Steve and Mike

By moc.loa@67nogarA

Published on Dec 5, 2010


If your not 18 you shouldn't be reading this come back when your old enough. This story contains sex between two males without the use of condoms. I strongly urge any male out there having sex with other males to use condoms. Being safe is the only way to play and live a healthy life without the fear of std's. Be smart. Be safe. If you enjoy this story let me know I enjoyed writing this and might continue with some more of this story and what happens between Mike and Steve. All rights belong to the author. Contact me at ( with comments thoughts and suggestions you might have. Enjoy if nothing else!

It was the summer of '78 that I first met him. He was my Greek Adonis. Everything you could want, or I least everything that I wanted. He was about an inch taller than me but it seemed more like a foot. Sandy brown hair that never seemed out of place no matter what he was doing. And his eyes sparked in the sun and danced their way right into my heart, I melted every time I looked into them. I couldn't said no to him, no matter what he could possibly have asked me to do at that point in time I would have. Without any questions, without any hesitation and with no regrets, it was just my willingness to please him in anyway I could. He truly was the alpha and I was the omega in our friendship. I liked it that way, even if it was one sided on my part. I was just the opposite of him my hair never looked good no matter what I did to try and control it. I was overweight and was totally self-conscious about myself. Here I was a gay man living in a time that being gay was not the thing to do. It was the kiss of death to come out and tell people that sort of thing. I couldn't possibly have told him how I felt about him. I knew it would possibly mean losing touch with a man that I was deeply in love with. Whatever the price I had to pay to be with him, I was willing to pay. Just as long as I had time to spend with him.

Of course there was only one problem, Sandy. What he saw in her I couldn't understand for the life of me. Yea, okay she was pretty, had a wonderful laugh and always seemed to know the right thing to say to you no matter what the situation. Well maybe I could see what he saw in her. But Barbie and Ken had nothing on the two of them when they were together, and that was pretty much all the time. So there I was, stuck in a place that had no possible future for him and I. And killing someone just wasn't a good idea. It seems that too many people frown on that type of thing. Even more so when it's just for love. At the same time I enjoyed the friendship I had with both of them. Of course I was jealous of what she had and that was him. I kept wondering what I could possibly do that would drive them apart from one another. And the more I thought about it the harder it was to think of anything that would do the trick. I was subjected to sitting there watching them have fun together, watching them hold each other, kiss each other. Doing everything that I wanted to do with him. So for the longest time I just pretended it was me sitting there with him and not her. Most times pretending didn't do the trick and the ugly green monster inside of me would rear its demonic head and I would be forced to leave the room. I had to admit that I just could not stand their happiness. It was just all wrong as far as I was concerned. I was miserable when the three of us spent any time together but I kept subjecting myself to it so that I could at least spend time with Steve.

Our friendship grew as time passed; it just kept getting stronger. I would meet up with him whenever it was possible. We both worked a second shift; I was working in a restaurant and in was in the military. Fortunately he was stationed at an Air Force Base that was close enough for him to commute to everyday. So I would get done work about twelve thirty or one o'clock and would be on my way to his parents house to wait for his arrival, which was usually about one thirty or two o'clock. I didn't actually wait at his house. There was a fire station that was about four houses away from Steve's house and sat about fifty feet higher in elevation. I was able to sit in the parking lot of the fire station and see when he would pull into the driveway. I would then proceed to his house. I probably could have sat in his driveway and waited but I never wanted to be sitting there with his parents in the house, it just felt wrong. But this was time for him and I; Sandy wasn't around during those times, lucky me. We would spend the next few hours by ourselves, laughing, joking and talking about everything. Well, almost everything, I couldn't under any circumstances tell him how I actually felt about him. And that wasn't easy; when we got together it was to party. And that we did. Smoking weed and drinking to all hours of the morning before passing out. Sometimes I stayed there, due to the fact that I would just fall asleep on his bed. In the morning I would just get up and off to work I would go. I'd stop on my way to grab a shower and head to work to begin the process all over again. Other times I dragged myself out of his house and somehow found my way home, and by the grace of God, without getting stopped by the police on the way there. This was a routine that went on for some time.

A lot of times Stephen and I would go riding in his car. That was his given name, Stephen Allan Craigen. If we were joking around I would call him Stevie. I realize now that many of us during those years did the same thing. Jump in the car with a bag of weed and papers and off we would go, spending hours in the car, with the radio on just having a good time without the worry of getting caught or spied on by our parents. After all, we were not able to afford living on our own at that point in time. It's not so much we weren't interested in doing that, we just couldn't. So the car became our "apartment" so to speak. With the radio blaring and the windows down our night out would begin. I remember a particular event that happened in the middle of winter on one of our rides. We were traveling on this highway that had recently been opened to the public. The was a light mist of rain and snow falling, it wasn't really raining and it wasn't really snowing, but the moisture as it hit the pavement froze. If you went slow it wasn't a problem if you went to fast you'd get yourself into an accident. At one point Steve leans over to me a little bit and says

"Watch this." His voice was low and confident. I had known him long enough to realize that he was going to do something. And with that thought in my mind I really began to panic. He was a daredevil. He would take what he knew and sometimes push it to the limit. I had a sick feeling in my stomach, and no time to do anything about it.

"What are you going to....." And before I could say anything, he stomped on the brake and gave the steering wheel a quick jerk to the left. The car began to spin, I shut my eyes, I grabbed the arm rest, stomped my feet to the floor and braced myself for the inevitable. I had to look I had to know when it was coming I wanted to as much as possible be able to look at what we were going to hit. Trees did in fact line the highway on both sides, I just wanted to know which side we were going to hit. We didn't, after four full revelations we came to a stop not a complete stop but at least we weren 't spinning anymore. Instead the car was heading straight ahead. Steve stepped on the gas and we were on our way.

"Breath, Michael, just breath." was all he said to me.

"What the fuck where you thinking! Are you fucking crazy?!" I was screaming at him I was furious at him. I felt like I wanted to beat the shit out of him. "Have you lost your mind? You could have killed us! No, wait you weren't thinking, that's the problem. You never think about these things you just friggin do them. Did you think about letting me out first before you did that? Of course not, and that's just the thing Steve you don't .."

:"Michael, stop. I knew what I was doing. Your okay aren't you?" He was reasoning with me. Making me think even though I was totally pissed at him at the moment. He was taking the tone he always took with me when he was trying to calm me down about whatever was going on at that moment.

"I knew what would happen when I stepped on the brake and jerked the wheel. We are on a perfectly straight road. I must admit that heading in the right direction might no work out, but it did. And no one was on the road."

I had to listen to his reasoning after all. Steve didn't take unnecessary risks if he didn't have to. And he was a fanatic when it came to things about his car and his driving. His career in the military was being a jet engine mechanic. And he had grown up around cars and engines all his life. He knew how they worked and how they responded to certain things. He learned to drive at an early age. He also learned how to fly. His father had owned a bus company and one of his uncle's had owned a garage, both of which were right around the corner from his house. So when he talked about car's and engines I knew he was talking about something he knew a great deal about. I respected him for that, it was something I understood very little of. But he wasn't off the hook yet.

"Still, you could have killed me, you could have asked me first you know." I said with as much anger in it as I could.

"You would have said no in the first place, and I didn't have time to ask you once I thought about doing it." His tone was half apologetic and half jovial he was getting to me to the point he knew I would give in to his reasoning.

I caved in. I never could stay mad at him, no matter how many times he scared me. And it seemed he like to do that to me more times than I care to count. I often wondered why he got such a kick out of making me piss my pants so much.

And before to long the impossible happened, Sandy and he went their separate ways. I was there for him, his shoulder to cry on, what else was I to do? I was after all his friend, more like brothers during that time in his life. I understood his pain all to well; I was living his pain everyday that I spent with him. I knew how he felt with Sandy not in his life, he wasn't in mine the way I wanted him. But no matter what I couldn't tell him that in anyway. You know what they say, time heals all wounds. And slowly and surely Steve started healing. And a man who I was still deeply in love with became a better and closer best friend. We were inseparable. Wherever he was, I was.

I remember across the street from his house was a farm that rented out horses for you to go horseback riding. He wanted to go, I was terrified. I was only ever on a horse once, and the damn thing ran away with me on his back holding on for dear life. Think I was going to tell Steve that? No way, he wanted me to go with him on this little adventure, I agreed and so we went to the barn to see a man named George. Of course George knew Steve, he had grown up across from that farm all his life. In that small time forgotten little town in the rustic woods of southeastern Pennsylvania. And by horseback Valley Forge National Park was just a stones throw away. So off he and I headed, for an afternoon of horseback riding through Valley Forge. It was early spring and still had a bit of winter wind in the air, but the sun was blazing and it felt wonderful just to be there in that moment of time. I can still see him sitting there, just as natural looking as the man in the Marlboro commercial. Remember him? Tall rugged and good looks to match. Steve was in his element sitting on that horse, he'd done it so many times before. And there I sat not in my element acting like it was just another day, nothing exciting, and nothing unusual. But my heart was pounding, my mouth was dry and it didn't matter, what did matter was that I was alone with him. He took off across the field at a full throttle holding nothing back! I was terrified, but I took hold of those reins, clamped my knees together as tight as I could, stood up a little and directed my horse to follow him, and he did. My heart was in my throat the entire time, my knuckles were white from holding onto the reins so tightly, but I wasn't about to stop, I wasn't about to give up. I wasn't going to let Steve think any less of me for telling him how I actually felt. What did it matter? Like I said I was with him for that moment A moment forever etched in my mind, to this day I play that memory over and over again in my head. With great fondness and love.

Days passed and finally Steve was leaving the military. No longer working and driving sixty miles one way five days a week. That meant we had more time to spend together. And spend it we did. Steve needed a job; I was managing a pizza restaurant at the time, so of course I was more than happy to oblige him and more than willing to give him that job. What could be better, now we had the same hours? Our lives were almost spent entirely together. We worked hard and we played hard. I was in my glory I had him in my life more and more. Of course he didn't realize how much he meant to me, he didn't realize how much more I had fallen in love with him. But it was getting worse everyday that went by, for me at least. For him, I was just his friend and his brother that's how close we had become since that first day that I laid eyes on him. To be honest with you, it was August 23, 1978, that was the day that I first met him. I will remember that day until the day I die. When someone like him enters your life, it's a moment you don't forget.

Of course in the natural progression of things, the owner of the restaurant I was managing decided to open another restaurant about twenty miles away and he offered me the opportunity to help him open it and manage the new store. Of course I jumped at the opportunity. So I moved to be closer to my job, instead of commuting everyday back and forth after working fourteen to sixteen hours a day in the beginning. Steve packed his things and we found an apartment together. I was in heaven, we ate, we drank, we got high, and we did everything together. And that included him walking around the apartment with no clothes on. The first time I saw him with none on, my heart actually skipped a beat and I had to hold onto the chair I was standing by so that I wouldn't fall down. And it took all of my will power not to look down his stomach, past his treasure trail and see the most beautiful penis I had ever laid my eyes on. I couldn't breath, I was trying to burn the image in my brain, if I never saw him again in this state of undress I didn't want to forget it. I did a good job, Even to this day I can see him standing there holding his towel on the way to take a shower. His still boyish face, his flat stomach, his unblemished skin, not a hair out of place and there before me stood my Adonis. My heart ached, as I stood there I began to slowly realize that I was trembling. I made a beeline for my bedroom, up the stairs, closed the door, heart pounding through my chest and into my brain. At that moment I couldn't see anything else but him standing there before me, that Greek God, my best friend, my other brother, the man of my dreams. At that moment I would have moved heaven and earth to have thrown my arms around him and kiss those moist hot sexy lips that God had so perfectly placed upon his angelic face. And I knew that it couldn't be, deep in my heart I knew, what was to never take place. I broke down and cried, the tears fell down upon my face, down to my t-shirt I was wearing, and I couldn't stop nor could I let him hear me in my time of agony and loss and hurt. I kept telling myself to get over it, move on, forget it, I knew the reality when I first met him, and yet it made no difference I still fell in love with him and at that single moment my heart was broken. The man I was holding so near in my heart, the only one I had ever let get that close to knowing me, I truly knew and accepted at that very moment, it just wasn't going to happen. Even if I had dared to tell him the truth, it wouldn't have mattered. I just knew he would never love me back the way I wanted or more like needed him to love me. I wondered how it would feel to have inside of me, that connection that moment in time when two souls really come together as one, sharing each other in passion, in love, and in respect. And it just wasn't going to happen. I cried myself to sleep that night; I wanted nothing to do with anyone or anything. Especially Steve, and that made it that much worse because he had no idea how I felt or what I was going through. I was there for him when Sandy and him went their separate ways, I was his shoulder to cry on, but he couldn't return the favor, how could he? He had to idea how I felt and why I was being so moody.

I slipped into autopilot for the next few weeks. I changed the schedule so that he and I weren't working together as much. I was opening the restaurant in the morning and he was closing the place at night. Our paths crossed for a few hours at work and Sundays when the place was closed. It wasn't perfect, but it made the time I did spend with him a lot more bearable for me. Little did he know.

As always, time marched on and things began to change. My brother was getting out of the military and not in a good way. He was currently in Leavenworth for drugs and a few other charges. In order to get out he basically needed a sponsor that gave assurance to the military that he would have a place to stay and a job lined up when he was released. Me being the kind soul and wanting him to be released gave him both. I could put him to work at the restaurant and he could share the rent with Steve and I. His problem solved, and perhaps my problem would be a little less with a distraction around to keep my busy doing something else with my brother. About the same time I had a cousin who was looking for employment and a place to live, the four of us banded together and signed a lease on a townhouse. What could be better, I now had two others living with Steve and I that would give me plenty to do with all of us living together.

I was never more wrong in my life; this was a disaster in the making. The drugs flowed a little more freely, the alcohol cabinet never seemed to be empty, and instead of going out to the bars to get our drinks, we all stayed home when we weren't working and had one continuous party. Girls came and went in our household, Roy and Steve brought the most, and Gary had his girlfriend Eileen. And I had no one, but to everyone else that's what I wanted, I just wanted to work and party I didn't have time for women, who needed them? I didn't need them, didn't want them, but I still wanted Steve. I just knew the score and where I stood, I knew it wasn't going to change, and I wasn't trying to kid myself into thinking that it would. So at least I was content in that reality of my life.

But as much as I was in control of my life, destiny or fate whatever you want to call it has a way of playing out the reality of truth. Sometimes we like the way it plays out and sometimes we don't, but one way or the other, destiny does rear its head. And in a very short time, a destiny of mine was going to play itself out.

In those few rare moments that we were living together, you found yourself alone in the house, a peacefulness would fill the walls that would at all other times be noisy and over flowing with people. And that one day I found myself alone in my thoughts, happy to be there not thinking of anyone or anything special. Just me and the music in the background. It was the fall and that cold damp wet weather had set in the hills of Pennsylvania. My thoughts turned to a nice hot shower, with no one there to bother me or pushing me to hurry up and get out. We did have two full bathrooms in the place, but only one had a huge walk in shower with two showerheads to let the hot water run down your body and just warm you up and make you relax. Every time I had the chance I would jump in and let the water wash all over me and just get lost in my thoughts. More than once I lost my load down that drain. Lost in a sea of water, given to none, shared with none. And I had begun to accept the fact, that it was probably going to stay that way for a very long time. Staying with all of them gave me little hope that I was going to find someone for me. How could I, if I did that, it would have meant telling the three other people I was living with. For sure I would have lost at least two. My cousin had a bigger heart, I think he would have understood and accepted me for what I was. My brother made it clear how he felt about those things, and Steve I was sure would just hate me for either not telling him, or hate me because I would have to tell him the whole truth of the matter.

He was the one that changed everything maybe he had planned that way. I was alone in the shower, music up, door closed. And he pounded on the door, my knees buckled, I thought I was going to pass out he scared the shit out of me with the pounding he was doing. I finally came to my senses.

"What do you want?"

"I need to use the bathroom"

"Go to the other one, I'm taking a shower. Leave me alone!"

"I can't," he screamed at me louder.

"Why not?"

"The toilet is fucked up and we can't use it till they come fix it."

My mind is racing, I can't let him in, maybe he can walk around the house naked and not care who sees him, but I grew up being very self-conscious about the way I looked without clothes on. I wasn't anywhere near the model type. I had a stomach, perhaps it wasn't as big as when I was in high school, but I was still overweight, and not proud of it or my body.

"Wait!" I screamed back at him "Give me a minute or two, I'll be out and you can get it, just give me a minute to finish up, I'll be fast"

"No fucking way, I'm coming in, I've got to piss NOW!"

And before I could respond or do anything he was busting through the door. I turned my back to him I was dying inside. I just wanted him to hurry and get out. "What's your problem?"

"I don't have one, I just don't like sharing the bathroom, when I'm just trying to chill out and relax, that's all."

He started laughing at me.

"What's the matter, I catch you beating off?"

A few more minutes later and he might have, but I wasn't going to let him know that, even if I did want to say it to him.

"I wasn't beating off, and if I was, what's it to you anyway? What I do in here is my business"

I was getting pissed and was starting to get annoyed with him; I wanted him out not a conversation that kept him in the bathroom with me.

"Maybe I need a shower!" The sarcasm was oozing out of his mouth with that comment.

" I'll be out in a few minutes, you can come back then and take the shower for as long as you want."

I was turning red I could feel the heat in my face as he stood there looking at me. And I knew he was looking. But I wasn't going to turn around, I couldn't, he'd see me. He's see that I was fully erect I was harder than I had been in a long time. God why can't he leave me alone?

His voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Why don't I just get in with you now and then I won't have to turn the water back on? I can just take over the shower and you can leave when you're done?"

My heart stopped. Was he serious? Was he really going to get in the shower with me? I was in a panic, I felt like throwing up. I couldn't think fast enough or come up with a reason to get him out of the bathroom. After all, it was just us two guys, we both had been in the military, I've showered with other guys before, the shower was big enough, I could finish and just get out within a minute or so. And yet I couldn't even move. The air was stuck in my throat and nothing was going in or out at the moment.

"What ever" was the only thing that I could get out. And I couldn't move. There was no way I could let him see me like this, how was I going to get by him without him seeing me stiff as granite? The next sound I heard was the door of the shower being opened and there he was about foot away from me. He directed the other showerhead away from me and directed it towards himself. I stood there trying to rinse the shampoo out of my hair and get the rest of the soap off of me. I was trying to hurry and trying so hard not to let him see me in my current state of absolute lust and desire.

Without realizing it, he reached around me to get the soap from the soap dish, in doing so his hand touched my back, I jumped a mile and gasped for air at the same time.

"Wow, relax, I'm just getting the soap, I'm not going to rape you Mikey" I hated when he called me Mikey well not hated, he just called me that because of the commercial about Life cereal. he thought I looked like that kid only older. He didn't say to be mean, It was just the way he said it that annoyed me.

My heart was pounding so hard I thought for sure he could hear it, and would know how I felt at that moment.

"No, you just startled me, you should have just asked me for it, I could have handed it to you"

"You were rinsing off, I didn't want to stop you, so I just figured I would get it myself, you okay now?"

"Yea, sure fine, like I said, you just startled me" I was trying to stay as calm and controlled as I could be, But it wasn't easy with him standing so close to me. And the worst was that my hard on was not going down, if anything the stone inside of it was getting harder. I was finally rinsed off, now all I had to do was turn slightly and wedge my way past him and out to grab a towel and bolt to my bedroom before he realized anything.

"Hey, before you get out, do me a favor"

Oh god, what could he possibly want me to do before I got out of the shower? My mind was racing; thinking just let me get out of here before I explode. What came out of my mouth wasn't what I wanted to come out.

"What do you want?"

"Wash my back for me, it's been so long since Sandy did it, and I just like it being done once in a blue moon, figured your in here, maybe you wouldn't mind"

It was so honest and sincere the way he said it. My heart was melting my will to leave was crumbling. How was I going to survive if I actually touched him? In the shower with no clothes on? How was I going to say no, I couldn't do this, I can't touch him, and I just can't.

"Yea, sure no problem Steve"

What the fuck was I thinking? Why did I say that? With that he grabbed me by the shoulder to turn me towards him a little and to hand me the soap. And just as quickly, he turned around and he was facing away from me. Did he not see my erection? Was he just acting like nothing was wrong? Or that it was no big deal? And there I stood with the soap in one hand and a face cloth in the other. Dear God, just let me get through this as quickly as possible and let me get out of the shower was all that I was thinking as I stood there looking at his back, his ass, his legs. God how am I going to do this?

"What are you waiting for? Come on and just wash my back, I'm not going to bite you! Well, not unless you want me to" He laughed as he finished that last little bit of sentence. Did he really say that to me was he kidding, or was he serious? I couldn't tell either way. And that was one thing I was unsure of with Steve sometimes, he said things sometimes and I wasn't sure if he really meant it or if he was really just joking around.

"Hold on" I stammered

Slowly I lathered up the facecloth with soap, trying to avoid that what I wanted most, to touch him. It just wasn't the way I wanted to touch him. I had to control myself, I just had to wash his back real quick, get the job done and get out. I remembered back in boot camp there was a guy who had a broken arm and a problem with his other arm. While we were in the shower together he asked me to help him wash his back and the arm that wasn't in a cast. I tried to think of that moment now. And kept telling myself, it' s just like that time, I was just helping him out, nothing wrong with that. My brain was thinking all this, but the rest of my body was telling me something different. Who was I kidding? I started at the top of his neck and was just working on his shoulders, but I seemed to get stuck there I wasn't going any further down.

"That feels good," he muttered. I was pressing harder than I thought and was giving him a backwash and rub at the same time.

"Keep doing that, but go lower my lower back is killing me today" he seemed to half say this and half moan this was I imaging things?

I went lower, keeping my eyes on his neck, and just barely looking near his ass, I looked at long enough to know I wasn't going any closer. I just kept going in circles from his lower back and then back up to his shoulders.

"mmmmm, god that feels so good right now" he moaned

And this time I wasn't imaging things, he did moan as he said that. His body was limp in front of me. He placed his hands against the shower wall to lean into the wall a little.

"Press a little harder, would you? What your doing is really hitting the right spot and its just enough pressure to loosen my muscles"

"Yeah sure" I croaked. I could stand there all day if he asked me to. Especially at that moment. Just like always I would do whatever he asked of me. Who was I to say no to him? I was mesmerized standing there doing this to him, lost in my thoughts of trying not to think about what I really wanted at that moment. And yet it was all I could think of, I was day dreaming, just washing and rubbing, drifting between my fantasy and reality.

"Mmmm, oh Mike...." it was almost a whisper and I only half heard it in my current state of thought.

Trying to answer him and sound indifferent to the whole situation, the only thing that came from my throat was a half whisper, a half plea of desire, a gruff sounding

"Yea Steve"

"Go lower Mike, please go lower...."

There was no lower to go than to his beautiful ass, those perfect mounds of flesh that just begged to be touched, to be held with lust and desire.

"Steve.....I.....its your...."

"Please Mike...I need you touch me like your doing, please just.. I need to be..." "Steve...I" I stammered trying to find the words. I just moved in closer dropped the cloth to the floor and with both hands I began to slowly rub down his lower back, to the top of those mounds until the globes of his flesh were in my hands. I was barely breathing and neither was he. If was nothing but jagged breaths. And that was all you could hear in the silence of the shower. His head dropped lower, his body relaxed even more than before.

My body froze, I pulled my hands back I took two steps back away from him. What was going on? How could I do this to him, he had no idea this couldn't be happening this way. My mind was reeling my emotions were in turmoil. I bolted out of the shower, out of the bathroom and into my bedroom slamming the door behind me. My breathing was rough and unsteady I was shaking from head to toe. What had I done? Why did I let him talk me into doing that? There was still soap on my hands the and the hair on the back of my neck was dripping down my back. I grabbed the comforter off my bed and wrapped around me, and leaned back against the door. I didn't want him coming into my room, I couldn't face him. What did he think of me? I knew in my heart for sure that he hated me. I had crossed the line, I went to far what little thread of hope I had of his still being my friend was gone.

The door handled moved he was standing on the other side trying to get in. I wanted to throw up. And I had no where to go and no where to hide.

"Mike.. let me in.. please, please let me.."

I was silent I just couldn't talk I didn't know what to say to him. How could I look him in the face or worse in the eyes?

"Come on Mike.. we need to talk.. I need to talk...Please let me in"

"I can't." I half cried as I said it. " You don't understand and you never will, there's nothing you can say, let's just forget it, please go away'

"I can't and won't forget it" now he sounded half angry.

"You have to Steve, please don't make me do this!" I was biting my lower lip I wasn't going to cry I didn't want him to know I was feeling at the moment.

"I'm not going away from this door no matter how long it takes, I'll stand here all night if you make me." He wasn't angry anymore, he was just talking to me just like he always talked to me. How could I be mad at him? I could I shut him out? Hell, how could I let him in? Just what was he going to do to me or worse say to me? I was standing there trying so hard to think it had happened so fast from okay one minute to me bolting out the door the next.

"You must hate me" I didn't think I had said it loud enough for him to hear me say it. I had half felt it in my heart and was just thinking, I just hadn't realized I thought it out loud. Seconds went by and time felt like it wasn't even moving.

"Mike. . please I'm not mad, not at you anyway." He had lowered his voice when he said it.

I stood there frozen not sure what to do, not sure what to say. I was trying to take in what he had just said. He's not mad, not at me anyway. What did that mean? Was I ready to face him could I seriously talk to him at this very moment?

"Please Mike please, just let me in. Please talk to me. I'm not going to go away from this door Mike. I mean it." He was determined I could hear it in his voice. Sometimes I hated when he got that tone it meant he wasn't going to give up. At the same time it was one of his qualities that I admired in him. When Steve was determined he didn't give in or give up until whatever was at hand was done and dealt with, it was a quality I lacked. Or at least I thought I did. The door handled was jiggling. I had to make a decision I had to either send him away or I had to let him in and hear what he had to say to me. I wanted to throw up I wanted the earth to open up and just let me fall in. I hate any kind of confrontation that involves emotion. And this confrontation was completely fueled by emotion.

"MICHAEL!" Now he was screaming at me.

"Don't yell at me Steve, that's not going to do solve this."

"I'm sorry, I don't want to yell at you, I just want to talk. We need to talk this out. I'm sorry Mike." He was being sincere, at least it sounded that way. How could I tell him no? I pulled away from the door and took hold of the doorknob, I stepped back and pulled the door open. My heart was in my throat pounding so hard it almost hurt. I was looking at the floor when he walked in. I could feel his eyes looking at me. I felt like they were burning into my soul.

"You going to look at me Mike?" It said with compassion and warmth. I looked up at him. I couldn't move I couldn't talk, I was just standing there.

"It's not the end of the world, you didn't do anything wrong." What did he mean I didn't do anything wrong?

"I did do something wrong, I shouldn't have touched your..." I was trying to say the words out loud. I was trying to tell him that I was touching his ass, when I knew I shouldn't have been. I just couldn't, they weren't coming out.

"my ass." he said it for me. I looked back down at the floor, I couldn't look at him, I couldn't look into those eyes of his. He walked up closer to me and put his hands on my shoulders. I started shaking and I couldn't help it. I don't even know why.

"Take hold of yourself, slow down and take a deep breath for me Mike." Why did he always sound logical? I did as he said and took a deep breath.

"Maybe you should sit down while we talk."

"Yea, that might be a good idea."? Slowly he took me and turned me around and guided me to the bed and sat me down. I pulled the comforter tighter around me as much as I could. Still not fully looking into his eyes, more like I was focusing on his forehead. I just figured if he looked at me at that moment I would completely break down and be unable to say anything to him. And for the first time since he walked in I realized he had nothing on. Oh god, how was I going to get through this with him looking like that? It was going to be hard to concentrate.

"You have to know that you did nothing wrong Mike, nothing that I didn't let you do. I want you to know that right up front." It took a minute for that statement to sink it. I did nothing that he didn't want me to do?

"You mean to say that what I did you wanted me to do?"

"No...I mean yes...I don't know...not when I got in the shower, not at first."

"What do you mean not at first, what made you change your mind, what happened all of sudden to make you think differently?"

"When I asked you to wash my back, its all I wanted was just that for you to wash my back, I just thought it would be nice to have done to me. And who else could I ask to have that done to me?" For a minute there was a silence.

"Who else am I that comfortable with that would wash my back? Who else could I step into the shower with? Without feeling really weird?"

"So now what? What is it that we need to talk about?" There was a knot in my stomach. I was half afraid of what he was going to say to me. I wasn' t sure what he had in that head of his.

"I don't know how or where to begin." For the first time since I had come to know him I saw him falter for words, like he was lost and not sure which way to turn next.

"What about at the beginning?" It said it confidently, like I knew what he was going to tell me.

"After Sandy and I went our separate way, you were there for me. No matter what I did or said or even if I started crying, you were just there for me. I want you to know even though I never said it, I thank you for being there." He took a deep breath and sighed long and slow, like a weight was coming off his shoulders.

"Anyway, my point was that you were there. And every day there after. You and I got close, I had never been so close to anyone like you and I were becoming. You just made me feel good about myself you made me think about things I never thought about. And then one day I began to think I loved you. And it scared the hell out of me." He was looking at me and at the same time he was playing with his hands like he was nervous. I just sat there and looked at him. I didn't know what to think at that moment.

"Why did it scare you so much Steve? Were you afraid of what that meant? Were you afraid of what others would say?" I was trying to be calm because I had no room to talk about being afraid of others would think, I certainly cared what they thought, it kept me from telling anyone about me.

"No, I wasn't afraid of them or anyone else, I was afraid of you." He stopped and looked into my eyes. He was afraid of ME?

"Why, why Steve, what made you afraid of me?"

"I thought for sure you would hate me, I thought for sure you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore, so I didn't say anything. And for a long time I was afraid of what I was feeling. I never felt this way for another guy in my life, it was a scary feeling to me. But then I thought as long as we were together and were having fun, why spoil it with me trying to tell you that I had these feelings for you. I just kept thinking I would lose you, every time I even began to think about telling you." It broke my heart to see him like this, so unsure and scared. It was like I was seeing Steve for the first time. I was seeing someone that I didn't know, and yet I did know him, just not like this, it was a first that's for sure. I wanted to blurt out everything to him and at the same time I was afraid to go to fast, I didn't want to scare him off at this stage of the game.

"Steve...I know exactly how you felt. When you left Sandy I knew that I that I had feelings for you to and just like you I didn't know how to tell you without the risk of losing my friendship with you, I just couldn't tell you. Funny it was the exact same reasons that you couldn't tell me," It just got silent for a few minutes, neither one of us saying anything or neither one us moving a muscle. I didn't know which way to go next. I was shaking inside I was just so unsure with him at that moment.

"So....where do we go from here?" his voice was husky when he spoke, like he was afraid to say, just like me, unsure of what exactly we were going to do with this new relationship. A relationship that neither one of had ever had experience with. Yea, he wasn't a virgin anymore he had been to bed with Sandy. But neither one of us had been in bed with another man before this. And I hadn't been to bed with a women either. I was totally lost as to what to do next. I certainly had ideas but ideas are one thing acting on them is entirely different when that moment comes along in your life for the first time.

He took my hand and placed it in both of his and just started kind of massaging my hand and he looked into my eyes. I was lost, I was shaking both on the inside and on the outside.

"Are you cold?" he was concerned the way he asked me.

"Yes and no." I said with my voice both coming out as a squeak and with little force. I sounded so stupid I thought to myself.

"You excited or are you scared?"

"Yea... I know." I could hardly hold his gaze as I said the words. Steve never new that I was a virgin. It was a unknown fact between he and I. My face was burning red, I was sure he had have thought I was an idiot.

"It's okay you know. Do you want to wait? I could hear it in his voice as he said those words. He wanted to keep going and didn't want to stop at that moment, but he thought about me first and was thinking about what I wanted. I could have cried at that exact moment in time.

"No, just remember, I've never done this before and I'll be honest and tell you right now that I'm a little scared." He looked at me for a minute and didn't say anything, but now he took both of my hands and held them to his chest and just held them there.

"This is new to me to, and I wouldn't do anything to you that you don't want me to do. I don't want to hurt you in anyway, so if were going to do this we'll do it at your pace and if you say stop, I will, I promise." He just kept looking at me and just kept holding my hands to his chest. With all the courage I could muster I looked him in the eye.

"Do you want to finish that back rub or do you want to just stay here with me?" I was quivering inside so bad. It took everything I had inside me to get that whole thought out without sounding stupid.

"Why don't we go back to the shower, but this time I'm going to wash your back. Just like you were doing to me. I want to show you how good your hands felt on me."

"Steve...I'm shaking inside right now so bad.....I hope I don't disappoint...

"Stop, right now, don't say anything else." He stood up and pulled me up at the same time. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me hard against him.

"You could never disappoint me Michael...I know that just by the way you washed my back in that shower and by the way you handled my body. And then you were trying to behave yourself because you though you couldn't touch me the way you wanted. I honestly can't even begin to imagine what it's going to feel like when you can touch me the way you want to and I let you." He sounded so sure so confident when he told me this. I just wanted to melt right then and there. With that he leaned into me put his lips on mine, put his hands on both sides of my jaw and holding my face in place he kissed me, slowly and softly. By this point I was so hard it hurt. And I could feel he was just as hard as we stood there arms around each other just kissing and holding each other tight.

"Come on, let's go jump into a warm shower and I'll show you just how good of a job you were doing when you were washing my back. It's only fair that I do just as good a job as you did, but maybe I can put some more pressure into it." He dropped his tone as he rattled off the last sentence. I started to wonder what he had in mind and would I be able to handle it? I certainly wanted to that's for sure.

"Steve...remember....this is my first..."

"I told you not to worry, we'll go at a pace your can handle, whatever we do, it's all up to you Mike, the last thing I want is to hurt you in any way, or do something that you don't want me to do....understand?" He was firm when he said it but at least I knew it was going to be okay. I was just hoping that I would be able to handle Steve, he didn't have a huge cock, but it was certainly big enough, especially when it was hard. And right now it was like solid steel. About eight inches of solid steel.

Okay Steve, it's up to me, I get it. I'm just nervous that's all... I just want to make sure that I take care of you and satisfy you." I couldn't help it, my self esteem was a little on the low side, had been ever since I was a kid, guess it was showing up at the worst possible time in my life.

"MICHAEL!" he stopped in the hallway dead in his tracks, turned around grabbed me by my shoulders. I was sure at that very moment he was going to end it right then and there. This was it, we weren't going any further, we weren't going to the shower and he was going to tell me to go back to my room and forget the whole thing.

"I'm only going to say this one more time so listen to me very carefully" He was being very firm and dead serious. "You and I are going to go into this relationship on the same level, we've both never done this before, right? So, since it's new to both of us, we have nothing to worry about, we are going to learn this together, at the same time, at the same pace. And with as much understanding and care that we are going to give to each other as we learn this phase of our lives. So I don't want to hear any more about you being worried or being nervous or that your worried that you'll make me happy. I'm feeling just about the same way you are right now, so, no more doubts or worries from you, you got me Baby?"

"Baby, huh?" You think that's what you get to call me all of a sudden?" I was half smirking when I asked him that question.

"Yea, Baby, might change it to Babe later on, but right know I like Baby, any objections? BABY?"

"No sir, Studly!" I almost laughed out loud as I said it, but I kept from doing it.

"That's better, now lets go get in the shower we only have a few hours of privacy left before the guys get home from work." And with that we took off for the bathroom to turn on the water and get it up to a comfortable temperature so we could wash each other's backs. At least we would start off by washing each other's backs. God knows what or if we'd end up washing anything. With the bathroom slowly beginning to fill with steam Steve and I stepped into the shower.

"Would you hand me the washcloth and soap Baby?" It sounded more like a command than a request or question. But that was okay with me. As I said before, from the very beginning of our relationship even as just friends Steve was the Alpha and I was the Omega, why should it be any different going into this phase of our relationship?

"Turn around and put your hands on the wall, separate your legs a little and relax, I'm going to wash your back, to start with and then I'll decide on what needs washing after that, any problems with that Baby?"

"Not one Steve, I'm all yours you've always seem to know what's the best thing to do in anything else we've ever done together, why should we change what's already working?"

"How come your so smart, hot shot?"

"You bring out the best in me, what else can I say?" It was a light banter back and forth at the moment. But I just knew it was going to get serious and soon. His hands were on my back with that facecloth full of soapy suds, and it was already beginning to feel wonderful. I just stood there like he said with my hands against the wall and my feet spread slightly apart It was feeling great it was just enough pressure to make you want to relax and enjoy what he was doing. Slowly he worked his way from the top of my shoulders down to the top of my ass and back up again. As he started to work his way down he pulled me back from the wall, made me lean against him and he began to wash my hairy chest and stomach, paying some attention to my nipples as he continued to pass over them every few minutes. I felt like I just wanted to collapse, the heat of the water and his hands rubbing me all over was putting me into sensory overload. No one had ever touched me like he was doing.

He began to nibble on my ear and run his tongue around it from the top and behind my ear, he ran his tongue. I was discovering this was an area that seemed to be connected directly to my cock, it was getting harder and was dripping precum like crazy. He began almost humming in my ear, the vibration was tearing any walls of worry that I had in my head from that moment on I would do what ever he wanted, there was no way I could say no to him now.

"You feel good, your skin is so soft, I love running my fingers through the hair on your chest, I always wanted hair on my chest. I'm jealous of you." He said it so softly and the whole time he continued to run his tongue all over my ear and up and down the side of my neck. I had my head resting on his shoulder the entire time we were standing there he was supporting me and washing me at the same time.

"You can do this all day if you want Steve, I won't mind, but then I guess it would be selfish of me to do that."

"I wouldn't mind, there will be another time, let me take care of you this time. This is your first time, I'm honored that your letting me be the one to give you something that's special." He said it so nonchalantly, like he really wouldn't mind doing this to me, and then I began to wonder just what all he was going to do to me.

"And just what do you have in mind Studly? I half grinned saying it, a hint of sarcasm in my voice, I wanted to tease to him to some degree after all this was my first time and I wanted to remember it in fifty years with great fondness and joy.

"Do you really want me to tell you? Or perhaps I should just take control and show you? Don't worry if I start doing anything you don't want to do you just say the word and I will stop in an instant. Remember, it's your game, your rules and I will respect them today and tomorrow and the next day and the..."

"Okay I get the idea, so your assuming there's going to be a next day and another day, my your taking a lot for granted aren't you Stevie?" I wanted to tease him just to see what he would say or do, but not to be mean. I hope I hadn't over stepped my bounds with him I almost regretted what I said as soon as I realized it. He stayed quiet for a few minutes still holding me and still soaping me all over up and down and several times he reached down into my crotch, wrapping his hands around my cock and balls. I was begging in my head for him to turn me around. He did and his hands never left my cock. He looked into my eyes or more like he looked at me and his eyes burned their way right into my very soul.

"If there is a chance of no tomorrow's with you then maybe I should stop now, before we cross a line that we shouldn't." He was serious and he had said with such sadness in his voice that I did deeply regret saying what I had. I had to fix this one right away. I just learned not to toy with his emotions like that ever again.

"I'm sorry, I don't even want to imply that there won't be another tomorrow with you not in it Steve, I was just trying to tease you. I wouldn't want to be here right now if I thought we had no chance of having more days like the one we are having now." I almost wanted to cry I felt like I had played with him like a toy and that's the last thing on earth that I wanted to do to him. " Please forgive me, I don't want to ever hurt you or play with your emotions."

"I'm fine with that." He leaned in and kissed me and I moved in, wrapped my arms around him and began kissing his face his neck his nose anywhere that I could plant my lips on his wonderful handsome face.

"I promise never to do that to you again, I never want to hurt you or make you question how I feel about you." I had hurt him and I started to cry I felt like an ass for what I had done. He held me closer and just sort of stated rocking me back and forth.

"Don't do that, I can't stand to see you cry, it tears me up to see you that upset, it's all okay, let's just forget about this little conversation and continue with our shower, come on, look at me." I looked up into those baby blues and just sighed. At least he got me to stop crying it made me feel like an idiot when I cried. Here I was twenty one years old and crying like a baby. It was something my father always hated in me, whenever he screamed at me and hit me I would cry. He would berate me for being a baby over and over again when I did it. So anytime I did it cry, I could hear him yelling at me and I would feel like a piece of shit.

"Then let's stop talking and do with me what you want, I'm all yours Steve." I looked into his eyes, dropped the tone of my voice and in an almost whisper I told him, "I'm yours to do as you please, I know you won't do anything to hurt me and I know you'll be gentle, but there is one thing that I do ask of you."

"What's that, whatever it is you want I'll do Baby."

"Make love to me, I want to feel you inside of me, I want to be part of you, I want to cum when you do. I know that might sound silly, but for a long time now I have thought about you taking my cherry and I want you to, more than anything Steve I want you to be the one that gets that honor."

"Oh my God are you serious? Are you sure you want me to do that now? We can wait if you want, we don't have to do that today." He was talking fast, I could tell I had excited him with the thought of him shoving his cock into my ass. All of a sudden I got a little scared. It must have shown on my face.

"It's okay I promise you that I will go slow and I promise again that I won't do anything that would hurt you, do you believe me? I have to know that you trust me."

"I trust you, now, let's just get out of this shower because I'm beginning to feel like a sponge and I'd rather be in your bed for the next couple of hours." I smirked when I told him about the hours.

"A couple of hours huh? You think I'm some kind of love machine?" The sparkle that I loved so much was back in his eye. God how that made my stomach tingle when he looked at me with those eyes.

"Well, okay maybe will just start with a few hours and then we'll go from there. but as far as you being a love machine, hell yes I expect you to be able to do cartwheels when we get in that bed, your my studly, a couple of hours should be nothing for you, I figure your good for at least say seven or eight before you get tired." I was laughing now and was trying to get out of the shower to dry off.

"Seven or eight, oh that's nothing I was thinking we'd go at least twelve before I let you get out of my bed!!!!" He was laughing just as hard as me now. But we were poking each other and playing grab ass as we got out. I grabbed my towel and threw his towel to him.

"No wait, let me dry you off, I've been thinking about doing this for some time."

"For some time have you? Just how long have you been thinking about doing this, and just what have you been thinking of doing to me? He took the towel from my hands and wrapped the towel around my neck, with both hands he started rubbing my head to dry my hair so that it wasn't dripping in my face anymore. I knew he was going to take charge, that was one thing I was sure of.

Ever so slowly he dried my hair and gently wiped the water off my face. Stepping off to the side of me he took the towel and rubbed up and down my arm, kind of massaging my arm as he dried me. With one arm done he finished the other one and moved to my chest. It felt wonderful he was using just the right pressure. He finished that and walked around to dry my back and down to my ass, he pressed really hard there and gently yet forcefully spread my cheeks apart, slowly using the towel to rub my cunt. Oh man, I spread my legs apart to give him more access to that. With that and without warning he ran his tongue from the top of my crack down to just below my hole. I shuddered and sucked in air and moaned.

"Feel good Baby." It was more of a statement than a question. I could barely say anything at that point. It was hard to focus, I hadn't expected him to do anything like that at all.

"Oh yea, way more than good Stevie, way more than good." He chucked

"Yea, and I've only just begun with you, I'm going to take you places you never dreamed of Baby, I'm going to make you beg for me to have me put my cock into that beautiful ass of yours. And if you let me I'm going to make long slow passionate love to you Baby, the way it should be done to you. You okay with that idea?" I was melting right then and there I was melting, he was making me putty in his hands. God he was good. Better than I had fantasized about. He was going to make love to me, not just fuck me.

"More than okay Steve, much more than okay. Do whatever you want, I want you to take to those places I've never dreamed of. Because I want you to know that I've had some really fantastic dreams about where you could take me. Maybe I should say my fantasies and my right hand?' I was trying not to be to serious I was trying to keep the mood a little light I was after all nervous about what he was going to do to me. I wasn't afraid, just nervous.

"Let's go to your room Baby, you have the bigger bed I have a feeling we're going to need the room once we get started."\

"From this point on I'm all yours you just lead the way and tell me what you want me to do." He took me by the hand as we left the bathroom. It was quiet as we entered the room Steve turned, closed he door and locked it.

"I just want to make sure no one just happens to open the door in the middle of things. I know they aren't supposed to be here for a while, just don't want to take any chances do you? He had a devilish grin as he looked at me it sent a shiver down my spine thinking of what he had in mind.

Steve had a good body he didn't work out but was blessed with a swimmers build. with just a little bit of weight on him. He looked great with or without a shirt on. I think better with the shirt off but that's just me. I on the other hand had to much weight on me and it made me feel awkward about myself. He was confident about his. Yet he looked at me and he made me feel like a million bucks. I don't know how he accomplished that but he did perhaps it was his own confidence that made me feel that way. He sat me down on the bed and slowly kneeled down before me. Without breaking his gaze he put his hands on my knees and spread my legs apart, ever so slowly his hands began to get closer and closer to my crotch. Steve used his thumbs to begin fondling my balls it was electric. It went from a simple massage of my balls to his fingers wrapped around my cock his hand felt like it was on fire it was hot and wonderful at the same time. He leaned further in and began kissing the head of my cock I thought I was going to cum right then. I shuddered hard when he put my cock inside his mouth. I was in heaven. never had I felt anything so good in my life. I realized why everyone said a good blow job was like nothing else. I looked down to see his face get lost against my abdomen as he swallowed my entire cock. He reached up and put both hands on my chest and began to lightly pinch my nipples. It was the first time that I knew my nipples were connected directly to my dick and between his mouth and fingers I was in total bliss. Slowly he pushed me back and I laid down he never lost stroke his head was now bobbing up and down on my dick and it was soaked with his saliva. I could feel the warmth of his saliva dripping down my balls and I was moaning like crazy I never wanted him to stop.

"Oh God Steve please don't stop, oh God you feel wonderful. oh yea suck my cock oh God this is incredible...mmmmmm." And I began to feel my balls grow tight, knew what was happening, knew I had to tell him. I gripped the sheets and pulled them up and around me. I threw my legs up on the bed and spread them as far as I could.

"STEVE your gonna make me cum, oh God you are going to make me cum!" I was almost screaming at him. " Oh man so close." The suction in his mouth got tighter and I could feel the head of my dick touch the back of his throat. "Don't stop Steve, oh god man please don't stop." The world stopped my head flew off the bed my balls were screaming for release, I felt my balls get sucked into his mouth. My cock was throbbing up and down with the beating of my heart. My balls never hurt so much in my life, I began begging him to give me the release I needed so much.

"Please Steve..Please Please make me cum I'm hurting so bad, Ive got to cum NOW! Please don't make me wait any more, we can keep going I just need to..." His lips were on mine bringing an end to my pleading and groveling. I grabbed his head smashing my teeth and lips into his I was trying to hump and grind my body against his. He kept bucking off of me not allowing me any pressure to his body no way to rub my cock against his body in any way.

"SShhhsss..quiet baby...go easy, it's okay your going to be okay." Slowly he stroked the sides of my face pushing my hair off my forehead I felt like he was wiping away the sweat and all he did was kiss my forehead, down to my eyes over my mouth and onto my neck lightly biting my neck and running his tongue along my jugular vein. I had goose bumps and still he made his way down my chest licking my nipples and biting them from one to the other. By now he had my hands out to my side and his weight and strength kept them there. He looked up at me.

"I don't want you to move unless I move you, okay? I don't want you to move one muscle, if you do, I'll make you wait even longer for that release you want oh so bad right now..can you promise me you won't?" I was in agony, I was going crazy at that precise moment.

"Mmmm...your going to kill me, I need to cum so bad can't we just.." He jumped from his position of holding me down to straddling my chest his cock was inches from my mouth it was instantly moist inside my throat and I couldn't take my eyes off of it. Closer he moved even closer, his knees replaced his hands, his hands took hold of my head and he pulled it up forcing me to do just what I wanted and that was to put his not cock into my mouth. It tasted like nectar of the gods and it felt like velvet steel. I became a vacuum on his cock and he became a piston shoving it down and pulling it almost all the way out. I was straining to not let him get away from me. I wanted to bring him to the point he had brought me to. I wanted to get even with him. I sucked it as much as he was letting me and I began to realize he was in control again. He was feeding me just how much and how little he wanted to. I immediately tried to get his cock out of my mouth and thought I could tease him that way. Without so much as a whimper he backed away from me and put his hot cock right on top of mine and started humping and grinding them together. Out precum made it slick between our stomachs, I instantly started grinding back into him, he froze and kissed me slowly and tenderly he let go of my hands and arms and just kissed me leaning on his hands just enough to take his total body weight off me. I was on fire and wanted him in the worse way I needed him at that moment more than I needed anything else.

"Please Steve finish me, take me I want to feel every inch of you inside of me." I reached up and took his face in my hands and brought his mouth down to mine. I felt his tongue slip into my mouth probing every surface I have.

"Mmm yes please Steve please I'm begging you to do this, I'm begging you please."

"Are you sure that's what you want? Are you sure your ready for me?" He said it so softly with such concern and care it made me want him even more.

"Yes, I'm sure I need you to be part of me, I've waited so long, I don't want to wait any more." I was craving his touch and he gave it to me he stood up and slid my body to the edge of the bed, grabbed my legs and pressed my knees against my chest. I took hold of my legs and just gazed at him as he looked down at me. I was swept away by the look in his eyes, a look that told me he did love me without saying it I knew he did. He kneeled down and before I could look at him his tongue ran down my balls and across my hole. I had never felt anything like that in my life I was whimpering with lust. For several minutes he kept that up licking and sucking at my hole, I was twisting all over the bed.

"No more no more just take me just get inside of me Steve please."

He stood up completely and took hold of my legs and slowly began rubbing his cock across the entrance he was seeking. Slowly he held still and pressed his cock against my opening and pushed. The pain was surreal, I wanted to scream instead I clenched my teeth together and began to silently scream. He asked me if I wanted him to stop and I shook my head back and forth not to. He didn't. He just kept pushing himself into me until I could fell his body against my ass. I knew he was all the way in. But he didn't move he just stood motionless. It may have been his first time but he seemed to know to just give me some time to let his size adjust to being in my ass. It was like time stood still but again ever so slowly be began to slowly pull out and press back in, gently, it was just slow gentle movements and the pain began to subside and the pleasure began to take over. The knob of his cock was rubbing my prostate making all the pain worthwhile.

"Oh my god Steve you feel so good, oh yes I need you to make love to me, keep doing this to me don't stop just don't stop what your doing." He leaned down and began kissing my neck lightly, almost savagely biting into my shoulder. He was quickening his pace pulling out further and further each time and ramming his cock back in harder and harder. I was in heaven this was the most incredible feeling that I had ever experienced in my entire life. I never wanted this to end.

"God Michael I don't want this to end, I want to just stay inside of you, crawl into as far as I can go. I love being like this with you, you know that?" And continued to attack my ass, grinding his cock inside of me.

"I want you to unload in me, leave yourself in me. Do that for me please." I was begging and I didn't care I wanted what I wanted. It just seem to be the one thing that at that moment I wanted more than anything. This was the first for me what better way to remember this than to know that he had given part of himself to me. I can't begin to explain how that knowledge of what he was going to do does to you. But I knew what it was going to mean to me, what else mattered at that point?

"You want it now baby?" He was breathing harder and he was covered in a sheen of sweat.

"Do it now man, give it to me Steve, do it for me, give me what I want please."

His pace began to become furious and powerful and I was thrashing all over the bed trying to hold myself in place and he continued to assault my ass. I never wanted this to end he was in complete control and I loved every inch of him for being there.

"Now Michael, NOW MICHAEL.."

`He slammed into me with such force that I moved back into the bed and he began to unload his sperm into me and I felt the throbbing and pulsing of his hot cock I began to explode all over myself and onto him. I felt like I was going to pass out. I had never cum like that with such force my body was racked with an orgasmic overload. My world went blank.

"Baby, baby, come on....." He was holding me. Calling me again. "Baby come on."

"I'm okay man, just never came so hard in my life."

"You are never to do that to me again, do you understand me, you just scared the shit out of me and just after you drained the cum out of me." Now he was being sarcastic, a quality I deeply admired in him. Little did I realize that in those seconds I was out he had jumped up into the bed and pulled me up into the center of the bed with him. I didn't want to move I knew that much.

"It's your fault you know, god your incredible know wonder I started calling you Studly."

"I think that's a little over the top to be calling me that Baby."

"Maybe but it's not fair that your calling me a name, I should be able to do the same to you, right?"

"I suppose but don't you think you could think of something else, I'm not a Studly as you call me. Couldn't you tone it down some?"

"I'll try, but I'm not promising you anything and besides what happens if the next one I pick sucks?"

"I'll take my chances."

"I want you to know how good you just made me feel Steve. What you just did to me was incredible especially it being my first time. I will never forget this. But I feel a little guilty that it was all about me, you never gave me the chance to make you feel as good as you were making me feel."

"Again, I'll take my chances with you and consider the possibility that there will be a next time and my reward for waiting will be worth it," How come when he said things like that it always with an air of confidence, he just sounded so sure of himself. I was envious of his confidence and reassured at the same time.

Next: Chapter 2

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