Steve and Me Series

By Skylar Harris

Published on Jan 15, 2014


This is a fictional story. It includes sexual interactions between 2 consenting men. It is pure fiction! If these types of stories offend you, please do not read further.

This story is an original story written by and copyright of the Author

It had been over 7 years since my interactions with Brandon, but I had become much more comfortable with my body. I actually had started to enjoy being a bit of a closet exhibitionist. It made me excited that someone might see me, when I was naked. I liked to walk around my house naked with a part of the blinds open, or completely open, and just walk around naked. That is just for a little background to this story.

I was 19 and just got my very first "solo" apartment. It was a very small apartment in a 8 plex in a small town called Cascade. Pretty remote and small. When you walked into the front door there was a couch to the left angled so that you could squeeze between it and the bar that was my dining room table. Just past the bar was about 2 feet of hallway that led to the bedroom, which was just that... a bed. There was no door to make the bedroom any more private than it was around the wall down the 2 feet of hallway. I had grown up with a single bed, but when I got my own place I was very excited to have a 'real' bed. The queen bed took the entire room. I had no dresser, or closet, just the bed and then a large window, the bottom of which was the same level as my bed. It went out to a semi-private back space behind the complex. I say "semi-private," because it was where the land-lord Steve kept some of his tools, and he would park there, when he came out to the complex.

I was working a late shift at my job. I would get home at about 2:30am.

I didn't like to go straight to bed after getting home, so I would open my front window blinds a little bit, take off my clothes and sit on my couch with some "Dinner." I would try to go to sleep by 5:00 am, so that I wouldn't be bothered by the sun coming up. The apartment had no A/C, so being naked was the most comfortable during the summer, especially for sleeping. As I mentioned it was a large window in the back of my bedroom, so I acted naturally when I was in there. I would only leave the blinds partially open, in an appearance of 'wanting my privacy.'

Usually my back window was also open for nicer air flow, but it was still more comfortable being nude.

I grew up continuing to be active. I had dated around, still "straight." Never had another sexual encounter with any other men, after my brief stint with Brandon. I was now about 5'11 and 170 lbs. Having always been pretty active kept me pretty fit, while I don't have a six pack, it is certainly not soft and I have no gut (never liked beer). I have very little body hair, but my pubic hair, I keep pretty trim as it makes you look bigger. My cock is reasonably sized it is about 4 1/2 inches soft and hard is about 7-8. From what I have seen, it is a little bit thicker than many and I am NOT circumcised.

One day I received a notice on my door that Steve (my landlord) would be in for some maintenance on my garbage disposal. I knew that he would be there earlier in the morning and I would normally be sleeping, so I called Steve. I let him know that I was working nights, so I would be asleep, but he could let himself in.

Now I do like the idea of exhibitionism, but had only been in heterosexual relationships. I had never thought of Steve sexually, or in any capacity similar to that.

He was older than me by a bit, probably mid-fifties. He was in decent shape about 160, 5'9, with a soft beer guy. He had black hair with a lot of grey and white coming through. He was always very nice in all of my interactions with him and seemed to be pretty quiet, or shy in general.

The night before Steve was coming over, I went to bed as usual: naked. I did sleep with a sheet on my bed in the summer, as on rare occasion, I needed some type of covering for being cold. My bedroom window was open a bit, and, although I had been asleep, I heard Steve's truck pull up.

He backed his truck right up to where my window was. I had been under my sheet, but I rearranged myself to expose part of my body. I put my right leg out from under the sheet. As I was on my stomach, my right leg up to my butt was exposed, as was my upper body. I slept like this often, if I was hot.

I heard Steve get out of his truck and drop the tail gate. I figured he was getting tools, but if he were to look, he would have seen half of my naked body and me lying on my bed face down. I'm not sure, if he looked or not, but I liked thinking about it.

There was no back door on this apartment, so there is no way for him to come in where the window is. I stayed lying in bed in the same position, still 'asleep.' I heard the front door unlocking and knew that Steve was coming into my apartment. I was 'asleep,' but my cock was already starting to get hard at the thought that he might have seen me. I wondered if he would peek into my bedroom, once he was inside.

With that idea in mind I rolled a little more on my side, so that my body was more on its side. I pulled my leg up a little higher, this way my balls and butt were even more visible. Only half of my butt was showing, as I was 'asleep,' and I wasn't trying to initiate anything.

My dick was pretty hard, but I had it hidden under my leg that was pulled up. I kept my eyes closed and heard the door open and then close again.

I had told Steve that I would be sleeping, but I heard him whisper my name "Jeff?" I didn't respond-I was still asleep. I heard him go into the kitchen, set down his tools, and start working. I was a little disappointed, but as I mentioned, I was not trying to initiate anything.

I had a girlfriend, she just lived in a different state... And I like the idea of people seeing me and them being turned on by it. I lay there for probably 2-3 minutes, trying to decide if I would get up, put some clothes on and chat to Steve.

I was about to do that, when I heard Steve set his tools down. I didn't know, if he was just going to go get another tool, but I thought I would just keep still 'sleeping.' I heard him come out of the kitchen and stop. It sounded like he was moving towards the hallway. Once at the hallway, he would see my leg and my butt. I was excited. I heard him getting closer. It sounded like he was right in the hallway. I cracked one eye to see that he had come into my room and was standing by my bed.

He was past my head, so he had not noticed me crack my eye open.

He just stood there looking at me 'asleep.' I moved a little... while 'sleeping,' to get more comfortable. I pulled my leg down a bit, exposing half of my hardened cock. My foreskin was covering my head, but as I was hardening my slit was peeking out. Just lying there knowing he was looking at it, made me almost burst right there. He just stood still watching me sleep. I think he was making sure I was still 'asleep.' He was definitely looking at my piece. I chanced another look and saw him start to reach towards me, so I brought my leg up again, to cover my cock. He didn't pull his hand back, but very gently ran it down my leg. It felt weird being so turned on by my landlord, but also felt gentle and soft... and turned me on even more... I kept my eyes closed, but pulled my leg down again and rolled over more towards my back. Now my cock was as solid as it could be and was hard against my stomach, but I was still 'asleep.' I kept my eyes closed, pretending his touch was just an annoyance that I was trying to move to avoid. He reached down again and this time ran the back of his hand along the ridge of my dick. I didn't know what to do, but I knew I wouldn't be able to handle much more before I blew my load.

I reached out my hand and ran it up the inside of his jeans towards his crotch. Not touching it, just letting him know I was 'waking' up. He stayed standing there, and from what I could see his pants were getting tighter at the front. I moved over on the bed and he sat down next to me. Now that I had turned completely over, I was on my back, uncovered, and Steve was next to me. He continued to just run his hands on my body.

I just lay there with my dick throbing with excitement. I was so horny.

I really wanted to see him... His body naked. I wanted to feel, touch, lick, suck. I just wanted him and his manhood. I reached over his lap and ran my hand up his thigh to his bulging jeans. I could feel him inside his jeans. He was not hard yet, well not completely. That made me more excited. I reached for his belt and he stood back up. I came up to the edge of my bed, sitting up, and reached for his belt, again. This time he didn't move. I unbuttoned his fly, and pulled down his zipper.

It was what I expected, he was wearing your classic, white, Hanes with the y-front briefs. I pulled his pants down. His legs where hairy, thick with dark and grey hair. I pulled down his briefs, and saw his dick for the first time. It was still not fully erect, but it was starting to get harder. It was about 4 inches long, he was circumcised, and his head was a dark purple. His balls were big and sported the same thick dark grey/charcoal hair as his legs. I liked that, for some reason. He was standing right in front of me. I reached my hand up and ran it from the base of his soft cock over the end of his head. It bobbed a little in response. Then I reached underneath to handle his furry sack. They were bigger than mine.

He was starting to get harder, as I touched him. My hormones took over.

I was so horny. I dove my mouth on to him, putting his entire cock in my mouth. It had been a long time since anything like this had happened, but it felt amazing too have his cock in my mouth.

His cock continued to grow in my mouth. He moaned as I kept sucking and moving him around my mouth, with my tongue. I reached between his legs and felt for his butt. I ran my finger into his crack, feeling his hole as I reached in between his cheeks. He stood just watching me suck hungrily on his piece. I was so turned on by this 'surprise' encounter.

He ran his fingers through my hair and down my neck. I reached up and ran my hands up the inside of his shirt feeling his hairy stomach and chest. He was not fat, but had a softer stomach, probably from beer. He pulled my head back gently and looked deep in my eyes.

"Hold on Jeff." Steve whispered.

He stepped back and pulled his jeans and briefs the rest of the way off.

Then he took off his shirt. I sat transfixed, I couldn't stop looking at his whole body. I liked that he was hairy and manly. He was married, so I knew this would be kept secret.

He came toward me.

"You should lie back and relax." Steve said, and he watched, as I lay back on the bed.

My legs were still hanging over the side of the bed, but I watched as Steve got down on his knees, in between my legs, and took my dick into his mouth. Feeling his warm, wet mouth on me was all I needed to put me over my limited. I came. I came a lot. I knew this had taken him by surprise, but he did his best to swallow it. I knew this was something that he had not done before. Some of my cum was on his face, some went down his chin and onto his chest and chest hair. I didn't care, it felt amazing! I wanted to reciprocate what he just did for me. I wanted to touch him and feel his cock in my hand and mouth. It had been a really long time, but I wanted his cock in my hole. I sat up on the bed, again.

I helped him stand up and kissed his cock, which was by my face.

"Your turn Steve." I said.

I motioned for him to come sit beside me on the bed. As he sat down I turned and got on my knees to pleasure him more. He naturally began to lie back on his elbows. I loved hearing him groan and feel his head filling my mouth, as my lips engulfed his shaft. His pubic hair on my face was scratchy, but just made me more excited. I was already getting hard again.

I stood up naked in front of him.

"Stay right there." I told him.

Steve shrugged, looked down at his naked body, cum sticking in his chest hairlooked around the tiny bedroom.

"I promise I won't go anywhere." He responded. Giving the "scout's honor" pledge hand and smiling.

He lay back on my bed and closed his eyes. I went into the kitchen and grabbed some olive oil. I had tried different lubes, but this was what I liked best. I poured some into my hand and wiped in between my cheeks.

I pushed one of my fingers in my hole, it slid in easily. I came back to the bedroom, Steve was still lying back. I drank in his body. His hairy torso matted with my cum, his cock still hard, but softening as he lay there. His eyes were closed. My hands were pretty oily and he was still lying on his back, so I went down on my knees again to start sucking his cock. This time, I started at his balls and ran my tongue from his seam all the way up to the tip of his head. He was standing at full attention again in just a couple of seconds. Then I started stroking his cock with my olive oil covered hand. He just continued to lay back and moan and watch me. I was really enjoying this. I had covered his cock, balls, and even reached into his crack with my greasy hands. I ran my hands over his chest and nipples. The oil was beading up on his chest hair.

I stood up and he watched as I ran my hands over my own cock. I turned around, looking over my shoulder, I bent over so he could see me oil my puckered hole. I popped a finger in, so he knew what I wanted to do. He sat up and reached out to me grabbing me by the hips and pulling me backward towards him.

"Are you sure about this, Jeff? I've never done this before." Steve sounded concerned.

"I am positive! I want you to feel as good as you made me feel." I responded enthusiastically.

He was very gentle, even now. I started to sit down into his lap, while he held me by my waist. I could feel his head press against my hole, but it was too big to make it. I was very oiled up, but his cock was much bigger than my finger. I started to put more of my weight down into his lap and the pressure just kept building until like a 'pop' his cocks head was in my ass hole. It hurt, but I loved that he was in me. It felt better than I could have hoped. I liked the space that it filled in me.

I started to lower myself more onto his pole. I could feel his cock moving my bowels to line up with it. It felt weird, but wonderful. I could feel his pubic hair starting to touch my ass and knew that I had most of his dick now inside me. He was still being very gentle and supporting my weight as I tried to drop completely onto him.

I removed his hands from my waist and let me self go all the way down him. I could feel his balls agains my cheeks and felt my balls resting on his lap. It was an incredible sensation. We sat like that for about 30 seconds, and I could feel his cock straining with pent up excitement.

I started to stand up and felt his dick sliding out of me, but I wasn't letting it leave my hole now. I felt the ridge of his head on the inside of me and went back down slowly. I did slow and long strokes with my ass for about 15 strokes, but it was feeling so good now. I wanted to go faster and I was rock hard as well. I started to move up and down faster on his stiff pole. His chest was against my back, as I bounced in his lap. He reached around my torso and grabbed my hard 8 inches. I was lost in overwhelming pleasure. He was stroking my cock while I was riding his. My cock was hurting from how good it felt. I could feel him tightening up. I knew that he was about to cum, but it felt too good and I wasn't about to stop. He took his hands off my cock and wrapped his arms around my body, as exploded into convulsions of pleasure. I could feel his cum filling my bowels. I didn't stop pumping his cock with my asshole, as he climaxed. Up and down I bounced. I felt some cum escape out of my asshole and down his shaft, but kept going. I didn't know if this would ever happen again, but I was going to take every moment of this.

Steve gently started to slow me down.

"There's no rush, Jeff. I am not going any where." Steve said, as stroke my back, leaning back from me. I could feel that he was starting to become softer in my hole.

"That felt amazing Steve. You being inside me felt incredible!" I said looking back at him.

I was still hard as fuck! I was just sitting on his lap and I felt as his cock came sliding out of my hole with some of his cum. It felt like I needed to shit, but I wasn't going to excuse myself to the bathroom. Steve lifted me off his lap, he was stronger than I had expected. He stood up.

"I have never done that, but that felt... Well, wow!" Steve blushed.

He was standing stark naked in front of me. Cum was still dropping from the end of his soft cock.

"Hold on..." He said as he turned from me and left the bedroom.

I heard him in the kitchen, but couldn't tell what he was doing. He hadn't been gone long when he came back and showed me that he had put oil all over his ass and hole. I hadn't even thought about this possibility... Having felt his cock with my hands, mouth, and inside me, was more excitement than I had had in a long time, but to be able to fuck him?!

"Are you sure?" I asked smiling.

"No, but... You seemed to like it." He replied, almost sheepishly.

I stood up and he climbed onto the bed. He was on all fours with his ass towards me. His butt was furry like his chest. I could just make out his hole through his oily fur. I still had oil on my hands from lubing myself up for him, so I reached underneath him and starting stroking his soft cock. It was warm and still wet from being in my hole, but it started getting hard again. With my other hand I reached in between his cheeks, I started stroking up and down his crack. I put one of my fingers in his hole and he moaned. It was tight, but his moan was one of pleasure. I liked this... I liked making him feel good. I kept stroking his cock and pumping my finger in him... fingers. I had 2 in him now.

It was so exhilarating. He looked over his shoulder and reached back ,grabbing my cock. I had never stopped being hard and pulled repositioned myself behind him. I kept my right hand stroking his cock and with my left hand started directing my member towards his ass. I ran my cock up and down his crack to his moans of approval and he started to push his ass back towards me.

I started to press my head against his hole. The tightness of it pushed my foreskin back, it was tight as my dick felt like it was bigger than it had ever been. It was mildly uncomfortable, but not painfully so. The oil was lubricating the pull on it. I kept pressing until my head penetrating his tight orifice. He did not wait, he shoved his ass into me, putting me balls deep into him. It was so fast I felt his balls slap against mine. I heard him grunt, stifling a groan of pain, but that didn't stop him. He rammed his ass back onto my solid rod. I just held his hips, slamming into him over and over again. While holding onto his hips with my left hand, I reached my right around to his cock again. I had hardly touched it when he shot his load all over my sheets. His cumming was all I needed to put me over my edge. I shot my second load deep in his ass. He put his head down on the bed and I lay down on top of him with my cock still spurting jet after jet of cum deep inside his bowels.

We were covered in sweat. Steve still with my cum on his chest. I pulled out of him my cock still pulsing and dripping cum.

"Jeff, we should spend more time together!" Steve said, over his heavy breathing.

"I think you might be my new best friend." I responded.

I collapsed on the bed, and he lay down beside me. That was the best maintenance call I ever experienced.

Please let me know what you thought of my story. I would love to hear what you think!

Next: Chapter 2: Steve and Me 2

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