Stepping into the Spotlight

By Brant Higgins

Published on Jul 18, 2011


Rob (the roommate) didn't mind my borrowing his car. I was returning it with a full tank every time and occasionally running it through a carwash. In the long run I think he came out ahead, so he didn't mind my borrowing it again. I met Rob (the classmate and hottie) about 10-15 minutes drive from the campus at this dive-ish sports bar which was pretty close to where he lived. It was the only place to eat within walking distance from his place, so he would go there and study and eat quite often. They knew him well, so didn't question his ordering a pitcher of beer and a couple glasses. He was there sitting in a booth when I arrived. There were just a few other people so we could talk pretty freely.

Me: "Hey Rob, thanks for getting some beer."

Rob: "No sweat...have a seat. I want to just set things straight from the start...I'm pretty forward with things. I think we hit it off pretty well in that group ealier and you seem like a cool guy. I'm into guys and honestly I'd like to get you know you better. I think you have a great body, I've watched you workout with your friend and see you checking out other guys from time to time. I felt you were flirting with me the other day so I figured you're interested in guys too. When I saw you stripping the other night I was totally turned on and knew I would kick myself for not taking the opportunity to get to know you better if I didn't take the shot."

Me: "Yea, that is pretty forward....(for fun I let an awkward pause happen)...yea, I like guys too but I haven't really acted on it much. I love showing off and get turned on when people watch me."

Rob: "I was sure turned on watching you. Dude you're really hot and the way you got into it the other night was smokin. Like I told you the other day, I wish I had the guts to do it."

Me: "You'd sure look good doing it. Yea, I've checked you out in the weight room too."

We went on to talk about how I got into the stripping thing - the art class, soroity house and the stripping service. We talked about classes, where we grew up, stuff we liked to do, friends from high school, what we wanted to do after college and a few other things. Seemed like each time one of us said something the other one had something to reply. We talked about guys and sex and what we'd done, but I didn't share that Tim was the guy I'd messed around with.

To my surprise over two hours had gone by like it was just a few minutes. We had put down a few beers and some food and we both were having a blast just hanging with each other.

Rob: "Let's get outta here. Wanna come over to my place for a bit?"

Me: "Sure, I'd love to know where you live. I can't stay too long though, I borrowed my roommate's car and I should get it back in case he wants it later." Rob: "Why don't you take it back now and I'll bring you back here?"

Me: "Yea, if you don't mind taking me back later that's cool."

Rob: "Later...tomorrow...whatever..."

We paid the bill and left. On the car ride back to campus I was excited about what might happen, but at the same time was thinking that maybe I'd be smart to just chill with him and not jump into anything sexual quite yet. Still, I was hard all the way home thinking about him and the beer was still talking to me a bit and I really wanted to see what he looked like with less clothes on. About half an hour later we were back at Rob's place. He lived in a house with four bedrooms and three baths. Rob's parents had bought the place for Rob's older brother to live in while attending the same school and Rob ended going there too so it was natural he would live there. One of his roommates was there and the other two were out. I have to say I was feeling a little nervous and it was awkward meeting his roommate.

Rob gave me the nickel tour of the house (which was worth about that much anyway). As we passed through the kitchen Rob grabbed a couple beers and we went to his room. He had it set up with an area on one end of the room with a desk, TV, love seat and coffee table. On the other end of the room was a full sized bed and a door into a small bathroom with a shower. The furniture was really nice, not like what you'd expect for a college kid.

Me: "Dude, sweet setup. This is really nice."

Rob: "Yea, my mom came out when I moved in here and bought me everything new."

I sat down on the loveseat, kicked off my shoes, leaned back and took a swig of my beer. Rob was rambling on about something while he was putting a couple things away. My eyes were glued to his jeans, both the back and the front as he was walking around the room. His ass filled up the back of them beautifully and there was a clear buldge in the front. They weren't really tight, but definitely cut for Rob's build. He had taken off the hoddie he had on at the sports bar and was wearing a A&F shirt which was tight enough to see his biceps and triceps were bigger than the sleeves of the shirt and that his shoulders were a lot broader than his chest and his chest much larger than his waist. I had seen him before many times at the gym, but he always wore pretty loose fitting stuff and this was a huge turn on.

I was starting at his ass and wondering what kind of underwear he had on when I heard him ask me a question. Problem was I had no clue what he had asked - I was in another land. Rob realized I wasn't listening, came over, sat down on the coffee table directly across from me, grabbed my legs and put then on the table on either side of him.

Rob: "I'm down with whatever you want to do, but completely understand if you don't want to do anything at all. I think we hit it off really well and I'd love to mess around with you and admire your body but don't feel like you have to, ok?"

Me: "I wanna see what's under that shirt and inside those jeans." (Might as well be forward too)

Rob put his hands on my thighs, squooze them and leaned forward to kiss me. I never kissed Tim more than a couple times, but I wanted to kiss Rob. He leaned forward and climbed somewhat on top of me as we got into it. I grabbed his ass and pulled him towards me and slid under him a little. I could feel his cock pressing against mine through the jeans.

"I wanna see more of that hot body", I said as I started to lift off his shirt. "You got to see me last weekend". He had little bit of hair across his chest and on his stomach. As I ran my hand across his chest I could feel the hair, but also a lot of nice warm skin. After feeling his chest I grabbed his arms and pulled him back towards me to kiss more. It wasn't long before my shirt was also off and we were laying lenghwise on the love seat making out, still with our jeans on feeling the warmth of the skin of our chests touching. This time Rob dropped a hint, instead of being so forward.

Rob: "You sure were hot in that underware the other night."

Me: "Wanna know what I'm wearing right now?"

Rob: "Yea."

Me: "Okay, but you first. Stand up."

Rob got off of me and I sat up with him standing. I looked him in the eye as I unbuttoned the button of his jeans, then I looked down as I unzipped them. They were tight enough and Rob had a muscular enough butt that he helped push them down from the back as I pulled down the front. He was wearing a pair of CK's which made my buldge even harder. He stepped out of the jeans and said, "you're next". I stood up and he unbuttoned and undid my mine, then placed his hands over my ass between the jeans and my underwear and slid them down. I stepped out of them and pushed him onto his back onto the loveseat, then climbed on top of him to kiss more - I was really enjoying kissing him. As I was kissing him, Rob was pinching and twisting my nipples like crazy. This was something Tim had never done and it was getting me so fucking hard. To this day, I love having my nipples played with. I could feel Rob's hard on through our underwear and knew he of course could feel mine the same way. I was to a point where I wanted to be out of the underwear - my cock wanted it's freedom. Now it was time for me to hint.

Me: "Ready for the rest of that strip tease?"

Rob: "Fuck yea!"

I got off of him and stood up and put my hands on either side of the waistband. "Wait a minute!!" he said as he grabbed his jeans off the floor and took out his wallet. "I forgot to tip you!" I started laughing as he took out a $50 from his wallet, folded it in half longways, and put it in the waistband of my underwear. I reached inside my underwear and pushed my cock down so it was tenting the underwear pretty good. Then I put my hand in back of his head and pulled it near my crotch as I moved my hips around. I put my hands on both sides of my underwear and slowly pushed them down with his face less that a foot away. I stopped and paused for a few moments just before the tip of my cock sprang out. Then pulled the underwear off the tip of my cock which sprang up and slapped my stomach. I was watching Rob's face as best I could from that angle the whole time. He was just staring at my cock the whole time. After it slapped my stomach he looked up at me and smiled. "Nice," he said, "can't wait to play with that."

I pulled him up and traded places with him saying, "You're next". I picked up the $50 bill off the floor and stuck it in his waistband. He laughed and said, "You're the stripper, not me - you take 'em off stud." Who was I do not do as told? As I pulled them down I didn't get the slap that mine made. Rob's hard cock pointed mainly straight forward where mine points more up with a slight curve to the left. The length of Rob's cock looked just right on him, but it looked rather thick. I didn't know at that time how gifted he really was in the girth category.

I reached out and put my hand around it, not quite being able to wrap it all the way around. Rob pulled me up, we kissed, my hand still on his cock and him reaching down and stroking mine. As we kissed he said, "Let's go over to my bed."

Next: Chapter 10

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