Steve and Me Series

By Skylar Harris

Published on Aug 22, 2016


This is a fictional story. It includes sexual interactions between an adult man and a minor. It is pure fiction! If these types of stories offend you, please do not read further.

This story is an original story written by and copyright of the Author.

We ate our burgers in the hot tub (still all 3 of us naked). This was the best part. There was no awkwardness after what had just happened. We were just 3 guys hanging out again.

"Those burgers were great, Steve." Kevin complimented.

"Yes, thank you." I added quickly.

"Amy always does a good job of making sure I stay well fed." Steve winked and patted his stomach.

The sky was a deep orange color, as the sun finished hiding behind the hills that surrounded the cabin. It really was beautiful.

I closed my eyes and leaned back in the hot tub and listened to the stream down the hill. This was exactly what I needed.

"Hey Steve, with the sun going down... is it okay, if I just crash here tonight?" Kevin asked.

"Sure." Steve replied, easily. "I was just thinking we would throw something on the TV and get a fire started. We just got the satellite hooked up, so we have just about every channel there is."

"Nice! Thanks buddy." Kevin responded.

We sat in silence. Appreciating the sounds that surrounded us and watching the stars as they started to appear in the darkening sky.

"I think if I stay out here much longer, I'm gonna turn into a prune." Kevin said, breaking the silence. "You guys ready to get out?" He asked.

"I'm good to go." I said feeling more relaxed than I had in months.

"I'll go grab us some towels." Steve said standing up and climbing out of the hot tub.

I watched his bare ass and legs-catching glimpses of his balls dangling between, as he walked. God, he was sexy!

He came back with one towel wrapped around him and 2 spares. He put them on the patio table beside the hot tub. Kevin got up and climbed out next. I waited, enjoying watching his big body dripping with water and steaming in the cool night air. He started drying off, as I climbed out last. My cock was half hard again, just watching the 2 of them walking around.

"Damn Jeff. Does that thing every calm down?" Kevin said jokingly.

I smiled back, "I can't help it!" I said, as I dried myself off and then wrapped the towel around my waist.

We all walked back into the cabin. The air was much warmer inside, but still cool.

"Hey Jeff, would you mind getting a fire going, please?" Steve asked politely.

"Sure!" I replied eagerly.

"Would either of you like something to drink? I was going to make a quick french press and have an Irish coffee." Steve continued.

"That sounds great!" Kevin replied. "You 2 can just take care of me all night." He laughed, as he sat down into the couch and grabbed the remote and flipped the TV on.

He was still only wearing the towel and as he sat his legs were spread apart, affording me another great view of that thick cock he had up his towel. I stared without thinking... Kevin didn't seem to notice either, he was trying to figure out the remote.

"Alrighty, let's see what we have on here." He said, as he scrolled through the guide. "NICE!" He exclaimed finding something to his enjoyment. "You got unlimited channels with that new promotion?" He asked.

"I guess so." Steve replied, not seeming especially interested.

"You definitely do!" Kevin said and turned the channel to what he had found.

I heard what it was, before I saw it. It was a woman moaning... in a good way. I looked up and saw 2 hands running up the torso of a super sexy blonde. The hands reached her tits and started squeezing and teasing her nipples.

"That's what I'm talking about." Kevin said, excited. He scooted more to the edge of his seat, causing the towel to ride up a bit and giving me an even better view.

I forced myself to refocus on my task: build a fire. I started moving smaller logs together in the fireplace. As I organized the logs, my towel slipped off. I quickly reached for it instinctively.

"Really?" Kevin asked, laughing. "As you'll recall, 'it's just us men out here'."

"Fair enough." I said, letting the towel dropped. It was liberating, casual, and really exciting for me... I was bending over in front of 2 other men, building a fire, while porn showing right above my head.

I chanced a look over my shoulder and saw Kevin, fully absorbed in the woman on the TV... It was pretty hot. Her pussy was completely smooth, as a smooth, male model type, had his hard cock pumping in and out of her hot cunt.

Behind Kevin, Steve had pulled the kettle off the stove and was adding the water to press for the coffee. It made no difference to him, that I was naked and building a fire in his fire place. We were just guys spending time enjoying things we all enjoyed. While we all enjoyed each other just moments before, we also were definitely attracted to women.

I continued on my task. Steve kept a "quick light" log for each fire, so it was pretty easy getting it going. I made sure the fire was self-sufficient and then went to go sit on the couch beside Kevin and started watching the porn. Guys in porns like this were really not my type. Smooth, perfect body, perfect hair... just not my style. I liked "regular" guys. I liked guys that didn't seem so manicured. I liked Steve. Nice hairing torso, smooth back and butt, a salt and pepper hair-all over his body. I liked Kevin's body too. He was overweight, but... he was a man. His big beer belly was smooth, but natural. He had a little bit of hair around his nipples, but was really mostly smooth.

However, as I watched those tits bouncing up and down as she sat on that guys pole, I couldn't help as my cock started to get hard.

"Who wants an Irish coffee?" Steve asked, again.

"I'd love one, please" I responded quickly. I was thinking about the caffeine giving me more energy for the rest of the night.

"I'm good." said Kevin, sounding a distracted. He clearly was. He was rubbing his meat over his towel.

Steve walked around the side of the couch with 2 steaming mugs and nothing else. He must have lost his towel in the kitchen too.

Kevin had hardly noticed, but I sure did. Steve's half erect cock was bouncing with each step he took and sat down right next to me on the couch.

"Thanks." I said, taking the mug from Steve.

Kevin looked over when I spoke. "What?!" he started. "Why am I the only one still wearing a towel?!" He pulled it back, so he was just sitting on it and started pulling on his thick piece.

I was sitting in between 2 naked men. Kevin with a full erection and stroking his cock with no shame. Steve was now at full attention watching the porn too, but he was drinking his coffee as he watched the TV.

I forcibly drank my coffee, too quickly probably. It tasted like there was quite of bit of liquor in it,and-as I finished it-I could feel it in my head. I was a little fuzzy and could feel my own inhibitions going down. I watched as the camera panned down from those big tits down the woman's torso and to her smooth pussy. She was on her back and he just slid in and out of her hot pussy with ease.

I started to stroke my own cock, thinking only of how good I felt. I felt Steve's hand reach over and he pulled my hand off as he started to stroke my cock for me. I couldn't remember ever feeling so good. I reached underneath Steve's arm and started to stroke his hard cock with my left hand. This was amazing! I loved feeling another man's hot cock throbbing in my hand. Then I realized, I had another free hand. I reached over and stopped Kevin's hand and used my right hand to start stroking Kevin's meat. I still couldn't get over how thick it was!

Kevin reached over my arm, reaching for my cock. Steve was already working it, but pulled his hand away to give Kevin access. This was easily the best experience I had ever had. 2 men, one in each hand, hard, while one of them stroked me. I felt Steve run his hand down my back and his hand started to reach between my ass cheeks.

I did my best to give him access, while making sure I didn't let go of either one of their cocks. Steve's finger was in between my cheeks and his finger found my hole. He pressed it, but without any type of lube, he couldn't fit it in. Just the pressure on my hole made me feel even more amazing. God, I wanted him to fuck me, so bad!

I started to change my position to get Steve more access to my hole. I let go of Steve's cock and started to slide my butt sideways on the couch towards Steve, Kevin could not keep a hold of me, as I moved, but I started to started to lie down putting my head towards Kevin's cock. He was ready for it this time. He sucked in his gut a bit to give me the best access possible to him.

I was now on all fours on the couch, with my ass facing Steve and my face in Kevin's lap. Steve had moved down the couch, but I felt him get up. I wasn't sure where he was going, but I was thoroughly diverted by Kevin's cock filling my mouth and his stomach pressing against my cheek. Kevin was stroking my back and head, as he moaned appreciating my mouth.

It wasn't long and I felt a hand on my butt. Steve was back. I felt the liquid slide down my crack, I recognize the smell immediately-olive oil. He slid his hand up and down my crack and pushed my ass out towards him. He gently let his finger glide into my hole. I groaned pushing my ass into it, making his finger slide all the way to his knuckles. He pulled his finger out and I quickly felt his tip pressed against my hole.

I wanted this so badly right now. I pushed towards him, but he was still being Steve-gentle and careful. His head popped into my hole and he stopped. He held my hips in place and slowly started to slide the rest of himself inside me.

Kevin didn't care, he was lost in my mouth. I had one fat cock in my mouth and another in my ass. It was the most incredible feeling I had ever had. There were 4 hands running all over my entire body, as I let both of them use my holes. I juggling Kevin's balls under my chin, as I licked and slurped on his swollen meat.

I could hear the porn coming to a climax, but over that sound was the sounds of us in the room. The repeating slap of Steve's pelvis on my ass, my mouth's sloppy sounds on Kevin's prick, and Kevin and Steve's moans of pleasure. My body felt like it would explode with the energy of the 3 of us coursing through it.

Kevin's breathing was getting shorter and faster. Steve's thrusts were getting quicker... I knew they would both cum soon. I wanted this moment to last forever, but knew it couldn't... I knew I couldn't. I felt Kevin's balls pull towards his body and his cum filled my mouth for a 2nd time. I swallowed it gratefully, while Steve continued loving my hole completely.

"I'm gonna cum, Jeff... is that okay?" He asked.

I didn't say anything, as my mouth was full, but reached behind me and pulled him into me further. He knew what it meant. He gave one more big thrust, pushing as far into me as he could and I felt his cock erupt filling my ass with his cum. As I felt his cock throbbing with each jet he sent in me, I too blew my load... right on the couch underneath me. It was the most incredible orgasm of my life. I still had Kevin's cock in my mouth with cum around the edges of my mouth, Steve was still loosing his load into my ass and I was in ecstasy.

My head was on Kevin's lap and he just let me lay there stroking my hair. Steve stroking my back, his cock still buried in my ass.

"That was amazing Jeff." They said it at the same time. Steve let his softening cock slide from my hole. I lay down the rest of the way onto the couch with my head still in Kevin's lap. I was spent.

How many more days did we have? 2? I could sleep now, I decided :).

Thank you for reading! Let me know what you thought of my story. I love to hear from happy readers!

Next: Chapter 5: Steve and Me 5

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