Steve and Me Series

By Skylar Harris

Published on Aug 31, 2016


This is a fictional story. It includes sexual interactions between adult men. It is pure fiction! If these types of stories offend you, please do not read further.

This story is an original story written by and copyright of the Author.

Steve gave my bum a little pat and I climbed off his lap letting his cock slip out of me.

"What sounds good for breakfast?" Steve followed up, a broad smile on his face.

"Whatever. I'm easy." I replied, smiling back.

He jumped out of the bed and headed-I presumed-to the kitchen. I sat on the bed my hole with an enjoyable ache. I grabbed a pair of pajama pants I saw sitting on a chair in the corner of the room. I grabbed a t-shirt from my bag and headed towards the main living room. Steve was in the kitchen and I smelled bacon cooking.

"Coffee?" Steve asked.

"Yes, please." I responded, as I pulled a chair up to the kitchen bar. The TV was on quietly playing some sports show, with recaps of the previous days events. Steve placed a steaming mug on bar in front of me, as I watched the TV absentmindedly.

"Thank you." I added, turning my attention to him.

"No problem." He replied with his easy smile.

I loved how easy it was to be in his company. He turned around and to tend to the bacon cooking on the stove. He was not wearing a shirt. I took in his body from behind. His back was smooth and my eyes traced down his back. He was wearing some checked pajama pants, similar to the ones I was wearing and a pair of slippers.

"Waffles and scrambled eggs okay?" Steve asked.

"That sounds great!" I said. "I mean, can I help with anything?" I quickly followed up.

"Sure, you wanna start getting toast together? I'll go see if Kevin is going to join the land of the living." He said, chuckling to himself.

I hopped off my stool and walked around the bar, as Steve headed to the master bedroom. I found the bread and dropped 4 slices in the big toaster. I looked in the pantry finding the syrup, grabbed the butter, and took them to the table. I got plates and silverware together on the counter.

Steve came walking around the corner and saw I had everything together. "Nice. Thanks Jeff!" He said. "Kevin's on his way."

"Good morning, gentlemen!" Kevin said enthusiastically, leaning up against the bar. He did not have matching pants, as Steve did not have any his size there. Kevin, opted for no pants and was wearing his tighty-whitey underwear and a white undershirt he had from the previous day. I had always loved those kinds of briefs and enjoyed seeing Kevin sporting them this morning. I felt a little tingle in my pants, as I smiled at him thinking of his broad member.

"Eggs are ready and we have a couple waffles ready to go." Steve apprised us both.

"Plates are on the counter, butter and syrup are on the table." I followed up, as I pulled the toast out of the toaster and set it on a plate bringing it to the table. "Also, the toast now, too!" I said with a smile.

"Shit. How do you guys keep in such good shape eating like this?!" Kevin asked in mock frustration, grabbing a plate. I grabbed plate, stepping in behind Kevin. He backed into me accidentally, but I felt my cock graze his butt. Another tingle went through my body. Kevin didn't notice and continued to the stove. He loaded up his plate with some eggs, a waffle, and some bacon.

I was waiting behind him again. "No sausage?" He asked joking. "I suppose just us guys means we have plenty of sausage" He laughed looking down at my slightly tented pants. I blushed and adjusted pushing my penis down in my pants. Without underwear, it didn't do any good... in fact it was more noticeable now.

Kevin laughed. "It's just a men out here, remember?" He reminded me. "I'm surprised I'm not sporting a full on boner... maybe last night wore me out." He laughed again.

I decided not to care. It was "just us men..." out here and we didn't have any secrets in here. I filled up my plate and went to sit down. I had left my coffee on the bar, so got up to get it. It was lukewarm now, so I decided to throw in the microwave real quick. As I was leaning against the counter, Steve reached around me for something by the microwave. This time I felt Steve's soft member graze my butt. I pushed into it, without thinking. He remained letting me grind my ass into his cock.


The microwave brought me back into reality. I stopped, opened the microwave and pulled my coffee out. I sat back down at the table and noticed that Steve was now starting to tent his pants a little. He definitely was not wearing any underwear under those pants. I could trace the outline through the fabric.

Kevin was watching the TV as he buttered his waffles. He grabbed the syrup and squeezed a generous amount onto them. Steve joined us at the table. I was sitting on one side, Kevin was sitting at the end, and Steve was sitting opposite to me.

We ate without much talk, apparently our bodies needed the sustenance.

"Damnit!" Kevin mumbled, as he retrieved the lost bite of waffle that had trailed syrup down his shirt, falling to the floor. Without a word, he pulled his shirt off over his head. He continued eating and watching the TV. I was eating and watching Steve and Kevin. They were both without shirts. Steve's torso was covered in his salt and peppery fur. Kevin's soft body was smooth... maybe a little sticky from a random drip of syrup, and a little trace of hair around each of his pink nipples and around his navel. I knew that hair went down under his belly flowing down into those briefs and to a nest of dark pubic hair around his dense package.

Apparently I had a pretty dazed expression on my face, as I started at Kevin in a day dream about his body, because Kevin said, "You okay Jeff?" sounding concerned.

I shook my head looking up quickly. "Sorry, I'm just exhausted and get a little stare'y when I'm tired." I smiled, reassuring.

"Yeah, we did have a late night." He conceded. "Speaking of... what happened to the channel we were watching last night?" Kevin said with a grin. He got up from the table looking for the remote. I watched him walk around the couch in his white briefs. He sat down and used the remote with expertise. He found the same channel from last night.

The show was just starting. It was a woman in her bed. She was touching herself in her bra and panties. She let her hand rub over the front of her panties, while her other hand rubbed on her bra. As she bit her lip, she moaned appreciating and enjoying her own touch. She pulled the front of her panties to the side exposing her very short and neatly trimmed pubic hair. Her finger slipped between her lips and her finger explored her clit and the rest of her wet pussy vigorously. She pulled one of her pert round breasts from her bra, squeezing and teasing her nipple.

I was enjoying the show too. Watching someone masturbate was something I had enjoyed. I liked watching people without them knowing... just like Kevin last night.

Steve got up and started clearing the plates from the table. As he grabbed Kevin's plate to my right, a bit of syrup dripped off onto the front of his pajama pants. "Ooops..." He said, mostly to himself, but catching my attention. I turned and saw the syrup on the fly of his pants. He was right next to me at the table his hands full of our dishes. I leaned towards him and licked the syrup pressing my mouth into his groin. I felt his soft penis under his pants against my cheek. I licked and sucked the front of his pants gently. He pulled away and turned to put the plates down on the kitchen bar, then came back over to the table.

I didn't waste any time I pulled his fleecey pants down quickly. His soft meat was right by my face. I grabbed the syrup from the table and without thinking, let some dribble down his stomach and onto his hanging member. As it trailed its way down to his tip, I met it at the end and let it drip into my mouth. My tongue followed the flow up the top of his penis and up his stomach. I came back to his head and pulled it lovingly into my warm mouth. It was sweet from the syrup and I let my tongue wash all over him. His cock was starting to get hard with my mouth's attentions to it. He stroked my head, but when I looked up at him, he was watching the show.

It didn't bother me, I was getting to enjoy exactly what I wanted. Feeling his penis thickening and growing inside my mouth was maybe my favorite experience with him... so far. He was getting bigger and bigger inside me. I let me hands run up and down his thighs and then fondled his balls.

His cock was now at its full length and I felt it against the back of my throat. I relaxed and let it push into my throat. This was the 2nd time I felt his cock push down my throat. I don't know if I was good at "deep throating", but it always seemed to take him to a new level of pleasure. It happened this time too. I heard a low rumbled moan escape his lips and he pushed his himself further down my throat, holding my head firmly. I let him fuck my throat, his balls bouncing against my chin.

I could tell he was getting close... I was really learning to recognize his body's cues. He pushed himself one more time deep down my throat and I felt him coating my throat with his seed. He pulsed as each jet made its way down into my belly.

He let his cock slide out of my throat and mouth. Leaning with one hand on the dining table and one still on top of my head. He looked me in the eyes and smiled appreciatively. I smiled back like a puppy to its master. I would do anything for Steve... anything he wanted me to do for him, or... anything he wanted to do to me...

He pulled his pants up and went back to clearing the dishes, like nothing had happened.

Thank you for reading! Let me know what you thought of my story. I love to hear from happy readers!

Next: Chapter 8: Steve and Me 8

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