Steve and Me Series

By Skylar Harris

Published on Jul 9, 2016


This is a fictional story. It includes sexual interactions between adult men. It is pure fiction! If these types of stories offend you, please do not read further.

This story is an original story written by and copyright of the Author.

Steve and I had become better friends, as time went by. I had met his wife and they had me over for dinner about twice a month. It was nice visiting with them. All of my family lived out of state, so I think Amy (Steve's wife) felt some maternal obligation for me.

It had been about 8 months since Steve and I's last "disposal fix." It was now getting into the height of spring. My phone rang and I saw it was Steve. I want sure why he was calling, but immediately started thinking why he would call. It was the 5th... Did I forget to pay the rent?!

I answered, "Hi Steve, how's it going?"

"Hi Jeff. I was just calling to ask you something..." He seemed a little nervous.

"Did you not get my rent check this month?" I asked, a little concerned.

"No, it's not that. I got it just yesterday." He responded.

I could hear Amy in background, "What did he say?" She said.

"I haven't asked him yet, Amy... Give me a minute." He responded to her.

I smiled hearing their interaction. Amy was a lovely lady. Very kind, but very direct.

"Well ask him already." She retorted.

"Sorry Jeff, I was just calling to see, if you would want to join me on a weekend fishing trip out to our cabin?" He asked.

My mind raced quickly through what that meant...

"I wouldn't want to impose on you and Amy." I responded tentatively.

"Oh, Amy wasn't going to come. She isn't much into fishing. She said I should ask you since it is a long weekend theMemorial holiday."

I had taken some extra time off with the holiday about 2 months back, because I was going to go visit my girlfriend... That plan was cancelled when we broke up a month ago, but I did keep the time off.

"That would actually be really awesome." I was unsuccessful at hiding my enthusiasm. I had told them about Jenny (my now ex) and I the previous week. It was a crappy addition, but the long distance really did it in.

"Great! It should be a nice and relaxing trip." Steve said. "The cabin is a ways out, so we should leave pretty early. Is it alright for me to come by around 4 Saturday?" He asked.

"4 am?! You will have to drive, but sure." I said, smiling as I thought about the possibilities of this weekend.

"Then I will see you Saturday." He said.

I could hardly wait for the 2 days to go by. I was excited about it being just us, but also about just going somewhere quiet, away from everything here. I was even looking forward to fishing. Most of all I thought about the things we would be doing together...

Finally, the Friday came! I got home from work at about 2:30, as usual. I grabbed a back pack. I was intentional about what to bring. I decided I wouldn't bring any underwear and would just go "commando" for the weekend. Just in case there was an opportunity for... Well anything. I brought a swim suit, as their cabin was right on a river and they had toldme they had a hot tub. Other than that I had some t shirts, a hoodie, and my favorite pair of shorts.

I climbed in to bed and couldn't fall asleep... I started to think about Steve, as I had started to do often. I was naked in bed. I started to think about the possibility of things we could do... I started stroking myself. My cock was very responsive. Before long I was swollen to my full 7 ish inches. My foreskin was sliding up and back, as my precum lubricated my head. It wasn't long and I shot my load onto my stomach. I had a towel by my bed and wiped my stomach clean. Now I was ready to sleep.

It seemed I had just fallen asleep when I heard a knock on the door. I looked at my clock. I had just fallen asleep, but it was 4. I jumped out of bed and went to the door, dazed and groggy from sleep. I opened the door and Steve smiled atme, as he looked me over. I looked down, as I realized I was still naked.

I smiled back. "Good morning." I said sleepily.

Steve saw my backpack on the couch and grabbed it.

"I'll put this in the truck, while you get dressed. You can sleep on the drive." He said. His hand ran down my shoulder and back, and gently grazed my pert bottom.

I felt a stir in my cock, but Steve had already turned and went down to his truck. I went to my bedroom and threw on a pair of jeans, a white t shirt, and a hoodie. No underwear, of course. I headed down to the stairs and cloned into the truck.

"Ready to go?" Steve asked smiling.

I nodded, as a large yawn escaped my mouth.

"You can sleep Jeff. I'm fine for the drive." He said and patted my thigh.

"Thanks Steve. I am excited for the weekend." I said, stifling another yawn. I took Steve's recommendation and reclined my seat back. Within 30 seconds I was asleep.

I woke up to a jolt in the truck.

"Sorry." Steve said.

We were driving down a dirt road, hence the bumps. The sun was now coming up, I looked like I had been asleep almost 2 hours.

"Sorry, I slept so long." I replied, through a yawn. "Are we almost there?" I asked.

"Just about 45 mins out. You must have been exhausted." Steve said. "Good dreams?" He nodded towards my pants, which were completely tented from a morning erection. There was even a little wet patch from my dripping tip. I smiled and adjusted myself. I wished I could remember the dreams. Steve reached over and patted my thigh. He left his hand there and stroked the inside of my thigh.

I had the sudden realization, that I hadn't gone pee yet this morning... and I needed to.

"So, where are we currently?" I asked.

"In between the middle of no where and 'timbuktu'." Steve said.

"... And about 45 mins out?" I added.

"Yep. Everything okay?" Steve asked.

"I just really need to pee." I replied.

"Oh, that is easily remedied!" Steve said, as he pulled to the side of the road. "There is no one around for miles."

I jumped out of the truck, and walked off the road a bit towards some trees. It was still pretty cool in the morning and I knew we were higher in the mountains. I unzipped my pants and pulled my cock out of my fly. It felt liberating. My piss filled my foreskinand exploded out the end. It was liberating standing and peeing right off the road. I heard the other for on the truck and turned to see Steve walking over and undoing his pants. He was unbuttoned and unzipped when he got next to me. He was wearing his white briefs I enjoyed. He skipped the "fly" option and pulled his entire package out over his waistband. His balls hanging overand his soft cut cock resting atop them.

I was done, but didn't leave. I stared openly, as I watched his slit erupt with his hot piss. It steamed in the cool air. His stream slowed and shot a couple more jets. Steve just let his piece hang and reached both hands upwards in a big stretch, closing his eyes as he did this. While both of his hands were still up, I reached over and grabbed his soft meat. He jerked in surprise, but did not move. I got down on my knees and grabbed him by his thighs. I turned him towards me, so his cock was right at eye level with me. His tip dripped a drop of his piss and I licked it. It responded with a bounce of pleasure. I looked up at Steve.

"No one around for miles, right?" I asked smiling.

He smiled back and nodded. He ran his fingers through my hair, supportng my head gently with his hand.

I licked his tip, again, then pulled his manhood into my mouth. My tongue washed over his soft piece easily. Steve started to moan in pleasure. I grabbed the top of his jeans with both of my hands and pulled them down to give me better access to him. He continued to support my head and stroke my hair. I was hard in my jeans. I sucked and blew and licked him. I ran my hands up his now bare thighs. I grabbed at his ass and ran my fingers into his crack. Now he was fully erect. I continued working his tipand shaft with my mouth and tongue, as I gripped him with my hands. I fondled his balls in my hand, as I slobbered all over his hard prick. He was started to tense up and I knew he was about to cum. It had been too long and I wanted it. I dug my tongue into his slit and grabbed his cheeks, pulling him into me and his cock past my tongue and into my throat. He doubled over with a grunt, as his thick load hit the back of my throat. I pulled back, because I wanted to taste it too. I sucked him, swallowing every drop enthusiastically. He was still throbbing in my mouth, but I wanted it all. I held his softening dick with my hands licking him clean.

"I can tell you, Amy has never done that before." He chuckled, as he helped me to my feet. "Well, let's keep going." He continued nonchalantly.

It was this aspect of our friendship that I appreciated most. He never made a big deal about our physical interactions, it was just another thing we did on occasion. We drove the rest of the way talking about fishing and the plans for the weekend.

I knew that he and Amy did "well" for themselves, but this cabin was awesome. We walked in and Steve gave me a quick tour.

"The stairs go up to a loft. Down the hall on the right is the guest bathroom and guest room. The master bedroom is on the left."Steve said.

I looked around. The living room we large with a good sized fire place and a massive tv over the mantle. I pointed at it, nodding approval.

"We just had satellite TV installed last week." Steve said proudly.

He walked with me back to the bedrooms and said, "Here's your room." Again, he did not presume anything by putting my things in the master bedroom with him. I smiled at him.

"Let's get changed! The fish aren't going to catch themselves." Steve said excited. I went and grabbed my swimsuit and quickly changed. When I got to the living room, Steve was already in his own swimsuit. I sighed heavily. Steve gave me a questioning look.

"I forgot sunscreen." I said.

"In the closet on your left." He said smiling.

I opened it and found a bag full of different sunscreen options. I pulled one out.

"Here bring it here." Steve said.

I brought it to him and he squirted some into his hands. He started spreading over my back. His hands sliding over my skin felt wonderful. He ran his hands up and down my back, and down the sides of my torso. My body was responding to his touch. My nipples were hard. I turned to face him. He smiled and squirted the sunscreen directly on my chest. He started rubbing it in, giving special attention to my nipples. He reached into the front of my swim shorts and grabbed my hard cock. I gasped in delight. I was super pent up. I almost came right in his hand. He quickly yanked my shorts down and dropped to his knees. His warm mouth covered my meat in wetness. I buckled, trying to hold back. He backed off, but pulled my foreskin back exposing my purple head. As his lips touched my most sensitive spot, I pushed my cock into his mouth spraying the inside of his mouth with my juices. He took it like a champ swallowing and licking me clean. He kissed the last drop from my head.

"Better?" He asked smiling.

I smiled back at him goofily and nodded.

"Great, let's get down to the river!" He continued, not skipping a beat.

"Can I lotion you in return?" I asked.

He returned my grin. "This here is natural sunscreen!" He replied motioning to his hair cover torso.

I laughed in response, but was a little disappointed to not get to run my hands all over him, but we had 2 more days together.

We spent the next 4 hours in the river fishing. The water was cold, but the sun was out and the day was hot. It was wonderful. We fished in silence about 60 feet apart. The day was beautiful. I could stay out here forever, I thought to myself... My stomach brought me back to reality, growling loudly. I realized I hadn't eaten anything, apart from Steve's load, since the day before. I waved up at Steve and he walked over.

"Sorry Steve, but I am starving!" I said pleadingly.

"We got plenty of food up at the cabin. Amy loaded us up!" He responded easily. "Let's go get some grub!" He continued. We walked back up the hill to his cabin. It was starting to cool off quickly, as it does in the mountains.

"You should hop into the hot tub. I'll get food together." Steve suggested, as he turned the grill on and headed inside.

I nodded gratefully. I took the hot tub cover off and climbed in to the steaming water. I hadn't realized how tired my body was. Standing against the current of the river had really worn me out. I watched Steve inside the cabin through the window. The landline phone had rung and he was talking to someone. He came out with burgers on a plate and a bag of buns. He set the buns on the patio table, and went to the grill to put the burgers on.

"Everything okay?" I asked, regarding the phone call.

"It seems we may have some company this evening." He said.

I tried not to sound too disappointed. "Oh, who?"

"A neighbor friend." Steve said.

I looked at him confused. Steve recognized my look and continued. "They have a house up the road 2 miles. He was just out for a hike near here."

"Oh..." I said, again, sounding more disappointed. I reminded myself '2 more days.'

I leaned back in the hot tub with my eyes closed. Listening to the sounds of the river below and the sizzling meat on the grill. It was peaceful. I needed this too.

"Hello!" The greeting broke the silence. I opened my eyes and saw, presumably, Steve's neighbor coming around the side of the cabin.

"Hiya Kevin! How are you?" Steve asked, as he clapped him on the shoulder and shook his hand.

"Tired!" Kevin responded, as he collapsed into one of the patio chairs.

I smiled, as we made eye contact.

"Oh, Kevin, this is Jeff. He is a tenet and friend of Amy and me." I went as if to stand up and Kevin waved me back down.

"Don't get up on my account." He said. I was actually thinking, having a sit in the hot tub would be sweet relief for my aching body." He continued.

"Be my guest!" Was Steve's reply. "But I don't have a swimsuit that would fit you!" Steve said, mock jabbing him.

"Good thing I brought my birthday suit!" Kevin shot back.

"Amy isn't along, so it's just the men out this trip." Steve said.

God I was horny.

I was excited now, about Kevin taking his clothes off and getting in the hot tub with me.

Kevin started to take his clothes off. He was a bigger guy. I noticed he was still breathing heavily from the "hike." He had taken his shoes and socks off, while sitting on the patio chair. He pulled his shirt over his head, revealing a large gut that sat on his lap. He was not as hairy as Steve, but his soft man-boobs and big stomach still excited me. I was staring in anticipation of seeing him take his pants off. With one quick motion, he stood up and pulled his pants and underwear down. I bit my lip, as I gawked at his body. His stomach mostly hung over his manhood, but the tip of his cut cock stuck out just under it. It was thicker than any cock I've seen. It wasn't long, maybe 2-3 inches, but "DAMN" it was thick. His sack hung low underneath, looking incredibly heavy. I wondered how much of a load he carried in it... My mouth was starting to water.

"We have burgers and sausages enough for all of us." Steve said. He brought the food to a little table by the hot tub and climbed in.

We ate and chatted about the area and recent weather. It seemed Kevin came out more regularly.

I was sitting across from Kevin and Steve was to my left. Kevin was getting a little warm, so he climbed onto the side of the hot tub, so only his legs were in the water. Sitting on the opposite side of the hot tub, afforded me an excellent view of his cock and balls. I was hard almost instantly. His balls were even heavier having gotten warmer. The hung down between his legs his thick little pecker poking out. His slit felt almost like it was winking at me. I wanted to try to fit it in my mouth, but I didn't even know him.

The jets went off. I hadn't even thought, but my cock was straining the front of my swimsuit. Kevin noticed almost immediately.

"Whoa, Jeff! You okay?" He smiled.

I didn't know what to say, fortunately Steve interjected.

"Jeff and his girlfriend just broke up. I think he has been pretty pent up." Steve explained.

"Shit, I can't even remember the last opportunity I had to "rub one out"." Kevin responded understandingly.

I was still unsure what to say, so I laughed half-heartedly.

"Well Jeff, you don't need to feel weird about me noticing. Pretty hard not to." He said smiling. "You should probably let that monster out, before your shorts tear." he continued, giving me a reassuring wink.

Steve smiled at me and said, "Just us men out here." He repeated a new motto for our weekend. I thought about it briefly, then decided to go for it. I pulled my shorts off. The water on my stiff cock felt great and it felt wonderful to be freed from my shorts.

Kevin whistled, "That's a sizable piece Jeff." I smiled back. at him.

"Thanks!" I said. I appreciated that he didn't say anything about my foreskin.

"I am going to grab a beer, do you guys want anything?" Steve asked, as he climbed out of the hot tub.

"That sounds great!" Kevin responded, as he slid back into the hot tub.

Kevin scooted around the hot tub and was right beside me.

"Would you mind?" He asked, nodding at my member.

I didn't know what to say, again, but nodded. He wrapped his fingers around my cock.

"Maybe we could help each other out." Kevin suggested, as he started to pump me. His grip was firm, but gentle.

I reached over. I slid my hand up his thigh. His stomach was big enough that it sat on his lap, so I reached further sliding up and under his stomach. His cock was getting hard too. It was so thick in my hand, I could hardly wrap my fingers around it. I heard the door and saw Steve coming back out. He didn't say anything, but pulled his shorts off and climbed over to the side of the hot tub opposite to me. Kevin hadn't taken his eyes off my cock, but as Steve sat opposite to me I couldn't take my eyes off him. His familiar body. His furry chest. His beautiful cock, that I had just drained earlier that day.

Kevin's breathing was heavy and shallow, as I tugged his thick meat under his stomach. He did not stop pulling my cock faster and faster. My eyes didn't leave Steve's member, I watched him stroking up and down. His balls were bouncing in rhythm with each pull. Kevin was getting warm and started to climb out on to the side again, by this time he was pulling me up with him. I was getting really close... As the cold air hit my tip, I lost control. I fell back and blew my load. It shot onto my chest and stomach. I sat shaking, as I recovered. I had let go of Kevin's cock in my pleasure. I opened my eyes still shaking from another amazing orgasm.

"Damn Jeff, you got cum on me!" Kevin laughed.

Steve smiled. "Here Kev, let me help." He said. Steve was so kind and good. It made me want him more.

I scooted around the side of the tub as Steve came over and used a towel to get the cum off Kevin's big belly.

Steve then reached for Kevin's piece. Kevin leaned back resting on his hands and giving Steve better access to his thick cock.

I watched as Steve slowly stroked Kevin's hard meat. I was already getting hard again... but more than that I didn't want to be left out.

I slid around to the other side of Kevin sitting beside him. I reached between his legs and started and started to gently play with his sack, as Steve tugged his meat.

Kevin moaned in approval. "Just us men out here is pretty fucking great!" he said.

I smiled at Steve, as we continued giving Kevin a very thorough hand job. I loved feeling each of his balls in my hand. They were really big...

Kevin's eyes were closed, as he leaned back letting us take care of him. I got up and moved around to being in front of Kevin and knelt in between his legs.

I kept fondling Kevin's balls, but as I moved in front of him Steve slowed his stroking of Kevin. I licked his sack and he shuddered, but didn't move. I continued licking his sack and then pulled one of his massive balls into my warm mouth.

"Oh god, yes!" Kevin groaned.

I let the first one out of my mouth and found the other one quickly. Kevin was in heaven.

Steve stopped stroking Kevin's member, and I quickly pulled his cock's fat purple head into my mouth.

"Fuck yes!" Kevin nearly shouted. "Jeff your mouth is amazing! God damnit!"

I liked that he was enjoying himself. I certainly was.

Steve had resumed just stroking his own cock, as he watched me eat Kevin's.

"Jeff, I'm about to fill that hot mouth of your's, if you don't stop!" Kevin was warning me I knew, but he didn't know I wanted it so bad.

I sucked his cock further into my mouth and stuck out my tongue letting it run down his sack, as he filled my mouth so completely.

Kevin instinctively grabbed my head and started thrusting into my mouth. My jaw was sore, but his cock wasn't that long, so I could take it.

"Here it comes... Oh yeah!" Kevin said, as he thrust once more touching the back of my throat and filling my mouth with his hot juices.

I swallowed it quickly enjoying the difference in taste he provided.

"Jeff, you're fucking amazing!" Kevin continued.

I smiled and licked my lips. Turning to Steve, I smiled. "How about we take care of that too, buddy"

Steve smiled, "I wouldn't say 'no' to it." He said laughing, as he continued stroking his hard cock.

I moved around to be in between Steve's legs. I grabbed him at the base of his dick and started licking.

"Mmmmm..." Steve moaned and stroked the back of my head.

"Seems you've got a good friend there, Steve." Kevin said watching, as I sucked Steve.

Steve was gently sliding himself in and out of my mouth. I swirled my tongue around his meat and fondled his balls.

I could feel them pulling closer into his body and knew what was about to come... I felt Steve tense up and he let loose his seed into my mouth. He tasted of him... his was the taste I knew best. I savored it and sucked him dry.

"Jeff, you are a good friend. We'll make sure you are taken care of too tonight, but what do you think about having some dinner first?" Steve said.

While I had already had 2 sausages, I realized I was still real hungry and a burger would give me some more energy.

Thank you for reading! Let me know what you thought of my story. I love to hear from happy readers!

Next: Chapter 4: Steve and Me 4

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