Steve and Me Series

By Skylar Harris

Published on Sep 9, 2016


This is a fictional story. It includes sexual interactions between consenting adults. It is pure fiction! If these types of stories offend you, please do not read further.

This story is an original story written by and copyright of the Author.

I turned around to see Kevin sitting on the edge of the hot tub. His cock starting to soften hanging between his spread legs. It had just given me a good work out. Steve got out from underneath me, still sitting in the water.

"That was..." I couldn't find any words to express what that was to me.

"Good." Steve said, sounding pleased for me.

"I'd say it was some of the best sex I've ever had." Kevin followed up. "Not sure I've ever been more satisfied than I have this weekend." He continued.

I sat down in the hot tub next to Steve. Kevin slumped back in the water to. We sat in silence. The sounds of the river below just added to the extreme relaxation of this morning. I don't think my body could have relaxed any more than it was in this moment.

We sat for maybe an hour in the tub. Kevin and Steve talked about the cabin and how each of their wives were. The phone rang and Steve hopped out of the hot tub and went to get it in the house. I watched him dripping wet and running into the house.

It had been Kevin's wife on the phone, she was going to swing by to pick him up on her way back from the store.

"I suppose I couldn't stay the whole weekend." Kevin said with a halfhearted chuckle.

"I'm glad you came by and stayed the night at least." I said in response. "It was great getting to know you." I smiled.

"I think the pleasure was all of our's." Steve chimed in. "Tara said she'd be here in about 30 minutes, so we should probably all get dressed." Steve laughed.

Kevin and I both climbed out of the hot tub. We each grabbed a towel and walked into the house, drying off as we went. Kevin went to get his clothes out of the bedroom. He came out with his clothes still naked.

"Have you guys seen my underwear?" Kevin sounded a little embarrassed, which was funny after our day and evening together.

I picked up the big white briefs from in front of the couch and tossed them over to him. Bending over to put them on, he hopped on one foot getting his other looped in. I smiled watching him get them on and pulled up.

There was a knock on the door. "Shit!" I thought. I was just in a towel... Steve had already put on his pajama bottoms again, Kevin was standing in his tighty-whities, and I was... in a towel.

Steve went to the door, so Kevin's wife wasn't waiting.

"Hi Tara. How was your night?" Steve said amiably.

"Hey Steve! It was good, quiet without Kevin's snores." She joked.

"Kevin was just grabbing his things. Come on in." Steve continued.

I was still by the couch in the towel.

"Jeff..." Steve winked at me and then nodded towards the TV. There was still porn on the TV. "... this is Tara. Kevin's wife." Steve continued.

I fumbled with the remote to shut it off. Tara laughed out loud.

"Don't worry about me. I won't tell on you boys." she gave me a wink. "Nice to meet you, Jeff." She added.

I noticed her look up and down my body... she was checking me out. I smiled back, "Nice to meet you, too ma'am." I said naturally.

"Ha, 'ma'am' is it?" She laughed, again. "How old are you, Jeff? ... and call me Tara" She asked.

"19 ma'am... Tara." I corrected myself.

"How old do you think I am, Jeff?" she asked.

I hadn't really paid attention, but as I looked at her I realized she was much younger than Steve and Kevin. My guess was she wasn't Kevin's first wife. Now that I was looking at her, I was impressed that Kevin landed her. She was thin, but not skinny... She looked like she enjoyed the outdoors. She had brown hair and light eyes. She was probably 5'6, and it looked like there was an amazing rack under that t-shirt.

"Ummm... I don't feel brave enough to guess..." I said hesitantly, still looking her up and down.

"Come on, I won't hurt you... and Steve would have an angry wife, if he let something happen to their favorite tenant." She urged. She had that same 'no nonsense' attitude that Kevin had. It made sense that they got along.

"Maybe thirty something?" I asked more than answered.

"See, Jeff? That wasn't so hard... and it makes me like you more! I'm 42!" She stated it proudly. "Did the boobs throw you off?" She asked. "I got them done just last year."

I didn't know what to say. She made me nervous. Her confidence was attractive, and so was she...

"Hey babe, sorry to make you wait." Kevin said walking into the room.

"It's okay, Hon. I was just telling Jeff here about what you got me last year." She winked at him.

"Not too shabby, for a big boy like me, huh Jeff?!" Kevin said motioning to Tara proudly.

"Ummm... no... I mean..." I couldn't come up with what to say.

"Did you show them to him?" Kevin asked jokingingly.

"He didn't ask... did you want to see them, Jeff?" She asked me.

"I... uhhh... I mean..." I couldn't say that I wanted to. This was so confusing... but my body was reacting to this. I was starting to get hard and I had no way to hide it in just a towel.

"I think that's a 'yes', babe" Kevin said with a smile, looking at my towel.

She looked down to my towel. "If you show me your's, I'll show you mine." She offered. "Kevin doesn't seem to mind... Steve, it's your cabin. How are you with it?" She continued.

"As long as, you don't tell Amy... what happens in the cabin, will stay in the cabin." Steve said, seeming excited.

"What do you think, Jeff?" Tara asked, as she pulled her shirt over her head. She had a pretty plain bra on. It was nude colored, but what was in the bra... was a different story. They had to be double Ds. They were bigger than any I had seen in person... and I wanted to see them.

"I don't really know what to say... I mean... I obviously like boobs, but... This feels crazy..." I really was at a loss, stumbling through the words.

"Don't worry about it, Jeff. I don't mind and it sounds like it'll be our little secret." Kevin seemed excited about me seeing them too.

Tara reached behind her back and unclipped her bra. The sides came down, but she held it in place.

"I thought we had a deal, Jeff? I show you mine, you show me your's?" She said playfully.

I threw caution to the wind and let go of my towel. It fell to the ground releasing my cock which was at about 6 inches half hard.

She put her arms down and let the bra fall in front of her. Her breasts were beautiful. They looked perfect. They were big, round, pert... She had sexy half dollar sized pink nipples. Her stomach was flat and her skin was pale, as was common place living in around here. She stood there, her hands held in front of her.

"Well Jeff, what do you think?" She asked, feigning shyness. "Do you want to touch 'em?" She probed further, as she started walking towards me.

My cock involuntarily bounced at the thought. This was too much. How did I end up so lucky to find 3 older people, who were completely open to me sexually?!? I nodded and she came close to me. My hands ran up her sides to her breasts and I squeezed them; running my hands all over them. I gave each of her nipples a little extra attention.

"Mmmm, that's nice..." she approved.

Then I felt her hand grab my cock. She started to slide her body down mine and she pressed her tits around my hard cock, stroking it with her two perfect orbs.

"Damn, babe... you're so fuckin' hot!" Kevin said, as he watched me fucking his wife's breasts.

"Why don't you come over too, babe? You too, Steve." She said enticingly, but also with authority. She seemed to know what she wanted.

Kevin pulled his shorts and briefs down all together, exposing his thick member as he moved quickly around the couch.

"Steve? You gonna just stand there and watch, or what?" she said it almost sharply.

God, she was hot... and as hungry for cock, as me! She pushed me down onto the couch and got on her knees in front of me. She opened her mouth and took my hard cock in. Her mouth was warm. She was good at this... Kevin was beside her and started rubbing one of her tits, as she sucked me.

Steve came over and was standing on the other side. She stopped sucking me and turned to Steve. His crotch was right at her eye level and she grabbed his pajama pants and yanked them down. His cock was still not completely hard, but before I could enjoy looking at it completely, her mouth was on it. She had the whole thing in her mouth no problem with it soft. She was pumping my cock with one hand, while her other hand groped Steve's sack and sucked his manhood to its full size.

I felt like Kevin was being left out, so, again (without thinking). I grabbed Kevin's cock with my hand and started stroking him.

Tara stopped servicing Steve and looked at me.

"You're a horny boy, huh?" She jeered.

I just nodded, looking up from her big tits and to her face. Her hands did not stop on either Steve, or me.

"Don't worry sweety, momma Tara will take good care of you." She winked at me and licked my cock. "You want 'momma' to show you how to suck that big cock in your hand?" She asked nodding her head at Kevin's meat.

I nodded again. I really was speechless... it seemed I was at the mercy of these 3. I would let them do anything to me... or anything for them.

Tara stood up in front of me.

"Why don't you help me with these jeans, sweety?" She asked, but I felt it like a command. I immediately unbuttoned them, pulled the zipper down. As I pulled them down, her underwear got snagged and came down with them. Her pussy was completely smooth.

"I was hoping to catch you boys with your pants down." She said, as she saw my face registering her freshly shaved pussy. "You want that?" She asked. "Not yet." She didn't wait for my answer.

She turned to Kevin's thick cock in my hand. She pulled my hand down and then let him fill her mouth with his heavy member. She got off the floor and sat down next to me on couch, still servicing Kevin. I didn't ask, I grabbed her breast and started kissing it all over, then licking and sucking her nipple.

Steve came over too. He helped himself to her other breast. "This is so fucking hot!" I thought to myself. As I continued to enjoy her tits, I saw Steve reach his hand in between her legs. I watched him slide his finger in between her pussy lips, as she spread her legs scooting herself more onto the edge of her seat. It gave him more access, too. I watched him start to finger her slit. His finger was wet with her juices.

Her moans were muffled as her mouth was full of Kevin's cock. She lifted my head up.

"Why don't you show me what you learned, sweety?" she said it as a request, but it wasn't.

I nodded, again. Kevin stepped around Steve, so that he was in front of me. Steve kept finger fucking Tara and sucking her perfect tits.

Tara bit her lip. "Show me, Jeff..." she said it, like she needed me to.

She ran her hand up my back and gently pushed my head towards Kevin's manhood. She didn't have to, but I let her control everything. I opened my mouth and Kevin inserted his dick slowly.

"Yeah, good boy..." Tara said, approvingly. "Your doing great sweety... Mmmm... so are you Stevey." she moaned, encouraging Steve too. She stroked his hair, as he continued to feast on her wet breast.

"Jeff sweety... I want that cock of your's. You're gonna fuck me, okay son?" My mouth was full, but I managed a nod.

"Good boy..." she said. She then started to push Steve's head down. "Get me all wet and ready for that big cock Stevey." She continued.

Steve let himself gently down onto the floor and she held his head in between her legs, stroking his head and back and moaning...

"Yes... eat that pussy... get it good and wet... make me cum..." She told him.

Steve was happy to oblige and buried his face into her wet cunt. Her hand was on my cock, again, pumping it fiercely.

"Stevey... you want to fuck my ass, while Jeff fucks my pussy?" Tara asked.

"Mmmhhmmm." Steve replied positively, his face covered with her slippery cunt.

"Ooohhhh! I'm cumming... I want your dick, Jeff!" Tara demanded it this time. She directed us authoritatively. "Stevey, stand up and get that cock lubed up." She stood up from the couch and walked back towards the master bedroom. I had to let Kevin's penis from my mouth, as she pulled me along by my stiff prick.

"Come on, babe." Tara said, so Kevin would follow. The 4 of us headed back to the bedroom. "Sit." She commanded Steve. He sat down obediently onto the edge of the bed. I was standing in front of her. She bent over presenting her ass to Steve. "Get me ready, Stevey." she moaned. Before he said anything, she was getting me ready. Her mouth was on my cock.

"Fuck, you're good!" I thought, again.

Steve was stroking his lubed cock with his hand; he was definitely ready. He squirted some of the lube right above Tara's puckered hole. I stroked her back, as I watched Steve slide one of his fingers in her tight little ass. I felt her moan around my cock. Steve slid another finger in. He was now pumping 2 fingers in and out of her ass. She started backing into him. He held her hips and guided her onto his lap. She sat down, pulling me closer, so she could keep sucking my cock. She leaned her back against Steve. He had his hands running up her torso and was massaging and rubbing her boobs.

She released me from her mouth and pushed herself back against Steve, forcing him to lie back on the bed.

"Okay sweety, it's your turn now... come fuck momma..." She said as she lay back on Steve's chest. He was rubbing her tits, but with her lying back I could she his cock sliding in and out of her ass, right below her sexy pussy. Instead of shoving my cock into her, I wanted to taste her too. I dropped to my hands and knees at the end of the bed and shoved my face into her crotch. How they were both laying there gave me access to lick Steve's balls and her slit... I ate her pussy and licked on Steve's balls.

"What the fuck am I even doing here..." Kevin said, kind of jokingly, but also with a note of disappointment.

"Why don't you see if this little boy likes to have his ass played with?" Tara said, through moans of pleasure.

Kevin already knew the answer to that question, but it seemed like he had forgotten. He grabbed the lube and let it drip down my crack. His hand quickly followed and I felt him feeling me up aggressively, then I felt his finger slide in easily.

"Mmmm..." I couldn't help the moan.

"Looks like you have something... or someone to do, babe." Tara sounded pleased. "Are you gonna let my big man fuck you, while you fuck me, sweety?" She asked looking down, at me. I looked up at her and nodded. I just wanted to make her happy. I wanted her to have whatever she wanted. "Get up here and fuck momma, while daddy fucks that little sexy ass of your's!" She commanded.

I let my tongue work up from her pussy, licking her smooth stomach and up to her tits. I licked them and sucked them. I felt her hand pulling my cock to her wet pussy. Her pussy was soaking wet. She had already cum once and was dripping. My hard cock slipped straight in. It felt amazing. I could feel Steve's cock inside her too.

"Yessss!" Tara moaned. "Fuck momma's pussy..."

I slid all the way in and then back. Steve hadn't stopped either. We were both sliding in and out of her. I could feel his cock inside with mine. It was an incredible sensation. I didn't think I could feel any more pleasure, but... then I felt a familiar pressure against my hole. Kevin's cock was pressed against it. I let him follow my rhythmic strokes in his wife, as he pressed against and then into my tight hole.

"Shit..." I moaned, in almost unbearable pleasure.

"Is daddy in your tight little hole, sweety?" Tara asked.

"Yes..." I responded.

"Good boy." She responded. "Now you fuck momma, while daddy fucks your little ass." She grabbed me by the hair and shoved my face in between her breasts. I licked and sucked them delighted by getting to feel ever desire I'd had fulfilled at once. I loved her tits, I loved fucking her pussy, I loved feeling Steve's cock with mine, I loved Kevin's dick pumping in my ass.

I was glad I had already cum once today, because I would have cum so quickly with all of these overwhelming sensations. The room was full of our moans and grunts... I lifted my head from Tara's breasts to look at her face. Her head was back, her mouth wide open. Steve was kissing her neck and shoulders. I enjoyed watching her fucked by Steve. I knew he was an amazing lover and she was getting to experience it, the same way I had... in her ass.

She was also experiencing his mouth in a different way, as he kissed her neck. She turned her head and opened her mouth to him. I watched as they made out. Steve feeling her up gently, but firmly. It made me curious... I leaned in and kissed Tara's cheek and the side of her mouth. She turned her mouth towards me, but did not stop kissing Steve. I felt her mouth connect with mine and then felt her tongue... and Steve's tongue. It was still in her mouth, but as mine tongue entered her mouth I could feel it.

Kevin's hands were all over my body. He was stroking my ass and back. Then they were around my body on my chest and nipples. I continued in this 3 person kiss, but I felt Tara pulling away. As her mouth moved to my neck, Steve's mouth remained. We had never kissed before, but in this passionate moment, we didn't stop. Mouth parted letting his tongue into my mouth. Kissing him was different than any woman I had kissed before. He was strong and manly... just like his body.

Tara's mouth was on my neck, kissing my clavicle. She was sandwiched between Steve and I, but in this moment, Steve and I were like person fucking her. She kissed my body, but my mouth was fully engaged with Steve's. He let me force my way into his mouth and our tongues wrestled passionately. His stubble we harsh on my skin, but it didn't matter. We were having sex and making out.

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK..." Tara was shouting. "YES, YES, YESSSS! I'M CUMMING AGAIN! Oh, oh... cum in me... fill me up with your hot cum!" Tara was commanding us.

Kevin had never stopped thrusting in and out of my hole. It was on fire from his thick cock. I was going to explode with all this passion. The 3 of us all picked up the pace. Kevin was letting my thrusts into Tara dictate his cock popping in and out of my hot hole. Steve and I were in perfect unison, as we pounded Tara's sexy holes.

I went first. I couldn't take any more. I slammed my 8 inches as deep as I could into Tara's pussy and flooded her cunt with my cum. I felt 2 more pushes from Steve's cock in her ass and then felt it tighten and could feel him pulsing and filling her ass with his thick seed. Kevin was last and kept pounding my ass relentlessly, as we lay there filling his wife. He thrust one last time and with a grunt I felt his thick manhood pulse and shoot his jizz into my hot hole.

I laid my head down onto Tara's soft chest. She stroked my head and Kevin leaned over the top of us all to kiss Tara.

"Now I'm curious what all you boys did last night..." Tara smiled, still holding me against her chest.

Thank you for reading! Let me know what you thought of my story. I love to hear from happy readers!

Next: Chapter 11: Steve and Me 11

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