I'm not that little pest that I used to be, remember those days? I use to bug you two so much." We both got to laughing over the fact that she was right. she had been a pain in the ass when Steve and I first started hanging around together and we would be at the house.

"Yea, you were that, but that was a few years ago, you have grown up since then and might I add that you've done a good job!"

"Thanks Mike, but I'm serious, what's going on between you two? Something is up and I know it, I just haven't put my finger on it. I've watched you two and in the past three or four months something has changed. When I saw you the last time, at Kenny's birthday something was definitely going on between you two, were you fighting?" Now I was surprised, she had truly caught me off guard.

"I knew it, something is going on between you two."

"Tiffany, just hold on, everything between Steve and I is just as it's always been, the both of us are just fine. okay, believe me your brother and I are just fine." I was trying hard to take a deep breath and not think into this to much. She didn't know anything and I just had to wait until Steve told them all over dinner. She kind of pushed me aside and laughed.

"I'll let it go, but there's something your not telling me. Now let's go into the house, Mom wants to see you in the kitchen, she wants to talk to you." Now I had a moment of panic. I stopped in my tracks and since Tiffany had her arm tucked around mine it made her spin around to face me.

"What do you mean your mother wants to talk to me? About what? Do you know what she wants to talk to me about? I was talking to fast, Tiffany had put me into hyper overdrive emotional panic.

"Whoa Mike, I didn't mean to say something that would scare you like that." She stood there a minute just looking at me. I was trying to think fast to say something that would put her at ease.

"It's just me kiddo, work has been a little rough lately. As a matter a fact I had to work a few hours this morning and Steve and Gary helped me out.

Forgive me:" I hope that I had calmed any questions or concerns that she might have had.

"Not to worry, I can understand what your saying. Now come on, it's time to relax, your here to have a good time and enjoy Mom's cooking." And with that we walked up to the house arm in arm, joking and laughing. I entered the house hoping that we would still be doing that when we walked out of the

house later on.

We walked into the back of the house and directly into the kitchen. It was a beehive of activity. Steve's mom was busy putting things together for dinner, Kenny and Laura were busy getting dishes together to set the table and Steve was coming up from the basement with some jars of applesauce. His mother makes the best applesauce in the world. She has this tree on their property that only produces apples every other year. So every other year she makes about two hundred jars of this killer applesauce. I love it and so does the rest of the family. I just stood there and took in the whole scene, I had seen this so many times in his house and wondered would I be able to see this again with the same feeling after today. All I could do at that moment was join in and act like every thing was okay and nothing was out of the ordinary. There was a chorus of hellos from everyone as I closed the door.

"Hello all, can I do anything to help Mrs. C.?"

"No you may not, you can take a seat over there in the corner and relax just like you always do, why should today be any different?" She always was the one to get you to relax and feel at home.

"You want something to drink Michael, Steve told me that you two were working this morning, why were you working on a Sunday." I wasn't sure if I wanted to go into the details or not, she knew my brother worked there and if I told her that I fired him she would begin to question what had brought that on, I didn't want to go there.

"Is there any coffee on Mrs. C? Oh we are just a little short handed in the shop right now so I had to go in and catch up on some prep work before tomorrow. Steve and Gary were nice enough to go with me. Between the three of us it didn't take long.

"Why didn't your brother help?" I was beginning to wonder if she somehow knew what had happened and if she was digging to see what I would say. Steve jumped in to save me.

"Roy wasn't around Mom, he didn't know that the three of us went in this morning, otherwise I'm sure he would have helped us." Steve looked over at me and winked. I winked back at him.

"Now about that coffee, where did you hide the pot, I know it's around here somewhere." I went by her and gave her a peck on the cheek. It was something I did every time I came into the house and she was there.

"That's better, I was beginning to wonder where my kiss was Michael. I was thinking you didn't love me anymore!" She looked up at me and gave me a wink, always the one to be a kidder. It's a habit that had started not long after Steve and I became friends. She started calling me her lost child and that she wanted me to teach her real children how to do that to. I got teased about it from all siblings when she would start. It was just one more thing I wondered if it would remain that way after Steve laid the bombshell. My stomach turned to knots the minute I thought about it.

"You look pale Michael, you okay?" It was his sister Laura, his older sister. Laura was the oldest of the four kids. And the most protective of Steve

for some reason.

"Yea, I'm fine really, just my stomach acting up." I waved my hand as if to blow if off like it really was nothing. I looked over at Steve and he looked at me and made a comical attempt at taking a deep breath. I got the message. It was Kenny who spoke up next.

"What's your problem Steve you taking up being a clown all of a sudden?"

"Yea, I was thinking it would be a good occupation." The banter continued in the kitchen as dinner was being prepared. It wasn't long before Mrs. C wanted to sit down to the table and eat. The knots in my stomach were getting worse. I wanted the day to be over and done with and at the same time I was afraid of starting dinner.

Dinner was wonderful as usual and the conversation was good. It never failed to amaze that so many people could sit down at the table and hold on a conversation that didn't get out of hand and end up with people fighting and

yelling at one another. It seemed that was the only way my family knew how to have dinner. I was enjoying this, I was enjoying this way to much. The end was coming and I knew it. I just didn't know when he had this planned to tell them.

"Who wants dessert, or do you all want to wait for a little bit before we have it?" Everyone groaned from over eating their dinner. And the census was that we would force ourselves to have dessert immediately. Everyone agreed that we could roll away from the table and just go to sleep afterwards. All the kids got up to start clearing the table and I was directed as usual when I ate there to stay seated, I was after all a guest as Mrs. C would remind.

"Yea but that guest thing is getting a little old Mom, he really should be considered part of the family, don't you think?" It was Steve and the minute he finished saying it. I felt like throwing up. I knew this was it, he was going to tell them. By now he was on the other side of the table. He looked directly at me and I knew without saying that I should take a deep breath and just relax, he was going to handle it. The table was cleared within a few minutes and dessert was before us. Steve was sitting next to me and when he sat down he hit my leg I put my hand under the table to hit him back but he took my hand in his and squeezed it three times his silent code to say I love you.

"Okay, I've have something to say and I really want all of you to just listen until I'm done. I know this going to come as a surprise to you all and I'm not sure exactly how to say this. But please be patient and above anything else before you say anything I want you all to think about what I've said after I'm done, Please don't jump to any conclusions about anything, just think before you say anything." Steve was the one that took a deep breath this time. But I took one just the same.

"As you know Mike and I have been friends for some time, we work together and we live together..I'm not sure how else to say this than to just come out with it and just say it. So, with that being said he goes...Mike and I aren't just friends anymore...Mike and I are partners I guess you'd call it.

After Sandy and I split up Mike and I got very close. He was the one that stood beside me when we broke up and after that as you all know he and I became inseparable. Without knowing any other way to say it, I've asked Michael to spend the rest of his life with me. Call it what you will, but I'm in love with him and he's in love with me." There was absolute silence at the table and all I could do was look at Steve, he had said it so wonderfully. I was in disbelief that he had shared with them that he had asked me to spend the rest of his life with him and that he loved me. I just kept holding my breath waiting for the explosion to come. The first one to say anything was his mother.

"I knew there was something going on between you two. I knew it several mo nths ago. I watched you two a few times at the family functions that you came to and I saw the way you two looked at each other when you thought no one was looking." No screaming, no yelling she just said it as if there was nothing wrong with it. Tiffany was the next one to throw in her two cents.

"I told you Michael, I told you something was going on between you two, that was the only thing I hadn't figured on. This is so cool!" Cool? She thought this was cool, she thought this was something else, nothing to worry about nothing to think about, to her it was just cool.

"I'm not so sure this is okay, what are you two thinking, do you realize what people are going to say about this? Do you realize what kind of trouble your asking for? People get beat up over this? And when did this happen Steve, what you just up and decided one day that you liked guys? This is disgusting as far as I'm concerned. You two are pathetic, you make me sick!" Kenny got up and started to walk away from the table.

"Kenneth Joseph sit down this minute!" Steve's fathers voice roared across the room. Kenny sat down without saying a word, he wasn't happy but he sat down just the same.

"That will be the last time you talk to either one of them like that. Stephen I'm not sure about this thing but I can't stop you and I won't. But you

two need to think about this seriously, your in for a lot of trouble. People just don't accept this kind of thing now a days without saying anything.

Whatever they may say is one thing, what goes on in this house is another. Your mother and I have talked about this because your mother knew in her heart what was going on between you two. We didn't say anything because we wanted for you two to come to us and tell us, and I figured you would do that when you were ready. Kenneth I want to remind you that whether you like it or not, Steve is part of this family and you will give him the respect that he deserves, just the same as if it was you standing there saying this. I might not agree with it either, but it's not my life to live, it's Steve's. If this is what makes him happy then we will take Michael into this family the way Steve wishes us to. And with that being said, I'm ready for dessert, let's have at it." I wanted to fall over, Steve had assured me everything would be fine, but this is more than I expected. In my wildest dreams I hadn't counted on this response. The only one I hadn't heard from yet was Laura. I sat there looking across the table and she was looking back at me, not saying anything. I was still worried what she might have to say, what she did come out with surprised the hell out of me.

"So does this mean there's going to be a wedding?" I almost chocked. Steve started laughing, as did Tiffany and his mother. It broke any tension that

was left over the discussion.

"He wants a ring I just haven't bought it yet." I could have hit Steve at that point, why would be bring that up? I still had a hold of his hand, so I let go and punched him, hard.

"Ouch! What the hell you hit me for?" Now I really wanted to hit him for saying anything. Everyone at the table was laughing at us.

"You didn't have to tell them about that, you could have waited to release that piece of information mister."

"Why, we are going to have to do something for you two. It might not be a walk down the aisle sort of think but we'll have to think of something to celebrate this." His sister Laura again. I really was surprised by her attitude about the whole thing. I couldn't believe that his family had opened their arms to this idea. I couldn't believe that it was this simple and I had to say something to them.

"I just want you all to know how worried I was before Steve said anything, he had assured me before this happened that it would be okay and that you would be okay with this. Steve has taught me that I shouldn't be afraid of living my life in fear. I have lived my whole life being afraid to tell people who and what I am. In the short time that we have been together he has convinced me to not be afraid and to stand up for who and what I am. He told me that you would all take it in stride and accept us for us and not give it a second thought. I can see where he gets his strength. Thank you for

being who you are, I really thank you all." I wanted to cry but I was damned if I was going to. Steve knew it, he put his hand around my neck and shook my head a little to ease my tension.

"Come on, let's finish this dessert." And we did. It turned out to better than I thought and I was glad when it was over. We got up from the table and all of us pitched in to clear the table and clean up the kitchen. We pushed Mrs. C out of the kitchen while we cleaned up. Mostly is was Laura, Steve, Tiffany and myself. Kenny had split soon after we finished cleaning the

table. I could tell by his departure that he wasn't happy about Steve and I at all. Laura was the one that brought up the subject first.

"Don't worry about Kenny Mike he'll get over it, he's just pissed off because Dad put him in his place, he hated that more than the news about you and Steve, Kenny can't stand it when Dad does what he did at dinner. So don't worry, he'll get over it"

"I hope so Laura, I don't want anything to come between Steve and him. Steve thinks to much of his brother and he'd be hurt if Kenny really does turn his back on him."

"Well I think it's great, I'm a little surprised by it all but I still think it's great. To be hones I never saw my brother in a relationship with another guy, but after getting to know you like I have, I'm glad that it's you. So I guess this is going to make you what, my brother in law?" The both of us just looked at each other and laughed. Tiffany came into the kitchen and I had to ask her.

"What Tiffany, what makes you think this is so great? Your friends might not think that when they find out you know."

"My friends will be okay with this, or they won't be my friends anymore Mike." She was so positive, just like her brother, maybe that's why I liked Tiffany so much. Before long the kitchen was cleaned up Laura and Steve and I were just sitting in the kitchen having a cup of coffee when Mrs. C came in.

"What are you three up to out here? Can an old lady sit down and join you three?"

"Absolutely Mrs. C, sit down and I'll get you your cup of coffee." I got up and proceeded to pour her coffee and sat it down next to her."

"Are you two surprised that I knew? You think you were hiding it from this little old lady, I've been around the block you know? Like I said when I watched you two I knew something was going on between you. I don't know if at that time you were together, but if you weren't it wasn't long after that that you did get together. Am I wrong?" I looked at Steve because I didn't know what to say to her.

"Yes Mom, it wasn't long after that last family function. You might say it was right after that that the light went off in my head and I knew. Mike was ahead of me about knowing. But I was the one that finally broke the ice between us." I was a little shocked to hear Steve make this admission. I couldn't wait to get home to talk to him about this. The evening came to end

before long and we were on our way home.

"Okay you were right, your family took it pretty well. Okay more than well. I can't believe your Mom and Dad Steve, they just acted like it was no big deal. It was more like yea, so and the problem here is what? I can't get over it. I'm sorry that Kenny feels that way I know you two are close and I don't want this to come between you two."

"It won't Mike, Kenny will get over it don't worry I know him. The thing you have to worry about now is Laura."

"Why? She seemed okay to me she didn't say anything really."

"Did you not hear her make the comment about a wedding?"

"I did, so what, she's not really serious is she?"

"Oh yes she is, you don't know my sister, she'll think of something some kind of get together, some kind of oh I don't know, but I can guarantee that she'll come up with something, some kind of oh shit I don't know but I know she'll make up something."

"Can't we talk her out of it? I'd rather it was just you and I together when and if someone I know buys a ring." I really never thought someone would think that we should have some kind of ceremony or whatever you want to call it. And now I was beginning to worry that his sister did know about us. Just what in the hell were we in for with her thinking something up. I wanted to hide at that point. I've gone from hiding who I was to parading around and saying it out loud to quite a few people. Maybe he was comfortable with this but I wasn't sure if I was yet.

"This is happening so fast Steve maybe your okay and comfortable with telling this to everyone, but this is new to me and I'm trying to still get used to telling people. Can you in a nice way tell Laura not to rush anything? Please for me? I'm not saying we can't, and if your okay and want to then I will I'm just not as confident as you are, okay?" He took hold of my hand while driving with the other. Little did I know that he and his sister had already talked and they were already planning something, I might have made a mistake when I had left it up to him to make any arrangements when it came to exchanging the rings. But I would find out later what a wonderful surprise he was going to give me when he gave me our rings.

"Listen Babe, I told you that my family would be okay with this. Well, this is their way of dealing with it, they're trying to make us feel comfortable about it to. It's hard for my Mom and Dad even though they're saying one thing, I know my folks. So Laura is trying to help and this is her way of helping my Mom deal with this to. Believe me, it won't be anything outrageous. And I can guarantee that it won't be anything ridiculous. And it will be just the immediate family, can you deal with that?"

"Okay, if you say so, but you better keep me informed as to what she's up to as soon as you know anything, promise me?"

"Promise" The rest of the ride home was in quiet, we listened to the radio and smoked a joint. That was one time I really enjoyed with Steve, when he

and I would go riding around, just listening to the radio and getting lost and just driving. It was time that we enjoyed with each other. As we pulled into our parking space both Gary and Eileen's car were parked next to each other.

"Well I guess we're going to find out if he told Eileen since she's here now. Are you ready to listen to her say whatever it is she'll have to say?" Since I had a nice buzz I really didn't want to listen to Eileen, I liked her well enough, I just didn't want to hear from her tonight.

"Guess I don't have much of a choice do I mister?" He knew how I felt I didn't really have to say anything.

"Come on big boy, I'll protect you. I'll make our excuses and head you into the bedroom and out of her way, how's that sound?"

"That sounds promising, and just what are you going to do to me once you have me alone in the bedroom?" I was being sarcastic because after the day we had I just felt like laughing.

"I'll never tell you what I have in mind once we're in the bedroom big boy, but aren't you dying to find out what I have in mind for you?" He leaned over and kissed me, grabbed me by the back of my neck and just kept kissing me. It didn't take long and I was getting hard just by the way he was kissing me. I pushed him away from me.

"Stop that right now, I won't be able to walk into the house like this, you gave me a fucking boner big time. You could have waited till we got into the bedroom to do that." I was poking at him and laughing.

"All right, come on let's go inside and get this over with, just untuck your shirt and let it hang over my joy toy that you have now, I'll help you deflate it afterwards, Babe! Now move go..." I got out of the car and did as

he said I untucked my shirt. Thank god it was long enough to hide my hard on. We walked into the house and Gary and Eileen were watching television in the living room.

"Hey you two, how's it going?" Steve was going to be the one that played mister nice guy I headed into the kitchen to get something to drink before I went upstairs. I yelled hello as I walked by.

"Good, how'd it go at the parents house? How'd they take the news?" I didn't know that Gary knew about the dinner at Steve's parents house. I hadn't realized that he told Gary about it before we went. As I was standing in the kitchen getting my drink Eileen walked in.

"Hi Mike, how you doing?" I was a little surprised to see her.

"I'm good kiddo, how you doing these days?" I thought at least I could be nice, she was always nice to me, it's just that I didn't want to get into it tonight with her. She surprised me by walking up to me and just giving me a hug.

"I hope that you and Steve are happy. I'm sorry to hear that you thought you had to hide from me and Gary. I wish you had told us long ago. I feel bad if I ever made you feel like you couldn't tell me the truth. I promise not to say anything to anybody unless you tell me that it's okay. And I'm sorry your brother treated you like he did, that was uncalled for." She surprised the hell out of me by telling me this. And before I could say anything she turned around and walked out of the kitchen and back into the living room. I was forced to follow her, after that piece of information that she had just told me I felt it would be rude of me to just go upstairs and ignore her and Gary. But I was determined to keep it short. I knew what was waiting for me when I got into bed that night. It had been a few hours since we had sex, and after the round that we had this morning I was looking forward to another round tonight.

"Are you staying the night Eileen or are you going back to your place?" I was just making idle conversation I didn't know what to say to after what she had said in the kitchen.

"No, I'm going back to my place tonight I have to get up early I have a new job interview tomorrow and I want to be there early."

"Well good luck with that I hope you get the job if it's something that you really want." Gary and Steve had been talking and I could tell that Steve was winding it up so I thought it was a good time for me to head upstairs.

"Good night all, I'm heading upstairs, I'm tired, it's been a long day, and to be honest I'm glad it's over, I don't know how many days like this one I can go through, I hope this is the last one like it." That being said I turned and went up the stairs. I was about half way up when I heard Gary tell Steve something that made my stomach drop.

"You haven't told him that everyone at work knows and so do most of the customers?" I heard it and I wanted to throw up, how had everyone found out? There was only one logical answer, Roy. I felt like my world was collapsing, I held onto the railing for dear life I felt like I was going to pass out. How could he do this to me? Why was he so cruel to me, what had I done to deserve this treatment, all I ever did was try to help him. Why was he being such a prick to me was it because I was gay? So many thoughts were running around in my head and I couldn't handle them all. I got a sinking feeling in my stomach and got really light headed, I remember letting go of the railing and starting to fall backwards.

Next: Chapter 5

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